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Hang “Hailee” Dang

Chicago, IL 60616 | LinkedIn | (765) 277-9105 | |


Research Assistant May 2022 – December 2022
Earlham College, Summer Research Program Richmond, IN
● Hypothesized a positive correlation between the market values of companies in S&P100 list and their revenues to their
ESG’s practices; found that higher market values and revenues correspond to increased investment in ESG initiatives;
suggested to consider additional factors, including returns, for a more comprehensive analysis
● Proposed and designed a program to collect rankings and ESG data of 800+ companies in all industries from websites using
Python Selenium; retrieved 10,000+ rows of fundamental financial data for each company by requesting from Alpha
Vantage API Documentation in JSON format
● Unified data, identified missing and repetitive values, compressed them into a cleaned file using Python Pandas library,
SQL window functions; leveraged VLOOKUP functions and Pivot tables to identify top/bottom 10 companies based on
overall rankings and evaluated their financial values and ESG performances
● The proposed automating data collection program saved time, reduced human error in data entry, enabled students in future
financial classes to gather a large volume of data for valuations, enhanced the complexity and efficiency of class projects
Data Analyst Assistant September 2022 – May 2023
Earlham College, Office of Institutional Effectiveness Richmond, IN
● Collaborated with senior manager to conduct quantitative and qualitative research and analysis on Institutional Effectiveness
data, improved student experiences and led to a 30% increase in participation in college events during the second semester.
● Utilized Python, SQL, and Excel to merge, clean, and process data from 20+ institutions within GLCA and ACM
associations on graduation rates, honors, and awards from 2000 to 2022; made it suitable for in-depth analysis
● Found that Earlham's awards to enrollment ratio surpassed that of some larger institutions in the two associations, potentially
indicating a correlation with the institution’s effectiveness in teaching and learning; confirmed that despite the decline in
the college's admission rate in recent years, the academic experience has consistently remained positive and has shown
notable improvement over time
Data Analyst Intern July 2020 – September 2020
DISC Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam
● Conducted comprehensive data processing, analysis, and visualization of information and reviews from 100+ clients on the
personality test using Excel; presented insights on customer segments to stakeholders, suggested a specific customer group
and established a clear direction for business development
● Successfully organized and curated influential figures to feature in engaging talk shows for employees

Bachelor of Arts, Data Science May 2023
Earlham College Richmond, IN
● Coursework: Mathematical Modeling, Mathematical Statistics, Introduction to Programming, Database Systems, Data
Structure, Algorithms, Financial Accounting, Managerial Finance, Corporate Valuation
● Temperature visualization project (Gitlab)
● Predicting US Movies’ Gross Profits using MLR (Gitlab)


● Programming Languages: Python, R, SQL, Excel
● Libraries/ Frameworks: Pandas, Matplotlib, NumPy, BeautifulSoup, Keras, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn
● Machine Learning Models: Gradient Descent, Linear Regression, Convolutional Networks, Supervised Learning

Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification expected October 2023
Coursera Certificate, Offered by DeepLearning.AI and Stanford University
Professional Data Analytics Certificate March 2023
Coursera Certificate, Offered by Google
Data Analytics for Pricing Analysts in Excel January 2023
LinkedIn Certificate
AI for Everyone July 2022
Coursera Certificate, Offered by DeepLearning.AI

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