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D&D modern urban arcane adventure sons of tyranny

6 Warlords of Hextor

Warlord Incinerate [Dragon chapter]

Dragon Blood: (chromatic only)

If a human or other humanoid drinks the blood of a half dragon they become one of the dragon blood
If a dragon blood or humanoid drinks the blood of a true dragon they become a half dragon.

200 half dragons and *400 dragon blood follows the Half Dragon Incinerate
The dragon blood are the prospects of the Dragon Flag.

Dragon Blood and Half Dragons may take levels in any classes except psychic classes and divine

The Dragons ride custom made motorcycles for their size. Each motorcycle can have a special side car

Incinerate {red half dragon} mage 10/Archmage 5/Artificer 5[cr 23]

*6 level 15 red half dragon sorcerers [sorcerer 10/archmage 5] these are incinerates bodyguards. They
also aid in casting incantations.
*6 level 15 half dragons all 6 are mage 10/ artificer 5

150 half dragon sorcerers, level 7-15; *6 sorcerers level 15, 12 sorcerers level 11-14 72 level 10
sorcerers, 60 level 7-9

50 half dragon mages, 13 level 7-9 mage, 18 level 10 level mage, 13 level 11-14 mage, 6 level 15 level

300 dragon blood sorcerers 110 level 1-3, 115 level 4-6, 75 level 7-9

100 dragon blood mages, 25 level 1-3, 40 level 4-6, 35 level 7-9


Alpha: 25 patched Sons;

The Alpha unit is the third largest unit on the roster.
It is a force that it only assembles during all out war. The Dragon Chapter can deploy 6 Alpha units into

1 level 15[sorcerer10, archmage 5],


1 level 14[sorcerer 10, archmage 4],

1 level 12[sorcerer 10, archmage 2]
12 level 10 sorcerers
10 level 7-9 sorcerers

Beta: 50 patched Sons

Beta is the second largest unit in the Sons arsenal.
It is a force that it only assembles during all out war. The Dragon Chapter can deploy 6 Beta units into

2 level 15[sorcerer10, archmage 5],

2 level 14[sorcerer 10, archmage 4],
2 level 12[sorcerer 10, archmage 2]
24 level 10 sorcerers
20 level 7-9 sorcerers

Delta: 100 patched Sons

Delta is the largest unit a Chapter can muster

4 level 15[sorcerer10, archmage 5],

4 level 14[sorcerer 10, archmage 4],
4 level 12[sorcerer 10, archmage 2]
48level 10 sorcerers
40 level 7-9 sorcerers

Gama: 150 dragon blood; 75 is level 4-6, 75 is level 7-9,

2 beta units(100)
Trucks are used to transport dragon blood prospects to combat zones only sons get magic items. These
units are all sorcerers and usually are defenders of a city or protectors of an area. They are only called
in a state of total war.

Hextors gifts when a Son gets patched in where the receive the magic items from Hextor during a
ceremony. When that Son dies or is thrown out of the organization their gifts loose their magical power.

cold iron fists: +2 strength, cast true strike 3 times per day

fiery eyes of doom: can use darkvision at will, once per day can cast searing light(10d6){caster level

helm of cruelty it is a +1 equipment that can create 1 fragmentation grenade a day and one phosphorous
grenade per day , +2 dexterity

Skin of Hextor is a +4 leather jacket that grants 5/+1 damage reduction, +2 constitution

this weapon has +1 enhancement, it makes all ammunition have a +1 enhancement, the weapon has one
full magazine per day

the bladegun can transform into a short sword or pistol

the pistol bladegun is for newer Sons
Due to the magic nature of the weapon every day the weapon creates 15 bullets in it's only magazine.
Nonmagical Ammo can be loaded into this weapon but the rounds will not fire.

lesser bladerifle:
rifle this +2 weapon is just like the bladegun except it creates a sword or assault rifle. It gives a +2
bonus to ammunition it has a 30 bullets in it's magazine. Bladerifles are given to higher ranking Sons,
they also get to keep their bladegun

The bladerifle is for elite and unholy knights only, they get a bladegun but not 2 bladerifles
greater *bladerifle:
this weapon has a +3 enhancement, it makes all ammo have a +3 enhancement, the weapon has one
magazine and holds 30 bullets. Every 24 hours it makes 30 rounds for the gun. It can only fire magical
This weapon has the unholy enhancement that dead +2d6 damage to good characters

*If a bladegun or blade rifles any of it's created ammo and still has remaining bullets when it creates
ned bullets it only makes enough rounds to fill it's magazine
if tony shoots 8 bullets from his pistol he has 7 left
when his ammo replenishes his gun will create eight bullets so his maximum again is 15
a created bullet removed from the gun's magazine will disappear a minute

Warlord Hades [Cerberus Chapter]

If a human drinks the blood of a werewolf becomes a lupine if they or a lupine drinks the blood of a
pure blood werewolf they become a werewolf

The warlord and 400 of his followers of the werewolf chapter are werewolves.
The Warlord has 800 lupine prospects.

