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Basic Greetings in English

greeting (noun): saying hello; a polite word of welcome

greet (verb): to say hello; to welcome somebody
(The opposite of greeting is farewell - saying goodbye.)

There are many ways to say hello in English. Sometimes you say a
quick hello as you are passing somebody. At other times a greeting
leads to a conversation. Friends and family members greet each other
in a casual way. Business greetings are more formal.

On the following pages you can listen to and practise greeting

people in a variety of situations.

In this lesson you will find:

Tips: language and gestures that native speakers use

Useful phrases: words and expressions that native speakers use

Pair practice: sample conversations with audio (practise with a

learning partner)

 Greetings in Passing

 Greetings before a Conversation

 Greetings in the Classroom

 Greetings in Business

 Greetings at a Party or Social Event

 Greetings in a Friend's Home

1) Greetings in Passing
It is polite to greet a person you know. However, you don't always
have time to stop and have a conversation. Just remember to smile as
you say hello. A small wave is also polite. Sometimes you pass the
same person a second time on the same day. You can say "hello
again" or just smile.


 Slow down to greet someone you know. You don't have to stop
what you are doing (walking, working, shopping).
 Say an appropriate form of hello.
 Smile and wave.

Useful phrases

Listen and read:

 Hello
 Hi
 Good morning
 Good afternoon
 Good evening*
 Hey, John.
 How's it goin'?**

*Good night is a farewell (goodbye) phrase. It is NOT a greeting to use

at night time.
**Native speakers often shorten "going" to "goin" in casual greetings.

Slang greetings in passing

Using slang in a greeting is typical between close friends. Teens often

use slang when they greet each other. Certain English speaking
countries also have their own popular form of "hello".

Listen and read:

 Howdy
 Hiya
 Whazzup?
 Yo
 G'day (Australia)

2) Greetings before a
Sometimes you stop and talk for a minute as you say hello. This type
of greeting is followed by a conversation. Close friends often hug when
they greet each other, especially after a long time without seeing one
other. Men sometimes give each other a hand shake or a high-five
(touch palms above the head).


 Stand near a person and say hello.

 Express happiness to see a person.
 Ask a question or begin a conversation.

Useful Phrases:

 Nice to see you.

 Long time no see. (I haven't seen you in a while.)
 What have you been up to?
 How are things?
 It's been a while. (It's been a while since I've seen you.)
 What's new?
 Not much. (answer to What's new?)

Pair Practice (casual between friends or coworkers)

Listen and read:

A: Hi Corey.
B: Hey, Jennifer. Good to see you. (hug)
A: You too. How've you been?
B: Busy, you?
A: Pretty good. How's your new job?
B: It's okay. There's a lot to learn. What's new with you?
A: Not much. The kids are back at school.

Note: Between very close friends it's uncommon to use names in a

casual greeting. Sometimes nicknames or short forms are used. (Cor
and Jen instead of Corey and Jennifer).

Further Practice for Pairs

 Add a third speaker and create your own lines.
 Add an unexpected interruption (bus arrives, friend comes out of
a store, child fusses).
 Write the next four lines between the two speakers.
 Write an inappropriate line and explain why it should not be part
of the greeting.
 Create a new dialogue that takes place between people who start
up a conversation.

"What should I call you?"

How to Address People in
English learners often feel confused about Family name
how to address people properly. Many feel First name Last name
uncomfortable asking the question, "What
should I call you?" Even native English William Shakespeare
people find this question awkward. For
example, many women don't know how to Hilary Clinton
address their boyfriend's mother. On the
other hand, some parents don't know what
to call their children's teacher.

Note that:
for Mr we say "Mister"
for Mrs we say "Misses"
for Miss we say "Miss"
for Ms we say "Mizz"

Why is "What should I call you?" such a difficult question to ask?

Perhaps it's because you are asking the other person to provide their
status or position in the world in relationship to yours. This position
may involve age, job, education, religion and even marital status. Audio Tip

Show transcript

Since English is a language, rather than a culture, it is difficult to teach

English learners exactly how to address people. There will always be
some people and some professions that require more formality than
others. Addressing people in writing has different rules and formalities
than in speaking.

