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o Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) o Ujian Lain: ___________________ Tahun Akademik: 2022/2023
o Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) ___________________

Nama :
Mata Kuliah : ENGLISH 1/3/5
Jurusan/ Kelas : Industrial Engineering/Information System Tanda Tangan
Pukul : 08.00 WIB
Hari/ Tanggal : Senin, 30 Oktober 2023
Pengumpulan : -
Dosen Pengampu : Tanggal Penyerahan Soal
Jenis Ujian : Terbuka/ Tertutup/ Take home*)
Soal Ujian/ Kalkulator/ Pensil/ Pulpen/
Perlengkapan :
Penghapus, penggaris/ Buku Catatan/ Buku
Mata Kuliah/ Internet/ Laptop/ Pulpen
Berwarna/ Kertas GambarÝ)
)Coret bagian yang tidak perlu

Tolong letakkan lembar jawaban dikumpulkan tepat waktu sesuai arahan dosen pengampu.

Test Rubric

Criteria: Reading Comprehension

High Distinction Score: 80 - 100

• Demonstrates a deep and thorough understanding of the text.
• Accurately identifies and interprets main ideas, themes, and significant details.
• Makes insightful inferences and connections within the text and to external knowledge.
• Effectively analyzes the author's style, tone, and literary techniques.
• Uses advanced vocabulary and language to express ideas coherently.
• Supports interpretations with extensive and relevant evidence from the text.
Distinction Score: 70 - 79
• Shows a strong understanding of the text.
• Accurately identifies main ideas, themes, and important details.
• Makes appropriate inferences and connections within the text.
• Analyzes the author's style, tone, and literary techniques.
• Uses appropriate vocabulary and language to express ideas coherently.
• Supports interpretations with relevant evidence from the text.
Credit Score: 60 - 69
• Demonstrates a basic understanding of the text.
• Identifies some main ideas, themes, and details.
• Makes limited inferences and connections within the text.
• Provides a basic analysis of the author's style and tone.
• Uses simple vocabulary and language to express ideas.
• Supports interpretations with some evidence from the text.
Pass Score: 50 - 59
• Shows a limited understanding of the text.
• Struggles to identify main ideas, themes, and details.
• Makes minimal or inaccurate inferences and connections within the text.
• Lacks analysis of the author's style and tone.
• Uses very basic vocabulary and language to express ideas.
• Provides little or no evidence to support interpretations.
Fail Score: 0 - 49
• Demonstrates a lack of comprehension of the text.
• Fails to identify main ideas, themes, and details.
• Makes no inferences or connections within the text.
• Provides no analysis of the author's style and tone.
• Uses language that is unclear or incoherent.
• Fails to provide any evidence to support interpretations.
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Telp. +62 (328) 6771010 Email :
Jl. Raya Lenteng, No. 10, Batuan, Sumenep - Madura
Telp. +62 (328) 6771010 Email :

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