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G4S Planetary Security Headquarters, Level 3

Obama City, Blue Jindaalya, Jindaalya Cluster

27:34 Hrs JC Mean Time

Security Commander Geraldo Manley flinched as, on his tactical display screen, yet another Raptor flare-bomb was deflected by
the cities ground shield and careened into the city streets, to explode in a vivid gush of blue-white flame.
Somewhere behind him someone in the command centre cried out at the dull roar.
At tap on his shoulder distracted Manley from the screen. It was his assistant, Corporal Joanna Kincaid.
“We’ve managed to raise the Albion, Sir. They say they’re under heavy fire and haven’t the spare capacity to support us at this
time.” She looked terrified - they’d all heard stories of the Raptors ferocity.
“Joanna, they can’t land whilst the shield remains up, and I’m not about to lower it!” Manley grimaced as another dull roar
reverberated through the command centre.
The Albion was Blue Jindaalya’s local patrol cruiser. She’d been in far orbit behind their moon when the three Raptor battle
cruisers had drooped out of F.T.L. Manley barely had time to raise the city’s shield before the cruisers had opened fire, knocking
out more than 75% of the city’s local defences. Fortunately they’d not hit the primary shield generator before the shield went up.


Far above the screaming city …

On the fast cruiser “Raking Claw” the holo-tank showed Force Master Shaddom all he needed to know - unless he could find a
way to knock out the human city’s shield system, he’d never be able to complete his mission before human reinforcements arrived
to make life briefly more exciting. Flare-bombs, plasma cannon, they’d tried them all, and still the city’s shield held. Shaddom
gloomily thought he might’ve tried rocks had it not been blasphemy to ill-treat the Creators things so …
His comm squawked. It was the Senior Sensor-Specialist, down in the sensor tank. “Force Master?”
“Yes, Senior Specialist?”
“We have isolated the humans shield harmonic, and believe we can isolate the harmonic regulators location.”
This was an interesting development, thought Shaddom. “Speak!”
“Yes, Force Master. The shield generators regulator is controlled from a location outside the city, in a sub-surface facility 8 Nv
from the shielded perimeter. Tactical Master Drensh asserts that if we destroy the regulator oscillations in the shield harmonics
will eventually collapse the shield for us.”
Shaddom turned. “Where is Specialist Combat Master Frenzz?”


In Manley’s headquarters …

Time passed. Above, the Raptors had ceased their pointless bombardment of the city’s shield. Now two of their big cruisers just
hung there in low orbit. There’d been no further communications from the Albion, and sensors now showed the third Raptor
cruiser was returning to low orbit, a cloud of debris behind it. Even so, Manley felt faintly optimistic. Even with three cruisers the
Raptors would never be able to break down the shield. They couldn’t wait in orbit forever either.
“Sir!” Half asleep, Manleys’ eyes snapped open. “What is it?”
“Sir - the lead Raptor cruisers launched a lander, it’s about to enter the upper atmosphere.”
Manley glanced down at a smaller side screen. “Show me.”
After a burst of static, the screen lit up. A lozenge shaped vehicle, escorted by 3 smaller vehicles, dropped downwards …
“Dammit! It’s not a lander, it’s a Sirius.” Manley swore loudly. “Alert all ground stations we’ll be having guests.”


As the atmosphere screeched and screamed outside the A.P.C.’s hull, Frenzz re-checked his comm-rig …

The A.P.C.’s small holo-tank showed a flickering image of a small cluster of low buildings. Even as Klensh adjusted the tank, an
alarm briefly sounded. Up front the Sirius’ pilot hissed a loud laugh.
“Just a radar spike, probably from a vehicle … probably an anti-air vehicle … missiles are probably already on the way.” The
pilot laughed again.
Frenzz clicked deep in his throat, drawing his teams attention back, away from the laughing pilot.
“Radar means we’re likely to be expected, so stay low, stay fast and this time, try to remember where we parked …”
More laughter …

Welcome to The Raid, a two player game of USE ME 15mm Sci-Fi. In this small game a small but elite Chuhuac special
operations’ strike team endeavors to destroy a shield regulator defended by the local planetary security teams.

