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In your inbox you click on an email that just has come in

To find out that you've had a big internet lotto win

You must tell your friends and you must celebrate
But a tiny voice in you tells you for to wait
The tiny voice in you tells you to wait awhile
In the internet World there is fraud through guile
And your brief sense of elation it turns to doubt
You say i did not buy a ticket i must check this one out
A five million dollar win seems suspicious to me
Their lottery i did not enter and how can this be
They want my name and my telephone number and my postal address
And my credit card numbers which you did not impress
Then you do a search engine check on them to find out it's spam
And you could have been a victim of internet scam.
Francis Duggan
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Many people who in their lives have done financially well
Have stories of loss and of heartbreak for to tell
Robbed of their lives savings in a deceptive way
To vulnerable people this happens every day

This can happen to quite lonely people in any online love scam
With a person they thought to be genuine an online love affair that turned out
to be a sham
This does happen to vulnerable people one of which i happen for to know
His internet romance cost him his life savings and nothing only heartache for it
to show

A grandfather in his late sixties to cancer he had lost his wife

He was lonely for female company sadness had crept into his life
Got in touch with a pretty woman in her early sixties on a dating site he had
joined online
He fell in love with her without meeting in their emails to each other they were
getting on fine

Love in his mind it was blooming this is such a beautiful thing

But for him she had some sad stories of the hardships that life to her did bring
One which she had become unemployed lately and her house mortgage to
the bank she could not afford to pay
And if he could only help her financially she would love him till her life's last
He send her thousands in money she thanked him for being so very kind
He felt so very happy to help her since he did have love on his mind
She emailed she would love to meet him but she could not afford the air fare
So he posted her the money for her flight ticket she emailed your kindness is
so rare

On the day and time of her arrival to the airport to meet her he did drive
Excited and so very happy love in him was alive
But in vain at the airport he waited and only then he did realize
That she was an internet love scammer on hindsight we do become wise

The victim of an internet love scammer in love often some price to pay
Lucky to have his home to live in he is financially poorer but wiser today
Whether his scammer was a male or a female who is for to say
There is truth in we learn as we live since life it is always this way.
Francis Duggan

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