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Técnico en administración de la seguridad y salud en

el trabajo
Salud publica

Yuliana forero Ramírez


Determinantes de la salud
Unidad 2, actividad 1

Diego corredor laiton

What is the importance of health determinants?

The social determinants of health are understood as the social conditions in which

people live and work, which impact health. It has also been phrased as “the social

characteristics in which life develops.” So the social determinants of health refer to both

the social context and the processes through which social conditions are translated into

consequences for health. The social determinants that are the object of public policies

are those that can be modified through effective interventions.

The social determinants of health establish the degree to which a person has the

physical, social and personal resources to identify and achieve their aspirations, satisfy

health, education, nutrition, employment and adapt to the environment.

It has also been phrased as “the social characteristics in which life develops.” So the

social determinants of health refer to both the social context and the processes through

which social conditions are translated into consequences for health. Explain each of

them The Environment: The factors that disappear from man's environment decisively

influence his health and are, according to the results of the most recent research, those

with the greatest impact on it. In developed countries, the growth of the sector has been

notable in recent decades and has had a decisive influence on the health levels of the
population, although studies show that many greater efforts in these determinants would

no longer achieve the proportional effect on health. Expected.

In 1974, the Lalonde report grouped the determinants of health into 4 fields: human

biology, environment, lifestyle and health care systems.


 Escrito por Alejandro Buldón Olalla, 20 de noviembre del 2022

 (N.d.). Minsal.Cl. Retrieved March 30, 2023, from

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