3C Back To Thanksgiving Edited SOUNDS

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“Back to Thanksgiving”

Student’s name: Edgar Andree Santiago Ortega

Fernanda Suarez Robles
Mariana Leon Rodriguez
Daniel Soto Osuna
Subject: Grammar
Teacher: Miriam Lizbeth Contreras Gonzalez
Grade: 3C

The family is eating dinner on Thanksgiving, and they are talking and remembering about
the first Thanksgiving. Everything goes as normal can be with the children asking about
the first Thanksgiving and having a nice time.

The clock struck midnight and the parents tell the kids to be obedient and go to bed and
sleep. They start dreaming about all that happened on the first Thanksgiving.

All of a sudden they appear to be in England, U.K., not sure what to make of this
brand-new experience.

When they awoke, they were very confused. They didn´t know what was going on and
they started to get worried sick about what had just happened. They started to ask people
around them, where they were and what year it was. When they heard it was 1620, they
were in complete shock, they couldn’t believe what was going on. Suddenly some people
started to tell them to get on the boats and leave England with them, and they doubtfully

The children got on the boat and started to think if their idea was a good on or not. Weeks
and months had passed by. Sailing through horrible storms and dreary weather. They
mostly kept to themselves but they met some children along the way that told them that
everything would be better once they reached the "New World" like all the pilgrims said.

Once they landed on the “New World”, they thought their parents would be waiting for
them by the time they got there, only to find out that they weren't. When they reached
land all they saw were a lot of strange people they didn’t recognize.

They were scared because it was a completely different place and time, but a mysterious
person reached out to them and asked them what they were doing there. His name was

John told them that the Pilgrims’ main reason for coming to America was to practice their
religion freely.
First, we start with a family that is having their Thanksgiving dinner.
 Narrator: Santino
 Angelica (Mom): Jessica
 Bob (Dad): Martinez
 Emily (Girl) Ivanna
 Jack (Boy): Godinez
 Rosemary (Grandmother): Romina
 Christopher Jones (Captain): Daniel
 Johnny (uncle): Carlos
 Noah (Cousin): Juan Pablo
 Mia (Cousin): Mariana
 Pilgrim 1: Greta
 Pilgrim 2: Violette
 Pilgrim 3:
 Pilgrim 4:
 Squanto (Native American): Andre
 Massasoit (leader of the Indians): German

Scene 1
(Setting: There is a couch-sofa, inside a house where a family is laughing and spending time

Narrator: There was once a family who was sharing stories about the Thanksgiving holiday. They
were having a lot of fun, [children start yawning] but the kids were very tired, and they decided
to go to sleep [children waving goodbye].
At midnight the clock stopped and at that precise moment the kids started dreaming about the
first Thanksgiving. Little did they know what a wonderful adventure they were about live!
[The Grandmother is in a dining room, setting the table for the Thanksgiving dinner. Emily
suddenly appears in the dining room].
Emily- “Hi grandma, how are you?”
Rosemary- “Good, I have been thinking about dinner all day long. [Looks around] Where is your
Emily- [not sure] “Maybe with our uncle, I guess..”
Rosemary- “Thank you, my sweet, favorite granddaughter!”. [Pinches her cheek sweetly]
(Emily starts jumping with happiness and leaves)

Scene 2
(Setting: In the kitchen)
(Jack is with his uncle Johnny in the kitchen making the turkey for the whole family.)
Johnny- “Jack, can you help me with the turkey and the gravy?”
Jack- “Why yes, of course.”
(Jack tasted the gravy and made a face as if he liked it)
Jack- “This is so delicious!”
Johnny- “It is almost ready; but it still has some 30 minutes or more to go in the oven, so it can
be done”.
(Jack and Johnny wait 30 minutes and then they take out the turkey, but Jack burns his finger)
Jack- “OUCH!”
Johnny- “Jack, are you alright?”
Jack- “Yes, I just burned my finger for one bit. It´s not a big deal”.
Johnny- “Alright, we´ll need to plate the turkey and serve some gravy aside for the whole
(They served the turkey and gravy on plates for the whole family)

