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Name : A.

Zaky Aditya
Class : XI Science 1

Motion : THR the popular narrative that demands our young generation to be

"Changemaker" is a trend in which a person is demanded to establish movements, propose

revolutionary changes to policies, and lead some sort of "innovation".

1. Prime Minister : Yosephin

Panels we do believe that right now young generation is trapped between two conditions.
Number one, they wanted to pursue their independent decision or on their dreams on what they
would like to become but second they are pertinent to oblige to have contribution towards the
nation. Now before that, let’s take a look where does this narrative come from. We do believe the
narrative of young generation is the agent of the changemakers come from number one the older
people who thinks that the moment when they are older, their productivity will be lessened.
Therefore, it is very justify if we put the burden towards a generation because at the end of the
day, the young generation based on the age itself are seen as a capable people, as a kind of
people who are more positive than the older itself.
We do believe that these translate to that those older people are indirectly giving up their
burdens towards the young people. But second, we do believe that this young generation
narrative means that they expect young generation to have the ability to criticize the policy that is
made by the government. We do believe that this narrative is not always right. Therefore we
regret this narrative. We do believe why this narrative does not always right. Because of this
narrative create a burden towards the society. We do believe that young generation will be
stigmatized and over clarified that they have the incentive towards the nation. But meanwhile,
the current condition or the reality, the young generation is not only the agent of contributors, but
they are also the agent of creating the chaos itself.
For example, just like Luthfi who says that “anjay” is prohibited and so on and so far. But
because of the narrative young generation is agent of changemakers. The moment when young
generation have one flow. It impacted towards all young generative. If the moment when “anjay”
is prohibited example, the entire of generation will be seen as a bad generation. We said it is very
wrong because at the end of the day, there are no clear standards regarding what young
generation should feel. Because if you want to talk about the standard of young generation is the
moment when you are able to criticize policy and so on and so far. We say this is also not right,
because talking about policy, there will be always one victim and there will be always one
specific actors who are benefited because that policy. Therefore if the young generation
criticized certain policies, they are not always seen as a good person because they are criticizing
this one policies. Therefore we say that because this narrative that’s not always likely criticize.
Second, what does this narrative leads to. We do believe this narrative will create unstoppable
unfair burden towards the young generation. Because in order for you, in order for the
government to put this burden towards the generation. Number one we need to make sure that
the government of their country already profiting young generation a facility to become what the
government or what these all their people expected them to.
Now, let’s take a look into this, we do believe that the platform is not always equally
distributed toward young generation. For example, if you expect them to create innovation. We
do believe that people in the rural area for example does not have the same access towards
education and we say that even in current condition where school needed to be conducted online.
The government already creating a policy of giving a way free quota for example. We say that
this kind of privilege, this kind of policy or help is not distributed well towards all of the people.
What does it lead to? We do believe that the moment when the people who receive the help of
the government and the people who do not receive the help from the government will for
example simply feeling like it is unfair because both of them part of are charged based on their
contributions towards government, ladies and gentlemen. Now, let’s dig deeper if the older
people even the government are exciting you to create more contributions to criticize the policy
for example. We said that their contribution as young generation is limited to criticizing the
policy rights. Means that most of the time young generation will voice out their voice through
demonstration. Meanwhile in Indonesia for example demonstration is seen as a bad things that
young generation did, ladies and gentlemen. For example if you’re doing demonstration, people
will stigmatize you as someone who are a police or social justice warrior and so on and so far.
We say this is very problematic. If you are as the young generation do not want to contribute in
criticizing this kind of thing, your silence will be seen as you don’t get toward your nation.
Meanwhile the condition is not always like that, ladies and gentlemen. Moreover if the
government also preparing you with create innovations. We say what is happening in the young
generation will be very chaotic. Because at the end of the day, the whole in your 20 to 25 or even
in your last 38 years. You will most likely be overworked because at the end of the day you see
that your competitor is many, and society expect you then for me to believe that based on this
kind of thing. You do not have time to enough appreciating yourself. Because at the end of the
day, when you are doing what you think the best, society thinks that you don’t need enough to
your country.
Therefore most likely you will push more and more and at the end of the day you don’t
have the time for yourself, ladies and gentlemen. Meanwhile this time for yourself is something
that we need as a young generation. Also because of the narrative people are neglecting the fact
that young generation needs to respect us for example. Because in your rest time, we do believe
that you are a fight. It is the moment when you are finally taking breaking away from everything
and after that you will come up with your fresher mind for example for refresh your mind. But
because of the narrative, the young generation do not have time for this. No what are the
outcome if we believe with this narrative, we do believe that it will disincentivize what the older
worlds, like our ministry of health. Just because they do not d something right in this kind of
pandemic, people are condemning them and asking them to down from the parliamentary for
example. Meanwhile, we have to guide them, and also what are the outcome of this if you are as
the young generation creating float, if we do not believe it is narrative, we do believe that the
older people and people around you will give you a right guidance towards your generation

