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L. D.

College of Engineering
Computer Engineering Department
B.E. Minor Degree : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Semester : IV Term: Even-2022-23
Course Name: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning(114AG01)

Pract-1: Implement following programs in python.

Basics of Python Program

1. Write a program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice –a-versa based on the choice of user.
2. Write a program in python to implement menu driven simple calculator.
3. Write a program which will allow user to enter 10 numbers and display largest odd and even number
from them. Also display the count of odd and even numbers.
4. Write a Python program to check if the number provided by the user is a Prime number. Perform it
with and without user defined function.
5. Write a program to create a list of ten numbers entered by user and find smallest and largest number
from the list and display it.
6. Write a program to create a tuple to students CPI and display it.
7. Write a program to create a set of students’ enrolment number and sort them and perform addition and
deletion operation on it.
8. Write a program to create a dictionary of student details- EnrollmentNo, Name, Branch and perform
addition and deletion of entry of key-value pair form it.
9. Write a program to read and display content of the file. Also display number of lines, words in the
given file.
Pract-2: Study about numpy, pandas, Scikit-learn and matplotlib libraries.
Pract-3: Getting Started with Python Logic Programming using Kanren and SymPy packages.
Pract-4: Write the code in Kanren to demonstrate the followings:
a) The use of logical variables.
b) The use of membero goal constructor.
Pract-5: Write the code in Kanren to create parent and grandparent relationships and use it to state facts and
query based on the facts.
Pract-6: Write the code in Kanren to demonstrate the constraint system.
Pract-7: Write the code in Kanren to match the mathematical expressions.
Pract-8: Write the code in python to implement linear regression for one variable.
Pract-9: Write the code in python to implement linear regression using gradient descent for one variable.
Pract-10: Write the code in python to implement logistic regression for single class classification.
Pract-11: Write the code in python to implement logistic regression for multi class classification.

Various datasets are available on and


Course Coordinator

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