Werewolves can be of any class except psychic classes

Ceberus: thrasher 10/ Acolyte 8/Unholy Knight 5[cr25]


Warlord Spidera [Vampire Chapter]

Spider Vampire: if you drink vampire blood you become a drow. If you or a drow drinks the blood of a
pure blood vampire they become a vampire

The warlord has 200 spider vampire following her. She has 400 drow prospects

Drow and vampires may be of any class except psychic classes


Spidera: swashbuckler 10/Soldier 5/Unholy Knight 5[cr20]


Warlord Electron [Golem Chapter]

Frankenstien: the enhanced undead are not the same thing as a real Frankenstein's monster.
The are an intelligent undead who undergo a process where the are altered using alchemy and science
and a touch of paranormal.

200 frankenstiens follow the warlord. The warlord has 400 awakened undead as prospects.

300 of them are telepaths or battle minds

100 of them are scientists

The frankenstiens ride custom bikes.

Flesh Golems & awakened undead make take levels in any class except divine classes

Electron: telepath 10/the Scientist 10

50 of the flesh golems Sons are the scientist & *field scientist

Warlord Demonic [Demon Chapter]

demon blood: when a human drinks the blood of a half fiend the become a tiefling. When a tiefling
drinks the blood of a true demon they become a half fiend.

There are 200 half fiends and 400 tiefling prospects that follows the warlord

Half Fiends may have any class except psychic classes and arcane classes

Demonic: soldier 10/unholy knight 5/archaic weaponsmaster 5[cr 23]


Warlord Wrath [Unholy Chapter]

200 acolytes and unholy knights follow the warlord, 400 acolytes are prospects
prospect are given blood to drink it makes their class change to acolyte and evil. This is supposed to be
the blood of hextor.
Acolytes can only take levels in classes that allow them to cast divine spells

The Unholy may be of any race.

Unholy: acolyte 10/eccelsiarch 5/unholy knight 5[cr20]

Hextor the god of war and tyranny has taken a foothold in the post apocalyptic world following the
Their is a Warlord for each of Hextor's six hands. Each warlord has six hundred followers two hundred
patched in brothers and four hundred prospects. Each chapter also had about a hundred hangers on who
were hoping of becoming prospects.
All together the Warlords had twelve hundred functioning motorcycles and as many patched members
to ride them.
That made them powerful. They had gun and munition factories and were making their own ethanol as
crude reserves were running out.
The Sons of Tyranny not only wore magical items that made them formidable buy each chapter had it's
own strength.

All of the Sons in the Cerberus chapter are Werewolves and all prospects are Lupines. This has been
possible because of Hades wasn't just a werewolf he was a Pureborn werewolf.
All of the Sons of the Dragon chapter are half dragons and the prospects are dragon bloods. This is
because of Incinerate he has the ability to acquire pure dragon blood.
Each warlord was been able to create others of it's kind two allow the Six Hands to grow strong.

Each Son is endowed with magical items when getting patched in. After they are Sons they may take
acolyte levels and unholy knight levels devoted to Hextor.
This alone allowed the Sons of Tyranny rise to power.
The Hands were an internal alliance that took over the Sons. They made promises and made good on
Hextor then aided the Hands to create multiples of the Founders.

Hades is beast and a Cleric of Hextor.

In his wereform he wields a great two handed sword his colors change with his body as do his other
Hades and the werewolves created by him are not mindless beasts when they transform. They retain
mental control. On the three nights of the month that the moon is full they can power up on those
Cerberus doesn't wear armor. He only wears his special vestments given to him by Hextor. Which is an
upgraded and specialized version of the gear that Sons get when they are patched in.
All Unholy Knights are given a magic weapon by Hextor at level one the weapon is of a plus three
Acolytes learn to heal with a touch or inflict wounds upon others. Powerful Acolytes can kill with a
point of their finger or raise someone from the dead.
A werewolf unholy knight is terrifying to behold. Every Son Hades turned into a werewolf also has one
level they have into an unholy knight level.
This enabled the the Sons to survive and conquer in this post apocalyptic world.
What made the sons was Hades's loyalty to Hextor. He wanted to keep control to have all of it. He had
faith though. Faith that Hextor had grander plans for him.

