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NOV 14, 2023

This is a letter to my daughters from me while I'm within the same age range they'd need this:

It's World Sexual Purity Day.

I'm writing this to you now because, I may forget in the bliss of matrimony, what it means to be a
single young woman trying to stay sexually pure at a time when everything in my body is fighting
against my will, quite determined to do otherwise. It's been a while since I put out anything on
sexual purity, advocating my stand for it. The reason is simple. I realized that I needed to find
more relatable ways to pass along this message.

It stands to reason, that telling people to remain sexually pure because it's sin not to, doesn't in
any way help them achieve that. Berating them about fornication only makes you feel good
about the fact that you're preaching good, but at the end, work done equals to zero.

I needed to, under God, actively source for ways to create an inclusive atmosphere which
allows people to make peace with their primal human needs, alongside their desire to please
God. Not merely by telling them how wrong they are (they all know), the benefits of sexual purity
to them or the doom awaiting them if they don't comply. But, by trusting God to help expose
them to the truth of what Jesus has done for them and who they have become in Him because
of this. For truth, is the only thing capable of setting them free.

You see, the issue of sexual immorality is a bit dicey because, it's the one sin which isn't a sin in
itself, but depends on the situation. A lie will always be a sin, regardless of the application. Strife
and jealousy will always be sins, regardless of the marital status of the offender. But, when it
comes to sex, it depends on the situation. It can be a sin today and not tomorrow, if you marry
the person in question overnight.

Matter of fact, it becomes more disturbing because, it's a need God put there by Himself. You
don't ask for it. It is not learnt or acquired. It is a primal desire which starts manifesting the
second you hit puberty and if you're not guided aright, may become a torn in your flesh which
could last into adult life and in ugly cases of addictions, persist into your married life.

So, I'm writing this, for you to acknowledge the gift of sexual pleasure which the Father has
given freely to everyone. I call it a gift because, it is given by God. Every good and perfect gift
comes from Him. To the poor, the rich, the blind, the crippled, everyone has been given the
ability to have sex and to enjoy it. It's something to be thankful for. It'd have been an utter
disaster if the process of procreation was an unpleasant experience or if only few can find bodily
pleasure from it.
Hence, has what was supposed to be a gift become a snare for many? Has it then become the
stumbling block on their journey of faith? That is a question that many often ask themselves.
The force that sex is, its ability to burn hot like an inferno and only die down after its satiation,
the seemingly uncontrollable intensity of it, were all to the ends that humanity continues to
multiply and that in a split second, that can happen.

How then should one contain this mighty energy in their loins? I'd comment that for you, dear
daughter, it may be a simple task since you have never tasted the alluring pleasures of intimacy.
But to some it is a downhill task with a failed brake, for once you start, it is not easy to suddenly

Gradually, one may alter their momentum till the point where they are able to, but to others, it
may not seem so. Especially considering the fact that each person may have a strong or weak
will power, a high or low libido, maximum or no help on how to manage their gift of sexual desire
within the tenets of the giver. Therefore, the easiest way to keep from getting burnt by what was
intended for good, is by not scooping fire into your bosom in the first instance.

However, are those who have already been exposed to sexual activity in one way or the other
and find themselves repeating it, utterly condemned? Most certainly not. I mentioned that it may
not be easy to stop, but difficulty is not impossibility. This is for everyone who bears the spirit of
Christ and who desires to live for Him. I might add, that being sexually pure is not a necessity
for salvation, neither is it a prerequisite for it. It is also not a standard for obtaining God's
blessings and acceptance. It is a sin like every other sin, just that this time, it's a sin against
yourself and your own body, not solely against another.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have eternal life. And this is eternal life, that they may know God the Father
and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. To believe in Jesus, is to believe in the forgiveness of sin
He has purchased for us and the freedom it grants us to finally be intimate with the Father. It is
to accept the gift of grace to live the new life He gives you freely and step into the calling to be
His child, with Him as Lord and Father over you.

Having accepted this, you have the freedom to live in a way that not only pleases Him but also
gives you the perfect and rare satisfaction of relating intimately with the creator of the universe
who chooses to be your Father. However, to enjoy perfect freedom with a good conscience and
the boldness to take your rightful place as His son over all things, you need to obey the rules of
truth. Like you may already know, I'm not one who likes to abide by the rules. I've oftentimes
considered them restricting, up until I discovered what freedom they actually give! I will explain.

There's a fan whirling freely right above my head and cooling my room. In order to exercise its
freedom to fully function as a fan, it needed to obey the rules of the manufacturer and that
essentially entailed having a number of restrictions. The blades had to maintain the spaces
between them. The wires needed to remain in their places of connection and not choose where
they wanted to get connected to. They also needed to keep rotating in order to provide

To neglect these rules is to stop being a fan. Obedience to them may mean restriction to the
fan. It may also mean that the fan cannot do anything else, but then, it can fully be a fan which
is what it was made and bought to be. It can have the freedom to serve as a fan. It can last for
long and find satisfaction in the fulfilment of purpose as a fan. And hence, it can remain useful in
the sphere of creation, both to its creator and to other humans. This is the only way this fan can
exist and live fully.