2. Leader of the Opposition : Manda Bagas K

Panels, when there is a young generation that have more capacity and the capability in
term of knowledge and the stranger that’s t say this narrative will remind the young generation
about their important roles inside of the society in solving a lot of problem that even government
have limited capacity in solving this kind of problem. Therefore, they’re not going to regret this
popular narrative in itself right. We are going to prove to you because all of the burden coming
from the opening government is only going to talking about this will hamper the benefit towards
this young generation and we’re going to prove to you why this young generation even if this
narrative will also benefit themselves at the end of the day.
Several rebuttals for the opening government:
Number 1, they said that this narrative only giving the burden and hampered the productivity of
young generation. No, because this narrative not only to criticize the government about the
policy, but also creating some innovations in terms of business for example, in terms of
technology and so on and so far that at ethe end of the day, this kind of the technology and
business also will benefit yourself with dating income for example and so on and so far. So we
don’t think that this is a big burden for them right. If they’re talking with the productivity. The
parameter of productivity is not the pressure in itself. Why so? Because if my coach pressure me
to run or give my best in the competition, it doesn’t necessarily mean my productivity in the
competition will be less. Just to say, even if there’s a pressure, the productivity will no longer
disturb under our side of the house. But even if yes, there is a burden for example, there is a
pressure. We say that’s okay. Why? Because even in status quo there’s a counterbalance in terms
of activists for example that will remind you that even will support you in doing your activities
and so on and so far. You still have a friend for example and so on and so far, that even you’re
going to support you the more you’re getting up and done for example and so on and so far.
Second, they said that young generation will only create chaos and so on and so far. No,
we can not generalize all of the young generations like that. Because they even doing the
criticism in terms of media and so on and so far. But even if they’re doing chaos for example.
We say that’s totally okay. Why so? Because violent revolution is something that important, the
more your government never listen your voice at the very first place, right. It shows to you it is
important for us to do that in the very worst scenario.
Three points of analysis my case, first of all why status quo is not enough and young
generation is something that is important to solve the problem looking on how in status quo there
are a lot of problematics that exist. First in terms of movement in USA, the discrimination
towards the minority of black people that always continuously happen that very structural come
from the government in itself. Even if they’re trying to give some affirmative action but the fact
this government already at the very first place. The one that still sits in the parliament is that the
majority in itself. Therefore, all of the policy comes from this government to conservative and
never protect this kind of the minority at the very first place. We think that the government only
work in the pragmatic way that can giving the policy that only benefit themselves at the end of
the day. Therefore, we think that the discrimination that exists always continuously happen under
the set of the house. Second, in some developing countries even that lack of human resources and
the development of the technology even in business, and so on and so far. That’s shows to you
on how very hard for this developing country to even grow up, because the government have
limited capital for example, because government have limited capacity in order to develop this
country. Therefore, young generation is the only young generation that we hope to solve this
kind of the problem. Why so? Because number one, this young generation born in the modern
era. You are educated people for example use the parents send you in the university to have a big
relation with your friends, with another community. You are open minded. Why so? Because
that they’re more acceptable which is within this kind of young generation. We open discussion
within the society. Why so? Because the characteristics that want to know about new things for
example within this kind of young generation in itself. Moreover, they have more ability and
strengthen rather than this government that they’re too old for example to even creating a
program and directly go towards the place and itself. We think this young generation also have
privilege. Why so? Because there is a lot of help coming from the government and the society to
send you, giving you scholarship for example and so on and so far. Just to say you are the most
important actor, right. Therefore, young generation is something that is important. If government
claims that the responsibility is not young generation take a look on how this whole society. Yes
they have responsibility, but they have lack of capacity in itself. Why so? Because the concern of
a whole of the society is not solving problem by consent in their economic initiative, right.
Because even facing a lot of problem in their life. Therefore, the consent will not going to be
solving this problem anyway. The important actor is that the young generation to solving this
kind of problem.
Second point of analysis, why this narrative are important to remind this young
generation. Understanding that young generation is something that is important, but due the
limitation and the characteristic of the young generation itself. They’re very labile, right. They’re
very easy to influence by others. They’re focusing to have fun within their friends for example
and so on and so far. This narrative are able to maintain this kind of young generation to remind
this young generation that will embody towards the societies in itself, right. This kind of the
narrative will be validation of the society to force this kind of the young generation to focus on
their roles for example, active in creating the innovation in terms of business instead of just
having find it in your boyfriend or girlfriend for example. This also will look based on your
capacity. Therefore, if the government claims that this will not based on your capacity on
pressure yourself. We don’t think so, right. Because what is your contribution it will very
significantly impact towards this kind of society. By this narrative, the young generation will feel
that they have the responsibility, they will feel that a lot of people put hope within this young
generation. Comparison, on the result of the house, the young generation will always rely on
their having fun, right. They will never rely within their roles at the end of the day. Even if there
is a pressure for example, we say that’s totally normal, right. Why so? Because pressure will not
going to be kill you at the directly even we abuse yourself at the very first place. Moreover you
can change this kind of policy you’ll get the benefit. What is the benefit for yourself? Number
one you’ve been noticed as a hero come from your society that will even getting support in all of
your activities at the end of the day. Second, in terms of having a relationship with more of the
society in itself and lastly even you can being a success person when you can create a technology
at the end of the day, o we don’t think that the benefit of the young generation will nothing, right.
Therefore, we think that this narratives are able to maintain this young generation at the very first
But lastly, talking about what is the implication why something problem will exist under
our side of the house. Understanding that this narrative will lead to make young generation
established movement and even pursuing their innovation and so on and so far. What will be
happened at the end of the day this kind of young generation will be able to speak up. This young
generation are able to change the policy of the government. Why so? Because their voice is
matter, right. Because they have a big power of bases for example. Even most of politicians
voters come from young generation. At the end of the day, government will listen to you Mister
and Madame chairs. That’s to say changing behavior will be exclusive under our side of the
house and we think it’s very important for us to solve a problem that exists in status quo. We’re
very proud to open the case by opening opposition.

