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Whether you like or not, our thoughts are not the same. For that, always there will be problems, we still
have a lot of mentality of state protection, we grow up with this thought and mentality. Until now, for
An example: if I give a proposal, because I have the authoritarian mentality i will say my proposal is
the right one. And I don't listen to you maybe your suggestion is better, if there is a good proposal or
suggestion it is benefit for us two. no problems who give this, the important does it serve the society or
as the saying of Albert Einstein '' the changing of the thought is ten time difficult than changing of the
atom". the difficult part of the life that we live with is the thought of state-protection. As I said: all the
things that you want for your self, the person next to you also want such as life continuing, getting air,
sleeping, happiness, sadness.
In these sphere whether you like or don't there are some shortages, the other side is economy which
affect a lot.
like our work is health work, yes! we should give treatment, but this is not the solution.
All the social side affect the humans health. as we it is been more than ten years of war here. of course
the affect is big on people to leave the region and to have bat social life.
But if there is a stability in region this will make lot of things easier for future.
The geographic of this land is rich, and several countries trying to play a pivotal role here. as we see
there are daily attacks, you can not say that this don't impact. On the contrary, it has a significant
The prices of things become double when they import to here, because there is a ambargo on our
region(Rojava). and there is no peace bi side the war. Also as I said before still in our thoughts as
society as Rojava have authority. perhaps there are several developments despite of that. our goal in
principle is the democratic confederalism.
as the society we didn't implement that yet.

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