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*■ J ■
The First Completely
j. New Book on**
* . >
Fixed Stars

in 2000 Years!

< Joseph E. Rigor


A treatise and the effect of the colours o f the various fixed

stars translated to humanistic factors together with fixed

star analysis when used in conjunction with nativities.





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4535 Hohman Avenue
Hammond, In. 46327
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My patient wife of 40 years



A most remarkable

Astrologer and Business person.


The study of Fixed Stars and their application to

nativities brings one closer to the realization that
everything in this universe is fundamentally related; that
we are all a part o f the whole, the Supreme Being, which in
essence is the new physics as contrasted to the old physics
which was based on the idea that everything is separate and
The application of fixed stars is subjective to the
nativity and does not indicate fatalistic tendencies, but
should be augmented by normal delineations as used by
analysts. The analysis of the human profile would be more
complete and practical when the information in this volume
is added to the information from the natives early life and
background. This would give the total potential and
limitations of the native.

Buchanan, Michigan 1978 The Author.


Effect of the Moon 3
Orbs and rules 5
Behavorial characteristics 9
Twins 13

Method of delineation 17
Delineating a fixed star study chart 20
Study chart (Frank Steen) 24

Terminology used with Fixed Stars 27
Psychics and Fixed Stars 28
Mental abberations 30

Polarity of the Sun 32
Polarity of the Moon 33
Moon’s quickie aspects 34
Mercury’s quickie aspects 36
Venus’s quickie aspects 38
Mar’s quickie aspects 40
Jupiter’s quickie aspects 42

Fixed Star Influences in Aries 46
Fixed Star Influences in Taurus 59
Fixed Star Influences in Gemini 76
Fixed Star Influences in Cancer 94
Fixed Star Influences in Leo 109
Fixed Star Influences in Virgo 123
Fixed Star Influences in Libra 136
Fixed Star Influences in Scorpio 148
Fixed Star Influences in Sagittarius 162
Fixed Star Influences in Capricorn 181
Fixed Star Influences in Aquarius 193
Fixed Star Influences in Pisces 207


Fixed Star longitudinal changes 222
How to use the Longitudinal Charts 228
Time Conversion Chart 231
Orbs 233
Greek Alphabet 235
Stellar Spectral types 236
Brightest Stars 238
Colors and Fixed Stars, basic effects of 241
Transition of stars colours to humanistic factors 245
Celestial influences in combination 247
Lifestyles of a Star 248
Exact Star Magnitude 249
Influence delineation examples 250
Bright Stars in Aries 253
Bright Satrs in Taurus 254
Bright Stars in Gemini 255
Bright Stars in Cancer 256
Bright Stars in Leo 257
Bright Stars in Virgo 259
Bright Stars in Libra 260
Bright Stars in Scorpio 261
Bright Stars in Sagittarius 263
Bright Stars in Capricorn 265
Bright Stars in Aquarius 266
Bright Stars in Pisces 267
Spectral Classification 268
Appendix 269
Charts 340
Ephemeris 285
Celestial Influences 313

It is a known scientific fact that all material bodies are

in a relative state of charge, being either negative or
positive with respect to one another. Each body has a
relative magnetic field surrounding it. Of recent times this
has been visually proven by means of Kirlian photography.
These field forces vary somewhat from body to body,
varying both in strength and in color.
Each color has a measureable wavelength, whether it
be from the stars, the planets or a living human body. The
effect of fixed stars are measured by their differences in
their color spectrum and the interaction of the fixed stars
and planets which produce widely varying effects, either of
a positive or of a negative nature.
Tables could be formulated, assigning each color and
combinations of colors to indicated certain negative and
positive attributes from the stars and the planets as applied
to the individual. This proposition is not new. It was first
proposed by Jhondro in his volume titled The Stars, and the
author has confirmed his theory through the study and
application of fixed stars to nativities since about 1955. It is
herein presented in a simplified form.
When ones nativity is in direct conjunction with a large
(1 or 2) magnitude fixed star, the effect on the nativity will
be of great importance, be it in a positive or a negative
direction. Here is where the human factor enters. These
effects are superimposed on the new born infants brain, on
their sub-conscious mind. The infants conscious mind is
highly susceptible to suggestions (and training, or lack of
training) during the formative years which will vary from
one individual to another. However, the initial impressions
on the sub-conscious mind last the life of the native. Such
impressions can be buried deeply in the recesses of the
mind, and at sometime in the future suddenly erupt to the
surface, depending upon how well the conscious mind has
been trained. Hence, it is important for the analyst to have a
good knowledge of human relations and be humanistically
inclined in order to correctly apply fixed star influences to
nativities. Credit is given Jhondro for his initiating the
correct method for the application of fixed stars and his
volume covering the effect of stars on geographic locations.
This volume covers the humanistic effect of fixed stars.

Buchanan, Michigan Joseph Rigor

1978 Author

Space exploration together with new discoveries will

unmask many of the heretofore declared myths about which
scientists have expressed considerable doubt and disbelief.
Not many years ago, unpublicized, scientists at the
G reen belt, M aryland G overnm ent installation w ere
checking the position of the Sun, Moon and planets out in
space, where they would be 1,000 years from today. Such
knowledge is necessary so they do not send aloft a satellite
and have it bump into something unexpectedly. By means of
a computer, they ran the information back and forth over
the centuries when it suddenly came to a halt, flashing a red
light, a signal that all was not well in their calculations.
After much checking they found there was a day missing in
space in elapsed time, and there was no immediate answer.
One man in the group got out a Bible and found a
statement that appeared ridiculous for anyone who had
common sense. It was Joshua 10, verses 12 to 14, relating
how the Sun stood still. This, the space explorers felt was
the missing day, however, it was not close enough. The day
missing in Joshua’s time was 23 hours and 20 minutes, not a
whole day. After re-reading the Bible, it was noted the
claim was ‘about a day.’
Next, someone came up with II Kings, 20, verses 8 to 10
and read where the Lord brought the shadow backwards
ten degrees. Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes. Twenty
three hours and 20 minutes in Joshua, plus 40 minutes in II
Kings makes the missing 24 hours.
In Genesis the story of creation relates how God
created the heavens and the earth and in the heavens placed
the stars and the planets. This was an ordered ‘plan’
wherein there is an inter-relation and a unity present in all
things. Following the creations of the heavens and the
earth, God created man. This was a plan peculiar to our
galaxy as far as we know. What has occurred in distant
galaxies, of which there are many, we do not at this time
have any knowledge.
Of all the creatures of nature, only man is so completely
affected at birth by the emissions of the various stars and

planets and the result of the angles of these emissions as
they reach the planet earth during the moment of birth of
the child. A t the moment of birth, a remarkable
transformation takes place within the brain of the child.
Prior to birth the brain of the child is chemical, but
immediately upon birth, and being charged with the first
breath of air, the child’s brain is transformed into an
electro-chemical object. The newborn child’s brain can be
compared to a fix tuned or a one channel radio receiver;
tuned to receive only a certain set of frequencies and the
harmonics of these frequencies. The frequencies are the
emissions plus the various or resultant waves from the
various angles as received at the particular time and place
at birth of the child. The harmonics are the transits of the
various planets as they occur diming the lifetime of the
individual. These incoming waves are modified by the
Earth’s satellite, the Moon, and are indelibly impressed
upon the newborn child’s sub-conscious mind at birth.
Similar to the effect of the traveling of radio waves,
distance has no bearing in space, and within to be defined
limits, the weaker the emissions, the better they are
impressed upon the brain of the child at birth. With some
over simplification, a direct comparison can be made with a
dry charge storage battery. Unless electrolyte is added the
battery is of little value but the addition of electrolyte
charges the battery to its full usefulness and gives it the
necessary life.
The effect of the stars, which includes our own galaxies
Sun, can be compared electronically to several inductors.
Inductors are wire wound coils of any size, and can have
either an air or a metallic core. By placing one inductor
where the Sun should be and the balance where the various
planets are and then by applying an alternating current to
the center inductor, or the Sun, a voltage is induced into all
the other inductors. This could be read by means of a
sensitive voltmeter. The stars are essentially the same as
our own Sun and can be compared to our Sun, each having a
current applied to it and then this current or voltage is
induced into each planet in our own galaxy. Remove the
Sun’s voltage and the planets are dead. This, then is the

way the stars operate. They supply power to the various
planets either by adding to the planet’s power as received
from the Sun, or by subtracting from the power the planets
receive from the Sun.
The Earth’s satellite, the Moon, has a modifying effect
on the power as received from the various planets. This can
be explained as follows: Assume the celestial object Pluto
sends forth power ‘A ’ and celestial object Mars sends forth
power ‘B’. Now assume that these two powers are in aspect,
that is they establish a certain relationship to each other
which can be called an angle or degree. Assume their
relationship is 90 degrees. This relationship, or aspect,
makes Mars 90 degrees to Pluto, or in astrological terms,
Mars is square to Pluto. By simplified definition this
indicates a form of force or violence. However,
consideration of the Moon’s influence creates another
condition. The Moon either augments or detracts from the
planetary forces. In this relationship with the Moon they
are said to be ‘in’ or ‘out’ of phase. If the Moon intercepts the
emissions from Mars, Mars would still be in aspect to Pluto,
but if Mars is in a 120 degree relationship to the Moon,
which would make it trine to the Moon, then the case would
be modified and in this situation we would have: Mars
square Pluto, and Mars trine the Moon, indicating,
astrologically the modifying effect o f the Moon on Mars; or
one who would think of violence, but would never actually
be violent - the individual would act as one with a kid glove
in an iron fist. Mars trine the Moon immediately offsets any
violent tendencies in this case. However were Moon square
to Mars, and with Mars square to Pluto, then violence would
be indicated in the chart of the native.
These influencing forces from the stars to the planets
are similar to the color spectrum. If we have two distinct
colors, and they are mixed together, we get a third or
different color, but the original colors still remain. Likewise,
the effect of a combination of forces is in addition to, not in
lieu of, the effect of the component forces. The addition of
the influences of the fixed stars act similar to the third or
different color when two colors are mixed together. The
effect o f the planets are modified by the addition of the
influences of the fixed stars.

Dr. Carl Jung, the great psychiatrist, made a long
study of astrology and concluded the fact that it is possible
to construct a person’s basic character from the data of his
birth shows the validity and the potential of astrology.
Determination of behavior patterns is one of the many
advantages of the application of fixed stars in nativities;
patterns which generally escape detection in ordinary
nativity examination. These applications must be modified
by careful analysis of the native’s chart and the native’s
background, which is more fully discussed later in this
chapter. Predictions must be carefully and studiously
avoided, even though a number of fixed star delineations
lend themselves toward a predictive ‘tone’. This then can be
avoided if instructions are carefully followed, as outlined in
the following chapters of this book.
One outstanding example of the effect of fixed stars in a
nativity are those effecting President Nixon. Nixon has
fixed star #117, Deneb Algedi, in conjunction with his natal
Moon. Deneb Algedi, in this particular conjunction
indicated ‘success after patient plodding’ and ‘many
difficulties on the road to success’; however, unless
precautions have been taken, there will be a final loss of
both position and respect. Star #115, Nashira, also in
conjunction with his natal Moon, indicates he can be
successful in government matters, and as a writer or
author. Nixox has star #97, Polis, in conjunction with his
natal Jupiter indicating he is a ‘private person’ and has a
tendency to dominate any situation; however, in writings,
speeches, talking, he can create unpleasant, lasting
problems. Star #122, Fomalhaut, is in conjunction with
Nixon’s Venus, which is negative. This star, in conjunction
with a negative Venus indicates he is subject to
undermining influences by self-seeking individuals that
could only lead to his downfall. It can also give Mr. Nixon a
‘name and fame’ forever.
President John Kennedy and his brother Robert, both
had fixed stars of a turbulent nature in conjunction with one
of their celestial objects. Their brother Ted Kennedy is not
so unfortunate. However, he does have star #122,
Fomalhaut, in conjunction with his natal Sun which could

create serious problems. The Kennedy mother, Rose, has
fixed star #56, Alioth, in conjunction with her natal Venus,
indicating destruction within the family circle.
Fixed stars, properly applied to nativities offer a
fascinating insight into the sub-conscious mind, into
potentials and/or problems facing the native.
A wide cross section of personalities together with
their charts is fully described in section 4, which may be
used as a study guide towards a better understanding of the
application of fixed stars to nativities. A special chart has
also been included with detailed information for easily
determining the birth time of deceased person.
When considering the application of fixed stars to
nativities, a general re-thinking of the basics of astrology
must be taken into account. The usual astrological rules
concerning houses, cusps, mid-points, nodes and wide orbs
must be cast aside and replaced with new set of basics and a
few simple rules.
Starting with the rules; these have been divided into
six sections, or rules, and possibly the only problem the
astrologer will encounter will be in the determination of the
quality of the horoscope of the native. Later in this chapter,
this area, the determination of the nativity and quality of
the horoscope is dealt with in detail.
RULE #1: Fixed stars add to or subtract from the
qualities of the celestial objects in our galaxy. These
celestial objects are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and
Jupiter. The slower moving planets cover entire
generations and therefore, cannot be considered. These
planets are: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
RU LE #2: Fixed stars do not relate to, that is aspect to
house positions, mid-heavens, cusps, mid-points or
ascendants. The reason is obvious. The fixed stars are not
planets, but stars that add to or subtract from the effects of
the celestial objects with which they are in conjunction.
RULE #3: Fixed stars do not transit, nor can they be
progressed. The average movement of fixed stars is 1
degree every hundred years.
RULE #4: The orbs for the celestial objects must be
adjusted to no more than the following:

a. For conjunctions, squares, sextiles, and oppo­
+ or — 5 degrees
b. For semi-sextiles, semi-squares, and inconjuncts:
+ or — 1 degree.
RULE #5: The orbs for fixed stars must be within
the following limits:
1st magnitude fixed s ta r s ..................................... 2°30’.
2nd magnitude fixed stars ................................... 2°10’.
3rd magnitude fixed stars..................................... 1°40’.
4th magnitude fixed sta rs..................................... 1°30’.
5th, 6th, Cluster and Nebulae.............................. 1°00’ .
These orbs are exact and any deviation from them will not
give correct results.
RULE #6: A positive or a negative determination must
be made of the celestial objects in the nativity under
consideration, before considering application of the fixed
stars. The overall quality of the horoscope must be
determined. For this determination, the Moon’s influence is
important. The Moon is considered as the modifier of any
celestial objects in aspect with the natal Moon. When faster
moving celestial objects, such as Mercury, Venus or Mars is
Unfavorably aspected to one of the slower moving planets
such as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, and either
unfavorably aspected to or not aspected to the Moon, then
the faster moving planet is considered to be negative.
However, if the Moon is in good aspect to one of the faster
moving planets being considered, and the faster moving
planet is unfavorably aspected to one of the slower moving
planets, then the faster moving planet is considered as
being positive. The only exception would be Mercury which
is covered in detail in chapter 4.
The function of fixed stars is to emphasize or detract
from celestial qualities and not to confer celestial qualities.
Any aspects between fixed stars and celestial objects are
ineffective and their only influence is in direct Conjunction
with the planets.
Fixed stars do not exhibit any nature of any of the
celestial objects,'they cannot be considered ‘like Mars, like
Jupiter’ or any other of the planets nor like any planetary

combination. Fixed star influences are determined solely by
their colour (s) and as stars age over hundreds or even
thousands of years, their temperature changes and so does
their basic influences. This change is very gradual.
An out standing example is the changing influences of
the star Sirius, #36. About 318 A.D. Firmicus Maternus a
noted astronomer of his day wrote the following of the
influence of the star Sirius, which was also called Canicula:
“The native will apply a maddened brain to every
monsterous crime. They will seek out vile deeds and be both
hated and feared. They will be lively in speech, stirring up
reasons for quarrels.”
When Maternus wrote this o f the influence o f the star,
Sirius, the star was red in colour and considered at the time
to endow its natives with a violent nature. Today, 1977, the
star is yellow-white and considered by astronomers to be
a very old star. Compare the ancient influences of Sirius
with the current influences due to the change in the colour
of the star:
“The native is ambitious, loves power, has grandeur of
outlook; good for business prosperity, honours, renown,
wealth, receives favors from superiors, friends. Martial
honours possible.” (Sirius-star #36).
The fact, that a star may operate through the degrees in
which right ascension corresponds is without merit until
further proof through study has been established, that is,
co n v ertin g righ t ascension into longitude w ithout
considering latitude.
Fictitious planets, such as those used with Uranian
astrology, asteroids, and the dark moon Lilith; which is
actually an asteroid, cannot be used in conjunction with
fixed stars.
In the application of the influences of fixed stars to
nativities, the analyst must remember that the influences
have been impressed upon the sub conscious mind of the
new born child and will be modified; this modification will
be determined in either a positive or a negative direction,
depending upon the child’s early training. However, the
basic influences will always remain and off times only
requires a trigger of some sort and this can be alcohol,
drugs even a shock to bring it to the forefront. A study of

the charts in section 4 will assist in clarification of this
important factor in star influences.
The next important step to be considered in the
application of fixed stars is the complete understanding of
the nativity. This represents a brief course in the study of
human relations. It is important that the analyst be
conversant and knowledgeable with such an important
subject in order to keep abreast with the complexity of
modern society, and the application of fixed stars to the
nativities of our current day society.
Fixed star application deals with personalities, not
merely numbers and names, and it is inappropriate to judge
a nativity without making a number of considerations. The
balance of this chapter will cover human relations as applied
to astrology. One consideration, and a basic one is -- is the
horoscope of the native under consideration that Of one of
the minority classes? Minority class can be defined as
anyone of the following types of individuals: Black, Indian,
Mexican, a recent immigrant, legal or illegal. Generally the
individual of a minority class does not enjoy the opportunity
of an environment to which the majority of U.S. Citizens
have been accustomed, which we term a ‘decent
environment’ , or regardless of their upbringing, in keeping
with societies general norms of the times, they are thrown
into unsuitable elements and in most cases tend to align
themselves with undesirable person. Unless there is a grade
#1 fixed star in direct conjunction with one of the natives
celestial objects, and unless horoscopic indications are of a
positive nature, the ’push’ necessary for the individual to
rise from their environment is lacking. This then would
indicate that other fixed stars of a beneficial nature would
not be effective in such nativities.
Another important consideration is the question of
whether the native is bound by tradition to a class or an
area from which there is obviously no hope for the
emergence of the native from the boundary of their
confines. In such cases none of the better grade fixed stars
will be effective. In some countries, especially in communist,
and other dictator ruled countries, the individuals have no
real hope for emergence and therefore fixed star

applications would not be totally effective, if effective at all.
Review the charts indication of the natives mental'
condition. If, for example the chart indicates the native
under consideration is of normal intelligence, and the
individual is a child, determine whether the child will be
raised under normal family conditions, or will the child be
placed amongst mental deficients. If the latter case prevails,
a normal and possibly even a mentally superior child could
evolve into an apparent mental deficient. This does not
necessarily apply to opposite conditions.
A recent example of such a situation was illustrated in
the movie made about the case of Joe Kajpus, born
November 29, 1940 in Detroit, Michigan to an unmarried
woman who was unable to care for him and he was
mistakenly sent to a mental' institution as a small child.
Years later social workers took an interest in his case and
finally he was released at age 25 and started working as a
normal citizen. His chart, while negative, does not indicate
any mental’ deficiency, however due to neglect during his
formative years, it was difficult to get him to learn to read
and write. Time and patience was required to get this young
man adjusted to normal society. In todays complex society
all factors must be carefully evaluated before passing
judgement via horoscopic analysis.
Understanding behavorial characteristics as related to
nativity analysis is important and the analyst should be as
concerned about that as they are in the understanding and
the application of fixed stars, polarities, and aspect
meanings as applied to nativities. The astrological
interpretations using fixed stars point to latent potentials,
good or bad, suggesting directions needing growth and
understanding, needing self-discipline, and could be o f great
interest to humanistically oriented psychologists, in fact
anyone interested in human potentials. This analysis is
better adapted to the complexity of human nature, than the
system of traits, types, motives and other ideas in general
use. The fixed star system has an inherent advantage of
being entirely independent Of any posed behavior of the
native under consideration, therefore is free of any

response bias of any sort. It is also important that the
analyst recognize that with the increase of parental
permissiveness, as children of such permissiveness become
of adult age, on the average they will follow the lines of least
resistance, exhibit a lack of self discipline, and in general
exhibit a relaxation of current societies accepted standards.
Unfortunately nativities with turbulent fixed stars in
conjunction with their celestial objects will be adversely
affected under such conditions. The effect of turbulent stars
in afflicted nativities could be reduced, even eliminated
through prior knowledge of their existence and by early
parental training directed to avoid potential disasters.
Potential violence as indicated by turbulent fixed stars in
nativities so afflicted does not necessarily indicate the
native will be subjected to violent situations, but it is
important to recognize that the potential for such violence
still remains.
There are a number of humanistic factors to be
recognized and considered in horoscopic analysis when
applying fixed stars to nativities. Beginning with the young
child, a child’s degree of competence, that is the ability of
the child to function and learn well from their surroundings
is rather firmly established by age 3. During the first three
years of a childs life, parents or guardians can inflict
permanent psychological damage to a child, which will
exhibit itself in later life in one or more of several different
ways, depending upon the type fixed stars in conjunction
with the celestial objects in the particular nativity. In some
cases this could be turbulence and in other cases this could
be failures in some areas during the life of the native.
The first situation, turbulence, can be illustrated by the
chart of David Day, section 4; Day’s father a
Navy career man and an alcoholic, taught his son hatred and
beat him constantly from his earliest days. Outwardly
David Day was a likeable young man who had received a
commendation as a Petty Officer in the Coast Guard, but
inwardly his hatred was slowly building up and it took a
mind altering substance, in his case, alcohol, to set him off.
In this condition he gunned down several black men in an
enlisted man’s club and said he was not sorry. Refer to his

chart in section three and notice the several turbulent fixed
stars in conjunction with the celestial objects in his chart.
Another study case is that of Gary Gilmore, section
4-. . Gilmore also had several turbulent fixed
stas in conjunction with the celestial objects in his nativity.
Gilmore’s father was a circus performer and a vagabond
who taught Gary disrespect of the law & authority. This
resentment continued to build up in Garys mind until one
day, after a disagreement with his girl friend, he left her
and took his revenge by killing two young college men. He
had no remorse, claiming that they just happened to be
there at the wrong time and he shot them.
An interesting study case indicating psychological
damage to a child, which in later life resulted in uncivilized
acts is that of Charles Manson, his chart is in section 4-.
and as a young child he was shifted from family to family,
but always gravitating to his prostitute mother with whom
he never got along. He developed a deep hatred for women.
He had an I.Q. of 129, near genius. With proper training
during his formative years an entirely different lifestyle
could have emerged for this native.
A completely different situation is that of Mr. E.S.
Born October 18, 1873, 12:45 A.M. EST in Harrisburg,
Penna., he was the son of a well known educator whose wife
had the unfortunate experience of losing several of her
children to the cholera. E.S. was the youngest child, and
was sickly as a child and pampered too much for his own
good. His chart has excellent aspects, Jupiter is nicely
aspected to both the Sun and the Moon and he has excellent
fixed stars in conjunction with his celestial objects. He had
everything in his favor. However he failed in life because he
became an alcoholic in his middle and later years.
Permanent psychological damage was inflicted on this
native as a young child and without such knowledge the
astrologer would be handicapped in the analysis of this
By age eight, the child if properly trained will know the
norms expected o f them by the society in which they will
live. To attempt to retrain a child in their teens is too late,
the basics having been well ingrained in them during their
formative years.

Faulty nutrition cannot be lightly dismissed as a
motivating factor towards turbulence in some and self
destructive tendencies in others.*
Uncontrolled TV watching by young children appears
to provide evidence of a casual relationship between TV
violence, exposure of improper moral behaviors, aggres­
siveness and other forms of uncommon behavior to children.
When analyzing childrens charts where turbulent stars
are in conjunction with one or more of their celestial
objects, these are a few of the necessary considerations.
Parental pressures are a big factor in producing either
latent personality disorders or turbulent actions or mental
problems to a child so affected. These will vary from child to
child and exhibit itself in a variety of objectionable
mannerisms difficult to erase. One such case is that of R.B.
Born July 30, 1961, in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father was
athletic director of the school which his son attended. R.B.’s
father constantly berated his son for not being athletically
inclined, who preferred stamp collecting and music to
sports. The pressure from his father became so great that
on June 4th, 1974, he went to the family garage and hanged
himself. This young boy had a nagative chart with turbulent
fixed stars in conjunction with his celestial objects.
Consider the case of Robert Ray Ferguson, born June
13,1934, in Rockwell City, Iowa’s women’s reformatory. His
mother immediately renounced him and he became a ward
of the state. With no immediate place available he was sent
to the home for retarded. This was almost immediately
after he was born. He was born a normal child. A t the home
for the retarded his records were lost and although later
events proved he was not retarded, nevertheless he was
considered to be a retarded person and raised amongst
mental deficients. He has a lengthy record of stealing and
general incorrigability. He spent 39 of his 40 years in
prison. Whenever he was released, he would immediately
break the law, generally by smashing plate glass windows
which would bring him another prison sentence. The
institutions became his home. He was never a violent
person. He can read and write but would rather not. When
asked why he stole, his stock answer has been: ‘why not’?
♦Appendix Page 282,283

His chart and fixed stars in his chart indicate a normal
person who could have become a useful member of society.
There will be many cases where young adults,
apparently having received excellent parental training,
suddenly and without any apparent cause, broke away from
their early trained habits and entered a new life style,
generally becoming involved in situations leading to a
violent or a sub-culture mode of life. Although such
conditions might appear, at least on the surface to have
occurred overnight, the real beginnings were long before
they actually took place. In such cases the parent(s) ignored
unmistakeable signs, unusual traits or habits with their
children. There was a lack of communication between
parent and child; and if there was any communication, there
were blind spots within it that the parent (s') ignored.
An example of such a situation is illustrated in the
chart of Miss Diana Oughton, section four, page 429. Miss
Oughton, a product of a fine midwestern family, several
years after leaving her midwestern home for an eastern
college, became associated with a radical group known as
the weathermen and finally wound up in Greenwich Village,
New York City, making bombs for the group. One of the
home-made bombs destroyed her. An examination of her
chart indicates she was born with several violent fixed stars
in conjunction with her natal celestial objects. This instilled
in her sub-conscious mind certain latent undesirable traits
that would require just the right ‘trigger’ to set her off in
the wrong direction. In her case the ‘trigger’ was her
association with the radical group. If her parents had been
aware of this in her early childhood, and steps taken to
make corrections, her lifestyle would have been drastically
There are singular individuals, who are either in the
minority groups, or raised in a poor environment who
elevate themselves to a far better lifestyle. These are the
individuals who not only had the advantage of good early
guidance by wise parent(s)’ but also had one or more
excellent fixed stars in conjunction with their celestial
objects, and a good overall natal chart.

The case of Jane Doe born March 29,1954, about 11:30
P.M., a young girl raised by excellent parents, who had
several drinks after taking a tranquilizer and has been
unconscious for several years, lying in a fetal position in a
nursing home present an interesting fixed star study case.
She has a negative chart (not objectionable), with two blue
stars and a cluster in her chart. None of the stars are of a
turbulent nature, if they were she would not now be alive.
However one star indicates, in a negative chart, sublime
illness. Sublime illness is an illness from which there is little
hope for recovery. It is important for the analyst to
recognize that a person consuming mind altering substances
can be subjected to forces that result in unsatisfactory or
even turbulent Stars affecting their actions, and in such
cases none of the better grade fixed stars would be
effective. Mind altering substances could be alcohol, drugs
that affect the mind, even Valium, a drug which if taken in
excess can produce unexpected epiletic type seizures, or
Librium, which in older persons subjects them to becoming
mentally confused and in younger persons brings out the
worst in them as indicated in their charts.
In the consideration of children, hyperactivity,* which
appears to be a growing problem; their reaction will be
affected to a degree by the kind of fixed stars in their
nativities chart. Not much is known about this disorder at
this time, as it is relatively new, but seems to be caused by
the feeding of junk foods to these affected children, or foods
containing sugar, chocolate and foods with artificial
additives. Even one piece of such food, if banned to the
childs meals, acts in a fashion similiar to an alcoholic taking
one drink after abstention.
Psychologists in general and psychiatrists are
continually revising their ideas of human behavior and now
there appears to be a current trend towards the opinion
that a childs early stressful life will tend to make them
better prepared to meet life’s exigencies, however this can
be disproven, astrologically by a knowledgeable and
thorough astrologer.
Twins born at the same time and place do not
necessarily have the same attributes and they do not
* Page 282,283

necessarily react the same to identical situations. The two
noted advice columnists, Ann Landers and her sister
Abigail Van Buren are outstanding examples of this
situation. Twins of different sexes will not react the same to
similar situations as they would if they are of the same sex.
Of the two sexes, their reactions are different where
violence and emotions are concerned. Gradually, as female
inhibitions decrease, their reactions to violent and
emotional situations will equal that of the male species
where fixed star conjunctions to celestial objects are
In some cases fixed stars will indicate both tranquility
or harmony and also domestic problems in marriages, this is
not at all unusual. In such cases it will be found that
domestic problems surface when one of the natives is
subjected to outside interference, such as might occur with
in-law problems. Domestic problems and happiness could be
indicated, and later years when the native re-marries, just
the reverse could hold true.
In consideration of all the problems concerning the
youth, their development, their reactions to situations, such
as sub-culture music, TV watching, parental pressures,
divorces; it must be remembered that not all youth are
affected uniformily. Turbulence, emotional disturbances, as
evidenced by fixed star applications to nativities celestial
objects are triggered by any number of factors, such as
mind altering substances, parental pressures, TV watching,
broken homes, family prejudices, sub-culture music. The
same triggering does not apply uniformily to all youth,
each case must be considered in a different way. What is the
trigger factor for one youth would not affect another youth.
When analysing nativities all such factors must be taken
into consideration. The alternative is to present a chart that

’•‘Mental retardation and certain genetic diseases: Mental

retardation is essentially a ‘short-circuit’ in the native’s
brains electrical condition and the effect of fixed stars,
being impressed on the native’s sub-conscious mind, are
therefore ineffective.

is partially completed, and only a chance that it will be
satisfactory. It is important for the analyst to keep in mind
that fixed star applications are the guiding lights and that
aspects must be considered as well as the background of the
native under consideration. In some cases nativities will
have only one fixed star in conjunction with their celestial
objects, and in other cases as many as ten fixed stars,
neither case determines the overall value of the nativity.
In summary, the application of fixed stars to nativities
requires a great deal more in the method of analysis and the
understanding of the background of the nativity than the
older methods of considering only houses, mid-points, cusps
and planetary configurations. Proper application of fixed
stars will provide a deeper insight into the sub-conscious
mind of the native than any other method. Society in the
mid and latter part of the 20th century has become a great
deal more complex and astrology and the analysts must
maintain pace and deal with this complexity or lose ground.
It represents a challenge to the analyst.


Tools required:
1) - An aspect finder
2) - Ephemeris
3) - Fixed star charts
4) - Book: Heaven Knows What by Grant Lewi

A different approach for nativity delineations is

necessary when applying fixed stars, than is used with the
older or more conventional astrological methods. This new
approach as covered in this chapter is very accurate and
does not require a considerable use of mathematics. The
procedure is as follows:
1) - Select the ephemeris for the natives birth date and
enter from the ephemeris all the celestial longitudinal
figures indicated by the natives birth date, excepting the
position of the Moon. There will be exceptions when
Mercury’s exact position will have to be determined in
order to properly apply the fixed stars, but in general this
can be accomplished mentally without the use of
mathematics. Mercury’s daily movement is 84’, or 1 degree
and 24 minutes; adjustments might be necessary for the
application of fixed stars. Refer to Chapter 6 for additional
planetary movements.
2) - Calculate the exact position of the Moon. This is
very important. Referring to the ephemeris, subtract the
position of the Moon from either the previous day or the day
after the birth date, which ever is in the same constellation.
This will give the daily movement of the Moon. Refer to
Chapter 6, Moon movement table. From the data given in
the table, it can be determined how many degrees and
minutes must be subtracted from or added to the ephemeris
figures in order to arrive at the Moon’s correct position for
the time of the native’s birth. To correct the time of birth as
given in the ephemeris to local time, refer to the time chart
in Chapter 6 .
3) - By use of the aspect finder, determine the correct
aspects and enter them in the fixed star chart. Use of the

aspect finder eliminates any computations, is very accurate
and simplifies the operation. Refer to Chapter 1 or Chapter
6 for the correct Orb limits.
4) - Determine the quality of the horoscope. Is it
negative (-), positive ( + ) , or neutral? Refer to Chapter 4 for
detailed instructions and enter the figures in the chart.
Check your results against the study charts in section 4v
5) - Proceed to the fixed star ephemeris in section 2,
and by use of fixed star orbs (Chapter 1 or 6), determine
which fixed stars are in conjunction with the various
celestial objects of the nativity. Enter the fixed star figures
in the chart column, ‘fixed star numbers’ .
6) - Study and understand consideration of nativities in
Chapter 1 before proceeding to delineate the horoscope.
7) - Begin delineation of the nativity by starting with
the polarity of the Sun and the Moon, then proceed to the
various celestial objects and their aspects to each other, and
finally to the fixed star influences, modifying them as
necessary, in conjunction with the planetary indications.
8) - Study the example chart and its analysis at the end
of this chapter and use it as a guide in delineation of the
The astrologer will encounter many cases where fixed
star influences must be modified to the nativity and the
following examples will illustrate such situations.
Using the fixed stars Regulus as an example: Regulus
in conjunction with the natives Sun offers many
advantages, such as power, wealth, honors, and also some
advantages that do not last. However, in this case, the Sun
is square the Moon, which in itself does not make the Sun
negative,- but Jupiter is also square both the natives Sun
and Moon. This then makes the Sun and the Moon negative
and can only be productive of complete frustration on the
part of the native. So far, no violence is indicated, but, by
proceeding one step further, we find the natives Sun is 28
degrees Leo and the fixed star ephemeris for the birth date
of the native, 1950, indicates that not only is Regulus in
conjunction with the natives Sun but the star Alphard is
also in conjunction. The star Alphard is used with negative
nativities and its influences are disruptive, producing
violence, disgrace and ruin. This, then offsets any of the


finer aspects of the star Regulus. To further check this

horoscope, refer to section 4, chart 22, the nativity of
Arthur Bremer, the man who shot Governor George
In still another case using the fixed star Regulus as an
example, the Sun is trine the natives Moon. Regulus is in
conjunction with the natives Mercury. On the surface this
looks good. However, Jupiter is square Saturn. This in itself
indicates the native will never enjoy the full benefits of the
star Regulus, because Jupiter square Saturn limits the
natives self-confidence, and the native simply never aims
high enough.
Using the fixed star Pollux as an example: Pollux in
this case is in conjunction with the natives natal' Mercury.
Mercury is well aspected to all the celestial objects,' and is
considered as ( + ) positive because of its good aspects,' in
particular to the Moon..Pollux in this conjunction indicates
one who has a peculiar occupation, but will experience
trouble with one of the parents 'or- a close relative. Pollux
also indicates psychic preference. The person in question is
a good psychic and also had experienced problems with her
father. Being a psychic is considered a peculiar occupation.
In this case, natal' Mercury is adversely aspected to
natal Moon, making Mercury (-) negative. Pollux in
conjunction with a (-) negative Mercury has a different
meaning than it would have if it was in conjunction with a
positive Mercury. The influence of Pollux with a negative
Mercury gives the native the same psychic preferment, but
it also indicates an unbalanced mind, not readily apparent;
and also domestic' problems, family troubles and anxious
momments. This particular native had been married twice,
was a good psychic but used this ability for illegal purposes.
In many cases mental' afflications as indicated by a fixed
star conjunction can go undetected for many years.
In a number of fixed star influences when conjoined
with the natives celestial objects, the indications will be
both domestic harmony and domestic disharmony. In such
cases one of several situations will occur. The domestic
problem s are n on-existent until' th ere is outside
interference. In one particular case, the fixed stars
indicated domestic problems for the native. This lady had

been very happily married for twenty years. Her husband
died and she re-married. Since her re-marriage she has been
plagued with marital problems.
In some cases there will be as many as ten fixed stars in
a natives chart, in other cases there will be only one fixed
star in conjunction with a natives celestial object; in any
case the number of fixed stars in a nativity does not
determine the quality of the nativity.
When delineating a nativity it is important to recognize
that the reactions of the two sexes to similar situations will
vary widely. These tend to be different where violence and
emotions are concerned. Gradually, as female inhibitions
decrease, their reactions to violent and emotional influences
of both aspects and the fixed stars will closely approximate
that of the male. It is true that in a number of cases the
female has been as violent as the male. Also, recognize that
the reaction of twins born at the same time and place are
not necessarily the same. Much of the twins reaction to
situations in later life depends upon their reception to their
early training. Twins of different sexes do not necessarily
react the same as when they are of the same sex.
It is important, in particular when dealing with todays
complex society, to be constantly aware that humans are
not merely charts and numbers, and that the analysis must
be on an individual basis. It is also important that the
astrologer recognize and make use of the fact that the fixed
stars are ‘guiding lights’ in the delineations, adjusting them
as the situation requires. Try not to, under any conditions,
to offer quick answers to those individuals who question the
effects of fixed stars in conjunction with one of their
celestial objects. Instead, ask to see, then adjust the orbs
and carefully evaluate the horoscope prior to making any
The native chosen for horoscopic analysis is a Mr.
Frank Steen of Hammond, Indiana. This has been chosen
because of some unique features. Frank is a retired steel
mill foreman, likes to hunt and fish, is religiously inclined,
likes people, is very tolerant, a very sympathetic person
and law abiding, so much so, that when he drives he will
never go over the speed limit, no matter how limited his

time is. He was a young boy in Mississippi when his father
was mistakenly lynched by a gang for something which they
found he was not involved. Frank is a tall distinguished
looking man, and if one did not know Frank, but merely
looked at his horoscope, the analysis would be that this
person should have been an executive in his company.
However, Frank is a black man and during the era in which
he was employed.minorities had to 'over-prove’ themselves,
constantly. For these reasons and the variation in the
application of the fixed stars meanings this horoscope was
chosen for delineation.
Mr. Frank Steen was born March 29,1912 in Florence,
Mississippi. His Sun is in Aries and his Moon is in Leo.
indicating he is a popular person and one who likes people.
He is loyal and devoted. The combination of which makes
him a good employee, a devoted husband and a good person
to have for a friend. However, the entire horoscope must be
completely analyzed to confirm this statement. He has a
real need to be successful in order to satisfy his own inner
regard for his ability. He also has a way about him that
makes people like and respect him. This, then covers the
effects of the polarity of the Sun in Aries and the Moon in
Leo in Frank Steen’s horoscope.
Next in order is the examination of the aspects to the
natives Sun. Notice from the chart that Jupiter is in good
aspect to the Sun. This in itself, for the use of fixed star
applications makes the Sun (+ ) , positive. It also is an
indication that Frank always ‘lands’ on his feet, meaning he
will always be successful in landing a job if he needed one.
The Moon in Leo is nicely aspected, which for fixed star
applications indicates that the Moon is ( + ) , positive.
Mercury trine the Moon indicates he has well regulated
emotions. Note that there are no Mercury-Venus aspects.
The sextile between the Moon and Mars indicates he is
aggressive and practical. The sextile between the Moon and
Pluto indicates he has determination. Proceeding to
Mercury in Aries, well aspected, is an indication he is quick
at repartee, broad minded and tolerant of others, quick to
grasp ideas, and neat and orderly. Mercury sextile Mars
indicates he is ingenious, mentally keen and perceptive.