It took twenty years to find and recruit the other Hands. It took another twenty years for Hextor's
Promise to come true.
Hades has lived long enough to see the vision of his god. Each hand is a pillar on which something
greater will be built.
Hades thanks his god by making sure the pillars don't knock each other down.

Each of the Hands had a hundred of their kind Patched in sons. Except for Hades's Pact with Hextor
was that he was allowed twice as man followers as the other Hands.
So he has two hundred unholy werewolves on motorcycles. With magic vestments, magic weapons and
supernatural powers.

Seven hundred plus Sons of Tyranny rode out. They laid waste to cities refused to bend the knee to the
These cities also held great authority in a sphere of influence.
Each hand led an independent mission to attack and destroy a different city.
These attacks had been planned out for years before being implemented.

Son Incinerate Hand of Hexxtor led one hundred chromatic half dragons on magic motorcycles to burn
a city built over land that strangely had crude oil beneath it.
They drove through the streets hurling fireballs and lightning bolts. While breathing one of five
chromatic breath weapons.
Fifty Sons created chaos this way while the others went to raze the field site.
They caught the guards members of the facility napping.
The Dragon Blood chapter of the Sons of Tyranny rode out of the city without a single casualty.
The Golem chapter used poisonous gas that killed people but didn't effect the undead.
The Cerberus chapter was able to get the locations of leaders homes, additional houses they owned.
They killed everyone in those houses. His werewolves also desecrated six churches.
The Demon chapter created a fog that made people inside it go crazy and kill one another.
The Vampire chapter turned the leaders of their target city into puppets.
The Unholy chapter convinced it's city that part of the population were monsters in disguise. Unrest
then a witch hunt followed. False prophets took control of the city. Those prophets were Sons in

They were able to neutralize the response to what they would do next. The seven hundred sons
expanded their domains of their chapters. By attacking their neighbors and stealing their lands.
They not only conquered that defeated attempts to dislodge them. They were able to enforce their order
on lands they conquered.
For twenty years they built up they got stronger.

With fifteen hundred sons their second wave of conquest riding magically enhanced motorcycles fueled
by supernatural ethanol.
The Sons conquered and consolidated which is where the story take place twenty years after this
second expansion.

Each chapter has it's own territory, facilities and organization.

The Dragon Chapter is led by Son Incinerate [Mage 10, Archmage 5 & Artificer 5] he is one of two
Hands that can't use divine magic.
He has two captains. One is a blue half dragon Sorcerer named Voltage [Sorcerer 10, Archmage 5,
Mage 3]. The other is a green half dragon Mage named Vapor [Mage 10, Artificer 5, Archmage 2].
There are a total of 203members of the Patched members of the dragon circle.
Beneath them are 16 lieutenants all of them are LV15; 8 of them are sorcerer 10, archmage 5, the other
8 are mage 10, artificer 5.
Of the 190 remaining Sons 50 sons are level 7-9 and 50 sons are level 10, 47 are level 11-12 and the
final 43 are level 13-14
Of the 203 members of the dragon chapter 82 of them have levels of mage and artificer. The remaining
121 members have levels in sorcerer and archmage.
Like all Chapters a character must be level 7 to join the Sons and they must be raised from the
prospects. There are 400 prospects who are dragon blood. The transformation to dragon blood race
enables the person to learn arcane magic as a sorcerer or a mage.
Sorcerer's drakebreath is the same type of breath weapon as the half dragon Son.
Fire Focus is now Chromatic Focus and the bonus applies to the color of the half dragon. So if a white
half dragon would get the bonus to cold damage.

Half of the prospects were mages and half of the prospects were sorcerers.
When a humanoid is made into a Dragon Blood prospect all previous levels become mage or sorcerer
So if a level 7 smart character would become a 7th level sorcerer or a 7th level mage.
They also gain some new skills like the ability to drive a motorcycle, fix a motorcycle and build a
They gain the knowledge to make ethanol and alcohol.

After the conquest the Hands had to govern.

