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Considering a year off-time between the school and university for some young students has
some pros and cons which I strongly believe the pros outweighs.

(Body I)
As the min advantage, this approach gives an additional time to the student to have
wonderfully spare and fun time with the family and other people. It is felt as a highly grateful
interval for a student who has been studying overtly in school without any gap which is needed
for anybody in life.
Also, student can essentially determine his needs and demands for future. She/he needs to
make some useful plans for life and career. Studying continuously could not give enough
opportunity to the student in order to prepare himself for his life time.

(Body II)
While the student can deal with his (her) dreams and take some rest with lovely family
members, I strongly believe that she (he) is losing the cognitively organized mind that has been
oriented in the education school environment. Getting off from continuous studying results in
tragically educational deprivation and confusing for student who has not enough experience
and knowledge to face with main challenges and find powerful solutions or adaptation
procedures in her (his) life. Certainly, she (he) cannot maintain the educational consistency in
her/his young time of life. Consequently, the important decisions for the life will be postponed
and probably forgotten.

In summary, one-year off-time in the most important interval of the student’s life is a highly
inconsistent and devastating drop-off in her (his) lively running life rather than a useful pause
by which some effective consequence would be obtained.

265 words

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