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İngilizce Yeterlik ve Seviye Tespit Örnek Sınavı


• Bu kitapçıkta yer alan sorular sınavda karşılaşabileceğiniz soru tarzlarını görmeniz için
yayınlanmıştır. Sınav Avrupa ortak dil çerçevesi B1 düzeyindedir.

• Sınavda size verilecek soru kitapçığında sınavın kaç sayfa olduğu bilgisi yer almaktadır.
Sınava başlamadan eksik sayfa olup olmadığını kontrol etmeniz önemlidir.

• Optik formu kurşun kalemle doğru bir şekilde doldurup, kitapçık grubunuzu
işaretlemeyi unutmamanız gereklidir. Sınav değerlendirmelerinde sadece optik form
göz önüne alınmaktadır ve öğrenci numaranızı/ad-soyad bilgilerinizi doğru kodlamanız

• 18 Eylül’de yapılacak sınav Test 1 ve Test 2 olarak iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Her
testte 40 olmak üzere toplam 80 soru mevcuttur.

• Tüm sorular eş puana sahiptir.

• Sınava ilk 30 dakika içinde geç gelen öğrenciler alınmakta ve ilk 30 dakika sınavdan
çıkılamamaktadır. Daha geç gelen öğrenciler sınava alınmayacaktır.

• Sınava gelirken fotoğraflı resmi bir kimlik belgesi, kurşun kalem ve silgi getirmeyi

• Sınava cep telefonu vb elektronik cihaz; su dışında yiyecek içecek getirmeyiniz.

• KOU Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu sınavlarında soru vb tarzını değiştime hakkına sahiptir.
Dinleme Bölümü
1. – 5. Sorular
 Birbirinden bağımsız beş karşılıklı konuşma dinleyeceksiniz. Her bir karşılıklı konuşma iki
kez tekrarlanacaktır. Her bir konuşma için bir adet soru bulunmaktadır.
 Doğru seçeneği cevap kağıdınızda işaretleyiniz.

0 How many people were at the meeting?

* Şimdi soruları dinleyeceksiniz.

1 What time will the plane to Milan arrive?

2 What will the weather be like tomorrow?

3 Which picture does the woman prefer?

4 What doesn’t the girl like about her photo?

5 How much did Sue pay for the shirt?

Okuma Bölümü

Bölüm 1
6. – 10. Sorular

Diyaloğu kutu içerisindeki cümlelerle (A – F) tamamlayarak doğru seçeneği cevap kağıdınızda



Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?

Tim: 0 …………… A

Receptionist: Certainly, single or double?

Tim: 6 …………… A I’d like to reserve a room, please.

Receptionist: How many nights would you like

to stay? B A single, please.

Tim: 7 ……………
C What time do you serve breakfast?
Receptionist: Fine, that will be £70, please.
D Just one.
Tim: 8 ……………

Receptionist: No, just breakfast. E Is that with an evening meal?

Tim: 9 ……………
F Can somebody help me with my
Receptionist: From 7.30 to 9.30? bags?

Tim: 10 ……………

Receptionist: Yes, of course. I’ll take them upstairs

for you.

Bölüm 2
11. – 14. Sorular

A – E levhalarını 11. – 14. cümlelerdeki açıklamalarıyla eşleştirerek doğru seçeneği cevap

kağıdınızda işaretleyiniz.


0 This item is made only of cotton. B

11 You mustn’t take too many clothes to try on.

12 This restaurant always has special meals for children.

13 You should pay in cash here.

14 Only adults pay to go in here.

A √B

Entrance free for children

Bölüm 3
15. – 17. Sorular

Levhaları inceleyip A, B, C seçeneklerinden doğru olanı cevap kağıdınızda işaretleyiniz.


0 A Drive carefully. Children often play here.

B Only children can play here.

C Stop children playing here.


15 A You can’t use this subway to cross the road.

CROSS HERE B If you want to cross the road, you must use
the subway.
C There is no entrance to the subway on this
side of the road.

16 MACHINE A Use this machine when the bar is closed.

B You can not get drinks at the bar.
C This machine is not working at the moment.

A The shop will open at 9:30 today.
We are closed for
B We are not open today because of staff
staff training until
C We can train you to work here.

Bölüm 4

18. – 22. Sorular

The Rhino metnini okuyup boşluklara A, B , C seçeneklerinden doğru olanı yerleştirerek

cevap kağıdınızda işaretleyiniz.


There 0…A… five different types of rhino in the world today. The
Black and White Rhino live in the open fields of Africa. The others
live in forests in Asia.

All rhinos have big, heavy bodies. Their skin is very hard and they have very 18 ………… hair.
The great body 19 ………. the rhino stands on four short legs. Each foot has three toes. They
usually walk very 20 ………., but they can run at 50 km an hour. Rhinos are usually quiet and
calm animals, and they only 21 ………. grass and other plants.

