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Incline dumbbell press 16 x 12, 12, 15

Incline bicep curl 12 x 10, 10, 10
Dips 21, 19, 17 8
Leaning shrugs 16 15 15 15
Face Pulls 13 x 15, 15
Chin ups 33 x 10, 10, 8

Box squat 62.5kg x 8
Romanian deadlift 14 x 12
Uneven squat Bw x 10
Low plank oblique Bw x 10

One arm dumbbell row 14 12, 16 12 12
TRX squat 17, 20, 20
Standing dumbbell shoulder press 12 12, 10 12, 10 12
Single leg bridge 15 15 15
Superman - low plank - Hi plank

Incline dumbbell press 12 x 12, 14 x 12, 16 x 12 *increase
Incline bicep curl 12 x 12, 12, 12 *maintain till form perfect
Dips 17 12, 17 12, 14.5 x 12 *increase
Chin ups 33 x 12, 11 *not good form, 35.5 x 8 *not good form
Leaning shrugs 16 15 15 15
Face Pulls 13 x 15, 15, 15, 15

Sandbag squat 20 x 15, 15, 15
Romanian deadlift 14 15, 16 15 15
Uneven squat Bw x 15
Low plank oblique Bw x 30s

Plank 1:31
Russian twist

Goblet squat 12 15 15, 16 15

One arm dumbbell row 16 12 12 12

Single leg elevated bridge Bw 10 12 12

Dumbbell press 6 12 12 12

Prisoner back extension 12 12 12

Incline dumbbell press 18 x 12, 20 x 8 8
Incline bicep curl 12 x 12 12 12
Dips 10 x 11
Chin ups 38 x 10 10 10
Leaning shrugs 18 x 15, 20 x 15 15
Face Pulls 13 x 15 15 15

Renegade row
Toe taps

Battle rope

Sandbag squat 20 20, 20, 15
Back extension 15, 15, 15
Uneven squats 12, 12, 12
Romanian deadlift 10kg *focus on anterior pelvic tilt

Plank 1:40
Russian twist

Goblet squat 18 15, 20 12, 20 12

One arm dumbbell row 16 15, 18 15, 20 12

Single leg elevated bridge Bw 15 15 15

Dumbbell press 6 15, 8 15, 10 12

Romanian deadlift 6 15, 10 15, 10 15

Incline press 30 12, 35 12, 40 10
Incline bicep curl 12 x 12 12 12
Facepulls 16 12, 18, 20
Dips Bw 8
Chin ups 38 x 10 10 10
Leaning shrugs 18 x 15, 20 x 15 15

Leg press 2 plates
Back extension 15, 15, 15
Uneven squats 10kg

Goblet squat 20 12 x 3
One arm dumbbell row 20 12 x 3
Single leg elevated bridge Bw 12 12 12
Dumbbell press 8 12, 10 12, 10 12

Romanian deadlift 10 15, 12 15, 12 15

Incline press 32.5 12, 37.5 10, 42.5 8
Incline bicep curl 14 x 10 10 8
Cable shrugs 26 15 *lower weight
Dips Bw 12, 12, 10
Facepulls 16 20 20 20
Chin ups *jump 3 reps x 3

Leg press 2 plates 12 12 12
Back extension Bw18, 18, 18
Uneven squats 10kg 12, 12, 12

Goblet squat 22 12 x 3
One arm dumbbell row 22 12 x 3

Single leg elevated bridge Bw 12 12 12

Dumbbell press 12 x 12 x 3

Romanian deadlift 14, 14, 14

Incline press 35 12, 40 12, 47.5 10
Incline bicep curl 14 x 12, 11, 9
Cable shrugs 23 15, 26 15 15
Flye press 10 12, 12 12, 14 12
Facepulls 18 20, 21 20, 20
Cable lateral raise 3 15 6 6 4

Smith machine squats 40 10, 50 10, 55 10
Single leg romanian deadlift 6 6 6
Leg press 40kg 10, 10, 12

Incline press 40 12, 45 10, 50 12

Cable fly - upperchest 6 15, 8 12, 11 15

Facepulls 16 15, 11 15, 11 15

Chin ups assisted 3 5 5

Leaning cable shrug 26 15, 23 15 15
Cable lateral raise 3 15 6 6 6

Lat pulldown 35 12, 37.5 10, 42.5 8

Overhead squat
Gorilla row

Single leg bridge

Upright row to dumbbell press

Romanian deadlift 14, 14, 14

Smith machine squats 40 12, 50 12, 55 10
Barbell good morning 20 12, 12, 12
Upright cable woodchop 6 12, 8 12, 12
Kettlebell swing + Kettlebell rotation pass
Sandbag front squat 20 20, 20, 20

