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It's night time at instanbul.

Prince Suleiman just walking around the city,

make sure everyone's fine. Last year some intruders killed some byzantines
and runaway. Little did he knew it's not about a cowardize. They did things
intentionaly. Hide in plain sight, never killl the innocents, and never
compromise the brotherhood. Such a noble qualities, even better. A
magnificent, always playing chess with prince Ahmet, his uncle who likes to
playing with some evidence to the contrary. Well everyone wants to rule the
world. But Suleiman, he thirsty of knowledge, even at this time while he was
just 17. Wonder how many teens doing such thing. A schoolar and a
gentleman. But of course everyone can make mistakes. Unexpectedly! When
prince arriving and make some salutation with good treats like he's part of
them. Behind the doors, there are three suspicious men with entertainer suit.
"Peasants not allowed!" The guards told Zio to shut his mouth. "Bona serra
messere. We are have good intention for entertainment." Zio starts playing a
lute with some chords that he learned since he was young. "One day I run from
Firenze. I running away from my family. I get some freedom outside there.
Don't know what I should feeling guilty of. Ohh I help some women with
something. With a reward to unlocked their boxes. They feel satisfied, giving
me inspiration to write some books." Somehow all people getting amused. Of
course Zio's not an easy man to get manipulated. "You see I standing here.
Such time that I waste so much. But you look at me and smiling then.
Sincerely have no taste." They even laughing louder, making Zio more
confused. His intention is actually to protect the prince that he thinks the most
valuable person in the city. It could be wrong if fall to a wrong person. "Come
here." A calm voice from Suleiman makes Zio realized it was him. Didn't
immediately call Zio by his own name since their relation as a "Secret Friend."
They walk around further from those people so no one see their secret
meeting. "How's the night, Zio?" "Incredibely better my friend. I see you learn
some italian before I came back from Venezia." "Bona fortuna, amico mio."
"Nice, you are fast learner." "Grazie." "So what birngs you to this bazaar. I
thought ottoman just need to ask for request, or even just by offer." "For a few
my friend, but I'd like to do stuff all by myself." "Bene." "Zio, would you like to
help me with something?" "As I expected." "Prego." "No, no. I mean the rumor
spread, meeting of canchellor should have make everything questionable." "I
see, so you ready to test your stealth?" "Better than ever." "Tariq and my uncle
have some serious meeting. I have to join them not only to hear and
conversation as formality." "You want me to watch from the rooftop?" "Evet."
"Capito. Make sure you distract the guards focus." "But how?" "Use your inner
child." "You joking me?" "Sometimes childish act gets more solution rather
than the matured one." "Whatever my friend." While Suleiman walks away, he
whispers, "The strangest man of the world." Zio climbs the rooftop like body
flicker messenger. There are a hole outside of it. Wonder how they don't think
to make a window from the left or right side, not top. Ahmet and Tariq already
drink some caffe with a traditional byzantine cup. Zio smells it, almost distract
him from his main objective. "Ahh, ahh!" "What's wrong, my nephew?" "My
leg, my leg. "Guards, guards!" The guards rushly get into prince's trap to
massaging his feet. Zio walks down quietly and take the paper that Ahmet
once drop it. He climbs again and read it, "Dear, mr Marco. I have found your
macaroni and cheese factory recipe. I find the other way to combine it with
some our traditional Turkey and khebab. Western people trick us by using our
recipe to make a pizza and hamburger. And of course, Italian responsible for
this. But don't worry, sooner as sooner we will find a way out. You know what
is it? Evet, propaganda. We should advertise by using our stupid people with
big mouth to tell everyone over cities. Remember, dumb people easily to get
work in a big amount. West will fall once we proved their uncapability to make
their own recipe. Sincerely, Petrucci." Wait, Petrucci. It's the man back in
Firenze that harrasing Zio's hot babe to become his property in Toscana. Zio
little bit scared of this. On the other side, Marilyn the blonde that keeped by
Zio as hostage, stay faithfull to him while working hard. Zio asked her to keep
the grain grow, and keep grow her sexuality. Zio keeps remember about her, a
submissive girl from that time and forever for the rest of her life.

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