Large Shopping Malls Are Replacing Small Shops

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Large shopping malls are replacing small shops.

Your opinion – good or bad?

Nowadays, many large shopping malls are replacing small shops and stores. This situation has become a
debate topic these days. To me, large shopping malls have more advantages than small shops such as
more selection and entertainment.

People, who go to shopping malls for shopping, can select many different options in large shopping
malls. Large shopping malls include brands, restaurants, entertainment centres and more. Therefore,
individuals can do many activities in large shopping malls such as going to gym, eating food with variety
of options and trying new brands. Furthermore, people can also choose large shopping malls for
wandering. For instance, many people are going to Zorlu Centre in İstanbul for only wandering.

The other reason why large shopping malls are better than small shops is big shops are more
entertaining. Some people can spend all day for enjoying in shopping malls as some malls might be
huge. In addition, some large shopping malls have entertainment parks, and these parks include many
machines for fun such as roller coasters and Ferris wheels. As a result, a lot of people prefer large
shopping malls to small stores.

To sum up, large shopping malls start to replace small shops due to two reasons which are more
selection and entertaining and a lot of projects will start about large shopping malls. In my opinion large
shopping malls will become common all around the world.

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