However, Mercury is also square to Neptune, which would
indicate a ‘wool gatherer’, a daydreamer, a schemer; but
Mercury is well aspected to the Moon and this offsets any
Mercury-Neptune adverse aspects. It is very important that
the Moon be fully considered in all applications. The Moon
can offset any adverse aspects to the faster moving planets
when the Moon is in good aspect to any of these planets.
Mercury is sextile to Pluto indicating he has good powers of
concentration. Venus in Pisces signifies an excellent
emotional nature. Venus is square Jupiter which indicates
he can feel frustrated at times (remember, Frank is of the
minority class), he is emotionally expansive, he really likes
people. Venus is also sextile Saturn, indicating a good
emotional balance. He is tactful in his dealings. Mercury in
Gemini, well aspected indicates he is mentally keen, alert
and active, honest and outspoken, not a hypocrite. Mars is
also in conjunction with Pluto which is modified by the
sextile to the Moon, indicating he has good courage and will
power. If Mars had not been well aspected to the Moon,
then, the indications would be that he would occasionally
lost control of himself. Remember, the Moon is the modifier.
The fixed stars in Frank Steen’s chart will add to or
subtract from any of the charts aforementioned indications.
The Sun has fixed star #2, Algenib in conjunction with a
(+ ) , positive Sun. The influences of this star indicate, when
in conjunction with the natal' Sun, a person who is mentally
sharp, can be decisive, full of enthusiasm, but can be very
combative, obstinate; and ruined by headstrong conduct.
However, note that Frank Steen’s Sun is ( + ) , positive and,
therefore, only the positive effects of Algenib will be of any
value to the nativity; Therefore, star #2, Algenib, should be
read as follows: “Frank Steen is mentally sharp, very
decisive and can be enthusiastic.”
Star #6, Nebulae is in conjunction with Frank’s natal’
Mercury. This star is a nebulae and indicates a courageous,
heroic native (Mercury is positive). See page 247.
Star #7, Mirach, is in conjunction with Frank’s natal
Mercury, which is ( + ) , positive. With a positive Mercury,
Mirach indicates the native is mentally quick, tolerant,
stable and should enjoy moderate success.

Star #122, Achernar is in conjunction with his natal
Venus. Venus is ( + ) , positive. The effects of Achernar in
conjunction with a natal Venus indicates a person of a
generous disposition, one who is patient, serious and of a
charitable nature. He is also sympathetic and could enjoy
preferment in religious matters.
Star #30, Polaris, is only used with negative Mars and
negative nativities. Mars in this nativity is (+ ) , positive and
the overall nativity is of a positive nature, therefore, Polaris
has no application.
Star #31, Betel'guesse, is also in conjunction with
Frank’s Mars and indicates he is of a cautions nature,
reserved and a good leader and organizer. He also could
expect honors and preferment in martial matters if he chose
the armed forces as a career.
Star #88, Rasalgetti, is in conjunction with Jupiter.
This star indicates great material success, public
preferment in legal, writings, scientific and religious
matters, depending, of course, on early training of the
native. However, Frank chose to work for the steel mills,
for obvious reasons.
Star #89, Sabik, is also in conjunction with natal
Jupiter. This star indicates preferment in church, legal and
matters dealing with the public; material success is assured
with a nicely aspected Jupiter.
This covers the effects of the fixed stars as impressed
upon Frank S teen ’s sub-conscious mind at birth.
Fortunately, Frank had a very understanding and wise
mother, who, when her husband was unjustly hanged by a
mob, brought Frank to Chicago and raised him to be the
person he is. She carefully taught him self-respect,
self-discipline and obedience to laws and to work hard for
success. These teachings brought out the finest effects of
the fixed stars in Franks subconscious mind. However,
there is one more important item to be considered. If this
man had been a white man, he could have risen to a high
executive position rather than a company foreman. The
importance of consideration of the background of the
nativity cannot be too strongly stressed.


NAME FRANK STEEN- retired mill foreman

BIRTH DATA M arch 29,1912 Florence.Mlsslppl

Longitude o » 0 9 u * V t s . c . +/-/N F.S. #

8T 26 o X A B + 2
23 J] 26 J> A * + ...
27 T 29 V * □ -x- M + 6/7
13 18 9 D ■¥r B + 122
26 TT 16 <? F/M + 30/31

15^ 22 V ■ F/M/A + 88/89
17 6 v
2 VW w
20 <23 V
- 27 3E t

- STAR -
N um ber Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
2 ALGEXI". The native is mentally keen, decisive and can
become enthusiastic.
6 G .NE3ULAE The native will be heroic,courageous,etc.
7 MIRACH He is mentally quick, tolerant, stable and
should enjoy moderate success.
122 ACHERNAK He has a generous disposition, is patoent,serious
and of a charitable nature.He is also sympathetic
and could enjoy high religious preferment.
30 POLARIS He is bold,fearless,exhibits good leadership
30 BETELGUESSE He is of a cautious nature, reserved, a good
organizer and has good leadership ability.
88 RASALGETTI Indicates good materail success and religious
89 SAB IK Indicates material success, religious prefer­
ment and success in dealing, with the public.


In the Third book of the Tetrabiblos, Ptolemy mentions

eye problems, which he claimed were induced by certain
nebulae when in conjunction with the Sun or the Moon.
Problems with clusters, and nebulae do not always occur at
birth, but are effective at sometime during the life of the
native so affected. The general indications when nebulae
and clusters are in conjunction with either the Sun or the
Moon, are eyesight problems, not necessarily blindness,
liable to accidents, quarrels, turbulent actions, banishment,
exile from home or country, expulsion from organizations.
The indications of such afflictions with nativities are with an
afflicted Sun or an afflicted Moon, or both, or the Sun and
the Moon not in aspect to any of the celestial objects.
Careful judgement should be excercised when considering
the influences of clusters and nebulae in nativities.
Historically, fixed stars have for the most part been
pictured as creating violence, whereas just the opposite is
true. Only 17% of the listed fixed stars are productive of
violence. Violence can exhibit itself in many ways, and for
purposes of simplification, the term turbulence is used in
this volume to cover all forms of violence which includes the
following areas: rape or be raped, murder or be murdered,
beating - husband, wife or children, accidents, muggings,
cruelty to animals, using the automobile as a weapon,
Where marriage is an issue, it is unnecessary for a
woman to marry a violent prone husband and any analyst
who makes a study of fixed star applications can quickly
determine violent prone individuals. To excuse violence as a
common form of life in this country; a number of writers
have chosen to make unqualified statements, claiming all
men and all women have a taste and a capacity for violence,
just as they have a taste and a capacity for kindness.
Astrologically this can be disproven.
The fact is that violence in this country, which has
reached unprecedented heights in recent years can be

traced to parental' permissiveness and the highly vocal
minority of any race or color. This permissiveness or lack of
discipline totally releases any inhibitions of the individual
and where the violent prone individual resorts to uncivilized
acts, the natal chart tvill invariably show one or more
turbulent stars in the natives chart. An interesting exercise
is to visit any local post office and copy off the verified birth
dates of any of the FBI wanted list of criminals. In every
case there will be found turbulent stars in conjunction with
these natives celestial objects.
Through a quirk of nature, violent people and violent
prone people are born at the wrong time, astrologically. The
nebulae, clusters and fixed stars most likely to create
problems of a turbulent nature for the native so afflicted

Star Catalog # Star Name Conjunction
06 Great Nebulae Aries
15 Gyrus Taurus
17 Pleiades Taurus
18 Hyades, Prima Gemini
27 Nath Gemini
40 Castor Cancer
41 Pollux Cancer
43 Praesaepe Leo
44 N. Asselli Leo
53 A1 Jabbah Leo
59 Denebola Virgo
60 Copula Virgo
74 Khambalia Scorpio
77 Scale, South Scorpio
83 Dschubba Sagittarius
86 Antares Sagittarius
87 Cursa Sagittarius
102 Mannubrium Capricorn
114 Castra Scheat
124 Scheat Pisces

Although there are a number of additional stars in
several of the conjunctions, as indicated in the fixed star
influences in Chapter V, they are not included in the above
list because of their limited effectiveness in producing
turbulent conditions.

Terminology used with fixed star influences

Within the chapter on fixed star influences are a

number of abbreviated terms requiring amplification or
definition in order to minimize mis-interpretation of the
information as presented. The term preferment is used
throughout the various influences and by definition the
word preferment means a position of dignity,1or an office of
dignity. In each instance, where preferment is indicated, it
would mean that the native would/and or could receive
preferment in such careers or industries if they were
trained for these careers. Generally, the Sun, Moon, Mars
and Jupiter, when in conjunction with 'certain fixed stars
will be found most effective in career determination. These
do not cause an individual to have any certain named career»
but predisposes them towards that kind of a career.
(1) Writing preferm ent - - This indicates one or more
careers in the following areas: author, writer, editor,
publisher, literature interest.
(2) K een or sharp mentality - - This indicates one who is
mentally keen or sharp, not necessarily brilliant. Brilliance
must be associated with a combination of creativeness and
imagination. Natives having quick responses are not
necessarily brilliant, but they can be mentally keen and
sharp. Do not confuse the two.
(3) Sublime illness - - This indicates an illness difficult to
diagnose, or one of long standing, or a possibly serious
terminal illness such as cancer.
(4) Legal matters - - Indicates jurists,' legal profession,
police, preferment in legal matters or affairs involving
possible criminal matters.
(5) Mental disturbances - - Indicates one who might at
sometime act in what could be interpreted as a peculiar
manner, even becoming uncommunicative; or one who

prefers solitude, or one having emotional disturbances. It
does not indicate insanity.
(6) Private person - - An individual who can be happy
by themselves and can entertain themselves. One who
might appear to be sociable when they deem it necessary,
but prefer to be left alone.
(7) Self-destruction - - An individual who drives
themselves without regard for their physical capacity; one
who overdoses themselves with drugs or alcoholic
beverages and generally an individual who is in complete
disregard of common sense health care for themselves.
(8) Church preferm ent - - Indicates church officials,
church employment, or anyone who would benefit from
association with religious organizations.
(9) Marital preferm ent - - A surgeon, metal worker,
soldier or policeman. Also indicates the native would meet
with success if they chose and trained for such a career.
(10) Public preferm ent - - This definition covers a wide
range, indicating one who is or could be associated with
matters dealing with the public, such as a salesperson, a
politician or in the entertainment fields.
(11) Malevolence or turbulence - - This indicates one or
more of the following areas that could affect the native with
certain fixed star conjunctions: an accident prone person,
one who is damaged by chemicals, a rapist or one who might
be raped, a mugger or one who might be mugged, a
murderer or one who might be murdered, and in general
this term indicates all kinds of violence directed to or by the
(12) Psychic preferm ent - - This term has a wide range
of meanings. It is an area that should be thoroughly
understood and approached with a degree of caution. A
native can have psychic ability and this can' create mental
confusion and disorientation, causing all sorts of problems
for the native in question. A native may have psychic ability
and know exactly what to do, when to make certain moves
that would prove profitable for them, without realizing they
have psychic ability. Some psychics can foresee only the
immediate future for the inquirer, some psychics can
foresee what ‘might happen’ to the inquirer if certain moves

were made as anticipated by the inquirer. Some psychics
can foresee for the inquirer and close relatives of the
inquirer, even though they might reside at a considerable
distance. Some psychics can make determinations by
merely holding an article belonging to the inquirer, these
are known as psychometrists. Some psychics have difficulty
reading the future for some individuals and a great many
psychics use their imagination and cannot accurately
predict Or interpret their impressions.
Education, intelligence, religious beliefs and psychic
ability are not related. Some psychics are mentalists, able to
read ones mind and possibly what one has in their purse or
pockets. Very few psychics are able to ' predict for
Some natives having psychic ability would refuse to
admit it, but would admit to having hunches or intuition
which might be confined to a small area, such as knowing
when the phone would ring, and who would be calling, or
when looking at a picture, being able to give details of a
personal nature about the person in the picture. Some
psychics have vivid dreams of future events to come to pass.
There are many, many different kinds of psychic ability.
Not everyone has this ability: Psychics have their good and
their bad or ‘o ff days, and some psychics make excellent
first visit predictions, but if the second visit is too close to
the first visit, the results may be disappointing. Never ask
psychics for advice - their main purpose is to ‘tell you what
they see’ - nothing more.
There are also planetary aspects to be considered for
indications of psychic ability. A poorly aspected Mercury
will offset psychic ability indicated by fixed star
conjunctions. This would tend to create mental' confusion or
deception for natives with such a conjunction.
The chart of Arthur Bremer, the man who shot
Governor Wallace, presents an interesting case in mental'
confusion. Bremer has star #61, ‘Labrum’ in conjunction
with an open Mercury. He was born intelligent and had
psychic ability. However, he also had star #43, Praesaepe in
conjunction with his natal Venus which gave him a false
sense of intelligence, creating mental confusion.

The Sun, the Moon, their polarities and the position of
the Moon in the constellations must be taken into
consideration for psychic ability determination when used
with fixed star conjunctions.
Although not all psychics have fixed stars in
conjunction with their celestial objects, there are a number
of fixed stars that give a positive indication of psychic
ability and these are:
In Con-
Star Catalog ti Star Name junction With
39 Propus Venus
40 Castor Mercury
41 Pollux Moon or M ercury
48 Dubhe Moon
61 Labrum M ercury
71 Spica Sun
78 El SchemaM Venus or M ercury
107 Altair Moon
108 Geidie M ercury
114 Castra Sun
115 Nashira Sun
116 Sadalsuud Sun or M ercury
118 SadalmeUk Venus
121 Skat Mercury

(13) Mental aberrations - - There are a number of

‘triggers’ or incidents that could cause a person to: (a)
Decide they can ‘take no more’ and experience a mental'
breakdown, or (b) Enter into the drug, alcohol culture.
These triggers will vary from person to person and may be
generalized as follows:
(1) - Continuing harrassment from a person or persons.
(2) - Mental pressures from parent(s) or guardian(s)
demanding from their children or wards better school
grades, excelling or participation in sports, or engagement
in social activities for which the youth or child has no
immediate inclination or interest.
(3) -- Aimless drifting. These individuals excuse their
actions by claiming they are ‘trying to find’ themselves.

(4) - - Some women are susceptible to mental breakdowns
during their menopause when they feel they are being
neglected, misunderstood, or ‘want to find themselves’.
In such cases, Mercury, Venus and/or Mars will be
found weak by constellation and by aspect. The fixed stars
applicable will be the nebulae, red, orange and in some cases
yellow stars in conjunction with one or more of the celestial
objects. Mercury, Venus and/or Mars will be negative,
generally with no aspect to the Moon.


When evaluating the quality of the celestial objects, the

first consideration is the Sun and its aspects to the Moon.
Jupiter and the slower moving planets: Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto. Jupiter is the main factor in
determining the polarity of the Sun. The Sun’s polarity may
be evaluated by using this simplified table:

SUN ( + ) Positive: Jupiter is trine, sextile, semi-sextile or

conjunct the Sun. Disregard any other aspects to the Sun.

Sun (—) Negative: Jupiter is square, semi-square, or

opposition to the Sun. Disregard any other aspects to the



SUN is neutral: This is an ‘open’ Sun; no aspects Of any kind

between the celestial objects and the Sun.
SUN is ( + ) Positive: The Moon is in any aspect to the Sun.
Saturn and Uranus are either in good aspect to the Sun, or
are not in any aspect to the Sun.

SUN is (—) Negative: Moon is in any aspect to the Sun, BUT

Saturn and, or Uranus are in adverse aspect to the Sun.

Adverse aspects between Saturn, Uranus and the Sun are:

square, conjunction, semi-square or opposition.
For polarity determination, Neptune and Pluto are not
taken into consideration.
Where a neutral condition is indicated, careful analysis
must be made of the entire chart. A neutral polarity
encompasses some of the negative and some of the positive
influences of the stars.
The second and important consideration is the Moon
and its aspects. The Moon is the modifier, it can augment
either the negative or positive qualities of the nativity. It

can also neutralize either the negative or the positive
qualities of the nativity. When considering the polarity of
the Moon: - Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the
determining factors. The Moon’s polarity may be evaluated
by using this simplified table:

MOON (+ ) , Positive: Jupiter is trine, sextile, semi-sextile

or conjunct the Moon, Disregard any other aspects to the

MOON (—), Negative: Jupiter is square, semi-square or

opposition to the Moon. Disregard any other aspects.



Moon is Neutral: This is an ‘open’ Moon-no aspects to any of

the celestial objects.

MOON is ( + ) , Positive: Moon is in any aspect to the Sun.

Saturn and Uranus are either in good aspect to the Moon or
with no aspect to the Moon.

MOON is (—), Negative: Moon is in any aspect to the Sun,

but Saturn and/or Uranus are in adverse aspect to the
The third important consideration is the polarity of the
faster moving celestial objects, Mercury, Venus and Mars to
the Moon. The Moon is the modifier - - if the Moon is in good
aspect to anyone of the faster moving celestial objects, then
the polarity of these objects are (+ ) , Positive. Good aspect
may be defined as sextile, semi-sextile, trine or conjunction.
If the Moon is in adverse aspect to any of the faster moving
celestial objects, then their polarity is considered as (—),
Negative. Adverse aspects may be defined as square,
semi-square, and opposition. The Moon affects the polarity
of the faster moving objects, the faster moving objects have
no affect on the polarity of the Moon.
‘Open’ celestial objects, that is, celestial objects
unaspected to any other celestial object are to be considered

as neutral and may be influenced by either, or both, Positive
or Negative fixed star influences. In such cades the overall
evaluation of the nativity should be considered.
For correct polarity determination, orbs must be
adjusted as outlined in Chapter 1, pages 5 and 6, or Chapter
6, page 233.
The following charts are called ‘quickie’ charts, to be
used solely for the determination of polarity o f the various
celestial objects and cannot be satisfactorily used for
nativity delineation. For such delineations, consult any of
the many books on the market place.


MERCURY (—) Not objective. Indecision and worry. Lack
of mental stability. Liable to brainstorms.

VENUS (—) Temperamental'. Liability to scandal. Unwise

romantic' involvement.

MARS (—) Explosive nature. Forceful. Aggressive.

Impulsive expression.

JUPITER (—) Unsteadiness of purpose. Imprudent and

extravagant nature. Fond of ostentation and display. Lack
of forethought. Indecision.

SATURN (—) Sorrows in life. Melancholy. Unhappy.

Negative outlook.

URANUS (—) Erratic individual. Touchy. Walking powder

keg. Sudden mood changes. Clandestine attachments.

NEPTUNE (—) Confusion. Emotionalism. Subject to


PLUTO (—) Intense emotional nature. Tendency to be


MERCURY ( + ) Imaginative. Sensitive. Retentive memory.

VENUS ( + ) Affectionate. Sensitive. Personable.

MARS (—) Impulsive. Restless nature. Vindictive.

JUPITER ( + ) Optimistic'. Generous. Integrity. Honesty.

SATURN ( + ) Realistic'. Somberness. Sensible.

URANUS (—) Erratic’. Irritable. Impulsive. Creative.


NEPTUNE ( + ) Imaginative. Impressionable.

PLUTO (N) Fearless. Intense nature.


MERCURY (—) Confused. Irritable. Incessant talker.

VENUS (—) Emotional. Overly sensitive.

MARS (—) Impulsive. Volatile. Emotional nature.

JUPITER (—) Self indulgence. Unwise. Impulsive.

SATURN (—) Rigid attitude. Stagnates. Depression.

URANUS (—) Instability. Unpredictable. Undependable.


NEPTUNE (—) Confusion. Disorderly. Impressionable.

PLUTO (—) Agressive. Forces changes.


MERCURY ( + ) Common sense. Accurate reasoning ability.
Fluent speaker. Good memory.

VENUS ( + ) Harmonious. Pleasant. Tasteful.

MARS ( + ) Controlled feelings. Champions righteousness.

JUPITER ( + ) Generosity. Kindness. Devoted. Favors


SATURN ( + ) Cautions. Conservative. Self disciplined.

Austere. Good organizing ability. Common sense.

URANUS ( + ) Energetic. Determined. Original. Imagina­


NEPTUNE (N) Keen imagination. Hypersensitivity.

Visionary. Dreamer.

PLUTO ( + ) Great courage. Determination.


MERCURY ( + ) Good memory. Able communicator.
Emotional stability. Practical.

VENUS ( + ) Logical imagination. Personable.

MARS ( + ) Energetic. Ambitions. Resolute.

JUPITER ( + ) Generous. Charitable. Optimistic'. Idealistic.

SA T U R N ( + ) S elf reliant. P ra ctica l. P ersisten ce.


URANUS ( + ) Original. Imaginative. Mental independence.

NEPTUNE ( + ) Sympathetic. Keen sensitivity.

PLUTO ( + ) Self improvement capabilities.


MARS (—) Tactless. Shrewd. Mentally energetic. Fault
finder. Irritable. Quick witted. Jumps to conclusions.

JUPITER (—) Vacillates. Indiscreet. Procrastinates. Overly

SATURN (—) Pessimistic: Schemer. Overly sensitive. Rigid

attitude. Subject to delays - makes person bitter.

URANUS (—) Critical. Skeptical. Erratic. Snap judgement.

Active. Extreme ideas.

NEPTUNE (—) Disoriented.Escapist. Schemer. Deceptive.

Snap judgement.

PLUTO ( + ) Keen mental penetration. Strong will power.

Keeps own counsel.


MARS ( + ) Mentally sharp. Decisive. Enthusiastic: Decision
capabilities. Dexterity.

JUPITER ( + ) Intellectual integrity. Optimistic: VersatiL


SATURN ( + ) Logical. Thorough. Critical. Skeptical.

Painstaken. Careful planner. Tendency to be melancholy.

URANUS (+ ) Original. Mentally quick. Independent.


NEPTUNE (N) Vivid imagination. Deceptive. Creative.


PLUTO ( + ) Strong will power. Resourceful. Penetrating



MARS (—) Argumentive. Fault finder. Critical. Unreason­

JUPITER (—) Illogical. Procrastinates: ‘Wool gathering’.

SATURN (—) Rigid attitude. Narrow ideas.

URANUS (—) Eccentric. Inconsistent.

NEPTUNE (—) Schemer. Deceitful.

PLUTO (—) Mentally tense. Abruptness.


MARS ( + ) Resourceful. Mentally agile. Ingenious.

JUPITER ( + ) Tolerant. Cheerful. Optimistic'. Mentally


SATURN ( + ) Mentally organized. Practical outlook. Acts

as brake on mental' flightiness.

URANUS ( + ) Original. Dramatizes. Eccentric. Hallmark of


NEPTUNE ( + ) Intuitive. Visualization..

PLUTO ( + ) Concentrative powers. Mental' keenness.


MARS ( + ) Ingenious. Mental' Keenness. Resourceful.

JUPITER ( + ) Eloquent. Creativeness.

SATURN ( + ) Self discipline. Prudent. Exactness. Careful.

URANUS ( + ) Intuitive. Independent. Good memory.

Mental' quickness.

NEPTUNE ( + ) Preceptive. Insight. Imaginative.

PLUTO ( + ) Keen mentality.' Mentally deep. Expressive



MARS (—) Emotional problems. Unbridled passions.

JUPITER (—) Self indulgent. Idleness.

SATURN (—) Melancholy. Anti-social. Calculating. Blocked


URANUS (—) Fickleness. Clandestine occurrences. Sudden


NEPTUNE (—) Escapist tendency. Overly sensitive.

Emotional complex.

PLUTO (—) Intense emotional involvement. Secret affairs.


MARS (—) Passionate involvement. Emotional vitality.

JUPITER ( + ) Generous. Hospitable. Jovial. Optimistic.

SATURN ( + ) Harmony. Sense of rhythm.

URANUS (N) Sudden attractions. Erratic. Original. Strong

social inclinations.

NEPTUNE ( + ) Sensitive. Perceptive.

PLUTO (—) Passionate involvements. Over indulgence.


MARS (—) Incompatibility. Extreme sensitivity.

JUPITER (—) Laziness. Self centered. Self indulgence.

Maudlin. Conceited.

SATURN (—) Emotional frustration. Depression. Schem­

ing. Hardships.

URANUS (—) Instability. Emotional willfulness. Erratic.

NEPTUNE (—) Laziness. Wishful thinking. Native is own

worst enemy.

PLUTO (—) Intense emotional involvement. Uncontrolled


MARS ( + ) Creative talent. Energetic. Pleasurable.

JUPITER ( + ) Optimistic. Sympathetic. Social grace.


SATURN ( + ) Good balance of judgement. Sense of rhythm.

Business sense. Reserved. Loyal.

URANUS (N) Effervescent. Romantic.

NEPTUNE (N) Sympathetic. Impractical. Romantic.


PLUTO ( + ) Expressive. Constructive.


MARS ( + ) Socially inclined. Vivacious. Cheerful energetic

JUPITER ( + ) Sociable. Creative tendencies. Personable.

SATURN (+ ) Tactful. Loyal. Sacrificial. Diplomatic.


URANUS (N) Vivacious. Intuitive perception. Expressive.

NEPTUNE ( + ) Imaginative. Gentleness. Idealistic.

PLUTO ( + ) Dynamic. Creative. Determined.


JUPITER (—) Tricky. Signature of gambler. Restlessness.

SATURN (—) Austere. Harsh. Frustration. Negative

attitude. Poor judgement. Blocked ambitions.

URANUS (—) Recklessness. Sudden actions. Impulsive.
Eccentricity. Craves excitement. Sudden willfulness.

NEPTUNE (—) Peculiar desires. Confusion. Self deception.

PLUTO (N) Exalted form of courage. Strong willpower.


JUPITER ( + ) Enthusiastic. Zealous. Energetic. Self

SATURN (—) Enduring strength. Resentment. Suppressed

anger. Capacity for hard work. Courageous.

URANUS (—) Impulsiveness. Lacks prudence. Rebels

against restraint.

NEPTUNE (—) Impractical. Treacherous. Magnetic.


PLUTO ( + ) Energetic. Endurance. Courageous. Will­



JUPITER (—) Opinionated. Aggressive. Restless. Boastful.

SATURN (—) Resentful. Frustrated. Stiffled ambitions.

Oppressive nature. Unfriendly attitude.

URANUS (—) Explosive nature. Irritable. Spasmodic

efforts. Stubborness. Personal freedom at all costs.

N EPTU N E (— ) S ecretiven ess. N eurosis. D eceitfu l.

Underhanded. Subtle nature. Unusual emotional gratifica­

PLUTO (—) Desires and actions in conflict. Tendency to

rule or ruin.

JUPITER ( + ) Enthusiastic. Energetic nature. Humanitari­
an impulses.
SATURN ( + ) Willpower. Patience. Ability to stand stress.
Purposeful actions. Endures hardships. Ability for hard

URANUS ( + ) Originality. Resourceful. Decisiveness.

Adventurous. Energetic. Analytical. Inventive.

NEPTUNE ( + ) Keen sensitivity. Magnetic. Decisiveness.

PLUTO ( + ) Penetrating insight. Realistic. Fearless.

Dynamic attitude.


JUPITER ( + ) Self expressive. Optimistic'. Practical.

SATURN ( + ) Endurance. Fortitude. Self disciplined.

Sparton attitude.

URANUS ( + ) Nervous energy. Decisive, rapid actions.

Willpower and courage.

NEPTUNE ( + ) Personal magnetism. Emotional control.


PLUTO ( + ) Tremendous energy, willpower. Courageous.


SATURN (—) Faulty judgement. Lacks initiative. Slave to
routine. Lack of opportunities.

URANUS (—) Impulsive excesses. Impractical. Restless­

ness. Eccentric beliefs. Idealistic. Overreacts.

NEPTUNE (—) Emotional excesses. Impractical idealism.

Lacks discrimination. Overindulgence.

PLUTO (—) Law unto themselves. Mental pride.

Willfulness. Desire to remake, impose their ideas.

SATURN (—) Lacks imagination. Overly conservative. Too

URANUS •(—) Overly optimistic'. Over Confidence.

Restlessness, Wandering nature. Bluntness. Undiplomatic.

NEPTUNE (—) Absent minded. Unreliable. Not practical.

PLUTO (—) Lacks humility. Unscrupulous. Dogmatic



SATURN ( + ) Integrity. Honesty. Managerial abilities.

URANUS ( + ) Creative ability. Inspirational. Personal

freedom important. A progressive nature.

NEPTUNE (N) Expansive nature. Parasitical nature. Self

indulgent. Generous. Hospitable.

PLUTO ( + ) Concentrative ability. Deep insight. Deep



SATURN ( + ) Prudence. Integrity. Intelligence balance.

URANUS ( + ) Exceptional insight. Altruistic'. Sudden luck.

NEPTUNE (N) Sentimentality. Dominated by emotional

considerations. Expansive nature. Sfeclusion.

PLUTO ( + ) Wisdom. Good insight. Self creativeness.

Expressive ability. Ability for action.


SATURN (+ ) Serious outlook on life. Conservative.

URANUS (N) Opposition to established way of doing

things. Tendency to be a reformer. Generous to friends.

NEPTUNE ( + ) Fertile imagination. Extreme sensitivity.
Extreme idealism. Flights of religious ecstacy.

PLUTO ( + ) Determination to achieve goals. Intense

concentration. Penetrating insight into motives and actions.



A number of the fixed star influences have been

simplified to a ( + ) , positive, or a (—) negative indication.
Where they are not so indicated, they are generally of a
positive influence, unless the following situations exist.
The celestial object is of a negative nature. In such
cases both the BASIC influences and the influences of the
stars conjunction should be considered. The negative
influences will be much more effective than any positive or
neutral influences. This applies to the celestial objects:
Mercury, Venus and Mars. “ Open” celestial objects, i.e.
where a celestial object is unaspected, should be considered
neutral and may develop a mix of both BASIC positive and
BASIC negative potential for the native under consider­
Mind altering substances and cases of mental
abberation will accentuate the negative influences and
diminish or completely obliterate any positive influence.
Jupiter’s influences in general apply to a positive Jupiter,
unless the spectral class of the star in conjunction with
Jupiter is of the classification K, M, R and N in such cases
where Jupiter is of a negative character in the nativity,
negative influences will be more effective, but not of an
emotional character.
It is important to note that the entire chart must be
studied, polarity and correct orbs adjusted before
consulting the fixed star ephemeris and prior to considering
any fixed star applications. Otherwise the results will be
less than satisfactory.
The stars influences are not to be considered fatalistic,
but rather as guide lines towards gaining a knowledge of
the potentials and the limitations of a nativity. The
application of fixed stars and their influences should be used
in conjunction with normal analysis of the individual chart.
Humanistically oriented analysts will not experience
problems with these applications.


ARIES Aries is symbolized by the Ram, of the light from

the east.

MYTHOLOGY: Jason, the son of Pelais was commissioned

by his uncle to go in search of the Ram with the golden
fleece, which he pretended was the rightful property of his
family. Jason employed Argos to build him a ship, which he
named Argos. He then sent word for all heroic men of
Greece to join him. Thirteen responded and with these
companions he went in search of the Ram with the golden
fleece. The Ram is symbolical of the light from the east.
Jason is personification of the spiritual side of man, to whom
the rulership of the kingdom belongs, but to gain his end, he
must pass through an ordeal in his search for invaluable
wisdom, symbolized by the golden fleece. The dragon who
protected the golden fleece is the serpent of wisdom, by
mastery of the serpent, Jason would gain light and establish
his kingdom.
Aries produces active thinkers, doers, able to teach and
lead others. Such natives work best and live best in proper
surroundings. Aries requires plenty of freedom and can
easily become discontented and seeks new fields as
opportunities present themselves. The ability to handle
people comes natural to Aries. W orry and uncertain
conditions are likely to cause nervous problems. Their
control of their mind is important, as surroundings and
mental conditions have a pronounced effect on the Aries
person. Friction and argument should be avoided. The Aries
mind is practical where personal interests are concerned,
success is best obtained with large groups. Generally good
reasoning powers belong to the Aries person.
On the negative side, Aries people can be too
impatient, indiscreet and tactless, temperamental, rude and


( + ) Positive: Dominant, independent, courageous, pioneer,
orderly, harmony, active, leader, ambitions, determined,
enterprising, mental.

T • T
(—) Negative: Impulsiveness, temper, stubborn, restless,
rash, brusque, tactless, indiscreet, rude, inconsiderate.