Rowing HIIT 5m 20/40
Incline press 40 12, 45 10, 40 10 *narrower grip
Chin ups Assisted 5 5 5
Cable shrugs 21 15, 23 15, 26 15
World greatest stretch 5 5 5 *very hard

Squat to deep lunge
Yoga warrior 1, 2 and reverse warrior
Smith machine squat 50kg
Leg press 2 plates
Back extension

Side side pushup 5, 5, decline push up 20
Chin ups Bw 3
Cable shrugs 23 12, 26 12, 16
Dips 12, 14, 8
TRX Row 12 12 12
Side side push up 12, 12
+ Wall press

Overhead squat
Gorilla row
Floor squat to runner's lunge

Side arm balance/straight arm straight leg toe taps

Overhead squat 20 reps
Inchworms with push ups 20 reps
Lying straight leg raises 20 reps

Cable horizontal woodchop 20 reps

Cable pull through 20 reps
Facepulls 20 reps

Chin ups 4 reps

Superman hold 20s
Low plank walking V hold 10 reps

Sandbag squat
Smith machine squat
Leg press

Goblet squat
Gorilla row

Floor squat to runner's lunge


Superman pass
Leg over and out on foam roller

Alt rope 4 sets
Tin man 3 sets
Double rope
Hindu push up
Lateral power slam rope
Superman hand exchange

Russian twist 8kg
Normal getup 5 reps each side
Leg press 40kg x 10, 10, 12
Elevated bridge Bw 10, 10, 10
Sandbag squat 20kg 20, 15, 15
Overhead squat 4kg 10, 10, 12
Inchworms with push ups 10, 10, 12
Lying straight leg raises 10, 10, 12

Cable horizontal wood chop 11 10, 13 10, 13 12

Cable pull through 21 10 *form off, 18 10, 18 12
Facepulls 18 10, 12, 21 12

Chin ups 4 reps

Superman hold 20s
Low plank walking V hold 10 reps

Goblet squat
Gorilla row

Floor squat to runner's lunge


Superman pass
Leg over and out on foam roller

Inchworms with push ups 10, 10, 10
Lying straight leg raises 10, 10, 10
Reverse fly 6kg 10, 10, 10

Cable horizontal wood chop 13 10

Cable fly 8 10
Facepulls 18 10,

Chin ups 4 reps

Superman hold 20s
Low plank walking V hold 10 reps

Leg press 40kg 15, 45kg 12, 50kg x 10
Db romanian deadlift 18 12, 20 12, 22 10
Hip thrust 12, 14, 16 20
Kettlebell squat swing 12 20, 20, 20

Incline press 30 15, 40 12, 45 10
Chin ups 19 10, 8, 5 *rowing
Cable lateral raise 15, 6 6 6 *start right first
Cable shrugs 21 15, 23 15, 26 15
Facepulls 16 18, 18, 18
Leg press 50kg 12, 12, 12
Db romanian deadlift 22kg 20, 24kg 15, 15
Kettlebell squats 16kg 12, 12, 12
Kettlebell squat swing 12 20, 20, 20

Gorilla row 16kg 10, 10, 10
Goblet squat 20kg 10, side to side goblet 14kg 12, 12

Single leg elevated bridge 10, 10, 10

Pike pushups 10, 10, 10

Battle Rope 5 exercises

Incline press 35kg 10, 40kg 10, 10
Chin ups 19kg 11, 6, 26kg 6
Cable lateral raise 3kg 15, 6 6 6
Cable shrugs 21 15, 23 15, 26 15
Facepulls 16 18, 18, 18

Dumbbell bent over row 12kg 20, 14kg 20, 16kg 20
Incline db press 16kg 15, 15, 15
Heels elevated goblet squats Bw 20, 10kg 20, 20
Deadlift 40kg 8, 8, 8
Landmine static rotation 5kg 20, 20, 20
Plank walk push ups 7, 7, 8
Wall squats 50s,

Db romanian deadlift 24kg 18, 18, 18
Kettlebell squats 16ljkg 15, 15, 15
Kettlebell squat swing 14kg 15, 15, 15
Leg press 50kg 12, 12, 12

Incline press 40kg 8, 10, 12,k 42.5kg 10
Cable shrugs 26kg 25, 28kg 25, 31kg 20
Cable lateral raise 3kg 15, 6 6 6
Chin ups 19kg 8, 6, 21kg
Facepulls 18kg 20, 20, 20
Dynamax n toss 4kg 10, 10, 10
Plank 90s, 60s

