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Quiz #4 Question and Answer

1. Which statement best defines ecosystem?

A. An ecosystem is all the non-living organisms and the physical
environment within which and with which the organisms don't
B. An ecosystem includes all the interactions between living
organisms and their environment in that area.
C. An ecosystem is a systemic ecological process that reverberates
D. None of the above
Correct Answer
B. An ecosystem includes all the interactions between living organisms and their
environment in that area.
The correct answer is "An ecosystem includes all the interactions between living
organisms and their environment in that area." This statement best defines an
ecosystem because it emphasizes the dynamic relationship between living
organisms and their surroundings. It acknowledges that interactions between
organisms and their environment are essential components of an ecosystem. It
highlights the interconnectedness and interdependence of different species and
their physical surroundings in a given area.
2. Which of the following are considered Producers.
A. Grass
B. Corn
C. Dogs
D. A and B are correct
Correct Answer
D. A and B are correct
Grass and corn are considered producers because they are able to produce their
own food through photosynthesis. They convert sunlight, water, and carbon
dioxide into glucose, which they use as energy to grow and survive. Dogs, on the
other hand, are consumers as they obtain their energy by consuming other
3. What does trophic levels refer to?
A. It refers tropical temperature levels.
B. Trophic levels refer to the similar food levels in a living community.
C. It refers to the different food levels in a living community.
D. None of the above
Correct Answer
C. It refers to the different food levels in a living community.
Trophic levels refer to the different food levels in a living community. This
concept describes the hierarchy of energy transfer in an ecosystem, where each
level represents a different group of organisms that obtain energy from the level
below. The lowest level consists of primary producers (plants), followed by
primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), and so on.
Each level depends on the one below it for energy, and energy transfer becomes
less efficient as it moves up the trophic pyramid.
4. They are living organisms that use inorganic materials, such as carbon dioxide,
water, and energy from sunlight to produce their own food.
A. Producers
B. Consumers
C. Decomposers
D. Composers
Correct Answer
A. Producers
Producers are living organisms that have the ability to convert inorganic materials
such as carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into their own food through a process
called photosynthesis. They are able to produce their own energy-rich organic
compounds, which in turn serve as a source of food for other organisms in the
ecosystem. This process is vital as it forms the basis of the food chain and
provides energy for all other organisms in the ecosystem.
5. What best defines consumers.
A. Consumers are organisms that feed on other living organisms.
There are three types: Herbivores., Carnivores and Omnivores.
B. Consumers are organisms that consume nutrients by purchasing
them from the producers such as corn, wheat and grass.
C. Consumers are organisms that feed on other living organisms.
There are three types: Herbivores, Predators and Prey.
D. None of the above.
Correct Answer
A. Consumers are organisms that feed on other living organisms. There are three
types: Herbivores., Carnivores and Omnivores.
Consumers are organisms that feed on other living organisms. They can be
categorized into three types: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Herbivores
consume only plants, carnivores consume only other animals, and omnivores
consume both plants and animals. This definition accurately describes
consumers and their various feeding habits.
6. Which statement best describes Decomposers.
A. Decomposers highly paid musicians that decomposes classical
works of Bach and Beethoven.
B. Decomposers are living organisms whose ecological niche is to
decompose organic matter.
C. Decomposers return nutrients or raw materials back to the
D. B and C are correct.
Correct Answer
D. B and C are correct.
Decomposers are living organisms whose ecological niche is to decompose
organic matter. They play a crucial role in breaking down dead plants and
animals, releasing nutrients and raw materials back into the environment. This
process helps in recycling nutrients and maintaining the balance of ecosystems.
Both statement B and C accurately describe the role and function of
decomposers in the environment.
7. What does the food chain show?
A. The food chains show the chain of foods in a food production line.
B. The food chain shows how animals compete with each other for
similar food sources.
C. The food chain shows the decrease in available energy at
successive trophic levels.
D. The food chain shows the flow of energy through the trophic levels
in an ecosystem.
Correct Answer
D. The food chain shows the flow of energy through the trophic levels in an
The food chain shows the flow of energy through the trophic levels in an
ecosystem. This means that it demonstrates how energy is transferred from one
organism to another as they consume each other. The organisms at the bottom
of the food chain, such as plants or algae, convert sunlight into energy through
photosynthesis. This energy is then passed on to herbivores that eat the plants,
and then to carnivores that eat the herbivores. The food chain helps to illustrate
the interconnectedness and dependence of different organisms in an ecosystem
on each other for energy.
8. What is the ultimate source of energy for all food chains?
A. Water
B. Sun
C. Photosynthesis
D. Oxygen
Correct Answer
B. Sun
The ultimate source of energy for all food chains is the Sun. Through the process
of photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight into chemical energy, which is then
passed on to other organisms in the food chain. This energy is essential for the
growth and survival of all living organisms, as it fuels their metabolic processes
and allows them to carry out their daily activities. Without the Sun's energy, food
chains would not exist, and life on Earth would not be possible.
9. This _________ gives a clearer picture of the inter-relationships among living
species and how energy flows in an ecosystem.
A. Food chain
B. Food web
C. Food bank
D. Food court
Correct Answer
B. Food web
A food web gives a clearer picture of the inter-relationships among living species
and how energy flows in an ecosystem. Unlike a food chain, which only shows a
linear sequence of feeding relationships, a food web is a more complex
representation that includes multiple interconnected food chains within an
ecosystem. It shows the various feeding connections between different
organisms, including producers, consumers, and decomposers, and how energy
is transferred between them. This comprehensive view allows for a better
understanding of the dynamics and stability of an ecosystem.
10. What does a pyramid of energy show?
A. It shows the decrease in available energy at successive trophic
levels by group together all available producers, all herbivores and
so on.
B. It shows the inter-relationship among living species and how energy
flows in an ecosystem
C. The pyramid shows the works of Ancient Egyptians.
D. C is correct.

