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Jurnal Notariil, Vol. 8, No.

1, 2023; 8-14 P ISSN 2540 - 797X

Available Online at E ISSN 2615 - 1545


Desia Rakhma Banjarani*, Neisa Ang rum Adisti, Isma Nuriilah and Helena Primadianti
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya
How To Cite:
Banjarani, D, R., Adisti, N, A, R., Nuriilah, I., Primadianti, H. (2023). Cyber Notary in Indonesia: Review During
The Covid-19 Pandemic and The Urgency of Post-Pandemi Covid-19 Legal Regulations. Jurnal Notariil, 8 (1),
8-14, Doi:

The role of the notary is required to be able participate in the development of technology and infor-
mation, because in an electronic transaction is very possible for the intervention of a notary as a
trusted third party. It is very inappropriate if the notary still uses conventional methods in providing
services, because speed, timeliness and efficiency are needed by the parties. So, the research prob-
lem can be formulated as follows: How is the development of cyber notary in Indonesia? Why is
cyber notary regulation so urgent in Indonesia after the Covid 19 Pandemic? In this research, the
authors objectively describe cyber notaries in Indonesia. This research is normative research with
the authors arranged descriptively through a qualitative approach. There are no specific legal provi-
sions that regulate cyber notaries, while the use of cyber notaries is increasingly urgent during the
pandemic era, such as the Covid 19 Pandemic. However, due to the absence of regulations govern-
ing cyber notaries, there were several problems in implementing cyber notaries during the Covid 19
Pandemic era. Therefore, after the Covid 19 Pandemic there was a need for special regulations gov-
erning cyber notaries. This is because the Notary Office Law, which has been the legal basis for im-
plementing cyber notaries, actually has several articles and provisions that hinder the implementa-
tion of cyber notaries.
Keywords: cbery notary; covid-19; urgency

Covid 19 pandemic. At the beginning of

2020, WHO announced a number of health
Currently, the world is facing a post- movements in order to reduce the
covid-19 or corona virus pandemic which it transmission of covid 19. One of these
has spread to various countries and the movements is to limit various spaces for
impact on various aspects of life, including human movement in various public places.
aspects of information and communication This has an impact on limited interactions
technology. The impact of this virus and activities between humans and other
cannot be underestimated, apart from the humans.
increasing number of human deaths, other
Indonesia is one of the various
impacts have also penetrated other sectors
countries that have a large number of
in various aspects of life. Let's say the
Covid 19 cases. Until 2023, the number of
legal aspects are also forced to change
Covid 19 cases in Indonesia has reached
according to the circumstances of the

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Cyber Notary in Indonesia: Review During The Covid-19 Pandemic and The Urgency of Post-
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Jurnal Notariil, 8 (1) 2023, 9

6.73 million with 161 thousand deaths. Number 30 of 2004 concerning the
This figure is the basis for the Indonesian Position of Notaries (hereinafter referred
government in forming various legal to as UUJN), the notary profession
policies during the Covid 19 pandemic, experienced obstacles in carrying out its
such as social distancing and physical profession during the Covid 19 pandemic.
distancing policies or policies on social As for solving this problem, a notary can
restrictions and physical contact. There are take advantage of technological
various other policies such as the Large- developments or what is known as a cyber
Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy, the notary.
3M health protocol policy (wearing a mask, The concept of cyber notary is
keeping distance, and washing hands), interpreted as a notary who carries out the
Work From Home (WFH) and the duties or authority of their position based
stipulation of a policy to limit human on information technology, which is
activities or lockdown related to the duties and functions of a
The other impact of the Covid-19 notary, especially in making deeds. The
Pandemic is forced people to leading the idea of a cyber notary has actually
use of technology and utilize in various emerged since 1995. However, the lack of
fields of life, such as education, trade, a legal basis impeded the development of
services, law enforcement, and others. the implementation of a cyber notary.
Currently the use of information and Currently, notary services that are
communication technology has developing in society are still conventional.
experienced developments that make it But along with technological
easier for people to do business and developments, inevitably forcing various
transact or what is called e-business and aspects of life to transmigrate from
"e-commerce". Whereas in the education conventional systems to electronic
sector, the use of technology during the systems. So that notary services must also
COVID-19 pandemic is the emergence of e shift towards electronic-based services.
-learning in the form of online learning due The role of the notary is required to be
to government policies that prohibit able to participate in the development of
gatherings during a pandemic. technology and information, because in an
In other words, the COVID-19 electronic transaction it is very possible for
Pandemic has changed various aspects of the intervention of a notary as a trusted
people's lives which previously manual or third party. It is very inappropriate if the
using analog technology, then switched to notary still uses conventional methods in
digital technology connected to the providing services, because speed,
internet. Changes in aspects of human life timeliness and efficiency are needed by
from before and after the COVID-19 the parties.
pandemic are often referred to as the new Based on the background above, the
normal era. Technological developments in research problem can be formulated as
this new normal era should also utilized by follows: How is the development of cyber
various professions, such as the notary notary in Indonesia? Why is cyber notary
profession. regulation increasingly important in
The legal service work carried out by Indonesia after the Covid 19 Pandemic?
advocates and notaries as general officials
is also inseparable from the impact of the
Covid-19 Policy. The notary affected by In this study, the authors objectively
the implementation of the PSBB is the describe cyber notaries in Indonesia. This
mandatory work from home or WFH research is normative research with the
policy. However, with the norm of authors arranged descriptively through a
physically present in making Authentic qualitative approach.
Deeds by Notaries as stipulated in Law
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Cyber Notary in Indonesia: Review During The Covid-19 Pandemic and The Urgency of Post-
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Jurnal Notariil, 8 (1) 2023, 10

