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Gulf States Newsletter

PEOPLE, POLITICS & RESOURCES IN THE GULF REGION Volume 33 • Issue 860 • 11 September 2009

Rival Iraqi factions play kidnap politics as violence

increases ahead of elections
The return of mass bomb attacks to the streets of Iraq is a potent reminder that the country is still ruled by violence.
As the murder of four of the five Britons kidnapped by Shia extremists shows, extreme force still pays political
dividends in this brutal environment

he lull in attacks which followed last year’s US military contest provides clear evidence that violence is still a good route
surge, and the ‘Charge of the Knights’ operation led by to power for many players. Maliki’s recent political successes
Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki that crushed southern have necessarily been built on the use of force. His personal
Iraq’s Shia militias, temporarily masked the extent of the command of the anti-militia operations in Basra last year
simmering chaos of the political landscape (GSN 829/4). The transformed him from a weak compromise candidate into the
talk was of soft power and development filling the gap when, in strongman leader that many Iraqis had been waiting for. One
April, Maliki visited London to open an investment conference Iraqi from Basra described the Charge of the Knights operation
(GSN 853/12). But much of that optimism has already as the pivotal moment when life in the city changed. A seasoned
disappeared in a mire of red tape and corruption. The truck observer of the Iraqi security scene told GSN that the question
bomb attack on the finance and foreign ministries on 19 August,
now was whether Maliki could “keep on playing the strongman
which left 100 people dead and 600 injured, exposed insurgents’
without having to resort too frequently to strongman antics”.
capability and damaged Maliki’s claims to have dealt definitively
with terrorism. The government blamed insurgents based in The prime minister has continued to use the military to advance
Syria. Further attacks are likely in the run-up to the January his agenda. He recently ordered a military raid on the
2010 national election, as the US military presence fades. Mujahideen-e Khalq camp outside Baghdad, home to 3,000
Meanwhile, the rampant horse-trading between rival dissident Iranians, which until recently was protected by US
movements and militias as coalitions are built for the electoral CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

Dubai’s debt Saudi tremors Lockerbie release: Qatar’s Scottish play

The revelation that Dubai The assassination attempt on Qatar seems to have played a mid-June to discuss Al-Megrahi’s
World owes nearly $60bn Prince Mohammed Bin facilitating role in getting convicted return to Libya. He subsequently
undermines attempts to Nayef underlined the terrorist Lockerbie bomber Abdelbasset Ali sent two letters to Scottish
reassure markets that Dubai’s threat coming out of Yemen. Mohammed Al-Megrahi back to Secretary for Justice Kenny
debt is no more than $80bn. If But how tough judicial and Libya, just as it helped in getting MacAskill on the same subject. A
sovereign debt is only $10bn as security action against Shia the Bulgarian medics out of letter from Salmond to Qatar’s
Colonel Qadhafi’s Jamahiriya ambassador to the UK, Khalid
officials say, government and Ismaili populations will
(State of the Masses) in 2007 (GSN Rashid Al-Hamoudi Al-
enterprise debt other than help reinforce the national 811/1). The signs are that Qatar, Mansouri, and two letters from
Dubai World’s liabilities would unity King Abdullah has which chairs the League of Arab MacAskill to Al-Mansouri were
account for only some $10bn. fought to instill remains States, has been discreetly published by the Scottish
But GSN’s analysis suggests unclear. Such heavy-handed assisting sensitive negotiations Executive in late-August in
the emirate’s debts are a lot crackdowns may be influenced between Libya and Scotland over response to speculation about
bigger than previously stated. by dynastic rivalries, involving the ailing Al-Megrahi’s negotiations leading to Al-
Fortunately, Ruler Sheikh leading Al-Sauds such as controversial release. Megrahi’s release. Salmond’s
Mohammed Bin Rashid Al- Interior Minister Prince Minister of State for International letter said that he and the minister
Maktoum sees the global Nayef and Eastern Province Development and Acting Minister had discussed “the links between
financial crisis as only “a governor Prince Mohammed of Business and Trade Dr Khalid our two countries”. In response to
passing cloud”. Bin Fahd. Bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah met Al-Attiyah’s request, Salmond sent
First Minister Alex Salmond in CONTINUED ON PAGE 11

ISSN 0953-5411 Cross-border Information


IRAQ: Rival factions play kidnap politics 1
QATAR: Facilitating role over Lockerbie bomber 1
IRAQ: Hostage horse-trading 3
SAUDI ARABIA: Mixed messages over minorities 4
IRAN: The Kingdom gets nervous 5
Gulf States Newsletter
YEMEN: Northern crisis adds to Saudi tensions 6
Volume 33 • Issue 860 • 11 September 2009 BAHRAIN: Al-Houthi collusion accusations 6
IRAN: Majlis approves government posts 6
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Iraqi domestic politics and hostage-taking Politics

Political outlook in Iraq Ministry of Finance employees in the use of a computerised

financial management system capable of tracking Iraq’s oil
receipts. After his kidnap, the system was abandoned. According
to eyewitnesses quoted in UK newspaper The Guardian in July,
troops. The action was praised by Tehran, which regards the
exiled inhabitants of the camp as dangerous enemies. Maliki, he and his bodyguards, employees of Canada’s Gardaworld, were
manoeuvring feverishly, has otherwise been turning against snatched from inside a ministry building in central Baghdad by
Iran-backed allies. He recently abandoned his coalition partners a highly organised gang wearing Ministry of Interior uniforms
in the ruling Shia United Iraqi Alliance (UIA). In late-August, and driving ministry Toyota Land Cruisers, which then made its
the Shia parties, including the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq escape unchecked through a number of official roadblocks.
(ISCI) and the Sadrist movement, formed a new coalition Observers said an operation of this scale must have had some
excluding the PM’s Dawa Party. They had rejected Maliki’s kind of official support. Whether or not this is true, what was
conditions for continued alliance including half the seats on a effectively a freelance operation appears to have quickly moved
newly formulated “non-sectarian” list, an end to the has-hasah beyond the control of a single individual. “Not even the leaders
system of dividing government jobs according to sectarian of the militias are able to control their factions,” a security source
quotas, and a guarantee Sadrists would be excluded from power. with knowledge of the affair told GSN. The facts are still hazy,
Having split, Maliki must nevertheless hold the ruling majority but it appears the captors killed all four bodyguards in unknown
together for another four months. But he has been lucky. ISCI, circumstances as long as a year ago. No warning of the killings
Dawa’s major rival among the Shia political parties, has been was given and they were then kept secret. Mobile phone chatter
weakened by the death in mid-August of its respected leader monitored by the security forces soon after the return of the
Abdelaziz Al-Hakim. He has been succeeded by his son first two bodies showed that senior Asaib figures were very
Ammar, but a power struggle may ensue. Jeish Al-Mahdi leader surprised when they heard the prisoners, with which they
Moqtada Al-Sadr is still studying in Iran, although he is hoped to parlay themselves out of prison and into power, were
expected to return to contest the elections. dead. This suggests that Al-Ghazali may not have been aware of
what was going on elsewhere in his organisation. “If it was
Maliki’s proposed nationalist coalition is backed by the US, acting, it was extremely well done,” said the source: “They were
which believes it is necessary to prevent Iraq from sinking into all part of the same gang to begin with, but these things are
sectarian conflict. It will probably contain elements from the extremely fluid.”
Sahwa (the Sunni Awakening Movement), whose co-operation
was fundamental in the defeat of Al-Qaeda in northern and The group appears to have acted with extreme subterfuge in its
central Iraq. Maliki’s relations with Sunni groups have been communications with the authorities. In July 2008, the UK
fractious and dogged with mistrust (GSN 852/5). But he is authorities received a message claiming that a rival group had
reported to have built bridges with Ahmed Abu Risha, one of seized the hostages in a raid on the original kidnappers. But
the most important tribal sheikhs in Anbar province, and with this appears to have been a false claim, perhaps designed to
Saleh Al-Mutlak, who leads the second largest Sunni party, Iraqi increase pressure on the British government. The grisly process
Front for National Dialogue. He may also win support from the is now approaching its conclusion. In early July, Washington
new opposition party in the Kurdistan Regional Government ordered the release of five Iranians detained by US forces in Iraq
region, Goran (Change), which won 25 seats in recent elections in January 2007 (GSN 858/8). Some observers have
(GSN 857/5). It is a gamble, but “there are plenty of nationalists interpreted this as a step in the negotiations. Hours before the
from every group – Shia, Sunni and Kurds – so it can probably first two bodies were handed over, the US Army delivered Laith
work”, said the security source. Al-Ghazali, brother of Qais Al-Ghazali, to the government,
which promptly released him. A third body was handed over in
mid-August. The fate of the fourth guard is officially unknown,
Horse-trading over hostages but he is also believed to have been murdered.
The type of deal that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki Qais’ freedom is believed to be the key concession now
must make to retain power is illustrated by the traumatic necessary to trigger Moore’s release. He is being held by the US,
endgame of negotiations between the UK and Iraqi which has accused him of organising the capture and murder of
governments and a militant Shia splinter group called Asaib Ahl five US servicemen in Karbala. But he may soon have a share
Al-Haq (Leagues of the Righteous) over the release of British of power. According to a report by veteran Iraqi correspondent
hostage Peter Moore. Asaib split from the Jeish Al-Mahdi after
Patrick Cockburn of the UK’s The Independent newspaper, the
Muqtada Al-Sadr called his ceasefire in August 2007. The US
US and Iraqi governments “are eager to see Asaib Ahl Al-Haq
military believes the group is backed by the Iranian Islamic
abandon its armed struggle and join the political process. It has
Revolutionary Guards Corps’Al-Quds force, whose leader Qais
refused to do so while Qais Al-Ghazali is held captive.” The
Al-Ghazali is in US custody.
Americans have until now refused to hand over Qais, although
Moore, an IT consultant with Bearing Point, was training GSN’s security source said he expected this would happen soon.


