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Learning Principles to be Applied?

There are a lot of Learning Principles that can be applied but we chose the Laws of
Learning by Edward L. Thorndike. There are 7 Laws (principles) of learning these are;
Readiness, Exercise, Effect, Primacy, Intensity, Recency, and Freedom. We’ll focus on the
Primary Laws, Three Primary Laws are the Law of readiness, the Law of exercise, and the Law
of effect. First is the Law of readiness, It is about the student’s readiness or attention. He’s
physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn. Here in this first law, we must get their
attention, how fun our subject is and how important this subject is for their betterment. Secondly
the Law of Exercise, Exercise is repeated activity for improvement. Some students can’t catch
up on complex tasks in a single session. For example, in this simulation, there are different
types of speech contexts after providing definitions, discussions, and feedback. They will have
groupings to practice what is learned after that is an individual quiz and lastly homework for
retention. These repetitive activities are also examples of the Law of exercise. Lastly, the Law of
effective learning can be strengthened or weakened depending on the satisfactory or
unpleasant feeling of the learner.
This law is visible when we are studying since early childhood education when students get
stars, praise, and prizes for good performances, this can strengthen the learning. Our learning
objectives also include that students should be able to appreciate scenarios under different
speech contexts. With these laws, students can apply what they’ve learned in real-life situations.

Learning and Development theories that should be considered?

The Constructivism Theory is based on the learner’s previous experiences and then
creating their own understanding. Students will learn what they are being taught and add it to
their existing experiences. Teachers can use constructivism to help the learners understand the
topic by bringing up their past experiences. For example, in this simulation, we provided some
definitions, discussions, and short videos. Those short videos can help them to remember or
know that they are already doing that type of speech context and can help them to create their
own examples. Constructivism theory has many elements, one of which is learning is a social
activity. It is vital to construct knowledge with others. In creating understanding groupings,
conversations, discussion, and feedback are all essential in understanding. Constructivism
emphasizes the learners in building their knowledge by reflecting on their experiences, and
mental representations and creating new knowledge.

Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory suggests that the primary role of this theory is
through observation and their primary model. This theory involves getting the learner's attention,
retention, reproduction when it’s appropriate to use it, and motivation. With this social modeling,
could be a powerful tool in their teaching process because students might think of you as a
primary model. This is where you need to apply the four practices, paying attention to what is
said in the law of readiness: there is no teaching-learning process if the learner is not fine or
ready. As a facilitator, you must gather their attention and then explain the learning objectives,
Retention the main goal of this practice is to retain things in mind. Reproduction is the ability to
reproduce the behavior we observed. Then lastly motivation is the will to perform because of
some factors. It could be positive reinforcements or negative reinforcements. Praises and
punishments can affect the learner’s engagement in the teaching-learning process.

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