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Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

We from the British drama team would like to introduce ourselves,

Hei I am Fayyad as Dika,

I'm Rizka as Alina and I am Keyra as Quella,

And I am Fathir as Kevin

We will broadcast a drama entitled Ours Dreams

Enjoy watching

Alina ~~In the afternoon Dika and her friends wanted to do group work to do school

Alina ~~hey how are you all? .. I hope We are Fine

Dika ~~Yes, we are fine,

oh guys, when you grow up, what are your dreams or aspirations?

Dika: I'm an entrepreneur

Kevin: if I want to be a soldier

Alina : I want to be a doctor

Quella: I became a teacher

Kevin ~~ what if one of us doesn't achieve his or her goals, what do you do?

Quella~~It doesn't matter what's important is that we tried

Alina ~~Yes, that's right, so you have to keep up the excited until you achieve it!

Kevin ~~ yes, that's right

Quella~~after a few minutes they finally finished...
Alina ~~Oh yes, if we have group work, we'll just gather here, so it's easy

Dika ~~yes

Kevin ~~yes

Kevin ~~eh quella ..... You want to be a teacher, the salary is small?

Quella~~ It doesn't matter, the important thing is to be sincere and teachers are
unsung heroes... you have to remember that!

Dika: Yes, the important thing is that it is halal whatever our work

Alina: yes, so when we have achieved our goals we have to be grateful to Allah and
our parents... without the support of our parents we wouldn't be like this

Quella : that's right....

Kevin : okay...

Dika: after that, the sun had set, it was approaching evening

Kevin: guys, let's go home, it's getting late

Alina : yes, that's right

Quella and Dika: come on

Kevin : after that they went home together

Information :

Dika: Fayyad

Kevin : fathir

Alina : rizka

Quella : Keyra

Thank you 😀

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