Scene 3
(Setting: While everyone is eating in the dining room.)
Narrator: The whole family is together, and Emily and Jack start talking about the first
Emily- “Mom, what happened on the first Thanksgiving, to be exact? Our teacher told us
something about it today, but I wasn´t really paying attention to the story.”
Angelica- “Well honey, the first Thanksgiving happened in the year 1621 when the pilgrims and
the Native Americans became allies and had the very first dinner.”
Jack- “Mom I don’t understand what you are saying”.
Angelica: “Jack this topic is very complicated to explain, I’ll explain it later.”
(Jack starts to get sleepy and yawns)
Jack- “Whatever, Mom”.
Emily- “Dad I’m feeling a bit tired. Might I go to sleep?
Bob- “Of course, honey! Sleep tight, don´t let the bed bugs bite!”
Angelica- “Jack, you also look tired. I´m guessing it´s wise that you should join your sister.”
Jack- “But mooooom! (he protested noisily)
Angelica- “Go to sleep I said. Now!” (She said it angrily)
Jack- “OK Mom, but I'm very mad at you! You should know!”
Scene 4
(Setting: In the children´s bedroom)
Narrator: Emily and Jack finished dinner and went to sleep with their cousins.
Emily- “That was the best Thanksgiving dinne4r that I have ever had in my life.”
Jack- “Yes, it was amazing”.
Mia- “Now, I feel stuffed, and I need to sleep.”

Noah- “So do I, and the best part is that our parents let us stay the night with you.”
Emily- “Yes, good thing we have 2 spare beds for guests in our room.”
Jack- “Yes, those 2 big beds are the most comfortable.”
Mia- “Thanks for letting us have them.”
Noah- “Most of the time there are no spare beds going around for everyone, and we need to sleep
on the couch.”
(The four of them go to the room where they are going to sleep)
Emily- “Let's ask our parents if you can stay some more time in the morning.”
Noah- “Nah. They are not going to let us, you´ll see”.
Mia- “But we need to try.”
(They lay on the beds)
Jack- “Goodnight, everyone.”
Mia- “See you tomorrow”.
Noah- “Bye.”
(The four sleep until midnight)

Scene 5
(Setting: Bedroom and then a deck)
Narrator: The four of them are fast asleep. It´s midnight when suddenly something happens, and
a weird portal appears in their bedroom, in front of them.
Emily- (Opens her eyes slowly realizing what is happening)
Emily- “What is going on?!! (Very worried)
Jack- “I´m scared!”
Noah and Mia - (Start crying)
Jack- “Help us, please!”
(Emily and Jack are then absorbed by the portal and tele transported to England, United
Kingdom in the year of1620)
(They wake up on a deck and while they are confused, they ask a random person where they are)
Emily- “Please, excuse me, sir, do you know where we are?”
Pilgrim 1- (looks at them strangely) “Yes, we are in Plymouth, England.”
Jack- “And why is everything so old looking?”
Pilgrim 1- “What do you mean by that?” (eyes them wearily)
Jack- “Yes, it looks like everything was made 500 hundred years ago.”
Pilgrim 1-“ In what year do you think we are, lad?”
Jack-“ Aren´t we in 2023?”
Pilgrim 1- “We are in the year of our Lord, 1620, or what are you blabbering about?!
Jack- “We were sleeping in our beds, but suddenly we appeared here.”
Pilgrim: “Children are crazy these days. Must of suffered a bout of fever and left them daft, that
´s what happened”.