The Dragon chapter was responsible for fuel. The Golem chapter would be responsible for electricity.
The Unholy chapter provides paranormal powers that can heal or kill with a touch an could bring a rare
few back to life.
The Unholy chapter also spreads the word of Hexxtor. They allow each person to believe the greatness
of Hexxtor in their own way.
Those willing to live for Hexxtor are taken and supported by the chapter.
The Demon Chapter summons more demons for the Hands and are responsible for transportation. The
spider vampires can create Driders and were the eyes and ears of the Hands and responsible for gaining
information about their territory but outside territories.
The Cerberus chapter is responsible for building and maintaining motorcycles. As well as making guns
and ammunition.

Those are responsibilities to the collective. They had to control territory the conquered. In addition to
adding to the Hands's reserves. They also had to collect taxes establish trade rules.
Hades First Hand of Hexxtor had led the Hands well.
None of the other hands could gain enough support to turn against him.
Each chapter gains more responsibilities.

The rule of six is one of the cornerstones of the Sons of Tyranny. Now few than six max leave a base
and no few than six may be left to guard the base.
Sons operated in cells of six because of this. Those cells could be stuck together to create a force of up
to sixty
Each hand had three 60 Son groups two were offensive with the third was defensive. One hand could
all on allies if 120 Sons wouldn't be enough to deal with a problem.

In addition to making fuel the Dragon chapter make magic items for the Sons. The chapter has even
created their own spells. That are not shared with any that is not a Son or Prospect.
Every Son in the Hands has at least one potion of mage armor, and displacement on them or in their
saddlebags. You could drink the potions while riding. To cast the magic in a scroll the caster must
verbally speak the incantation and break the magic sealing wax. This can be done while riding.
Enabling arcane spellcasters to launch volleys of lightning bolts and fireballs from on foot on riding a

The Cerberus chapter is the oldest chapter of the current Sons. Hades was a lost wolf when he found a
new pack. Turning others in the Sons into werewolves caused some a divide in the club. This almost
led to violence that would have decimated the Sons.
Hexxtor intervened and killed the current leader of the Sons and his closest allies. He declared Hades
the leader but stated those that didn't want to be turned didn't have to be.
There was also a more inclusive implemented to non humans.
Which enabled Hades to recruit the other future hands.
The makeup of the current chapter is different than those days. While Hades may treat the other Hands
with respect. He is the top dog of his pack and if any try to subvert or challenge his authority the die by
his hand.
Hades isn't a tyrant though he believes in brotherhood. Those that are loyal and respect Hades are
treated well.
After all the solidarity of the Sons is one of their greatest strength. For those not in the Sons the rules
are different. Below the Sons are the Prospects who are not full members they have drank the blood of
unpure werewolf and are known as Lupines. They are not Sons though and are more or less second
class citizens. Everyone else is beneath the Prospects on the totem poll and those who want to become
Prospects must wait for a Prospect to die or kill a Prospect in single combat.
The same applies to Sons a prospect can only be elevated to a patched member when a Sondies or they
can defeat a Son in single combat. When a Son dies it is usually the Prospects that have the most
experience that are promoted though a newer member can challenge those selected Prospects to single
Entrance into the Sons through combat is rare though as Sons have numerous advantages over a normal
person and even a Lupine. Occasionally someone brave or foolish after being made a Lupine
challenges a Son and generally winds up dead.
The Sons and Prospects fight for sport they will often have unarmed fights with each other and
prospects to remind others and Prospects of the power of the Sons. The only real fights to the death are
when two or more Prospects compete over a single spot in the Sons.
This doesn't mean the Sons are incapable of settling difference without violence. The internal combat is
designed to ensure only the strong run with the pack.
But it is restricted so that they don't wind up decimating themselves.

The Sons are basically knights of old and in their society they are the main warriors and their power
ensures that many chose to attack weaker targets that the Sons. This ensures the Sons are not constantly
fighting to hold their territory.
While they can produce motorcycles, fuel, guns and ammunition their resources are not unlimited. So
when they do go to war it must be with their full force so the war is not protracted.
While they have several advantages that make transportation, fuel and weapons less important in
combat. It's importance in maintaining control of a large territory is vital.

