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Special Announcement On Liberation Of Planet Earth!! Whole Galaxy C...

�e Yellow Ray


LI BER ATION... 2023

Special Announcement On Liberation Of

Planet Earth!! Whole Galaxy Celebrates Great
Victory… Upcoming Solar Flash Will Finish
�e Job!! – Archangel Miguel Update
By indianin

1 von 4 16.11.2023, 23:49

Special Announcement On Liberation Of Planet Earth!! Whole Galaxy C...

�e Yellow Ray



I am Archangel Michael, I greet you and bless you. Well my beloveds,

tonight I wanted to join in the great celebration of Father Mother, for
this great fact that has happened and that highlights all the e�ort that
the forces of light have made to �ght to evacuate and liberate this

�e planet is liberated, yes, from all the dark forces that call, from
those demons that were here incarnate, or from the dimensional
planes. All of them have le� the planet, taken to the Father of Mercy
Edict and evicted the entire sector of this system.

What if I want to hug them beloved, this does not give absolute
protection to beings, humans. Of course, it greatly reduces all those
attacks from the control centers they had, because there is no such
control anymore. But remember my beloved, that the human mind is
creative, it has programs installed, there is what we have called the
darkness in every being that can still generate evil, and can generate
negative energies in other beings.

If we celebrate with bombs this great news, what has been the great
Victory and is the great news across the Galaxy. Because it is a relevant
fact, unprecedented that we had always longed for, that a�er so much
struggle, so much e�ort, so much �ghting them in their caves, in all
the places where they were, in their bunkers. �ey gave up and le� this

But what I told them is that darkness remains. �ere is darkness in the
human being that needs to be evicted. Remember that, only
sometimes by just looking at someone with annoyance, with anger,
and your mind suppresses a negative energy that keeps you there

2 von 4 16.11.2023, 23:49

Special Announcement On Liberation Of Planet Earth!! Whole Galaxy C...

irritated, your emotional body altered. �at is so true.

�e Yellow Ray
�erefore, my beloved, I say to you, yes, keep protecting yourselves,
con�dent, secure. But the most important thing is that the earth and
the planet in general has been liberated and so it can continue its
complete ascension process. �ere’s no more that detention we had
before, because we had to be forced to �ght and evict them all.

I also say to you my beloved, there they are, there are the clones,
creations of them, the dark ones. �ere they are still, but they will go
fading as we have already told them, slowly they are dying, they will go
mermando and when the big �ash comes, all that darkness that is still
le� in the minds of men, all those clones, that are not designed to
withstand those high frequencies of light, they will weaken and shut

I say to you my beloved, always stay protected with all the assistance
that the beings of the Blue Ray give you. �e important and great news
is this.

Liberated the Planet at last, liberated, liberated, freed from the

in�uence and evil that those oppressors kept society, the planet,
mankind enslaved. Now we only need every being, every human to be
free from their own slavery. For we may have freed them from this
slavery, but every human being keeps those programming and always
holds them hostage to their own thoughts and beliefs.

Everyone free yourself internally, release that darkness within you. As

Lady told them nothing, to get rid of that darkness with the light. For
this planet to really step into this new dimensional stadium. To this
new golden age of light and love that already manifests, is already
manifesting on a planetary level, waiting of course, that the events for
the great solar �ash to end and once and for all release the human, to
become those beings of light.

Remember to do your own internal work, so all this energy from that
mental slavery, can free you too.

3 von 4 16.11.2023, 23:49

Special Announcement On Liberation Of Planet Earth!! Whole Galaxy C...

I love them and this was the information I wanted to give you tonight.
�e Yellow Ray
Keep yourselves protected too. All these energies are gone from the
planet, all those beings that kept them suppressed. But free yourselves
from your own darkness.

I love you, I am Archangel Michael.

I bless you all greatly. Blessings to All.

Emanuel y Pastora – ServiUm

Montaña Sagrada de ERKS 14/11/2023

IITM: I’m pretty stoked about this message… including the victory,
that doesn’t seem anywhere to be found, and yet several messages are
coming to earth, to say this is so. So, will the clones go ‘poof’ as was
suggested for years, by Patrick Bellringer and Sananda at I do believe so.

4 von 4 16.11.2023, 23:49

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