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OCTOBER 17-18,2019
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter which corresponds to the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.
___1. Many college students really want to become members of the elite group of student leaders so they try
their best to join the club no matter how hard the application process is.
A. Poor B. Influential C. Ordinary D. educated
___2. The exhausted employees look forward to their day off.
A. Duty B. Rest day C. Vacation D. recess
___3. The Girls Scout, Student Council, and The Pen, the school newspaper, are just some of her affinities.
A. Associations B. Resemblance C. Fans d. club
___4. A coup was launched by some groups to bring down the government which had become corrupt.
A. Feast day B. Rebellion C. Elections d. change
___5. One needs to use tact in pointing out another person’s mistakes.
A. Bluntness B. Flattery C. Courtesy d. wit
___6. This type of speech persuades others through logical reasoning and analysis.
A. Impromptu speech B. roast speech C. extemporaneous speech D. argumentative speech
___7. .“Animals have enough emotions and personalities.” How would you show politeness even though you
disagree with the statement? A.“You’re wrong!” B. “I respect you for that, but I do not agree with you”.
C “You talk nonsense. D. “That is outrageous”.
___8. .‘Do not compare yourself to others for there will always be lesser and greater persons that you are.”
Take a stand and affirm with Statement __________________.
A. “That’s absolutely correct!” C. “I respect you for that, but……”
B. “No doubt about it “ D. Both A & C
___9. In The Song of Roland, what is the cause of the “worldwide grief” represented by the darkness and the
f fierce storm described in the passage?
A. A. Count Roland’s eventual death C. The destruction of the French army
C. B. Charlemagne’s absence from the battle D. The loss of the indestructible Durendal
___10. Rhyme Scheme of a Shakespearean Sonnet
A .ababcfcfeded B. abbacddceffgg C. ababcdcdefefgg D.ababdcdcefef
___11. Uses words that describe the five senses to create a mental image of something.
A .Personification B. Symbolism C. Hyperbole D.Imagery
___12."Does it stink like rotten meat? a syrup sweet?" (Hughes). The words meat and sweet are which
s sound device? A. Imagery B. Assonance C. Alliteration D. Rhyme
___13. Which type of poem must have only 14 lines? A. ballad B. sonnet C. epic D. limerick
___14. These are conjunctions always appear in pair.
A. A. Correlative B. Subordinating C. Coordinating D. Fixed
___15. Which among the following sentence has a bold word that does NOT function as a verb?
A A It’s cold enough to see our breath. C. Feed the hungry and clothe the naked.
C. B. Take his advice with a grain of salt. D. hat last remark was an ínsult.
___16. An English sonnet includes three quatrains and a couplet.
A. Spenserian B. Petrarchan C. Shakespearean D. Danish
___17. In sonnet 18, to what season did the speaker compare his beloved one?
A Winter B. Summer C. Spring D. Fall
___18. Strong individuals remain steadfast no matter what tempests may come into their lives.What does the
u u underlined word in this sentence mean? A.Dangers B. Criticisms C. Problems D.
___19.In Sonnet 130, William Shakespeare draws on sight, sound and smell when he compares his mistress'
e e eyes to the sun, her lips to red coral, her breasts to white snow, her hair to black wires, her
cheeks to red
and white roses, her breathe to perfume and her voice to music. Which literary element is being used?
A. Repetition B. Rhyme C. Imagery D. Alliteration
___20. The famous writer of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame “
A . Victor Hugo B. Dante Alighieri C. Lourdes R. Quisumbing D. William Shakepeare
___21. The climax in a story is the point at which —
A. all problems are resolved C. suspense first begins to build
B. the conflict reaches its peak D. the main character is introduced
___22. The climax is also referred to as the ____ of the story.
A. conflict B. exposition C. resolution D. turning point

___23. What is remarkable about Roland’s sword?

A. It glows in the dark. B. It controls the weather. C. It will not break. D. It makes Roland invicible
___24. It refers to the list of books, magazines, articles about a particular subject.
A. biography B. bibliography C. reference list D. journals
___25. Which word in the following lines does not require a change in pitch to show confidence?
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
A. Captain B. Master C. Am D. Fate
___26. This refers to the sound changes produced by the rise and fall of the voice when speaking, especially
when this has an effect on the meaning of what is said.
A. pitch B. juncture C. stress D. Intonation
___27. Arrange the following sentences the way they come in revising and polishing the persuasive essay.
1. Delete unnecessary information. 2. Clarify the details. 3. Add needed information.