Politics Saudi Arabia

Minorities policy falls victim to Al-Saud dynastic

rivalries as princes vie for power
Tough judicial and security interventions undermine King Abdullah’s overtures to Shias and Ismailis as Prince Nayef
and his allies grow more assertive

arely two weeks after King Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz In Najran, during a 45-minute meeting in May 2008, Ismaili
ordered the early release of 17 Ismaili Shia political community leaders asked King Abdullah to appoint his son,
detainees from Najran, security forces raided an Ismaili Mishaal, as governor. Mishaal Bin Saud was removed, and this
mosque in Al-Khobar. Following the shutdown of four Shia spring, Mishaal Bin Abdullah was appointed. Yet a prominent
mosques in the Eastern Province (Sharquia) city, this intervention participant in the talks, Ahmed Turki Al-Saab, was arrested only
highlights the striking inconsistencies that now characterise ten days later, on 12 May. He was flown to Riyadh and remains
Saudi policy towards religious minorities. in jail. And the early release of the 17 activists was followed by
the imposition of a further five-year sentence on Hadi Al-
External events such as the hardliners’ triumphant crackdown in Mutif, the longest-serving Ismaili detainee, after he smuggled a
Iran and the Al-Houthi sect’s bloody rebellion in northern declaration filmed by mobile phone out of prison for broadcast
Yemen have intensified the concerns and sensitivities that shape on the internet.
Riyadh’s policy towards the Shia (see boxes). And major tensions
clearly persist within the Kingdom, underlined by the 27 August Al-Mutif, who was imprisoned as a teenager for an apparently
assassination attempt in Jeddah on Assistant Interior Minister trivial blasphemous remark, has become such a powerful symbol
Mohammed Bin Nayef (MBN) by a Yemeni-born suicide of the debate over whether Ismailis should comply with
bomber (see Risk management report, below). religious conservative orthodoxy that he has spent the last two
and a half years in solitary confinement. He has also been
But there are signs that the issue is also influenced by the long- moved to a jail in Abha, in Asir, where there are few Ismailis.
running dynastic power rivalries within the Al-Saud. The
heavy-handed crackdown in the Eastern Province – as many as Saudi insiders caution that it is an over-simplification to view
300 police seized the Ismaili mosque in Al-Khobar after Friday King Abdullah and his allies, such as Municipal Affairs Minister
prayers on 4 September – is reportedly masterminded by the Prince Mitaeb Bin Abdelaziz and his son, Prince Mansoor, as
governor of this key oil-producing region, Prince Mohammed promoters of reform and tolerance while redoubtable Interior
Bin Fahd (MBF), and his ally MBN. Minister and Second Deputy Premier Prince Nayef Bin
Abdelaziz leads a hardline faction committed to Wahhabist
Their tough stance is in striking contrast to King Abdullah’s supremacy and the repression of minority rights. They point
overtures in Najran, the Ismaili Shia heartland in the south-west. out that Abdullah, like other senior Al-Saud, is careful to protect
The release of 17 local protesters on 24 August, six months his relationship with the senior Wahhabi clerical establishment.
before the end of prison terms they had been serving since Although the Shias and Ismailis were invited to join the
2000, followed the dismissal last autumn of hardline Prince National Dialogue that he launched when he was Crown
Mishaal Bin Saud as provincial governor, and the installation in Prince, this has not led to a fundamental revision of the way
May of the monarch’s son, Prince Mishaal Bin Abdullah. This these minority interpretations of Islam are viewed by the Saudi
was followed by the granting of 1,200km2 of land to locals. authorities. School textbooks may have been pruned of some
of their most sectarian language, but the commitment to the
Meanwhile, work continues on the new Najran university
supremacy of Wahhabi orthodoxy remains.
campus, a major investment in social and intellectual capital for
a region long regarded by the Kingdom’s Wahhabi establishment
as poor and backward. Rising tensions
The authorities have become increasingly unnerved by
In the Eastern Province and Najran, the policy towards Saudi domestic and external events. In February, Shia pilgrims from
Shias has been marked by apparently incompatible contrasts. the east clashed with religious police over the rituals for
The crackdown on places of worship in Gulf coast cities comes commemorating the dead at the Baqi religious cemetery in
only four years after municipal elections were organised – Madinah. News of the incident spread rapidly as film of the
notably with the redrawing of municipal boundaries to create confrontation appeared on the internet. Some conservative
one overwhelmingly Shia council district, Qatif – to assure the Sunni Saudis were angered by what they regarded as Shia
Shia of an elected local political voice. Yet the situation is so desecration of a holy site. A number of Shia pilgrims were
deteriorating that Human Rights Watch (HRW) has issued a detained, provoking demonstrations in the mainly Shia Gulf
report accusing the authorities of discrimination and abuse. coast towns of Qatif and Safwa. One Shia preacher, Nimr Al-


Saudi Arabia Politics

Nimr, even proclaimed that “our dignity is more precious than

Iranian concerns
national unity” – although community leaders were quick to
disown the potentially separatist views and reassure the The first term of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad restored hardline
authorities of Shia loyalty to the Saudi state. conservative nationalism to centre stage. The president’s continuing
Nevertheless, much of the progress on improving relations nuclear programme, ignoring Saudi demands for a nuclear-free Gulf,
could only deepen anxieties. Riyadh’s concern has been heightened by
between the mainstream Shia and the Saudi authorities has been
the ruthlessness with which Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah
eroded. The tension that has prevailed since the Madinah Ali Khamenei have sought to consolidate hardline dominance in the wake
episode has not been helped by the fact that the Eastern of the disputed presidential election. Since the 1979 revolution, Iranian
Province is a key economic region containing major oilfields. politics has been complex, as liberals, moderate conservatives and
hardliners jostled for influence. But none was ever totally dominant, and
The authorities have arrested scores of Shias involved in the
this provided a kind of unstable stability – the ideologues balanced by the
spring protests; HRW has recently confirmed that many of them
pragmatists – that reassured neighbours. As recently as summer 2008,
are still being held. And four Shia mosques in Al-Khobar which senior Iranian policymakers told GSN of their support for King Abdullah’s
have been open since the initial government-Shia reconciliation Saudi reform programme and their keenness to strengthen good relations
of the early 1990s have been shut, a policy that forces Shias to with the Gulf Co-operation Council.
worship at unofficial meeting places and private homes, an
But since Ahmadinejad’s recent victory, the dominant hardliners have
activity that many security officials regard as subversive.
been relentlessly determined to crush all challenges to their ascendancy
Much of the Al-Saud establishment regard traditional Twelver – even at the price of destroying the pluralistic internal political balances
Shias as sympathetic towards Iran. Such suspicions had been that have lasted for most of the 30 years.
largely dispelled since the late 1990s by a combination of In this setting, Ahmadinejad’s refusal to rein in the nuclear programme
internal détente with leading Saudi Shia clerics and the looks more worrying to neighbours. The depth of Riyadh’s concern can
diplomatic overtures of the liberal Iranian president be seen in the graphic coverage that the Saudi media and Saudi-owned
Mohammad Khatami, who was keen to reassure Arab regional media have given to the opposition protest movement in Iran,
neighbours that the Islamic Republic did not harbour and the brutal manner in which it has been suppressed. This is the
hegemonic ambitions. However, the Saudi establishment’s regional context against which the Al-Saud establishment is viewing the
Kingdom’s Shia, who are concentrated largely on the coast of Sharquia
attitude towards the Shia today is formed against a much less
and inland in the Al-Hasa oasis. However unrepresentative they may be
favourable international context. of a community that is, in broad terms, loyal to the Kingdom, remarks
such as those of Nimr Al-Nimr, inevitably touch a raw nerve. And in this
Dynastic rivalries situation, King Abdullah’s attempts to foster détente with the Shia have
The handling of Saudi minorities has become caught up in the lost momentum, leaving the initiative to those elements of the ruling
tussle for influence within the Kingdom. Saudi sources have establishment who favour crushing any expression of distinct Shia
told GSN that the driving figures behind the current crackdown community identity.
in the east are Sharquia governor MBF and his ally MBN.
Patriarchal prestige and patronage is a key factor in Saudi Nayef ’s branch. This analysis would dovetail with the recent
politics, and after the death of King Fahd Bin Abdelaziz, most contradictions in policy towards Shias and Ismailis. Abdullah
of his sons lost influence. Abdelaziz Bin Fahd, for example, has sought a more consensual approach towards these minorities,
now has a largely ceremonial minister of state court position but this has been sidelined by the tough stance now taken in
that gives him little influence or real spending power. But MBF Sharquia by MBN and his ally MBF.
is married to a daughter of Prince Nayef and thus has the
Meanwhile,Abdullah has sought to develop Najran as a political
support of the powerful interior minister and his son, MBN.
base for his son Mishaal, now installed as governor, a policy that
The latter is increasingly concerned with the day-to-day fits neatly with his attempt to reduce the marginalisation of the
running of the ministry, while his father concentrates on Ismailis. Unlike the Shia, who are traditionally excluded from
consolidating his national influence with a view to royal the security forces, the Ismailis have always depended on
succession. While Nayef builds up his national position, MBN government patronage and the chance to develop businesses in
strengthens his control over affairs at the ministry; he is now other parts of the Kingdom. Indeed, they are settled in large
generally regarded as more powerful than the department’s numbers in some Sharquia towns, and are also sometimes
nominal number two, Deputy Minister Ahmed Bin Abdelaziz. recruited into the armed forces.
While Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdelaziz remains unwell Abdullah has clearly sought to build on these traditions.
abroad, Nayef is increasingly prominent, as GSN has previously However, his overtures towards the Ismailis are complicated by
noted (GSN 858/1, 857/7). One Saudi observer told GSN occasional hardline interventions by the judicial and penal
that succession rivalry could now be viewed less in terms of authorities answerable to the Interior Ministry – such as the
competition between King Abdullah’s branch of the family and new sentence imposed on Al-Mutif or the continued
the Sudeiris and more as that between Abdullah’s branch and imprisonment of Al-Saab.


