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TIA Portal Openness:

Referencing the
dlls and Assembly
TIA Portal Openness Industry
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Assembly Resolve
Entry-ID: 109815895, V1.0.1, 02/2023 2
Table of contents

Table of contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Problem Assembly Resolve ................................................................. 4
2 Solution with NuGet Package ........................................................................... 5
2.1 Installation of the NuGet Package ........................................................ 5
2.2 Add Siemens Engineering references .................................................. 6
2.3 Assembly Resolve ................................................................................ 7
3 Solution without NuGet Package ..................................................................... 8
3.1 Add Siemens Engineering references .................................................. 8
3.2 Assembly Resolve ................................................................................ 9
4 Property "Copy Local" of the Siemens.Engineering.dll .............................. 11
5 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Service and support ........................................................................... 12
5.2 Industry Mall ....................................................................................... 13
5.3 Links and literature ............................................................................. 13
5.4 Application support ............................................................................. 13
5.5 Change documentation ...................................................................... 14
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Assembly Resolve
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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
This application example shows how to include the Siemens Engineering refer-
ences required for TIA Portal Openness in the project and program code how to
load the suitable assembly version of the references on the computer via Assembly
Resolve at runtime.

Thus, the developed program uses the appropriate version of the Siemens Engi-
neering references and loads the references needed for execution at runtime. This
also allows the program to run with a newer TIA Portal version, even though an
older version was used to create it.

In the following chapters 2 Solution with NuGet Package and 3 Solution without
NuGet Package you will find two solutions for adding the Siemens.Engineering.dlls
and loading with Assembly Resolve. In chapter 2 the usage of an assembly resolv-
er standardized by Siemens is explained and should preferably be used. Chapter 3
describes exemplarily how you can create your own assembly resolver.

1.1 Problem Assembly Resolve

Excerpt from the Openness manual
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Build the TIA Portal Openness program code to register on the AssemblyResolve
event as early as possible. Encapsulate access to TIA Portal in an additional object
or method.

Care must be taken when resolving the engineering assembly with an assembly
resolver method. If types from the engineering assembly are used before the as-
sembly resolver has been registered, the program crashes. This is because the
just-in-time translator (JIT translator) does not translate a method until it needs to
execute it. For example, if types of an engineering assembly are used in "Main",
the JIT translator tries to translate "Main" while the program is running. This fails
because the JIT translator does not know where to find the engineering assembly.
Registering the assembly resolver in Main does not change this. The method must
run and be translated before the assembly resolver can be registered.

The solution to this problem is to place the business logic that uses types from the
Siemens Engineering assembly in a separate method. In doing so, the separate
method uses only types that the JIT translator already understands. This example
uses a method that returns "void", has no parameters, and contains all business
logic. Now "Main" is successfully translated by the JIT translator because it under-
stands all types in Main.

When RunTiaPortal() is called during runtime, the assembly resolver is already reg-
istered. So the JIT translator knows where the Siemens Engineering Assembly is
located when trying to find the types of the Business Logic.

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2 Solution with NuGet Package

2 Solution with NuGet Package

2.1 Installation of the NuGet Package

The following is an example of adding a package using the Microsoft Visual Studio
NuGet package manager. It will install e. g. the package for the Assembly Resolve.

Right-click on your project in Visual Studio (1) and select the entry "Manage NuGet
Packages..." (2).

Figure 2-1 Manage NuGet Packages

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First select "" (3) in "Package source" and then search for
"Siemens.Collaboration.Net.TiaPortal.Openness.Resolver" (4) for the assembly re-

Then click on "Install" (5) to install the package.

Figure 2-2 Installation of the Package

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2 Solution with NuGet Package

2.2 Add Siemens Engineering references

To use the TIA Portal Openness API the Siemens.Engineering.dll from the
PublicAPI directory of the TIA Portal installation must be added to the project.
Depending on the type of project, install one of the two packages in the project as
described in 2.1.
• Openness Clients, package name:
• TIA Add-In, package name:

As package version select the corresponding TIA Portal main version for which the
application should be created. So e.g. for TIA Portal V18 choose the package ver-
sion 18.*.

With the help of the packages the Siemens.Engineering reference from one of two
locations is automatically referenced in the project:
• Environment variable TiaPortalLocation.
Define an environment variable in which the path to the TIA Portal installation is
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Figure 2-3 Environment variable TiaPortalLocation

• Windows Registry
The installation directory is read from the Windows Registry.

After the installation of the according package, the Siemens.Engineering reference

is automatically referenced in the project and the copy to output directory (Copy
Local) is disabled (see chapter 4).

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2 Solution with NuGet Package

2.3 Assembly Resolve

The assembly resolver must be installed before accessing Siemens.Engineering
classes, e.g., when starting the app. Call the following method to install the assem-
bly resolver.



static void Main(string[] args)



private static void RunTiaPortal()

var tiaPortal = new TiaPortal(TiaPortalMode.WithUserInterface);

The resolver checks the following locations in order to find and load the Sie-
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mens.Engineering.dlls on the user’s computer:

• the registry for TIA Portal installations
• running processes
• Environment variable 'TiaPortalLocation'.