4. Write the final copy of your persuasive essay 5. Organize your essay.
A. 1-2-3-5-4 B.3-1-4-5-2 C.3-1-2-5-4 D.3-4-1-5-2
___28. Which of the following is included in writing your draft in your persuasive essay?
A. choosing a subject B. clarifying your purpose
C. organizing your essay D. using reasons, examples as supports
___29. Which of the following is the correct order of the Steps in Writing Persuasive Essay?
1. Clarifying your purpose. 2. Choosing a subject 3. Addressing the audience you are trying to
A. 1-2-3 B.2-3-1 C. 3-1-2 D.3-2-1
___30. In panel discussion, which of the following is NOT included under the Language Convention?
A. concise expressions expressions C. impressive expressions D. simple expressions
___31 Which of the following is the correct order on the steps to follow when revisiting the features of and the
required format for a panel discussion?
1. Have the opening remarks.
2. Introduce the issue. A. 1-2-5-6-4-3
3. Allow the audience to ask questions. B. 2-1-5-6-4-3
4. Have informal exchange of comments. C. 1-2-5-4-6-3
5. Introduce the speakers. D. 5-1-4-3-2-6
6. Present panel members.
___32.It needs to be proven by facts _____. A. tone B. argument C. theme D. mood
___33. Which has the correct APA format from a newspaper article?
A. Reyes,N. (2016,January 2016) Support Pours for Mindanao.Ang Kalayaan Balita,A13
B. Ballares,Jose ( 2016,February 2016) DOH:Implementing rules for cigarette graphic health
warnings out before March 2016. Manila Times,C10.
C. Guerrero,Wilfredo. “Wanted :A Chaperon.” In My Favorite 11 Plays,Quezon City : New Day,1976.
D. Uy,C. ( 2016,January 2015 ) Public should fear dengue more- health officials.Manila Bulletin,D15
___34. The rhythm of a poem is its
A. pattern of rhyming words C. number of words and syllables per line
B. pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables D. number of lines and stanzas
“Then you will have the artesian well here right away,” he said. He ordered the area commander to get pipes
and pumps from the armed forces supply depot, and demanded they should be brought to the spot
immediately. He asked the army to bring in bulldozer, troops, and trainees for labor and also organize the
___35. The text implicitly stated that President Ramon Magsaysay was ________.
A. A Man of Disguise B. A Man of Principle C. A Man of Values D. A Man of Action
___36. The statement, “Then you will have the artesian well here right away” as directly stated in the text is
a/an a/an A. Explicit Information B. Implicit Information
C. General Information D. Firsthand Information
___37. The purpose of the author in writing the text is to _____. A. inform B. entertain C. persuade D. expose
Here is a comic strip. Be able to determine the bias reflected in it. Then, answer the questions that follow.

___38. To whom is the bias directed in this comic strip? A. boys B. girls
C. both boy C. Both Boys and girls D. adult Girls
___39. What is the meaning reflected in this comic strip?
A. It assumes that all the girls have difficulty with Math
B. It assumes that some girls have difficulty with Math
C. It assumes that only girls who are studying have difficulty with Math
D. It assumes that boys and girls have difficulty with Math
___40. This type of speech persuades others through logical reasoning and analysis.
A. impromptu speech B. roast speech C. extemporaneous speech D. argumentative speech

Trust in the LORD with all your

Proverbs 3:5
Ma’am JollyBee

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