Politics Yemen, Iran & Bahrain

Yemen’s northern crisis adds to Saudi BAHRAIN: Al-Wefaq rejects Al-Houthi

communal tensions collusion accusations
The position of Ismailis in Najran is set against the troubling state of A conservative member of the National Assembly, Jassim Al-Saidi, has
neighbouring northern Yemen, where the conflict between government accused Shia opposition party Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society of
forces and the Al-Houthi rebel movement is growing more intense (GSN meddling in internal Yemeni affairs. Al-Saidi claimed the group had
855/19 ). After signs that the rebellion was spreading south into Amran ‘strong ties’ with the Al-Houthi rebel movement, some of whose
governorate, and thus creeping closer to Sanaa, President Ali Abdullah members had visited Bahrain and met Al-Wefaq. “I have concrete
Saleh is reported by Yemeni sources to have deployed hundreds of tanks, evidence which clearly shows Al-Wefaq support for Al-Houthi rebels. Such
other armoured vehicles and rocket launchers to try to crush the rebels. meetings are illegal under Bahrain law and will cause instability and affect
Casualties have soared in recent days. Bahrain-Yemeni relations,” Al-Saidi said. Al-Wefaq MP Jalal Fairooz told
online newspaper the American Chronicle that this was “outright lying…
This is a major concern for the Saudis. Saleh recently flew to Morocco
There is no evidence, this is merely cheap tactics by the MP to promote
to consult Crown Prince Sultan, who has always been closely involved
his agenda of sectarianism.” Al-Wefaq officials have called on Al-Saidi to
with the Yemen dossier. Jordan’s King Abdullah Bin Hussein was there
produce his evidence; he responded by saying he will submit evidence to
too; it is thought his highly regarded forces may provide training for the
the Interior Ministry at the “right time”.

It remains to be seen whether Mishaal Bin Abdullah has the Mohammad Najjar is also a senior figure within the IRGC
political skills to reassure Najranis, despite these awkward and critics are questioning the wisdom of military commanders
reminders of the government’s harsher side. running interior affairs. The same criticisms are being directed
at new Oil Minister Massoud Mirkazemi, who also has an
IRAN IRGC background and no experience in what, for Iran, is a
crucial and troubled sector (see Energy).
Majlis approves Revolutionary The hardline conservative parliament was outspoken against
Guard government Ahmadinejad’s nomination of three women to government
posts. Although the two nominated for welfare and education
The Majlis has approved 18 of President Mahmoud were overwhelmingly rejected by parliament, the president’s
Ahmadinejad’s 21 nominations to government posts, many of choice for health, Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi, was appointed with
whom are hardliners loyal to the president and with
175 votes in favour and 82 against and has become the first
backgrounds in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
female minister in the Islamic Republic’s history.
The composition of the new government further fuels suspicion
that the IRGC is seizing power in the Islamic Republic. It has While some nominations have caused friction within Iran, the
become more prominent since it backed Ahmadinejad in June’s appointment of suspected terrorist Ahmad Vahidi as Defence
disputed presidential election, subsequently clamping down on Minister has caused outrage worldwide, particularly in Israel
dissenters and opposition. and Argentina. Vahidi, again with an IRGC background, is on
But any successful coup d’état would require it to gain control an Interpol wanted list for the bombing of a Jewish centre in
over the one instrument of state that rivals the IRGC itself, the Buenos Aires in 1994. Controversially,Vahidi received more
powerful Intelligence Ministry (Vavak). After last month’s votes than any other nominee, with 227 of the 295 members of
reported purge of the Intelligence Ministry in which several parliament in support. Such an overwhelming endorsement
senior officials, including Intelligence Minister Gholam drew heavy criticism from the US, which said the country was
Hosseim Mohseni-Ejei, were removed, the Majlis “taking a step backward”. “We find today’s action disturbing,
overwhelmingly approved the president’s nomination, Heidar and, for Iran, it is sending precisely the wrong message,” said US
Maslahi, who was Rahbar Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s state department official PJ Crowley. Israeli Foreign Ministry
representative in the Basij militia. Critics of Ahmadinejad and
spokesman Yigal Palmor said the appointment was “more proof
his new government are outspoken against this choice, claiming
of the violent nature of the regime and a total disregard of the
that Maslahi has no experience in intelligence, and that his
need to work with the international community”.
appointment, like the rest of the government, is a case of loyalty
over competence. “The president wants to be the ruler in Ahmadinejad’s success in getting loyalists appointed may help
sensitive ministries,” conservative lawmaker Ali Motahari told counter the image of a divided and crisis-engulfed government.
the Mehr News Agency. “So he has introduced people whose However, the issue of nuclear power is likely to become more
major quality is that they are ‘yes-men’.” contentious as a result, with the elements of the government
Many of Ahmadinejad’s nominations are highly controversial likely to favour negotiations with the West being swept aside in
inside and outside of Iran. New Interior Minister Mostafa this latest consolidation of power by Iran’s hardliners.


Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & Abu Dhabi Royals watch

QATAR OMAN: Qaboos orders action on swine flu

EMIR AND CP TAMIM: Meetings With Oman taking the threat of H1N1 – ‘swine flu’ – very seriously, Sultan
Qaboos Bin Said Al-Saeed on 5 September ordered the establishment
As well as apparently playing a part in arranging the release of Libyan
of a Supreme Committee for H1N1 to draw up a comprehensive plan to
Lockerbie bomber Abdelbasset Ali Mohammed Al-Megrahi (see
tackle the disease. Swine flu has claimed ten people dead and infected
Politics, above), Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani held talks
more than 1,000 in the Sultanate since July. In mid-August, the Ministry
with visiting Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, who also
of Education deferred the start of the 2009/10O academic year to 26
visited the UAE. The Emir also met Palestinian President Mahmoud
September, for most schools and kindergartens. The new Supreme
Abbas in late August, while Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim has met
Committee will be headed by Diwan of the Royal Court Minister Ali Bin
Hamas figurehead Khalid Mishal, a regular visitor to Doha.
Hamad Al-Busaidi, and includes Royal Office Minister General Ali Majid
Bin Mussabagh Al-Mamari and the ministers of interior, national
SAUDI ARABIA economy, health, awqaf and religious affairs, and information.

KING ABDULLAH: Busy Ramadan Meanwhile the government remains in close contact with Iran following
Sultan Qaboos’ 4-5 August visit to Tehran – at the time of President
King Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz has held talks with visiting Bahraini Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s inauguration, but not to attend the event,
Crown Prince Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa and US diplomats insist. Some sources say Qaboos’ visit was rather to help build
assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism bridges with the UK and other western allies (GSN 859/1). Iranian Foreign
John Brennan. The King also held a meeting with Qatari Premier and Minister Manouchehr Mottaki paid yet another visit to Muscat in late
Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani. August.

