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Megulete Madalina Elena

Bucharest, Romania, 020112

Mr. and Mrs. Bull

Cold Comfort Farm
Sussex, Great Britain

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bull,

I hope this letter finds you well. I recently came across your invitation to work at Home
Farm, and I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your team for the upcoming farm work.
The prospect of picking fruit and contributing to the daily operations at Home Farm is an
exciting one.
I am attracted to the idea of being part of a dynamic and rewarding work environment. The
notion of being paid by the hour, providing a direct correlation between hard work and earnings,
is particularly appealing.
Moreover, the offer of accommodation and meals further adds to the attractiveness of this
opportunity. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of providing a place to sleep and ensuring that all
meals are taken care of, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on the tasks at hand.
I am eager to learn more about the specific responsibilities and expectations associated with
the position.
Additionally, I would like to express my interest in submitting an application. Enclosed with this
letter is a photo, as requested.
If possible, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this opportunity further and address
any queries you may have.
I am available for an interview at your convenience and be reached at +40765.489.108 or .
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing
to the success of Home Farm and learning from the experiences it offers.

Megulete Madalina Elena.

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