3. Deputy Prime Minister

Now what opening government want is, what we want is happiness to change to which
younger generation which are way more accessible than what opening opposition who wants
some subtle revolutionary changes that I will prove later in my substantives. That is not very
accessible parameter at the end of the day, every question from the opening opposition regarding
that the younger generation without of this narrative will certainly become unprotective, the
expectations are just becoming very good and all of the unique conditions could suddenly stand
because at least then for being criticized will be answered in my substantive movement. Firstly I
will prove to you it is an unfair burden towards the younger generation, why? For my whole life
I always am scrutinized the delusion of younger opinion which doesn't matter. the moment I start
to voice my opinion they will disagree with our opinion and say something like “ah you're so
young, what do you know?” Like what happened with the reason good statement about people
who criticize about the government, about policies handling guarantees giving present, and all
over about our floating pilgrimage.
He's saying what do you know about real condition and the one who knows it all and I'm
I'm the older one like he is just disregarding our argument and every listening just because of our
age how dare you to put to suddenly put all of the burden out to us younger generation to lead
some revolutionary changes and reach some innovation when you don't allow us to grow our
critical mindset no matter how many privilege that you give to us no matter how many helps like
free quota’s school and so on and so far. It's not going to be useful because for our whole life for
20 years I'm being oppressed or not to cannot be avoiding my opinion at the end of the day. we
say that that all of young generations are not going to be useful to raise our critical mindset if we
don't, if they don't give us the platform to grow and it can only happen understand under the side
of the house. When we don't put too much to those much of pressure at the end of the day. Then
we let them grow we let them to feel themselves we let them to reward itself on everything that
they have done. Now having innovation is not as easy as some as a successful like both opening
operations. it's not as easy as snapping finger there are already too many saturated problems that
already depleted in society.
In example discrimination toward Chinese wondering Indonesia not only it is definitely
accentuated by the old generation it is not easy to dissipate in it is a long time and capital not
only you need to give an exclusive help towards minority but most likely there will be blankets
which are never stopped by the older generation to grow their conservative function will rarely
feel discriminated new demonstration and so on and so far. It is not just as feasible as that to fix
the deported problem that they that they expect us to do but revolutionary changes and
innovation to narrative, everyone expect you to be fast to be clicked to be fast because of
industrial revolution 4.0 and so on and so far. And when we fail guess what the narrative
certainly go uh new young generation is not use. With all of the technology and industry 4.0 you
still cannot be, you still can't be innovative this narrative will exactly create a mental burden with
the younger generation when they think that they never enough they are not smart enough. if
they are not innovative enough or life-changing enough because everyone are expecting you to
be the gen changer, to be so innovative to create a communal benefit. How dare you to sit and
talk and having fun and having a leisure in your activity. You need to think, think, think and
work and overload yourself if you only pretend them mentally and it could harm their own at the
end of the day it is human nature to always want, to have more and to not be grateful for what we
have. If people are not managing this greedy nature which are incentivized with the notion. they
will be very disappointed with the fact that they cannot keep up with what they want they cannot
give the innovation that we want because it is not accessible no matter how hot they work as long
as it is not that ineffective they cannot reward themselves and can feel at ease they stress
themselves out what happened like it is what's happening.
With the government who put too much burden on the examples like Chinese student and