Asking the question

If you are unsure of what to call someone, it's best to use a formal
address or simply ask one of these questions:

 What should I call you?

 What should I call your mum / the teacher / the manager?
 Can I call you [first name] ?
 Is it okay if I call you [the nickname you've heard others use] ?
 What's your name? (use in a casual situation like a party or
classroom where first names are used)

Answering the question

You might not be the only person wondering about titles. Students,
colleagues or acquaintances may not know what to call you. If they
seem unsure about how to pronounce your name, or you want them to
call you something more casual, help them out:

 Please, call me [first name]

 You can call me [nickname or short form]
Formal Titles in English
In business situations, use formal titles unless the people you
meet tell you otherwise. To get someone's attention you can say:
"Excuse me, Sir" or "Pardon me, Madam/Ma'am." To greet someone
you can say: "Hello Sir" or "Good morning, Madam/Ma'am."

The phrase "Yes, Sir!" (or "Yes, Madam/Ma'am!") is sometimes

used by native speakers in a sarcastic way. For example when a young
child tells his father to "close his newspaper" the parent might say,
"Yes, sir!" and laugh. You might also hear a mother saying, "No
Madam/Ma'am" to her daughter's request for something unreasonable.

Here are the formal titles English speakers use:

(listen to the pronunciation)

1. Sir (adult male of any age)

2. Ma'am (adult female - North American)
3. Madam (adult female)
4. Mr + last name (any man)
5. Mrs + last name (married woman who uses her husband's last
6. Ms + last name (married or unmarried woman; common in
7. Miss + last name (unmarried woman)
8. Dr + last name (some doctors go by Dr + first name)
9. Professor + last name (in a university setting)

When you are writing to someone for the first time, use a formal
address: Mr or Ms + the person's last name if you know it. If you can't
find the last name, use a generic title such as Sir or Madam. The
respondent may address you by your first name and sign off with their
first name. In today's business world, the following correspondence is
usually more casual. If you write back a second time you can use the
respondent's letter as a guideline. If they address you by your first
name and sign off with their first name, you can do the same.
(More on salutations and closings in letters.)
Occasionally you may have a close relationship with someone who
typically gets called Sir, Madam, Mr or Mrs (for example, a business
executive, a celebrity, a professor or a person older than yourself). At
some point this person may give you permission to use his or her first
name. In English we use the phrase "on a first name basis" or "on first
name terms" to describe a relationship that is not as formal as it
seems it should be. To describe this you would say, for example:
"Pete's mom and I are on a first name basis" or "My teacher and I are
on first name terms."

Informal Titles in English

Casual or very close relationships require an informal form of address:

 First name (friends, students, children)

 Miss/Mr + first name (sometimes used by dance or music
teachers or childcare workers)

Titles of Affection

When addressing a child, a romantic partner, or a close friend or

family member (usually younger) people often use these terms of
endearment, also known as "pet names":

 Honey (child, romantic partner, or younger person)

 Dear
 Sweetie
 Love
 Darling
 Babe or Baby (romantic partner)
 Pal (father or grandfather calls male child)
 Buddy or Bud (very informal between friends or adult-to-child;
can be seen as negative)
FAQ: What should I call my teacher /
friend's parents / boyfriend's mum?
How you address people may also change depending on your own age
and status. If you are unsure, use a formal address. If your form of
address is too formal, the other person will invite you to use an
alternative form of address, such as a first name.

Q. What should I call my teacher or tutor?

A. Start formal. He or she will probably tell you on day 1 during the
introduction. If not, use a formal title, until he or she tells you
otherwise. Don't use the generic term "Teacher". This sounds as if you
do not know your teacher's name. (You wouldn't want to be called
"Student", right?) Even if you have a substitute teacher, make sure to
address the instructor by a specific name.