Set-Up: Sergeant Fergusons’ Planetary Security Force squad sets up within 3” of the red ‘A’ on the map; Sergeant Van Gaals’
Planetary Security Force squad sets up within 3” of the red ‘B’; Sergeant Gardiolas’ Planetary Security Force squad sets up off

Special Rules:
1). TERRAIN: The hills and buildings are classed as difficult terrain. The smaller dark green areas on the map are woods,
and also classed as difficult terrain. The red building in map square 4 is the shield regulator.
2). The only way the Chuhuac can destroy the shield regulator is to have the Demolitions’ Master place his demolitions
charges in base-to-base contact with the shield regulator. This takes 1 turn / 2 full activations. The charges explode at the
end of the following turn. Once placed, they cannot be moved / removed / destroyed.
3). The Planetary Security Forces droids are assigned to the Security Force Charger A.P.C. vehicle characters, and must
accompany them at all times in order to repair them. They must dismount and the Charger must stop moving in order for
them to engage in any repairs. They are not suitably equipped to repair the shield regulator or remove the Chuhuac
demolitions charges.
4). The Planetary Security Force has assigned Sergeant Gardiolas’ squad to other duties nearby but off table. Once the
shooting starts Planetary Security H.Q. will direct Sergeant Gardiola to move to support Sergeants Ferguson and Van
Gaal. Sergeant Gardiolas’ squad arrives on the left hand edge of map squares 1 or 7 1d6+1 turns after the Chuhuac first
fire ranged weapons.

Victory: The Chuhuac will score a major victory if they can destroy the shield regulator and at least half of their forces survive
to escape off table by the end of turn 12. The Chuhuac score a minor victory if they destroy the shield regulator and less than half
their forces survive to escape off table by the end of turn 12. Any other result is a victory for the Planetary Security Force.

FORCE 1 G4S Planetary Security Team Alpha

TROOPS Sergeants Ferguson, Van Gaal and Gardiolas’ squads of vehicle supported security troops

Id Name Description Type Elan Move Weapons Notes Pack

1 Sergeant Ferguson Human Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl, Grenades HOF98
2 Trooper Vinnie J Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
3 Trooper George B Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
4 Trooper Eric C Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
5 Trooper Peter B Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
6 Trooper Bobby C Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
7 Trooper Raheem S Human trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
8 Trooper Michael O Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF98
9 Charger B 6 Wheel A.P.C. Hv Vhcl 3 8” Vchl Auto Wpn HOF28A
10 J2B3 Droid Infantry 3 4” Repair HOF70

11 Sergeant Van Gaal Human Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl, Grenades HOF98
12 Trooper Ryan G Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
13 Trooper Wayne R Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
14 Trooper Kevin K Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
15 Trooper Theo W Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF98
16 Trooper David B Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
17 Trooper Peter S Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
18 Trooper Robbie F Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
19 Charger B 6 Wheel A.P.C. Hv Vhcl 3 8” Vhcl Auto Wpn HOF281
20 J2B7 Droid Infantry 3 4” Repair HOF70

21 Sergeant Gardiola Human Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl, Grenades HOF98

22 Trooper Billy W Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
23 Trooper Nobby S Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
24 Trooper Stanley M Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
25 Trooper Marcus R Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
26 Trooper Jamie R Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
27 Trooper Jamie V Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
28 Trooper Sam A Human Trooper Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl HOF96
29 Charger B 6 Wheel A.P.C. Hv Vhcl 3 8” Vhcl Auto Wpn HOF28A
30 J2B13 Droid Infantry 3 4” Repair HOF70

FORCE 2 Chuhuac Special Oprations Force Frenzz

TROOPS Special Operations Master Frenzzs’ Chuhuac Spec-Ops Team, 3 Swift Talon Grav Bikes, 1 Sirius Grav A.P.C.,
Demolitions Master Seefawz

Id Name Description Type Elan Move Weapons Notes Pack

1 Frenzz Spec Ops Leader Infantry 5 8” Sup Rfl (A) C.C.S. RAP00
2 Transh Spec Ops Sniper Infantry 5 8” Sup Rfl (A) Sniper RAP00
3 Klensh Spec Ops Trooper Infantry 5 8” Hvy Wpn (A) A.V.S. RAP00
4 Yorrta Spec Ops Trooper Infantry 5 8” Sup Rfl, Grenades (A) C.C.S. RAP00
5 Jamth Spec Ops Trooper Infantry 5 8” Sup Rfl, Grenades (A) C.C.S. RAP00
6 Porthz Spec Ops Trooper Infantry 5 8” Sup Rfl, Grenades (A) C.C.S. RAP00
7 Dramth Swift Talon Lt Vhcl 4 16” Vhcl Auto Wpn Eng Shield RAP00
8 Hertha Swift Talon Lt Vhcl 4 16” Vhcl Auto Wpn Eng Shield RAP00
9 Vlamm Swift Talon Lt Vhcl 4 16” Vhcl Auto Wpn Eng Shield RAP00
10 Seefawz Demolitions Master Infantry 4 8” Side Arm Demolition RAP00
s 3
11 Sirius Grav A.P.C. Hv Vhcl 4 12” 2 Vhcl Auto Wpn Eng Shield RAP00

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