they even wanted to kill themselves just because they felt the task. This is exactly what the
opposite side of the house want to wanted to create this trust level of the gender generation is
already high enough. We don't need we don't need more incentive to put our strength in a higher
level they will never feel good about themselves and it was it could even lead to suicide and even
if they ministers accept and to succeed at the end of the day they will never they will steal their
inherent hatred, the worst themselves anytime they start to be linear on the sub anytime they start
to not be as productive they will never know how to stop if they surrender to those kind of
mindset of greediness in our sight by giving them leniency to take a break and to just let things
go and younger condition with athletes letting go this this kind of mental burden will at least be
reduced and your condition will not be suddenly become unproductive just because there are no
emotion they will still depress the dead goal. Because they will still too duplicity go to give
innovation and policies because it is their world now. they will try their best to maintain the
public demand and support because it is within their interest to have. For example more money
to have more voters and so forth. if because if they're not being that innovative to begin with or if
they're not going to giving a good policies to begin with they will not get chosen by photos or
getting an incentive for doing their good job in being scientists and etc. It is counteracts the exact
two grounds that that we say it is okay to rest, it's okay, we work hard enough these are very
important because if you want to be productive to begin with you need to be in a happy place to
begin with having a clear point are also a prerequisite that would happen and they're opposite
side of the house. If they are putting in so much burden officers, working nature or even creating
such condition it is so mentally and physically problem over our opposition belittle mental
pressure that is being handled by this young condition not everyone has a still mentality to prove
that mental health conditions right now are rising skyrocket rocketing in younger condition start
to race is because of the exact heavy expectation towards them we ask the generation because of
the notion. We'll never be happy that lessening the possibility or having a good policies to begin
with because with no mental stability you can't think clearly and you can see if you can pretty
clearly and second argument creates that it will only create the other altered condition to be
responsible of their policies what will happen with this standard of exist is that all the conditions
building that ah I don't care about what I do I like it is the current glory for supposing economic
as far as possible to get our society support without taking care of environment and manage
being hurt they will not care about that. we do believe that literature inclination will fix all of the
problems with their certain innovation human nature when you think you can just let go you will
let go since human always wanted to escape from the hardship an example like the pullback of
you as in green util which we saw possibilities of massive discernment of environment which are
mostly occupied old generation it is a form of I like this coaches like the younger conditions fix
it not only not only long life problems they expected to fix them we are also having no capital
and good environment to support ourselves innovation to begin with opposite side of the house
and the government are exactly being hypocrite in our side when they realize that their condition
may not be dead enough and might not be the transformative to begin with this stuff to realize
that oh we cannot mess up now there are no guarantee that they will do good in the future
therefore let's do the best let's fix right now even opening opportunity agreed that government is
already that up that the government is already at fault why then we don't start to fix it are
determining the problem because the problems sometimes are very time sensitive are very
common sensitive like, like the burn of the forest like how many are already hurt badly and even
being killed like black people being killed it is time sensitive lives are our cause we cannot let we
can't wait for more we cannot wait for humor generation to suddenly come with a miracle that's
why under us at the house this one happened understand this won't happen and that's why we
back to propose.