CROWN PRINCE SULTAN: Receiving VIP visitors in Agadir KHALID BIN ALWALEED: London Welsh investment
Still convalescing in Morocco, Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdelaziz
In an era when Gulf money has poured into English Premier League
has had visits at his Agadir palace from Jordan’s King Abdullah II and
football clubs, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal’s business empire has
Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Dubai Ruler Sheikh
decided to invest in London Welsh, a British rugby union club.
Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum and UAE Presidency Affairs
Alwaleed’s Saudex Group, chaired by his son Khalid, has promised to
Minister Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al-Nahayan have also visited.
pump some £2.6m into the ailing club. In 2008, Saudex agreed to
sponsor London Scottish Rugby Club for the 2008-09 season.
NAYEF BIN ABDELAZIZ: Regional consultations
Interior Minister and Second Deputy Premier Prince Nayef Bin REEMA BINT BANDAR: Student initiative
Abdelaziz has held meetings with his Bahraini counterpart Sheikh
Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Bin Abdelaziz’s daughter Princess
Rashid Bin Abdullah Al-Khalifa and Qatar’s State Minister for
Reema Bint Bandar, has teamed up with New York-based The
Internal Affairs Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Al-Thani and other
Dwight School’s Institute for Civic Leadership to encourage the visit of
Qatari internal security officials.
US high school students to Saudi Arabia.
PRINCES: Reappointment to senior jobs
TURKI AL-FAISAL: US energy policy
The service of Prince Badr Bin Mohammed Bin Abdullah as Al-
Ahsa governor has been extended for another four years. His family, The former ambassador to London and Washington has written an
the Al-Jiluwi, have been prominent in Sharqiya (Eastern Province) article in Foreign Policy magazine in which he said that for US
for decades. Meteorology and Environment Protection president politicians, invoking energy independence is now as “essential as
Prince Turki Bin Nasir Bin Abdelaziz’s service has also been baby-kissing” and accuses them of “demagoguery”. Constant talk
extended. Turki was appointed in 2001 following a career in the air about energy independence is “political posturing at its worst – a
force. Jeddah governor Prince Mishal Bin Majid Bin Abdelaziz has concept that is unrealistic, misguided and ultimately harmful to
also had his term renewed. And despite talk of problems at the top of energy-producing and consuming countries alike”,Turki said.
the family, it was announced that National Security Council secretary
general Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Bin Abdelaziz’s term has been UAE – ABU DHABI
extended (GSN 859/Online).
MBZ: US meetings for AD crown prince
PRINCES: Summer’s over
Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al-Nahayan is in
Various princes have begun returning to Saudi Arabia at the Washington DC for meetings with senior US officials.Accompanying
conclusion of their summer holidays, including several who had been him in talks with President Barack Obama is UAE Foreign Minister
staying in Morocco with Crown Prince Sultan. Abdel-Illah Bin Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al-Nahayan. MBZ has already held
Abdelaziz, Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG) deputy meetings with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,Treasury Secretary
commander Mitab Bin Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz and Tabuk governor Timothy Geithner, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, National Security
Fahd Bin Sultan Bin Abdelaziz. Allegiance Commission head Prince Adviser General Jim Jones, Congress members and Senators Richard
Mishal Bin Abdulaziz returned from a holiday in France. Lugar (Republican-Indiana) and John McCain (R-Arizona).


Defence and security Kuwait

Kuwait arrests reflect a long history of militancy

The emirate represents the second most threatened in the GCC after Saudi Arabia, and Kuwaitis are significantly
represented among Al-Qaeda’s leadership

he Kuwait Security Service (KSS) arrested six Kuwaiti covertly filmed for a jihadist video aired on extremist websites.
citizens in August, following intelligence leads provided by On 26 February 2008, GSN’s monitoring of the militant At-
the US intelligence community in July. The arrests Tibyan website discovered a communiqué entitled Witness Some
followed reports on 24 June of the sentencing of two Kuwaitis of the Miracles of the Mujahideen in Kuwait which mentioned US
for travelling to Afghanistan via Bahrain. The court case bases in Kuwait as well as the actions of the Mujahideen, which
exposed embarrassing details, notably the employment of one of had “readied themselves to hit the crusader bases from which
the defendants in the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and the American and British convoys leave”.
the involvement of a mosque official in recruitment activities.
GSN’s US government source believes the August arrests foiled
On 4 July, Kuwaiti newspapers reported the arrests of five
a planned truck bomb attack on US vehicles on one of the
Kuwaitis who had returned from fighting in Afghanistan,
military road systems leading north to Iraq. This mirrors the
including two living in Saudi Arabia at the time of their
intended targets of the Peninsula Lions network uncovered in
detention. Other Kuwaitis are facing investigations for terrorist
Kuwait in 2005. The Peninsula Lions included individuals who
financing and operational activities in Lebanon and Saudi
had returned from Iraq (such as Nasser Khlaif Al-Enezi) and
had experience in making roadside improvised explosive devices
(IEDs). The group’s operational intentions were synchronised
Details of the August plot with those of the Iraqi resistance, focusing on targeting US
Little is known about the six suspects. One is reported to be a convoys, either with roadside IEDs or ambushes that would result
surgeon at a hospital in Kuwait City. Another is believed to in the capture and execution of US personnel.They intended to
have been involved in the assault on US troops on 8 October videotape the activities to support recruitment.
2002, in which a marine was shot dead and another was
wounded during training at Failaka Island. The two Kuwaiti
Other potential targets
assailants – Anas Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Kandari and Jassem
Google Earth maps and documents seized at the residences of
Hamad Mubarak Al-Hajeri – were shot dead by US forces.
the suspects indicated that three targets were under
In 2003, seven Kuwaitis were jailed for complicity in the
premeditated attacks and GSN understands that the latest
detainees include at least one of the seven men convicted in • CAMP ARIFJAN – the camp is the main inter-nodal logistical
2003. base servicing US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It
is regularly referenced in jihadist communiqués and is an
According to press reports, the group intended to develop an
obvious target for Arab opponents of US military presence and
ammonium nitrate fuel oil (Anfo)-based fertiliser bomb boosted
activities in the region;
by gas canisters for delivery in a truck. It is not known whether
the device was to be detonated by a suicide bomber or remotely. • SHUAIBA REFINERY – the well-protected site has, in the past
GSN’s contacts in the US government suggest that the Anfo two years, been placed on alert as a result of reported sea-borne
mix was in component parts, awaiting mixture. terrorist threats. Landside defences are considered to be well
layered and capable of resisting a terrorist attack; and
The likely timing of the attack was during Ramadan (after 22
August). A serious vehicle-borne improvised explosive device • KUWAIT SECURITY SERVICE HEADQUARTERS – the KSS
(VBIED) plot was last uncovered in Kuwait in January 2005, headquarters in Kuwait city is another target discussed in jihadist
when the Peninsular Lions network was preparing one or more chat rooms, reflecting the KSS’ leading role in detaining
VBIEDs using ice-cream trucks. They believed the trucks could numerous militants since 2001 and disrupting recruitment
carry large amounts of explosives and sit along US military activities.
routes in ambush positions for long periods of time without
attracting suspicion. Kuwait ‘next biggest GCC risk’
The arrests are not of the same magnitude as the 2005 Peninsula
US military most likely target Lions episode – referred to as Kuwait’s 9/11 – but they are
The main road systems linking US bases to Iraq are the most nonetheless indicative of a credible terrorist threat. Kuwait has
accessible and likely target for the group. In 2005, GSN always represented the second most threatened GCC state after
discovered that such a convoy was targeted by a crude hand Saudi Arabia. A number of factors explain the extent of the
grenade tripwire across a road, and in 2007, US convoys were threat.


Kuwait Defence and security

Kuwaitis are significantly represented among Al-Qaeda’s senior

leadership – militants such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who
Regional navies look closely at
is in US custody, and Suleiman Abu Ghaith, who is still at large,
held senior positions in Al-Qaeda and are alleged to have played
piracy threat
key roles in the 11 September 2001 attacks on the US. The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) navies are rapidly building up
tradition continued with the involvement of scores of young powerful fleets of muscular corvettes and multi-role offshore
Kuwaitis in later jihads in the Balkans, Caucasus, 9/11, patrol vessels, making it likely that nations such as the UAE,
Afghanistan and now Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Oman will soon boast the most advanced
surface combatants in the region.
Kuwaitis continue to travel to Iraq to fight the US military –
though representing just 1% of foreign fighters in Iraq, the Operational experience has always been a weakness, but this
citizens of the small state of Kuwait continue to slip into Iraq to may be addressed by a slew of operational commitments being
carry out high-impact attacks. In April 2008, Iraqi security taken on by the GCC as it seeks to address piracy and trafficking
forces claimed that 25 Kuwaiti volunteers were operating in threats.
Diyala with Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Three Kuwaiti suicide bombers Naval combined task forces (CTFs) have proliferated in the Gulf
who killed US servicemen in Mosul in March and April 2008 in the past five years, and the Bahrain-based US Fifth Fleet has
were publicly identified as men that the KSS were supposed to formed the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) to draw together
have under surveillance. Fighters have moved back and forth 23 national components split between three major CTFs. The
from Iraq to Kuwait since 2004. CMF is led by US Naval Forces Central Command (Centcom)
Attacks on foreign military personnel and contractors in Kuwait commander Vice Admiral William Gortney, and its deputy is
have a strong precedent. These include an incident on 11 UK Maritime Component Command (UKMCC) chief
October 2001, when Canadian defence contractor Luc Ethier Commodore Tim Lowe of the Royal Navy.
was killed in a drive-by shooting in Kuwait City; the 8 October Until recently, the component elements of the CMF comprised
2002 fatal shooting of a US marine on Failaka Island; the 21 the following forces:
November 2002 shooting and wounding of two US servicemen
in transit by a Kuwaiti policeman; the 21 January 2003 fatal • CTF-150 – covering the Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman,
shooting of US national Michael Rene Pouliot at a traffic light Arabian Sea, Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Its primary mission
at Camp Doha; the 14 December 2003 wounding of four US has been ‘maritime security’ – monitoring traffic in the Horn of
soldiers in two separate shooting attacks on military convoys Africa, with a focus on counter-terrorism;
moving along Kuwaiti roads; plus other unsuccessful attacks in • CTF-151 – covering the same area as CTF-150, but focusing
2002-04. There is a close connection between Kuwaiti and almost entirely on counter-piracy missions;
Saudi militants – the Saudi-Kuwait border is largely unsecured
and many of the plots uncovered since 2001 had a Saudi • CTF-152 – a GCC-based force operating in the south and
component or involved Kuwaiti suspects fleeing to Saudi Arabia. central Arabian Gulf;
With the Saudi-Yemeni Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula • CTF-158 – CTF-152’s northern Gulf counterpart ended
(AQAP) becoming more active again, the Kuwaiti militancy operations on 30 December 2008 as UN Security Council
may be related to broader Ramadan attack plans. Resolution 1723 expired. From that date, security on and
Unexploded ordnance and firearms are accessible to potential around the Basra and Khawr Al-Amaya oil terminals reverted to
militants. Kuwait suffers from extensive unsecured military Iraqi navy control.
explosives (from the 1991 Gulf war) and from lax gun control.
Shooting incidents and injuries from unexploded ordnance GCC steps up in CTF-151
underline the ease with which militants can secure weapons. Piracy is becoming a widely recognised threat in the Gulf
region, giving the GCC an opportunity to show off the naval
Gulfis graduate from Sandhurst ambitions of its major states. The Gulf of Aden is an area in
which the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) and coastguard
Several Gulfis were among the latest batch of officers to pass out of the are seeking to demonstrate their capabilities and mark out their
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Bahraini graduates included sphere of influence. RSNF commander Prince Fahd Bin
Sheikh Hashim Bin Mohammed Bin Salman Al-Khalifa and Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al-Saud was enraged at the
Abdullah Bin Khalifa Bin Abdullah Al-Khalifa. Other graduates included
hijacking last November of the Saudi-owned MV Sirius Star
Kuwait’s Nasser Khalid Mohammed Al-Hussaini and Salem
Mohammed Twaim Al-Dawai, Oman’s Mohammed Said Ali Al- under the nose of the RSNF western fleet.
Muhairi and Salim Suhail Salim Al-Kathiri, Qatar’s Ali Rashid Riyadh is unhappy about the presence of so many international
Al-Muhannadi, Abu Dhabi’s Mohammed Saeed Saif Al-Mashgouni, vessels in the Red Sea area. These have included combat vessels
Dubai’s Mohammed Ahmed Al-Jumairi, and Yemen’s Fatia
from China, India, Japan, Russia and 18 other countries. Iran
Mohammed Al-Hammadi and Qabol Ali Naji Al-Saadi.
sent two combat vessels to the Red Sea in May.