Scene 6
(Setting: Deck of the ship)
Narrator: The kids were worried, but they needed to calm down and find a quick solution.
Jack: “Emily why is that man approaching us?” (Scared)
Emily: “I do not know; we should talk to him so we can fix this and go back home.”
Christopher Jones: “Hello there, small ones! The name´s Christopher Jones! Are you ready for
your next, big adventure?”
Emily: “What in the world are you talking about?!”
Christopher Jones: “Why yes!We are going on the Mayflower ship and travel to the New World!
Narrator: Emily and Jack are very scared and confused.
Jack: “I don’t know Chris; this sounds very sketchy. Are you an actor? Is this a joke?”
Christopher Jones: “You´ll have to trust me on this one.”

Scene 7
(Setting: Mayflower)
Narrator: The children got on the ship and traveled for what seemed for weeks and months, but
in the real world, minutes had just passed by.
Christopher Jones: (shouting) “Land! Behold, land!”
(All of the pilgrims on board get excited to finally get off the ship)
Pilgrim 2: “I see people!”
Pilgrim 3: (Confused) “Some strange, looking people, that is.”
Emily: “Jack look! They are Native Americans. I remember my teacher telling me about them!”.
Jack: (weirded out) “I just realized that this is no joke. Emily.. we are living the first
Thanksgiving day.
Emily: “OMG you are so right, Jack”.
Jack: “ It suddenly occurs to me how we can go back to the year 2023, and to our Thanksgiving
dinner celebration.
Emily: (Surprised) “How? What is it? Tell me, Tell me!”
Jack: “Well maybe we have some unfinished business to do here…”
Emily: “Okay I’m all ears!”.
Jack: “Do you remember when we were having our Thanksgiving dinner and we started talking
about the first Thanksgiving and now (shouting) WE ARE LIVING IT! So maybe we need to
attend this Thanksgiving dinner and maybe we can go back home.”
Emily: (confused) “But how are we going to attend the first Thanksgiving dinner when we
haven´t been invited?”
Jack: “We´ll just have to save that for the future!”
Emily: Hahaha, funny.
(They get off the ship)
Scene 8
(Setting: Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts)
Jack: “Hey, Emily, do you think we will ever see our parents again? “(Starts to cry)
Emily: “I don’t know Jack; I am starting to lose hope.”
Christopher Jones: “Children, get up, we have arrived!”

(They both stand up and start to explore the so-called "New World".
Christopher Jones: “Ahoy there, maties!” (yells at the Natives who had just appeard on the shore)
“My name is Chrispher Jones, and we mean no harm! We´ve been sent by God to this new lands
to preach and pray as we please!”
Squanto: “My name is Squanto, white man. Pray to your gods as you wish but let us exist in
Pilgrim 3: “I don´t trust this dark skinned, almost naked men, Mr. Jones”. I say we sail back to
England before it´s too late!”.
Pilgrim 4: “I think we should try domesticating them as slaves for our own use!”.
(Pilgrim 3 and 4 nod in agreement)
Christopher Jones: “What a shameful behavior of yours! Let´s be civilized to our new
Squanto: (looking unimpressed) White man, the harsh winter is coming. You and your kind won
´t survive. The land is not welcoming. Heed my warning. Go back to your land if you must!”.
Christopher Jones: “Squanto my friend, we would very much like to stay. God has sent us here
with a purpose and we´ll just have to find courage to carry on his teachings.”

