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INTR 1020 Final Reflection Prompts

1. You began this course by exploring your future career and creating a Weebly page that
described the qualifications and skills necessary to be successful in that career. In 3-5,
well written sentences tell us what career you chose and why you want to follow this
path. What is your motivation? If your choice no longer attracts you, what alternative
are you considering and why do you think this is a better match?

The career I chose was a pediatrician. I want to follow this path because I want to pursue a
career in medicine that specializes in pediatrics. My motivation to pursue a career in pediatrics
stems from my love that I have for children and my desire to help children live to experience

2. In the second week you brought a set of notes to class and reviewed them with a
partner. Afterwards you revised them to make them more useful for learning. In 3-5,
well written sentences describe what changes you made to your notes and explain why
you found this helpful.

Ever since the second week of class, I have started taking my notes in different colors. This has
helped me become more aware of important terms and concepts. I have also begun to leave
space between my notes so that I can go back to add more information later when I review.
This is useful for when I go back to study because the different colors keeps me focused and not

3. In week 3 you came up with a degree plan. In 3-5, well written sentences describe what
you hope to achieve at UCBA and what plan to do after UCBA.

I hope to achieve a foundation understanding of biology. After UCBA I plan to transfer to the
main campus and pursue a masters. After completing my undergraduate, I will then go on to
graduate school, at a medical school.

4. In the fourth week you started doing research on your chemical substance. In 3-5, well
written sentences describe your compound and what you found out about it.

For my research, I was given the chemical, ethylene glycol. It is a synthesized chemical, meaning
it was man made. I found out that it is very common and has a sweet taste to it. It is also widely
used chemical among daily products including antifreeze, brake fluids, and ink.

5. In week 5, using Bloom’s Taxonomy levels as a guide, you wrote questions about the
chapter you had read in the Poisoner’s Handbook. Share with us your two best
questions and in 3-5, well written sentences say why you picked them.

My two best questions are, “Argue whether the chemicals were more beneficial or destructive
to society.” and, “Propose a way to decrease the use of the chemicals”. I picked these
questions because they require the most thinking and allow personal opinion. There are no
wrong or right answers to these questions.

6. In week 6 you did an assessment of an exam and reviewed how you had prepared for it.
In 3-5, well written sentences describe three study strategies you used that worked well
and tell us why they worked well, or describe three study strategies that you are going
to try for the next exam and tell us why you think they might help you prepare.

7. Threaded through the whole course has been the Poisoner’s Handbook. In 3-5, well
written sentences tell us what you enjoyed most about your chapter. What made the
case particularly interesting?

I enjoyed reading about the different cases the most. The underlying reasons for a person to
murder someone was not understood and it was interesting to read the different theories of
why the murder was carried out. Also, it was interesting because carbon monoxide is still a
modern issue today from the abundance of cars that are being driven.

8. Another piece of the course was creating an e-portfolio (Weebly) that allowed you to
build a professional online image as a UCBA student. In 3-5 well written sentences tell
us what pages you found particularly useful and why.

I found the degree plan to be the most useful because I am now able to see what my degree
consists of. Publishing the degree plan made me feel more prepared and helped me to know
what to expect.

9. And finally, in 5-8 well written sentences tell us what things you really enjoyed in the
course and why. What things should we definitely keep in for next semester?

I really enjoyed that talking and teamwork was encouraged. This helped me to create
friendships in and outside of the classroom. I also enjoyed that each week we were provided a
snack because it gave us a boost of energy for the class and made us look forward to beginning
class. Our weebly site was also something I really enjoyed because it helped me plan ahead and
utilize my resources. The website was also an outlet for my creativity. Next semester, keep in
the occasional ice breakers because not only were they fun, but they also allowed people to
open up and was a way for the whole class to meet new people.

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