Correct Answer
A. It shows the decrease in available energy at successive trophic levels by
group together all available producers, all herbivores and so on.
A pyramid of energy shows the decrease in available energy at successive
trophic levels by grouping together all available producers, all herbivores, and so
on. This means that as energy is transferred from one trophic level to another,
there is a decrease in the amount of energy available. This is because energy is
lost as heat, used for metabolic processes, or stored as biomass. The pyramid
visually represents this energy transfer and provides a clear understanding of the
flow of energy in an ecosystem.
11. This ____________ is a type of relationship that benefits both organisms
involved in a community.
A. Mutualism
B. Benefitialism
C. Symbiotic
D. Convenient
Correct Answer
A. Mutualism
Mutualism is a type of relationship that benefits both organisms involved in a
community. In mutualism, both organisms rely on each other for resources or
services, resulting in a mutually beneficial outcome. This type of relationship is
characterized by cooperation and interdependence, where both organisms gain
advantages such as food, protection, or reproduction. Mutualism is essential for
maintaining the balance and stability of ecosystems, as it promotes the survival
and well-being of the organisms involved.

What type of relationship do these images portray:

A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism
D. Predator-prey
Correct Answer
A. Mutualism
13. This ______________ is another non-competitive type of relationship between
organisms. It is when one organism benefits while the other if unaffected.
A. Symbiotic
B. Mutualism
C. Commensalism
D. D. Parasitism
Correct Answer
C. Commensalism
Commensalism is a non-competitive type of relationship between organisms
where one organism benefits while the other is unaffected. In this relationship,
the organism that benefits receives some sort of advantage, such as shelter or
transportation, while the other organism is neither harmed nor benefited. This
type of relationship is different from mutualism, where both organisms benefit,
and parasitism, where one organism benefits at the expense of the other.
Symbiotic is a term that refers to any type of close and long-term interaction
between different species, which can include mutualism, commensalism, or

What do you call the relationship between clown fish and anemones?