Squanto feels bad for them and gathers around with other Native Americans to find a solution for
Meanwhile, watching the nearby interaction between the Natives and pilgrims.
Jack: “Emily, do you think the Native Americans are nice or should we be worried?”(starting to
get worried)
Emily: “I remember that in history class we were told that they had been very kind to Pilgrims.
They even taught them how to grow crops and hunt for animals so that they would survive the
harsh winter!”.
(Jack gets relieved)
Squanto: “Hello there!”
Emily: “Who are you?”(scared)
Squanto: “I’m one of the many Natives to this land. And I live here.”
Jack: “Oh really? That´s neat! Well, it’s nice to meet you”.
Squanto: “Same here”. (Impressed)
Emily: “So... Do you happen to know anything about Thanksgiving dinner?”
Squanto: “The what? What sort of rite is that?”
Emily and Jack together: “Oh no! We´re never going home! They haven´t learned to grow crops
or hunt animals or gather seeds or fruit for winter.”
Emily: “They still haven´t learned to trust each other either” (with teary eyes)
But as foretold, Squanto and the Native Americans patiently teach the settlers how to grow crops
such as corn, potatoes and radishes, and how to hunt for deer and wild turkey and how to gather
plants for medicinal use. And before they knew winter had already set upon them, passing
somewhat quickly and in the blink of an eye spring and summer had gone by and yet again it was
Christopher Jones: “We are very thankful for having survived our first year here in “The New
World”, but we couldn´t have done it without our Native brothers and sisters”.
Emily: “Mr. Jones, let´s thank them by having a delicious banquet full of dishes made by local
fruits, vegetables and meat”.
Christopher Jones: “Excellent idea, small one! It must be your best idea yet”.
Emily and Jack are excited to learn that the first Thanksgiving dinner will finally happen and that
might just open the portal back to the year 2023.
Scene 9
(Setting: Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts, in a cabin)
(Narrator: Jack and Emily are getting ready in a cabin for the first-ever Thanksgiving, they are
very excited and can’t wait to finally go home.)
Jack: “I'm so ready to see Mom and Dad.”
Emily: “Me too!”
(They leave the cabin and arrive at the dinner destination)
Emily: “I love how they decorated the place.”
Narrator: It was a big and spacious place with a lot of tables and a central fireplace where the
Indians were cooking the turkey, it also had a place where the pilgrims were doing the side
dishes. The children were playing together and the Indians and Pilgrims were reunited.
Jack: “I´m so excited to finally eat!”
Emily: “Yes, but we need to focus on getting home. Don’t forget that!” (She points at him
(They walked over to the table where all the Natives and pilgrims were eating)
Squanto: “Small white people, sit over here, next to Massasoit.”
(Emily and Jack sit next to him)
Massasoit: “Is the food tasteful for you?”
Jack:” It is really good, I can´t believe the first Thanksgiving food was this good. “
Massasoit: “What?” (Confused)
Emily: “Just ignore him, he got a little tipsy with apple juice. It must have gone bad”.
Massasoit: “HAHAH, I understand!”
Narrator: A few hours pass by, and the kids realize how much fun Thanksgiving can be when you
spend it with friends.
Pilgrim 2:! Jack, you look a little tired, you sure you want to stay?!
Jack: “I’m fine thanks!
Jack: (He whispers to Emily) “Emily, it's almost over and I don't see the portal or any change at
Emily: “I forgot about that; I was having such a good time”.
Emily: “We should go to sleep and see if anything happens tomorrow.”
Jack: “You´re right.”
Emily: “I´m always right”. (with a sarcastic tone).
Scene 10
(Setting: Log cabin and then the bedroom)
Narrator: Jack and Emily were going to the log cabin to sleep after they finished eating
Jack: “I feel so full, maybe eating too much was the right decision.” (burp)
Emily: “Me too, I haven’t eaten that much food on Thanksgiving.”
Jack: “Now I am feeling sleepy.”
Emily: “Yes, a good sleep will be right.”
(Jack and Emily walk to the room in the cabin)
Emily: “Imagine if all of this is a dream.”
Jack: “You are so crazy; how can this be a dream?”
(Jack and Emily sleep)
(Jack and Emily wake up in the morning in their room)
Jack: “What is going on!” (surprised)
Emily: “Are you alright?”
Jack: “Yes, we´re back at our house!”
(Angelica enters the room preoccupied because she heard a scream)
Angelica: “What happened! What´s wrong!”
Emily: “Mom? How are you here?”
Angelica: “Yes, this is my house.”
Jack: “MOM!”
(Jack and Emily went to hug their mom)
Emily and Jack: “We´re so thankful to be back!”.

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