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By Abdelrahman Adel
Class 3b
Adverb tell us more about verbs.
They make sentences much more interesting

 Most adverbs are made by adding the suffix ‘ly’

onto the end of the word
 careful + ly = carefully

Types of adverbs:
 Adverbs of time
 Adverbs of place
 Adverbs of manner
 Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of time describe when
an action is happening.

The penguins swam yesterday.

Here, ‘yesterday’ is describing

when the penguins swam, which
makes it an adverb.
Adverbs of place describe where
an action is happening.

Liam ran there.

Here, ‘there’ is describing

where Liam ran, which makes
it an adverb.
Adverbs of manner describe how
an action is happening.

Helen laughed nervously.

Here, ‘nervously’ is describing

how Helen laughed, which
makes it an adverb.
Adverbs of frequency describe how often
an action is happening.

The lion roared daily.

Here, ‘daily’ is describing how

often the lion roars, which
makes it an adverb.

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