Diar y Defence and security

To stamp its influence on the area, and as a counterweight to the

‘Vanished cargo was carrying arms to
prospect of more Israeli navy patrols, Saudi Arabia has drawn
Iran’, report says
together a working group of 11 Arab navies and will lead a joint
deployment for a year. Significantly, a Saudi-based meeting of A cargo ship that vanished en route from Finland to Algeria on 24 July
naval leaders from the group declared the Red Sea area to be was carrying arms to Iran and was being tracked by the Israeli security
“the main responsibility of the Arab countries overlooking it”. service Mossad, according to sources in Russia and Israel quoted in UK
The group includes Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, newspaper The Sunday Times. The Arctic Sea, officially carrying timber
Djibouti, Sudan, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait and Yemen. worth £1.3m, was recovered off West Africa on 17 August when eight
alleged hijackers were arrested, according to a report.
The UAE is keen to underline its naval ambitions in the Gulf. The Kremlin has denied the vessel was carrying arms, claiming it was
It will assume leadership of CTF-152 in November, supplanting hijacked by criminals who demanded a £1m ransom. But sources in Tel
Bahrain, which became the first Arab state to lead CTF-152 in Aviv and Moscow claimed the ship had been loaded with S-300 missiles,
May 2008. In July, the UAE Navy announced the procurement Russia’s most advanced anti-aircraft weapon, while being repaired in the
of the first of a new class of Italian-built corvettes to sit alongside Russian port of Kaliningrad. Had the S-300 missiles been delivered, Iran
would have significantly strengthened its air defences.
its six world-class Baynunah corvettes by the middle of the next
decade (GSN 851/8). Mossad is said to have tipped off the Kremlin that the shipment had been
sold by former military officers linked to the underworld. The Kremlin
With the change of leadership of CTF-152, this points to a then ordered a naval rescue mission. The Sunday Times quoted military
growing Saudi-UAE struggle for military dominance of the officials who believed this was a ‘cover story’, because any evidence that
GCC and the development of distinct spheres of naval influence it had let arms fall into the hands of criminals or be sold to Iran would be
on either side of the Arabian Peninsula. highly embarrassing.

Events across the region 19-21 October: Middle East Investments Summit, Dubai
Email: Web:
29 September: Doha Business Roundtable, Doha
Tel: +43 (0) 1 712 41 61 60. Web: 26-27 October: International Energy Week, Moscow
Email: Web:
6-7 October: MENA Petrochemicals Forum 2009 Doha
Web: 27-28 October: Gas to Liquids, London
8 October: Opportunity Arabia 6, London
Sponsored by Saudi British Bank (SABB). Web: 27-29 October: Offshore Middle East 2009, Bahrain

11-13 October: Africa-Arab Business Investment Forum, Dubai Email: Web:

Tel: +971 4 4356254. Web: 1-3 November: 2nd Saudi Arabia International Oil & Gas
Conference & Exhibition, Dammam
11-14 October: Middle East Energy Security Forum, Doha
Email: Web:
Contact Fleming Gulf. Email:
2-4 November: Islamic Funds World Middle East 2009, Dubai
11-14 October: Saudi Water and Power Forum, Jeddah
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7978 0080. Web:
3 November: World Islamic Infrastructure Finance, Doha
12-14 October: World Islamic Retail Banking, Dubai Email: Web:
GSN-Exclusive 10% discount. Web:
4-5 November: The International Real Estate Finance Summit
18-20 October: Middle East Capital Markets, Dubai To be held in London. Web:
E: Web:
10-12 November: The Abu Dhabi Conference, Abu Dhabi
18-21 October: Annual Security for Energy Infrastructure Web:
To be held in Abu Dhabi. Web: For more events visit:


Iran & Dubai Energy and industr y

IRAN Abdelkareem Al-Rayyes was appointed director general.

Decree number 19 set up the Supreme Council for Energy
New oil minister approved (SCE); Sheikh Ahmed also becomes its chairman. A secretary
general is yet to be appointed. The council will act as a
The Majlis (Parliament) has approved the appointment of regulatory authority advising the government on ways to
Massoud Mirkazemi as oil minister. Mirkazemi, the former control power and increased demand for water and guarantee a
commerce minister who enjoys close links with the Islamic long-term energy supply.
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has been criticised for his
Dubai is suffering from high power demand – expected to rise
lack of knowledge and experience of the oil industry. His
by 10% this year – and tight supply. The SCE will be made up
running of the department, which is engulfed in crisis, will be
of representatives from Dubai Electricity and Water Authority,
crucial during the new parliamentary term, particularly if
Dubai Aluminium, Emirates National Oil Company, Dubai
further sanctions are imposed on the oil industry over the
Petroleum, the Dubai Nuclear Energy Committee, Dubai Supply
country’s nuclear programme.
Authority and the Department of Oil Affairs. Its annual budget
Majlis Energy Committees chairman Hamid-Reza Katouzian will be determined by the Dubai Executive Council, which sets
was reported in the Tehran Times as saying:“It will take anyone the emirate’s annual budget and is chaired by MBR’s son Sheikh
who is not familiar with the [oil] industry… at least two years Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum.
to become familiar with the basic concepts in the ministry…
and the nation will suffer serious setbacks in the oil industry
during this time.”
Qatar’s Scottish play – with Libya
Crude oil sales account for the majority of Iran’s state revenue. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Sanctions and ineffectual subsidies in the domestic oil market
have contributed to the country’s current economic difficulties. Al-Mansouri information on the procedure for making representations on
Born in Tehran in 1960, Mirkazemi joined the Revolutionary Al-Megrahi’s application for prisoner transfer. Al-Mansouri then wrote
two letters to MacAskill containing “representations about Al-Megrahi’s
Committees after the 1979 revolution, and then joined the
case on behalf of the state of Qatar and the Arab League”. MacAskill said
IRGC. He was responsible for technical planning and support he would take account of the points raised.
affairs during the Iran-Iraq war in 1981-88, and was made head
of the Ministry of Defence’s centre for research and logistic The exchanges appear to be the culmination of intensive diplomacy. One
studies in 2000. Mirkazemi has worked in a variety of veteran observer of Gulf diplomacy told GSN he had noted some time ago
that Al-Mansouri “was devoting a lot of attention to Edinburgh”. He had
“no doubt the Scots have got – or will get – a handsome reward by way
He served in President Mohammad Khatami’s second of investment, not only from Libya but also from the Qataris, for whom
government between 2001 and 2003 as an adviser to the Scotland offers a good field for spreading their wealth”. One year ago, the
defence minister, and in 2002-04 was director of IRGC’s centre Scotland on Sunday newspaper reported that Salmond was planning to
visit Qatar to canvas loans from Doha to fund a new £4bn Forth Road
for foundational studies. He served in Mahmoud
Bridge and a £5bn undersea electricity cable. A spokeswoman for the
Ahmadinejad’s first government as commerce minister before Scottish Executive said it was “in ongoing discussions with the Qatari
going to the Ministry of Oil. Mirkazemi achieved bachelor’s government, exploring options for a possible visit by the first minister
and master’s degrees in industrial engineering from Elm-va- intended to establish broader business and investment links”.
san’at University for science and industry, where he later became
The Gulf expert said Salmond had “comprehensively outwitted” British
a lecturer, and at the IRGC-run Imam Hossein University.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who had ended up embarrassed with a
divided party, and strained relations with Libya. Salmond had escaped
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES international criticism while striking a blow for Scottish independence,
earning him credit in Doha and Tripoli.
MBR sets up Dubai oil agencies Qatar’s relations with Libya are strong. Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa
Al-Thani visited Tripoli for the 40th anniversary celebrations of the El-
Dubai Ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Fatah revolution, which brought Qadhafi to power. The two countries have
has issued decrees setting up two new authorities – one to extensive joint investment agreements. Qatar played a significant public
manage crude oil sales and the other to manage energy supplies. role in negotiating the release of the Bulgarian medics accused of
Decree number 18 of 2009 established the Department of Oil infecting more than 400 children in Benghazi hospital with HIV. Qadhafi
Affairs to “monitor the production, sale and export of crude oil personally thanked Sheikh Hamad for helping to mediate the deal, into
in the emirate”; Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Maktoum has which French President Nicolas Sarkozy inserted himself at the last
been appointed chairman. He is best known for his role as head minute. A large part of the compensation paid to the families of the
infected children may have come from Qatar or been routed from Libyan
of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, chairman of Dubai
funds through Qatar to disguise its origins.
Airports and of Emirates Airline Group. Abdullah