A baby rhino weighs 40 kilos when it is born. It has been inside its mother for about 15
months. An adult rhino weighs over 200 kilos and may 22 ………. to be 50 years old.

0 A are B is C were A

18 A little B many C few

19 A to B of C for

20 A slowest B slower C slowly

21 A eat B eats C ate

22 A lives B living C live

Bölüm 5

23. – 29. Sorular

The Westgate Centre metniyle ilgili cümleleri okuyarak cümle doğruysa cevap kağıdınızdaki
T (True), yanlışsa F (False) harflerini işaretleyiniz.

23 The park is open longer than the shops every day in summer. T F

24 Friday is the most crowded day at the centre. T F

25 The nightclubs are next to the swimming pool. T F

26 Students pay less money for afternoon performances at the T F

cinema than evening performances.

27 The maximum number of people in a boat is six. T F

28 You mustn’t ride hired bicycles outside the park. T F

29 The bus journey from the railway station takes 15 minutes. T F


The Westgate Centre offers 200 shops, a swimming pool, restaurants, a bowling alley and
two night clubs as well as 30 acres of parkland with three lakes.

Opening hours Travel

Shops Mon – Fri 10 am – 9 pm The centre is located one mile from the
Sat 9 am – 8 pm motorway M49. Just follow the signs from
Junction 13. There is free parking for 10,000
Sun 10 am – 5 pm cars and there are six car parks. The furthest
Park 9 am – 4.30 pm in winter car parking space is only five minutes’ walk
away from each entrance. Remember where
9 am – 7 pm in summer
your car is parked by looking at the coloured
We have thousands of visitors every day. As signs – no car park uses the same colour and
our busiest day of the week is Friday, come each level in the car parks is numbered.
on a Monday or Tuesday if you don’t like
It is just as easy to visit the centre by train.
crowded places.
There is a train every 15 minutes from Central
Inside the centre London. When you reach Barnwell railway
When you arrive, go to one of our station, get on a number 19 bus to the centre.
information offices to get a map. There is one It is a five-minute journey and there is a bus
by the main bus stop and another at the every 15 minutes.
bottom of the escalator which goes up to the
The shops are all on the ground floor and you
will find everything from furniture stores to
clothes shops and department stores as well
as restaurants, a bowling alley and a
swimming pool. On the first floor you will find
a 12 – screen cinema and two nightclubs. If
you wish, you can buy tickets for all of these
facilities and activities except the nightclubs
from the information centres. Before 5 pm,
tickets to all facilities and activities are
cheaper for students and the over-sixties.
Outside the centre
Make time to visit the 30 acres of parkland
which surround the centre. You can hire
boats for up to six people and take out onto
one of the lakes for £12 an hour.
You can hire bicycles every day for £6 an
hour. There are 4 kms of paths but you can’t
take hired bicycles out of the park.

Bölüm 6

30. – 34. Sorular

Metni okuyarak A, B, C ve D seçeneklerinden doğru olanı cevap kağıdınızda işaretleyiniz.

Dream Job

Since 1969, Mark Harris has designed toy cars for a

famous toy manufacturer. When he started, he was
the only man in the department, but now is the
manager of 35 designers.

Mark first got interested in cars when he was a

teenager. His dad was a football coach and one day
he took a car magazine away from one of his players
during a practice session. He brought it home and
gave it to Mark. From that moment on, cars became
the love of Mark’s life. He studied car design at
university and then worked for a car company designing real cars. Later, he joined the toy
company and started the design department with a friend.

He has designed a lot of cars, but his favourite is the Silver Sunrise. It wasn’t as popular as some
other cars, but it is important to Mark because it looked like a real car. ‘Before that, the wheels
on all the cars stuck out so they would go straight,’ explained Mark. ‘The Silver Sunrise was the
first one where the wheels were under the body. It meant it didn’t work so well on a race track
but it looked amazing.’

Now in his 60s, Mark is going to retire. He thinks it is difficult. ‘I have expensive hobbies, so it
might be difficult to continue with them when I am not earning money! Also, I like coming in to
work. So, I will retire part time and work part time in this company.’

30 In this text, the writer…

A is giving information about how to become a toy designer.
B is describing the career of one successful toy designer.
C wants people to think of a career as a toy designer.
D is saying how to become a good toy designer.

31 Mark first became interested in cars

A after reading about them.
B while he was at university.
C when his father began to talk about them.
D by talking to someone from his football team.
32 Why does Mark like the Silver Sunrise so much?
A It is his best design.
B It is very easy to play with.
C It is more realistic than his earlier designs.
D It is the first toy car he ever designed.

33 What does Mark say about retiring?

A He has no plans to retire in the near future.
B He would prefer not to give up work completely.
C He is looking forward to taking up some new hobbies.
D He has saved enough money to follow his interests.