Q. What should I call my fellow students?

A. Depends on ages. In most classroom situations, students call
each other by first names. You may have a few older students in your
class. To show respect, address these people by their last name
(unless they ask you to use their first).

Q. What should I call my child's teacher?

A. Start with Mr or Mrs. Call your child's teacher the same thing
your child calls her. The teacher may give you permission to use her
first name when your child is not present.

Q. How should I address people online?

A. Depends on the situation. On a social network you can usually
use first names, even with teachers and administrators. In an email,
use a formal form of address the first time you contact a person. The
other person will likely respond by signing with just a first name. In
your next email you can safely address that person by their first name.

Q. What should I call our school administrator?

A. Formal. Use a formal address until he or she tells you differently.

Q. What should I call my homestay parents?

A. Start formal. Use Mr or Mrs/Ms + last name until he or she tells
you differently.

Q. What should I call my neighbours?

A. Depends on your ages. Neighbours usually address each other
with first names, though it depends on your age and theirs. Introduce
yourself using your first name and wait to see how they introduce
themselves. If your neighbour is older you can ask the question during
the second meeting, "Is it okay if I call you [first name]?"

Q. How should I address my colleagues?

A. Depends on the industry. In many businesses people go by their
first names. If you are the new employee, other people will introduce
themselves to you.

Q. What should I call my supervisor or manager?

A. Start formal. Even if this person calls you by your first name,
address them as Mr or Mrs/Ms + last name until they invite you to use
their first name.

Q. How should I address the bus driver?

A. Formal. Use Sir or Madam/Ma'am for any type of travel or
transportation worker who is not wearing a nametag. Don't say:
"Excuse me 'bus driver'." That is his or her job, not title.

Q. What should I call my (boy)friend's parents?

A. Formal. Children and youth should use Mr or Mrs/Ms + last name.
If your friends say it's okay to call their parents by their first names it
is still polite to ask the adults, "Is it okay if I call you [first name]?" If
you and your friend are also adults you can probably use their parents'
first names.

Q. How do I address a waiter/waitress/flight attendant?

A. Formal or first name. Use Sir or Madam/Ma'am if you don't know
their first name. Do NOT use "Hey waiter!" or "Hey waitress!" This is
considered rude by the restaurant staff and you will likely not receive
friendly service. If you are a regular customer you will build a
relationship with the restaurant or cafe staff. Then you can call staff by
their first names.

Q. What should I call my hairstylist or beauty care worker?

A. First name. In the beauty industry most people go by first names.
Some may have nicknames they will tell you to use.

Q. How do I address a customer service clerk?

A. Check for nametag. Some clerks (or restaurant servers) wear
name tags. A name tag might say, "Hi, my name is Danny." In this
case it is okay to address this clerk by his first name: "Thank you,
Danny" or "Danny, could you help me find the hamburgers?" If there is
no nametag, use Sir or Ma'am.

English Checker
acquaintance (noun): someone you know casually (eg: a friend of a
address (verb): to name someone in a specific way (when speaking
or writing)
awkward (adj.): feeling uncomfortable
colleagues (noun): people you work with
customer service (noun): help for shoppers, buyers, members
divorced (adj.): not married anymore
executive (noun): manager or high level employee in a company or
first name terms (BrE)/first name basis: having a close enough
relationship to disregard formalities such as age or status
formal (adj.): showing respect for rules, forms and traditions
formality (noun): something that has no real purpose other than
being a tradition
generic (adj.): describing many; not specific
maiden name (noun): a married woman's surname at birth
nickname (noun): a short or cute name used by friends or relatives
pet name (noun): a name used by close friends and family to show
their love
respondent (noun): the person who writes back or responds
sarcastic (adj.): ironic; typically having an opposite meaning, often to
show contempt or to prove a point
terms of endearment (noun): words or names that show feelings of
care for someone
trickier (adj.): more difficult to understand or do
widow (noun): a single woman whose husband has died

Telephone English
If the phone rings in English, don't be afraid to answer it! The fear of
talking on the phone in a second language will disappear if you
practise often. The hardest part about using the phone in a language
that is not your own is the fact that you cannot see the other person's
eyes, mouth and body movements (body language). Although you
might not be aware of it, in face-to-face conversation you lip-read and
watch for smiles, frowns and moving hands. Listening to someone on
the telephone is like doing a section from a taped recording in class.
The only difference is that you have to talk back!

