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Overview of WWII and the Cold War, including dates, events, key personalities, and their roles:

World War II (1939-1945):

1.1939-1945World War II

2. **1939:**

- Germany invades Poland, triggering the war.

3. **1940:**

- Battle of Britain.

- Germany invades France.

4. **1941:**

- Operation Barbarossa: Germany invades the Soviet Union.

- Attack on Pearl Harbor: U.S. enters the war.

5. **1942-1945:**

- Battle of Stalingrad: Turning point on the Eastern Front.

6. **1944:**

- D-Day: Allied invasion of Normandy.

7. **1945:**

- Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

- Germany surrenders; Japan surrenders after atomic bombings.

#### **Key Personalities in WWII:**

- **Adolf Hitler:**

- Leader of Nazi Germany, mastermind behind the war.

- **Winston Churchill:**

- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, a key Allied leader.

- **Joseph Stalin:**

- Leader of the Soviet Union, played a crucial role on the Eastern Front.

- **Franklin D. Roosevelt:**
- U.S. President (until 1945), led the U.S. through most of the war.

- **Harry S. Truman:**

- Succeeded Roosevelt and made the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan.

### **Cold War (1947-1991):**

1. **1947:**

- Truman Doctrine: U.S. policy of containing communism.

- Marshall Plan: U.S. economic aid to rebuild Western Europe.

2. **1949:**

- NATO established.

- Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb.

3. **1950-1953:**

- Korean War: Proxy conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

4. **1955:**

- Warsaw Pact established in response to NATO.

5. **1961:**

- Berlin Wall erected, symbolizing the Iron Curtain.

6. **1962:**

- Cuban Missile Crisis: U.S. and Soviet Union on the brink of nuclear war.

7. **1964-1975:**

- Vietnam War: A Cold War proxy conflict.

8. **1979:**

- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

9. **1989:**

- Fall of the Berlin Wall, symbolizing the end of the Cold War.

10. **1991:**

- Dissolution of the Soviet Union.

#### **Key Personalities in the Cold War:**

- **Harry S. Truman:**

- U.S. President during the early Cold War.

- **Joseph Stalin:**

- Leader of the Soviet Union until 1953.

- **Dwight D. Eisenhower:**

- U.S. President (1953-1961), focused on containing communism.

- **Nikita Khrushchev:**

- Leader of the Soviet Union (1953-1964), involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

- **John F. Kennedy:**

- U.S. President (1961-1963), faced the Cuban Missile Crisis.

- **Lyndon B. Johnson:**

- U.S. President (1963-1969), involved in the Vietnam War.

- **Richard Nixon:**

- U.S. President (1969-1974), pursued détente with the Soviet Union.

- **Ronald Reagan:**

- U.S. President (1981-1989), known for the Reagan Doctrine and ending the Cold War.

- **Mikhail Gorbachev:**

- Last leader of the Soviet Union (1985-1991), implemented reforms leading to the end of the Cold War.

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