34 What would Mark say about his job?


I’ll miss everyone when I leave As soon as I saw the

because I’ll never see them again. advertisement for this job I knew
it was for me. Luckily the company


I’m proud of all the models I’ve My university education and

designed. I’m sorry that I never earlier work experience have been
worked with real cars! very helpful in my job. I’m happy
to see that the design department
has developed over the years.

Bölüm 7
35. – 40. Sorular

Aşağıdaki metni okuyup boşluklara A, B , C, D seçeneklerinden doğru olanı cevap kağıdınızda



The coldest walk in the 0 ………A……. is probably Alan Chambers and Charlie Paton’s walk. They
did it a few years 35 ………… . They walked to the North Pole. To prepare for the trip they
36…………….a day in a freezer at a temperature of - 30 °C. But they were more comfortable in the
freezer than at the North Pole 37 ……………. they weren’t tired or hungry!

They began their 1,126 km walk on 8 March, 2000 and arrived at the North Pole 70 days later. A
plane took them home from there.

Charlie had his 30th birthday during the trip and he was surprised when Alan gave him 38
……………. small cake with a candle on it. Alan said the 39 ……………. moment for him was Charlie’s
face when he saw that cake.

The strange thing is that more men 40……………. walked on the moon than to the North Pole.


0 A world B country C planet D earth A

35 A then B after C since D ago

36 A changed B put C spent D looked
37 A because B but C so D why
38 A the Ba C much D some
39 A greater B good C best D better
40 A were B have C did D are

A 10
41. – 45. Sorular Bölüm 8

The teenagers below are looking for a book to read over the summer holidays. On the next
page there are descriptions of eight books. Decide which book is the most suitable for the
teenagers to read. For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter (A-H). (There are three extra

410000 Philip likes mysteries with surprising endings. He enjoys trying to solve the crime and
mystery. He would like the story to be current, though, as he doesn’t like historical novels.

420000 Debbie enjoys reading stories about people her own age. She wants a book to be
modern and exciting. She is rather musical and likes anything to do with music or dance.

430000 Peter likes reading but he doesn’t like reading novels. He is particularly interested in
history. He collects model planes and likes anything to do with aero planes.

440000 Jasmine loves art and design and would like to be an architect when she grows up.
She enjoys reading non-fiction books, especially ones with photographs in them.

450000 Rebecca enjoys fantasy books. She also likes thrillers, especially one with unexpected
endings. She would like the characters in the book to be young.

A 11
A Time to play
At the high school for the Performing Arts, talented young students get training to become
actors, dancers or musicians. This action-packed story follows the lives of four teenagers from
the time when they audition to get into the school to the day of their graduation. Read about
their successes and their disappointments.
B The world’s Greatest Buildings
This big beautiful book contains pictures of some of the most extraordinary buildings in the
world. From ancient temples to twenty-first century skyscrapers and everything in between.
The photographs will impress you because you will see all the interesting information about
each building.
C The Hacker
Jill is a computer hacker who spends her time spying on other people through their computer.
Her life turns upside down when one day she receives a mysterious letter in the post. It seems
someone has been spying on her. But who is the person and what do they want from Jill? You
will try to guess this exciting mystery till the very end.
D The Plane
On a flight to Montreal, one by one the passengers begin to fall seriously ill. Tim Burrows, a
medical student, tries to find out what the problem is. But he may be too late – both pilots are
also affected. In this exciting thriller, a man races against the clock to save the lives of the
people on board flight 341. If he doesn’t manage it on time, they will all die.
E Murder in the family
The Cartwright family has never been close but on a cold November night, someone kills uncle
Frank in his bed and they all gather for the first time in years at the family mansion. Set in
1930s England, this exciting new novel from crime writer Jessica Smith will excite all crime
fiction fans.
F The Neighbor
Hannah Philips has always been a little bit different. She has never really fitted in with the rest
of the kids at her high school. Her life changes dramatically, though, when she meets Tom, a
mysterious new neighbor. Tom is not like the other students at the school. He has a secret and
Hannah is dying to find out what it is.
G Up in the air
If aeronautical design fascinates you, then this book is for you. From the first tween engines to
the latest 600-seat passenger planes, this book contains them all. There is plenty of interesting
historical information and detailed designs of the interiors and engines of each plane.
H Make your own
For all those interested in making their own models of ships, planes or cars, this book has it all.
With detailed instructions, clear step-by-step pictures, you can’t go wrong. There is also
information about where to find the materials you will need and how to go about showing
your models.

A 12
Bölüm 9

46. – 47. Sorular 50 x 2 = 100


Aşağıda yer alan beş ayrı konuşmayı uygun şekilde tamamlayarak doğru seçeneği cevap
kağıdınızda işaretleyiniz.

46. Do you like jazz music? A Not very much.

B It doesn’t matter.
C Oh good!

47. That’s really kind of you. A You did too.

B Very well, thanks.
C You’re welcome.



A 13

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