Gorilla row 16kg 15, 15, 15
Side to side goblet 16kg 12, 12, 12

Single leg elevated bridge 15, 15, 15

Pike pushups 15, 15, 15

Battle Rope 5 exercises

Dumbbell bent over row 18kg 20, 20kg 15, 13
Incline db press 16kg 16,ku 16, 16
Heels elevated goblet squats Bw 20, 10kg 20, 20
Deadlift 40kg 8, 8, 8
Landmine static rotation m5kg 20, 20, 20
Plank walk push ups 7, 7, 8
Wall squats 50s,

Leg press 55kg 12, 12, 12
Db romanian deadlift 24kg 15, 15, 15
Kettlebell squats 18kg 12, 12, 12
Kettlebell squat swing 14kg 15, 15
Plank toe taps 20, 20, 20

Gorilla row 12kg 10 x 3
Side to side goblet 10kg 10 x 3

Single leg elevated bridge 10 x 3

Pike pushups 10 x 3

Spider lunge (block) 5 x 3

Burpee (block) 5 x 3

Sit Ups 10 x 3
Heel touches 10 x 3

Kettlebell burpee 8kg 10 x 1

World's greatest stretch 10 x 1

Notes: For today…

- 2 scoops protein
- Fruits at night
- 30m treadmill

C-sit - hold 45s x 3
Windshield wiper x 3
Incline press 45kg x 3
Chin ups x 5 sets
Cable lateral raise 6kg
Cable shrugs 26kg 25, 28kg 25, 31kg 20
Facepulls 18kg 20, 20, 20

Leg press 55kg 12, 12, 12
Db romanian deadlift 24kg 15, 15, 15
Kettlebell squats 18kg 12, 12, 12
Kettlebell squat swing 14kg 15, 15
Plank toe taps 20, 20, 20

World greatest stretch 6, 6, 6
Deep hamstring squats 10, 10, 10
Goblet squats 20kg 12, 12, 12
DB romanian deadlift 18kg 12, 12, 12
Leg press 10kg 12, 12, 20kg 12
Elevated single leg bridge Bw 12, 12, 12

3 Posture
Pull up 1, 1, 1, 1
Pull ups assisted 33kg 8, 8, 8
One arm db row 8kg 12, 12, 12
Chest supported row 10kg 12, 12, 12

Leg press 30kg 8, 12, 12
Leg press - glutes 13, 13 *position glutes, not so wide
DB romanian deadlift 20kg 12, 12, 12
Goblet squats 20kg 12, 12, 12
Elevated single leg bridge Bw 15, 13, 13
Clamshell 20, 20

One arm cable fly (upper) 6kg 15, 15, 15
Lat pulldown 50 8, 42.5 10, 12
Flat db bench prjkiess 18 12, 16 12, 12
Cable shrugs 28 15, l15, 15
Machine reverse fly 19 15, 15, 15

Hanging knee raise 17, 17, 17
Torso rotation 35kg 20, 20, 20
Db bent over row 16 12, 13, 18 12
Flat db bench press 16 15, 18 12, 20 10
Wide cable row 35 20, 42 12, 37 12
Fly press 10 18, 18, i20j
Seated db bent over fly 6 15, 6, 6, 4

Leg press (comfy) 30kg 12, 12, 12
Hip thrust 40 12, 12, 15
Deadlift 40 12, 12, 12
Db front squats 12 12, 12, 12

Chin ups 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Lat pulldown 50 10, 42.5 12, 12
Machine shoulder press 30 7, 25 10, 10
Isolateral incline press (seat 3) 40kg 12, 13, 13, 13
Db skull crushers 10 10, 8, NA
Facepulls 13 15, 15, 15

Goblet box squats 26 12, 12, 12
Single leg hip thrust Bw 12, 6 12, 12
Romanian deadlift 20 12, 12, 12
Lying hip raise 20, 20, 20

25/5/23 - 1
Pectoral fly 33 15, 35 15, 40 15
Hanging knee raise 10, 10, 10
Cable overhead tricep 3 20, 6 15, 14
Facepulls 13 20, 15, 15
Low bar squat hold 5 sets x 5
Battle rope

High bar stretch
Behind the neck press 20 15, 15, 15
Behind the neck lat pulldown 27.5 15, 15, 15

Deadlift 45 12, 12, 12

Hip thrust 45 12, 12, 15
Leg press 30 18, 18, 18

Low plank jacks (alt) 10, 10, 10
Plank punches 10, 10, 10
Hanging leg raise Bw 10, 10, 10