4. Deputy Leader of Opposition :

Ladies and gentlemen the revolutionary of indonesia by oppression regime is buying
generation power it's buying generations that sacrifice themselves at all right there to say that's to
say that young generation is the guardian of this nation to protect better journey and this is part
of their investment because the one who will hold the power the one who will feel any kind of
suffering and policy right now is that young generation in the future you need to put your
intention to have better future at the end of the day ladies and gentlemen that's why if you want
having better creatures you need to sacrifice yourself because this is part of your way to do so
right but we say to you why is gonna be justified because we have right to do so we are part of
these civilians we are part of this nation we have paid tax to government for example and we
need to demand it to government because we are following any kind of responsibility as a citizen
in this nation it is sourced with the government have moral obligation this to following the
society demand to begin with the release and gentlemen this is not the crime right so we need to
do as opening opposition ladies and gentlemen this neglect the fact that this in this era all of
government becoming look like engineers we say to you there are so many governments even
oppressed like trump and so on and so forth no one of government even perspective creating a
policy therefore we need to control it ladies and gentlemen not yet but going to several battles
first of all they're trying to say that young generation creating worsened condition like
demonstration and so on so far no ladies and gentlemen because there are a lot of ways for you to
contribute in the current status quo like campaigning and social media speak up to influence
another society and so on and so forth because right now most of young generation are smart
they are millennial they are knowing which one the best way to do their activity right because
please not the chance maker doesn't mean that you will kill government directly in you know in
front of their building ladies and gentlemen but even if demonstrations happen I think that is the
exact value of revolution when there is a post government to be realized right but secondly
they're trying to say the discrimination with conservative society they're going to happen please
not a jaw that chance maker agenda and only talk about LGBT protection but it's totally but it's
diverse so there's so many agenda that we are doing right look if you talk about agenda of
exclusivity in coffee 19 pandemic to protect minor to protect poor people and so on and so forth
there are million people in indonesia support our agenda at all it shows to you that support still
going to happen understand the house when this is becoming the right when this is becoming the
agenda of whole nation.
Ladies and gentlemen this is the reason why cartoons are released because we have
demanded and we have better support system in constitutional but even if right it is creating
Britain like what they're trying to say I think there's a support system like exists like your friend
and feminist woman like your friend in your member circumstances like your family that
umbrella afford to hear your problem and make you become even motivated to protect
themselves and gentlemen but more than that we never say that this young generation should be
successful people are creating innovation as fast right because notice that what we want them to
do is their uh is make young generation focus with their thing also right this interest was instead
of also having fun like clubbing and so on and so forth because government never proved how
government will link and give equality for certain movement like LGBTQ black people and so
on and so forth when young generation speak up how trump will realize when their when their
evil intention us was finally dead in society when there is no people even speak up for his toxic-
minded ladies and gentlemen but lastly they're trying to say that young generation will die and
kill because they do demonstration price I think it's gonna be okay because they just like based
on their pride based on their right condition because it's best under consented to becoming
necessary guardian to creating revolution in the right conditions.
In the united states of America right but here's all more than that they're trying to say that
we're going to be oppression or present by standard towards young generation no right because
you can contribute based on your capacity you're not following the society constructed you
cannot go to parliament to do demonstration for example because you have weak power you still
can learn as well in university to having good and good and a lot of experience to enter the
parliament and creating better policy to protecting minority and so on and so forth creating better
innovation that is how this narrative can change better young generation ladies and gentlemen
even if right this is creating oppression. I think it's okay because this oppression will link into
better mentality to face the reality of capitalism world to fast oppression by the majority and
indonesia in the united states of America. For example and it's gonna be justified because their
mentality will going to be better right the biggest burden they didn't need to prove is that who's
one that which changes the toxic performance and the nation who's when they return changing
the toxic performance of indonesian health ministry that running unfair policy proven by
increasing number of copyright in parliament when there is no when there is no young
generation that will speak up thus it is all generation no ladies and gentlemen because they tend
to be busy with that they have multiple interests like raise their own business. And getting a lot
of money they're also having emotional buyers by their age they respond to be conservative for
example but even if this old generation will go to parliament and do demonstration and speak
about policy but look the comparison number one I think the idea of all generation is all methods
and tend to be conservative they are very opportunist for example it's easier as well ladies and
gentlemen this young generation more opportunist at all ladies and gentlemen but look why this
young generation are able to maintain the government of 60 ladies and gentlemen because they
have interest to protect the nation and minority because the fact that they weren't having a better
Circumstances and millennial in the future right notice that they also have capital in terms of
knowledge in terms of power they are very idealistic to make indonesian better because they still
in on fire time they realize how to take huge attention of society to get support by social media
for example this becoming the recent chance maker Agenda getting more supported in the united
states of America like black lives matter campaign that poor structural oppression even by
government their international society and also united states of America society that will support
you we need to have better world in the future because that is part of our Investment when you
want to live in peacefully life for example when you do not want an oppression life when dream
to have better accessibility of education healthcare and so on when there is no oppression to
minority and there is can only happen if you're not stuck in such structural conservatism to take
you need to take an action because you are the one who have a influence by the impact of
government policy in the future look what is the impact for the movement like feminism and
environmentalists women that are going to happen underneath the house because the most of
members of this movement are young generation ladies and gentlemen there is will last member
under the south to speak up in government conservatism so how the vulnerable actors like
LGBTQ for example will protect under this order is not clear because the number of feminism
will be decreased who's one that will stop discrimination of minority by trump for example
because look the reason why subsidies of Kukata happen in status quo because young generation
forced government to realize the condition currently this narrative Implication is that making
make young generation that you can stuck in your comfort zone if you wanna have better futures
this changemaker idea will make them to be innovative and control government agenda there is
the reason why i think indonesia will going to be better in the Future because we have better
investment to post better circumstances in the future we very proud to oppose.