Dragon Chapter: 100 patched Sons

3 level 15[sorcerer10, archmage 5],
3 level 14[sorcerer 10, archmage 4],
3 level 13[sorcerer 10, archmage 3]
3 level 12[sorcerer 10, archmage 2]
8 level 11[sorcerer 10, archmage 1]
40 level 10 sorcerers
40 level 7-9 sorcerers

Cerberus Chapter: 200 patched Sons

6 level 15[thrasher or soldier 10, unholy knight 5],
6 level 14[thrasher or soldier 10, unholy knight 4],
6 level 13[thrasher or soldier 10, unholy knight 3]
6 level 12[thrasher or soldier 10, unholy night 2]
16 level 11[thrasher or soldier 10, unholy knight 1]
80 level 10 thrasher or soldier 10
80 level 7-9 thrasher or soldier

Vampire Chapter: 100 patched Sons

3 level 15[swashbuckler or soldier 10, unholy knight 5],
3 level 14[swashbuckler or soldier 10, unholy knight 4],
3 level 13[swashbuckler or soldier 10, unholy knight 3]
3 level 12[swashbuckler or soldier 10, unholy knight 2]
8 level 11[swashbuckler or soldier 10, unholy knight 1]
40 level 10 swashbuckler or soldier 10
40 level 7-9 swashbuckler or soldier

Frankenstein Chapter: 100 patched Sons

3 level 15[telepath or battlemind 10/ mentalist or psionic assassin 5],
3 level 14[telepath or battlemind 10/ mentalist or psionic assassin 4],
3 level 13[telepath or battlemind 10/ mentalist or psionic assassin 3]
3 level 12[telepath or battlemind 10/ mentalist or psionic assassin 2]
8 level 11[telepath or battlemind 10/ mentalist or psionic assassin 1]
40 level 10 telepath or battlemind 10
40 level 7-9 telepath or battlemind

Demon Chapter: 100 patched Sons

3 level 15[soldier or archaic weaponsmaster 10/ unholy knight 5],
3 level 14[soldier or archaic weaponsmaster 10/ unholy knight 4],
3 level 13[soldier or archaic weaponsmaster 10/ unholy knight 3]
3 level 12[soldier or archaic weaponsmaster 10/ unholy knight 2]
8 level 11[soldier or archaic weaponsmaster 10/ unholy knight 1]
40 level 10 soldier or archaic weaponsmaster 10
40 level 7-9 soldier or archaic weaponsmaster

Unholy Chapter: 100 patched Sons

3 level 15[acolyte 10, eccelsiarch 5],
3 level 14[acolyte 10, eccelsiarch 4],
3 level 13[acolyte 10, eccelsiarch 3]
3 level 12[acolyte 10, eccelsiarch 2]
8 level 11[acolyte 10, eccelsiarch 1]
40 level 10 acolyte
40 level 7-9 acolyte

all Sons of Tyranny have the following items:

cold iron fists: +2 strength, cast true strike 3 times per day

fiery eyes of doom: can use darkvision at will, once per day can cast searing light(10d6){caster level

helm of cruelty it is a +1 equipment that can create 1 fragmentation grenade a day and 1 phosphorous
grenade per day , +2 dexterity

Skin of Hextor is a +4 leather jacket that grants 5/+1 damage reduction, +2 constitution

level 7-9
lesser bladegun:
this weapon has +1 enhancement, it makes all ammunition have a +1 enhancement, the weapon has one
full magazine per day
the bladegun can transform into a short sword or pistol
the pistol bladegun is for newer Sons
Due to the magic nature of the weapon every day the weapon creates 15 bullets in it's only magazine.
Nonmagical Ammo can be loaded into this weapon but the rounds will not fire.

Level 10 gain a lesser bladerifle instead of the bladegun

lesser bladerifle:
rifle this +2 weapon is just like the bladegun except it creates a sword or assault rifle. It gives a +2
bonus to ammunition it has a 30 bullets in it's magazine.

Level 11 and higher gets this weapon instead of a lesser bladerifle

greater bladerifle:
this weapon has a +3 enhancement, it makes all ammo have a +3 enhancement, the weapon has one
magazine and holds 30 bullets. Every 24 hours it makes 30 rounds for the gun. It can only fire magical
This weapon has the unholy enhancement that deals +2d6 damage to good characters

all Sons have a shield potion & a healing potion.

Level ten and up Sons have a second healing potion and a mage armor potion
Level 11 and higher also get a displacement potion, haste potion

level 11-15 receive 30 gadget bullets.

After these bullets are loaded into the magazine. When they are fired from the blade rifle they deal
+1d6 additional fire damage


25 Sons of Tyranny, 10 of them are level 7-9, 10 of them are level 10 and 2 of them are level 11, 1 of
them is level 12, 1 of them is level 13, and 1 of them is level 14
there are four of these groups in every chapter except the Cerberus chapter which has 8 of these groups


1 level 10 & 9 level 7-9

they are all werewolves

and they each have a healing potion and a shield potion. The level 10 gains an additional healing potion
this in addition to the gifts the get when they become Sons half are thrashers or soldiers until level 10
then they can take on the unholy knight class

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