Financial risk Saudi Arabia

Saudi financier’s death brings era of ‘Golden

Chain’ conspiracy theories to a close
For all their power and wealth, few among the Saudi merchant class attained the level of fame of Khalid Bin Mahfouz

halid Bin Salim Bin Mahfouz (KBM), who died aged 60 and, according to one Sama source, “the bank has been
in late August, deserved a page in history for turning domesticated”.
National Commercial Bank (NCB ) into the Kingdom’s
But KBM did not remain immune to scandal. As GSN charted
largest bank. But it was rather his notoriety in the West,
at length, there was post-9/11 suspicion in some US circles that
following his involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce
Saudi financiers and charities had funded terrorism. Several
International (BCCI ) scandal and subsequent accusations of
books, such as Hatred’s Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the
terrorist funding, that merited the Saudi banker a prominent
New Global Terrorism, were published, levelling scattergun
obituary in The NewYork Times.
accusations at senior Saudi figures in what became known as an
KBM became involved in one of the biggest banking scandals era of Saudi-bashing. KBM was caught up in these accusations
of the 20th century when he was in his early 40s. In 1986, he because money destined for terrorists had passed through the
and his family’s NCB had invested in BCCI, and he was a family bank.
director. When banking regulators closed BCCI in July 1991,
KBM again put up a robust defence; in July 2005 a UK court
KBM faced a criminal indictment in NewYork, and civil action
awarded him and his two sons £30,000 in damages over 23
in five jurisdictions from BCCI’s liquidators, Touche Ross,
copies of a book by Rachel Ehrenfeld, which was imported
concerning more than $30bn. The Saudi banker’s worldwide
into Britain and alleged that KBM was involved in terrorist
assets were frozen and he was accused of falsifying audit
funding. Ehrenfeld labelled KBM’s actions “financial jihad”.
documents, concealing activities from regulators and fraudulent
trading. Whether KBM was directly involved in financing jihad remains
unknown. Most serious Gulf analysts felt that something of an
During the BCCI investigations, KBM employed a legion of
industry had sprung up surrounding the so-called Golden Chain
lawyers and publicists, but would occasionally mount his own
Conspiracy, some of which crops up in Ehrenfeld’s book, and
public defence, sometimes through respected publications such
much of which was based on the work of KBM’s principal
as The Banker magazine. He said he saw BCCI as a tremendous
accusers and high-profile terrorism researchers, Jean-Charles
international opportunity, but chose to unwind NCB’s
Brisard (who advised US lawyer Motley Rice on the 9/11
investment only seven months after taking a seat on the BCCI
class actions) and Guillaume Dasquié. Brisard later publicly
board; that process was in train when BCCI collapsed, leaving
apologised to the Saudi banker. But KBM was far from being
NCB holding $330m of BCCI convertible notes. Accusations
a hero back home: in recent years he was said to be under gilded
against KBM stemmed from Price Waterhouse’s identification of
house arrest in Jeddah and increasingly unwell. Saudi papers
NCB in 1991 as a key participant in attempts to camouflage
reported the cause of death as heart failure.
fraud at BCCI. The “collusion” of KBM and NCB “appears to
have been a major factor” in concealing fraud at BCCI, the
auditors said.
IRAN: First Persia fund on SDN blacklist
By 1995, KBM could claim that proceedings against him and
NCB were over and done with, and at a fraction of the total First Persia Equity Fund, a Cayman Islands-based subsidiary of the
$30bn claimed. He continued to maintain his innocence, saying state-controlled Bank Melli Iran, has been blacklisted by the US
he settled with the liquidators as a “commercial decision to get Treasury Department’s office of foreign assets control. As part of
rid of what is happening over my head”. He also alleged that further US sanctions aimed at increasing pressure on Tehran over its
the Abu Dhabi government was a “partner in crime” in the nuclear programme, Iranian banks and their affiliates have been
banned from transferring money to or from America (GSN
scandal and was obstructing investigators. Abu Dhabi fought a
849/12). First Persia, which at the end of 2008 was forced to
robust defence of this claim.
shelve plans to set up operations in the Gulf Co-operation Council
Following the BCCI furore, the Saudi government moved to area because of sanctions, is now listed on the US register of
salvage NCB’s reputation and remove KBM from the helm. specially designated nationals (SDN) and blocked persons. It is also
The state acquired 50% of the bank from KBM and his wife, a target of US non-proliferation sanctions due to its alleged
connections with Iran’s nuclear programme. In June 2008,
Naila Abdelaziz Al-Kaaki, in 1999. The move was seen as a
European Union sanctions on parent company Bank Melli forced it
victory for the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (Sama – central
to close all branches in the EU.
bank). Today, there are no family members on the bank’s board


Risk indicators Stock markets and other data

The family lives on which majority owns Lebanese bank Crédit Libanais and is
KBM’s elder brother Mohammed died in 2008 but remaining involved in an Algerian bank.
siblings Abdullah, Saleh and Ahmed Bin Mahfouz remain Abdelrahman is on the board of Al-Khaleejiah Advertising and
prominent in business. KBM’s sons Abdelrahman and Sultan Public Relations Company, which is owned by the huge, listed
are also involved in various sectors, possibly benefiting from Saudi Research and Marketing Group, in turn partly owned by
maternal ties to the Al-Kaaki, who are well-connected. They are the sons of Riyadh governor Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz
shareholders in Bahrain-based Capital Investment Holding, and Saudi/Ethiopian entrepreneur Mohammed Al-Amoudi.

Middle East risk indicators

Preferred Moody’s Fitch Ducroire Delcredere ONDD medium- to
Country payment Coface sovereign sovereign short-term political long-term political
terms grading rating rating risk rating risk rating
Bahrain OA A3 A2 A 2 2
Iran CIA D — — 5 6
Iraq CIA D — — 6 7
Israel OA A4 A1 A 3 3
Jordan OA B Ba2 — 2 5
Kuwait SD/OA A2 Aa2 AA 2 2
Oman OA A3 A2 — 1 2
Palestine CLC — — — 7 7
Qatar OA A2 Aa2 — 2 2
Saudi Arabia OA A4 A1 AA– 1 2
Syria ILC C — — 4 6
Turkey ILC B Ba3 BB– 3 4
United Arab Emirates OA — Aa2 — 2 2
Yemen ILC C — — 3 6

Key: ULC = Unconfirmed letter of credit. ILC = Irrevocable letter of credit. CIA = Cash in advance. OA = Open account SD = Sight draft
Sources: Agencies and Cross-border Information Ltd, Hastings, UK.

Stock markets and exchange rates

Stock Market Index value Index % change Since 2008 Exchange rate
(Index) (10 September 2009) One week 01.01.09 performance Currency £ $ € ¥ (x100)

Bahrain1 1,520.34 0.35  -15.73 -34.52 (Dinar) 0.6246 0.3770 0.5498 0.4109
Iran2 11,696.50 -0.43  35.13 -11.10- (Rial) 16,442.30 9,925.00 14,472.10 10,816.80
Iraq3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a (New Dinar) 1,905.15 1,150.00 1,676.87 1,253.34
Jordan4 2,641.77 1.41  -4.23 -24.94 (Dinar) 1.1725 0.7078 1.0320 0.7713
Kuwait5 7,723.50 -0.83  -0.76 -38.03 (Dinar) 0.4752 0.2869 0.4183 0.3126
Oman6 6,546.47 2.04  20.31 -39.78 (Rial) 0.6380 0.3851 0.5615 0.4197
Qatar7 7,098.50 0.74  3.08 -28.12 (Rial) 6.0323 3.6413 5.3095 3.9684
Saudi Arabia8 5,712.95 1.70  18.95 -56.49 (Rial) 6.2128 3.7502 5.4684 4.0872
UAE – Abu Dhabi 9 3,059.35 5.93  28.01 -47.49 (Dirham) 6.0848 3.6730 5.3557 4.0030
UAE – Dubai10 2,040.18 6.25  24.68 -72.42 (Dirham) 6.0848 3.6730 5.3557 4.0030
Yemen n/a n/a - n/a n/a (Rial) 339.638 205.015 298.943 223.437

1 Bahrain Stock Exchange – All Shares Index. 2 Tehran Stock Exchange – Tepix Index. 3 Iraq Stock Exchange – ISX Price Index. 4 Amman Stock Exchange Index.
5 Kuwait Stock Exchange Index. 6 Muscat Securities Market – MSM 30 Index. 7 Doha Securities Market – DSM 20 Index. 8 Tadawul All Shares Index.
9 Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange. 10 Dubai Financial Market.