5. Member of Government
Notice that all claims coming from OO, it’s just a claim they never giving you the step-
by-step analysis and why do they think the youngsters have characterization of (1) they have big
relation, (2) they have an open-minded, (3) they are open to a discussion. Because we think all
these three things doesn’t contigent to whether or not you are old or you are young. It is
contigent to whether or not: (1) do you went through such process of intellectual form of
framework formation or (2) do you went to such process of exposure in such a progressive
society. And we think that’s not contigent whether or not you are young or you are old.
All the claim of social movement, the life matters movement come to the surface because
of the youth, we don’t think so. Because firstly on the black lives matter movement we think that
it’s generally, naturally, everyone fed up with the fact that black people has been oppressed for
decades, even more hundred years. We think that, that’s not contigent towards the youth itself,
because it’s a long process until we can actually now have them going on in the surface and
people are actually talking a lot about them. Please, do not discredit all other people that also
went into that movement.
When oppos said that nothing is needed to create platform, here’s a independent rebuttal
for you. The moment narrative access and create platform, for example, government is creating
platform in a form of staff uses president that consists a lot of youngsters. Do we actually see
anything, any significant contribution from them? No right. We say that, that’s exactly shows to
you on how karbitan creates a bad notion towards young people, shameful for young people,
because it’s create the cynical questions of whether or not this really young people have the
capacity to do that or not. Because we think, what they skip is the process, right? Because they
think that the moment because people buy the idea of young people are innovative, then thus
they choose them. Because people outweighing in the idea of why do you need to choose people
and becoming politicians in certain ways. And we think that overshadowing society judgement in
a current political scheme of the people that will lead them further in my substances.
Now moving on to my substances. I’m going to regret this under two reasons. Firstly, we
think that the best form education for young generation is the non-dogmatic one without the
narrative. And secondly we think that this will create an overshadow in society judgement in a
political scene in Indonesia. Now moving on my first substantive. We say that in a forming of
identity, in the form of intellectual framework, it means process time a lot of revisions. We say
that the characterization, the default characterization of young people are firstly they are naïve,
second they are easily swayed. We think the young generation, the moment they are imposed
with the dogmatic narrative that “Hey, you need to be a change maker.” Then this will alter their
decision-making process, because we think that the actor that imposing the dogmatic is what
matters to the young generation, because they will always look up to those people who are the
actor who giving the dogmatic narrative of unit to be change maker itself. And we see the
moment that it’s very contingent to the actor, imagine that there is some for example in a very
extreme case, imagine that if the one that imposed the narrative in certain community, that is
extremists that take if you want to change, then go with us. We think that it will be very harmful
because we think that young generation is only used as a means when end, as a political tool.
Because they are easily driven by the one that they look up, because of the characteristics of
them itself.
We think that the dogma, within the dogma, the changes delivered the extremists group,
we think that there will be a very very bad case in there. But we think that moving on the second
layer that is never been talked about in the opening government on how this will overshadow
society judgement in political scheme. We see that the narrative that happened on “Hey, if you
wanna change, then go with a political party that full of young generation.” We see that this at
way the parameters that people supposed to have, to count people when they wanna go as a
parliament election or presidential candidates. We think that what matter is first experience and
second the meritocracy itself.
We think that the meritocracy consists of track record actual policy that they have
brought authenticity, has they done any altruistically work in a community that they came from?
Have they done any advocate circumstances for example. Because we think that this actually
produced a lot of youngsters that thinks they have the capacity. For example getting nidji, all of
sudden wanting to become a presidential candidate. Gibran Rakabuming, a catering owner with
no community work, no car or is that policy has been brought by him, no education, did he wants
to become a walikota for example. We think that even engaging with the idea of 98 young
activists that already in the parliament itself, for example, Fadli Zon, after all becoming creating
a bad policies either way. Because people only buy him because he was young and innovative.
We see that this also create the idea of where being a change maker is really contigent towards
your social economic capacity. Why do we think so? Because we think that there is an excellent
inaccessibility for the youngsters that exist in Indonesia. For example, those people who are pro
will prolong more political dynasty, like on how there is Gibran Rakabuming in the walikota. We
think that those type of things, all of the people actually buy the idea of young people being there
in a political sheme. Because they think that the moment there is young people, then there will be
innovation, but we think that we’re only prolonging the political dynasty, because now every
political leader using their child as a puppet inside the political scheme in Indonesia itself. And
we think that’s what’s really harmful about. We said also the change maker is very contingent to
social economic capacity. Why do we think so? Because we see, when there is a narrative only
change maker are the success people. We think that some people are not privileged. Some people
need to go to work, so that your little sister can go to college. Under our case, we think that there
will be all contributions will matter. Because in their case, people who work, young people who
work, will only be shame because they are not the change maker and that’s why I go with CG,
thank you.

