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Microprocessor Project LAB

Motor Control Through Hand Gestures


Electronics and Communication Engineering

Student Name Registration Number Section-Roll No

HRISHIKESH M RAO 210907005 D-02

This project presents a novel approach to motor control through hand gestures using an IMU
and the STM32 Blue Pill microcontroller. By capturing real-time hand orientation and motion
data with the IMU, the STM32 microcontroller interprets specific gestures. These gestures
are then translated into motor control commands, enabling users to seamlessly manipulate
motor parameters using intuitive hand movements.

The system's hardware architecture employs the STM32 Blue Pill for its computational
efficiency and sensor compatibility. The IMU accurately tracks hand motions, ensuring
precise gesture recognition. The microcontroller's firmware, developed using appropriate
programming languages and libraries, facilitates swift and accurate gesture processing.
Furthermore, programming of the microcontroller through Embedded C allows for rapid real-
time calculations and significantly less space complexity, compared to its alternative Hal

This innovative interface holds potential for diverse applications, from home automation to
robotics and accessibility devices. Overall, this project demonstrates a successful integration
of motion-sensing technology and microcontrollers for streamlined human-machine

Software Requirements:
• STM32CubeIDE: Integrated Development Environment for programming the
STM32 microcontroller.
• IMU Library: Libraries or drivers for the IMU sensor (e.g., BNO055) to facilitate
I2C communication and data acquisition.
• Motor Control Code: Code to generate PWM signals for controlling the motor's
speed and direction.
• Gesture Recognition Algorithm: A custom algorithm to process IMU data and
recognize hand gestures.

Hardware Requirements:
• STM32 Blue Pill Development Board (STM32F103C8T6): Microcontroller
platform for running the control logic and communicating with peripherals.
• Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensor: Such as BNO055, for capturing
orientation and acceleration data.
• Motor Driver: Cytron’s MD13S motor driver controls the motor's direction and
• DC Motor: As a visual output.
• Power Supply: For providing appropriate voltages to the STM32, IMU, and motor
• Connectors and Wires: For interconnecting the components.
• User Interface Components: LEDs for providing feedback to the user.
• Breadboard or Vero Boards: For prototyping or soldering the connections.
• Computer: To run the development environment and program the STM32.
• Tools: Soldering iron, screwdrivers, pliers, and other basic tools for assembly.

Block Diagram

Expected output.

The anticipated outcome of the hand gesture-controlled motor system project is a functional
system where users' hand gestures, detected by the IMU sensor, directly influence the motor's
speed and direction. This system provides real-time feedback through LEDs or displays,
creating an interactive and engaging user experience. The project demonstrates skills in
embedded systems, showcases potential applications in interactive interfaces and robotics,
and results in well-documented materials for future reference.

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