Constellation: 0 Ceti. A giant orange star, spectral

group KO.
A change in brilliancy took place during the last
century from magnitude 3 to a visual magnitude of 2.24.
Deneb Kaitos is Arabic for the southern branch of the tail.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. The star imparts to
its natives selfishness, a harsh cruel nature, a vindictive
person, one who is self centered, subject to being
melancholy, poverty, disgraceful actions, impulsiveness,
idleness, a driver or one who is self driven, one who
accommodated. Brute force, ruination, losses.
Deneb Kaitos’ influence when in conjunction with:
SUN: This conjunction imparts to its natives an inherent
restlessness, be it mental or physical. At times this might
seem that the native is impulsive and have a complete
disregard for the consequence of their acts. It might appear
that the native lacks foresight. At times these natives act
on the spur of the momment, suddenly deciding upon
certain actions that give the impression they are impulsive,
even though they could have been sometime in arriving at
their decision. The native has a desire to push forward, get
the job done, keep on the move. At other times the native
will sit idle, appearing to dream away the time, lost in their
thoughts. Acting impulsively can create problems, such as
auto accidents, domestic, romantic problems. There are
times when the natives with this conjunction will appear to
have mental problems, which in reality is a desire to be left
alone and be uncommunicative. It is not exactly a
withdrawal into a shell, but merely the fact that they are
recuperating, getting ready for another spurt of action,
another push forward towards their goal, or next move. In
cases where the celestial objects are adversely aspected to
Neptune, this can create momments of depression for such

natives. Natives with this conjunction will keenly feel any
losses, such as a parent or family member.

MOON: This conjunction imparts a certain amount of

recklessness to the native, perhaps even becoming
headstrong or seemingly impulsive, which they are not, but
what they want done must be done their way or not at all.
Selfishness and being thoughtless signifies these natives.
They can give the impression they do not listen to common
sense, because they set their own standards of conduct.
However, they are not at all bashful in expressing their own
opinions. There will be evidence of temper or solid
determination with this conjunction. If Mars is poorly
asp ected , th ere w ill be sudden tem per flareups,
impulsiveness and the native so affected can suffer business
and/or domestic problems. There is also the possibility,
under the conjunction, of legal entanglements.

MERCURY: ( + ) The basic thought processes of these

natives are more thorough than is the impression they
might present. These natives can excell in academic or
business matters requiring concentrative efforts. They can
also be quite outspoken and forthright.
(—) Mentally these natives are active, however, there
can be the tendency towards self-destruction. This can be
exhibited through writings, actions, conversations, and if
Mercury is adversely aspected to Neptune, there will be a
considerable amount of scheming, even mulling over fancied

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction can be rash,

headstrong, and impulsive, and very ardent. Possible
domestic problems.

MARS: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction will take chances,

or a gamble with ventures and generally come out on top,
even when it appears all odds are against them.
(—) These natives can develop the habit of making
decisions based on emotions, impulsiveness, and not logic.
Turbulence is possible.

JUPITER: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction, if properly
trained can expect high preferment in religious matters,
affairs dealing with the public, legal matters. However,
there is the ever present danger of losses due to the natives
poor judgement, which could cause reversals.

JUPITER: (—) Natives with negative Jupiter aspects can

also find high preferment, similarly to the positive Jupiter
aspects, however, they can suffer from treachery from
those they choose as their friends. These natives will
continually strive for some sort of recognition, but suffer
from poor judgement, Or from being unconscionable in their


Constellation: Y Pegasi. A small white star at the wing

tip of Pegasi. “The Wing” Spectral class B2.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by the

conjunction with celestial objects. The native has a sharp
mind; one who is decisive, appear to be full of enthusiasm,
can be very combative, obstinate, ruined by headstrong
conduct. Natives with this conjunction can expect some sort
of notoriety, misfortune and in negative nativities, violence.
There is the possibility of them being a ward of society or
reducing themselves to a poverty level and possibly some
sort of misfortune.


SUN: Natives with this conjunction can experience

preferment in business and all matters dealing with the
public, religious affairs and writings. Generally these
natives get what they go after. They can, however, be
subjected to periods of being depressed, or simply being
melancholy and this might not be evident unless the native
is under a strain. This will be more obvious if Neptune is
adversely aspected in the natal chart. A t times, such

natives will seek complete privacy, which should not be
mistaken for them being aloner, or a private person.
Emotional strains will take their tolls on such natives.
Natives with this conjunction can readily develop a
tendency towards being hypocritical, even becoming quite
sarcastic in their responses. These natives, while not
outwardly appearing so, will be emotionally tense, accident
prone, have a desire to continually push forward towards
their objective and after they reach their goal(s), they will
either not want it, or unable to determine exactly what they
want to do. The native can be combative, quite decisive and

MOON: Natives with the conjunction can become

misunderstood through their seemingly headstrong actions,
writings, conversation which could create difficulties or
embarrassing situations. Some of these natives will have a
tendency towards turning away from situations, deciding
that things will work themselves out. Natives with this
conjunction can easily get themselves involved in
unpleasant situations, even amounting to scandals, or
actions bordering on scandal.

MERCURY ( + ) These natives will find preferment in

matters associated with the public and its affairs. They can
develop the ability to emerge successfully from disputes,
however, unless Mars is well aspected to the Moon, the
native will be short tempered. These natives are mentally
(—) Mentally very keen, but generally they do not have
the necessary strength of their convictions. Some such
natives will be subject to mental disturbances, which could
create problems of a lasting nature. These natives can
appear testy, of an argumentive nature. Generally no real
moral stamina.

VENUS: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction can be

magnanimous, even philanthropic; appear to be dignified or
present a regal bearing. They will have fine generous
attributes, not always apparent.

(—) These natives can develop a tendency to being
loners, and also develop some undesirable habits; have a
rather quick short temper and there could be with some
natives, a question of morals, or character stability.

MARS: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction are mentally

quick and active. This does not necessarily indicate a high
order of intelligence, nor a lack of intelligence, but the
ready reply to questions that others would take time out to
think the answers to a conclusion. These natives can acquire
the ability to become leaders, be very active in whatever
careers they choose to follow. Impulsive actions are
(—) These natives are mentally keen, however, unless
they have been carefully trained at an early age, they can
develop into ‘con’ persons, or swindlers, or in other ways
become dishonest. In some cases lying would be a second
nature to such natives. There is also a danger of turbulent
actions to or by the natives with this conjunction. Natives
judgement open to question.

JUPITER: These natives can exhibit real or pretended zeal

in their careers or hobbies. They can develop successfully;
but be hypocritical. Natives with this conjunction in
negative horoscopes can develop into losers, some even
becoming wards of society.


Constellation: a Andromedae. This star is called

Sirrah; a bluish-white star with a spectrum B8, and located
a distance of 105 light years. Sirrah represents the head of a
chained woman.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with celestial objects.'The general effect of this
star is to bestow wealth, honors, cheerfulness, optimism,
versatility, good judgement, a love of life, a love of ease and
comfort and a tendency towards being lazy. NEGA­
TIVELY: The native can be too outspoken, self destruct,

create or become involved in actions of a disgraceful nature,
harbor wrong thoughts; turbulence possible.



SUN: Natives with this conjunction usually get What they

go after; but, often after arriving at their predetermined
goals, they are at a loss as to what to do next, or, they no
longer have any interest in their achieved goal. They have
the natural ability to be at the right place and the right time
where it will be of most benefit to them. Because of this
unique ability they often receive preferment and favors
over others.

MOON: This conjunction produces natives who have a

determination to arrive at their self set goals. They are
energetic and perservering, very aggressive and can be
quite determined when it suits their purpose. They can
enjoy a wide acquaintance with just the ‘right’ people and
have the necessary drive to become successful. If the Moon
is well aspected they can expect riches and honors. In a
negative nativity, the native will be too outspoken, possibly
develop self destruction tendencies, as a result of being
overly aggressive, or through developing poor health
habits. Self destructive tendencies. They can expect honors
and riches. In a negative nativity, the native will be too
outspoken and possibly develop a tendency towards self
destruction, either by being overly aggressive or through
developing poor health habits.

MERCURY: The native is mentally keen, can develop good

judgement, can become optimistic and cheerful. If natives
with this conjunction pioneer in their undertakings; and this
could express itself in new discoveries, new innovations,
new ideas; they can be subject to fame - good or bad. There
is a tendency for these natives to be self seeking, even
abrasive. Negative nativities could develop a tendency
towards keeping their own counsel, emphasizing the phrase
‘silence is golden’ , these natives can develop a temper that


might be concealed, where they tend to keep their emotions

‘bottled up’ and eventually explode. There is evidence of
great self control under this conjunction.

VENUS: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction, if properly

trained will encounter financial success, they will tend to
gravitate towards acquisition of wealth, rather easily in
most cases. They will be fond of a good social life style, or of
social activities.
(—) These natives are generally neat and clean in
appearance, may develop a pushy nature, but in any case
those natives will prefer a certain amount of solitude;
however they cannot be classed as loners, or a private
person, in fact they may develop a rather outgoing
personality, “plenty of acquaintances, but few friends” .

MARS: ( + ) Native is mentally keen, and if the nativity is

positive or well aspected, these natives, through hard work
and application can become successful.
(—) The native is mentally keen, lacks a real desire for
progress and in some cases these natives will be in or create
actions of a disgraceful or turbulent nature. Many domestic
problems a good possibility: These natives are generally
impulsive and harbor wrong thoughts. Self destruction.
JUPITER: Natives with this conjunction will benefit from
their association with mercurial people, professionals. If
Jupiter is well aspected and not inharmonious to Saturn
such natives can strive for and receive lasting recognition in
religion, philosophy and social matters and expect to
receive honors and preferment.


Constellation: £ Cetus. An orange star in the body

of the whale. The whales belly. Spectral class KO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. One who is serious,
thoughtful, melancholy, subject to many delays. A hard

working person, sincere. A selfish person, one who has
deceitful associates. Negatively the star can produce deceit,
sexual fantasies or problems, a ‘con artist’, twisted
emotions, self destruction, turbulence.


SUN: Natives with this conjunction are subject to changing

fortunes, changing lifestyles. Just when they feel all is
settled, changes will occur. This could exhibit itself as
residence changes, traveling, many ‘ups and downs’ in the
natives life.

MOON: ( + ) The native is subject to many problems, not

necessarily of their own making, but there will be occasions
when the native is drawn into problems. A t sometime
during the life of the native something or someone of
importance will affect their lives.

(—) Natives with this conjunction can be overly

sensitive. They can be subject to misfortune by accident,
not necessarily of their own creation, but as a victim of
circumstances. Native can feel unnecessarily hurt or
offended, or harbor fancied injury, or feel humiliated under
conditions or circumstances that would not affect the
average person. Turbulence possible.

MERCURY-: The native has a keen mind, can be very

outspoken, even ‘blunt’ and may develop an abrasive
attitude. The inherent drive these natives have may carry
them far in life, make them leaders of their professions.
Negatively, these natives can ride ‘rough shod’ over others
with complete insensitivity, and unless early trained will
exhibit a total' lack of tact.

VENUS: The native is introspective and although they may

give the impression they are very sociable, actually they are
a private person. Domestic'and romantic'problems possible
under this conjunction. Negatively the native can become

‘withdrawn’, be of a deceitful nature, entertain sexual
fantasies, twisted emotions, become engaged in poor health
habits, self destruction.

MARS: These natives may exhibit a quiet determination,

they are determined to ‘push forward’ , get their ideas
across, have it their way’; generally without becoming

JUPITER: Preferment in martial, government and matters

dealing with the public. The native may be subject to many
activity changes.


ConstellatiiOn: tj Piscum. A double star near the tail of

the northern fish. Spectral class G5, yellow. The magnitude
of the companion star is 11.0.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. The effect of the
companion star has a notable effect on the main star. This
star imparts to its natives determination, many difficulties,
steadiness and final success; one subject to honours and
preferment; a constant struggle, obstinancy and piousness.



SUN: Natives with this conjunction will encounter many

obstacles during their lifetime; some will be difficult to
overcome unless the native recognizes and makes
corrections before tragedy strikes. Possible domestic
problems. Honours and preferment in government affairs

MOON: Native has great determination and drive to

succeed. Final success is assured, the native will eventually
reap the harvest of their efforts. Obstinancy is indicated.
Leadership qualities evident. Negatively such natives will

operate within or without the law.

MERCURY: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction can obtain

high preferment and success in religious matters, sports
activities and all matters connected with public affairs.
These natives are determined and can succeed.

MERCURY: (—) Natives with this conjunction will be very

determined, but they will also tend to be a law unto
themselves, possibly very opinionated and could develop
into loners or private persons. The natives direction is
affected by their early training. Turbulent actions are
possible. Domestic and romantic problems are possible.

VENUS: The native can appear outwardly calm, almost

pious is the impression these natives can give, seemingly
unruffled. Negatively, they can become loners.


Constellation: 31M Andromedae. The great nebulae

located to the north of Andromedae’s head.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects, this group imparts to
its natives violence, passion, health problems, eye and/or
ear problems. The native is changeable and has the drive to
excell or succeed.



SUN: The native may gain high preferment in dealings with

the public or in connection with public matters. Negative
nativities may be subject to Sublime illness and other health
problems. Turbulence is possible.

MOON: The native has an inner drive to succeed, get ahead,

obtain recognition. There is the drive for money, authority.
The native gains and loses friends, acquaintances; they

seem to ‘come and go’, not necessarily due to
disagreements. The native may develop ‘secret’ bad habits -
- in positive nativities this may exhibit itself as health
problems leading to self destruction. Negative nativities
secret bad habits could also lead to self destruction, but
could involve sexual promiscuity, dishonesty, which may be
outright dishonesty, or not above making ‘shady deals’ or
taking unnecessary chances that could lead to self
destruction. Turbulence is possible.

See page #247.


Constellation: 0 Andromedae. A red giant star in the

girdle of Andromedae. “The Girdle or Loins.” Spectral
group MO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by then-

conjunction with the celestial objects. An adventurous
person, one who can be insolent; domestic problems, love of
home life, mentally keen, able to forgive, a devoted person,
a kind person. Secret bad habits, stubborn, determined,


SUN: Native can expect preferment in business, writings,

sports, political matters and affairs dealing with the public.
The native is endowed with a keen mind, and subject to
many disappointments not bothersome to natives with this
conjunction. In some cases the natives moods will dictate
their actions. Possibly a lack of self-confidence which might
appear as eccentricity.

MOON: High preferment in matters dealing with the public,

martial affairs, however, they could be subjected to some
setbacks or unexpected disappointments. A tendency to be
imprudent in some matters. Possibly domestic problems.

MERCURY: ( + ) The native is tolerant, mentally quick, will
have moderate success. Native is a private person. Peculiar
events in the life of the native is possible.

MERCURY: (—) The native is tolerant, subject to many

changes can be indecisive, mentally reckless, even
unreliable. There is the possibility of an unstable lifestyle,
many ups and downs, subject to legal problems. The native
is a private person. Peculiar events in the life of the native
is possible.

VENUS: ( + ) The native will develop a devotion or

attachment to some cause or an idea fancied by the native,
or an unusually close attachment to another person. There
is also an indication that the native will be somewhat

(—) This conjunction subjects the native to a lifestyle

that is out of the ordinary. It would be an eventful life. The
native will prefer luxury and in some instances the native
will fantasize. This could resolve itself in any number of
ways. There is a strong possibility of the native having
‘secret’ bad habits. This could be drinking, drug taking, or
other habits that would eventually affect the natives health.
There is a tendency towards being impulsive, which could
create actions of a problematical nature.

MARS: ( + ) The native with this conjunction is

perservering, almost stubborn, very ambitious and quite
determined. However, the native can suddenly change
course, go in another direction. They are subject to being
influenced by others into a course of action different than
that which they had originally set out on, proceeding with
what seemed at the time to be clear cut actions.

(—) Native should exercise great caution in the

selection of friends and associates, some of whom could
adversely affect the natives reputation. These natives will
have a tendency to gravitate towards undesirable
associates. They are also inclined to accept poor advice

T 8 T 8
which could lead to serious problems. The native could
develop into a boisterous, ill-mannered person. Conceit is

JUPITER: Unless Jupiter is well aspected there is danger

that the native could become involved in a scandal. The
native can receive assistance from friends, but subject
themselves through their actions to serious legal or social
problems. Name and fame - good or bad - is possible.

*Mirach, beginning with the year 1980, is in Taurus.


TAURUS Taurus is symbolized by the Bull. Taurus is

derived from Egyptian or Coptic root meaning bull or cow.

MYTHOLOGY: In the 12 tribes of Israel the sign, Taurus,

signifies Reuben. “Reuben, thou art my strength, the
excellence of power.” (Genesis 49)
Juno one day saw that it suddenly grew dark and
suspected that her husband had raised a cloud to hide some
of his doings. She brushed away the cloud and saw her
husband on the banks of a glassy river with a beautiftd
heifer standing near him. She suspected that the heifers
form concealed some fair nymph, which turned out to be the
case. It was Io, the daughter of the river god, Inachus, to
whom Jupiter had been making love; and when she became
aware of his wife spying on him, she changed herself into
the form of a heifer.
Taurus, a fixed sign, denotes the soul qualities. And Io
wearing the outer form of the heifer, represented the soul
or the evolving Ego.
Cadmus was told to follow a lone cow, one who had left
the herd. The cow symbolizes one who strives for
individuality and ceases to be one of the crowd depending
upon a leader for those who seek true wisdom must seek
within themselves, often foregoing the many social
enjoyments and pleasures of this material existence.
Taurus endows the individual with great determination

8 8
and fixity of purpose and once having decided upon a course
of action, it is almost impossible for them to change their
minds. On the other hand, Taureans respond very quickly to
kindness or an appeal to the finer side of nature. Generally,
Taureans are fond of pleasure and pursuits of these objects.
Generally good earning capabilities signify the Taurean,
also a love of music and of art. Gain may be derived through
efforts that require more mental than physical situations.
Taureans at times lack continuity and, therefore, may make
changes throughout their life. Such natives have an
enterprising mind and capabilities that require action.
Moderation should be observed by Taureans and they
should avoid being drawn into affairs which their better
judgement cautions them against.
On the negative side, Taureans can be very stubborn,
completely unreasonable. They can be obstinate and
entirely too materialistic and possessive, be it material
things or persons. They can be very untrusting and
suspicious, forgiving but never forgetting a wrong, fancied
or real, sometimes they can be slovenly and over-indulgent,
overly conservative and anti-progressive.

KEYWORDS: Basic Qualities of the constellation Taurus:

( + ) Positive: Dominant, independent, ambitious, perse­

vering, artistic appreciation, dependable, adaptable,
in tu itive, self reliant, patient, a tireless w orker,
determined, self reliant, patient.

(—) Negative: Brutishly stubborn, possessive, overly

materialistic, untrusting, overly indulgent, indifferent,
domineering, jealous, obstinate, emnity.


Constellation: a Ceti. The ‘wonderful star’. Color

spectral M6, orange-red. It is the show object in the heavens
as a variable of long period. It changes its magnitude from
1.7 to 9.6 in 332 days. The last maximum recorded was the
1st of December 1897 when it Was a magnitude of about 3.0.

8 8
Its maximum magnitude is from 1.7 to 5.0 and its minimum
from 8 to 9.5. It is generally at its brightest for about 2

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives success, materialism, notoriety, self destruction,
the ability to conquer, enduring to the end, melancholy,
boldness, demon power. The influence of Mira would be at
its greatest when it is at maximum magnitude, once every
332 days.



SUN: Preferment in legal, government, scientific, and all

matters dealing with public affairs. The native can develop
new and original ideas, has determination and perse­
verance; but might have some misgivings due to regretful
actions, which later developments would reveal.

MOON: The native can be subjected to changing fortunes,

setbacks, however the more advanced natives will
overcome any setbacks in plans or careers due to their
dogged persistence and quiet nature.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction can develop a

pushy almost objectionable attitude. These natives will
pursue a course, once their minds are made up, regardless
of whether the outcome is beneficial or leads to disaster.
These natives are more of a determined nature, than
headstrong. The more negative nativities will endure to the
end, never relenting, regardless of consequences.

VENUS: The native develops a prudent nature, can become

cautious but determined. Caution should be exercised by
these natives - - they could be compromised in wrongful
situations and right or wrong, the native will suffer the


s a
Constellation: P Arietis. A white star, spectral class A,
located on the Ram’s horn.

BASIC INFLUENCES: The native can be endowed with

honors, unexpected gains, good fortune, wealth,' leadership
ability. On the negative side, the native could be subject to
accidents, fiendishness, meanness, immoral behavior,
mercilessness. These will be modified by conjunction with
the celestial objects.


SUN: Preferment in sports, scientific and public matters,

government affairs. Native will exhibit a tendency to
dominate situations, and with the right direction the native
can create a name and fame for themselves. In more
negative nativities the tendency to dominate will bring
problems, and possibly turbulence and legal problems. A
possibility of lasting difficulties.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction will develop a

tendency to dominate, and most such natives will have an
outstanding personality, attract attention for good or for
evil through their activities. Such natives could be
considered drivers as they will tend to push their way or
bluff their way through any situation. Public preferment is
indicated. Turbulence is possible.

MERCURY: ( + ) The native is mentally active and can

develop leadership ability. Unexpected gains possible.

MERCURY: (—) The native could have a tendency towards

either illegal activities or activities of a questionable nature
and the end results could be losses and/or legal

VENUS: On the surface these natives can appear to be

quite placid, however, they can be quite blunt and
outspoken if necessary.

8 8
MARS: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction can develop
leadership ability, gain some prominence in their career.

(—) The native will tend to force issues, they can

attract public attention through involvement in actions that
could also involve turbulence. These natives can be the
perpetrators, minor participant or recipient of such
turbulent acts. Exercise of self control necessary!

JUPITER: This conjunction can bring the native fame, with

a well aspected Jupiter, with a rather cautious overtone.
The native could be subjected to accusations, true or false,
some bordering on the scandalous, and in the more negative
nativities, the native will be subjected to turbulence. There
can be high preferment in government, legal business
matters and other affairs dealing with the public. Possible
legal entanglements.


Constellation: a Arietis. A giant orange star,

spectral class K2.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This star imparts to its natives a

sense of urgency, a drive to excell, to be successful, and
negatively it causes violence, brutish acts, cruelty,
cunningness, perverted tastes, romantic' problems, do­
mestic problems, bad morals. These influences will be
modified by conjunction with the celestial objects.


SUN: High preferment in government affairs, writings,

martial, and financial matters. The native is persistent,
forges ahead, overcomes obstacles. Leadership qualities can
be developed. These natives are very materialistic and
n ega tively th ey can se lf d estru ct, b ecom e v ery
inconsiderate of others, bring sorrows on themselves and
their families.

8 8
MOON: These natives can become plodders, almost Slaves
to their work and through careful planning they rise to the
top of their profession. High preferment in business and
legal matters.

MERCURY: Generally these natives carefully chose their

words, and are quite explicit in their conversations. They
can be rather outspoken, at times to the annoyance of their
audience. The native is able to get their ideas across.
D eterm in ation and tactfulness are the k eyw ords.
Turbulence is possible.

VENUS: The native becomes envious of their capabilities,

generally quite dauntless, brash, but very likeable. They
may become quite complacent. This conjunction brings the
possibility of romantic/domestic problems.

MARS: Natives with this conjunction should exercise great

caution not to get involved in intrigues, affairs that could
lead to disastrous endings. Negatively these natives could
resort to uncivilized acts, develop secret bad habits.
Turbulence possible.

JUPITER: High preferment in legal, government, and all

matters dealing with the public. Name and fame, good or
bad is possible with this conjunction. Self destructive
tendencies possible.


Constellation: a Cassiopeia. A giant star of

spectral class KO, with bright line spectra. This is a
multiple and slightly variable star. The companion star
reduces the adverse effectiveness of the main star. The
irregularly variable period is about 79 days. The companion
star is blue.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This star will generally be used for

positive negativities. The stars effects will be modified by
the conjunction with celestial objects. The star imparts to

a a
its natives sorrows in love, good tempered, fame through
help of superiors, demon power, mystical preference,
outwardly serious but likes the good life.



SUN: High preferment in sports, writings, finance,

astrology, and matters dealing with the public. The native
can develop materialistic tendencies, be of serious
demeanor, but like the good life. Any sorrows in the natives
life will be brought on by themselves, their actions and their
inconsideration of others.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction will have similar

attributes as the natives with the Sun in conjunction with
Schedir, however, these natives will find success after slow,
patient and hard work.

MERCURY: The native will exhibit great determination,

and although they can become quite tactful when it suits
their purpose, they can also be demanding, pushy and
almost obnoxious which could be misunderstood or their
intentions misinterpreted.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction may become

opportunists and become jealous of their accomplishments.
Generally most of these natives may appear to be of a
retiring nature and passive, nevertheless just the opposite
is true - they are of a ‘positive’ type, but also may be classed
as ‘private persons’. There is the possibility of domestic or
other problems that would seriously affect the native.

MARS: The native has an inborn ability to rise to an

influential position - - they are dogged and determined.
However always lurking in the background is something, or
someone ready to either ‘dislodge’ the native or take undue
advantage of the native. Negative nativities subject
themselves to legal entanglements, even a judicial sentence.
Turbulence or self destruction possible under the

a a
JUPITER: High preferment in religion, government,
astrology and all matters dealing with the public. Generally,
these natives are able to grow from small beginnings; build
business with solid foundations, even make a name and
fame for themselves.


Constellation: Y Andromedae. A double star with a

colour contrast of orange and blue. The primary star is a
giant, spectral class K3, and its companion belongs to
spectral group A2. ‘The left foot of Andromedae.’

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native has good
fortune, is successful, subject to honours, unexpected gains,
patient, industrious, good for romance and domestic affairs.
Generally, Almach will be most effective with positive
nativities, while star #13, Menkar will be most effective
with negative nativities, or nativities with negative



SUN: High preferment and honours in writings, and

matters connected with the public, legal, sports and
government affairs. The native can enjoy favors from the
public; fame and prestige.

MOON: The native will be of a persevering nature, can gain

and lose friends. Possible fame, good or bad with this
conjunction. The native can enjoy high honours in writing,
military and affairs connected with the public, some
controversial questions could arise from the natives
writings - activities. Some of the natives with this
conjunction can become insensitive with their concern for

MERCURY: The native has a keen mentality, can gain high

honours, enjoy wide popularity in their careers, or

a »
professions. Success and good fortune may be the ‘lot’ for
these natives. There could be financial problems, but
natives with this conjunction have the ‘inner power’ to
overcome obstacles. Good for domestic' matters.

VENUS: The native may develop strong opinions on certain

subjects that are of personal importance, they also have the
inborn ability to acquire many talents and profit thereby.
There is a good possibility of national prominence for the
native with this conjunction. Native may develop and
become a ‘private person’ ; have many acquaintances, but
few close friends.

MARS: High honours in government o f public affairs can be

expected if the native chooses a career in these fields. There
could develop in these natives a tendency towards
abruptness, also severity. Considerable traveling may be

JUPITER: Natives with this conjunction can become

successful through hard work; friends will tend to gravitate
to the native. Honours are possible.


Constellation: a Ceti. A red giant star, spectral

class M2.

NOTE: Negative nativities will be affected by Menkar.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star causes losses,
disgraceful actions, calamities, anxiety, makes the native
lean and infirm, creates many miseries, deceitful associates.


SUN: Natives with this conjunction will encounter many

obstacles, life at times will seem to be a constant battlefield.

8 8
Some natives with this conjunction will have seemingly
impossible family conditions, some natives will abandon
their families, or their families will abandon them. This
conjunction can bring many troubles to the native. Financial
losses. Sublime illness.

MOON: This conjunction can create many problems, some

of a serious nature, some of the natives own mistakes,
others created by others for the native. The native will
suffer many anxious momments. This conjunction also
subjects the native to either accusing, perhaps unjustly,
others in particular there will be family disagreements
created by the native. Or the native will be accused and if
accused, be unable to clear themselves. Natives with this
conjunction tend to create their own problems.

MERCURY: This conjunction creates mental anxiety to the

native, which could be caused by money problems, writings
or conversations by the native any of which could result in
legal entanglement. The native is subject to losses and
possibly turbulence.

VENUS: The native will entertain strong opinions on

certain subjects and/or people and openly express them,
which could create problems for the native. Either the
native or one of the natives relations could create a situation
that Would be problematical. Domestic disharmony and
jealousy possible. Sublime illness also possible.

MARS: The native is self-seeking and selfish, also

selfindulgent. Caution should be exercised in association
with people of a questionable nature or character. Possible
legal problems and illness of a sublime nature. A

JUPITER: Natives with this conjunction will tend to move

around more so than the average person, this could be
traveling or not remaining in one particular location too
long. These natives could even become homeless and the
worst natives could become beggars. There is also the
possibility of deceitful actions to or by the native at

8 8
sometime during the life of the person. There is the
possibility of legal involvement and a judicial sentence.


Constellation: Y Eridani. A red giant star, spectral

class MO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native is
melancholy, lonely has a constant struggle, almost suicidal
tendencies, is introspective, a private person, constantly
striving for success.



SUN: Preferment in writings, business and public matters.

The natives lifestyle will be greatly affected by family
environment. If the family environment is of a negative
nature, the native could develop into being a loner and
possibly encounter many difficulties. The native will be of a
serious demeanor. Melancholy inclinations a possibility.

MOON: ( + ) This conjunction gives the native perse­

verance, dogged determination. They are able to attract to
them the kind of people that will assist them and they
should find preferment in public affairs. Honors are
possible. Major disappointments are also a possibility.

(—) There can be martial and public preferment for

natives with this conjunction. Some honors are possible, but
not of a lasting nature. If the native is impatient and not
willing to work for the benefits possible under this
conjunction there is the possibility of legal involvements of
a major proportion. Turbulence is possible. Major
disappointments are also possilble.

MERCURY: The native has good mental powers, but is not

of an outgoing, forceful nature, rather is quiet and in their

8 8
own quiet manner can be quite aggressive, enough to reach
their predetermined goals. High public preferment is
possible. Tendency to be of a retiring, almost a private
nature, but not a loner.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction tend to be private

persons, if they must face situations, they face them
doggedly. Not an outstanding personality but not a loner. A
Mars conjunction reinforces the natives doggedness.

MARS: The native will not permit anything or anyone to

prevent his desire for recognition and possible fame. They
will never cease ‘fighting’ for their cause, or their place in
their activity or career for which they are best fitted. They
have the strength of almost an unconquerable nature. In
general they turn out to be ‘private’ people, not loners. The
less advanced natives under this conjunction may resort to
fiendish acts. Turbulence is possible.

JUPITER: High preferment in religion, government, Occult

and writings. These natives can gain the ability for
accumulating both friends and wealth and recognition for
their abilities. If the native had been adversely affected by
early family life, the native could become a recluse or a
beggar, regardless of their financial condition.


Constellation: M34 Persei. A double cluster in the

sword hand of Perseus.

BASIC INFLUENCES: The native is ambitions, almost

combative, can be very rash, obstinate and changeable. Can
be ruined by their conduct. This conjunction creates
eyesight problems and turbulent conditions when in
conjunction with adverse Sun and Moon aspects.


SUN: ( + ) High persistence and determination signify this

8 8
native. If the natives energies are properly directed they
can become prominent in their career or area of activity.
High preferment in religion, astrology, occult and all
matters dealing with the public.

(—) The same attributes in the positive Sun

conjunction applies with negative Sun conjunctions,
however, the native will have a combative nature, be
subject to eye problems arid sublime illness. Self
destruction possible.

MOON: ( + ) High enterprise and success in dealing with the

public, the native is indefatigable, very ambitions, pushy
and fearless.

(—) These natives can be ruined by headstrong actions.

The native can be tempermental and/or overly sensitive.
Eyesight problems and sublime illness possible. Self
destruction possible.

NOTE: Gyrus, a cluster most effective with Sun and Moon

See page #247.


Constellation: /3 Persei. An eclipsing variable star

system comprising two components ranging between 2.2 &
3.5 in a period of 2.87 days; the eclipse lasts 10 hours. The
spectral type of the main star is B8, with a temperature of
12,500 degrees Kelvin. The eclipsing star is dark and no
color has been assigned it. Algol, anciently thought to be the
demon star has two well defined natures, one is high in
spiritual values, the other is on the primitive side, evidence
by extreme misfortune. The darker side of Algol is similar
to a spectral ‘S’ star, while the brighter star is of the
spectral B, indicating helium prominent and can be related
to influences of the spectral class stars, W, 0 , and B.
The darker star circles the brighter star every 68
hours, presenting, as viewed from the earth, a periodic

8 8
change in brightness. Inasmuch as an ephemeris is not
possible, or available, the influences are listed as either
positive or negative, the darker side for the negative
influences and the brighter side for the positive influences.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. Some nativities can
have both negative and positive influences. The brighter
side, as of spectral classes W, 0 . & B. The native is sober,
serious, patient, talkative, has high preferment, honours,
success in their careers. Native dislikes sordid actions, is
faithful, not bigoted. The darker side as of spectral class ‘S’ :
The native is bigoted, violent o f non violent, deals with the
masses, possibly tends to be secretive, subject to violence,
either to or by the native, forced changes, a propagandist,
one with extreme mental powers, extreme physical powers,
for good or bad. Mass vandalism, fanaticism, tragedies,



SUN: ( + ) The native has a potential for becoming a leader.

High preferment in sports, legal, martial, occult and
matters dealing with the public. These natives will be of an
outstanding character and a benefit to their communities.

(—) These natives will strive to excell, but will become

confused with their priorities and could become involved in
legal entanglements.

MOON: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction can develop the

ability to gain victory over their competitors, however, they
can also experience setback prior to their victory. The
native will be of a dogged, indefatigable nature, continually
striving to reach their goals, never at a loss for words of
expressions. Illness of a sublime nature possible.

(—) The native is clever, of a dogged, designing nature,

the never say die type, possibly leading to turbulent

8 8
actions, because the native will not surrender their
objectives. The native can become involved in controversial
matters. Legal involvement and even a judicial sentence is

MERCURY: ( + ) Quiet persistence is the keynote of this

nativity. The native will enjoy public acceptance and good
business ability can be developed. There can be legal
preferment and high preferment in matters dealing with
the public.

(—) On the primitive side, these natives will not

hesitate to speak out, when they would do better keeping
silent. They will be inclined to associate with undesirables
and/or poor business associates, and if so, encounter legal
problems. On the extreme side, such natives could
encounter, not only legal problems, but also a judicial

NOTE: Domestic problems are possible with both ( + )

positive and (—) negative Mercury, surfaced or not.

VENUS: It is imperative that natives with this conjunction

marry a congenial, competitive mate, else domestic
problems will eventually surface. Natives with this
conjunction can gain high public preferment. If there are
domestic or romantic problems, any marriages so involved
will be doomed to fail. Such natives will earn the displeasure
of their family, regardless of who is at fault. There can be
health problems. Caution should be exercised to avoid
problematical actions.

MARS: ( + ) Natives with this conjunction will tend to be

fearless, ‘tread where angels fear to go’. They make good
showmen and might even try to bluff their way through
situations. These natives have the coimage of their
convictions. They can leave their ‘mark’ on posterity.
Turbulence is possible.

MARS: (—) The native might Seem to be headstrong or

8 8
very determined; even at times unreasonable. Some such
natives are subject to rash, illegal acts, taking unnecessary
chances. They seem to have the strength of their
convictions and have complete disregard for public opinion,
which could be a minority opinion, but loudly expressed.
Turbulence is possible.

JUPITER: If Jupiter is well aspected in the nativity, these

natives can acquire the ability to amass considerable
wealth. These natives are inclined to be collectors, be it art
or something in their opinion would be of value at some
future date and which appeals to the native. More primitive
natives, while they have the same potentials, will tend to
later, become recluses and even reducing themselves to
begging or scavenging.


Constellation: *1 Tauri. A white sub-giant star on

the shoulder of the Bull, in the Pleiades. Spectral class: B5p.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified when in

conjunction with celestial objects. The native is changeable,
liable to accidents, subject to eye problems, and many

IfjQTE #1: Both #17, Alcyone and #17A, the Pleiades can
subject the native to eyesight problems, not necessarily
blindness, and such eyesight problems can surface anytime
during the life of the native with these conjunctions.