3. DISCUSSION facilities that allow all GMS participants to

see and hear each other directly and
Development Of Cyber Notary in participate in a meeting.
The concept of cyber notary is a
In fact, the use of the term cyber concept that adopts the use of computers
notary in Indonesia as a country that has by notaries in carrying out their duties and
inherited the Continental European authorities. This concept is widely used in
tradition is inappropriate. Based on the common law countries. This is because the
literature explaining cyber notary history, notary legal system in common law
the terms cyber notary and electronic countries allows for a wider application of
notary seem to have been born from two the concept of cyber notary. Notaries in
different concepts, namely the term "e- common law countries are known as public
notary" which was popularized by legal notaries and not appointed by authorized
experts from countries that inherited officials and there is no obligation that the
Continental European traditions, while the form of the deed must be regulated by law
term "cyber notary" was popularized by as in the civil law system. The duties of a
legal experts inherited the Common Law public notary carry out more of the
tradition. The authority which is the administrative process, namely giving a
starting point for the concept of cyber stamp or seal to an agreement. The value
notary in Indonesia is contained in Article of the stamp or seal is the same as the
15 paragraph (3) of Law JN2/2014, which signatures of the parties which are not
reads: "In addition to the authority accepted by the common law court as
referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph evidence regarding the facts written in the
(2), a Notary has other authorities document, these facts must be proven in
regulated in the legislation". In the the normal way.
elucidation of the article, it is stated that:
Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning
"What is meant by "other authorities
the Position of Notary does not regulate
regulated in laws and regulations", among
cyber notary. UU no. 2 of 2014 concerning
others, is the authority to certify
the Position of Notary mentions cyber
transactions carried out electronically
notary, but does not provide a normative
(cyber notary), deed of pledge of waqf,
definition, so that with the inclusion of the
and aircraft mortgages.”
Explanation of Article 15 paragraph (3) of
The benefit of a cyber notary is to Law no. 2 of 2014 concerning the Position
facilitate transactions between parties who of Notary, limitatively is categorized as a
live far apart so that distance is no longer cyber notary a matter of certifying
a problem. Shareholders who are in transactions carried out electronically. The
America, Japan or Singapore, can attend application of the cyber notary concept by
the General Meeting of Shareholders or the Directorate General of General Legal
GMS by using teleconference media with Administration or the Directorate General
shareholders in Indonesia, witnessed by a of AHU online is regulated in several
notary in Indonesia. Thus, the physical regulations, namely:
presence of the shareholders is not
Regarding services related to company,
required. Shareholders who are abroad
it is regulated in the Regulation of the
can be considered to still attend the GMS
Minister of Law and Human Rights of the
and their voting rights will still be counted
Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2014
in the attendance quorum. The concept of
concerning Procedures for Submitting
holding GMS by teleconference has been
Applications for Legal Entity Authorization
regulated in article 77 paragraph (1)
and Approval for Amendments to the
UUPT, which states that GMS can also be
Articles of Association and Submission of
held via teleconference media, video
Notifications for Amendments to Articles of
conferences, or other electronic media
Association and Changes to Limited
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Cyber Notary in Indonesia: Review During The Covid-19 Pandemic and The Urgency of Post-
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Jurnal Notariil, 8 (1) 2023, 11

