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A Combined-Model for Uncertain Load and Optimal Configuration of

Distributed Generation in Power Distribution System

Article in International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology · January 2017
DOI: 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.41.11


3 8,156

3 authors:

Perumal Nallagownden Mahesh Kumar

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


Irraivan Elamvazuthi
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


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A Combined-Model for Uncertain Load and Optimal Configuration of Distributed

Generation in Power Distribution System

Perumal Nallagownden Kumar Mahesh Irraivan Elamvazuthi
Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak 32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak 32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak
Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia

Abstract – The electric distribution system can be the most stressed part of a power system. Firstly, the electric load is stochastic in
nature and fluctuates throughout the day. Secondly, the distribution system previously had one directional power flow but now
Distributed Generation (DGs) is being integrated and result in bi-directional power flow. In the context of these challenges, this
paper presents a combined-model which handles the uncertain load variations and optimal placement and sizing of DG into the
distribution system. The uncertainties in the load are modelled by probability distribution functions (PDF) of load with Hong’s
two-point estimation method. The optimal placement and sizing of DG in candidate buses are proposed by particle swarm
optimization (PSO) method. The results are compared with analytical approaches and grid search algorithms.

Keywords - Distributed generation, Probabilistic model, Hong’s two point estimation method, Distribution system.

I. INTRODUCTION many advantages such as it increase the power capacity in

power system, it reduces the power losses in power system,
The electrical power distribution system always remains and it increases the voltage profile of the distribution system
stressed due to stochastic behavior of loads. The electric as it is in radial nature. DG was previously used as an active
load is influenced by many parameters such as seasonal power source but today with technological advancement it is
weather, fuel prices etc. In coming years, the realization of available in many forms such as: an active power source of
electrical vehicle and battery charging stations into supply (e.g. photovoltaic cell or combined heat and power
distribution system will puts it in perturbing state. Hence in (CHP), a reactive power source (e.g. synchronous condenser,
order to fulfill the demand supply gap, the energy expert, capacitors or STATCOM), the active and reactive power
economists and environmentalist recommend use of DG into requirements (e.g. synchronous machines or wind generation)
distribution system. The DG in distribution system has [1]. It is projected that around 13 % of collective power
numerous benefits over centralized power supplies. production is lost as system losses in distribution system [2].
Technically DG reduces the burden on transmission system, The study reveals that an installation of DG in distribution
reduces the power losses, improves the voltage profile, system significantly reduces the power loss and increase the
surplus power capacity, and strengthens the system’s voltage profile of the system.
stability. DG extends the investment deferral in power lines, In order to harness the optimal benefits from DG, it
uses mostly renewable energy which is free in environment should have proper placement and sizing in the system.
that is attractiveness as economic and environmental. Along Improper placement and sizing will worsen the existing
with benefits from DG, the precise configuration (optimal situation. There are many methods that have been used for
placement and sizing) of DG installation into distribution proper placement and sizing of DG. An analytical method for
system are most challenging problem, if it is not installed optimal placement and sizing of DG is propose in [3, 4] [5]
with optimal size and location then it will increases the [6] and in [7]. A new analytical expression called as power
system losses more than existing one. Several study and stability index for power loss reduction has been presented by
model has been proposed for optimal placement and sizing [8].
problem such as Linear programming method is used for optimal DG
Globally increasing trends in electric power consumption, placement and to gather maximum amount of energy,
congestion in the transmission system, economic and considering financial and technical constraints[9, 10]. The
environment concern has led the attention towards small probabilistic generation-load model with its all operating
power generation called DG, in distribution system. DG has condition and probabilities has been accommodated in

DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.41.11 11.1 ISSN: 1473-804x online, 1473-8031 print