A. Symbiotic
B. Mutualism
C. Commensalism
D. Electrifyingly Hilarious!
Correct Answer
B or C. Mutualism and Commensalism
Commensalism is the correct answer because it refers to a type of symbiotic
relationship where one organism benefits while the other organism is neither
harmed nor benefited. In the case of clown fish and anemones, the clown fish
benefits by finding protection and shelter within the anemone, while the anemone
is unaffected by the presence of the clown fish.
15. This ___________ is a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits, but
the other is harmed.
A. Parasitism
B. Commensalism
C. Mutualism
D. Very selfish indeed!
Correct Answer
A. Parasitism
Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits while the
other is harmed. In this relationship, the parasite benefits by obtaining nutrients
or shelter from the host, while the host is negatively affected. This type of
relationship is often seen in nature, such as with ticks feeding on the blood of
animals or fleas infesting a dog's fur. The parasite relies on the host for survival
and reproduction, while the host suffers from the presence of the parasite.
16. The thin layer of carbon dioxide that surrounds the biosphere traps the heat
around the Earth. Hold in the heart around the Earth is called the
A. Coriolis effect
B. Greenhouse effect
C. Global Warming
D. El Nino
Correct Answer
B. Greenhouse effect
The explanation for the correct answer, "Greenhouse effect," is that the thin layer
of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, trapping heat
and preventing it from escaping into space. This phenomenon is known as the
greenhouse effect.
17. What is the process of "burning" organic matter in cells for energy?
A. Cellular Respiration
B. Cellular Perspiration
C. Cellular Phone
D. None of the above
Correct Answer
A. Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration is the process by which organic matter is broken down in cells
to produce energy. It involves the conversion of glucose and oxygen into carbon
dioxide, water, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency
of cells. This process occurs in the mitochondria and is essential for the survival
and functioning of all living organisms. Cellular perspiration and cellular phone
are not valid terms related to this process.
18. This ____________ is a branch of biology that deals with relationships between
organisms and their habitat.
A. Ecosystem
B. Ecology
C. Biology
D. Psychology
Correct Answer
B. Ecology
Ecology is the correct answer because it is the branch of biology that specifically
focuses on the study of relationships between organisms and their environment
or habitat. It examines how organisms interact with each other and with their
physical surroundings, including the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors.
Ecology plays a crucial role in understanding the balance and dynamics of
ecosystems, as well as the impact of human activities on the environment.
19. Which food chain correctly describes the flow of energy in an ecosystem?
A. Grass-->cow-->human
B. Caterpillar-->leaf-->human
C. Cow-->grass-->human
D. Leaf-->bird-->caterpillar
Correct Answer
A. Grass-->cow-->human
The correct answer is grass -> cow -> human. This food chain accurately
describes the flow of energy in an ecosystem. Grass is the primary producer and
is consumed by cows, which are herbivores. Humans then consume cows,
making them the top consumer in this food chain.
20. What does an omnivore animal eat?
A. Meat & flesh
B. Plants
C. Both plants and meat