It collects all found Siemens.Engineering references and automatically resolves the

correct assembly. For example, the application was created with TIA Openness
V16, at runtime TIA Portal V17 is found. The resolver will automatically resolve the
V16 assembly from the V17 installation. This behavior can be changed by specify-
ing an assembly selector:

assemblies => assemblies.First());

In this example, assemblies is the list of all found Siemens.Engineering assem-

blies, ordered by version. In this case the newest version is selected, or a fixed TIA
Portal version e.g. by

Api.Global.Openness().Initialize(tiaMajorVersion: 16);

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3 Solution without NuGet Package

3 Solution without NuGet Package

3.1 Add Siemens Engineering references
The following is an example of how to add a reference in Microsoft Visual Studio.
Right-click on the "Dependencies" of your project (1) and select the "Add Assembly
Reference..." entry (2).

Figure 3-1 Add Siemens Engineering references

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Now select the Siemens.Engineering.dll from the directory "

<TiaPortalInstallation>\PublicAPI\VXX". Then set the value "Copy Local" to "No"
(see chapter 4).

Figure 3-2 Disable Copy Local

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3 Solution without NuGet Package

3.2 Assembly Resolve

For Assembly Resolve to work correctly, the property "Copy Local" of the
Siemens.Engineering.dll must be set to "False".

CAUTION See chapter 4 Property “Copy Local”

Before an openness function is used, the assembly resolver must be registered.

This must not be done in the same method in which the first openness access is

Also note that the following program code is compilable only from C# 8.0. There-
fore, it is recommended to use the SDK-style project format in your Microsoft Visual
Studio project. This will allow you to change the <LangVersion> to Latest in the
.csproj file to use the latest C# version in your project.

First, a new project is created in Microsoft Visual Studio, such as a Class Library
with .NET Standard. Then the .csproj file looks like this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

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Adjust this to:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



In the Main method of the developed program, a method MyResolver is registered
to the AssemblyResolve event. MyResolver is thus executed when the resolution of
a reference is necessary at runtime, such as when the loading of Sie-
mens.Engineering.dll is required.

Assembly Resolve
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3 Solution without NuGet Package

static void Main(string[] args)

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += MyResolver;

private static void RunTiaPortal()

var tiaPortal = new TiaPortal(TiaPortalMode.WithUserInterface);

private static Assembly MyResolver(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)

string siemensEngineeringDllName = "Siemens.Engineering";
string subKeyName = @"SOFTWARE\Siemens\Automation\Openness";

var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(args.Name);

if (!assemblyName.Name.StartsWith(siemensEngineeringDllName)) return null;

using var regBaseKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine,

using var opennessBaseKey = regBaseKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);

using var registryKeyLatestTiaVersion = opennessBaseKey?


var requestedVersionOfAssembly = assemblyName.Version.ToString();

© Siemens AG 2023 All rights reserved

using var assemblyVersionSubKey = registryKeyLatestTiaVersion


var siemensEngineeringAssemblyPath = assemblyVersionSubKey?


if (siemensEngineeringAssemblyPath == null
|| !File.Exists(siemensEngineeringAssemblyPath)) return null;

var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(siemensEngineeringAssemblyPath);

return assembly;

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4 Property "Copy Local" of the Siemens.Engineering.dll

4 Property "Copy Local" of the Sie-

To trigger the assembly resolution for the Siemens.Engineering reference, the ref-
erence must not be located in the directory of the application. If this is the case, the
reference is already loaded from the directory of the application and no assembly
Resolve is called. To prevent this, the property "Copy Local" of the Sie-
mens.Engineering.dll must be set to "False".

Figure 4-1 Copy Local = False

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5 Appendix

5 Appendix
5.1 Service and support
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Our range of services includes the following:
• Plant data services
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Online Support" APP. The app is available for iOS and Android:

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5 Appendix

5.2 Industry Mall

The Siemens Industry Mall is the platform on which the entire siemens Industry
product portfolio is accessible. From the selection of products to the order and the
delivery tracking, the Industry Mall enables the complete purchasing processing –
directly and independently of time and location:

5.3 Links and literature

Table 5-1
No. Topic
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
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\2\ Link to this entry page of this application example

5.4 Application support

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Digital Industries
Frauenauracher Str. 80
D- 91056 Erlangen, Germany

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5 Appendix

5.5 Change documentation

Table 5-2
Version Date Modifications
V1.0 01/2023 First version
V1.0.1 02/2023 Version with NuGet package: Add another code example
with a Main method and the Initialize() method.

Version without NuGet package: Information that the sample

code only works as of C# 8.0
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