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This following disease which are disorders of lymphoid cell proliferation : *

a. Haemostasis disease
b. Lymphadenopati
c. Leukemia
d. Lymphositemia
e. Thalasemia

2. This following medicine is no more effective 8 hours after stoped : *

a. Warfarin
b. Heparin
c. Aspirin
d. Tiklopidin
e. Aspilet

3. This are the common sign and symptoms of Diabetes Melitus : *

a. Poliuria
b. Polidipsia
c. Polifagia
d. Periodontitis
e. a, b and c are correct

4. Patient with history of need a longer time to stop when bleeding. What disease that this
patient may be suffer ? *
a. Haemoragik
b. Hemofilia
c. Leukemia
d. Pansitopenia
e. Thalasemia

5. What laboratory examination that you will ask to support your diagnosis in case No.4? *
a. Cloting time
b. Bleeding time
c. Prothombine time
d. Activated partial thromboplastin time
e. a, b, c and d are correct

6. This following laboratory examination may you ask to patient with suspicion of Diabetes
Melitus : *
a. HbA1C
d. Ureum (Ur)
e. Hemoglobin (Hb)

7. Patient male 72 year-old with cardiovascular disease and daily medicine consumsion, need a
dental treatment. What will you ask first to the patient ?
a. To minimize the daily medicine dose
b. Give prophylaxis antibiotic
c. Laboratory examination : CK, MB, PT, APTT
d. Consult to the doctor that give daily medicine to arrange pre and post dental treatment
e. Other supportive examination: EKG, thorax rontgen

Batalkan pilihan

8. This problem may follow patient with Diabetes Melitus, except : *

a. Atherosclerosis
b. Retinopathy
c. Echephalopathy
d. Neuropathy
e. Microaneurism

9. This laboratory result may be find in patient with Leukemia, except : *

a. Albuminemia
b. Anemia
c. Retikulositopenia
d. Lekopenia
e. Trombostiopenia

10. Patient male 4 year-old came with frequently gummy bleeding. Patient also with
hepatosplenomegaly on physical examination and pansitopenia on laboratory finding. What
disease may be suspected to this patient? *
a. Anemia
b. Hemofilia
c. Hemangioma
d. Leukemia
e. Limfangioma

11. This kind of instrument & linen sterilization methods are correct : *
a. Heat & chemistry
b. Radiation & saponification
c. Chemistry & iodine
d. Gas & chemistry
e. Heat & gas

12. Prevention of infection by inhibiting or arresting the growth and multiplication of germs
(infectious agents); is definition of ? *
a. Sterilization
b. Desinfection
c. Aseptic
d. Antisepsis
e. Antibiotic

13. This following are kind of antiseptic that are properly used, except? *
a. Ethanol 70%
b. Povidon Iodium
c. Chlorhexidine 2%
d. Merkurorium
e. Etakridin

14. A 12 year-old girl come to policlinic with vulnus laceratum at mental region. Patient need
to perform suture. This procedure are correct, except? *
a. Using povidone idonie as antiseptic
b. Perform aseptic procedure from the farthest to closest of the wound
c. Place only sterile items within the aseptic field
d. Perform aseptic procedure from the closest to farthest of the wound
e. Using sterile handscoen

15. This following are personal protective equipment (PPE) to enter the OR : *
a. Sterile gown, goggles, surgical mask.
b. Sterile gown, sterile handscoen, ID card.
c. Surgical cap, shoe cover, surgical mask.
d. Surgical cap, sterile gown, goggles.
e. Sterile handscoen, shoe cover, ID card.

16. Duration of hand hygiene with soap (chlorhexidine 2%) and water is : *
a. 10 – 20 sec
b. 20 – 30 sec
c. 30 – 40 sec
d. 40 – 50 sec
e. 40 – 60 sec

17. Duration of hand hygiene with hand sanitizer (alcohol 70% based) is : *
a. 10 – 20 sec
b. 20 – 30 sec
c. 30 – 40 sec
d. 40 – 50 sec
e. 40 – 60 sec

18. This following are 5 moments for hand hygiene, except : *

a. After an aseptic task
b. Before patient contact
c. Before an aseptic task
d. After body fluid exposure risk
e. After patient contact

19. Horizontally, face is divided into …. part : *

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6
20. This following are part of mid face, except : *
a. Os. Nasal
b. Zygomaticomaxillary complex
c. Os. Sfenoid
d. Coronoid mandible
e. Inferior orbital rim

21. A 27 year-old man came with suspicious of facial bone fracture. From Facial CT-Scan 3D
examination finding there are fracture line on nasal bone and bilateral zygomacticomaxilla.
What is the possible diagnosis of this patient ? *
a. Le-fort 1 fracture
b. Le-fort 2 fracture
c. Le-fort 3 fracture
d. Panfacial fracture
e. Nasozygoma bilateral fracture