6. Member of Opposition : Mulawarman Rifqi Faulan

Ladies and gentleman we believe that the opening branch has over generalized or what
exactly the characterization about young people and also the older generation. Here in the
closing opposition we will explain to you the dynamics of the young and the old generation and
how exactly change is make and what is the ideal way to change a certain policy, condition in
today’s era.
Firstly, several points of rebuttals. For example, the closing government team explained
to you that the decision making should be based on matter and capability, they adopt the very
ideal of meritocracy for example is seeing people in their capability. We believe this narrative
that younger people are capable this type of meritocracy will not be achieved. So we believe in
the current status quo that the younger people are already dismissed and they are already
undermined by the society. Without this narrative that supports or that says all younger people
can also capable to have changes for example, to create and to establish a certain movement.
Without this movement ladies and gentleman, It means that the younger people are already
dismissed in this era. And therefore meritocracy will not be achieved in these types of cases. And
also ladies and gentleman, the opening government team explain to you that regarding the mental
burden for the younger generation, we believe that this will not likely to happen, we believe that
the younger generation are aware regarding to their mental awareness, for example they are more
aware in mental health problems. They have establish a lot of movement regarding to mental
problem and etc. And also ladies and gentleman, this will answered later in my substantive.
And we will go to my arguments regarding the comparison between young generation
and old generation. And why exactly changes can happen under outside of the house. We believe
ladies and gentleman, younger generation has time, energy and less burden. And this
characterization allow the opening government that says they will be burdened more in mental
illness and we believe that younger generation actually has less burden. Also, they don’t have to
work for their family, they don’t have to work for their son for example, they don’t have to
provide for their wife, because their have not married, they are still single for example.
And also ladies and gentleman, besides that, younger generation also has knowledge in
certain trends, they are aware of certain technological development and they can use it. And they
are also aware of social condition and in the current status quo they are deserve assault for
example it happens a lot time. Many old generation does not know what is actually count as
sexual assault. They will only said like “oh, you’re touched in your eyes for example, you are
only touch in your arms”. And this types of the older generation tend to not know that this
actually a sexual misconduct and therefore, this actually the job of younger people to advocate
of what is exactly sexual assault and what to do or what not to do when you are with your
significant others for example regarding to consent and etc. And we believe that this types of
characterization exclusive in under our side of the house and also ladies and gentleman. Younger
generation itself, we believe that they are not involved within the system ladies and gentleman.
They have no employer for example. And also, this type of characterization can boost more
changes because they are not tied within the system, within the bureaucracy like the older
generation. We believe, that the opening opposition over generalized the characterization of old
generation right? They believe that old generation are conservative for example. We believe that
is not true. There a lot of generation that want to change that they want the social condition to be
better but they can not be achieved. Also, we believe that they fully they are not aware of certain
brands for example they are not aware and they don’t know how to solved certain problems
because they can not use certain technology.
And also the most important thing is that, they are tangled in the system, for example
why exactly the job of college students to advocate a librarians. Because libraries can not
advocate their right, they will be fired if they do a certain demonstration. And this is the type of
tangled within the system. And when they are talking that all people can not change for example
this happens due to bureaucracy they can not result in policy, make a better policy. There are a
lot of interest within the parliament. So changes can be achieved in our side because younger
generation does not have to face certain democracy and certain interest of political party for
example. And this narrative will make nation impress on education. And therefore I proud to
oppose. Thank you

7. Government Whip : Udayana Ayu Bintang

Old age is no guarantee for efficiency but young age is no guarantee for innovation.
Three points that are wanted in this debate :
1. The access of ability
2. Better communal changes
3. Organic non documetic kind of education

Based on the status quo, the young generation access to become changemaker is not there
because there is no enough facility to support them. The fact not everyone has the same state of
the capital if want to be changemaker, it is needed to know some degree of education to
understand political dynamic and need to take course to understand it more and that is very
codigital to the worst social stance. Access ability in this case, comes from the definition of the
contribution young generation itself and it’s gonna be better not to contribute as the
changemakers because the productivity is not only in the terms of activism and anything that is
done to improve the society life with helping to criticize sometimes when as not being a
changemaker is already good as because whatever the contribution is always counted regardless
to what will be persuaded related to the policies. In this case, as the overwhelming majority is the
one who supposed to be suggested to be one of the changemakers because that position has the
special skill to be changemaker if it is not so, others can still keep going to study other things.
They are still worth it even criticize while not being as an innovator or changemaker.
Second point is on how to make better communal changes thru the education of young
generation and why is it important for young generation to know and realize that they can create
changes to the better of communal organic non documetic from that kind of education and
therefore, the young generation can decide what they want to be and what they want in their life.
Also it will become problematic if as the other narratives force the young generation to be as the
changemaker while it is supposed to be giving them access to learn how to solve about political
issues or political problems without changing it at all but make it receive it better first. And if the
young generation still decide to be as a changemaker, it will come as their own conclusion
without external influence which this will slowly and surely come to the problematic and can be
something radical if the young generation use their own conclusion as the changemakers.
The overall points : They want to champion the better political spirit and the CG doesn’t
want the this stigma because there is no simply impressive reflectly capacity of the old
generation because young generation always change things, and because the changes are needed
to be in part of life whether when you are in the younger or old generation. By the changes, all
want you to be reflected and we (the CG) want that demand and that demand can be happened if
you as the young or old generation have no glorification on about changemakers. From all those
statements, it is confirmed and prove that the CG has explained that is needed good access of
ability to be changemaker and the CG has built on the way how to make better communal
changes thru organic non documetic kind of education, not as the changemaker for especially
young generation.