NOTE #2: A native with these conjunctions can have a mix

of both good and bad, for example:

A nativity with a ( + ) positive Mercury, or a ( + ) positive

nativity in conjunction with #17 Alcyone would indicate a
good mentality, however, the native can also be subjected
to dangerous situations, as affected by the conjunction with
#17A, the Pleiades.

NOTE #3: The stars in the Pleiades Alcyone, Maia, Electra,

8 8
Merope, Taygete, Celano, Sterope, Atlas and Pleione. All
the stars in the Pleiades are within one degree of each
other. The influence of #17, Alcyone is more o f a positive
nature, while the rest of the stars in the Pleiades are of a
direful nature.



SUN: The native can develop into a leader, can become a

creative person, but caution should be exercised not to
become cantankerous, else problems will result. High
preferment and honors possible in legal, writings, martial
and public matters.

MOON: High preferment in government, martial and public

matters. Leadership ability will surface. The native will be
of an indefatigable nature, determined to succeed.

MERCURY: The native has a good mentality, solid, but

subject to many disappointments; there could be some
family problems, or problems connected with the family or
close acquaintances that will affect the native.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction will tend to be

private persons; one who prefers a certain amount of

MARS: Natives with this conjunction should meet with

moderate success. A determined person.

JUPITER: A poorly aspected Jupiter makes i t s ' natives

plodders, having determination. Well aspected Jupiters
indicate natives who find preferment in all matters
connected with the public.


Constellation; ’l Tauri. A cluster of stars on the

shoulder of the Bull.

8n »xr
BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by
con ju n ction with the celestial o b je cts . W antoness,
ambitious, optimistic, turbulence, blindness, disgraceful



SUN: The native is overly aggressive, subject to illness, a

poor disposition, turbulence.

MOON: The native could be falsely accused and unable to

clear themselves, turbulent actions, general misfortune,
disgrace, imprisonment, riots, domestic problems. Self

MERCURY: The native will face many problems, suffer

from legal matters, encounter or engage in situations that
could prove to be embarrassing or dangerous.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction tend to be

headstrong, encounter romantic problems, subject them­
selves to actions of a disgraceful nature, loss of emotional

MARS: The native will be subjected to turbulent actions, or

create turbulence and/or become involved in dangerous
situations, or unfortunate conditions from which they are
unable to escape.

JUPITER: Natives with this conjunction can become

recluses, get involved in legal matters, even face judicial
sentences. Subject to or being deceitful, hypocritical.


GEMINI: Symbolized by the heavenly twins, male and


MYTHOLOGY: The male twin holds in his hands a great
club symbolizing man’s strength, while the female holds in
her hand Cupid’s bow and arrow, the symbol of love, her
only protection. Beauty and strength are personified, and
the unity of these two forces make the man a tower of

GEMINI is an airy, dual sign, bestowing good mentality and

an active mind. Gemini at times show indecision and a lack
of power of concentration even to the extent of holding or
expressing contradictory opinions. Gemini is generally
endowed with a sunny disposition and a clear vision.
Variable conditions are possible in their domestic life style.
Gemini should cultivate a fixity of purpose. Gemini
generally have a strong desire for variety, there is also an
intellectual side indicating latent literary talent or the
ability to fluently speak in public.

Negatively, Gemini can be very superficial and cynical,

wavering a good deal, unable to make up their minds.
Selfcentered and discontented, egotistical and selfish. They
are even prone to calculated cunning, sometimes cold
hearted and a lack of concentration, giving them only a
shallow understanding at best.

KEYWORDS: Basic influences o f Gemini Constellation:

( + ) Positive: Intuitive, mental activity, intelligence,

diversity, analytical, impersonal, charm.

(—) Negative: Suspicious, too clever, combativeness, lacks

continuity, indecision, swindler, forger, selfcentered,
cynical, selfish, shallow.


Constellation: Orion.
In this constellation an enormous cloud has been
collapsing and new stars are being formed within the cloud
as it contracts. What change this will have on stars in Orion

is questionable at this time. Ref: University of S. Florida’s
computer study of the clouds in Orion.


Constellation: Y Tauri. The main star of the Hyades,

which consists of approximately 132 stars. Spectral class is
KO, colour: Orange.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star creates
scandalous actions, wounds, judicial sentences, violence,
sudden changes, changing fortunes, martial preferment,
unbridled statements or writings, secret bad habits, judicial



SUN: Preferment in writings, sports, astrology, govern­

ment and business affairs. Lasting public popularity.
Possible: name and fame, good or bad. Unless caution is
exercised, the native may become involved in turbulent
situations, however in most cases, such situations will not
have a lasting effect on the native.

MOON: The native is mentally active, can be diplomatic

when it suits their purposes. These natives are not too
careful to substantiate statements or claims they make,
with known facts. High preferment can be expected in
scientific and other matters in particular dealing with the
public. There is the possibility of becoming ‘involved’,
unnecessarily. Turbulence is possible.

MERCURY: The native is mentally sharp, but may become

resentful over imagined insults; dwell moodily on minor
problems and they may develop a tendency to delay action
on tasks or problems. These natives are ‘idea’ natives,
whether for themselves or for the benefit of mankind. They
can ‘leave their mark’ on posterity. Negatively, these

h . xr
natives could be subject to judicial sentencing, scandalous
actions and possibly ‘secret bad habits’.

VENUS: These natives can find success in a wide variety of

careers and also develop a likeable personality; however
they will entertain strong feelings or opinions on subjects,
people. They tend to be rather easily swayed, and if
convenient to the end they seek, or to their purpose, they
will permit such influences to affect their decisions, which
could also affect others. These natives can develop the
ability to excel in public matters and public favor.

MARS: Natives with this conjunction are almost ‘fearless’

in their approach to life’s problems - they tend to be
dauntless, and because of their approach, they can easily
dominate situations. They can gain high perferment in
matters dealing with the public. Negatively, such natives
may resort to scandalous actions, be subject to sudden
changes, sudden mood changes, violence, even judicial

JUPITER: The native may enjoy high preferment in their

affairs, however danger ‘lurks’ that may lose all their gains
if they channel their energies in a wrong direction; push
their luck too far, go beyond their normal limits of
capabilities. Possible: fame, good or bad.

GEMINI MAGNITUDE -4- ORB: 1° 30’ A IN ft 19

Constellation: e Tauri. An orange star in the

northern eye of the Bull. Spectral class: KO

BASIC INFLUENCES: These influences will be altered

when in conjunction with the celestial objects. Honors,
preferment, good fortune, sublime illness, rise followed by a
fall, legal problems.


SUN: Preferment in sports, occult, astrology, writings,

n h

martial matters and affairs dealing with the public. These

natives can develop the ability to get what they want out of
life, achieve honors in their careers, leave their mark on
posterity. If the Sun is adversely affected, there could be a
rise followed by a fall. These natives should try to avoid
legal entanglements or problems that in some manner could
prove disastrous. Sublime illness possible.

MOON: Preferment in writings, politics, scientific and

matters dealing with the public. Natives with this
conjunction can develop the ability to make outstanding
contributions in their fields of activities.

MERCURY: The native can be very popular, attract many

friends, in particular mercurial people, the native can also
be of an envious nature, envious of their abilities and
accomplishments, and there can be lasting gains. Domestic
problems possible. Illness of a sublime nature possible.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction can be rather

easygoing, and likable.

MARS: Some natives with this conjunction lack ambition,

are too easygoing, and can become drifters. They will be
mentally keen and alert. Generally, they are honest and
quite outspoken and ingenious. Negatively, they can be
cynical, and caustic. Domestic problems possible. Self

JUPITER: The native can gain high preferment in unusual

occupations, in particular with a well aspected Jupiter.


Constellation: a Tauri. A giant red star, spectral

class K5.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives popularity, notoriety, honours, eloquence, and

tends to make the native argumentive, exaggerative, gives
benefits that seldom last. Turbulence or self destruction



SUN: High preferment in all matters dealing with the

public, gains may be great, but always lurking in the
background, even in the shadow of success is a loss,
sometimes a tremendous loss. These also could entail
business or financial matters. The price of fame, if any could
be high. The native has energy and will persist to the end.
Turbulence is possible.

MOON: A good conjunction for business and public

preferment, high honours are possible. However, ever
present is a disaster of an unknown nature, this may be
sublime illness, accidents, losses, turbulence, or something
that could affect both the native and their family.

MERCURY: The native has leadership qualities that may

be developed in a positive or a negative direction. The
native may gain popularity, if not popularity, admiration.
Domestic and romantic problems are possible, some of a
serious nature, some of a peculiar nature. These natives are
ingenious, clever and bold. Turbulence is possible.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction may enjoy high

public preferment, make many gains, even develop the
ability to be creative, however, there is a danger of personal
losses to the native that will be keenly felt. Self destruction

MARS: The native can gain honors and there can be the
tendency towards dominating situations; turbulence is
possible. Domestic - legal problems possible.

JUPITER: High public preferment, earned or not Can be

expected with this conjunction; honors are possible and the
native can be recognized as a leader in their career.


Constellation: /3 Orionis. A double, blue white

star, spectral class B8p.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star imparts to its
natives great ambition, a broad outlook, high honours,
church or martial preferment, good luck in business affairs,
wealth, renown.



SUN: High preferment in martial, astrology, religion and all

public matters. Forthrightness and boldness will be
evident. The native may have a short quick temper. Some of
these natives may develop into insolent persons, become
unruly, demanding, even subject themselves to mental'
anxiety. The native may make great gains in their careers
accompanied by hard work. Wealth is possible. They may
expect lasting honours, but subject to some setbacks and
some sorrows.

MOON: Preferment in astrology, occult, writings, and

unusual occupations. Natives with this conjunction will
experience anxious moments over family and health
problems. The disappointments they experience will affect
them more so than it would the average person. Generally
these natives are versatile and ingenious, many talents may
be developed and high honours could be expected. Less
advanced natives may encounter many roadblocks,
disappointments on the road to success, but they will
develop the habit of shrugging off their worrisome nature,
else they stand to lose all they gain. Sublime illness possible
with this conjunction.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction can develop high

preferment in their chosen careers, they will have the
mental capacity (and ambition) to rise high in this life, if

they channel their activities correctly. These natives can
develop a positive attitude better than most people. They
should be quite fluent in their speech, never at a loss for an

VENUS: The native can receive high honors during their

lifetime, perhaps in an unusual manner. Domestic problems,
concealed or otherwise is possible.

ALIKS: The native will be of a positive nature, some even a

little hard to deal with, they can be very determined, but
not headstrong, they seem to know exactly what they want
and how to go about getting what they want. These natives
are clever. Turbulence and sublime illness possible.

JUPITER: True to the double star affecting this

conjunction, natives born under it, will be one of two types ~
respectable and well accepted by the public if they are in
public view, or victims of the baser nature of the double star
and criminally inclined, even subject to turbulence.


Constellation: y Orionis. A super giant star,

bluish-white, spectral class B2. This is a slightly variable
star marking the left shoulder of Orion.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. Of yore, it was
considered to bestow upon its natives great civil and
military honours, and women were loquacious and forceful.
This star imparts to its natives a fondness for power,
victory over their competitors, great authority, an
ambitious nature, rashness, an energetic' type person, one
who can be headstrong, and of a changeable nature,
negatively the native is subject to sudden losses and
dishonours, even turbulence.


SUN: The native may receive high preferment through
their career activities, however these natives may also
appear to be vacillating, indecisive and changeable, to suit
conditions and events. There exists the problem of the
native either being deceitful and treacherous or subject to
deceit and treachery. Negatively, the natives are subject to
turbulence or being of a turbulent nature.

MOON: The native may attain great wealth, honours

through discoveries, invention, ideas. If involved in
business or promotions the native could in some manner,
become entangled in deceit or fraud, either by or to the
native with this conjunction. Negatively, turbulence is
possible in any case these natives may develop a certain
‘pushiness’ and boldness.

MERCURY: This conjunction is good for public preferment;

the native should have many friends and acquaintances and
a fine social life, unless Mercury is poorly aspected.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction tend to make

decisions based on feeling or emotions, not logic, and this
can create problems, some of a lasting nature. Emotional
control is necessary, else problems of a lasting nature will

MARS: Native will be endowed with keen mental powers

and if the native properly directs their energies they can
enjoy high preferment, Success; if they do not, they can
become flotsams on the sea of life. Turbulence is possible.
The native can have health problems that are difficult to
diagnose and cure.

JUPITER: The native can be hypocritical, enjoy high public

preferment, but is in danger of unforeseen losses, generally
due to improperly made decisions, which can prove to be
setbacks. Preferment in legal, religion, martial affairs.
These natives should exercise caution in all their affairs to
avoid making enemies, known or unknown, there is a
tendency to be jealous.

n k

Constellation: a Aurigae. A giant star of spectral

class GO & G5. A binary with an invisible companion.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native is
energetic, ambitious, obstinate, changeable, trustworthy;
can receive honors, gain wealth. Become dissipated, envious
and have many problems.



SUN: Natives with this conjunction may seem impudent

and verbose, which could subject them to criticism. They
can develop a quarreling nature and become testy.
Generally they will be misunderstood because they appear
to be indecisive. There should be high preferment and
lasting honors in all matters dealing with the public. Honors
and wealth are possible.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction will have the same

characteristics as the Sun conjunction with Capella,
however, these natives could be subjected to turbulence,
domestic problems and develop the tendency to become
quite sarcastic.

MERCURY: These natives can develop into prolific writers

or speakers on questionable or debatable subjects. Some
success is possible. Legal entanglements also a possibility.
Publicity could develop over the natives speeches or
writings. The native can also be subjected to disagreeable
experiences or controversial matters. Turbulence is

VENUS: The native can meet with high public preferment,

deserved or not, become prominent in Venusian affairs.
Writing and matters connected with the public should bring
high preferment.

MARS: These natives can waste their time on unimportant
subjects, which might be of great appeal to the native at the
time and generally such natives cannot see the trees
because of the forest. They can become nit pickers. Highly
developed natives with this conjunction can develop a
creative imagination and become very successful.

JUPITER: Preferment in legal, church and matters dealing

with the public. The natives decisions or actions subject
them to criticism and possibly family problems. Natives
with this conjunction generally do considerable traveling.
Some of these natives permit their enthusiasm to
overshadow their good judgement.


Constellation: a Columbae. A small, double star

situated at the end of the right wing of the Dove. Spectral
class B8.

BASIC INFLUENCES: Gives the native artistic talents,

scientific ability, good fortune, idealism, intelligence and
makes the native lovable.
Although this star is included in the ephemeris, it was
decided not to include the influences it is only minutes away
from several other stars of greater importance to nativities.


Constellation: 8 Orinis. A variable double star,

white and violet in the belt of Orion. “The Giants Belt.”
Spectral 09.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by the

conjunction with the celestial objects. Makes the native
lucky, dignified, gives honors and preferment.



xc H
SUN: The native has the ability to make the best of a
situation and can develop excellent timing for opportunities,
even become an opportunist. The native can be of a
changeable nature.

MOON: High preferment in business and matters dealing

with the public, native should become successful, unless
Moon is adversely aspected. Natives with this conjunction
can rather easily make enemies, sometimes unknowingly.

MERCURY: The native can almost be considered a loner,

but more likely will develop into a private person, of a
changeable nature, somewhat self-seeking. Singleminded­
ness, scholarly nature.

VENUS: The native will enjoy high public preferment, but

there can be some disappointment in romantic or domestic

MARS: Natives with this conjunction are mentally keen,

good at controversy or controversial subjects, perhaps even
contentious at times, entertaining strong opinions on
subject, which if expressed, could create lasting problems.
These natives can be good debaters, good speakers, tactful
when it suits their purpose but when aroused can be very
blunt and forceful.

JUPITER: High preferment in government, legal and

matters dealing with the public. This conjunction good for
long term gains, unless Jupiter is adversely aspected.


Constellation: 3 Tauri. A giant white star, class B8, at

the tip of the northern horn of the Bull. “The One Who

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by the

conjunction with the celestial objects. Gives an ambitious
nature, makes the native obstinate, headstrong, change­
able. Gives the native honors, good luck.

n H

SUN: Preferment in legal, church and government matters.

Honors are possible and will be through outstanding
achievements by the native.

MOON: High preferment in matters dealing with public

affairs, but these natives leave themselves open to
arguments and disagreements. Problems could be created
by others and affect the native. Family conditions, if
adverse could create many problems.

MERCURY: The natives success creates problems,

probably due to jealousy. The native will be ambitious but
stubborn. Native can rise high in their career.

VENUS: The native with this conjunction creates both

admirers and enemies, not purposely but due to their
popularity, however, the native appears to be in the envious
position that no harm can befall them, they seem to be
protected from slanderous talk or writings.

MARS: The native is mentally keen, good at creating

situations or entering into discussions that create debates,
and generally the native emerges successfully.

JUPITER: High preferment in government, church and

legal matters. The native can become successful in dealing
with the public, if Jupiter is well aspected. Moderate wealth
is a possibility.


Constellation: 42 T) Orinis. A great nebulae in Orion.

BASIC INFLUENCES: Eyesight problems, turbulence and

many, many problems, wantoness, changeable, illness.

These influences are subject to nativities of a negative

nature, only when the Sun and/or the Moon is adversely

H *
aspected, and when in direct conjunction with the nebulae.
It should be noted that such influences may not Come
till late in the natives life, or at nearly anytime during the
life of these natives. These influences are not effective when
#27 is in conjunction with other celestial objects.

See page #247.


Constellation: e Orinis. A white star, spectral class BO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native is subject
to fleeting honours, fame, wealth, romantic problems.
Native is keen, shameless, of a headstrong nature, a
studious nature, rash, a fabricator.



SUN: Natives with this conjunction get ‘involved’ - - this

may be on debatable subjects, public affairs, family
conditions. Some of the natives ideas, statements, could be
of a questionable nature, but the native will persist to the
end, being rash and headstrong; however such natives can
also suddenly ‘change course’, when it is convenient for

MOON: Natives with this conjunction can develop the

ability to gain friends as they need them; experience good
fortune in their selection of friends and associates; but these
natives are also subject to sudden losses a'fod reversals.

MERCURY: These natives may create their own problems;

they can be subjected to trouble or embarrassment due to
writings, speeches, conversations and the possibility of
quarrels due to misunderstandings. Mental keenness is

VENUS: Family problems or problems with the opposite

n n
sex a possibility, some of which could be of major

MARS: Natives with this conjunction should exercise great

caution, else they develop their own problems, which could
result in legal entanglement. Domestic problems possible.
Turbulence, sublime illness a possibility.

JUPITER: Preferment in legal, government, church

matters. The native can experience problems with their
relatives or family and possibly actions, not necessarily
created by the native that could create an embarrassing


Constellation: C Tauri. A bluish star with

peculiarities. Spectral class B2p. Located on the Bull’s south

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. Anciently, this star
was considered of mischievous influence, and also violently
malevolent. Apparently it was at one time an orange star.
This star imparts to its natives a fondness for power, ability
to lead, kingly preferment, high honours, wealth, renown.
Negatively — gives its natives a sense of suspicion, leaning
towards questionable associates, unpleasant habits.



SUN: High preferment in government, legal, and all

matters dealing with the public. Good fortune, prosperity,
honours. Negatively it brings its natives a suspicious
nature, one who will question everything, lean towards
questionable associates.

MOON: This star brings a sense of independence, a desire

to explore new ideas, new areas, the native can become

adventurous. Negatively it brings to its natives poor
associates, unpleasant habits and the native can become

MERCURY: This conjunction can bring to its natives good

reasoning powers, eloquence and writing ability. Nega­
tively it brings to its natives undesirable personality traits,
poor emotional control, greed, dissipation, subject to many
losses, financial and legal problems. Domestic problems.

VENUS: This conjunction brings to its natives romantic

inclinations; they are generally pleasant, original, mentally
keen individuals. They are affected greatly by their
en viron m en t. N ega tively it brings to the native
misfortunes, romantic problems, domestic problems and the
natives generally create their own sorrows. Turbulence

MARS: The native is quite aggressive, restless and

mentally very active, always seeking new ideas, new
outlets. Negatively this star brings to its natives a tendency
towards gravitating towards undesirables, dissipation,
misfortune, affliction. Turbulence is possible under this

JUPITER: High public preferment, lasting popularity: The

native aims high and generally reach what they aim for.


Constellation: a Ursae Minoris. A double star,

spectral class F8, yellow and white, in the tail of the Bear.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives many problems, illness, romantic, domestic' and
other losses. Native continually strives to get ahead, make
gains. Native is shameless and can be of a revolting
character, subject to sublime illness, tragedies. A continual

n h
delaying action plagues some of these natives. Recognition
comes late.



SUN: The native is subject to changing fortunes, gains may

suddenly become losses. High preferment in religion,
martial, government, sports and matters dealing with the

MOON: A sense of personal dissatisfaction may envelope

the native at sometime during their lifespan and they may
make decisions or take actions that could only destroy
themselves, and possibly affect others, bringing sorrow to
many. The native may suffer needlessly through
disagreements with superiors. High preferment in
government, martial affairs and matters dealing with the

MERCURY: The native is mentally keen, active, original

and can master difficult tasks, but liable to actions or
writings of a questionable nature. Latent honours possible
with a positive conjunction.

VENUS:: The native, although appearing sociable, is a

rather aloof, almost a private person. There is the danger of
domestic or family problems. Turbulence is possible.

MARS: The native is bold, almost pushy, even can become

objectionable in their pursuit towards their goal. They tend
to dominate situations. Exhibit good leadership ability.

JUPITER: High preferment in church, sport, occult and

matters dealing with the public. The native can receive


Constellation: a Orinis. A variable orange star on

n n
the right shoulder of Orion. “The Giant’s Shoulder.”
Spectral class M2.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native can
receive honors, gain wealth. The native can be obstinate,
combative, rash, energetic, changeable. Fame is possible.



SUN: High preferment in sports, legal, martial and matters

dealing with the public. With this conjunction there is the
ever present danger of losses of one fell-swoop. The native
can gain fame and wealth.

MOON: The native can exhibit strong determination, high

honors are possible. The native can gain high popularity and
enjoy lasting happiness. These natives are mentally active.
Turbulence or unexpected losses a possibility. The native
can suffer through disagreements.

MERCURY: The native is of a serious demeanor, studious,

and this conjunction is good for advancement in legal and
financial professions. There is fame, good or bad possible.
More negative natives will have a tendency to self-destruct.

VENUS: This is a good conjunction for popularity?

however, there is the danger of domestic or family
problems. These natives must exercise caution not to create
their own sorrows.

MARS: Natives with this conjunction can develop into good

leaders, become popular and well respected. Outwardly
they might appear to be of a cautious nature, even reserved
and there are times when they can maintain this posture,
even tho they are seething inwardly. Generally they will not
stand for any interference. They can be explosive however.
The negative natives while having the same attributes, are
more inclined to openly resent authority and can become

IT s H —O
explosively rebellious.

JUPITER: The native can develop an astuteness in public

matters, sports, and writings; great honors are possible,
also high public preferment.


Constellation: fi Aurigae. A yellow star in the

right shoulder of Aurigae. “The Shoulder of the Rein
Holder.” Class KO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These influences will be modified

when in conjunction with celestial objects. The native is
energetic, combative, can be destructive, very obstinate,
headstrong. Of a changeable nature.

NOTE: This star when aspected to negative nativities

creates turbulence, ruinous actions, disgrace. When the
nativity is well aspected, it can bring the native some
degree of success. The stars basic effects are covered by
#29, 30, and 31.


Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, but in Egyptian zodiacs

by the scarab or the beetle.

MYTHOLOGY: Cancer the crab is the one who seized the

foot of Hercules when he was struggling with Lernean
Hydra. Hercules crushed the monster under his heel, and
Juno in gratitude for the services rendered, awarded the
Crab a place in the Heavens. Hercules is a personification of
the Sun and, as the light of day reaches its highest northern
proximity when it enters Cancer, then gradually recedes to
the south, growing weaker each day, seemingly attacked by
the monster of darkness. He must fight against his
adversary until his is brought to the vernal equinox at
which point he regains his strength. His backward motion,
symbolized by the Crab, who seized the foot of Hercules,
reminded him that he must surmount his difficulties and put

them under his feet. The 12 labors of Hercules refers to the
passage of the Sun through the 12 signs of the zodiac.


Congenial surroundings are necessary for these

natives. Excess emotions should be avoided, restlessness
should be overcome. The marriage partner should be such
that they are a good home builder and do all in their power
to make the Cancer’s home surroundings comfortable.
Cancers native impulses should be continued in all matters.
Too many restrictions should not be placed on the Cancer
native. Cancerians are generally of a retiring nature, may
prefer a certain amount of solitude. Negative Cancerians
find life a real problem, full of difficulties. They can be
directionless, timid, touchy and develop an inferiority
complex, seeking security and something to pin their hopes
upon, a great love of times gone by and home to them
merely offers a safe haven. They tend to drift along, lacking


( + ) Positive: Self reliant, compassion, maternal, sympa­

thetic, industrious, sensitive, idealistic, retiring nature.

(—) Negative: Eccentric, impulsive, selfish, sensational,

clinging, overly emotional.


Constellation: ’l Geminorum. A binary, variable

star on the left foot of the northern twin. Color, Orange-red.
Type MO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native is
mercenary, cunning, subject to turbulence. The native is
prideful, shameless, mentally quick, affable, orderly.


SUN: Preferment in sports, writings, literature. Some of

these natives are subject to irregular fancies, they tend to
be inconsistent, which could create problems. Possibly legal
difficulties. Turbulence a possibility.

MOON: The native is materialistic, almost mercenary and

can find preferment in business, writings and matters
dealing with the public.

MERCURY: The native is prideful, shameless, and can

become very popular. These natives have a way of putting
their ideas and themselves across in an appealing manner.

VENUS: Affableness and orderly elegance are indicative of

these natives qualities with this conjunction. A quiet
persistence is also indicated. Negatively, such natives are
prideful, can become mercenary and shameless. Domestic
problems are possible.

MARS: These natives have plenty of self-confidence and are

prideful of their positions and accomplishments. They can
be quite mercenary.

JUPITER: Preferment in writings, and matters dealing

with the public. Generally these natives can be quite


Constellation: P Geminorum. A double star,

yellow and blue, in the left foot of the northern twin.
Spectral color A8n.

BASIC INFLUENCES:These are modified by conjunction

with the celestial objects. The star gives the native energy,
orderliness, a quick mind, elegance, protection, honors,



SUN: Preferment in sports, astrology, politics, military and

government matters. Natives with this conjunction can gain
wide popularity, have the ability to make favorable
impressions upon those they come in contact with and the
public, if engaged in public affairs.

MOON: These natives can develop their celestial abilities

and become successful, gain public preferment in writings
and government matters.

MERCURY: The native can be very popular, have a quick

mind, meet with some success in matters dealing with
public affairs.

VENUS: The native is very practical in their approaches to

their affairs, be it business or domestic matters. These
natives are interested in material matters.

MARS: The native is endowed with indomitable force and

energy to carry them through difficult times, they can
expect domestic problems, not necessarily of their doings.
Turbulent actions either physical or verbal.

JUPITER: Preferment in matters connected with the

public, but generally not of a lasting nature. These natives
seek the limelight.


Constellation: 7 Geminorum. A white star on the

twins left foot. “A Brand, a Ring.” Spectral class A1

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by conjunction

with the celestial objects. The native is refined, lovable,
affable, artistic, subject to honors and riches, has a quick
mind and a love of ease.





SUN: Preferment in astrology, occult, sports, politics,

martial matters and affairs dealing with the public. These
natives are proud of their accomplishments, no matter how
small or great they might be and they love a life of ease, but
are not at all lazy. The native can receive high honors, but
there is a danger of losing their gains, or not being

MOON: In well aspected nativities, preferment can be had

in astrology, sports, politics. The native can gain wealth and
fame, however, they will like a life of ease and luxury.
Adversely aspected nativities have the same preferences,
but are too lazy to work for them and some such natives end
up in turbulent conditions.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction prefer pleasures

and social activities. Unhappy situations can develop for
these natives in either business or domestic affairs. Natives
born under this conjunction tend to be headstrong, or
determined to do it their way, even though they might
appear to listen to reason. There may be some evidence of
talent in music or the arts, but generally these natives will
never find success in such careers, however, those that
chose music or the arts as careers and become successful
will never be at peace within themselves.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction are interested in

affairs of society; they are materialistic, love ‘dress and
show’, and are very susceptible to flattery. Many
acquaintances but few real friends. Development of musical
and artistic talents possible. A potential for domestic or
other problems.

MARS: These natives like the finer things of life, have a

love of dress and luxury. Some of these natives are not as
sincere as they should be, they tend to have a superficial
nature and may create enmity, be subject to loss of friends.

There is the possibility of domestic or other problems with
this conjunction, more so with negative nativities.
Turbulence or sublime illness possible.

JUPITER: Preferment in business, sp orts' and affairs

connected with the public. With a well aspected Jupiter, the
native may become successful. Many of these natives
appear to take delight in concealing their problems and if in
public view, many such natives will have a tendency to
misleading their friends and the public.


Constellation: a Cannis Majoris. A binary, white

and yellow star. The main star belongs to spectral class A l.
It has a companion star, Sirius ‘B’ , a white dwarf star that
rotates around the main star every 50 years. This is a dwarf
star having 90,000 times the density of our Sun. Sirius has
twice the diameter of our Sun and is 9 light years distant.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native is
ambitious, loves to exercise ‘power’, has a grandeur of
outlook. Good for business prosperity, custodial guardian,
honours, wealth, renown. Native receives favors from
superiors, frien d s. Q uestionable w ritin gs, speeches,
statements could bring latent honours. NEGATIVELY:
Native is subject to problematical actions, accusations, just
or unjust.


SUN: Preferment in astrology, sports, government,

business and matters dealing with the public. Native may
receive high favors, preferment, deserved or not. If honours
and preferment are received too early in life, the native may
dissipate, or in other ways not be appreciative of their

MOON: Natives with this conjunction can receive high
honours, develop influential friends, expect beneficial
changes in business and/or domestic affairs. Possibly
domestic problems later in life. Friends come to their aid
when needed.

MERCURY: Great business and legal success possible.

Native can receive assistance from friends, relatives or
superiors. Natives with this conjunction have considerable
‘depth’ to their minds and mental processes, which, if
directed into right Channels, can bring high preferment
from friends, superiors. Native has a clear accurate mind,
but also a tendency towards needless worrying. Latent
honours possible.

VENUS ( + ) Native radiates a charm of manner or

appearance; regardless of their station in life, these natives
often prefer a life of ease and comfort.

(—) Native may become resentful over fancied wrongs,

or in some instances in what they consider an affront. These
natives entertain strong opinions, ideas, about people,
conditions. Turbulence, self-destruction possible.

MARS: This conjunction produces industrious natives, one

with ambition and an authoritive disposition. Domestic
problems possible. Negatively, problematical actions, even

JUPITER: High business preferment, high government

preferment. Successful ventures and considerable travel­
ing. Natives with this conjunction attract friends. Some of
these natives may engage in very unusual occupations.

FOOTNOTE TO SIRIUS: Sirius ‘B’ rotates around Sirius

‘A ’ every 50 years. The Dogan tribes of Africa claim there is
another, third star called Sirius ‘C’ that goes around the
same way, but astronomers say they have no evidence to
substantiate this claim. In the 1920’s there was an
irregularity in Sirius and some astronomers thought there

might be a third star in the system. The Dogan tribes have a
celebration centered around their beliefs in Sirius mystical


Constellation: a Carinae. A yellow star in the ship

Argo. Named for Canopus, chief pilot of the fleet of
Menalaos. Class: FO.

BASIC INFLUENCE: These are modified by conjunction

with the celestial objects. Brings the native fame, good or
bad; martial preferment, domestic or family problems.



SUN: Preferment in business and all matters dealing with

the public. Fame is possible but probably not of a lasting
nature. There is also the possibility of domestic problems,
or minor problems with employers or friends. These natives
generally find friends who assist them when needed.
Negative nativities generally encounter misfortune brought
on by their own actions and if Jupiter is adversely aspected,
there is the possibility of an unfavorable end to their life.

MOON: The native can become successful in material

matters, some of which might come late in the life of the

MERCURY: The native might engage in controversial

matters, and with this conjunction giving the native so
endowed a clear intellect, they are adapted to legal
profession or a career requiring decision making procedures
affecting a number of people. These natives are quite
determined, almost of a headstrong nature, and some such
natives will resort to rash acts. Many domestic problems

VENUS: The native is emotional and sensitive, has strong
feelings, but able to conceal them. These feelings could
erupt as opinions on questionable subjects or people.
Domestic problems possible.

VENUS: (—) Emotional, sensitive and have strong feelings

or opinions. Unless common sense prevails over their
personal feelings they may get themselves involved in
intrigues or embarrassing situations that could be difficult
to resolve. Turbulence or self destruction possible.
Domestic problems possible.

MARS: ( + ) The native will have a tendency to be very

industrious. Any changes or decision such natives make will
be at their convenience or to suit their purpose, desires, or

(—) Natives with a negative Mars or nativity, will have

the same attributes as with the positive Mars, however
there may develop a tendency towards poor temper control,
thereby clouding their judgement. They may also suffer
from imaginary wrongs. There may be a tendency to self
destruct or be subject to sublime illness.

JUPITER: Preferment in writings, sports, religion and

affairs associated with the public. The native may receive
high honors, but are subject to reversals, either business or
domestic. Natives with this conjunction who are religiously
oriented will tend to use religion for business purposes and
this may exhibit itself as a healer or a religious leader.


Constellation: 8 Geminorium. A double star, one

magnitude is 3.8, the other stars magnitude is 8.0; colours
are yellow and blue, spectral classification: FO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star is of a
slightly negative nature and its influences should be

carefully evaluated. The star imparts to its natives violence,
destruction, disaster, turbulent actions.


SUN: High preferment in matters connected with the

public. There is the inherent drive to forge ahead; the
native is a ‘pusher’, agressive and there may be a tendency
towards base desires. Turbulence is possible.

MOON: The native may exhibit a strong determination of

will; can be fearless, determined, almost reckless when they
deem it necessary. Turbulent actions or sublime illness

MERCURY: The native gives the impression of being a

profound thinker. These natives can become garrulous.
Negatively, they are subject to making snap decisions and
what may appear to be headstrong actions. They may not be
completely organized. Generally these natives are of an
insensitive nature.

VENUS: These natives tend to keep their emotional

problems to themselves; but they may be subjected to
verbal abuse which may seriously affect their health,
possibly bring on mental anguish. Psychic preferment may
be developed.

MARS: The native may have a tendency to get involved in

intrigues or actions that could result in serious legal
problems. Self destruction or turbulence is possible.


Constellation: 1 Geminorum, Propus is a small,

binary, yellow star situated between the Twins shoulders.
Class G7.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. It brings success in
varying degrees, a keen mentality, a superficial nature, a
love of ease and luxury.



SUN: Preferment in matters dealing with the public, in

writings, astrology, speaking.

MOON: High preferment in government matters, and with

the public. Natives with this conjunction may be quite
abrupt in their approach and even forceful enough to get
their ideas across.

MERCURY: The native has a keen mentality, somewhat of

a superficial nature, but one who will appear to be anxious
for domestic harmony, Negative nativities may resort to
self destruction and be subject to turbulence.

VENUS: Psychic preferment indicated; however these

natives may be subjected to unwarranted criticism; what
obstacles might be placed in the natives way; the native will
have the ‘power to overcome’, the native may develop their
nature to harbor deep resentment, often unwarranted and
not really surfaced, but this could lead to serious problems,
even disaster. There may be the possibility of domestic
problems, not necessarily created by the native.

MARS: These natives make every effort to be liked, they

want to be accepted, they do have a love of ease and luxury.

JUPITER: Preferment in legal, government and matters

dealing with the public. This is a success conjunction, with a
well aspected Jupiter, if the native can stand success.


Constellation: Geminorium. A complex system

of stars, and all revolve around a common center once every

380 years. The main star has a spectral characteristic of A2
and the companion has a spectral class of AO. Each of the
stars has an invisible companion and in reality this is a
sextuple system. It is a bluish white system.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. Of yore they were a
portent of violence and mischief. They produce sudden rises
and honours, followed by a fall, failures, gains, losses,
troubles, afflictions; keen intellect, disappointments,
fortunes, restrictions, turbulence, imprisonment.


