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1. What do you expect to learn about world literature?

- Based on what I know and understand about literature, the various literary techniques,
genres, and characters can greatly enhance a person's thinking and inspire creative thinking.

2. Who is an international author you have known, and what are some of his or her literary works
- J.R.R Tolkien or John Ronal Reuel Tolkien and two of the most popular novels he wrote
which is the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

3. What culture, tradition, and belief systems would you like to learn about if you were to travel
- I would really like to travel to Japan because of their festivals and unique traditions, and
especially during the blooming of their cherry blossoms.

4. What do you expect to learn from studying world literature?

- What I expect from studying world literature is being to learn about the different literature
of different cultures and enhance my communication skills.

5. If you were to travel back in time to the Philippine period, what specific period would you like to
visit? And what would you bring to the present that you think would be significant to Gen Z?
- I would like to go back to the Philippine period when Bongbong Marcus Sr. was the
president because I would really to know what actually happened during his era, like what
actions he made, and how he really treated the people of the Philippines back then.

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