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5 differentes betreten German and US schools

. When the elementary, the middle or high school starts. It differs from the German school
system. Elementary schools in the US are till the 5th grade, middle schools till the 8th
grade and the high schools lasts the another for years.
. The subjects in the US. You can choose the ones you want. In Germany you have fixed
. There is a curtain dress code in US school, they don’t call it a dress code though. It’s more
like flexible rules. In Germany you can wear anything you want, but you have to make sure
it’s appropriate.
. If you’re sick in Germany, you just go to a doctor and he gives you a paper that allows you
to miss a day in the school. In America you can only miss five days. If you miss more than
five days, you’ll get in detention for each day you’ve missed.
. The grading is different. In America they use letters from A to F, A stays for the best grade
and the F for failure.

Which school system would I choose?

I like the German system more because it’s what I’m used to. There are many things that I would
like to change, but in general, I think the German system makes more sense than the American
one. American schools have also many benefits though. Like lunchtime in cafeteria or the ability
to choose the school subjects that you’re interested in.

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