SUN: Preferment in writings, business, government, and

all matters connected with the public. Fame, good or bad, is
possible, sometimes a rather high price must be paid to
attain prominence. Possible domestic or other losses. This
could involve business losses.

MOON: Preferment in astrology, and affairs connected with

the public. Family ties, while appearing strong, are subject
to undermining influences. Some psychic ability apparent.
These natives are sensitive. A tendency towards taking
offense rather quickly.

MERCURY: Natives with a well aspected Mercury will

have psychic ability, however, if Mercury is adversely
aspected to Neptune, this psychic ability can create
confusion in particular with a negative or no Moon aspect,
and there is the possibility of turbulence. Such natives
might appear normal but are plagued with internal
dissension. Prominence is possible.

VENUS: These natives have the ability to overcome

adversity, and generally such natives lead a life that is out
of the ordinary. This conjunction is not particularly good for
marriage unless the marriage partner is of a congenial
nature. The more negative nativities can experience many

problems, martial, turbulence, even sublime illness.

MARS: These natives will have it made, success seems to

come to them, when for some reason conditions change. The
kind of changes can be many, illness, marital problems, even
legal matters, regardless of what Causes the conditions,
such natives will find their life altered, some might even
become almost ‘basket’ cases, and their life style will go
into another direction. The more strong willed will make a
comeback, in time. Turbulent conditions also possible under
this conjunction.

JUPITER: High preferment in matters connected with

public affairs or dealing with the public. There can be
sudden fame, good or bad.


Constellation: /3 Geminorm. An orange star

situated on the head of the southern Twin. “The Pugilist..”
Spectral class KO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These influences are modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. A love of sports, a subtle
spirited native, brave, audacious, crafty, cruel, rash nature,
turbulence, psychic ability.



SUN: High honors and preferment in matters dealing with

the public, sports, legal and writings. These natives rise
through their own efforts, and although they exhibit a
subtle spirited nature, they are sensitive. Turbulence

MOON: Native is prideful, proud of their heritage,

accomplishments. Preferment in astrology, martial and
affairs dealin g w ith the public. Sublim e illness.

__o o

MERCURY ( + ) The native generates criticism through

writings, speeches or the particular occupation they have
chosen. Some psychic preferment. Domestic' problems
possible or problems with family relations.

(—) Mental' abberations possible, not readily apparent,

domestic disharmony anxieties, many troubles, generally
created by the native and/or the natives greed.

VENUS: These natives have strong feelings on subjects or

people and are influenced by their feelings or base
impressions, or by outside pressure.

MARS: These natives can be very obstinate, willful,

preferring to lead, not follow. They create jealousy, not
deliberately. Health problems some of a serious nature, not
easily cured. Domestic' problems possible.

JUPITER: What the native receives, they have earned,

caution should be exercised not to become involved in
embarrassing situations.

NOTE: Mercury and Venus conjunctions are indicative of

some psychic abilities.


Constellation: a Cannis Minoris. A binary star.

The main star is yellowish white and the companion star is
yellow. The spectral class is F5.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives wealth, good fortune and fame. There will be
sudden preferment, sudden fame, sudden violence, a rise
followed by a fall; this star gives its natives pride, makes
them fortunate and unfortunate, careless, weak natured.



SUN: High preferment in religion, legal, government,
unusual occupations and matters dealing with the public.
The native gains assistance when needed. Kingly
preferment. If success or wealth is the natives lot at an
early age, losses will follow. There can be a rise followed by
a fall. The more negative natives are subtle, crafty and

MOON: Natives with this conjunction, during sometime in

their life, will be on the move, never remaining in one place
very long, or constantly shifting positions, this can be due to
job changes or merely a desire to travel, or due to family
conditions. There will be a tendency towards quarreling or
disagreements and the native may make enemies. Sublime
illness possible.

MERCURY: The native has a keen mentality, the trend of

which will be based on the natives early life experiences, or
some trigger, in a negative nativity, this will lead them to
self destruction habits. These natives can be very artful,
clever, and at times rather blunt in their conversation.
Domestic problems are possible. Mental' abberation

VENUS: These natives can receive favors, benefits from

their friends, acquaintances. They can be successful in
religious affairs, sports and politics. This conjunction is
good for gain. These natives can ‘leave their mark’ .
Domestic problems possible.

MARS: The native can become involved in statements that

are open to question or debate. There may be a complete
lack of compassion for others. Negatively the native can
become involved in scandalous actions, be of an insensitive,
cruel nature, not readily apparent. Generally, these natives
are prideful, and of a controversial nature.

JUPITER: There is a determination that sets these natives

apart. Properly directed it will be beneficial, problems may
be created even intolerable situations. Advanced and

a 9
mature natives will profit, while less advanced natives will
find themselves involved in legal entanglements.


LEO: Symbolized by the Lion.

MYTHOLOGY: The lion infested the forests of Nemaea. He

was slain by Hercules in his first labor, and placed by
Jupiter amongst the stars, in commemoration of the noted
conflict. Hercules, personifying the Sun, as well as the
spiritual side of man. His combat with the lion symbolizes
the heart and the emotional nature. Hercules, controlling
his emotions, reclined on the skin of the lion while he waited
his doom on the funeral pyre. All the while he was being
tested and tried by fire, and at no time did he lose control.
So it is with man, it is necessary for man to bring under
submission his will, the heart and emotional nature before
he is able to attain self-mastery.

LEO is the strongest sign of the life giving Sun. One born
under Leo should receive many benefits, being endowed
with physical as well as spiritual force. Leo’s do not submit
to limitations or bend to one’s will. They have the ability to
organize and direct. They need to practice self-control.
Leo’s have a strong love for children and a desire to protect
the weak, for fraility in others calls forth Leo’s stronger
side. Leo is imbued with gambling spirit, be it life itself or
monetarily. Leo’s gain more through mental than physical
exercise. Generally, Leo’s are born with pleasing
personalities and a keen appreciation of ‘things’. Whoever
tries to dominate Leo, finds Leo soon becomes rebellious.
Leo is centered on home life, but there may also be much
d issa tisfaction and inharm ony. L e o ’ s w ho becom e
despondent impede their recovery from illness.

NEGATIVE LEO’S: Are often arrogant and over bearing,

being very opinionated of their own self. They tend to be
blusterers, pompous, self-centered with blatant displays of
generosity and outwardly they may appear genial and

a &
democratic, in practice they are just the opposite and
develop a patronizing attitude towards others.

KEYWORDS: Basic qualities of the constellation Leo:

( + ) Positive: Courage, leadership ability, dignity, prideful,

generosity, regal personality, independent, optimistic.

(—) Negative: Dictatorial, impatient, stubborness, de­

structive, great extremes.


Constellation: 44M Cancri. A mass of more than 40

stars. Praesaepe represents the burrows ridden*by Bacchus
and Vulcan.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by conjunction

with the celestial objects. This star mass tends to make its
natives insolent, adventurous, wanton, impulsive, restless,
inclined towards dissipation, fortunate but liable to loss
through others, eyesight problems, turbulence.



SUN: The native may display much vitality, put all their
energy behind any and all talents they possess, and no
matter what they seek, once their minds are made up, they
never give up seeking and striving to reach their self set
goals. Natives with this conjunction have an inborn drive
that constantly pushes them forward. Negative Sun
conjunctions may produce wantonness, insolence, and
defiance. These natives may be very difficult to deal with
and difficult to understand. Natives with adversely
aspected Mercury, in particular if Mercury is adversely
aspected to both the Moon and Neptune, tend to have a
‘cloud’ over their minds. In general, regardless of
Praesaepes natives successes, lurking in their mental'
background are doubts and fears which could be triggered

by one minor occurrence and the result could be tragic.
Praesaepe natives may be quite fortunate, but subject to
losses because of actions of others, be they friends or
acquaintances and this could be accidental or on purpose.
Praesaepe natives require good early training, else natives,
in particular with adverse Sun aspects will be subject to
self destruction. Tragedies of some sort are possible, these
can be to the native, or affecting the native and altering the
course of their lifestyle. Natives with this conjunction can
develop the ability to attract friends, become very popular
and if in public view gain high public preferment. These
natives have an inner pride, and if tragedy strikes, or illness
of a sublime nature late in life, such natives could become

MOON: Natives with a positive Moon will tend to be

dynamic individualistic with plenty of ‘spirit’; generally
quite liberal with strong opinions. They tend to take to
cooperative activities quite naturally and may be very
outspoken. Leaders they are, even heroic leaders that may
be classified with the best. The more negative nativities
have the same spirit of independence, but generally
misdirect their energies. They tend to be quite outspoken to
where they may be misunderstood. Serious problems could
be encountered; these natives could be falsely accused and
subjected to embarrassment, even judicial sentences. In
general such natives suffer some sort of an eclipse,
deserved or not. This conjunction may be good for material
success, even public honours and assistance from friends.

MERCURY: Positive nativities may tend to be heroic,

courageous, of a forceful nature and the more negative
natives will have the same characteristics, but also subject
to wantonness and in any case these natives may become
quite outspoken and never at a loss for words. Poor
decisions could create eventual losses, more so with this
conjunction than otherwise.

VENUS: The native is prideful, tends to become

opinionated, and the more negative nativities tend to have a

false sense of intelligence, may be subject to disgrace or
disgraceful actions, this could entail turbulence, in
particular if Mercury is adversely aspected to Neptune and
the Moon. Emotions could overcome the natives better
judgement and rash actions will ensue.

MARS: These natives tend to be courageous, noble and

authoritive. Negative nativities could be given to emotional
outbursts, subject themselves to ruin or ruinous actions and


Constellation: Y Cancri. A white star in the body

of the crab. Spectral class AO. The star was anciently listed
as a yellow star and of a negative influence.

BASIC INFLUENCE: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives unexpected gains, creativeness, artistic
appreciation, and negatively intolerance, warlike actions,



SUN: High p referm en t in religion , business and

government. The native is very aggressive, almost fearless,
however can be very patient until they determine the
course they decide upon.

MOON: High preferment in legal, government, occult,

writings and matters dealing with the public. These natives
might be subject to false accusations, or have a tendency
towards self destruction. Association with questionable
people a probability.

North Asselli, a 5th magnitude star is generally only

effective with Sun and Moon conjunctions.


Constellation: 8 Cancri. A yellow star situated on

the body of the Crab. Spectral class KO. A giant star.

BASIC INFL UENCES: These are modified by conjunction

with celestial objects. Slander, slanderous statements,
gains, loses friends, domestic problems, disgraceful actions,
authoritive position, reputation loss.

NOTE: This star is 4th magnitude and only effective for

Sun/Moon conjunctions and not a very important star.
Delineate it with caution.



SUN: High preferment in government and business, sports

matters, connected with the public. Native is energetic,
determined, but cautious. Any mistakes made will be
greatly amplified and generally not to the natives credit,
which will not enhance their standing with the public.

MOON: The native has the ability and drive to gain an

influential position, gain assistance from friends. Natives
with this conjunction generally subject to many problems,
this can resolve itself in a number of ways, domestically,
politically, and in business. The problems could also result
from matters or affairs brought to light, but not of the
natives doings. Native is subject to loss of friends. Sublime
illness possible. Actions could be of a questionable nature,
open to challenge.


Constellation: {} Ursae Minor. A giant orange star.

Spectral class K4, in the small Bear. This star is 135 times
the luminosity of the Sun.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

si <SL
conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives endless courage, martial gains, rashness,
violence, a rise to authority, malicious mischief. This star in
general, should be used with negative nativities. Use
caution in delineation.



SUN: Imparts to its natives activity, preferment in dealings

with the public. The natives courage is endless, almost with
a do or die attitude. There is danger of deceit.

MOON: The native is ‘bold’, daring in their approach to

various situations as they arise and in their everyday
affairs. High preferment in dealing with the public. Self
destruction a possibility, this may be by way of health
habits, or actions in their career, or operations that affect

MERCURY: The native, in a generally unobtrusive manner

get what they go after, they are persistent to the end and
can be very blunt in their speech when they deem it
advisable. Some of these natives can be rash and some will
experience domestic or romantic problems of a sort.

VENUS: The native seems to be very impartial, looking at

life in a cold detached manner. This might appear as a ‘cold
streak’, but actually, while these natives have emotions,
they can very well contain them. Some of these natives are
totally insensitive to their environment.

MARS: A tendency to be combative, almost explosive and

forceful, creates enemies, generally not purposely. Some,
such natives are not above falsifying. Impulsive.

JUPITER: Preferment in careers dealing with public

matters. These natives are opportunists and develop the
ability to project themselves favorably.


a a
Constellation: a Cancri. A double star, at a
distance of 99 light years. The primary has a visual
magnitude of 4.00 and its companion a magnitude of 11.0. Its
spectrum for the primary is A3-white and its companion is
FO, yellow.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives strength, perserverance, a logical mind, one who
can be outspoken, has high ideals, a speculator, an
organizer, domineering, forceful.



SUN: High martial preferment, preferment in astrology,

writings, and matters dealing with public affairs. These
natives have the inborn potential for making an outstanding
contribution in their fields of activities.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction are not satisfied until

they reach their goal; some of these natives are not above
creating unpleasant situations involving others.

MERCURY: These natives are mentally aggressive.

Strong, unbending and generally outspoken. Domestic'
problems possible.

VENUS: These natives are sincere, friendly, but

attachments are not too important to them. This could be
attachment to life, itself, although such natives are not
suicide prone, nor do they harbor a death wish. Domestic
problems possible. An idealistic nature.

MARS: The native is enterprising, active, industrious;

candid and generally have high ideals.

JUPITER: High preferment in all matters dealing with the

public. Name and fame possible.

a a

Constellation: « Ursae Major. The main star of

the Great Bear. A binary, yellow star. “The Back of the
Greater Bear.”

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. Gives the native
self-confidence, arrogance, bold, adventerous nature,
a cqu isitive, patient, suspicious, m istrustful, uneasy,


SUN: High preferment in astrology, legal, martial matters.

These natives are materialistic, determined to succeed.
Native has the ability to get the most out of life.

MOON: The native is an idealist, has the power to

‘overcome’ enemies. High preferment in legal, government
and matters requiring leadership ability.

MERCURY: Preferment in legal and writing matters. The

native is ambitious, determined and intuitive. Good
organizing ability evident. An adventurous nature.

VENUS: These natives appear sympathetic, can be

emotional in their reasoning. Socially active. Artistic' talent
could be developed. Domestic problems a possibility. A
tendency to be mistrustful and suspicious.

MARS: These natives are bold, determined and once their

minds are made up, they can rarely be shaken from their
ideas or the course they choose to pursue. They can be
quite patient in order to gain their ends or put their ideas

JUPITER: High preferment in all matters dealing with

public affairs. Domestic or family problems possible.

a a
NOTE: Natives born with the Dubhe conjunction tend to
have a degree of foresight, almost bordering on psychic
ability, the more positive nativities will benefit from this
while the more negative nativities will now be aware of this
influence. In well aspected nativities, they have the power
to overcome enemies.


Constellation: P Ursae Majoris. A white, giant star,

Spectral class A l, in the side of the Bear.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects: The native has a ‘love
of power’, the ability to get on in life, a creative ability,
determination, the native can become dictatorial, is of a
pragmatic nature. NEGATIVELY: The native can destroy
what they build, be of a deceitful nature.



SUN: Preferment in government, astrology, occult, science,

writings, and affairs connected with public matters. The
native has drive and determination, the ability to get ahead,
become dominant in their activities.

MOON: Leadership ability may be developed, if so such

natives will be recognized as leaders in their fields of
activities and can gain high preferment. The native can be
very determined; has the ability to get On in life, is
pragmatic and has a desire to be dominant without the
dogged persistence of an Algol conjunction.

MERCURY: The native is ingenious, can become active in

many careers or areas. There can be indications of the
native being indecisive and possibly easily influenced in
making decisions. These natives tend to follow what they
believe is the popular trend.

61 61
VENUS: The native has creative abilities, imagination.
Domestic problems are possible. The native will be socially
inclined and generally outspoken. Attracts many, some of
great influence. Native may excel in many fields of

MARS: This conjunction gives to its natives the inborn

ability to become a leader and dominate situations. It is
almost a ‘do or die’ type conjunction. They will attract
attention to themselves, generally through their own
efforts and most likely they will not care to have someone
else perform for them. The native can rise to an authoritive
position or make such a position for themselves. Negatively,
the native has the same drive for power and excitement, it
could prove difficult to hold them in check. Caution should
be exercised in selecting their associates, they should avoid
becoming involved in intrigues and those that do get
involved could find themselves engulfed in situations from
which there is no escape. Natives with this conjunction
could receive recognition, but it might not be lasting.

JUPITER: Preferment in sports, writings, philosophical

matters. These natives will be recognized for their good
deeds or contributions, or other actions. They will not go

LEO MAGNITUDE -3- ORB: 1 °40’ A L G E N U B im

Constellation: £ Leonis. A yellow star in the

Lion’s mouth. Spectral class G3.

BASIC INFLUENCES: Imparts boldness to its natives,

daring, bombastic, cruelty,' of a destructive nature and with
a strong power of expression.


Constellation: C Leonis. A double yellow star in

the Lion’s mane. Spectral class FO.


a a
BASIC INFLUENCES: Imparts to its natives turbulent
actions, falsehoods, crime, deceit. Used with negative


Constellation: ’l Leonis. A blue white star.

Spectral class AOp. This star is in the Lion’s mane.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This star imparts to its natives the

potential for greatness, but not fame, good judgement,
riches, and negatively foolhardiness, scandals, cleverness,
self seeking, many anxious moments.


Constellation: Y Ursae Majoris. A large yellow

star in the great Bear. This star is also called Phact.
Spectral class KO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This star imparts to its natives a

drive to excell, get ahead, much activity, power authority
and negatively destruction, bad morals, anxiety, turbu­
lence, self destruction.


Constellation: a Hydrae. A giant orange star.

Spectral class K3, in the neck of Hydra.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star imparts to its
natives wisdom, knowledge, a good appreciation of the arts,
a knowledge of human nature and negatively it gives its
natives troubles, anxiety, losses, intemperance, revolting
deeds, turbulence, strong passions, a lack of self control,
suffering and self destruction. This star, when in
conjunction with a nativity and the nativity is also in
conjunction with Regulus, dilutes the influence of Regulus
to a large degree.


SUN: The native seeks the limelight, power, authority, and

they are subject to a name and fame for themselves, good or
bad. Negatively, the star imparts to its natives suffering
from their acts, possible loss of both position and power and
authority. Loss of honour. Subject to legal entanglement
and a possible judicial sentence. The native is jealous but
makes an effort to conceal it.

MOON: High preferment in government and matters

dealing with the public. The native coverts power, authority
and generally manage to get what they go after.
Negatively, this star imparts to its natives the danger of
suffering from their own acts. Possible loss of both position
and authority, failure in their projects, this can be business,
employment or hobbies. Danger of eventual ruin and
disgrace. Turbulence is possible.

MERCURY: The native has a keen mentality, has the

ability to probe into affairs and bring them to light,
however, the native may experience troubles through one
or more of the following: writings, speeches, and
conversations. This would be brought on by the natives
indiscretion or insensitiveness. The native may suffer
through a ‘passionate’ attachment that changes their entire
lifestyle or life course. This ‘passionate’ attachment could be
something ordinarily considered useless or ridiculous, but
nevertheless such natives so attached, will blindly pursue it.
The native has a good knowledge of human nature.
Domestic problems are possible.

VENUS: This star imparts to a native with a well aspected

Venus a person of enormous personal pride, socially
inclined, admired and appreciated by many. Negatively,
this star imparts to its natives troubles brought on by their
own actions; friends and relatives may create problems. An
attachment may be opposed by the family and there is the

possibility of a romantic scandal. The native will be admired
by the opposite sex, regardless of their shortcomings.
Possible domestic problems.

MARS: This conjunction brings out the dynamo in the

native. Properly directed it brings them to leadership.
However, the native may bring on sorrows and possibly
scandals due to their actions. These natives are generally
daring and foolhardy, defiant and stubborn. Turbulence and
sublime illness possible.

JUPITER: Negatively, this conjunction brings to its natives

the possibility of wrong advice, wrong attachments and
there is the possibility of disgraceful actions. Legal
involvement. The legal involvement might be of such a
nature as to bring a judicial sentence to the native. There
will be a general lack of self control, not readily apparent.


Constellation: a Leonis. A triple star, white and

light blue. (B8)

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives martial honours, great authority, success, a
fondness for power and authority, the ability to command, a
native who appears to be grandly liberal, high spirited
native, independence, benefits that seldom lasts, victory
over enemies, scandalous actions, turbulence, failures and
greatness that suffers an eclipse.


SUN: This star imparts to its natives great honours, power

and authority, high government Or business is possible,
great influence over friends. Natives with this conjunction
should exercise caution else they be subject to troubles and
possible ruin. Natives with a negatively aspected Sun must

a a
exercise greater caution else they be subjected not only to
ruin but also to disgrace, violence and many troubles - - any
benefits they have gained will seldom last.

MOON: The native can gain great public acceptance, but

must work to keep it; these natives can gain friends in
important places; gain by speculation, receive honours,
wealth and authority. The native will be high spirited and
independent. Positively aspected natives may expect
lasting fame or lasting public acceptance. Negatively
aspected natives have much of the same attributes, but
must also work to keep any gains they made, they may also
gain friends in important places and may also receive
honours and gain wealth. These natives will be subject to
dangers from friends or enemies, or friends who turn out to
be false friends. They are subject to violence, accidents,
sublime illness. These natives are continually ‘striving’, but
they can go so high and no higher. Some of these natives
may become famous as ‘promoters’ , ‘operators’, or simply
good salesmen. A mental restlessness exists.

MERCURY: The native is honorable, just, popular and may

make financial gains in their careers. Natives generosity
may be abused by friends, relatives and those who profess
to be friends. Fame: good or bad is possible.

VENUS: The native may be subject to disappointments,

this may be in their careers, romantic or domestic life.
Unexpected occurrences, good or bad may be expected.
Strong attachments may create problems. Native is subject
to making wrong selections, error of judgement in friends,
marriage partners; unless caution and extreme care is
exercised. Negatively, there is the possibility of a disaster
due to strong attachments.

MARS: The native may experience fame, receive high

honors, gain public prominence; a strong evidence of
strength of character may exhibit itself. The native is
subject to accidents, or accidental' or sudden death, unless
caution is exercised.

si m? si itjz
JUPITER: Natiye is subject to fame, high preferment,
especially in the military or government; however,
greatness and power will suffer an eclipse. A general lack of
self-control not readily apparent could evidence itself by
bottled emotions.

NOTE: Nativities having Regulus in conjunction with their

celestial objects generally “leave their mark” on posterity,
however there is always the danger, if they are in public
view, of public dissatisfaction hovering over them, and in
particular if the nativity is in conjunction with the star


Virgo: Symbolized by the virgin holding a sheaf of wheat.

MYTHOLOGY: Virgo implies any virtuous woman. She is

identified with the Goddess, Rhea, who was the daughter of
the Sky and of the Earth, the mother of Jupiter; who
represents reason, and the wife of Kronos, the bread giver
and the father of time.

VIRGO indicates intellectuality,' not necessarily a wise

person, and it also indicates a certain amount of
self-confidence, and analytical and critical. Where stars in
Virgo are outstanding, in particular with Mercury and
Venus conjunctions there will be a tendency for those so
born to be of a critical nature, even tending towards too
much self-criticism, entailing marital difficulties unless the
marriage partner is of an unusual nature. Mental harmony
is most important to Virgoans.

NEGATIVELY: Virgoans are overly cautious, carping,

critical; offering criticism that is sharp and damaging. Even
though they do not actually mean it to be so, at times their
wit is very unfunny. Their love of being methodical
generally leads to fussiness and too much conscious of
details. They often have an exaggerated idea of cleanliness,

a lack of genuine charity, and can fall victim to arrogance
and gossip. Their greatest weakness is hypocrisy and they
suffer from inner conflicts. They can be tedious and boring
to the exasperation of others and they can become full of

KEYWORDS for Virgo constellation:

( + ) Positive: Oratorical, discriminating, intellectual,

reserved, solidity, clever, self-respecting, critical, exacting.

(—) Negative: Avaricious, indolence, indifference, gossipy,

carping, self-conscious, worrying, negativisim.


Constellation: 6 Ursae Majoris. A blue-white star

in the tail of the Bear. Spectral type AO, 78 light years

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives good judgement, love of life, ease and comfort,
grandly liberal, criticism, ruthlessness, sternness, power to
win over others, sublime destruction, obstinacy, egotism.



SUN: High preferment in government, sports, business,

legal and matters dealing with the public. Many
disappointments, generally these natives can overcome
their disappointments. These natives can be ruthlessly
critical. Turbulence possible, unless caution is exercised.
Sublime illness.

MOON: ( + ) Native can be ruthless in their criticism often

using this as a method to gain their objectives, alienation of
friends possible.

(—) The native is restless, critical of situations and

rrg OK
conditions they are unable to change. Turbulent conditions

MERCURY: These natives generally ‘tell it like it is’, they

seem to be able to pinpoint the root of problems or
situations, outwardly they may appear to be open and
extroverts, inwardly they are of a retiring nature, generally
insecure. Some such natives can be quite verbose.
Ambitious, venturesome. If the rest Of the nativity is
positive, these natives can gain recognition in many fields,
or careers.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction can develop the

ability to gain a wide circle of friends. There may be great
disappointment in friends or from within the family, great
expectations may seem to be met but accompanying this
will be disappointments. There is also the possibility of
destruction within the family circle.

MARS: These natives can gain the ability to overcome

obstacles. It may appear they can almost talk their way to
their self set goals; with sort of the ‘power to overcome the
masses’, or win over the masses. There is also the
possibility of such natives eventually living in despair and
regrets, and a sense of personal dissatisfaction could then
envelope such natives. Tragedies could result. Generally
this will be true with the more negative nativities.

JUPITER: High preferment in government, astrology,

writings. Sudden or wrong decisions, conversations,
writings, may create embarrassing situations for these
natives, who generally are not at a loss for words - or
criticism. The native may develop a liberal, cosmopolitan
view. Some major disappointments through or by friends is
a possibility. Seemingly sudden decisions can create
problems of a lasting nature.


Constellation: 8 Leonis. A white star, Spectral

class A2, at a distance of 68 light years. This star is located

"E fiB
on the Lion’s back and nearby are two additional stars, one
yellow and the other blue of magnitudes 13.0 and 9.0,

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with celestial objects. Native has a ‘love of life’,
gains power to win over others, sudden fame and sudden
losses, grandly liberal, changeable, subject to losses,
unhappiness of mind, unknown fears, is shameless,


SUN: The native can gain ‘power’ to win over others. Can
be likeable, appealing and gain many friends, some of
whom will prove to be false friends in time of need.
Preferment in government, business, legal, sports and
matters dealing with the public. Native is subject to losses
of a sublime nature. The conjunction of this star has
somewhat of a limiting effect on its natives; some of these
natives can become quite influential, and go so high and no
higher. In general, their nature can appear to be quite
outgoing, but in reality they are somewhat reserved.

MOON: The native will tend to w orry needlessly and there

is a tendency towards egotistical selfishness, even being of
an unreasonable nature. There can be an unhappiness of
mind, unwarranted.

MERCURY: The native has a clear intellect, benefits by

reason of an egotistical nature; will rarely admit mistakes,
but can be carping and critical. Not above falsifying to gain
their objectives. These natives are shameless.

VENUS: The native has a quick mind, of a rather quiet, but

pushy nature. Domestic’ problems possible.

MARS: The native is egotistical, shameless, critical, in fact,

always ready with criticism, warranted or not. Possible

domestic disharmony, family upsets or the creation of
inharmonious conditions. This could also upset the native
and create health problems.

JUPITER: High preferment in government, religious

orders, business and matters dealing with the public. The
native is hypocritical, subject to or creates family sorrows.
Writings, conversations and/or speeches can get them­
selves involved too deeply in situations of a highly
controversial nature.


constellation: £ Ursae Majoris. A white and pale

emerald star on the tail of the Bear. This star was originally
called ‘Mirak’, (not Merak). later an astronomer changed its
name to Mizar. Its companion star, ALCOR, is 11’ 48”
distant from Mizar, which in miles is in the millions. Alcor is
yellow, of an unfortunate influence. Spectral classes A2 and
A6. A complex star system. Alcor spectral class F.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star system
imparts to its natives ambition, creativeness, artistic,
inclinations, disharmony. The system deals with the
masses, castrophies, controversial issues, controversial
subjects and people. Tragedies.


SUN: High religious preferment. Preferment in writings,

government, business and matters dealing with the public.
The native may gain honours dealing with the masses. The
native may become carping, critical and almost appear to be
soured on life. These natives can become creative.

MOON: High preferment in legal, martial and all material

matters. Native can become successful in dealing with the
masses. There is the ever present danger of becoming

involved with undesirables or controversial issues, people.
Native, unless cautions, could be subject to reversals.
Turbulence possible unless precautions are taken.

MERCURY: The native with this conjunction can develop

the ability to Uncover, ferret out, deal with big problems in
a very successful manner. They can develop the ability to
deal with large numbers of people. The native is very
ambitious, so much so they tend to create jealousy, envy,
even animosity, most generally unintentionally, prominence
through financial affairs is possible. The native is good at
details, and able to outguess others. One can go so far and
no farther with these natives, it almost appears that they
are private persons.

VENUS: The native can develop an unusual creative ability,

engage in large projects or careers that enable them to
reach large numbers of people. Normally the native is of a
rather quiet nature.

MARS: The native is quick witted, but Subject to making

statements of a highly controversial nature, or remarks that
create rather than cure problems, or becoming involved in
controversial matters or situations that engulf them. The
native is overly ambitious, has the ability to quickly grasp
ideas, understand situations, problems, and enlarge upon
them. Although this is not a violent Star, in some manner
there is the possibility that the native could become
involved in bloodshed, or other serious activities that could
involve the masses in some way. The negative effect of
Alcor would then be in evidence.

JUPITER: High preferment in religion, government, legal

and matters dealing with public affairs. Natives with a well
or positively aspected Jupiter can find success in dealing
with large companies, with the public, as an entertainer, a
politician or school teacher, any career dealing with the
masses or large groups of people. Nativities with no support
for Jupiter can experience a fall from grace or power.

rrp HJ2

Constellation: /3 Leonis. A white star. Spectral

class A4.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by conjunction

with the celestial objects. The native makes swift
judgement, has despair and is regretful, publicly disgraced,
happiness turned to sorrow or anger, the native is noble,
generous, busy with other peoples affairs, is anxious, has
benefits that do not last. Illness.



SUN: Natives with this conjunction can develop their

talents to gain high honors in their chosen career. Wealth
and good fortune a possibility. Any anxieties will be due to
the natives folly and unless well controlled, benefits seldom

MOON: High honors and preferment in association with

public affairs. The native should not get involved with
questionable associates and stay away from controversial
issues. This could be politically, socially, or with members of
the natives family, any of which could create unpleasant
situations, not easily or readily resolved. Some natives with
this conjunction could develop the tendency to gravitate
towards undesirables or undesirable associates. Natives
must learn to keep their counsel. Turbulence possible.

MERCURY ( + ) The native has a sharp mentality, has the

ability to make rapid decisions, is very tenacious, single
minded, busy or interested in ‘other peoples affairs’; this
may surface by becoming involved with less fortunate
people, or those the native believes are wrongly abused or
accused, or in some manner serving the people. The native
is of a worrisome nature, not readily apparent. Their
decisions, while generally correct, will at times be open to
question. If the natives Mercury is not strongly posited, i.e.,

in conjunction or square to Pluto, there may be a tendency
for the native to be of a wavering nature. Acquaintances,
friends may create problems for the native which could
prove temporarily embarrassing. These natives tend to be
of an uncompromising nature.

(—) In general, the same attributes apply to both

positive and negative nativities, however, the less
advanced, or more negative natives tend to make swift
decisions that could create problems, they may become
involved in controversial issues. Problems they create can
be of a lasting nature. Friends create problems for these
natives, who tend to be uncompromising.

VENUS: These natives may develop a tendency towards

entertaining strong feelings or opinions on people and
subjects. If married, they tend to either remake their
partners or look upon their partners in a parental' fashion.
The more negative or less advanced natives could be
subject to sudden losses, most likely the result of improper
or lack of parental training, or poor environment, or - early
in their life, someone deliberately set the stage for a
neurosis. ‘Despair and regrets’ follow later in life. Most of
these natives leave their ‘mark’, for good or for bad.

MARS: More positive natives will appear to be of a calm,

determined nature. They may be forthright, ambitions,
shrewd and energetic. Negatively, the natives will tend to
cover up their short comings with excuses. Negative
nativities subject themselves to self made problems; they
may be unnecessarily critical, of a carping nature, even
vindictive and bitter. This will make them unpopular, and
although they might be aware of this, nevertheless, they
will continue their carping attitude.

JUPITER: The native is prideful, generally of their families

and their families background, but also of their
accomplishments, or what they have tried to accomplish, no
matter how small. Unless Jupiter is of a positive nature,
there remains the possibility of a disappointed life with

despair and regrets to follow.

NOTE: Denebola, a white star, nevertheless, may create

problems for its natives, in particular with Venus, Mercury
and Mars conjunctions. Unless the celestial objects are
strongly aspected, there remains a potential for: suicide, a
desparing life, nervous breakdowns, and self created
problems for its natives. Mercury, in particular should be
strongly aspected to prevent any problems. These natives
are ‘single minded and tenacious’.


Constellation: 51M Cannum Venaticorum. A Nebulae.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This nebulae causes eyesight

problems, disappointments, turbulence, strung feelings.

NOTE: Only Sun and Moon conjunctions are effective.


SUN: Advanced nativities can experience high preferment

in public matters, public offices. More negative nativities
can get themselves involved in legal matters, possible
judicial sentence, eyesight problems, many hindrances.

MOON: These natives experience some sort of a major

disappointment in their lifetime and the more negative
nativities will meet with many disappointments, possible
eyesight problems, turbulence. Native can be subject to
false accusations.

See Page 247.


Constellation: 8 Crateris. A small yellow star in

the Cup. (K)

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by
conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives its
natives honors and riches, also disgraceful actions, one with
cosmopolitan views, a grandly liberal person, one who is
ambitious, intuitive.



SUN: High preferment in sports, business and all matters

dealing with public affairs. Honors are possible. These
natives are of a somewhat determined nature.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction can make a mark for

themselves in their careers, receive lasting honors. Sublime
illness is possible. Natives with this conjunction must
exercise caution not to get involved in situations that Could
bring disgrace upon them.

MERCURY: Psychic ability, intelligence, wealth obtained

in an unusual manner. The native is mentally keen, has
psychic preferment, which in some instances can be
interpreted as hunches or intuition. Generally these natives
are able to outguess their fellow man. They can be
exaggerative, even combative.

VENUS: The native is essentially a private person, but can

be quite critical and of a possessive nature. Their nature is
open and friendly, but critical and exacting, not necessarily
demanding. These natives are not loners. Jealousy is

MARS: These natives are bold, daring and shameless. They

are subject to criticism either due to their actions or actions
within the family circle. Some of these natives obtain their
wealth in less then honorable ways, at the expense of
others, or they take advantage of their friends and
relatives. Some of these natives align themselves with
causes or ideas that Can result in serious consequences.

njj hk

JUPITER: High preferment in association with public

matters. These natives are critical, exacting and there can
be some hindrance in their lives.


Constellation: 'I Ursae Majoris. A blue star.

Spectral group B3, 163 light years distant, in the great
Bear. This star is also called Benetnash.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives creativeness, high preferment in business,
government, a fondness for power, victory over enemies,
good fortune. Negatively, it creates calamities, disasters,
fanaticism, sublime illness, ruthlessness, turbulence.


SUN: High preferment in business, and matters dealing

with affairs requiring attention to details. Natives with this
conjunction have a life that seems to be filled with
obstacles; they may become overly critical. Such natives
may be ruthless in their climb to success.