deterministic model. The author used the non-linear where , and , are the real and reactive power
programming method to solve the optimal DG placement and injection by DG at bus M. , and , are the total
sizing problem for wind [11] and all DG types [12]. The real and reactive power at bus M
optimal sitting and sizing of DG considering multi- Position of DG
constraints with single or multi-objective using GA has been
used by [13, 14]. The DG and STATCOM for power loss Bus 1, is the slack bus so the position of DG should not be
minimization using PSO has been presented by [15]. The on bus 1.
author used direct load flow method, called as BIBC matrix 2  DG position  nbuses (4)
for load flow analysis, and compared results with sensitivity
factor method. Binary PSO based multi-objective model for Voltage Profile on bus M
optimal placement and sizing of DG with uncertainty has V Mmin  VM  V Mmax (5)
been used by [16]. A new hybrid method for optimal sitting
and sizing of DG using discrete PSO and optimal power flow
has been presented by [17]. A. Load Flow Technique
The previous study reveals that the electric load is
influenced by many parameters such as seasonal weather,
fuel prices etc. In coming years, the electrical vehicle and Previously the load flow was modeled for power transmission
battery charging stations will be forced into distribution system, which is not appropriate for distribution system due
system. The distribution system needs a robust probabilistic to its high resistance to reactance ratio [15]. Hence this paper
model which handles load uncertain load variations and utilizes a special designed Backward Forward load flow
optimally place and size the DG. Hence this paper inspects detailed in [18]. This technique works on two principle, the
the optimal location and sizing of DG using PSO backward sweep (updating current or power flow from last
optimization techniques, whereas the uncertain load junction to source junction) and backward sweep (updating
variations are modeled with Hong’s two point estimation voltage from first junction to last junction). Let us say, a
method. The objective function of this paper is to reduce the simple two bus radial distribution system shown in Figure 1.
total real power loss of the system, in condition that system The two buses K and M are connecting through branch i.
constraints should not be violated.
The remaining of paper is structured as, Section I:
represents the introduction and literature review of the
problem, Section II, shows the problem formulation. In this
section the objective function with constraints are formulated.
Section III, represents the Hong’s two point estimation
method for uncertain load model. Section IV, represents the
PSO description and its implementation. Section V and VI,
Figure 1 Two bus radial distribution system
discuss the simulation approach and conclusion of research
work. Power flow for above radial distribution system as shown in
Figure 1, are computed by following recursive equation
( Pi '2  Qi'2 )
Pi  PL  Pf  Pin  Ri * (6)
The overall objective function of this paper is to reduce Vi 2
the real component of power losses in radial distribution
system. The voltage limit and power balance are the system
constraints, which needs to satisfy for security and quality ( Pi '2  Qi'2 )
purpose. Qi  QL  Q f  Qin  X i * (7)
Vi 2
Mathematically objective function can be explained as:
min f  min (Treal ( loss ) ) (1)
  V 2 y   R  jX i
Vm VK  I i  Ri  jX i   VK   Pi  j  Qi  K i   * i
where is the real loss of radial distribution system.   2   VK
PDG , M  PLoss  PD ,M (8)

( Pi 21  Qi21 )
Pi loss  Ri * (9)
QDG , M  QLoss  QD , M (3) Vi 21

DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.41.11 11.2 ISSN: 1473-804x online, 1473-8031 print


( Pi 21  Qi21 )

 w  
Qi loss  X i * (10) l ,k l ,k  i , j (15)
Vi 2 k 1

, is the standard central moment of random variable

, , which further can be evaluated as
i  n 1 i  n 1
Tloss   Pi loss  j  Qi loss
i 1 i 1
(11) i , j  M j
( xl )
 j xl
M j  xl     xl  xl 
f xl d xl (17)
M j  xl     xl  xl 

The point estimation method is used to calculate the

statistical parameter (moment) of random variable, which The standard location and weights of input random variable
are function of several random variable. Firstly this can be computed as
technique was developed by Rosenblueth in 1975, then
l ,3  3 2
many other authors improved this technique and presented. l , k   (1)3 k  l ,4   l ,3   (19)
The application of this method for power system has been 2  4 
captured by HP Hong. Hong’s PEM presents the
probabilistic power flow which assists the involvement of (1)3 k (20)
wl ,k 
the uncertainty in stochastic variables. Let us consider, the F l ,k l ,1  l ,2 
is the function of non-linear power equations, which relates 1 1
to the input and output random variables. is the input wl ,k   (21)
random variable 1,2, … … and is the output random m l ,4   l ,3 2
variables. Hence, the set of output random variable Z can be
expressed as where , represents the skewness of the random input
Z (l , k )  f ( x1 , x2 ,...xl ,..., xm ) (12) variable , given by:
E  xl   xl  

