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Task 1:

The given diagram illustrates the process of manufacturing sugar from sugar canes. From
an overall perspective, it is evident that there are seven different stages in this production
and most of them are done by machines.
First of all, the cultivated sugar canes need to be fully gown after 12 to 18 months. After
that, the grown canes are harvested by hand or by a machine depending on the number of
them. In the next stage, these harvested canes are crushed into juice in a crusher.
Subsequently, the purifying stage is carried out by letting the juice run through limestone
filter. The purified juice is brought to boil in an evaporator, in this step, the juice turn into
syrup which latter is going to be centrifuged to separate the sugar crystals from the syrup.
After having been dried and cooled, it becomes sugar that we use regularly on a daily
Task 2: In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding
out about the history of the house or building they lived in. What are the reasons for
this? How can people research this?
Currently, there is an increase in the number of citizens in some nations having curiosity
for the origins of the shelters and accommodations. Personally, I believe this trend is a
result of several motives and those kind of information could be reached effortlessly by
the virtue of developed internet network, which will be elucidated in the following lines.
There is a variety of reasons leading to the burgeoning interest in building’s history. The
primary one of them is the wealth and development in our modern civilization. To clarify
that, the prosperity these days can easily accommodate out basic needs namely food or
shelters, so there is additional amount of time. To fill these gaps, we tend to be more
curious about the history due to the fact that the curiosity is out nature and it incredibly
ingrained in human. Therefore, the wide range of knowledge would fulfil our higher
need. Another motive explaining this tendency is the breakout of digital revolution, with
internet, everyone is able to share their knowledge, thus that would rise our desire to
broaden horizon about the world, starting from our houses – the most familiar thing.
The acquisition of these knowledge could be achieved effortlessly by a number of
methods. Internet is the most available way to do it, especially we are living in the digital
age. By some clicks, we can search almost everything about a historical or an eminent
building. However, there would be some small and not well-known huts, houses and
other way would be asking the former owners for the information. In addition to that,
neighbors would be another choice
In conclusion, it seems to me that the internet would stimulate our curious nature to
figure things out and the internet itself would be the most effective and fully-informed
answer beside other sources such as prior owners or neighbors

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