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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V SHS



Evolution of Media

Name of Student: __________________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________

Grade and Section: _______________________________________________________

I. Introductory Concept

Media Evolution and Society

Since time immemorial, media has remained an integral part of human

civilization. From the days of Kodigo ni Kalantiyaw, the Umaluhokan to the modern
day’s audio video, print, and online media has always taken a pivotal role in shaping
our society. During the days of freedom struggle newspapers like La Solidaridad, with
Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo acted as a platform to place the
demands of common Indio and to express with freedom fighters. Philippine media
after independence era has grown phenomenally and today comprises of hundreds
of magazines, newspapers, television and radio channels.
In this era of liberalization, privatization and globalization the world has
reached our drawing room thanks to media. Since the introduction of radio and
television in our country in aural and visual media becomes a very potential tool in
informing the current news to the society, entertaining the people and shaping up of
public opinion. The World Wide Web technologies have given rise to electronic media
where even a common man can express views through blogs, vlogs, website posts,
Facebook and Twitter and other social media. Coupled with traditional print media
all these audio video and social media caters to a richly diversified media industry in
the country.
As the public’s eye, media helps in fighting against corruption, nepotism,
cronyism of institutional machinery and carrying out relentless campaign against
them. Thanks to exposes, it acted as a catalyst to government action compelling
government to swing into action including suspending officials and putting them into
jail. Without media, the news of government schemes and benefits would have never
reached the target audience.


People discovered fire, • Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
developed paper from plants, • Clay tablets in Mesopotamia
and forged weapons and tools (2400 BC)
with stone, bronze, copper • Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
Pre- and iron • Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
Industrial • Dibao in China (2nd Century) •
Age (before Codex in the Mayan region (5th
1700s) Century)
• Printing press using wood blocks
(220 AD)
People used the power of • Printing press for mass
steam, developed machine production (19th century)
tools, established iron • Newspaper- The London Gazette
production, and the (1640)
manufacturing of various • Typewriter (1800) Telephone
products (including books (1876)
Industrial through the printing press). • Motion picture
Age Examples: photography/projection (1890)
(1700s- • Commercial motion pictures
1930s) (1913)
• Motion picture with sound (1926)
• Telegraph
• Punch cards
The invention of the • Transistor Radio
transistor ushered in the • Television (1941)
electronic age. People • Large electronic computers- i.e.
harnessed the power of EDSAC
transistors that led to the (1949) and UNIVAC 1 (1951)
transistor radio, electronic • Mainframe computers - i.e. IBM
Electronic circuits, and the early 704
Age computers. In this age, long (1960)
(1930s- distance communication • Personal computers - i.e.
1980s) became more efficient. HewlettPackard 9100A (1968),
Apple 1 (1976)
• OHP, LCD projector
- The Internet paved the way • Web browsers: Mosaic (1993),
for faster communication and Internet
the creation of the social Explorer (1995)
network. People advanced the • Blogs: Blogspot (1999),
use of microelectronics with LiveJournal
the invention of personal (1999), Wordpress (2003)
computers, mobile devices, • Social networks: Friendster
and wearable technology. (2002),
Moreover, voice, Multiply (2003), Facebook (2004)
image, sound and data are • Microblogs: Twitter (2006),
digitalized. We are now living Tumblr (2007)
in the information age. • Video: YouTube (2005)
• Augmented Reality / Virtual
• Video chat: Skype (2003), Google
Hangouts (2013)
• Search Engines: Google (1996),
• Portable computers- laptops
netbooks (2008), tablets (1993)
• Smart phones
• Wearable technology
• Cloud and Big Data

Contemporary Media Roles in Society

1. Information
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Advancement
5. Correlation of parts in society

Influence of media on today’s society

Society is influenced by media in so many ways. It is the media that people get
information about a lot of things and also form opinions and make a judgment
regarding various issues. It is the media, which keep people updated about what is
happening around them and the world

II. Most Essential Learning Competencies

Explain how evolution of media from traditional to new media shaped the values and
norms of people and society (MIL11/12IMILIIIa2)

III. Activities

A. Direction: Provide answer and fill in the table below.

What What What

Age format/equipment format/equipment format/ equipment
did people use to did people use to store did people use to share
communicate with information? or broadcast
each other? information?
Per- Industrial
Industrial Age
Information Age

B. Identification
Analyze the Information below then identify whether each of the following
media belongs to traditional or new media.

Write TM if it is under Traditional and NM if it is under New Media.

1. Radio 6. Tabloid
2. Magazine 7. Paper Novel
3. Broadsheet 8. Television
4. Online Video game 9. Web novels
5. Online telephony and messaging 10. Newspaper

IV. Reflection

Answer the following questions:

1. Explain the statement of Marshall McLuhan that “The Medium is the
2. Does technology shaped us or is it us who shaped technology? Explain your
answer and give an example.

V. Rubrics for Scoring

4 3 2 1
A complete re- Good solid re- Explanation is Misses key
Explanation sponse with a de- sponse with clear unclear points
tailed explanation explanation
Shows complete Shows substan- Response Response
understanding of tial understand- shows some shows a com-
the questions, ideas ing of the prob- understanding plete lack of
and processes lem, ideas and of the problem understanding
processes of the problem
Goes beyond the re- Meet the require- Hardly meets Does not meet
quirements of the ments of the the require- the require-
problems. problems. ments of the ments of the
problem problem.

VI. Answer Key

Activity 1- Answers may vary

Activity 2- 1. TM, 2. TM, 3. TM, 4. NM, 5. NM, 6. TM, 7. TM, 8. TM, 9. NM, 1O. TM
Reflection: Answer may vary

VII. References:
Media and Information Literacy for Teachers
SLMs Search
Elvira D. Tuliao/Writer rubric

Prepared by: Evaluated by:


Cumadcad NHS Dinapa NHS

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