The point estimation method gathers all statistical l ,3    (22)

 xl 
information by central moments of the stochastically random
variable and computes representative points ( points), In power system study, after getting the probability
called concentration. The concentration of random distribution of input variable, the location and weights have
variable can be stated as pair of location , and weight to be computed and then deterministic load flow have to be
, . The purpose of the location is, value of random evaluated for each concentration as given follows.
variable at which function evaluates and weight ,
gives importance to this evaluation in the random output Z (l, k )  f (x1, x 2 ,...xl ,k ,..., xm ) (23)
variable. The superiority of Hong’s point estimation method
is that the function only evaluates for times for each Finally the raw moment of the random output variables can
be determined as
random input variable at the points made up of k m
location of input random variable and mean value of E ( Z )   wl ,k Z (l , k ) (24)
other input varaible. Let us say Z l, k is the set output k 1 l 1

random variable of input random variable for the k m

concentration then, Z l, k can be calculated as Z l, k E ( Z j )   wl ,k Z  l , k 
, ,… , … . Therefore the total number of k 1 l 1

computation is ∗ . The two point estimation method can be solved with

The location , of can be determined as follows
following steps
xl , k   x1   l , k *  l , k (13) Step 1: Set the first two moment of input random
Where is the mean value of input random variable and variable to zero i.e. 0.
, is the standard deviation of the input random variable . Step 2: Take the input random variable .
, is the standard location of random input variable . The
Step 3: Calculate skewness , , location , , and weight
standard location and weights can be formulated by solving
, of input random variable based on equation 20-23.
non-linear system of the following equation.
1 Step 4: Calculate the estimated location of , .
k 1
l ,k 
(14) Step 5: Solve the deterministic power flow for each
concentration .

DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.41.11 11.3 ISSN: 1473-804x online, 1473-8031 print


Step 6: Update the expected raw moment of output variable 0.4 respectively. The values of acceleration constants are
Z. range from 1.2 ≤ ≤ 2.0.
Step 7: Repeat the steps from steps 2-steps 6, till all
concentrations of input random variable taken into
consideration. B. PSO Optimization
Step 8: Finally compute the statistical information from
The following optimization steps are requisite to find
output random variable Z.
optimal location and size of DG in radial distribution
IV. PSO OPTIMIZATION Step 1: Read the system data including bus data and branch
A. PSO Algorithm Step 2: Set the initial PSO parameters.
Step 3: Run the probabilistic power flow for each initial
particles using point estimation method.
DCr. Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Eberhart in 1995 introduces
Step 4: Calculate the fitness function.
the stochastic optimization, inspired by natural choreography Step 5: Check the system constraints satisfy? If so,
of bird flocking or fish schooling [19]. The precise Step 6: Check current fitness values are best than previous
introduction is discussed as suppose and in search space then assign it as pbest.
are the velocity and position of particle . So the particle Step 7: Check and compare all fitness function values with
pbest and assign it as gbest.
position can be written as , , , … … , , where
Step 8: Update position and velocity of each particles.
is the dimensional space of the particle. The previous best Step 9: If algorithm termination criteria met then,
particle position will be Step 10: Record optimal placement and size of distributed
, …… , . The best particle among the generation.
all, will be and the velocity of particle can be
represented by , , , …… , . Each particle's V. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
velocity closes to and is calculated by Equation
17 Each particle's current position is updated by Equation 18 The proposed simulation is carried out on Matlab 2015a
software. The latest personal computer is used with dual core
vidk 1  *vidk  c1*rand ( )*  pbestid  vidk   processor, 4GB RAM and Windows 10 configured in it. The
proposed simulation is tested on Standard IEEE 33 bus
system as shown in Figure 2. The system consists of 3.715
c2 *rand ( )*  gbestd  vidk  (17)
MW of real power load and 2.3 MVar. The system bus 1 is
designated as a slack bus, whereas other buses are set as PQ
buses. The slack bus voltage is is designated as a slack bus,
S idk 1  S idk  vidk 1 , i  1, 2,  ..n , d  1, 2  , m (18) whereas other buses are set as PQ buses. The slack bus
voltage is conceived is 1.02 V and system base MVA is
selected is 12.66 KV. The systems line and bus data’s are
where is the number of particle, is the dimensional accessible in [1, 20]. The DGs are assumes as of two types,
numbers of member particles, is iteration, is inertia type one will produce real power such as photovoltaic cell,
weight factor, and are acceleration constants, is fuel cell etc. with power factor one and DG two is assumed
uniform random value in range (0, 1), whereas and as reactive power DG such as like capacitor, DSTATCOM
are velocity and position of particle at iteration. etc.
Moreover, a proper selection of , gives a perfect balance
between global and local exploration and can be calculated
by equation 19.
max  min
  max  *k (19)
Where and are maximum and minimum
number of inertia weight that is designed to accelerate or
decelerate the particle from its original path and the values
are range from 0 ≤ ≤1.2 in this paper it is set as 0.9 and Figure 2 Standard IEEE 33 Bus System

DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.41.11 11.4 ISSN: 1473-804x online, 1473-8031 print


The optimal location and sizing of DG in radial Voltage profile: It can be observed that without DG the
distribution system are analyzed with uncertain load scenario. voltage at bus 18 is 0.9037 volts, whereas after
It is assume that bus number 3, 6, and 9 are uncertain. The interconnected 2.6 MW DG at bus 6. The voltage profile
uncertainties in these buses are modeled with normal improved as 0.9665 at bus 18. And after connecting type two
distribution i.e. mean and 5 percent standard deviation. Table DG the voltage profile improved to 0.9200 as shown in
1 is showing the results of probabilistic model when load of Table 2. Figure 3, represents the voltage profile of each node.
suggested buses varies with normal distribution. Table 2 and It can be seen that with the capacity addition of DG at bus 6,
Table 3 are showing the result of this study in comparison the voltage profile has improved in all nodes. The green lines
with deterministic study carried by analytical method [6], are indicating the results
of type-1 DG, whereas the Red lines are indicating the results
grid search algorithm [21] and detailed in [22].
of type-2 DG.
Optimal Location and size: The optimal location and size Power Losses:
of DG is searched with PSO and it is found that the best The real power loss without DG in system was observed as
location for active power DG is at bus number 6 with size of 211 kW, whereas after connecting DG type 1, the real power
2.6 MW. However, the best location for reactive power DG is loss reduce to 111 kW and by connecting type two the loss
at bus 30 with size of 1.25 MVar. reduce to 151.4 kW. Table 3 is showing the optimal size,
location, and comparison with deterministic study.

Base case After DG
Power loss DG size Power loss
Test system DG
location Type-1 MW
Ploss (kW) Qloss (KVar) Ploss (kW) Qloss (KVar)
Type-2 MVar
@ bus 3 2.5700 @bus 6 110.5 81.4
(Type-1 DG) @ bus 6 2.5470@bus 6 111.0 81.7
@ bus 9 2.400 @bus 26 110.7 80.5
211 143
@ bus 3 1.2570@bus 30 149.4 102.3
@ bus 6 1.2574@bus 30 147.7 101.5
(Type-2 DG)
@ bus 9 1.2555@bus 30 144.7 0.099


Base case After DG

Test system Voltage (p.u) Voltage (p.u)
Min Max Min Max
IEEE 33 bus
0.9665 @ bus 18 1.00 @ bus 1
(Type 1 DG) 0.9037@ bus 18 1.00 @ bus 1
0.9200 @ bus 18 1.00 @ bus 1
(Type 2 DG)


Base case After DG

Loss reduction
Power loss DG size Power loss
Test system
Methods Qloss Type-1 MW Ploss
Ploss (kW) Ploss (kW) Qloss (KVar) Qloss (%)
(KVar) Type-2 MVar (%)
AM [6] 2.6000 @bus 6 111.0 --- --- ---
(Type-1 DG) GSA [21] 2.6005@bus 6 111.0 --- --- ---
Proposed 2.600 @bus 6 111.0 86.4 47.39 39.58
211 143
AM [23] 1.2298@bus 30 151.4 --- --- ---
GSA [23] 1.2650@bus 30 151.4 --- --- ---
(Type-2 DG)
Proposed 1.2500@bus 30 151.4 104.2 28.25 27.14

DOI 10.5013/IJSSST.a.17.41.11 11.5 ISSN: 1473-804x online, 1473-8031 print


Figure 3. Voltage profile of IEEE 33 bus sysem before and after DG installation

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