MOON: High preferment in matters dealing with the

public; natives with this conjunction through application,
and hard work, will succeed. There will be some evidence of
hypocrisy. Sublime illness possible.

MERCURY: Problems of a calamitous nature is possible;

natives with this conjunction may develop a false sense of
their intelligence, experience misplaced idealism. Tragedies
in the life of the native are possible and the native may
create tragedies affecting many. It is possible for these
natives to develop an exalted opinion of their importance
which can bring on frustration. Turbulence possible.

VENUS: These natives are ‘private’ persons. They can be

m w
very critical and exacting, but they also can appeal to many
people (the masses). They are subject to being fanatics,
arousing mass emotionalism. This fanaticism can be in their
careers, as well as an idea or project.

MARS: These natives can create or become involved in

matters of a critical nature, affecting the masses. They
arouse emotions, create unpleasant conditions, have a false
sense of their own importance. Such natives can become
leaders, be it of a pseudo religious order, a country, or
groups of people. They tend to take chances ordinary
mortals fear to take. Exaggeration, given to invective,
quick mind, good talkers signify these natives. They are
subject to criticism for unexpected actions. Self-destruction
is possible. Misplaced idealism, tragedies possible.


Constellation: P Virginus. A yellowish-white star

below the head of Virgo. Spectral class F8. 32 light years

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by then-

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives strong character, self destruction, boldness,
p atien ce, salvation, com b a tiven ess, many problem s,



SUN: Preferment in business and occupations requiring

attention to details. Natives with this conjunction have an
appetite for details, such as scientific research, news
reporting or legal careers.

MOON: These natives can become sticklers for details.

Preferment would be in matters associated with public
affairs. This conjunction has a great influence on the
happiness of the natives.

MERCURY: Boldness, almost a combative nature is the
keynote of this conjunction. Native is ‘shameless’. Good at
details. However, such natives can acquire tactfulness.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction are generally of a

pleasant nature and steadfast. Domestic problems are

MARS: This conjunction brings beneficial effects, but also

can bring destruction to its natives, generally brought
about by the natives indiscretion.

JUPITER: With a well aspected Jupiter, the native will be

somewhat of a moralist and perfectionist.

NOTE: This, being a 4th magnitude star, is not nearly as

effective, and then only when in direct conjunction as 1st or
2nd magnitude stars would be.


Constellation: K ' Carinae. A small yellow star in

the ship, Argo. This is an unimportant star, the magnitude
is variously given as 3.9 and 3.0, depending upon which
astronomy book is used as the reference guide.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native the ability to gain knowledge, and a lot o f it useless,
considerable traveling, unexpected criticism, a steadfast



SUN: High preferment in writings, business, religion,

martial, and occupations requiring research. Natives with
this conjunction develop a storehouse of knowledge, not
always useful, depending on their education, and the use the
native had made of their talents.

(W — H5 ^
MOON: Preferment in educational, religious matters and
affairs dealing with the public. These natives are what can
be termed as probers. They tend to dig in until they find the
necessary information or whatever it is they are in need of,
and make use of it to their advantage. Native is anxious to
please or have popular acceptance.

MERCURY: The natives intelligence is generally above the

average, but they can be quite caustic when they deem it
necessary, tend to express their opinions, at times not too
concerned with fully expressing the bare facts. Honors

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction generally have a

wide range of acquaintances, they tend to be discreet,
steadfast and of solemn demeanor. However, they are also
of a pleasing nature.

MARS: These natives often subect themselves to being

criticized for unexpected action or statements. Generally
they are their own worst enemy. Then tend to resent
criticism and can be pretty quick with their responses.

JUPITER: High preferment in military, writings, and

affairs dealing with the public, these natives get themselves
involved, be it for good or for bad. Name and fame possible,
good or bad.


Libra: Symbolized by the scales.

Early astrologers did not include Libra in their zodiacs,

instead they had the claws of Scorpio holding a solar altar,
or lamp, which served as a sign. In Greek myths, Libra was
the starting point of the journey through Scythia, the
desert shunned by mortals (Pryse-author of Prometheus
Bound). The journey refers to the Sun’s passage from the
fall equinox through the twelve signs of the zodiac.

MYTHOLOGY: Atlas, consigned forever to holding the
world on his shoulders as punishment, indicates that man
and woman, entering into marriage or the matrimonial
state, both agree to shoulder the burden of coming
generations, for which they set the pace and literally
speaking ‘they carry the world on their shoulders.’

LIBRA , the sign of justice and equipoise are the latent

characteristics of persons born under the sign Libra.
Librans have an aversion to anything not conducive to
harmony and beauty in their surroundings. The Libran is
endowed with a keen intuition and is usually observant and
cautious. The Libran has a love of music and harmony,
which tastes can be cultivated. Some association with
others will have a decided affect On the life of a Libran.
Marriage and partnerships appeal to Librans. The Libran
desires to follow lines where keen intuition is used rather
than where severe mental effort is employed. The Libran is
generally gifted with a benevolent, philosophical mind, and
their cheerful disposition attracts friends. The Librans
home life may induce some dissatisfaction. The Libran
needs to cultivate perserverance and should not allow
sympathy to control their better judgement.
Negatively, Librans can be very spineless, lacking in
direction and purpose, wasting their time and strength in
their inability to make decisions, often they become moody,
exaggerate freely, and like to hear themselves talk. They
can be slovenly, lazy, untruthful and fritter their life away
in self indulgence.

KEYWORDS: Libra constellation:

( + ) P o sitiv e: Intuitive, harm onious, ob serva n t,
cautious, modest, refined, regal bearing, justice, intellectu­
al, amiable, impartial.

(—) Negative: Highly emotional, worrying, vacillates,

self-indulgent, sensuality, excesses, overly cautious.


Constellation: ’l Virginus. A variable white star.

Spectral class AO on the southern wing of Virgo.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native a love or orderliness, a love of refinement,
congeniality, honours and a loveable nature.



SUN: The native can become interested in subjects that

would be of little concern to the average person. They can
be somewhat visionary, possibly for misplaced ideals, unless
early training was of a positive nature. They can be very
congenial, unless aroused.

MOON: The native will outwardly appear to be a very

congenial person, however, they can develop the ability to
become involved in controversial subjects and people. Some
of the less developed natives give the impression that
whenever they open their mouth, they ‘put their foot in it’;
they speak without thinking of the consequences and they
spend a lot of time disengaging from the controversy they
become embroiled in, they are also subject to making spur
of the moment decisions, generally based on sympathy, not
logic. The more positive natives will excel in ferreting out
secrets. There is the possibility of legal involvement.

MERCURY: This conjunction gives the native a sense of

refin em en t and con gen iality. The native may be
enterprising, and can gain abilities and honours in many
careers or activities. These natives gain a wide circle of
friends who would come to their assistance whenever
needed. The native can be very entertaining and gain
through writings and association with public affairs. More
negative nativities while having the same attributes, will be
more abrupt in their mannerisms and rough with their
business ventures.

VENUS: The native is mentally keen, fond of social

activities and may acquire many friends. Artistic' ability
could be successfully cultivated. Possible domestic

MARS: These natives have the ability to handle details, the

finepoints of their particular jobs and together with their
driving energy and methods of getting the job done, they
would enjoy excellent relations with their fellow employees.

JUPITER: Preferment in legal, martial government and all

matters dealing with the public. The native appeals to many
kinds of people, however their statements could be
misunderstood, or misinterpreted, either of which could
create problems.


Constellation: e Virginus. A yellow giant star.

Spectral class GO, lying at a distance o f 93 light years.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives impulsiveness, wanton folly, indiscretion,
foolishness, scandalous actions, poverty, criticism, de­
pression, leadership ability.


SUN: Preferment in all matters dealing with the public. The

native is subject to becoming a ‘worrier’, perhaps at times
feeling depressed; a fear of not being popular or accepted.
These natives can become quite clever, able to exaggerate
without it appearing as exaggeration. They will tend to
make unwise and even untruthful statements, perhaps not
realizing they are unwise or untruthful. There can be
success after much effort. These natives have what might
be called a ‘regal bearing’. They develop an inner pride of
their accomplishments: In general, they have an obsession
to get ahead, an inner drive for recognition. Some such

natives are subject to harrassment. These natives have a
fear of poverty or failure. These fears are groundless,
unless the native self destructs.

MOON: The native overcomes many disappointments, some

may be of major proportions. The native is of a worrisome
nature, they subject themselves to being criticized,
warranted or not. Impulsiveness, wanton folly and
indiscretion are a possibility with this conjunction. They are
subject to legal losses, failures unless precautions have been
taken. Preferment in legal and all matters dealing with the

MERCURY: The native is subject to family or business

problems. These natives should enjoy the fine art of
expression, be an able speaker. More negative nativities are
subject to criticism and can suffer through legal actions.
Impulsiveness can create problems, losses, even turbulence
or accidents.

VENUS: These natives can develop their artistic nature;

there is the possibility of romantic or domestic problems.
The native must exercise caution not to get involved in
scandalous affairs; not be impulsive, or act unwisely that
could create lasting problems.

MARS: The native is energetic, pushy but not exactly a

dynamo of energy. They can become popular and just as
easily lose their popularity, generally without justification.
Some such natives h^ve or develop a tendency to be
headstrong, even indiscreet. Friends and/or associates can
create problems.

JUPITER: With a well aspected Jupiter, the native can

enjoy public preferment in matters dealing with the public.
There is the danger of legal entanglement and possibly
scandalous actions that could affect the native.


Constellation: Y Virginus. A binary and yellow -

white star on the left arm of Virgo. 2 revolving dwarf Sun.
Spectral class FO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives the native
an agreeable disposition, idealism, popularity, small



SUN: Preferment in sports, writings, astrology and matters

dealing with public affairs. These natives with a well
aspected Sun have an inner drive for obtaining recognition,
they seem to feel they must communicate in some manner,
their philosophies, their ideals, their ideas to the public.
These natives forge ahead, strive hard for recognition and
eventually become recognized as a leader. There is some
danger of the native becoming involved in intrigues,
perhaps without them really knowing they are involved.

MOON: These natives can become well liked, popular and

gain preferment in legal, unusual occupations, and matters
dealing with public affairs. There is the possibility of small
worries, if they engage in business matters.

MERCURY: The native is prudent, capable of good

judgement, however, natives with this conjunction may
encounter business or domestic difficulties. Native will be
subject to many worries. The native can become very
popular, generally these natives are somewhat idealistic,
inclined to look after the disadvantaged.

VENUS: The native attracts friends, or those who would be

friends and is of a pleasant demeanor unless aroused. These
natives should exercise caution not to permit their
sympathies for people or causes to unduly sway them.
There is also the possibility, under this conjunction, of
scandals or scandalous actions possibly from which there is
no retreat.

MARS: The native is enterprising, of a somewhat
speculative nature or ‘gambling’ type - these natives will
take a chance and trust it will all come out ok. The negative
nativities have the same attributes, but are also subject to
becoming entangled in affairs or problems that could prove
embarrassing to them, or in some situations could result in
legal problems.

JUPITER: The native can gain public preferment and

popularity. However, natives with this conjunction may
encounter many problems, some could be nearly scandalous.


Constellation: 8 Corvi. A double star, yellow and

purple, on the Crow’s right wing. “The Raven.” Spectral
class AO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native high business preferment, government preferment.
The native is self-seeking, can be charming, clever; also
repulsive, destructive, or tears down, and misrepresents.



SUN: High preferment in government, martial, sports,

writings, science and matters dealing with public affairs.
Natives with this conjunction make a good impression, they
go on and on, continually gaining public favor, if in public
view, gaining fame and glory. However, a certain amount of
danger lurks in the background, and unless the nativity is
very well aspected, the native falls out of favor.

MOON: The native can gain preferment in affairs dealing

with corporations, organizations, lodges, religious groups.
Negative nativities will tend to tear down what they should
be building up, destroy the good they should do. Most of
these natives will be of a reserved type; generally quite

suspicious, always looking for ulterior motives. Not really
executive types.

MERCURY: The native can exhibit considerable charm.

They are very clever, but can be tactful when it suits their
purpose and in general, these natives make use of all the
wiles necessary to gain their objectives. The more negative
nativities are subject to sorrows brought On by their
indiscretions or actions that could have been avoided. They
will tend to self-destruct, even resorting to fiendish acts.
Outwardly these natives can appear to be calm and of a
patient nature, however, they are self-seeking. They tend to
be deep thinkers and intensely dislike inharmonious
surroundings. Domestic problems are possible. Im­
pulsiveness, a feature of this conjunction, in particular with
negative nativities.

VENUS: Diplomatic and charming, well liked, makes

friends easily, the keynote of this conjunction. However,
negatively aspected natives while having the same
attributes, can also be subjected to and/or create sorrows,
resort to fiendish acts, depending upon the extent of the
negativism. Self-destruction possible.

MARS: Natives with this conjunction who become involved

in disputes, generally emerge unscathed. They gain high
public preferment, however, when such natives push their
luck too far, and don’t know when to stop, for their own
good; then these natives can become involved in legal
entanglements, and disruptive disputes. Turbulence or self
destruction is possible.

JUPITER: These natives can gain preferment, they tend to

be industrious, with a well aspected Jupiter, however, while
there is not exactly a loss of respect, they do not continue to
maintain the full respect they once enjoyed from their
friends and public. They develop this void themselves.
Natives with neutral Jupiters will appear to be constantly
striving for acceptance.


Constellation: Y Bootes. A yellowish-white star.

Spectrum class A7.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives a keen mentality, subtleness, shameless, a wide
acquaintance. Negatively it imparts a tendency towards
making sudden, often fatal decisions, self destruction,


SUN: High preferment in astrology, business, and unusual

occupations. These natives attract friends who will come to
their aid when needed.

MOON: This conjunction endows its natives with a keen,

subtle mind. They may gain preferment in legal,
government and matters dealing with the public. They do
not take losses easily.

MERCURY: These natives can develop great mental scope,

enjoy a wide range of friends. They are subject to being
criticized, justly or unjustly for statements, writings,
actions. Negative nativities will take great pleasure in
creating unpleasantness for others. Deceitful, possibly

VENUS: A fondness for society and a preference for

harmonious relationships, unless Venus is poorly aspected.
These natives have an artistic nature that could be
developed, this can resolve itself as a musician or an artist.

MARS: The native has a sharp, penetrating mind; mentally

they are very quick and have a ‘wide knowledge’. Negative
nativities are subject to impulsiveness, temper and
domestic problems.

JUPITER: High preferm ent in m atters dealing with the
public. These natives are ingenious, versatile and capable.

MARS: The native has a sharp penetrating mind, mentally,

they are very quick and have a wide knowledge. Negative
nativities are subject to domestic problems, impulsiveness
and temper.

JUPITER: High preferment in matters dealing with the

public, these natives are ingenious, versatile and capable.


Constellation: *1 Carinae. A small, irregularly variable

yellow star in the stern of the ship Argos, surrounded by
the keyhole nebulae. Spectral class FO. The star varies
from magnitude of 1.0 to '7.4.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives leadership ability, piousness, a strong spirit,
prosperity, eye or ear problems, an intuitive mentality and
fluent nature.



SUN: This star imparts to its natives a diplomatic nature,

socially conscious, one who views all sides of a question.
Negatively a lack of direction, indecisiveness. One who may
be easily ‘conned’. With either positive or negative there
may be eye problems.

MOON: The native may be of an intuitive nature, tactful,

sympathetic and agreeable. A strong desire to succeed and
a certain ‘dignity' that attracts others to them. They tend,
not to be loners, nor are they gregarious, but are socially
conscious. Negatively, these natives tend to procrastinate,
rather easily influenced - tend to learn lessons the ‘hard
way’ thru experience, but Once they have learned, they do

not repeat the same mistakes the second time. Eyesight
problems possible with both negative and positive


Constellation: a Virginus. A binary, white star in

the hand of Virgo. “The Ear of Wheat in the Virgin’s Left
Hand.” Spectral class B2.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This star gives its natives, great

honors, artistic appreciation, good fortune, religious
preferment, good judgement, unexpected honors, riches,
disputed decisions, sociableness. These influences will be
modified when in conjunction with celestial objects.



SUN: The native is a clever, ingenious person and has the

ability to gain from new ideas, inventions. However, these
natives, if they are the recipients of good fortune at too
early an age will either dissipate it or let it go through
ignorance or the lack of experience that would be obtained
by age and education. Association with religious groups,
organizations, legal matters, matters dealing with public
affairs will prove to be profitable. The more negative
nativities will seek constant change, being of an unsettled
state of mind, seek help from various sources. In any case,
these natives can be subject to name and fame, good or bad,
forever. Some psychic preferment is indicated.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction well aspected are

clever, ingenious, able to gain from new ideas, inventions,
etc. - wealth and high honors are possible, though the native
may dissipate them if received too soon. Association with
matters concerning public affairs will gain the native high

MERCURY: This conjunction is good for business matters,

dealings with the public.

VENUS: These natives can gain friends easily, receive

assistance when needed; however, if they ‘push their luck,’
overstep what might be called the bounds of decency, they
can be called to account, lose friends and even self-destruct.

MARS: The natives with this conjunction are rigid in

disputes, unbending, which if continued can cause loss of
friends, family problems. Generally, these natives can
exercise good judgement, these natives can get themselves
involved in situations that can only end in disaster for them.
Some of these natives can be quite flamboyant.

JUPITER: High preferment in legal, business, religious and

matters dealing with public affairs. Wealth and renown are
possible for these natives with a positive Jupiter. Some
decisions can be disputed. Native not above being
somewhat unscrupulous.


Constellation: a Bootis. An orange star in the left

knee of Bootes. “The Bear Keeper.” Spectral Class: KO. A
giant star.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. The star conveys to its
natives success in fine arts, business, good fortunes, but
many anxious moments, high honors, high office.
Turbulence possible.


SUN: The native will enjoy riches, renown, great profit and
great reputation in sports, writings, legal, philosophy and
religious matters. Some psychic preferment indicated.
Some ups and downs can be expected in the life of the
native. These natives could become of a discontented

-2= mf ^ ny
nature, however, this will generally apply to the negative

MOON: The native can have many friends, have the

capabilities of being able to exercise good judgement, be
quite successful. Domestic harmony is possible, but not with
the more negative nativities. Money is important to these

MERCURY: The native can receive assistance from friends

when needed, at sometime during the life of the native they
could turn to religion in a strong manner. Native can be
reasonably well off financially with a positively aspected

VENUS: The native can be quite popular, have many

friends, receive favors, but also have false friends, who turn
on them at the slightest provocation.

MARS: The native is popular, can make considerable gain,

but can also be too extravagant. Turbulence possible, in
particular with a negative nativity.

JUPITER: These natives are quite mercenary, can make

gains in public life. Hypocrisy is evident.

NOTE: Spica, a white star in the left hand of Virgo, offers

many good things in the life of the native so endowed, while
Arcturus, a yellow star in the knee, offers a boost to
material things in the life of the same nativities. Judge


Scorpio: Symbolized by the Scorpion.

MYTHOLOGY: Juno commanded the Scorpion to spring

out of the earth and sting the mighty hunter, Orion, until he
died of his wounds.

ny ny
SCORPIO produces a strong, forceful character, generally
quiet, but persistent and steadfast. Often misjudged by
others who are not dose acquaintances as Scorpios appear
to be secretive, creating misimpressions. The Scorpio has
strong magnetic powers, but Can be sarcastic and critical.
Scorpios strong will resists outside influences and Scorpios
rely on their own powers of penetration in deciding an
issue. Scorpio’s have a very resolute nature, a critical mind
with keen analytical powers. However, Scorpio’s at times,
unintentionally hurt others feelings. Scorpio is secretive
and have good executive ability. Scorpio is endowed with a
serious, sober mind, capable of delving into deep profound
subjects. Domestic happiness could be a problem unless the
marriage partner is congenial. Matters pertaining to the
emotional side of life can be chaotic.

Negatively; Scorpio’s engage in sort of a daring

intensity, capable of being cunning and cruel, given to bitter
dislikes which they can nurse for a long time until they get
even. They take a secret pleasure in being subtle, secret
and clever, worrying about things that never happen. They
tend to have a pessimistic temperament regardless of their
common sense and the facts in the case.

KEYWORDS for the Scorpio constellation:

( + ) Positive: Pioneer, leader, courageous, persistent,

critical, exacting, strong willed, conventional, religious,
magnetic, proud, secretive.

(—) Negative: Sarcastic, hostile, sensual, temper,

unimaginative, too secretive, restless, jealous, cruel,


Constellation: & Bootes. A yellow giant star.

Spectral class G4, 116 light years distant.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

^ nv
conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native a keen mentality, resourceful, somewhat of a fearful
nature, conservative, studious.



SUN: High preferment in sports, religious matters, science,

legal and government affairs. The native is very
resourceful, has the ability to explore new and untried
ideas, areas, successfully. These natives are ‘fence
straddlers’, non committal until they are sure of what is in
store for them, however, they can be outspoken when it
suits their purpose or as a means to an end. Negatively they
can create their own problems.

MOON: The native has the ability to start from small

beginnings and gain high perferment in business, legal and
matters dealing with the public. These natives can
overcome any obstacle. Some of these natives will have
premonitions, not necessarily psychic ability. Preferment in
foreign and legal matters.

MERCURY: These natives are endowed with penetrating

minds, this conjunction is good for gain. The native can be
full of discontent, almost fearful, created by circumstances
and resulting in situations that could create legal problems,
and in some cases imprisonment.

VENUS: These natives are generally quite placid, with

little or no display of affection. They can become very well
liked by their friends and acquaintances. Some of the more
negative nativities are quite outspoken and eventually
occur many small troubles. Domestic problems are possible.

MARS: The native has a keen, subtle studious mind, often

interested in affairs that lead to careers where they can
make use of their leadership abilities. Domestic problems

JUPITER: High preferment in matters dealing with the

nv fll/
public, however, if Jupiter is adversely aspected to Saturn
these natives never aim quite high enough and any
problems are brought on by their actions or lack of actions.


Constellation: k Virginus. A small white star.

Spectral class A2.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. The native is subject to
changing conditions, conversational problems, self-de­
struction, unexpected gains, good fortune, philosophical
inclinations, pragmatic, sociable, argumentive, impersonal.


SUN: High preferment in business, politics and martial

affairs. The native can excel in unusual occupations and
occupations requiring unusual abilities. Natives with this
conjunction should expect changing conditions, as a result of
employment, family affairs, domestic problems, any of
which might occur just when there seems to be no reason
for any changes.

MOON: These natives ‘tell it like it is’ . This philosophy

applies in all their activities. They have the ability to forge
ahead, become prominent leaders in profession or business.
High preferment in all matters dealing with the public.
Negatively, the native will make statements that could
prove embarrassing and could create lasting problems.
Abruptness is the keynote of the conjunction. Less
advanced, or more negative nativities could self destruct.

MERCURY: A keen mentality, quick with verbal responses

signify these natives. Speeches, writings, conversations
may create lasting problems. Possibly self-destruction.

VENUS: The basic nature o f the native is not warm. Many

mt n\t
such natives can be quite cold, impersonal in their
responses. The more negative nativities can harbor
grudges. The overall nature of these, both positive and
negative nativities, is that of a corkscrew mind, which in
enlightened or advanced nativities will be of great material
assistance to them while in negative nativities it can create
the harboring of grudges, meanness and an almost get even
type of an attitude.

MARS: These natives are bold, brash, pushy and can

become almost objectionable. They are often of an
argumentive type. Changeable, when it suits their purpose.
Outwardly calm, however, they can be unscrupulous,
stubborn in the more negative nativities. Unexpected
turbulence possible. Self-destruction is possible.

JUPITER: High preferment in matters dealing with public

affairs. In mature nativities, wide popularity can be
expected. In weak or negative nativities, extremes in
acceptance from undesirables or societies castoffs can be
expected. In either a positive or a negative nativity there
can be fame, good or bad.


Constellation: a Crucis. A bluish-white, triple star

in the Southern Cross. “The Guide of the Southern Cross.
Spectral class B l.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by conjunction

with celestial objects. This star gives the native a love of
justice, a love of ceremonies, occult interests, insatiable
interest in education, love of travel, one who loves to see



SUN: Advanced nativities having this star in conjunction

with their natal Sun can become leaders in their

r\t W
professions, they will have the gift of intuition and a grasp
for their fellow men’s humanity. These natives have an
inner sense of religiosity, a sense of justice towards their
fellow men, an understanding of man’s weakness and
failures. They can excel and gain high preferment in any
field dealing with the nature of mankind.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction can gain high

preferment in their dealings with the public. They can gain
new and influential friends. However, these natives will not
exhibit the same attributes as with the Acrux conjunction
Sun natives, rather they will tend to be a little more hard
headed in their dealings with their fellow men.

MERCURY ( + ) The native is mentally keen, somewhat

intuitive. Generally these natives deal with or get involved
in what can be termed as out of the ordinary subjects,
people or ideas. They seem to fascinate the native, but not
to the point where it engulfs them. Many such natives are
ceremoniously inclined. Opinions can be caustically

(—) These natives become involved in intrigues,

mysterious subjects, people, and places fascinate such
natives. The native can easily become involved in matters
that can engulf them and incur serious legal entanglement.
Turbulence or sublime illness possible. Opinions can be
expressed caustically. Possible miser.

VENUS: This star gives the native an artistic nature that

could be developed. Artistically, this can exhibit itself as a
musician or a writer, in any case the native will be an
innovator and can leave their mark. Religiously the natives
so endowed will either be a deeply religious person or at
sometime during their lifespan will turn to religion, perhaps
for their salvation. Negatively, Venus endows the native
with somewhat confused ideas, even religiously confused;
some will be endowed with a desire to see or encounter
suffering, even endure it. Such natives will be greatly
affected by their early training or lack of it, more so than
the average person.

ny ny
MARS: These natives have good mental' powers, generally
very keen. Acrux’s effect extends to natives with a well
aspected nativity, such natives will have a deep religious
mind and this can exhibit itself as being generally kind, well
liked, one who is forthright, even outspoken, but dislikes
injustice, and is quick to speak out against what they
consider or decide is unjust. These natives can be quite
determined once their mind is madeup. Negatively, they
will be daring, even rebellious or considered as radical by
nature, radical for the times, they could also be immune to
suffering, and if the celestial objects aspecting Mars is
totally adverse, such natives would love to see suffering.
Can be merciless.

JUPITER: High preferment in martial, government, and

matters dealing with the public and its affairs. Leadership
qualities will be evident or can be developed. Name and
fame possible, good or bad.

NOTE: Natives having Acrux in conjunction with their

celestial objects will have a deep sense of religiosity in some
form or another. This can exhibit itself in any number of
ways. One who dislikes injustice, one who is for the
disadvantaged, one who turns to religion for salvation. The
negative nativities will entertain the same religiosity but
could develop into an atheist, or become confused about
religion, entertain a belief in reincarnation, even entertain a
death wish.


Constellation: a Coronae Borealis. A white star in

the knot of the ribbon. The star has a distant companion of 8
magnitudes. The stars Spectral class is: AO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives occult ability, assists them in healing the sick,
good for legacies, gives the native honour, dignity, artistic
ability, leadership qualities. On the negative side, it

ms ms
subjects the native to scandals, underhanded dealings, back
biting, tendency to being a loner and being dishonoured.



SUN: Preferment in writings, sports and matters dealing

with public affairs. Leadership ability evident and may be
developed. Many such natives become ‘showmen’, public
spokesmen. There may be prominence in public affairs.
These natives are self seeking, and subject to scandals they
generally do not affect the native or their position. The
native has an active and brilliant mind.

MOON: The more enlightened natives with this conjunction

will be subject to honours and dignity in their affairs. Legal
problems possible. There is the possibility of underhanded
dealings, back biting from their acquaintances and
‘enemies’. There is the possibility these natives will be in
the limelight at sometime during their lifespan.

MERCURY: These natives have a mental keenness, but

their minds are more active than their bodies. They tend to
be somewhat indolent. Friends and neighbors will assist
them when needed. They are subject to losses or even
betrayals, even underhanded dealings by ‘enemies,’ family
members, or friends, or those who profess to be friends,
negatively they tend to be loners and subject to being

VENUS: The native has artistic and musical abilities. This

conjunction is generally good for romantic affairs. Generally
these natives enjoy success with the public, if in public

MARS: The native has an active mind, an incisive mind and

generally these natives are excellent speakers, they are
able to get their ideas, their points across in a rather
masterful way. They make good organizers.

JUPITER: With a positively aspected Jupiter, these

nv mt
natives can gain high preferment in all matters dealing with
public affairs, they can receive both honors and dignity.
They can leave their ‘mark.’


Constellation: a (1) and a (2) Librae. A double staf,

magnitudes 3 and 6, pale yellow and white on the southern
scale of the balance. “The Southern Tray of the Scale,” also
called, “The Southern Claw.” Spectral class A3 and F4.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives
turbulence, obstructions, makes the native an unforgiving
character, a liar, subject to disgrace and criminally inclined.

NOTE: This is a (—), negative star and should only be used

with negative nativities. Judge carefully.


SUN: The native has the ability to zero in on their objective,

overcoming disappointments; any accusations could lead to
mental anxiety, legal problems are possible. Favors from
superiors can turn to disfavors; the native can suffer from
wrongful accusations and unless caution is exercised, the
native can suffer ultimate disgrace, losses and ruin.

MOON: The native is subject to many disappointments,

mental anxiety, turbulence. Some such natives gain public
preferment, usually of rather short duration.

MERCURY: The native is clever, subtle, has a quick mind;

some situations could cause the native to feel revengeful.
Poverty possible, or a ward of society, could be the lot of the

VENUS: The native has an unforgiving nature, can be very

nv m/
clever, likable and very sociable. There is a possibility of
marital and sex problems. Children could create problems
for these natives. Turbulence is possible.

MARS: The native can become involved in severe

disagreements or be the center of disagreements. These are
not necessarily initiated by the native. There can be a
hidden streak of cruelty in these natives, which, in less
enlightened nativities who take any kind of mind altering
substances could involve bloodshed and death. In more
advanced nativities the disagreements could center around
the associates of the native. Self destruction and betrayals a

JUPITER: The native is capable of misleading their

associates, not always intentionally. Some hypocrisy will be
evident. The native has pretended zeal.


Constellation: j8 , Librae. A blue-white star in the

northern balance of the scale. Spectral class B8. Also called

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives ambition, good fortune, honours, wealth,
happiness, high ambition, psychic preferment.


SUN: The native has good organizing ability, may benefit

from their associates, gain an authoritive position. High
preferment in legal, religion, sports, martial and matters
dealing with public affairs. The native may encounter
temporary difficulties, even small setbacks, but will
overcome them. Negatively, the native can have legal
problems, become involved in unusual situations.

MOON: High public preferment is possible; the native has
good organizing ability, an active mind, gains assistance of

MERCURY: The native is mentally keen, very ambitious.

Writing and public preferment is possible. These natives
acquire the ability to know how to make their words count,
for good or for bad. This can exhibit itself as writings, as
speeches and if the native is careless with their statements
or writings they can face many unforseen problems.
Forthrightness is the keynote of this conjunction. Domestic
problems possible. The native can say in a few words what
generally takes many words.

VENUS: The native is ambitious, a generally pleasing

attitude, bouyant with an inspirational mind. Socially
active. Negatively this conjunction gives the native the
same attributes but offer domestic and romantic problems.
Psychic preferment.

MARS: The star imparts to its native an ambitious nature

of an enthusiastic kind, vigorous and aggressiveness,
oratorical ability, open minded and frank. The native can
rise to an influential position.

JUPITER: Preferment in religion, philosophical and all

matters dealing with the public. Native is capable, should
have many friends.


Constellation: o Serpentis. An orange star on the

neck of the Serpent. “The Snakes Neck.” Spectral class KO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native criminal inclinations, immorality; makes the native
bold and shameless, revolting. There can be a rise followed
by a fad from favor.

m/ ni/
NOTE: This star is (—), negative and should only be used in
conjunction with negative nativities. Judge carefully.



SUN: Preferment in martial, writings, political and matters

concerning public affairs. The native can be affected by
family matters. Family matters of question could lead to an
unfortunate life for the native, if they are adversely
affected. The native tends to be bold, there can be a short
rise in life and a fall follows. Native can get involved in
intrigues, legal entanglement follows.

MOON: The native is clever, and can become involved in

intrigues and plots which could prove to be disastrous,
embarrassing or merely troublesome. Possible legal
entanglement, turbulence.

MERCURY: The native can encounter many difficulties

with employment, business or professional life, become
accused, and if accused, unable to clear themselves, or
experience great difficulty in clearing themselves. Possible
legal entanglement, judicial sentence. Turbulence is

VENUS: These natives are envious, can be very cold

hearted, subject to domestic problems, romantic problems.

MARS: The native can be subject to family problems that

never really surface or explode. The native can be an
outspoken type, or pushy, shameless type person, some
even obnoxious. Turbulence possible.

JUPITER: High preferment in government and matters

dealing with the public, however, the native must use care,
not to get involved in intrigues which could create lasting


m/ nu
Constellation: P Centauri. A small white star on
the left hind quarters of the Centar. Spectral class B l.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native refinement, good health, honors, high position,



SUN: Natives with this conjunction can gain many friends,

be widely popular and successful after much effort. Natives
with this conjunction can be subject to many problems
created through their own indiscretion. Native is very

MOON: Natives with this conjunction can be stubborn,

determined, and with a positively aspected Moon, they will
succeed in whatever career they decide upon. Quite
similarly to the Sun conjunction, any problems will be
created by their own indiscretion and by not being

MERCURY: The native is mentally keen, can get Well

educated and profit from this. These natives can be very
successful dealing with large corporations, great numbers
of people, champions the masses, gaining wide publicity.

VENUS: The native entertains strong opinions about

people, subjects, unwise friendship with the opposite sex
can create an undercurrent if the native is married, and
eventually many problems. Possible sublime illness.

MARS: Natives with this conjunction are mentally keen,

some enjoy great mental ability, some tend to be psychic,
acknowledged or not; these natives can say what they mean
in no uncertain terms when they deem it necessary to get
their point or idea across. They can be very blunt if
necessary, which in more negative nativities may get

mr mj
themselves involved in untenable situations. There is the
possibility of a tendency towards severity with this
conjunction. These natives have good endurance powers.

JUPITER: Preferment in occupations requiring educational

skills, professional honours are possible. Natives with this
conjunction should not get involved in subjects that are


Constellation: a Centailri. A binary, white and of

great brilliance, and yellow of lesser brilliance. Spectral
classes: GO and K5.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives a fatalistic attitude, generates a position of
honour, grants the native refinement possibilities and
friends who come to the natives assistance.



SUN: Preferment in matters connected with public affairs,

sports and politics. The native tends to be self centered,
even of an envious inclination, neither of which would be
readily apparent. The native can make progress through
efforts and assistance of friends, but they may also alienate
their friends and make enemies.

MOON: High preferment in public matters. These natives

with this conjunction can attract many friends, the native
can become very clever, ingenious and diplomatic. They
may also become influenced to get themselves involved in
intrigues, which if handled properly, could prove to be

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction may at times

find it difficult to make up their minds, make correct

ny * (Ti/ ?
decisions and generally it will be on the spur of the
momment. Mentally, these natives are very keen, but they
can also become quite stubborn. Some such natives may
engage in wishful thinking and not always face up to the
problems at hand. There is the possibility of these natives
becoming too trusting, some may be quite fatalistic. They
can also develop into ‘fault finders’, be of a critical nature,
create disharmony. Negative nativities may develop a
‘carping’ and insensitive nature. A degree of mental cruelty
is possible. Sublime illness a possibility.

VENUS: The native can be subject to romantic or domestic

problems. They may enjoy a certain amount of popularity
but there is danger of losing it. Friends come to the aid of
the native.

MARS: The native has good physical endurance, and if their

energies are properly directed, they can become quite
prominent. The native can develop good speaking ability.
There are traps these natives should exercise caution not to
get entrapped, from which there is no escape and the price
could be very high. Sublime illness possible.

JUPITER: High preferment in writings, business and

matters dealing with the public.