Sources: Cross-border Information, Hastings. Financial Times, London.


Risk management report Saudi Arabia

GSN Risk Grade — C/2: Economy forecast to contract before 2010 recovery; Sultan still expected home

Political and social developments Economic and commercial outlook

Overview: The giant of the Gulf Co-operation Council has huge Overview: Saudi Arabia will remain the world’s largest oil exporter, but
hydrocarbons and financial resources, but also a large, predominantly youthful, diversifying the economy away from dependency on crude has been a focus,
population (of 20m-plus) and a gaping wealth gap between the political and particularly while the Kingdom’s coffers have been benefitting from rising oil
business elite, grouped around the ruling Al-Saud family, and other social prices. The oil price boom has created huge business opportunities as private
groups, which include a poor underclass in major cities as well as in isolated sector participation is sought in developing a number of sectors, including real
regions. The polity founded by Ibn Saud is formed of strategic alliances with estate, industry and tourism. Massive industrial and financial cities are
a variety of tribal, economic and other groupings – notably with the Wahhabi planned. Infrastructure development is a priority and includes expanding the
religious establishment. The predominance of religious thinking in the railway system as well as increasing the capacity of all ports. Saudi officials
country that hosts Islam’s holiest places is reflected in all facets of Saudi life, remain bullish on the country’s path through the global recession. But there
from attitudes to women or banking to the violent jihadist cells which profess are questions about the extent of project spending, with considerable
loyalty to Al-Qaeda. King Abdullah has led a campaign to curb ultra-radical speculation that the economic cities programme will be cut back. Investors’
preaching and teach tolerance. A reduction in tensions could help the Al- appetite for privately financed infrastructure has waned, putting even more
Saud to stay in power for decades more; the family is calculated to number pressure on the (admittedly huge) state exchequer and local banks, which are
some 7,000 princes on the official state payroll, and is present across being called up to provide more long-term and complex facilities than
government, business and society, underpinning a unique political system. before.
Elections: In Q2 09, the Saudi authorities postponed municipal elections Samba forecast: Samba Financial Group said in its mid-year review that the
that were due to take place later this year. According to the state news agency Kingdom’s economic performance has been subdued during H1 09 – due to
SPA, the cabinet decided to extend the mandate of the current municipal dislocations in the global financial markets and lower export demand – but
councils for two years after hearing a report on the first municipal council that the non-oil economy has been supported by robust government
elections in 2005 from Municipal and Rural Affairs Minister Prince Mitab spending, and the economy is set to contract before making a recovery in
Bin Abdelaziz. SPA said the government wanted to give time to “expand the 2010. Negative real GDP growth is expected as a result of oil production
participation of citizens in the management of local affairs” and to draft new cuts; the non-oil economy should witness expansion of 2.3% (partly due to
regulations for the councils toward this goal. Prince Mitab’s son, Mansour, is public sector growth), but this will be offset by a contraction in oil output.
Saudi Electoral Commission chairman. The 2005 elections were covered Samba forecasts a 13% cut to output. The economy is expected to shrink by
extensively in GSN 753/1. Rights activists have said the decision to delay is 1.2% in 2009, from 4.5% growth in 2008.
a setback to their push to open the Kingdom’s politics to the people.
Bank deposits: A recent report by BMG Financial Group has said that total
Crown Prince Sultan: King Abdullah said in May that Crown Prince deposits with Saudi banks grew to SR916bn by June 2009, partly due to
Sultan had recovered from surgery and would return home by July and that banks trying to attract more deposits as interbank lending tightened.
he was expected to return within six weeks. As yet, there have been no
Inflation: Inflation in the Kingdom fell to 4.2% in July, down from 5.2% in
concrete signs that he is preparing to come home, with one report speculating
June. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (Sama) has said that money supply
that his trip may be reviewed following the attempted murder of Assistant
growth in the Kingdom grew 14.2% in July, up from 10.9% in June. Sama’s
Interior Minister Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef by a terrorist. Sultan has
foreign assets declined for the eighth consecutive month to SR1.4trn as the
recently been seen receiving visits from Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin
value of the agency’s foreign investments fell.
Rashid Al-Maktoum, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Jordanian
King Abdullah II. Investor friendly: The World Bank has named Saudi Arabia the easiest place
in the region to do business, and the 13th most accessible in the world. This
Prince attacked: Assistant Interior Minister Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef
is the fifth consecutive year that the World Bank has ranked the Kingdom as
survived an assassination attempt by a wanted Saudi militant who pretended
the best place to do business in the Middle East. The Saudi Arabian General
he wanted to surrender but blew himself up. Yemen-based Saudi militant
Investment Authority plans to make the Kingdom one of the top ten foreign
Abdullah Hassan Tali Assiri had got in touch with authorities, saying he
investment locations by 2010.
wanted to turn himself in to Prince Mohammed, who received him at his
Jeddah home; during the meeting Assiri said that other Saudi militants in Power: Saudi Electricity Company has approved the award of SR7.64bn
Yemen were keen to surrender but wanted safe passage. According to a Saudi ($2.03bn) worth of contracts, out of the SR80bn it plans to spend by 2012.
government statement, the militants wanted to hear this from the prince SEC said generation capacity would increase by around 13,000MW – it
himself, and while Mohammed was on the phone, Assiri blew himself up. currently produces some 37,000MW. It said recently that it would issue
The prince was only lightly injured. Islamic bonds worth around SR5bn to help fund expansion.

SAUDI ARABIA: Rub Al-Khali exploration SAUDI ARABIA: Key data and forecasts
SOME SUCCESS: In early August the Saudi Aramco-Shell partnership, South Rub Al-
Khali Company, announced it had tested promising quantities of gas and liquids at ($bn unless otherwise stated)
its fourth exploration well in the Rub Al-Khali. Aramco described the gas as sour, 2004 2005 2006 2007e 2008f
adding that condensate liquids of up to 25bbls per 1m ft3 of gas could also be Nominal GDP 250.7 315.8 349.1 374.5 413.5
produced, making the project more economical. An official said: “This test is the
Real GDP growth (%) 5.3 6.1 4.3 4.1 4.4
first step in understanding the potential of the field… further assessment will be
needed before embarking on a development plan.” The partnership has been CPI inflation (%, avg) 0.4 0.7 2.2 4.1 5.4
exploring in nine blocks in two parts in the Empty Quarter. Overall fiscal balance (% of GDP) 11.4 18.4 21.5 12.6 12.2
CONTRACTS: Aramco may award two contracts this month for gas projects worth Hydrocarbon exports (% exports) 87.9 89.5 89.5 88.5 88.5
$6.9bn. Contractors are competing to provide project management and early Gross government debt (% GDP) 65.4 40.9 29.0 18.8 11.5
engineering on the projects at the onshore site of the Manifa offshore oil field and Current account balance (% GDP) 20.7 28.5 27.4 22.2 20.1
at the Shaybah field in the Empty Quarter desert. Both projects are aimed at Gross official reserves 27.3 26.5 30.8 36.8 41.1
increasing gas output given that Saudi demand, particularly from the SAMA net foreign assets 86.4 150.3 221.1 294.3 345
petrochemicals and industrial sectors, is rising. The Kingdom has the world’s
fourth-largest proven gas reserves at 267tr ft3.
Sources: Pantera Capital Management


Syria Risk management report

GSN Risk Grade — D/4: Diplomatic flurry as Syria plays regional interventionist role