22. A 32 year-old woman came with loosening on upper tooth after hit by his friend. From
physical examination there are step off deformity from tooth 13 to 22. There is no maxilla
floating. What is the possible diagnosis of this patient ? *
a. Le-fort 1 fracture
b. Le-fort 2 fracture
c. Le-fort 3 fracture
d. Maxillary fracture
e. Dentoalveolar fracture

23. What is the treatment of case no.22 ? *

a. Secure airway
b. Tooth extraction
c. Archbar
d. Inter-dental wiring (IDW)

24. This following are part of lower face, except : *

a. Corpus mandible
b. Mental nerve
c. Os. Sfenoid
d. Coronoid mandible
e. Wharton duct

25. A 38 year-old man came with uncomfortable in intraoral region after motorcycle accident 3
hours before admission. From palpation: discontinuity on sinistra side of mandible. From
intraoral examination: step off deformity between tooth 32 and 33, without sublingual
hematoma.What is the possible diagnosis of this patient ? *
a. Simfisis of mandible fracture
b. Sinistra parasimfisis of mandible fracture
c. Sinistra corpus of mandible fracture
d. Sinistra angle of mandible fracture
e. Sinistra condyle of mandible fracture

26. A 25 year-old man came with suspicious of facial bone fracture. From Facial CT-Scan 3D
examination finding there are fracture line on left zygomaticomaxillary bone, extended to left
parasimfisis mandible bone. What is the possible diagnosis of this patient ? *
a. Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture
b. Le Fort-1 fracture
c. Open fracture of parasimfisis mandible
d. Panfacial fracture
e. Fracture of anterior wall of maxillary sinus

27. A 25 year-old man came with suspicious of facial bone fracture. Base on physical
examination there is dextra malar imminens depression and detention of eye movement to
upper. Base on intra-oral examination there is open bite malocclusion. What is the definitive
treatment of this patient ? *
a. Reduction
b. Internal fixation
d. Immobilization
e. Maxillo-mandibular fixation

28. What is the purpose (aim) of treatment of case no.27 ? *

a. Restore orbital function
b. Restore occlusion function
c. Aesthetic appearance
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

29. This following are primary survey, except : *

a. Airway
b. Breathing
c. Circulation
d. Disability
e. Support

30. This following are examine in patient with cranio-maxillofacial trauma in palpation, except
a. Deformity
b. Malar imminens depression
c. Step off
d. TMJ gliding
e. Floating maxilla
31. Yang termasuk di dalam urutan penanganan dalam Basic Life Support, adalah: *
A. Airway
B. Breathing
C. Circulation
D. Defibrillation
E. Semua diatas benar

32. Manuver yang dilakukan untuk menjamin Airway yang lancer adalah: *
A. Neck tilt & tongue lift
B. Cervical tilt & chin lift
C. Head tilt & chin lift
D. Cervical down & nose lift
E. Posterior tilt & anterior lift

33. Yang merupakan cara pemberian napas buatan adalah: *

A. Exhaled air ventilation
B. Independent air ventilation
C. O2 – enriched ventilation
D. A,B,C benar
E. A & C benar

34. Pada tindakan kompresi dada, ratio antara kompresi dan ventilasi untul penolong tunggal
adalah: *
A. 20:2
B. 30:2
C. 10:1
D. 15:2
E. 5:1

35. AED adalah singkatan dari: *

A. Autosomal external dilatation
B. Advanced external defibrillator
C. Auxilliary exogen dilatation
D. Automated external defibrillator
E. Antishock extracorporeal device

36. Cardiopulmonary rescucitation harus terus dilakukan oleh seorang penolong sampai: *
A. Tenaga medis dan peralatan sudah sampai di lokasi pasien
B. Sudah tercapai respirasi & sirkulasi adekuat dan spontan
C. Anggota tim emergensi sudah di lokasi pasien
D. Semua diatas benar
E. Semua di atas salah

37. Penatalaksanaan dalam BLS untuk perdarahan, kecuali: *

A. Tinggikan dan berikan support di bagian yg terluka
B. Balut tekan
C. Tekan sumber perdarahan
D. Ikat/ ligasi sumber perdarahan
E. Berikan kompres dingin/ es

38. Penanganan dalam BLS untuk pasien shock, kecuali: *

A. Baringkan pasien
B. Tinggikan kaki
C. Selimuti pasien untuk menjaga kehangatan tubuh
D. Pastikan sirkulasi udara segar untuk pasien
E. Berikan minum untuk menyadarkan & menenangkan pasien

39. Kunci utama untuk melakukan evaluasi status neurologis pasien adalah: *
A. American neurologic scale
B. Bristow definitive neurological scale
C. Glasgow coma scale
D. Advance neurologic scale
E. Emergency patient scale

40. Komponen dalam penilaian status neurologis pasien menurut system pada soal sebelumnya
adalah: *
A. Best motor response
B. Best sensibility response
C. Best otonom response
D. Best fungsional response
E. Best conscious respons

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