8. Opposition Whip
Mister madam chairs, realize the future belong to us, the future belong to us as young
generation and that’s are our responsibility, and it’s out of the job to be fault in changes to watch
the better future for us but what the government say out of the house it’s basically saying it’s
that they want to delay this innovation, they want to delay this changes they don’t want us as a
young generation to learning by doing they just want us to be in silent and just accept whatever it
is happening in this society and that’s the question is how do you expect yourself to grow as a
young generation, without any incentive begin ladies and gentlemen so there is something that
we thing makes the oppositions side of the house is being more realistic and being more
supportive to worth this a young generation that going to be the changes maker right. So before I
look up I move for to a conclusion about our today’s debate firstly I would like to address some
point of credible aware the government side of the house so first all of the government band said
that you have to throw out the government to be the changes maker well this is not something
there is true because in our current status quo changes can be achieve as simple as for example
creating awareness or we can see how the climate change movement were young people are
advocating us to useless plastic or how the thrift shop are flourishing in the society so it’s not
only about we trying to throw out the government and so on and so forth but it’s also about
creating awareness right and then my second point of this matter is that under their side of the
house the younger generation will likely to be more ignorant to be more social issues simply
because from the very beginning they have no incentive too and they feel like they have no
responsibility to worth this and they fill like there they have no power so they become just you
know just excepting whatever it is that is happening in the society and we thing that this is not
something that is good to be happen because in the end of the day one they were going to be
those there’ll be in the government side or in the parliament and were the one that going to this
side something in the future so basically what the government tried to do is delaying and in
progress too from the young generations right.
So now let’s go to my conclusions on our today’s debate so the question in our debate is
first why changes is needed and what kind of the changes second how changes would likely to be
happen on our side of the house and third why the cases going to be worst right so let’s see from
how they mention about youngers, the burden has being put to worst young generation how they
think it’s not going to be good for them mentally and psychologically because they’re going to
be limited of the social pressure that is exist but then as a closing government what the one that
make it stop statement by saying in characterizing that our young generation now is first they
have more knowledge about certain issues because they are actively engage in the scores for
example and then they are more aware about mental problems let’s see how there are so many
influencer about social health, there are so many young generation there’ll be aware about this
and they notice that there is something about this kind of a mental health problem and that’s the
things about they scaring about youngers are being stigmatize and be having any burden is not
something there’s valid and doesn’t to be considered right, and then how they mention about
young generation are going to have limited contributions because they can only do their
demonstration for example that as a bad things and then how they said that we’re not a useful
generation because all generation one here us so it’s means that it’s not if effective for us to do
this kind of changing well that is basically why? That is exactly why we need to spread this
incentive right, this all people are under mind, and they shouldn’t except their narrative that
youngster are full right, so just see how in orde baru the collage student are match together and
they are able to win this nation to create this better nation like we’re living today right, so also
it’s not that hard nowadays for you to understand that subtend policy that are being made by the
government is not strategy and that is means it doesn’t need you to be that all for example going
to much of recreation so far it’s simple as for example how the government is allowing people to
travel during covid-19 and also how for example the government is allocating more money for
influencer’s trader than to solve covid-19 it is something that you as a young generation is not
something that hard for you to process and does it means start as the young generation we also
have the ability to do criticism and to do change as an become change maker and this kind of
things and also those youngster are ask full what as we have characterize to you they have more
knowledge about certain trend and there’s inform more for example in technology, in social
conditions, social trends, social medias and that’s it make they have more ability and changes to
have this course on social media as what we see today for example in twitter how people are
often creating this course about whether this something good or bad and so on so forth so it’s
also become check and balances to worth this final move on of the youngster so it would be
strategy call and it would be impulsive as what has be characterize by the government side of the
house and also it bakes the point of the government side of the house about external influences
that is going to be bad it’s something that is also in valid because we see there is check in
balances that is exist in this young generation society right so why is that as the closing of
opposition were the one that provide a most and search to you and we diverse from the opening
opposition right so first we’re the one that characterize to you detail with this youngster are the
one that they have aware time and energy they have less burden because they don’t have to
aware they don’t have to provide their family and their not intangible to worst certain identity for
example certain party and that is means that it makes them being more the younger to be not
fault in this system and those they have all the ability to changes right they’re not restricted to
worst certain broke houses and also they have more knowledge about certain trend and that is
make them became a more they’re the on at thrill understand what is the problem in this society
and this all generation right so reason that we believe and that also why we did the opening
opposition in the closing opposition we focus more on of load the factor all has explain to you
and then we more provide the characterization and the dynamic of the younger and the older
generation and why exactly changes or not achieve on the current status quo were those all
generation are being think to aware certain identist or participant we’ve not over generalizing of
generation right and base on that all post thank you.

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