In this lesson we look at some of the words and expressions that we

use for telephoning. There are also some practice sessions and a quiz
for you to check your understanding. And remember, practice makes
perfect! Ring, ring...

1. Telephone Terms

2. Telephone Language

3. Telephone Tips

4. Practice 1: Making an Appointment

5. Practice 2: Taking a Message

6. Practice 3: Ordering a Pizza

7. Telephone Quiz

Business Presentations &

Public Speaking in English
A presentation is a formal talk to one or more
people that "presents" ideas or information in a
clear, structured way. People are sometimes afraid
of speaking in public, but if you follow a few simple
rules, giving a presentation is actually very easy.
This tutorial guides you through each stage of giving
a presentation in English, from the initial preparation
to the conclusion and questions and answers. This
tutorial is itself set out like a mini-presentation. You
can follow it logically by starting at
the Introduction and then clicking on the link at the
foot of each page, or you can jump direct to the section you want from
the list of contents on each page.

"Well Done!!!! All the basics, in an easy to use, easy to follow

format! Finally, my students have some high quality, free
material to use!"John Herzig, Teacher, USA

1. Introduction

2. Preparation

3. Equipment

4. Delivery

5. Language

6. The Presentation

7. Review

8. Test

English speakers love to talk about the weather. It is a way
of breaking the ice(starting a conversation). People talk about the
weather on the phone and in person. Friends and family talk about the
weather before they discuss what's new. Co-workers talk about the
weather before starting a hard day of work. Even strangers discuss the
weather. Learn the proper vocabulary and expressions, and you will
find it easy to start a conversation anytime and anywhere with anyone
you meet!

Common questions and responses about Weather

What's it like out? It's miserable out.

How's the weather? It's ten below. (-10 degrees)

Do you have rain? We haven't had a drop of rain

for weeks.

What's the temperature It's 22 degrees Celsius.


It's snowing here, what's it It's pouring outside. (raining

doing there? heavily)

Beautiful day, huh? We couldn't ask for a better

day than this.

What's the weather forecast? They're calling for blue skies

all week.

One common mistake learners make when talking about the weather
is mixing up the noun, adjective and verb forms of weather words.

Example 1: How's the weather?

It is snow. Incorrect
It is snowing. Correct
It is snowy. Correct

Example 2: What's it like out?

It is rain. Incorrect
It is raining. Correct
It is rainy. Correct

Example 3: What's the weather like?

It is sun. Incorrect
It is sunny. Correct
The sun is shining. Correct

Now check out the words we use to talk about the weather, then do
the quizzes to test your understanding:

 Weather Vocabulary
 Weather Vocabulary Quiz
 Weather Report & Quiz

Small Talk
In most English-speaking countries, it is normal and necessary to
make "small talk" in certain situations. Small talk is a casual form of
conversation that "breaks the ice" or fills an awkward silence between
people. Even though you may feel shy using your second language, it
is sometimes considered rude to say nothing. Just as there are certain
times when small talk is appropriate, there are also certain topics that
people often discuss during these moments.

Read through the Who, What, Where, When, Why? page to gain a
better understanding of small talk. The hardest part about making
small talk is knowing how to start a conversation. Review the
conversation starters and practise them with a friend. Finally, take the
time to see how much you have learned about small talk by taking the
Small Talk Quiz. And remember, in an English-speaking environment it
is often better to make a few mistakes than to say nothing at all!

 Who, What, Where, When, Why?

 Conversation Starters

 Practice 1: At a Bus Stop

 Practice 2: At the Office

 Practice 3: At a Party

 Small Talk Quiz

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