Political and social developments Economic and commercial outlook

Overview: Once seen as a pariah state, and still subject to US and European Overview: Syria is in its tenth five-year economic reform programme,
Union sanctions for its relations with what the West considers terrorist prompted by a need to diversify away from dependence on oil income, and
organisations, Syria is, however, slowly emerging from political isolation. to tackle the demands of 340,000 nationals who join the workforce annually.
Relations with the US have improved in recent months, marked by the The government is keen to talk about reform, but the economy remains
reappointment of an ambassador to Damascus and a goodwill gesture to problematic, maintaining the ‘socialist benefits of centralised planning’ while
partly lift sanctions. Its relationship with Europe is also improving and a aiming to introduce market reforms. Inflation has quadrupled in the last year.
renewed trade association agreement is pending. Syria scored a number of Despite US and EU sanctions, Syria has been fairly successful in attracting
political points following its recent successful mediation between Iran and Gulf and other investors. Syria is opening up its financial system to foreign
France. But domestically, President Bashar Al-Assad still has a number of investors, and there is a growing appetite among Syrian investors to inject
reforms to implement, including improving human rights, and easing the money into foreign entities.
totalitarian style and corrupt practices of the ruling Arab Socialist Baath Party.
Chinese interest: State-owned Sinochem Corporation has agreed a £532m
EU ties: Relations with the EU appear to be improving. President Assad is ($878m) takeover of Emerald Energy to gain access to the UK-listed oil and
being rewarded for increasingly good behaviour, such as Syria’s lack of gas explorer’s operations in Syria and Colombia. Sinochem president Han
interference in recent parliamentary elections in Lebanon, a neighbouring Gensheng said:“Emerald’s Syrian and Colombian assets have attractive growth
country with which it has a troubled history. EU member states froze the potential and, by bringing Emerald into the Sinochem group, will reinforce
EU-Syria trade association agreement in 2005 following the assassination of our position in the Middle East and South America.” Emerald’s assets in Syria
Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri, which many blamed on Syria. A UN include a 50% stake in Block 26, in which Gulfsands Petroleum also has 50%
investigation into the case is ongoing (GSN 849/19), but it appears to have and is operator (GSN 851/12). In August China’s Sinopec International
been sidelined as an issue as Syria’s mediating role in the Middle East takes Petroleum and Production Corporation (SIPC), a subsidiary of the Sinopec
precedence. EU commissioner for external relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner Group, also established SIPC (Syria) Ltd to replace Dublin International
said recently that the EU was close to agreeing an offer of closer to ties to Petroleum, a subsidiary of Canada’s Tanganyika Oil Company that was taken
Syria. But the agreement is believed to be held up by Dutch concerns about over by SIPC at the end of 2008. These investments complement Syrian-
Syria’s human rights record. Syria is nevertheless being wooed by the EU. Chinese diplomatic efforts. China’s special envoy to the Middle East,Wu Sike,
Spain’s foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, whose country takes over was in Damascus recently, his second visit to Syria since June.
the EU presidency in January, was in Damascus this month expressing his
Gulfsands update: Alternative Investment Market-listed Gulfsands
support for increased partnership with the EU. UK Foreign and
Petroleum has said that cumulative gross oil production from the Khurbet
Commonwealth Affairs Minister Ivan Lewis also visited Syria recently,
East field at Block 26 has passed 4m bbls. Drilling operations have been
holding talks with Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moallem concerning Syria’s
completed at Khurbet East 12 (KHE-12) and flow-testing operations are
role in pursuing peace in the region. This follows Al-Moallem’s summer visit
planned to determine the fluids that will be produced. Gulfsands said
to London and his meeting with UK Foreign Minister David Miliband.
Yousefieh-1 well in Block 26 is now being completed for future production.
Iraqi relations: Tensions are high between Syria and Iraq following the 19 Yousefieh-2 appraisal well flowed oil to surface at an average rate of 139 b/d.
August bomb attacks in Baghdad that killed at least 95 people. Iraqi officials Yousefieh-3 appraisal well is being spudded (GSN 852/11).
blame the attacks on Sunni Islamist Al-Qaeda militants and members of
Qatar investments: According to Syrian Finance Minister Mohammed Al-
former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein’s banned Baath party believed to be in
Hussein, who was quoted in Doha-based Arabic daily Asharq, Qatari
Syria. Iraq wants Syria to hand over the suspected insurgents. Both countries,
investments in Syria are expected to reach $12bn over the next few years. A
which have only recently begun to strengthen fragile ties, have recalled their
number of Qatari banks and insurance companies have Syrian units. Qatar
ambassadors. Iraq has also put thousands of extra police on the Syrian border.
National Bank Syria (QNBS), a private Syrian-Qatari bank owned 49% by
The country’s co-operation is seen as vital for securing parts of northern Iraq,
Qatar National Bank (QNB), announced on 15 August that its initial public
such as Mosul, where violence is prevalent. Among the most senior members
offering (IPO) for 34% of the bank’s equity (3.4m shares) was oversubscribed.
of the Baath party believed to be in Syria are Mohammed Younis Al-Ahmed,
“The public offering eventually raised S£4.6bn through the oversubscription
and followers of Izzat Ibrahim Al-Douri, Saddam’s number two, whose
of the 3.4m shares available,” QNBS said. With headquarters in Damascus,
whereabouts are unknown. There are 1.2m Iraqi refugees in Syria.
the unit is capitalised at S£5bn ($108.2m) and is expected to begin
Military change: Following a rumoured attempted coup, the President’s operations in Q4 offering retail, corporate, investment and private banking
powerful brother-in-law Assef Shawkat is said to have been removed as head services. It plans to open two branches in Damascus in the first year of
of military intelligence and replaced by Major General Abdelfattah Qudsiyah. operation.

SYRIA: Selected economic indicators SYRIA: French saviour

OVERVIEW: Syria’s assistance to France in gaining the release of an embassy
($m unless otherwise stated) 2005 2006 2007e 2008f 2009f employee and French academic, both on trial in Tehran, is seen as a sign that
President Bashar Al-Assad is positioning himself as vital to creating peace in the
Nominal GDP ($bn) 28.6 33.5 40.6 55.2 50.7
region, particularly with countries such as Iran, Iraq and Israel. But, Syria still has a
Real GDP growth (%) 4.5 5.1 4.2 5.2 3.9 long way to go before completely shedding its pariah status – there are a number of
CPI inflation (%, avge) 7.2 10.4 4.7 14.5 8.0 domestic reforms to be implemented, and external relations with militant Iraqi groups
Crude oil production (‘000 b/d) 431 400 380 380 371 and Lebanon’s militant Islamist group Hizbollah are cause for concern. Nevertheless,
Syria’s recent moves are positive and may show that the international community
Government finance overall (% of GDP) -4.5 -1.2 -3.4 -3.5 -3.1
has changed its tactic – rather than isolating Iran, it can engage it through Syria.
Current account balance (% of GDP) -2.2 -2.8 -3.3 -4.1 -3.7
SCORING POINTS: Syria was among countries that provided support to help free Nazak
Balance of payments ($bn) 0.0 -0.8 0.7 -0.4 0.3 Afshar, a French-Iranian citizen who was a defendant in a mass trial of protestors
Total population (m) 19.3 20.4 20.8 21.3 21.8 against the recent re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. French
of which: Iraqi immigrants 0.9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 academic Clotilde Reiss, also on trial, was released on bail. French President Nicolas
Sarkozy has strengthened ties with Damascus in recent months, visiting the country
Sources: IMF Article IV report, February 2009 twice.


GSN view

Coming to terms with Dubai’s debt – even if it’s bigger than you think
Attempts to reassure world markets that the emirate’s debt is no more than Perhaps a better measure of their financial health would be their levels of non-
$80bn have been overshadowed by the revelation that Dubai World alone owes performing loans (NPLs), which already exceed 1% at Emirates NBD. The full
$59.3bn. Last November, Emaar Properties chairman Mohammed Ali Alabbar picture of NPLs will probably only emerge in the January 2010 reporting period.
– for long a key ally of UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Chief financial officer Sanjay Uppal in July said that Emirates NBD’s NPLs could
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum (MBR) – attempted to reassure peak at 2.5% in 2010. In early August, Moody’s Investors Service said the
financial markets that Dubai’s debt was no more than $80bn. It now appears bank’s rating had been placed on review for possible downgrade – it was
the figure is higher. Dubai World’s indebtedness was revealed by its property concerned about future corporate defaults and delinquencies from retail lending.
subsidiary Nakheel Development Ltd, which had to disclose basic financial
Alabbar’s $80bn debt figure didn’t include the debt of Dubai Holding since its
information on its parent company under its obligations in a $3.5bn sukuk that
assets and liabilities are substantially MBR’s personal holdings. Dubai World
is due in December. This showed Dubai World’s debt on 31 December 2008
looks in better shape than Dubai Holding: it shows total assets of nearly $100bn
was $59.3bn, according to a statement on Nasdaq Dubai.
against total liabilities of nearly $60bn, while Dubai Holding’s assets were
Alabbar reckoned Dubai’s $80bn debt included $10bn of sovereign debt, thus $46.7bn against liabilities of $36.6bn. Dubai World thus has net assets of around
putting the debt of government-related enterprises (GREs) at $70bn. But with $40bn, compared with Dubai Holding’s $10bn. Meanwhile, Dubai’s sovereign
Dubai World now accounting for nearly $60bn of the debt, there is just $10bn debt is not disclosed. Standard & Poor’s, while accepting Alabbar’s figure of
to be accounted for. In March, Emirates Group (including Dnata) had liabilities $10bn, reckons it will have reached $25bn by 2011 – and there are some big
of $4.2bn. In February, Borse Dubai signed a $2.5bn loan facility to refinance bills to pay. The overall cost of the non-profit making Dubai Metro project –
a $3.8bn term loan and guarantee facility. In April, Dubai Electricity and Water launched on 9 September – had increased by some 80% from $4.2bn to $7.6bn.
Authority (DEWA) agreed a deal with 18 banks for a borrowing facility of $2.2bn
It seems MBR is unbothered by the scale of Dubai’s – and his – debt. According
to enable it to refinance its loan ahead of its due date. The DEWA refinancing
to the official WAM news agency, MBR told a business gathering at his Zaabeel
came on the heels of a $600m Ijara raised by Dubai Department of Civil
Palace earlier this month that the global financial crisis was but “a passing
Aviation to repay its $1bn debt. The Dubai government is itself exposed to
cloud” that would not linger despite pessimistic speculation. WAM further
additional debt via its investments. Investment Corporation of Dubai holds a
reported that the gathering described the current situation as nothing more than
31.22% stake in Emaar, which reported $6.5bn-plus total liabilities at end-2008.
a “storm in a cup” [sic] and was “confident in the sound, swift measures taken
Then there are the government-owned banks, Emirates NBD and Dubai by leadership and government of the UAE to overcome the slowdown”.
Islamic Bank, with more than $76bn and $19bn of liabilities respectively. Whatever size the debt, apparently.

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