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➢ Part B-Explain importance of the day of Judgement in Muslim

➢ All Muslims believe that a day will come when Allah's purpose for the earth
has been fulfilled, and the whole earth will be destroyed alongside
everything in it.
➢ Then every human being (even those who died before this day) will be
resurrected and will be given a book of records.
➢ Muslims believe that on the Day of Judgment, humans will be judged for
their actions in this life; those who followed God's guidance will be
rewarded with paradise; those who rejected God's guidance will be
punished with hell.
➢ We as humans have control over our actions so on the day of judgement,
we are the only ones who will be held accountable for our deeds.
➢ The idea of a Day of Judgement encourages Muslims to live their lives in a
good way.
➢ They try to pass the test of life and take responsibility for their actions,
whether good or bad, They shall show honesty in every matter of life or
choice they come across.
➢ Muslims should be determined to stay away from not only all the things
Islam instructs us to, but they should also be determined to use all of their
resources to the best of their abilities to do good.
➢ Muslims shall ask for forgiveness and they recognize that intention is
important that the good deed they have done.
➢ Whether the action he intended to do goes in favor or against, Yet his
deed will be judged on the bases of his intention.
➢ “Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather He
looks at your hearts and actions.” Sahiḥ Muslim 2564
➢ A person realizes that Allah alone control everything, so he trusts and relies
on Him.
➢ Such an attitude will help him live normal life without developing criminal
and negative thoughts as Quran says “God is never unjust in the least
degree” (al Nisa).
➢ This teaches Muslims to put their heart and soul in the work assigned to
them by Allah.

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