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Adverbs can tell you where, when, how, why and to what extent something
There are several different classes of.
They are often formed from adjectives or nouns by adding the suffix -ly.
For example: Quick becomes quickly, sudden becomes suddenly, intelligent
becomes intelligently.
To form an adverb from adjectives ending in -y change the y to i before adding
the -ly.
For example: angry becomes angrily, busy becomes busily.
To form an adverb from adjectives ending in -e drop the -e before adding the -ly.
For example: feeble becomes feebly, true becomes truly.
Some adjectives ending in -ly need no changes.
For example: heavenly.
However there are exceptions.
For example: sly becomes slyly, shy becomes shyly.
Some adverbs do not end in -ly.
For example: fast, hard, straight.

Adjective Pretty Serious Fast Quiet

She was a He was a It was a fast They were
pretty girl. serious boy. car. quiet children.
Adverb Prettily Seriously Fast Quietly
The policeman
The bird sang Schumacher The woman
Example spoke
prettily. drives fast. spoke quietly.

Adverbs can modify adjectives

An adjective can be modified by an adverb, which precedes the adjective.
For example:-
That's really nice.
Adverbs can modify adverbs
Some adverbs can modify others. As with adjectives, the adverb precedes the
one it is modifying.
For example:-
She did it really well.
Adverbs can modify nouns
Adverbs can modify nouns to indicate time or place.
For example:-
The concert tomorrow.
The room upstairs.
Adverbs can modify noun phrases
Some adverbs of degree such as quite, rather, so, such ... can modify noun
For example:-
We had quite a good time.
They're such good friends.

Adverbs can modify determiners, numerals and pronouns

Adverbs such as almost, nearly, hardly, about, etc., can be used:
For example:-
Nearly everyone, who was invited, came to the party.

Adverbs can modify sentences

Some adverbs modify a whole sentence, not just a part of one.
For example:-
Luckily the car stopped in time. In this sentence luckily modifies the whole
sentence, it shows that it was good luck that the car stopped in time.

Adverbs of degree : tell us the strength or intensity of something that happens.

Many adverbs are gradable, that is, we can intensify them. Basically they answer
the sort of question that asks How much ...? or How little...?
Adverbs of degree include; adequately, almost, entirely, extremely, greatly,
highly, hugely, immensely, moderately, partially, perfectly, practically,
profoundly, strongly, totally, tremendously, very, virtually etc.
For example:-
The man drove badly. = The man drove really badly. - In this
sentence really shows us just how badly he drove.
They enjoyed the film. = They enjoyed the film immensely. - In this
sentence immensely shows us how much they enjoyed the film.
These intensifiers are not gradable though, you cannot say The man drove
extremely very badly.
Adverbs of duration : tell us how long something happened.
They include; briefly, forever, long, shortly, permanantly, temporarily etc.
For example:
"They were occupied." = "They were briefly occupied." - In this
sentence briefly shows us the duration.
"The phone was out of order." = "The phone was temporarily out of order." - In
this sentence temporarily shows us the duration.

Adverbs of manner : Some adverbs tell us how an action is or should be

Often these adverbs are formed by adding -ly to the end of an adjective.
Adjectives ending -l add -ly ; careful-carefully.
Adjectives ending -y change to -ily ; lucky-luckily
Adjectives ending -ble change to -bly ; responsible-responsibly
adjective adverb
anxious anxiously
bad badly
beautiful beautifully
capable capably
careful carefully
quick quickly
weak weakly
For example:
The president walked down the ramp carefully. In this
sentence carefully modifies the verb walked (to walk).
Exercice : angrily, naughtily, prettily, slowly, proudly, happily, easily, loudly,
carefully :

The ant shouted

The tortoise walked

The music played

The bird sang

The elephant balanced

She smiled

A banana peels

The little boy behaved

He held his grandson

Adverbs of place : indicate where something happens.

These include; abroad, anywhere, here, outside, somewhere, there, underground,
upstairs etc.
For example:
My passport is here in my bag.
Place Example
Upstairs The children were playing
In The people demonstrated in
London London.
Outside The children were playing

Adverbs of probability : tell us the likelihood of something happening.

If you imagine playing dice, what's the likelihood (probability) of rolling a six?
You know it's possible, but it's not certain.
The only certainty is that you'll throw something between one and six. However,
your less likely to throw two sixes.
Adverbs of probability include; certainly, definitely, doubtless, maybe, perhaps,
possibly, probably etc.
For example:
We will win the game. = We will certainly win the game. - In this
sentence certainly shows us the probability.

Adverbs of time : Some adverbs tell us when something happened or will happen.
These include:afterwards, later, now, soon, yesterday etc.
For example:-
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. - In this
sentence yesterday shows us when the singers troubles seemed so far away..
Other adverbs of time include:-
Time Example
Saturday, Sunday ... I am going to the shops on Monday.
Today I've been to the shops today.
Yesterday I went yesterday.
Next I am going next week.
Last week/month/year I went last year.
Finally I finally went.
Eventually I eventually went to the shops.
Already I've already been to the shops.
Soon I'm going to the shops soon.
Just I'm just going to the shops.
Still I'm still waiting for the train.

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