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The Code of Ethics for my intended vocation interfaces with the framework of justice because it

brings economic justice to those who are careful with their finances and have to be careful with
their finances. It also follows through with the selected principles of Catholic Social Teaching I
have selected in the following slide because it gives economic justice to those who need it the

q The dignity of the human person

My vocation follows this principle because the vocation acknowledges that every person is
created in God’s image and his likeness and, because of that, is worthy of respect.

q Respect for human life

My vocation follows this principle because the vocation does acknowledge that human
life is precious and, therefore, worthy of living to the fullest.

q The principle of association

My vocation does not follow this principle because my planned vocation has a highly
competitive atmosphere, where human connection is not as valued as intellectual

q The principle of participation

My vocation follows this principle because my intended work in my vocation involves
making products and services to serve the common good.

q Preferential option for the poor

My vocation follows this principle because my intended work in my vocation serves poor people
first and foremost.

q The principle of solidarity

My vocation does not follow this principle because one of the unintended effects of my
vocation is increased consumerism and, therefore more waste, which does not show
care for our Common home.

q The principle of stewardship

My vocation does not follow this principle because, as stated in why it does not work for
the former principle, my vocation contributes to climate change.

q The principle of subsidiarity

My vocation does not follow this principle because the government is not actively
involved in my vocation, even though, they, generally, oversee the functions of my
intended vocation.

q Human equality
My vocation follows this principle because it levels the playing field for people from all
socioeconomic backgrounds.

q The Common Good

My vocation follows this principle because it serves the Common Good for me to succeed in my
chosen vocation and level the socioeconomic playing field for people from all backgrounds.

The code of ethics for my intended vocation in a corporate position follows through with the
social justice issue of Environmental Concern, even though, personally, my work would not
abide well with it. My personal work encourages consumerism, which contributes to increased
waste. Many business executives believe climate change is the world’s largest problem and are
slowly coming to grips with how their corporations contribute to the issue. Particularly,
Amazon’s prominence as an e-commerce giant is part of the huge reason that paper and
paperboard waste are the leading sources of solid waste material. Even though the code of
ethics for a corporate position includes environmental concern, working for a company, like
Amazon, would run counter to that particular part of the code of ethics for a corporate position.
However, technology companies could introduce product recycling programs, like Apple does
for their tech products, to decrease their carbon footprint. I, personally, do not envision myself
as a corporate executive, but, if that were the case, I would try to introduce product recycling
programs, like Apple, and put some of the recycled product(s)’ value towards future purchases
from the company.

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