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Tambulig National High School Tuluan Extension

Table of Specification in English 9

Third Quarter Examination
Cognitive Process Dimensions (Item Numbers)
Number of % of Sessions per Number of
Learning Competencies
Sessions Taught Competency Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

EN9V-IIId-29: Get familiar with the technical

vocabulary for drama and theatre (like stage 2 10% 4 1,2,3,11

9 17
EN9G-IIIc-21: Use verbals. 1 5% 2

7, 4,10,12, 5,13,14 18,19

EN9LT-IIIf-20.2: Explain the literary devices used 4 20% 9

23 8 24
EN9RC-IIId-20: Analyze one-act play 4 20% 3

EN9LC-IIIg-2.10: Share personal opinion about
1 5% 1
the ideas listened to

EN9G-IIIh-21: Use verbals. 2 10% 3

EN9LT-IIId-2.1.5: Express appreciation for
1 5% 1
33,34,35,36,37, 26,27,28,29,30
EN9G-IIId-21: Use verbals. 4 20% 16
38,39,40 ,31,32
EN9LT-IIIg-2.11: Determine tone, mood,
1 5% 1
technique, and purpose of the author

20 100% 40
Remembering The learner can recall information and retrieve relevant knowledge from long-term memory: identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat, reproduce.

Understanding The learner can construct meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages: interpret, exemplify, classify, summarize, infer, compare, explain, paraphrase, discuss
The learner can use information to undertake a procedure in familiar situations or in a new way: execute,implement, demonstrate, dramatize, interpret, solve, use,
illustrate, convert, discover
The learner can distinguish between parts and determine how they relate to one another, and to the overall structure and purpose: differentiate, distinguish,
compare, contrast, organize, outline, attribute, deconstruct
Evaluating The learner can make judgments and justify decisions: coordinate, measure, detect, defend, judge, argue, debate, critique, appraise, evaluate
The learner can put elements together to form a functional whole, create a new product or point of view: generate, hypothesize, plan, design, develop, produce,
construct, formulate, assemble, design, devise
Reference: D.O. No. 8 s. 2015

Prepared by:
JOLLY GAY O. TAUTO-AN Checked and Approved by:
School Head
Second Quarter Examination
Table of Specification in Science 7
Prepared by: Grade 7 Teachers
Cognitive Process Dimensions (Item Numbers)
Number of
% of Sessions Number of
Learning Competencies Sessions
per Competency Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

1. Identify parts of the microscope and their

3 6% 2 1, 2
functions (S7LT-IIa-1)

2. Focus specimen using compound

3 6% 2 3, 4
microscope (S7LT-Iib-2)

3. Describe the different levels of biological

organiazation from cell to biosphere (S7LT- 4 8% 2 5 6

4. Differentiate plant and animal cells

according to preszence or absence of 4 8% 2 7, 8
certain organelles (S7LT - IId-4)

5. Explain why cell is considered the basic

structural and functional unit of all organism 5 10% 3 9, 10 11

6. Identify beneficial and harmful 5 10% 3 12, 13 14

7. Differentiate asexual from sexual
microorganisms (S7LT-IIf-6)
reproduction in terms of:

7.1: number of
indiciduals involved 7 13% 4 15, 16, 17, 18
7.2: similarities
of offspring to parents (S7LT-IIg-7)
8. Describe the process of fertilization 5 10% 3 19, 20 21
9. Differentiate biotic from abiotic
3 6% 2 22, 23
components of an ecosystem

10. Describe the different ecological 5 10% 3 24, 25 26

relationships found in an ecosystem (S7LT-

11. Predict the effect of changes in one

population on other populations in the 4 8% 2 27 28
ecosystem (S7LT-Iii-11)

4 8% 2 29 30
12. Predict the effect of changes in abiotic
factors on the ecosystem (S7LT-Iij-12)
Total: 52 100% 30

The learner can recall information and retrieve relevant knowledge from long-term memory: identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat,
The learner can construct meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages: interpret, exemplify, classify, summarize, infer, compare, explain, paraphrase,
The learner can use information to undertake a procedure in familiar situations or in a new way: execute,implement, demonstrate, dramatize, interpret, solve,
use, illustrate, convert, discover
The learner can distinguish between parts and determine how they relate to one another, and to the overall structure and purpose: differentiate, distinguish,
compare, contrast, organize, outline, attribute, deconstruct
Evaluating The learner can make judgments and justify decisions: coordinate, measure, detect, defend, judge, argue, debate, critique, appraise, evaluate
The learner can put elements together to form a functional whole, create a new product or point of view: generate, hypothesize, plan, design, develop,
produce, construct, formulate, assemble, design, devise
Reference: D.O. No. 8 s. 2015

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