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city and municipality of Bolivia


The province of Caranavi was created by Decree Law No. 1401 of December 16, 1992, through a popular
unity movement that paralyzed the north of the department of La Paz. This movement achieved that a
sector of the province of Sud Yungas, baptized as the Capital of the Third Section with capital Coroico,
managed to be recognized as the Twentieth Province of the department of La Paz and recognized under
the name of province of Caranavi with its capital Caranavi composed of 24 cantons and more than
50,000 inhabitants. It has an agricultural capacity that makes it one of the most productive provinces in
the department; becoming known, by its own inhabitants, as the Coffee Capital of Bolivia or The Door to
the Amazon.

Currently, Caranavi is the fourth most populated and

important municipality in the Department of La Paz (after El
Alto, La Paz and Viacha). According to the last Bolivian census
of 2012 carried out by the National Institute of Statistics of
Bolivia (INE), the municipality of Caranavi has a population of
50,330 inhabitants and its urban capital (city of Caranavi), has
a population of 13,569 inhabitants.

Typical dish
Marinated chicken

Chicken escabeche is a traditional dish of Bolivian cuisine and other Latin American countries. It is a dish
of chicken cooked in a sweet and sour and
spicy sauce, served cold as a main dish or

Pickled chicken is a very tasty and versatile

dish, which adapts well to different tastes and
preferences. It is an ideal option for hot
summer days, as it can be prepared in advance
and served cold.

The tuyutuyu

In the Bolivian Amazon it is already a matter of tradition and health to eat "tuyu tuyu", an insect that is
served raw or fried for its nutritional value and
the flavor it has. This fact is not new to the
Bolivian peoples of the Amazon, who have
habitually consumed insects for hundreds of
years. One of them is the tuyu tuyu or suri, a
yellow worm the size of your thumb, which is
also said to be an aphrodisiac. Some prefer to
eat it raw and others fried, accompanied with
rice, plantain or yucca.

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