D. All of the above

Correct Answer
C. Both plants and meat
Omnivore animals have a diet that includes both plants and meat. They are not
limited to just one food source and have the ability to consume and digest both
plant material and animal flesh. This allows them to obtain a wide range of
nutrients and adapt to different environments.
21. A habitat is a place where __________.
A. An organism lives.
B. All the conditions that surround an organism.
C. All the populations of different organisms.
D. None of the above
Correct Answer
A. An organism lives.
A habitat is a place where an organism lives. This means that it provides the
necessary resources and conditions for the survival and reproduction of a
particular organism. It includes factors such as food, water, shelter, and suitable
environmental conditions. A habitat can vary in size and can be as small as a leaf
or as large as a forest, depending on the needs of the organism. Therefore, the
correct answer is "an organism lives."
22. Which of these is the example of a decomposer?
A. Bacteria
B. Plants
C. Fish
D. Snake
Correct Answer
A. Bacteria
Bacteria are an example of decomposers because they break down dead organic
matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler substances. They play a
crucial role in the ecosystem by recycling nutrients and returning them to the soil,
which allows for the growth of new plants and sustains the food chain. Unlike
plants, fish, and snakes, bacteria do not produce their own food through
photosynthesis or consume other organisms directly.
23. Name the organism that eats other plants or animals for energy and nutrients.
A. Autotroph
B. Heterotroph
C. Carnivores
D. Producer
Correct Answer
B. Heterotroph
A heterotroph is an organism that obtains energy and nutrients by consuming
other plants or animals. Unlike autotrophs, which can produce their own food
through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, heterotrophs rely on external
sources for their energy needs. They can be further classified into different
categories based on their specific feeding habits, such as carnivores, herbivores,
or omnivores. Therefore, the correct answer for this question is heterotroph.
24. Rabbits eat grass and other plants to survive, but they do not eat animals. What
kind of animal are rabbits?
A. Decomposers
B. Carnivores
C. Producers
D. Herbivores
Correct Answer
D. Herbivores
Rabbits are herbivores because they eat grass and other plants for their survival.
This means that their diet consists solely of plant material and they do not
consume animals. Herbivores are animals that obtain their energy and nutrients
from consuming plant matter, making them dependent on vegetation for their
25. How do decomposers help other organisms in an ecosystem?
A. They break down dead organisms and add nutrients back to the
soil that plants use.
B. They use the sunlight to make their own food that other organisms
eat for energy.
C. They help disperse seeds for plant growth.
D. Decomposers do not help other organisms in an ecosystem.
Correct Answer
A. They break down dead organisms and add nutrients back to the soil that
plants use.
Decomposers play a crucial role in an ecosystem by breaking down dead
organisms. This process releases nutrients back into the soil, which are then
absorbed by plants for their growth and development. In this way, decomposers
contribute to the nutrient cycle, ensuring that essential elements are recycled and
made available to other organisms in the ecosystem. Without decomposers,
dead organic matter would accumulate, and the nutrient availability for plants
would decrease, ultimately affecting the entire food web.
26. In what order do a hawk, grass, and rabbit form a food chain in a meadow?
A. Hawk-->grass-->rabbit
B. Grass-->hawk-->rabbit
C. Rabbit-->grass-->hawk
D. Grass-->rabbit-->hawk
Correct Answer
D. Grass-->rabbit-->hawk
A food chain represents the flow of energy in an ecosystem. In this case, the
correct answer is "grass-->rabbit-->hawk". This is because grass is a producer,
meaning it converts sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. The rabbit is a
primary consumer, as it feeds on the grass. Finally, the hawk is a secondary
consumer, as it preys on the rabbit. This order follows the natural flow of energy
from the lowest trophic level (producer) to the highest trophic level (top predator).
27. Which of the following lists only consumers?
A. Hawks, lizards, chipmunks
B. Acorns, squirrels, rabbits
C. Grass, chipmunks, eagles
D. Mice, squirrels, grass
Correct Answer
A. Hawks, lizards, chipmunks
The correct answer is hawks, lizards, chipmunks. This is because hawks, lizards,
and chipmunks are all examples of consumers in an ecosystem. Consumers are
organisms that obtain their energy by consuming other organisms. In this case,
hawks and lizards are predators that feed on other animals, while chipmunks are
herbivores that consume plants.
28. Which of these organisms comprise the first level in a food chain?
A. Consumers
B. Decomposers
C. Producers
D. Prey
Correct Answer
C. Producers
Producers comprise the first level in a food chain. Producers are organisms that
can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They
convert sunlight or inorganic substances into organic matter, which serves as a
source of energy for other organisms. In a food chain, producers are consumed
by primary consumers, which are then consumed by secondary consumers, and
so on. Therefore, producers form the foundation of the food chain by providing
energy for all other organisms in the ecosystem.
29. Which of these organisms is an herbivore?
A. Owl
B. Tree
C. Bird
D. Deer
Correct Answer
D. Deer
A herbivore eats ONLY plants.

30. Which of these food chains is correct?

A. Deer>>>grass>>>grasshopper>>>tree
B. Fox>>>rabbit>>>grass>>>grasshopper
C. Grass>>>grasshopper>>>bird>>>owl
D. Grass>>>tree>>>deer>>>grasshopper
Correct Answer
C. Grass>>>grasshopper>>>bird>>>owl
All food chains begin with a producer (plant).

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