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What is Creation Spirituality?

a way of living within the community of earth that deepens our reverence for life, participates in
the creativity of the cosmos, and develops our passion for justice and human transformation.

Creation spirituality is a contemporary spiritual and theological movement that emphasizes a

holistic and interconnected view of the universe and all of existence. It was popularized by the
American theologian and scholar Matthew Fox in the late 20th century. Creation spirituality
draws on a variety of sources, including Christian mysticism, indigenous wisdom, and ecological
awareness, to develop a spiritual framework that values the Earth, nature, and the
interconnectedness of all life.

Key elements of Creation Spirituality:

1. Reverence for Creation: This approach places a strong emphasis on the sacredness of
the natural world and the belief that God's presence can be found in all of creation. It sees
nature as a source of spiritual insight and transformation.
2. Cosmic Christ: Creation spirituality often incorporates the idea of the "Cosmic Christ" -
a perspective that views Jesus Christ not just as a historical figure but as a symbol of the
divine presence that permeates the entire universe.
3. Interconnectedness: It recognizes the interdependence of all life forms and the
importance of living in harmony with the Earth and all its creatures. This perspective
values ecological sustainability and a deep respect for the environment.
4. Mysticism: The movement encourages individuals to explore the mystical aspects of
their faith and develop a personal, experiential connection with the divine. It draws from
the rich mystical traditions of Christianity and other spiritual paths.
5. Social Justice: Creation spirituality often aligns with social and environmental justice
causes, advocating for the well-being of all living beings and addressing issues like
poverty, climate change, and ecological destruction.
6. Art and Creativity: This approach often values artistic expression as a way to connect
with the divine and explore one's spirituality.

It's important to note that Creation spirituality is not limited to any particular religious tradition and can be

adopted by people of various faith backgrounds or those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious. It
offers a perspective that encourages a deeper connection with the natural world and a more holistic

understanding of spirituality.

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