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Subject: Vigil precautions to protect from viral fever and other

Respiratory Infections
In view of curtailing the spread of the disease and reducing it is
incidence it is suggested that Viral fever/Influenza is being reported in
the campus every day.

1. Hand hygiene and Respiratory Hygiene is to be maintained

which is the most important way to prevent from communicable
diseases like influenza/viral fevers.
2. In order to facilitate the students faculties employees to maintain
hand hygiene, regular and thorough wash of hands with soap
and water or alcohol-based hand rub is suggested. Alcohol based
sanitizer can be placed in prominent and suitable buildings in
the campus.
3. Respiratory hygiene should be maintained by covering your
nose and mouth with mask properly in air-condition
environment and other crowded places.
4. Make sure you are covering your mouth and nose with your bent
elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze
5. Students and faculty with the following symptoms such as
cough,fever,running nose, sneezing headache, diarrhea fatigue
and breathing difficulty shall seek immediate medical assistance
from NITT Hospital.
6. Students and faculty with the above symptoms are compulsorily
advised to wear mask everywhere in the campus (other than
isolated places).
7. Proper disposable of used mask in closed dustbin (Pedal
operated) and wash your hands with soap and water.
8. Stay hydrated and consume plenty of oral fluids.

Let’s stay cautious and safe.

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