Liability Company Data (Permenkumham Foundation is regulated in the Government

4/2014 ); Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Regarding services related to Number 63 of 2008 concerning the
foundations, it is regulated in the Implementation of the Law on Foundations
Regulation of the Minister of Law and (Government Regulation 63/2008), and
Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 5 of 2014 concerning Ratification Number 28 of 2004 concerning
of Foundation Legal Entities Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001
(Permenkumham 5/2014); concerning Foundations (Law 28/2004),
and Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Regarding services related to Number 16 of 2001 concerning
associations, it is regulated in the Foundations (Law 16/2001);
Regulation of the Minister of Law and
Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Regarding the use of the name
Number 6 of 2014 concerning Ratification Association is regulated in the Law of the
of Association Legal Entities Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2013
(Permenkumham 6/2014); concerning Community Organizations
(Laaw No. 17/2013).
Regarding services related to Fiduciary,
it is regulated in the Regulation of the The Urgency of Cyber Notary
Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Regulations in Indonesia During the
Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2013 New Normal Era of the Covid 19
concerning Procedures for Electronic Pandemic
Registration of Fiduciary Guarantees
There are 3 (three) reasons why
(Permenkumham 10/2013) and Circular
implementing cyber notary is important for
Letter of the Directorate General of
the Indonesian state: First reason, that the
General Law Administration Number
government is targeting Indonesia to get a
AHU.OT.03.01- 11 of 2013 concerning
minimum ranking of 40 in the top EODB
Registration and Elimination of Fiduciary
Ease Of Doing Business index or ease of
Guarantee Certificates;
doing business from the World Bank and
Regarding services related to the at the international congress the notary
reporting of wills and registration of president Joko Widodo conveyed His wish
prospective notaries, it is regulated in the is for the notary to respond to the
Amendments to UUJN; demands of the times. The second reason
Regarding the imposition of types and is that the establishment of a Limited
rates of Non-Tax State Revenue, it is Liability Company (PT) is one of the
regulated in Government Regulation of the indicators used in determining the EODB
Republic of Indonesia Number 45 of 2014 index. Notary as a public official is given
concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of the authority by the state to make the
Non-Tax State Revenue that apply to the deed of establishment of the PT, apart
Ministry of Law and Human Rights from having to understand the rules
(Government Regulation 45/2014); contained in the UUJN, must also
understand what changes have occurred in
Regarding the procedure for submitting
the process of making a PT. Third reason,
and using the name of the Company, it is
in Article 22 UUJN stated that the
regulated in the Government Regulation of
formation of a notary can be opened by
the Republic of Indonesia Number 43 of
taking into account 3 things: (1) business
2011 concerning Procedures for Filing and
world activities, (2) population, (3)
Using the Name of a Limited Liability
average number of deeds drawn up by
Company (Government Regulation
notaries each month.
Cyber Notary can be a novelty in the
Regarding the use of the name of the
notary world in Indonesia, especially in the

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Cyber Notary in Indonesia: Review During The Covid-19 Pandemic and The Urgency of Post-
Pandemi Covid-19 Legal Regulations
Jurnal Notariil, 8 (1) 2023, 12

context of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID protection for notaries for notary deeds
-19) pandemic has impact on delaying that use the cyber notary concept during
every legal action by involving a third the COVID-19 pandemic is regulated in
party, namely a notary, this renewal Article 66 of the Notary Office Law which
includes making authentic deeds based on regulates the establishment of a Notary
UUJN in Article 1 number (7) which Honorary Council consisting of
requires that it be made face to face with representatives of Notaries, government
a notary in this case with the existence of and academics who function as legal
a cyber notary the element of dealing can protection institutions related to the deed
be done using teleconference media. So, it drawn up by a Notary. As well as Notaries
is time for the cyber notary system to be also get protection from the Indonesian
implemented in Indonesia. Even though Notary Association (INI) in Article 82
cyber notary is urgent to be implemented paragraph (2) of the Notary Office Law. In
in Indonesia, especially after the COVID 19 addition, it is protected by the Electronic
pandemic, based on a review of the Information and Transaction Law by
implementation of cyber notary during the applying the principle of lex specialis
COVID 19 pandemic it turns out that cyber derogate lex generalis, which means that a
notary experienced several problems. specific law overrides a general law, in this
Notarial deeds made based on the case the Electronic Information and
cyber notary concept during the Covid-19 Transaction Law overrides the law. Notary
pandemic did not have legal certainty Office.
because there were no regulations Besides that, the implementation of
governing cyber notaries. The Notary cyber notary services during the Covid-19
Office Law did not explain clearly the pandemic also caused another problem
provision regarding cyber notaries only such formal requirements were not fulfilled
found in the elucidation of Article 15 to support the validity of a notary deed by
paragraph (3) ) Law on Notary Office. The referring to several articles contained in
application of the cyber notary concept UUJN. The formal requirements mentioned
has been regulated in the elucidation of above are accumulative in nature and not
Article 15 paragraph (3) of the Notary alternative in nature. If one condition is
Office Law, but it has not been not fulfilled, the notarial deed has the
accommodated by other laws and potential to be formally flawed and result
regulations as implementing regulations. in becoming invalid and no evidentiary
There is still legal conflict regarding how a power. There are several articles in UUJN
notary wants to use an electronic system which actually hinder the implementation
in carrying out his profession as stipulated of notary deed based on cyber notary,
in general laws, one of which is as stated namely as follows:
in the ITE Law. However, using the Article 1 number 7 UUJN regarding
interpretation of Lex Specialis Derogat Legi deed must be made by or before a notary;
Generali, and accompanied by the urgency
to use a notary in the midst of a pandemic Article 1 number 8 and number 9 of the
as a response to the credit/bank financing UUJN regarding the minutes of the deed
restructuring policy impacted by Covid 19, and the copy of the deed are no longer
the implementation of cyber notaries can different;
of course be carried out with the Article 16 paragraph (1) UUJN,
precautionary principle. regarding the obligation to read the deed
For the time being during pandemic, in front of two witnesses and signed at the
the use of the concept of cyber notary is same time;
to certify and authenticate transactions Article 38 paragraph (4) UUJN,
electronically and certificates of waqf description of the signing and place of
pledges and airplane mortgages. Legal signing or translation of the deed if

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Cyber Notary in Indonesia: Review During The Covid-19 Pandemic and The Urgency of Post-
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Jurnal Notariil, 8 (1) 2023, 13

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