Dynamax side wall toss 4kg 10, 10, 10

Med ball slam 15kg 10, 10, 10
Clapping push ups Bw 10, 10, 10

Decline push ups 15, 15, 8

Dips 26 12, 33 15, 12
Chest fly on bosu 8 15, 15, 15

Explosive pull ups Bw 10, 10, 10
Inverted rows Bw 10, 10, 10
Single arm kettlebell snatch 8 10, 10, 10

Gorilla kettlebell row 10 15, 15, 15

Close grip cable row 30 15, 15, 15
Pull ups 40 10, 47 10, 54 10

Med ball slam 8kg x 29
Dynamax wall toss 4kg 10, 10, 10
Dynamax hip toss 4kg 10, 10, 10

Db shoulder press 8kg 15, 12, 15

press 4kg 15, 15, 15
TRX Y pull 15, 15, 15
+ Db lateral raise 4 12, 12, 12

Superman + plank 10, 10, 10

Explosive pull ups Bw 10, 10, 10
Inverted rows Bw 10, 10, 10
Single arm kettlebell snatch 8 10, 10, 10

Gorilla kettlebell row 10 10, 15, 15

Pull ups 54 10, 10, 10
Wide cable row 27.5 15, 15, 15

Hanging knee raise w 3s hold Bw 8, 8, 8

Dynamax side wall toss 4kg 10, 10, 10
Med ball slam 15kg 10, 10, 10
Clapping push ups Bw 10, 10, 10

Decline push ups 10, 12 (block), 12

Dips 33 15, 38 15, 15
Pec fly 33 15, 15, 12

Low plank jacks 10, 15, 15

Plank punches 10, 10, 10
Hanging leg raise Bw 10, 10, 10

Explosive pull ups Bw 10, 10, 10
Inverted rows Bw 10, 10, 10
Hang clean 20 10, 10, 10

Gorilla kettlebell row 12 15, 15, 15

Pull ups 54 12, 12, 12
Wide cable row 27.5 15, 15, 15

Cable shrugs 21 20, 20, 20

Notes: 2000 calories per day avg

Dynamax side wall toss 4kg 10, 10, 10
Med ball slam 15kg 10, 10, 10
Clapping push ups Bw 10, 10, 10

Decline push ups (block) 12, 12, 12

Pec fly 33 12, 12, 12
Db pec fly 6 15, 8 15, 10 15

Hanging leg raise Bw 10, 10, 10

Mountain climbers 20, 20, 20
Superman - breaststroke Bw 10, 10, 2 10

Kettlebell swings 8 20, 20, 20
Hip thrust Bw 20, 20, 20
Deadlift with 10kg elevated 40kg 10 (sumo knee pain), 10, 10
Leg extension 15 15, 15, 15, 15

Notes: 3 months to recover knee. January

Explosive pull ups Bw 15, 15 15
Inverted rows Bw 10, 10, 10
Hang clean 20 10, 10, 10

Pull ups 47 15, 15, 12

Gorilla kettlebell row 14 15, 15, 15
Wide cable row 27.5 15, 15, 15

Cable shrugs 21 20, 20, 20

Cuban press 8 15, 15, 10

Notes: 2000 calories per day avg

Decline push ups Bw 12, 12, 12
Pull ups 47 12, 12, 12
Kettlebell swings 14 16, 16, 16

Med ball slams 15 15, 15, 15

Cobra 2kg 12, 10, 10
Bosu chair knee raise 12, 12, 12

More stamina so can do more exercise
Cut down on high calorie foods. 2 meals per day
Full body 3x per week

19/10/23 - 1
Med ball slam 15 15, 10 15, 15
Pull ups 47 15, 42 15, 12
Bear crawl (stretch of studio and back) 3
Dynamax wall slam - rotation 4 10, 10, 10
Wall sit Bw 30s, 30s, 30s
Dip bar knee raise Bw 15, 15, 15

20/10/23 - 1
Kettlebell swing 14 15, 15, 15
Incline db press (BTS) 12 12, 15, 15
One arm db row (BTS) 15 15, 14 15, 15
Leg extension 25 16, 16, 16
Walking push ups Bw 10, 10, 10
Single leg bridge Bw 15, 15, 15

23/10/23 - 2
Med ball slam 15 15, 10 15, 15
Dynamax wall slam - rotation 4 10, 10, 10
Pull ups 45 15, 42 15, 40 15
Bear crawl (stretch of studio and back) 3
Wall sit Bw 30s, 6 30s, 6 30s
Kettlebell swing 14 15, 15, 15
Spider lunge push up burpee 10

Leg extension 15 25, 25, 25

Battle rope 7
Leaning db shrug 20 20, 20, 20
Db chest supported row 18 12, 16 12, 12