My analogy is an allusion to the fact that though you're fully accepted into the beloved by God
because of Jesus and this is irrespective of your works; the fulfilment of your essence, purpose
and responsibilities as a son of God is heavily dependent on the restrictions placed on you. You
may not have the freedom to do anything you want or enjoy the passing pleasures of sin. But
then, freedom exercised in being what you're not made to be, is no freedom. It's an existence in

I'm saying this because, some restrictions come to sons so that they can operate fully within the
freedom which permits them to be attain their full potentials in what they are called to be. For in
being sons lies their usefulness to their maker, to themselves and to others. Sexual purity may
not be a requirement for acceptance into the family of God, but it is a necessity in the discipline
of discipleship and sonship, in the sphere of spiritual dominion.

Like the fan, choosing to make connections that the manufacturer is against or operating in a
way that isn't in the manual, is never freedom but handicap, because then, you cease to
function as what you are. You cease to dominate and occupy with your full chest, your position
as a bonafide member of the family. A house with walls may seem restricted, but it is the
boundaries created by these walls that make it a house.

Hence, the restrictions the Lord has placed on us are not burdensome. They are what make us
His children. It's something we have to accept. To be a child of God is to live a certain way.
None of that is required of those who are not, but because we are His, He requires it. They are
to the ends that we may be fully functional as sons and remain in the freedom to operate
maximally in that purpose.

Only true sons are obligated to follow the rules of the family and only them are held accountable
for defaulting. My dear one, you already know the rave about sexual purity. But do you know
also, that the grace for it is attached to the work one puts into it? I will explain.

The work is not intended to grant you access into the family of the beloved. No, your faith in
Jesus is your seal of adoption into the family. You also receive righteousness by grace, through
faith. However, the work comes after your adoption and acceptance into the family, simply
because you are now a member of the family and you're now a new person. And this work is in
presenting yourself to be worked on, consistently.
For it is God who works in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure. At the new birth,
you received in your spirit, the full gear for living a victorious Christian life. You received
abundant grace through faith in Jesus and what He has done. This is God providing for you
ahead of time, everything you will ever need for life and godliness.

Doing the work of remaining connected to Him in daily and intense fellowship grants Him the
opportunity to use the tools He has already made available, in renewing your soul and body. We
are too human to live without constant and fervent communion. Too human to be without help.
To attempt that is to fail woefully. We need help.

The Christ in us gives life to our spirit and this life is dispensed to the rest of our tripartite being
through the same Spirit. The only remedy for the flesh is to walk in the spirit. Take note that you
don't deal with flesh directly, you simply walk in the spirit in the presence of the flesh, giving no
room to it. This involves an addition and a substraction. It means to intentionally work according
to the manual because we know we can do it, for He who made us gave us that manual and if
He says that’s how we function, then it's true.

It means we have the capacity and ability to do it. We only need to apply ourselves to do what
we are made to do. That's the only way we can be who we truly are. The grace required to live
this new life of righteousness we have received through faith in Christ, became part of us the
moment we received the new life in Christ. Included in our new nature is also the ability to put
away any avenue for the flesh. So, God is simply asking us to fulfill our innate potentials as sons
of God.

Grace doesn't make things automatic or even easy. It makes them possible, with the right work
and diligence. You’re already dead to sin, but this must be worked out by God in other to
manifest in your soul and body. This is why you need renewal of your mind. As you present
yourself for transformation of appetite and desire, you must intentionally put away anything
which may awaken that in you again.

I think this is simple logic. If you're being healed of a snake bite or a poison you ingested, it
stands to reason that you avoid playing with snakes or taking poisonous substances. As the
healer heals you, you must also abstain from similar circumstances to avoid a continuation of
the symptoms of the ailment. This is what happens in the sanctification and transformation

As you're weaned of your untoward desires through constant fellowship and communion with
the Holy Spirit, you must also avoid exposing yourself to anything which will reignite the wounds
you're healing from. Otherwise, you may frustrate the grace of God and believe that it is not
working. It does work. If you continue in this process of communion and putting away, you will
eventually lose taste completely for what you once thought you couldn't do without.
This applies to sexual immorality also. Present yourself daily before the throne of grace as God
works on you, labouring in the word and prayers. And, abstain from every thought, sight, deed
or discussion which fosters impurity. It is faith with works. Faith in the Father's ability to
transform you into who He made you to be and the work to avoid doing things that shortchange
your true nature. One cannot work without the other. These two working together, may take a
while to achieve substantial results, but as healing doesn't occur in a day, even so,
transformation is not a one-off event.

You must continue in it, consistently giving room for the spirit and closing doors to the flesh. And
then, you will produce fruits, the dividends of the seeds you have sown into the spirit, causing it
to overcome your flesh. For He who sows to the spirit reaps eternal life, which is boldness in
intimacy with the Father and usefulness to Him. But he who sows to the flesh, will continue to
reap corruption of the soul, mind and body, which is constant struggle with sin.

You're my daughter, but I do not own you. I am but a steward and here's my recommendation;
choose to walk in the freedom of your maker in being exactly what He has called you to be,
abiding by all the restrictions which grant you absolute freedom from unnecessary burdens that
alter your perfection. This is the only way to have a meaningful existence.

Love, Momma 💕

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