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The graph below illustrates the amounts of books bought from various accesses in a particular
country over decade until 2020.

It is noteworthy that there is a contrary pattern shown on bookshops and the others.Bookshops
enjoyed the largest number of books for purchasing in 2008 when both supermarkets and
internet presented the bottom number in the market.In 2020,supermarkets are expected to
become dominant preference in terms of buying sources,with online purchase showing the
lowest number as medium.

As is observed from the chart,with the number of 170 millions,bookshops overtook other two
sources acting the initial sector for purchasing in 2008.At the same period,supermarkets together
with internet stayed at a comparatively lower level (at 130 and 110 millions respectively).After
that,bookshops showed an overall decreasing trend in buying number while supermarkets and
internet escalating steadily.

Until 2006,physicals stores shared a equal popularity in the market (140 millions) when buying
online exceeded both bookshops and supermarkets becoming the main stream.When the time in
2020,supermarkets are predicted to peaked at 170 millions followed by bookshops showing
approximately 155 millions .By contrast,internet,which is imaged to account for the minority
amounts upon buying sources,enjoying the least unwelcome.

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