SAGITTARIUS: Symbolized by the Centaur, a horse’s body

with a man’s head and an arm holding a bow and arrow.

MYTHOLOGY: The famous Centaur, Chiron, son of Philyra

and Saturn, changed himself into a horse to elude his jealous
wife, Rhea. Chiron was slain by Hercules with a poisoned
arrow, and realizing the wound was incurable, he entreated
Jupiter, the father of gods, to deprive him of his
immortality. Jupiter granted him his request and placed
him amongst the constellations in the heavens. Hercules,

who personified the Sun-god, pierced Chiron with his arrow
and rather than request Jupiter to deprive him of his
immortality, he begged him to deprive him of his mortality.
The father of gods granted him his request and
immortalized him amongst the constellations in the
heavens. In the Old Testament, Genesis, 49th Chapter,
Jacob lectures to his twelve sons. Sagittarius is the sign
symbolizing travel and the tribe of Gad from whence the
term ‘gadding about’ comes. As it rules the higher mind,
and true religious conception, regardless of what may
overcome the Sagittarian, true spiritual understanding
shall overcome all at last. Rhea, in the myth, symbolizes the
opposite of Sagittarius, which is Gemini, the lower mind.
Rhea is the renegade goddess and in order to evade the
lower mind, Chiron changed himself into a horse,

SAGITTARIANS: are generally endowed with a hopeful

disposition and at times has strong religious tendencies.
Sagittarians cannot bear to be hampered. Their inclination
is to be very active in promoting any cause they espouse.
They have a tendency to be abrupt, but not with the
intention of causing suffering, for as a rule, Sagittarians are
generous. A love of outdoor life, a fondness for animals and
a somewhat prophetic spirit are latent with Sagittarians.
There can be a natural inclination to associate with others
whom they will influence. Religion and philosophy appeal to
Sagittarians. The Sagittarian is not prone to follow
conventional lines of thought, but is ever-seeking to express
their own individuality. Domestic affairs may be chaotic and
unsettled. They tend to be impulsive. However, they do
possess good analytical minds and generally do not jump to
Negatively; Sagittarians engage in inconsiderate
behavior and can be very tactless at times, but whenever
their emotions are involved they can become very talkative
and exaggerate. They can be both rude and crude, having
the knack of saying that one last word - that offends. Their
exuberance leads to extravagance and carelessness over
details. They tend to give the impression that they are very

knowledgeable. They can have many prejudices.

KEYWORDS for constellation Sagittarius:

( + ) Positive: Sympathetic, just, independent, generous,

fairness, righteous, prophetic.

(—) Negative: Combative, indecisive, impressionable,

superficial, unreliable, impulsive, brusque.


Constellation: 8 Ophiuchi. A deep yellow star on

the left hand of Ophiuchi. Spectral class M l.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native determination, makes them popular, shameless.
Negatively the star gives immorality, and causes



SUN: High preferment in writings, legal, sports, martial,

politics and astrology. The native is admired and liked by
their associates. There is a ‘quiet’ persistence by these
natives in their climb upwards, but they can be quite

MOON: Natives with the Moon conjunction show the same

attributes as the Sun conjunctions. They can gain high
perferment in public careers.

MERCURY: These natives are shrewd, have a sharp, quick

response, coupled with some sarcasm. They can be quite
stubborn and determined. They can get themselves
involved in unusual financial affairs, or other matters and
unless caution is observed, they can get tangled in legal

VENUS: The native is quite benevolent, charitable, loyal.
Somewhat sympathetic, popular, gains by marriage and
industry. Generally religiously inclined.

MARS: Determination, somewhat argumentive sets this

native apart, benefits by industry. Shameless. Domestic
problems possible. These natives will not run from an
argument. A conniving nature, a good planner.

JUPITER: High preferment in religion, legal, writings,

honors possible. With a positively aspected Jupiter these
natives can rise high in life, become leaders in their
professions, leave their ‘mark.’


Constellation: 8 Scorpii. A sub-giant. Spectral

class BOn, the ‘n’ indicating that the star has peculiarities.
It Was known as the ‘Tree of the Garden of Light’. It is
located near the right claw of the Scorpion. Also known as

BASIC INFLUENCES: This stars influences will be

modified with the conjunction with celestial objects. The
star imparts to its natives a fondness for power, victory
over enemies, a grandly liberal person, kingly preferment
and negatively it creats assaults, immorality, shameless­
ness, malevolence, hidden secrets.



SUN: Preferment in religion, sports, astrology, and all

matters dealing with public affairs. Natives with this
conjunction can form lasting alliances, but should exercise
caution in dealing with associates, or revealing confidences,
or be subject to sorrows, perhaps even lasting sorrows.

MOON: These natives generally are of an optimistic nature,

appear to be outgoing, even though, depending upon other

fixed star conjunctions, they might actually be private
persons. They can tend to be of a suspicious nature, and
secretive. More negative nativities can suffer losses, even
problematic actions.

MERCURY: The native can appear to be quite

sophisticated, quiet and reserved, but Can speak sharply
when provoked. They can be grandly liberated. More
negative natives will be open and boisterous, selfish and
jealous, tend to associate with undesirables, be subject to
legal entanglement, domestic problems. Sublime illness
possible with either type native.

VENUS: These natives are generally quite liberal minded,

and may find favor with many kinds of people, they may
appear to be of a rather quiet nature, negatively the star
imparts to such natives immorality, selfishness, a tendency
towards coarseness. Turbulence possible.

MARS: These natives have a fondness for the limelight,

they can attain a position of honour, attract many friends,
are ingenious and clever. There can be a tendency towards
being quarrelsome. Turbulence is possible.

JUPITER: High preferment in politics, writings, and all

matters affecting the public area. Leadership ability is
evident. The native is a good organizer, but should exercise
caution in selection of their associates. Legal involvement is
possible, but not of a serious matter.


Constellation: P Scorpii. A triple star, magnitudes

2, 10, and 4, colors pale white and lilac, located on the
Scorpions head. This star is also known as Acrab. Spectral
class B l.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives wealth,
preferment, honors, benefits that don’t last, success after

* *
much difficulty, turbulence, pestilence, sublime illness.


SUN: Preferment in sports, politics, religion, and all

matters dealing with public affairs. Mentally the native is
quite active, and materialistic. High honors possible with
this conjunction. These natives usually get what they go
after, what they desire, but not always fully able to enjoy
the fruits of their labors. This can exhibit itself in any
number of ways.

MOON: The native can obtain great honors, wealth. The

native is very materialistic. These natives leave themselves
open to criticism for one of several reasons, either for being
indecisive, or their delaying tactics or espousing .unpopular
ideas or programs, or some action on their part will prove to
be unpopular.

MERCURY: Any problems these natives encounter will be

due to their own indiscretion, or in some manner brought on
by their actions. These natives can find success, are very

VENUS: The native is self-seeking, energetic, well liked,

somewhat intuitive, imaginative.

MARS: The native has an active mind, tends to be

extravagant, and can go to extremes. Extreme or unusual
habits can cause self-destruction, over exertion, illness.

JUPITER: High preferment in public matters, religion,

philosophy. Native can attract many friends who will assist
them. Negatively, these natives gain high preferment, but
their gains might not be of a lasting nature.


Constellation: C Ophiuchi. A small bluish-white

star. Spectral class 09.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives fame, high preferment, wealth, honours, and
negatively self-created problems, shamelessness, disgrace­
ful actions.



SUN: Natives with this conjunction may find fame by help

from superiors, often unearned. High preferment in martial,
writings and government matters. The native may become
involved in affairs that intrigue them, or involved in
questionable activities which could create problems.

MOON: The native gains high preferment through

application and industry. High preferment in martial,
finance, sports, and artistic matters. Any self-created
problems would bring disaster, which could affect others as
well as the native. Possible name and fame, good or bad.

MERCURY: The native has a keen mentality, expressive,

somewhat jovial, but generally develop into becoming a
private person. Negatively, their problems will be
self-created, of an endless nature, even involving legal

VENUS:: These natives tend to have an open, progressive

nature; a benevolent attitude. Domestic problems may be
avoided if their mate is of a congenial nature.

MARS: The native is energetic, fearless and may be

diplomatically ambitious. Shameless.

JUPITER: High preferm en t in sports, a strology,

government, martial matters and association with public
affairs. Fame, good or bad is possible.


p *
Constellation: a Scorpii. A binary star, red and
green, on the Scorpion’s body. “The Rival of Mars.”
Spectral class MO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives the native
keen mentality, courage, sudden happenings, unforeseen
events, accidents, liberal tendencies, self-destruction, broad
mindedness, turbulence.


SUN: This is a great ‘caution’ conjunction! Natives can gain

high preferment and suddenly the rug can be pulled from
them - natives from less than desirable environments can
have sudden and unexpected turbulence either thrust upon
them or they will be the perpetrators. There may be many
honors, but there is danger of violent situations to or around
the native. This conjunction gives to those who deserve it.
Generally this conjunction can produce grandly liberal
persons, the native can gain high honors, riches, gain
preferment in writings, martial, politics. Possible legal
problems which could be endless.

MOON: High preferment in occult, martial, sports and

matters dealing with public affairs. The native gains
influential friends, who will come to their assistance.
Possible to change religious opinions, affiliations. This
conjunction is good for business matters. There is the
possibility of sublime illness with this conjunction. The
negative nativities will be more affected by self-destruction
and turbulence. Generally, any benefits the native receives
under this conjunction are not of a lasting nature, however,
there is the possibility of great power, authority, and

MERCURY: The native may develop a suspicious attitude,

and if so can wrongfully make accusations. More advanced
natives will make use of humor to offset this negative factor

in this conjunction. If the native is in religion, they will
make use of their religion for business purposes. These
natives, of a negative nature can be plagued with many

VENUS: Positive nativities are able, selfish and energetic.

They gain friends because of their knowledge and
capabilities. Negative nativities have the same traits, but
are subject to impulsiveness, sudden decisions, possibly
self-destruction. Both positive and negative nativities are
subject to domestic and romantic problems. This
conjunction can bring the native to the brink of self
destruction, unless the native is strong enough to avoid and
recover from disaster*. Generally, they require assistance.

MARS: The native is subject to being misunderstood by

their friends, relatives and are subject to differences, but
not of a lasting nature. Self destruction is possible. Natives
should learn not to get involved in senseless controversy.

JUPITER: High preferment in martial, politics, religion,

finance and all matters dealing with the public. These
natives have a tendency to be hypocritical, they can exhibit
great zeal, pretended or not.


Constellation: /3 Draconis. A binary yellow star in

the dragon’s head. This star is also known as Alwaid.
Spectral class G.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives wealth,
honors, prominence, high preferment, losses, turbulence,


SUN: In the average nativity, this star gives preferment in

j* ?
government, writings, martial and matters dealing with the
public. The native can enjoy honors and exercise
considerable influence or become a manipulator. There can
be a rise followed by a fall. Natives with this conjunction can
subject themselves to involvement in matters that Can
create many problems. In cases where the family
environment was less than satisfactory these natives can
become manipulators of events or people and eventually the
native will face legal problems, disgrace, even turbulence.

MOON: The native will attract friends, but in danger of

losing them; the native can enjoy public preferment, honors
in sports, astrology, the arts, but must exercise caution not
to get involved in activities that could cause legal
entanglements, or social problems.

MERCURY: The natives generosity can be abused by

friends, friends desert the native. Possible domestic
problems, even turbulence. The native is honorable, just
and may become popular.

VENUS: This conjunction produces prominence for the

native, this could be either good or bad, depending upon the
polarity of the nativity. Domestic problems and the
possibility of wrong attachments.

MARS: These natives exhibit a strength of character, can

be argumentative and have a fondness for lively discussions
on serious subjects. There is a negative aspect to this
conjunction to which all natives are subject and that is
impulsiveness. The native with this conjunction that
becomes impulsive can subject themselves to self
destruction, unexpected actions. Sublime illness possible.

JUPITER: High preferment in sports, martial, financial



/*■ ?
Constellation: a Herculis. This is a double,
irregular and variable, red and blue star. It is a giant.
Spectral class M5, the primary star is 800 times larger than
our Sun. The companion star is also a giant of intense blue.
A 3rd companion revolves around the star every 52 years.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives high
public preferment, unusual discoveries, great courage,
boldness, power, fame, favors, dangers, turbulence.



SUN: These natives have great courage, can gain high

preferment with the public through religion, science, the
arts or unusual discoveries.

MOON: The native with this conjunction is optimistic, bold,

courageous, can gain public preferment in their careers.
Some of these natives leave their ‘mark’ on posterity.

MERCURY: The native has a keen mentality, and these

natives can develop the ability, and profit from it, to think in
big terms, big ideas, finances. They can develop leadership
ability. However, natives lacking right directions, can get
their priorities confused, take unnecessary chances, which
can subject them to legal problems, turbulence. The more
advanced natives may enter into areas involving new
discoveries, new methods, new enterprises.

VENUS: The native has a quiet determined nature,

generally these natives do not openly or publicly display
their affections, or show their emotions. Genial and
optimistic - the keynote.

MARS: These natives have good moral courage, however,

negative natives must exercise extreme caution, as this
conjunction produces boldness, great courage and it is
possible for natives who take chances with daring acts or

foolish feats, could experience losses or be subject to or the
perpetrators of violence.

JUPITER: Natives with a positively aspected Jupiter can

experience good material success, some even great good
fortune; there can be success in science, writings, legal and
financial matters. Name and fame possible with this


Constellation: Tl - Ophiuchi. A white star on the left

knee of Ophiuchi. Variously given as magnitude 2.0, 2.4, and

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native sin cerity , honours, su ccess, m oral courage,
wastefulness, low morals, success in evil deeds.



SUN: The native with this conjunction is sincere, honorable

and just. However, this conjunction tends to signify a sense
of danger to its natives. The native could be unjustly
accused, or leave an undesirable situation for a better life.
This conjunction gives its natives good moral courage.

MOON: The native can become successful, can acquire

many friends and acquaintances. Money to such natives will
be something to be used, not hoarded. This does not indicate
they are wasteful. In general this is not a conjunction for
great wealth. Negative nativities will negate the positive
influences, or become involved in intrigues or situations
that could prove disastrous.

MERCURY: A good conjunction for material gains; the

native makes enemies but overcomes them, friends tend to
desert the natives. These natives are endowed with mental

hopefulness, liberality.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction will find it difficult

to gain the recognition due them in particular if they are
artistically or musically inclined unless they have good
financial or material assistance. These natives can become
well liked. However, there is the possibility of domestic
problems, not necessarily created by the native. ‘Prideful’.

MAES: These natives hold widely varying views from their

friends, associates. This could be political, religious, career
or other matters, and they can profit from unorthodox view
points. Less advanced or negative nativities get their
priorities mixed up and can self destruct.

JUPITER: Preferment in science, government matters

dealing with public affairs. Material success is indicated by
this conjunction.


Constellation: a Ophiuchi. A bright white star in

the head of Ophiuchi. Spectral class A5.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives liberality, broad-mindedness, humanitarianism,
philosophical ideas, some misfortune through the opposite
sex, tremendous visualization.



SUN: High preferment in business, astrology, writings and

affairs associated with public matters. These natives are
endowed with the ability to think in large terms, big ideas,
sometimes ahead of their times. Generally, such natives
require a certain amount of privacy, but cannot be
considered loners, unless they develop a suspicious attitude.

MOON: High preferment in business, philosophy, astrology,

* ?
writings, and sports. Mentally these natives can be quick
and may find prominence in religion. The native is endowed
with ‘space visualization’ , the ability to develop ideas far
ahead of the times, be it social, religious or mechanical.
These natives require a certain amount of privacy, may
even develop into ‘a private person’ but cannot be
considered as a loner. They tend to be individualistic and
careless concerning public opinion.

MERCURY: These natives are mentally keen and active; if

in religion, they will use that for business purposes, such as
spiritualism etc. Abruptness is the keynote of this
conjunction. These natives may become involved in
unpopular ideas and be criticized for this, at times not
openly. There is the potential for becoming involved in
dangerous situations that could lead to turbulence.

VENUS: These natives may develop into private persons,

but not loners. They may tend to be of a suspicious and
secretive nature. Some of these natives might be
impetuous, subject to sudden changes. There will be some
of these natives who will be unpredictable, and others of a
very cautious nature.

MARS: The native may experience troubles, criticism and

some sort of difficulties caused by their writings, speeches,
conversations. This could create some dissatisfaction,
possibly create a turbulent situation, particularly if the
native is associated with public affairs. This conjunction is
good for material gain. Negatively, the native is subject to
an imagination that can get out of control. The native may
get into turbulent situations and self destruction is possible.
These natives can find an outlet for their imaginations in a
field that brings out their creativeness.

JUPITER: High preferment in all matters associated with

public affairs. Natives with this conjunction generally leave
themselves open for stinging criticism, which generally has
no material affect on their positions.


Constellation: v Scorpii. A quadruple star system

surrounded by a remarkable nebulae. Spectral class of the
main, small star Lesuth is B3.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives a keen mentality, unexpected gains, good
fortune, good judgement, exaggeration, new discoveries,
and negatively exaggeration, desperation, immorality, self
destruction, turbulence. It also imparts to its natives a
degree of socialbleness and a self driven character.



SUN: High preferment in writings, sports, public affairs.

The native may gain in ability to uncover ‘hidden secrets’ .
This could either bring enlightenment or embarrassment to
others. These natives are ‘dauntless’, but may get
themselves involved in dangerous situations. Negatively
this could bring legal involvement.

MOON: High preferment in astrology, religion and

scientific matters. The native can have good fortune,
unexpected gains; negatively, these natives will become
exaggerative, subject to self destruction or turbulence.

MERCURY: The native has a keen mentality, the ability to

quickly ‘zero’ in on questions, problems. Some psychic
preferment which could amount to intuitiveness. The native
may be of an argumentative, combative nature. Somewhat
abrasive. They can be quite direct in their responses.

VENUS: These natives can have a wide, popular appeal if in

public view. Basically they are reliable and steady, but
negatively may get themselves involved in intrigues or
matters requiring considerable tact. Involvement in
intrigues could prove costly to such natives.

* *
MARS: The native has an active, keen mind, can become a
good speaker, however, if Mars is adversely aspected, the
native can become exaggerative and argumentive. Natives
with this conjunction can be quite determined. Sublime
illness is possible.

JUPITER: This conjunction gives the native preferment in

dealings with the public.


Constellation: 6M Scorpii. A cluster of stars situated a

little above the sting of the Scorpion.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives the native
eyesight problems, boundless energy, leadership ability.


SUN: Natives with this conjunction are energetic, they

apply themselves to their tasks and can find preferment in
public affairs. Possible eyesight problems.

MOON: The influences with the Moon conjunction are the

same as the Sun conjunction.

See page #247.


Constellation: T Draconis. A red giant, double

star. Spectral class K5. Located in the Dragon’s eye.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives its

? *
natives a rise followed by a fall, loss of prestige, keen
mental ability, a pioneer, a preference for solitude, self
destruction, turbulence, honours.



SUN: High preferment in legal, writings and matters

associated with public affairs. The native is ‘dauntless’,
aggressive and may become involved in out of the ordinary
subjects, ideas.

MOON: Preferment in martial and government matters.

This conjunction may bring to the native a pioneering spirit,
this may exhibit itself in any number of ways. There is also
the danger of becoming involved in intrigues or matters
that could bring losses to its natives, possibly a loss of
prestige, but not a fatal loss. A potential for turbulence
remains with this conjunction.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction know how to

keep their counsel, keep confidences, but they may also get
themselves involved in matters or intrigues that could
prove costly. There is the possibility of self destruction with
this conjunction, particularly under conditions not easily

VENUS: Prestige is important to these natives and any loss

of prestige is keenly felt. Negative nativities subject to self
destruction; or becoming involved in situations that Could
lead to turbulence.

MARS: Honors and preferment in matters dealing with

public affairs. These natives have the drive to forge ahead,
make their mark. The negative nativities can get
themselves involved in situations that can self destruct Or
lead to turbulence.

JUPITER: High martial, financial, government preferment.

These natives can get themselves involved in situations that

require considerable tact or get involved in activities that
are of an illegal nature. These natives must exercise caution
against sudden happenings.


Constellation: 7M Scorpii. This is a star cluster and its

position is a little above the sting of the Scorpion.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native eye problems if in conjunction with a negative Sun or
Moon. It also gives the native leadership ability, extreme
disfavor, sublime illness.



SUN: These natives have an inner drive to get ahead, make

their mark; they have a love of home life, country and
family. This conjunction gives the potential for leadership
ability. Sublime illness possible.

MOON: This conjunction gives the native the potential for

leadership ability, the drive to get ahead, however, such
natives should exercise caution less they fall out of favor.
Negatively, extreme disfavor will be brought on by the
natives actions; possibly subjecting the native to disgrace,
even legal entanglement and a judicial sentence. Sublime
illness is possible.

See page #247.


Constellation: v Ophiuchi. A dwarf orange star.

Spectral class K in the left hand of Ophiuchi.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to

its natives good business abilities, leadership qualities, a
contentious nature, small troubles, dominance, turbulence.



SUN: High preferment in religion, legal, government and

matters dealing with the public. The native has good
business ability, an aspiring nature and negatively can be of
a contentious nature, a dominant tendency.

MOON: These natives may gain recognition for their

capabilities, and there is the possibility of a name and fame
for these natives, be it good or bad. High public preferment.
Negatively, always hanging over such natives are losses,
this may exhibit itself as health losses, loss of friends, of

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction are mentally

keen, and can ‘leave their mark’ . These natives are subject
to unjustified acts, to or by them. Problematic actions.

VENUS: The native may become brash, using a rough cover

to conceal their true emotions; they are not the warmest
people in the zodiac. Their rough exterior may create
emnity. Some of these natives have, a tendency to ride
‘rough shod’ over their acquaintances, friends. The native
can develop a tendency towards self destruction, unusual
emotional involvement, and there is the possibility of
turbulence with this conjunction.

MARS: The native will tend to be dominant, very

aggressive, some oratorical ability and an independent


Constellation: 8M, 20M, 21M Sagittarii. 2 cluster and a


BASIC INFLUENCES: these will be modified by their

^ V5 * V?
conjunction with the celestial objects. This star group
imparts to its natives eye or ear problems, refinement,
courage of their convictions, ambition, fetishness, sublime
illness, self destruction.



SUN: This conjunction imparts to its natives the courage of

their convictions, a certain amount of refinement, a liking
for social events; the danger of sublime illness, self
destruction, eye problems.

MOON: Generally, these natives develop great courage.

Some may become obsessed with extremes in personal
desires, which could develop into a fetishness. An example
could be the real or unreal fear of germs and constant hand
washing. This might also exhibit itself as hoarding or greed.
The native is aspiring and ambitious, some are of an
adventurous nature, treading where others fear to go,
gambling that their plans, their actions, will come out o.k..
These natives are also subject to sublime illness, or drug
addiction which would amount to self destruction. Eye or
ear problems might surface.

See page #247.


CAPRICORN: is symbolized by the Sea Goat, a goat with

the tail of a fish.

MYTHOLOGY: The grim reaper presides over this sign,

and through its gateway, the souls of men, released at death
pass on to the hereafter. But, like the Sun, when it enters
this sign, they are born anew, for after 22 December, the
days increase in length and the Sun appears to grow


stronger each day.

Pan, the gods of shepherds and rural scenery,

terrorized the people by his mere presence. Jupiter, the
father of gods, gave one of his goats horns to the nymphs
who nursed him in his infancy. This horn was endowed with
magical virtues, and whatever the holder desired would be
provided for him and therefore was called Cornucopia, the
‘horn of plenty.’ Everything in plenty or nothing at all, was
the desire of the horn holders.

CAPRICORN is endowed with an aspiring, determined,

serious mind, with considerable reserve and self-control and
greatly interested in acquisition. They have the ability to
scale the heights, the ability to manage and direct others
and for others, but when under bad directions, many pitfalls
await the Capricornian. They are careful, cautions and
farseeing as far as they are concerned, inclined to be
serious, have the ability to command and direct, command
the respect of friends, yet fail to hold their respect and
benevolent feelings. Sudden and unexpected losses while
under adverse conditions may be experienced, but equally
good fortune awaits under good directions.

NEGATIVELY: Capricorns waste time being moody and a

tendency towards being indecisive, they tend to take
advantage of others, they can be downright greedy and
selfish, at times carried away by their own thriftiness.
They tend to be severe with themselves and others, and
people generally think of them as being cold and aloof. They
can be hard to please and tend to have a calculating nature.

KEYWORDS: in Capricorn constellation:

( + ) Positive: Self reliant, independent, ambitious,

conservative, perservering, practical, grave and sober,
determined, disciplinarian, indefatigable.

(—) Negative: Uncompromising, schemer, abrasive,

proud, selfish, ultra-conservative, ruthless, vindictive,

vs VS
intolerant, Severe.


Constellation: f1 Sagittarii. A triple star,

magnitudes 3.5, 9.5, and 10., color bluish white in the upper
part of the bow of Sagittarius. Spectral class B8P.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives the native
high ambition, success, domination, leadership qualities,
pride, adverse criticism, pioneering abilities. Name/fame
possible; good or bad.


SUN: High preferment in religion, business. The native

tends to dominate any activities they are engaged in.
Perception is keen, leadership qualities are evident. These
natives are endowed with the ability to pioneer. Name/fame
possible, good or bad.

MOON: High preferment in business, government and

association with public affairs. The native has good
leadership qualities. Native should exercise caution in
dealing and association with friends, acquaintances who
could mislead the native. Unless caution is exercised, final
loss of respect and position ensues. The native will be
disgraced, or the native will become a recluse.

MERCURY: This conjunction gives the native good writing

and speaking ability. The native tends to be dominant and is
essentially a private person. Writings, speeches, conver­
sation or decision made by the native could create lasting

VENUS: The native is prideful, attracts friends; negative

nativities indicate the native is impersonal, and while they
are prideful and attract friends, nevertheless, they are not

vs vs
at all ‘warm,’ but rather are cold in their relationships.

MARS: The native excells in focusing attention to their

abilities, accomplishments, which may be many, or odd in
nature, some adverse criticism can be expected.

JUPITER: High preferment in occupations dealing with

public associations, possible name and fame forever.


Constellation: X Sagittarii. A giant orange star in

the northern part of the bow of the Archer. Spectral class
K l.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives its natives
idealism, a sense of justice, humane ideas, high enterprise,
success, notoriety, disgraceful actions, boldness, forced



SUN: Natives with this conjunction can develop an inner

driving force, one that gives them the ability to lead people,
right or wrong. They can become leaders in their careers
and whether or not they succeed, depends upon the rest of
the nativity. They can develop ingenuity, become idealists,
gain abilities in several occupational areas, gain high public
acceptance. The> continually strive, try to forge ahead,
never really seem to be satisfied. Unless their early training
was sufficient, such natives will go to any extremes to gain
their goal.

MOON: High preferment in occult, legal and business

matters. These natives have an inner driving force that
propels them on and upward, so high and no higher,
according to their abilities. The more negative nativities

V3 V3
will continue to push on and on until they encounter serious
legal problems.

MERCURY: These natives are endowed with a keen

mentality, but the more negative nativities tend to get
themselves involved in dead-end situations. Possible -
problematic' actions.

VENUS: The native is prideful, of an artistic' nature, which

could be developed; they can benefit from friends. The
native is a private person, not a loner. Domestic problems

MARS: The native has great pride, not necessarily of an

egotistical nature; can receive benefits and/or assistance
from friends. These natives are generally of a commanding
nature with cosmopolitan views. Natives with this
conjunction can receive legal preferment, but can become
involved in family disputes, possibly to the detriment of the

JUPITER: High preferment in sports, business and legal

matters. Some loss keenly felt. Honors possible with this
conjunction with a positively aspected Jupiter.


Constellation: 22 M Sagittarii. One of the bright open

star clusters and nebulae.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star creates
violence, eyesight problems, losses, sublime illness, over
reaction, fearlessness, warlike skills, leadership ability.



SUN: High preferment in matters dealing with public

affairs. These natives have an inner drive to be first in their

vs vs
business or profession. There is always danger lurking for
these natives at the end of the road. This can exhibit itself
as sublime illness, eyesight problems, turbulence, self
destruction. Natives with this conjunction should exercise
caution not to get involved in intrigues and improper

MOON: The native can rise to a high position, but subjected

to severe losses, harrassment, turbulence, self destruction.
Natives with this conjunction are ingenious, can foster or
promote or deal in unpopular ideas or ideas ahead of their

MERCURY: The native is fearless, has ‘warlike’ skills; can

be somewhat intolerant of others, generally not openly
expressed. These natives can be vindictive, conduct ‘behind
the scenes’ operations.

VENUS: These natives are not ‘warm’ people, they do not

openly express affection, but rather tend to present or give
a cold detached nature. They can be very sociable, very
agreeable, unless aroused, but are never really close to
anyone. There is the possibility of over reaction towards
situations, people. There is also the tendency towards losing
interest rather easily.


Constellation: a Sagittarii. A small blue-white star.

Spectral class B3. The star has also been called Pelagus.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star imparts to its
native a strength of character, a determination to succeed,
optimism, religiously beneficial, straight-forwardness, and
outspoken nature and negatively, disaster, sublime illness.


vs vs
SUN: High preferment in government, martial and all
matters dealing with public affairs. The native can develop
the knack for getting into seemingly impossible situations
and easily sliding out of them without suffering any losses.
They may develop good leadership ability, make a ‘name
and fame’ for themselves; this can be good or bad,
depending upon the natives development.

MOON: High preferment in writings, artistic affairs,

unusual ideas or projects. Natives ideas are not always too
practical, unless they are of benefit to a great many and well
thought out. Native may develop unorthodox ideas. Less
advanced or stubborn nativities may face disaster, from
which there might not be any recovery.

MERCURY: The native with this conjunction may develop

some unorthodox, or unacceptable ideas, some could be of a
radical nature any of which would leave them open for
criticism. Many anxious moments for the native. Possible
disaster. Sublime illness.

VENUS: The natives emotions tend to influence their

judgments, or these natives play on the emotions of their
friends, or the public, if in public view. Friends favor the

MARS: This conjunction produces friends for the native

who cannot be fully depended upon, when needed. The
native is forthright, has a strong mind. Subject to some
annoying legal problems. Some of these natives develop a
tendency to disregard others feelings on their rise to the

JU PITER: High business, govern m en t and public

preferment. The native with this conjunction and a well
aspected nativity can rise high in life and excell where
diplomacy is required.


Constellation:£Sagittarii. This star is a binary of two
components that revolve around each other every 18 V2
years. The magnitude of the companion star is 4.4. The
spectral color of the main star is A2N. The spectral color of
the companion star is not known.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives spirituality, the overcoming of evil, great gains,
good judgment, and happiness. Negatively, a troublesome
nature, disagreeableness and shamelessness.



SUN: The native is endowed with good moral strength,

enduring to the end. Influential friends gained by the native
would assist when necessary. High preferment in
government, martial and sports matters.

MOON: The native gains new friends who could be of

assistance, friends and acquaintances seem to gravitate to
the native. Leadership potentials are a possibility with
opportunities in martial and government affairs. Negative­
ly, the native could create many of their own problems,
signifying the ‘signature of sorrow’ .

MERCURY: The native has good mental powers, is of

serious demeanor, has good leadership ability, positive
nativities would exercise good judgment; negative
nativities could develop into a troublesome nature.

VENUS: The native enjoys a wide circle of friends,

acquaintances, and the native is generally agreeable unless
provoked. Negatively, such natives never feel secure in
their relationships. Romantic and/or domestic problems
possible. A sense of ‘spirituality’ could envelope some of the

MARS: the native is forthright in dealings with friends and

acquaintances. Leadership ability evident; some intolerance
is indicated. Natives with this conjunction entertain a wide
range of ideas, abilities, generally ahead of the times. Minor
legal problems possible. Turbulence possible to the native.
Sublime illness possible.

JUPITER: The native can benefit from religious, sports,

legal, writing activities. High government preferment.
Leadership ability with a positively aspected Jupiter.

CAP. MAGNITUDE -4- 0725:1° 30’ MANNUBRIUM #102

Constellation: 62 Sagittarii. Orange-red stars a part of

the cluster in the face of the Archer.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by the

conjunction with celestial objects. This star gives the native
eye problems, courage, defiance, causes explosions, fire,



SUN: Preferment in sports, and government matters.

Danger of eyesight problems.

MOON: Domestic discord possible, native is overly

confident, can gain favors from public affairs. Legal

See page #247.


Constellation: a Lyrae. A bright white star.

Spectral class AO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives leadership ability, social awareness, idealism,

V3 V3
hopefulness, a serious demeanor, fleeting honours,



SUN: The native can gain an influential position, gain

honours, gain great publicity, but in danger of becoming
obscure, together with many losses. High preferment in
business, sports, religion and all matters dealing with the

MOON: Preferment in unusual occupations, legal, martial

and affairs dealing with public matters. The native has
leadership ability. There is a danger of becoming involved in
intrigues against the natives with this conjunction, of which
the native would have no knowledge until any damage was
done or losses occurred. The native has enemies, known or
unknown who could create problems of a serious nature.
The native is dauntless and the only defeat these natives
could experience would be if they become careless, or
become a part of the intrigue, in such cases lasting, endless
problems would be created, involving legal entanglements,
possibly a judicial sentence. There is a danger of turbulence
or sublime illness with this conjunction.

MERCURY: The native has or makes enemies, some

perhaps unknown to the native that can create setbacks, or
cause problems of a serious nature. These natives can be
quite outspoken that may also create problems.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction could develop a

tendency towards being too stern, even cold-hearted - or
insensitive to their associates and friends. A t times they
may appear emotionally tense, and at other times they may
seem to be unconscionable in their dealings and their
association with others. There is an intense dislike of public
display of emotions. Natives with negative aspects may
become very controversial.

MARS: These natives have good moral courage, an almost

V3 vs
do or die attitude. The native may entertain unpopular
ideas, be it in politics, religion, or even their own personal
ideas on social matters. Some of these natives may develop
a tendency to become cruel in their remarks or
conversations and completely insensitive. Unless caution is
exercised, the native may get involved in dangerous

JUPITER: High public preferment in their chosen

occupation and any setbacks will be keenly felt by these


Constellation: £ Aquilae. A white star. Spectral

class B9. This star was also called Yen, the name of an old
feudal state in China. It is located in the tail of the Eagle.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star gives the
native the ability to command; liberality, success and is
generally beneficial to positive nativities.


SUN: High preferment in government, legal, martial and all

matters associated with public affairs. The native has the
ability to command and direct; to lead people, to direct
attention to themselves as leaders be it of a cause or for the
people or the military. They are true individualists.

MOON: This conjunction imparts to its natives a combative,

almost pugnacious nature, but with the high ability to
command and direct. These natives if their energies are
properly directed may elevate themselves to high official
offices, gain high preferment. Negatively, these natives can
subject to the misuse of their powers, confuse their
priorities and eventually subject themselves to legal

vs vs
MERCURY: the native is idealistic, sincere, liberal, may
promote liberal causes, gain them some prominence, but Pot
of a lasting nature. These natives can also be quite
obstinate, pugnacious and less advanced natives can subject
themselves to legal entanglement and other serious
difficulties become backbiters, short tempered.

VENUS: The native has great pride in their accomplish­

ments, they are generally of a somewhat conservative
nature and could be considered as a private person. They
are capable of using every wile to gain their objective and
keeping their gains. Some danger of turbulence.

MARS: The native can gain high authoritive position,

requiring leadership ability, these natives are shameless,
brash and if they get involved in turbulent situations, it
could engulf them. They are very capable natives, also very
obstinate and determined.

JUPITER: High preferment in government, and all matters

connected with public affairs.


Constellation: (o Sagittarius. An orange-red star.

Spectral class M3.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives leadership ability, ambition, perseverance,
success; the native is self seeking, subject to despair and
regrets, self destruction, turbulence.



SUN: The native has a potential for good leadership ability,

may gain high public preferment. “Ambition and
cleverness” - the keynote. More negative nativities may

VS 2$ VS /W

develop a crafty, even deceitful nature.