30/10/23 (Traps, V shape, heavy chest) - 1

Leg extension 15 25, 25, 25
Facepulls 16 20, 25, 25
Leaning shrugs 28 20, 20, 20

Chin ups 40 20, 13, 9

Latpulldown 45 10, 35 15, 15
Incline db press 12 13, 12,
+ Incline db fly 8 15, 15,
Db pullover 14 15, 15, 15
+ Close grip flat db press 16 10, 10, 15

31/10/23 (Leg training) - 1

Leg extension 25 15, 15, 15
Cable shrugs 21 20, 20, 20

Single leg hip thrust Bw 18, 18, 16

Single leg elevated hip thrust Bw 20, 20, 20
Bosu ball wall squats Bw 10, 12, 12
Hip abduction 54 20, 20, 20
Hip adduction 54 20, 20, 20

4/11/23 (Traps, V shape, heavy shoulders, some chest and upperback) - 1

Leg extension 25 25, 25, 22
Leaning shrugs 31 20, 20, 20

Pull ups 40 17, 12, 10

Standing barbell press 20 20, 20, 12
Db lateral raise 6 20, 10 8 8
Chest supported bench press 10 20, 20, 17
Dips Bw 10, 10, 8
TRX Y raise 20, 20, 20

Notes: Work on flat foot

11/11/23 (Traps, V shape, heavy chest) - 2

Leg extension 35 25, 25, 25
Facepulls 16 20, 25, 25
Leaning shrugs 28 20, 20, 20

Chin ups 40 12, 12, 15

Latpulldown 45 10, 35 15, 15
Incline db press 12 12, 12, 12 *45 degrees
Incline db fly 10 12, 12, 12
Landmine core rotation Empty 20, 20, 20
Low plank oblique 10, 10, 10

Db pullover 14 15, 15, 15

Close grip flat db press 16 10, 10, 15

13/11/23 (Leg training) - 2

Hip abduction 61 20, 20, 20
Hip adduction 61 20, 20, 20
Leg extension 35 20, 18, 16

Single leg hip thrust Bw 20, 20, 20

Knees over toes sl squats 1 block 10, 10, 10
Single leg elevated hip thrust Bw 20, 20, 20

Cable shrugs 21 20, 20, 20

Bosu ball wall squats Bw 10, 12, 12

14/11/23 (Traps, V shape, heavy shoulders, some chest and upperback) - 2

Facepulls 18 20, 20, 20

Cable shrugs 21 20, 20, 20

Pull ups 40 20, 18, 16

Standing barbell press 20 20, 15, 12
Chest supported bench press 10 20, 20, 20
Db lateral raise 6 20, 18,

Dips Bw 10, 10, 8

TRX Y raise 20, 20, 20

1611/23 (Leg training) - 3

Hip abduction 68 20, 20, 20
Hip adduction 68 20, 20, 20
Leg extension 35 20, 20, 20

Single leg hip thrust Bw 20, 8 20, 20

Knees over toes sl squats 1 block 20, 20, 20
Single leg elevated hip thrust 10 20, 20, 20

Cable shrugs 21 20, 20, 20

Bosu ball wall squats Bw 10, 12, 12

11/11/23 (Traps, V shape, heavy chest) - 2

Leg extension 35 25, 25, 25
Facepulls 16 20, 25, 25
Leaning shrugs 28 20, 20, 20

Chin ups 40 12, 12, 15

Latpulldown 45 10, 35 15, 15
Incline db press 12 12, 12, 12 *45 degrees
Incline db fly 10 12, 12, 12
Landmine core rotation Empty 20, 20, 20
Low plank oblique 10, 10, 10

Db pullover 14 15, 15, 15

Close grip flat db press 16 10, 10, 15

Knees over toes sl squats 1.25 block 20, 20, 20
+ Stiff leg romanian deadlift 8 20, 20, 20 *lower back pain too

Med ball slam 8 15, 15, 15

+ Cobra 15, 15, 15

Incline db press 14 15, 15, 15

+One arm db row 12 15, 14 15, 15

20/11/23 (Traps, V shape, heavy shoulders, some chest and upperback) - 3

Leg extension 35 20, 20, 20

Leg curl 25 20, 20, 23

Behind shoulder flexion superman 10, 10, 10

Band shoulder dislocater 10, 10, 10
Superman pass 5, 5, 5

Standing barbell press 20 20, 16, 12

Behind the neck lat pulldown 27.5 20, 20, 20

Y raise 15, 15, 15

Facepulls 18 20, 20, 20

Cable shrugs 21 20, 20, 20

Pull ups 40 20, 18, 16

Chest supported bench press 10 20, 20, 20
Db lateral raise 6 20, 18,

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