MOON: The native is of a self seeking nature, may become

quite clever. Native may be subject to romantic and
domestic problems. High preferment may be expected in
government and religious activities, but the native may also
be subject to an eclipse. Negatively, these natives may
resort to actions of a problematical nature.

MERCURY: These natives have a penetrating, perceptive,

and an almost suspicious type mentality, they may develop
into ‘doubters’, unless proof to their satisfaction is
submitted. In many cases these natives will be quite
determined and mercenary. Negatively, the native may act
out of desperation, possibly even self destruct.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction may develop a

degree of cleverness, concealing their true nature.
Positively, this could amount to insecurity, negatively this
could emerge as one who exhibits a hard, cold approach to
their adversaries or friends. Generally, they are cautious,
diplomatic, but very ambitious.

MARS: These natives are fearless, determined, shameless.

They may encounter false accusations, or be accused of
suspicious activities. Problems may be created by writings,
conversations, speech. Generally, these natives emerge
unscathed, but the ‘sting’ remains. An ambitious nature.
“Personal involvement” .


AQUARIUS: is symbolized by the water carrier.

MYTHOLOGY: In Jacobs lecture to his 12 sons, Napthalie

is identified with Aquarius. Napthalie is a hind foot let
loose, he giveth goodly words. When the Sun enters this
sign it is like a hind that is freed, for it is rushing towards

/W N AV\
A /V \

spring vernal equinox. The stream of water flowing from

the water bearers urn into the mouth of the southern fish
symbolized the stream of life. The southern fish seems to be
swimming up stream, symbolizing the struggle upwards to
the source of all life, while the stream from the urn
symbolizes the descending life.

AQUARIUS indicates reliability, ease of making friends,

generally an understanding of human nature, a well
developed social life, a public life appeal. Financially, affairs
may be chaotic, somewhat careless. The environment will
have a great effect on the life of an Aquarian, who requires
harmony. Domestic life in general is not a problem.
Aquarians are enterprising. An unsettled state of mind is
not advantageous to an Aquarian. They require ambitions
partners. Sometimes Aquarians require a certain amount of
solitude. Because of their sense of sociability, they can
become an enigma to some partners.

NEGATIVELY: Aquarians tend to be destructive, stirring

up conditions, being erratic and unreliable, tending to be
very nosy, interfering when they should not. They can be
touchy and argumentive. They also tend to be overly
prideful and very vain, sensitive about personal remarks,
taking offense at the smallest details. They tend to lack
common sense and waste time in abstract ideas.

KEYWORDS for Aquarius constellation:

( + ) Positive: Altruistic; intuitive, psychic, modest,

affectionate, clever, original, innovative, discreet, reliable,
ambitions, tactful, stable, visionary, prideful, imaginative.

(—) Negative: Extremism, careless, overly sensitive,

touchy, restless, impatient, demonstrative, reckless,


Constellation: P Cygni. A double star, one is a giant


reddish-yellow. Spectral class K l, the other star is an

orange star of approximately the same class, K5. These
stars are situated on the head of the Swan.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
the native a gentleness, one who is well liked, one who is
subject to misfortune, is indiscreet, ‘despair and regrets’.
Success, fame - good or bad, unfortunate.



SUN: Preferment in legal affairs, astrology, sports and

matters dealing with the public; and unusual occupations.
Some of these natives can develop into ultra liberals, or
become extremists, which will not be of a practical nature.
'Unfortunate experiences.’

MOON: The native has a ‘likable personality’ and leadership

qualities can be developed. If Mercury, Mars and Uranus
are adversely aspected to the Moon, the native can be
subject to some kind of misfortune. A name and fame is
possible, good or bad.

MERCURY: The native can be subjected to unfortunate

circumstances, generally created by the natives intemper­
ance or misjudgement, or improperly resolving situations as
they arise. The native can develop creativity, and if so, gain
high honours.

VENUS ( + ) Natives with this conjunction are generally of

a rather quiet nature, they can be genteel and well liked.

(—) The impression given by these natives is that they

are of a rather quiet type, however, if angered, they can get
themselves into turbulent situations, some unresolvable.

MARS: ( + ) The native is ambitious, enterprising, mentally



(—) The native can be very blunt, difficult to get along

with, too independent and even bombastic.

JUPITER: The native with this conjunction can become

involved in unusual circumstances, situations. The more
negative nativities are subject to turbulence.


Constellation: a Aquilae. “The Flying Eagle.” A

white star in the Eagle’s neck. Spectral class: A5.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified when in

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native is bold,
confident, valiant, even unyielding. The native can be
ambitious and liberal, expect great but ephemeral wealth.
The native can become a mischief maker. Negatively; it
creates disgrace, misfortune and possible ruin.



SUN: Preferment in matters dealing with the public,

astrology, writings. There could be some peculiar events,
some unexpected, these could work to the benefit of or to
the detriment of the native. The native has the ability to
acquire new and influential friends. Family matters could
create temporary situations. The native can acquire friends
who would be of a jealous nature and create problems.

MOON: This conjunction can bring the native unusual

experiences, the native, so inclined can become interested
in unusual discoveries, some of which might be strange or
even ancient. There can be some disappointment over losses
of some kind. The native has the ability to overcome their
adversaries. The native can develop unusual writing ability.
An everlasting name is possible, but negative nativities are
subject to misfortune.
Psychic preferment is indicated. Possibly troubles with
affairs connected with public matters. Friends could create


problems for the native. Some of these natives will be more

satisfied with the every day life and its affairs, but in any
case these natives can become leaders, even if it is in charge
of or responsible for a group of people. There can be some
problems with the people the native is associated with.

MERCURY: The native has the ability, if they make use of

it, to overcome any difficulties. However, they can be
subject to strange experiences. This could exhibit itself in a
number of ways, such as prophetic dreams, unusual
journeys, strange discoveries. The native is also subject to
domestic difficulties, this can be within their immediate
family or due to outside interference. Unless Mercury is
adversely aspected to the Moon, the native is generous to a

VENUS: The native can engage in controversial matters;

some natives with this conjunction have strange and
peculiar attractions. Friends can create unnecessary
problems. Negative nativities can create their own
problems subjecting them to misfortune, even bloodshed.

MARS: The native is mentally keen, however, the native

can experience some difficulties. This can be caused by
mere acquaintances, or in their careers. The more positive
nativities can overcome their difficulties.

JUPITER: The native can exhibit real or pretended zeal,

be it in religious affairs or in their chosen career. These
natives are subject to setbacks, disappointments, some of a
major nature.


Constellation: a Capricorni. A double star.

Spectral class G5 and G 8 . The first star is a super giant and
the second star merely a giant. Nearby is a triple star.
Spectral class G1 and A. In Hipparchus time these stars
were close together, but by Bayers time they drifted apart
far enough to be readily separated by the naked eye. There


is a minute blue companion nearby.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star brings a
‘mixed bag’ to its natives. This star creates vanity,
unexpected events, good luck, an eventful life, peculiar
romantic and domestic problems.


SUN: Preferment in writings, associations with public

matters, peculiar events during the natives life. The native
may acquire new and influential friends, receive favors.
More negative nativities may expect losses and criticism,
possibly legal entanglement.

MOON: Great good fortune possible, although after

considerable effort. If engaged in activities affecting public
matters the native can expect criticism, generally deserved.
There may be a tendency for these natives to be liberal or
radical and if radical, open themselves to criticism. Writing
and legal preferment, unusual occupations are the forte of
these natives. The native can be subject to unexpected and
peculiar happenings during the lifetime. Domestic problems
possible. The natives with this conjunction who are
successful will be somewhat proud, even vain, proud of their
accomplishments, no matter how great or how little.

MERCURY: These natives can be diplomatic; but not

exactly conciliatory. There is a tendency towards
indecision, there will be psychic preferment, acknowledged
or not. Possibly unusual romantic or domestic situations.

VENUS: There may be unexpected events during the life of

the native with this conjunction, this could be an
unexpected rise to an authoritive position, unexpected
honours for the natives contributions to society. The native
is prideful.

MARS: The native will be very determined, aggressive, but

/V \A

their actions can create family problems or unpleasant

conditions, or subject them to criticism.

JUPITER: This conjunction is good for gain with a well

aspected Jupiter. Preferment in government, legal,
religion, martial matters.


Constellation: 0 Capricorni. A dwarf star of the

spectral group F 8 and B8 . These are double stars, each
double of the same spectral class.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. The native gains
recognition, is subject to losses; the native is unfortunate,
suspicious, mistrustful, reserved, subject to disap­


SUN: The native is steady, has opportunities to gain

responsible positions. Although positive in their attitudes
and their approach to their duties, they are reserved and
tend to be suspicious. This is more applicable to negative
nativities who will encounter obstacles on their road to
success. These natives seem to seek ulterior motives,
become mistrustful of others and may sustain needless

MOON: The native can find preferment in writings, large

projects, government and matters dealing with the public.
There could be a tendency towards radicalism with some
such natives, and if so, it could engulf them. There is also a
tendency towards being of a suspicious nature, mistrustful
of others. These natives can be innovative.

/W \ AAA

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction may make a

name and find fame - good or bad. The native may find
preferment in unusual occupations. There is a tendency for
them to be self-centered, somewhat reserved. The
possibility of liberalism and radicalism may be evident, if
radical, this could lead to problems for the native.

VENUS: This conjunction subjects the native with sorrows,

this could be with family or business. There is also the
possibility of romantic or domestic problems. There will be
a certain perseverance about the native that is admirable.
The native may suffer from self-destruction or turbulence.

MARS: These natives are ambitious, but Can be stubborn.

They can be successful, gain recognition. There is the
possibility of romantic, domestic or family problems.

JUPITER: High preferment in legal martial, writings,

government and matters dealing with the public. There is
some danger of embarrassment to the native but it will not
affect the natives position or status.


Constellation vr Capricorni. A small star in the right

eye of the Goat. Spectral class: F. White-yellow.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This 5th magnitude star is not of

much importance in a nativity. It gives the native assistance
from friends, a keen intellect. Gains.


SUN: Preferment in occupations associated with the public,

the native gains many friends in a positively aspected Sun.

MOON: The native has the ability to make substantial gains

through being industrious and is self-driven, forges ahead.

A /V \ AV>

MERCURY: This conjunction gives the native a keen



Constellation: £ Capricorni. A small star in the

Goat’s face.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This 5th magnitude star is not of

much importance in a nativity. It gives the native gains
through industry, fame, good or bad, shamelessness. Color:
white. Class A.


SUN: Preferment in unusual areas of interest, some of

which could be of a radical nature, which could create

MOON: Native has the ability to 'forge ahead’ in the area of

their interest, this could be in business, martial matters, or
in illegal activities.

MERCURY: The native has the ability to quickly analyze

situations, problems. A rather keen intellect.


Constellation: tj Capricorni. A small star in the Goat’s

heart. Color: Orange-red. Spectral class M.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This star, of small magnitude, not

too much important in nativities. The star imparts to its
natives a contentious nature, shamelessness, a degree of
instability, small troubles.



SUN: High preferment in matters dealing with public


affairs. The native may be of a contentions nature, face

many small troubles, business or domestic.

MOON: The native has high enterprise, friends will assist

the native. Native can receive favors, earned or not. These
favors could include advancement in their careers.

MERCURY: The native can be feisty, have a keen

mentality. Native is capable of a keen insight into human
nature. Originality is a keynote of this conjunction. Some of
these natives may develop a contentious nature.
Negatively, the natives incorporate the above attributes,
plus the native is unstable in their relationships and not
above taking advantage of anyone - a character with no


Constellation: 6 Capricorni. A small star on the

back of the Goat. Color: White-blue. Spectral class A.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This 4th magnitude star is not of

much importance in a nativity. Success in public affairs,
sublime illness.



SUN: Preferment in matters dealing with the public.

Sublime illness possible.

MOON: The influence is similar to that of the Sun’s

conjunction, however, the native can receive preferment in
writings, and in public matters.

MERCURY: This conjunction produces natives who are

adept in focusing the public’s attention upon them, be it for
good or for evil purposes.



Constellation: £ Capricorni. A small yellow-or­

ange star. Spectral class G9 in the belly of the Goat.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This star imparts to its natives high

public preferment, name and fame - good or bad; leadership
ability, sublime illness, turbulence and self destruction.
These will be modified by their conjunction with the
celestial objects.



SUN: Honours and preferment in writings, government,

sports, astrology and other matters dealing with the public.
Name and fame can be the lot o f these natives. Some
psychic ability 'will be evident. Sublime illness or turbulence
is possible.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction set their own ‘course’,

for good or for evil purposes, subjecting themselves to fame
- good or bad. There may be preferment in government,
religion and all matters associated with public affairs. Self
destruction or sublime illness possible under this
conjunction. The natives drive to excell or succeed may
cause them to alienate friends, even make enemies, which
could result in unforseen problems.


Constellation: Y Capricorni. Class FOp. A small

star in the tail o f the Goat. “The Fortunate Bearer of Good

BASIC INFLUENCES: These are modified by their

conjunction with the celestial objects. The ability to turn
adversity to success, a conservative person, pious, and




SUN: High preferment in writings, government, and all

association with public matters. Some psychic ability. The
native can overcome adverse conditions and become
successful, possibility of name and fame forever.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction will be successful in

all matters associated with the public. This can be in
government, religious affairs, and social matters. These
natives can turn adversity to success, overcoming many
obstacles. Negative nativities subject to disaster and many

MERCURY: These natives will be ingenious, this ingenuity

can resolve itself in a very constructive way or in a very
destructive manner, much depends upon the natives early
training and environment.

VENUS: Likable, best describes natives born with this

conjunction. They are able to ‘turn on’ their charm,
regardless of their station in life. These natives can present
themselves, give the impression that they are ‘pious’, but
can be marked by sham and hypocrisy.


Constellation: /3 Aquarii. A yellow star on the left

shoulder of Aquarius. “Luckiest of the Lucky.” Spectral
class GO.

BASIC INFLUENCES: This will be modified by the

conjunction with the celestial objects. Scandalous actions,
strange events, imaginations, visionary, intuitive, original.



SUN: P referm en t in sports, govern m en t m atters,

astrology, business matters. Some psychic ability. Domestic
harmony unless adverse conditions are created from the

/V \A

MOON: Perhaps the outstanding effect of this conjunction

is the peculiar domestic conditions, which can exhibit itself
in a number of different ways. The native could marry more
than one person, without affecting legal dissolution, the
native can marry a person not at all domesticated, or marry
a person who introduces the native into an unusual domestic
life, or way of life. The native can acquire many friends, yet
still be somewhat of an enigma. There is leadership ability
evident with this conjunction. Scandalous actions possible.

MERCURY: ‘A visionary mind’ is the signature of the

natives born with this conjunction. This can resolve itself
into prophetic statements, writings, even leadership
abilities. Some natives with this conjunction will exhibit
more of an unusual imagination, than visionary. These
natives with this ‘fruitful’ imagination, if not properly
controlled or directed, could become the creator of difficult
or embarrassing situations, other such natives will create
unnecessary difficulties which could lead to legal problems,
domestic problems possible.

VENUS: Unusual conditions could surround these natives,

this might be an unusual marriage, marriage to an unusual
person, unusual occupations, unusual romantic problems,

MARS: Natives with this conjunction could suffer through

headstrong actions. Scandalous actions possible through
business, domestic or romantic problems. Self control is

JUPITER: High preferment in astrology, sports, writings,

business and all matters connected with public affairs.


Constellation: 8 Capricorni, A small white star.

Spectral class A5.


BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with celestial objects. This star imparts to its
natives fame, wealth, ability to create happiness and
sorrows, leadership ability and negatively sorrows,



SUN: High perferment in legal and government matters.

Some sorrows will face the native, this may be through
family, friends or business matters. ‘Trials and tribulations’.
Famous or infamous may be the natives lot with this

MOON: The native has leadership abilities, but will face

difficulties of a sort on the road to success. Patient plodding
will be necessary; the native may become a leader, but
unless precautions have been carefully taken, there will be
loss of both position and respect-finally.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction tend to have a

brilliant mind, an inquiring mentality, a visionary mind, one
that is unusual and original. Negatively, there may be
mental aberrations.

VENUS: The native has the ability to create sorrows and

happiness, life and death, in actions or writings. There will
be some secret desire on the part of the native that is never
really fulfilled. Domestic problems possible.

MARS: Natives with this conjunction are generally rather

headstrong, wanting to do things their way, which leaves
them open to many problems. Turbulence is possible.

JUPITER: Preferment in sports, occult, legal and matters

dealing with the public. Native encounters many
disappointments which do not really bother them. Unless
matters are handled carefully, judicial sentence is possible.


PISCES: Symbolized by two fishes, one swimming up

stream, the other swimming downstream.

MYTHOLOGY: In the 12 tribes of Israel, Joseph is

associated with this sign. He is a fruitful bough by the well,
whose branches run over the wall. The archers shot at him
and hated him, but his bow abode in strength. The ancients
poets mounted the winged horse, Pegasus, while soaring in
their imagination. Pegasus lived on Mount Helicon. It was
here that he struck the earth sharply with his hoof, causing
the waters to gush forth, giving rise to the fabled spring of
Hippocrene, and all who partook of its waters became

PISCEANS are generally honest and sympathetic and have

a desire to take lifes experiences rather easily. Some
Pisceans are apt to become morbid and despondent at
times. They have a strong love of beauty and refinement
and surroundings have an important influence on Pisceans.
There are two distinct types of Pisceans; the more positive
ones have an uplifting influence while the negative Pisceans
can become unnecessarily pessimistic, full of self-pity, some
having a feeling of being persecuted, misunderstood and
unwanted. They tend to be aimless in thought and action.
They are their own worst enemy.

KEYWORDS: for Pisces constellation:

( + ) Philosophical, sympathetic; modest, intuitive, just,

kind, wisdom, considerate, generosity, understanding,
idealism, creativeness.

(—) Negative: Indecision, indifference, worry, stub­

born, anxious, morbid, despondent, emotional.


Constellation: a Aquarri. A yellow star on the

right shoulder of Aquarius. Spectral class G. A super giant

BASIC INFLUENCES: This will be modified when in

conjunction with one of the celestial objects. Scandalous
actions by the native, a tendency to lie, subject to lawsuits,
persecution sudden turbulence, honors and preferment,
acquisitive and conservative.



SUN: The native can gain preferment in astrology and most

occupations requiring contact with the public, however, the
native will encounter a number of problems, some of which
could be of a serious nature. Gains made by some of these
natives might not be of a lasting nature, and although such
natives will be industrious, they will encounter difficulties
from time to time. They should try to avoid any legal
involvements which could prove costly to some such natives
while others will gain considerable prestige. Such natives
can expect to make some gains working for, or in
conjunction with large corporations.

MOON: The influence of Sadalmelik when in conjunction

with the natal Moon is the same as when in conjunction with
the Sun, however, additionally such natives will be
painstaking in their efforts and enjoy good powers of
visualization. There can be some prominence in occult or
religion, if that is the chosen career. Scandalous actions
possible. Negatively, the native may outsmart themselves.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction will be diligent

and logical in their approach to questions and affairs
concerning their everyday business. They can expect
success in working with large groups of people. Negative
nativities will be more emotional, although they will tend to
hide their emotions under a mask of sternness or even
defiance. They will suffer from depressions, tend to be
overly critical and get themselves involved in situations

* K
from which it will be difficult to escape, or become involved
in controversial matters.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction will enjoy a wide

circle of friends or acquaintances, but they are liable to
make statements of a controversial nature. Negative
nativities, being more emotional can suffer from emotional
problems, fancied wrongs and unless the emotions are
under control, they can lead the native into turbulent
situations, with a possibility of self destruction. Some
psychic preferment is indicated.

MARS: This is a conjunction for fame, but whether or not

the native can handle it is another matter. The native will
find high preferment, will have high enterprise, be very
energetic and can be quite outspoken, even difficult if the
conjunction is to a negative Mars.

JUPITER: Natives with this conjunction, well aspected,

will find high preferment in matters dealing with the public,
such as legal, philosophical, church and in general
association with public affairs. There can be some criticism
expected, but this will not affect their popularity. Negative
nativities must beware of legal difficulties or involvements
from which they would emerge the loser.


Constellation: a Piscis Australis. A star in the

mouth of the Southern Fish. Spectral class A2 - white.

BASIC INFLUENCES: The following basic influences are

modified by their conjunction with the celestial objects.
These natives are subject to undermining influences. The
natives are idealistic, spiritual in character, gentle folk,
mentally keen.



SUN: Natives with this conjunction can be improperly

influenced. They are most easily influenced by self-seeking
individuals, and at times they appear to ‘go with the wind.’
Sometimes this subtle influence is so directed to the native
that they are unaware of it. If an inheritance is expected,
and the native has encountered difficulties because of being
rather easily influenced and became involved in legal
entanglements, they will profit little from such an
inheritance. Natives with this conjunction generally have a
different life style than the average person. Legal problems
or a judicial sentence is possible.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction will appear to be

rather easy going persons, but they can be quite
determined. However, they can be easily influenced by
those they trust. This can have a detrimental affect on their
well being, or finances, either of which could create lasting
problems. These natives must be careful to avoid situations
that create domestic problems, however, generally such
problems would be self-created and could, unless their
partner is very congenial, create family situations of such a
nature that could not be easily resolved. Financial
entanglement possible.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction will be both

diplomatic and practical. They will tend to have a somewhat
restless mind, always planning, planning. They are subject
to being victims of vicious, almost slanderous statements,
victims of untruthful accusations. They are also subject to
being victims of questionable deals, that is being ‘conned’ by
deals which could prove to be a financial disaster. There is a
possibility of domestic problems or losses, generally such
problems or losses are not of their makings, but due to
outside interference. In more negative nativities, the
natives are somewhat flighty, tend to make unwise
statements, even subject themselves to legal involvements.

VENUS: The native is a private person, or one who is quite

reserved. They are easily influenced by self-seeking
individuals which could lead to the natives downfall. More
positive nativities will be more alert to such tendencies on

* X
the part of self-seeking individuals, while the negative
conjunctions will fall all the way into such traps. There is
also the possibility of unwise friendships and some
restrictions in the natives early life. There is also the
possibility of accusations of a sort, false or otherwise, being
made to the native, or about the native in regards to
romances, perhaps even unwise romances, or an expressive
dissatisfaction with the natives career or affairs. This
conjunction can produce problems of a calamitous nature,
probably because its natives have the unique ability of
making unwise choices. There is a good possibility of the
native having name and fame forever - good or bad.

MARS: Natives with this conjunction may appear to attract

or be attracted to near disastrous situations. They make
their own problems. They can also appear to be very fickle.
With a negative conjunction, such natives may attract
unwise or undesirable acquaintances, or make friends who
later turn out to be enemies. There is a certain amount of
turbulence possible, also the possibility of revenge seeking.

JUPITER: These natives with well aspected Jupiters will

or can can excell in their relations with the public. However,
if Jupiter is adversely aspected, the native may become a
malcontent, and be subjected to ruin and disgrace. In any
case such natives will have a name and fame - good or bad.


Constellation: ■ o Cyngi. A white star in the tail of

the Swan.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These influences are modified by

their conjunction with the celestial objects. The native is
mentally quick, psychic, and idealist, has a keen intellect, a
very likable person, intelligent.



* X
SUN: Preferment in writings, astrology and matters
dealing with the public, the native can be affected by early
life experiences, more so than the average person. This will
have a lasting affect - good or bad, to the natives sorrow or
the natives benefit. The native is ingenious, can excell in
many fields.

MOON: As with the Sun conjunction, the native will excell

in many fields, in particular new fields, new untried areas.
Such natives will tend to take chances the average person
would never even consider. These natives can be creative,
imaginative and original. Indiscretion creates losses,

MERCURY: These natives are endowed with a clever

intellect, they are ingenious and should exhibit good
literary abilities. They can be diplomatic when necessary.
There is also a tendency for them to be naive, or suspicious.
However, some natives with this conjunction will hold
radical ideas and even tend to be somewhat erratic in their
behavior. Natives with negative conjunctions can become
grotesque tyrants.

VENUS: These natives entertain strong opinions and not at

all reticent about expressing their opinions. They tend to
feel strongly about family matters, religion, sports, music,
etc. These natives are very social minded. They can be very
likable and idealistic.

MARS: The native is somewhat of an idealist; this can be

expressed in public affairs, such as politics. They can be
optimistic, but if the Mars conjunction is adversely
aspected, they can prove to be annoying.

JUPITER: Natives with well aspected Jupiters can expect

to receive high honors, lasting fame, favors from influential
people, however, if Jupiter is adversely aspected, this
conjunction will produce natives that will squander their
energies and engage in unpopular causes.


X *
Constellation: 8 Aquarii. A small star on the right
leg of Aquarius. A white star, also given as magnitude 3.4.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by their

conjunctions with celestial objects. Skat gives the native
high preferment, possibly fame - good or bad, and romantic
or domestic problems.



SUN: High preferment in all matters dealing with the

public, legal affairs. Natives with this conjunction will tend
to be idealistic, which if properly directed will enhance their
image, if misdirected, can create many problems for the
native, legal entanglements and possibly judicial sentence.
Friends will assist the native. Psychic preferment.
Criticism or opposition should be anticipated.

MOON: Natives with this conjunction can overcome

seemingly impossible obstacles, in some cases such natives
will receive high honors. Some of these natives will find
their destiny in the hands of others, but this will not deter
them. The native will, if associated with public affairs, enjoy
influential friends, who will assist them.

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction can expect

peculiar events to have an effect on their lives. This can
surface in a number of ways. The native might be suddenly
chosen for a high position they did not expect, or are not
qualified for, or they can attract people who would be
friends, or they can find high preferment with the public, or
as an author or writer. There may be some psychic
development which could exhibit itself as intuition
capabilities, or in the negative nativities this would result in
confusion, even mental confusion, more so if the native self

VENUS ( + ) Natives ingenious, has unusual talents, which

could be developed. Some psychic preferment possible.

(—) Natives with a negative Venus have the same

attributes however, while these natives may gain friends,
they can also prove to be unpredictable and of a changeable
nature. This nature could create problems of a lasting
nature. “Rude and crude” is the keynote.

MARS: ( + ) These natives may appear to be benevolent,

optimistic, passive and energetic'. They may have an
expressive imagination.

(—) The native is energetic, may even give the

impression of being dynamic, however they can develop a
pushy and overbearing attitude, or give that impression.
They will push for recognition or advancement. The native
may not be altogether forthright and may get involved in
unforeseen problems.

JUPITER: High martial and government preferment,

however they are subject to setbacks or serious
disappointments. There may be also philosophical and
religious preferment.


Constellation: a Eridani. A star situated at the

mouth of the River Eridani. Spectral class: B9; color

BASIC INFLUENCES: these influences are altered when

the star is in conjunction with the celestial objects. The
native is philosophical, religiously inclined, patient,
industrious, receives honors, preferment in public affairs,
successful in business.


SUN: Native has preferment in matters dealing with the

public, philosophical, sports, writings, and religious affairs.
Generally, these natives will be of an outstanding nature
and there is a possibility of name and fame forever, - good
or bad.

MOON: High preferment in public affairs, writings, the

native has great empathy for the less fortunate. Leadership
qualities will be evident. This can be expressed via means of
literature, music, martial matters, or over a group of

MERCURY: Natives with this conjunction will generally be

both versatile and creative and have generous humane
ideas. Some will have philosophical inclinations. Some will
be either to the ‘left’ or to the ‘right’ insofar as society is
concerned, if to the right, the native will be very
considerate and liberal, if to the left, the native will focus on
an idea or group and be subjected to considerable criticism.
The nature of the trend will be developed through the
natives early training, or lack of training.

VENUS: ( + ) The native is generous, patient, serious,

charitable, sympathetic, may enjoy religious preferment.
However, there is also th'e possibility that these natives
may associate themselves with undesirables which could
create problems. This could be either in business or socially.
Natives must exercise extreme caution not to get
themselves involved. Some situations could create lasting
problems for such natives.

(—) The native is of an amorous nature, quite romantic;

the native can be very patient, but also very extravagant
and possibly in danger of unwanted notoriety due to
domestic problems and/or association with undesirables -
either in business or socially. This conjunction is flexible
and by its nature their natives can be emotionally inclined
to be the creator of problems of a lasting nature - or they
may choose to exercise control over their emotions.
Turbulence is a possibility with either a negative or a
positive conjunction.

K *
MARS: The native can gain high public preferment and be
of a determined nature, capaable of demonstrating
enthusiasm or creating enthusiasm in others. Generally
these natives are of a devotional nature, intuitive,
understanding and with an expressive imagination. They
are also capable of impulsive actions. The native can also be
subjected to misfortune through hasty judgement, or
actions. They may even tend to overreact in some situations
and be indiscreet. Generally friendships of a lasting nature
are not of too much importance to some of these natives,
regardless of how friendly they may appear to be; there
may be some such natives who complain occasionally that an
acquaintance or friend simply ‘left them’ without any
apparent justification. Some of these natives will refuse to
face facts, only accepting facts as they view them, not as
they are.

JUPITER: This may be a conjunction for fame providing

Jupiter is positively aspected to the Sun or the Moon. There
can be high preferment in astrology, writings, the military,
the government or legal matters.


Constellation: a Pegasi. A white star. Spectral

class B9.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives good fortune, wealth, high honours; on the
negative side the natives ambitions are not realized, the
native is unlucky, subject to disgrace, ruin and turbulence is


SUN: Preferment in religion, science, artistic matters,

X *
writings, and all matters dealing with the public. The native
is mentally keen, energetic, but generally subject to
setbacks and some disappointments. The native generally
engages in unusual, or controversial issues, careers.
Complacency is the keynote of most of these natives.
Negatively, they are subject to accidents, disappointed

MOON: The native continually strives for acceptance, they

strive against seemingly impossible hurdles, and are
subject to many problems, some of a serious nature in
overcoming their problems. The more advanced natives
overcome their difficulties, but Some are never given full
and lasting recognition for their activities or achievements.
They may experience legal, domestic, and problems of
harrassment. Some of these natives may be unjustly

MERCURY: The native is mentally keen, somewhat

intuitive. There is a tendency for them to be headstrong and
if they permit this to rule their actions, they may make
unfortunate decisions. If such natives are in a position of
authority the decisions they make could prove unfortunate
for many for a long time. Some such natives can get
involved in legal matters. Some of these natives make
unfortunate decisions involving romantic or domestic
problems. These natives seem to be willing to ‘take a
chance’, although they cannot be considered gamblers.
Writing preferment possible. This conjunction brings the
possibility of serious health problems.

VENUS: These natives must exercise caution in selection of

their associates, friends and even acquaintances; which
could create some embarrassment for the native with this
conjunction. There is the ever present danger of false
friends, or continuing legal problems. Self destruction is

MARS: There is a tendency for these natives to be

impulsive, and of an emotional, sometimes quarreling

nature. On the surface they may appear quite serene. They
would be subject to misfortune from impulsiveness and
hasty judgement. ‘Secret’ bad habits which could result in
self destruction are possible with this conjunction. The
natives problems, if any, are self created. Disputes should
be avoided.

JUPITER: Preferment in legal, sports, and matters dealing

with the public. The native can be successful in large
ventures. With this conjunction there appears to be ever
present danger of disaster or turbulence, either to the
native, by the native or in some manner connected with the
native or their possessions. There is also the possibility,
that, in some way, the native suggests or enter into
conditions that Create turbulence or panic, or in some
manner affect the lives of many. A judicial sentence is
possible. Natives with this conjunction can make many
gains, find preferment over competitors and make a name
and fame for themselves, - good or bad.


Constellation: /3 Pegasi. An orange-red star on the left

leg of Pegasi. A giant star. Spectral class M2.

BASIC INFLUENCES: These will be modified by

conjunction with the celestial objects. This star imparts to
its natives stubbornness, one who can be headstrong, of a
combative nature. The native gains, loses friends
acquaintances, may be unfortunate, of a changeable almost
unpredictable nature, has high enterprise, maybe subject to
turbulence. May become of a controversial nature.


SUN: Preferment in astrology, occult, and matters dealing

with the public. Success follows disappointments: Natives

with this conjunction should exercise caution not to get
involved in questionable activities, else legal entanglement
may ensue, some serious, some not so serious, depending
upon the nature of the involvement. Potentially dangerous
situations could prove disastrous.

MOON: The native has many friends and/or acquaintances;

however the native is always acquiring new friends or
acquaintances. Some of these natives may entertain the
idea that ‘friends desert’ them, some of these natives are
overly imaginative. Eventually criticism is directed to the
native. The native makes enemies, known and unknown and
the native may become controversial. There is the
possibility to a tendency towards fantasizing by some of
these natives. Turbulence or sublime illness possible. Self
destructive tendencies.

MERCURY: The native is mentally keen, but can be

criticized through their actions or statements. These
natives always have one last and generally unkind remark
or statement. The less advanced natives under this
conjunction will tend to ' belabor or belittle someone,
knowingly or unknowingly. The native can become a victim
of unfortunate circumstances. There is the possibility of
domestic problems with this conjunction.

VENUS: Natives with this conjunction tend to create their

own problems, and even create problems for those
associated with them. There is the danger of having some
restraint in their lives, possibly something that could
change the course of their life. Some of these natives create
or live in a poor environment and make no effort to improve

MARS: The native with this conjunction has high

enterprise, is very ambitions, but there can be some
combativeness exhibited by the native. The native can also
suffer from a variety of misfortunes, or from family upsets
or other family conditions. Any recognition will come late.

JUPITER: Preferment in business, religion, legal, occult,
writings, philosophy and unusual occupations. Natives with
this conjunction, with a well aspected Jupiter and other
good horoscopic conditions, can prove successful in any of
the above careers and make a name and fame for
themselves. Negatively, the same general conditions would
apply, however, coupled with this is the possibility of
disappointment in business or careers.



1 Yr. 5 Yrs. 10 Yrs.
1. Deneb Kaitos -2- 45.1 3.76 7.52
2. Algenib -3- 46.3 3.86 7.72
3. Alpheratz -2- 46.5 3.86 7.72
4. Baiten Kaitos -4- 44.4 3.70 7.40
5. Kullat Nuni -4- 48.1 4.01 8.02
6. Great Nebulae -N- 48.4 4.01 8.02
7. Mirach -2- 50.2 4.19 8.36
8. Stella Mira -V- 51.6 4.30 8.60
9. Sheratan -3- 49.6 4.20 8.20
10. Hamal -2- 50.7 4.22 8.45
11. Schedir -3- 55.2 4.60 9.20
12. Alamak -2- 55.0 4.59 9.20
13. Menkar -3- 46.9 3.91 7.82
14. Zanrak -3- 50.4 4.20 8.40
15. Gyrus -C- 61.8 5.20 10.30
16. Algol -3- 58.6 4.80 9.76
17. Alcyone -3- 53.4 4.50 8.90
17A. Pleiades -3- 53.4 4.50 8.90
18. Hyades, Prima -4- 51.1 4.26 8.51
19. Ain -4- 48.6 4.05 8.10
20. Aldebaran -1- 51.6 4.30 8.60
1 Yr. 5 Yrs. 10 Yrs.
21. Rigel -1- 49.8 4.15 8.30
22. Bellatrix -2- 48.3 4.02 8.00
23. Capella -1- 49.8 4.15 8.30
24. Phact -3- 32.5 2.71 5.42
25. Mintaka -3- 45.9 3.82 7.65
26. Nath -2- 56.8 4.70 9.40
27. Hatysa -N- 47.7 3.97 8.55
28. Alnilam -2- 45.6 4.15 8.30
29. A1 Hecka -3- 45.6 4.15 8.30
30. Cynosura (Polaris) -2- 50.6 4.22 8.43
31. Betel'guesse -1- 48.7 4.06 8.12
32. Menkalinin -2- 50.4 4.20 8.40
33. Tejat-Prior -3- 50.4 4.20 8.40
34. Nuhatai -3- 50.4 4.20 8.40
35. A1 Hena -2- 52.0 4.30 8.60
36. Sirius -1- 49.2 4.10 8.20
37. Canopus -1- 48.0 4.00 8.00
38. A1 Wasat -4- 53.6 4.40 8.90
39. Propus -4- 55.9 4.60 9.30
40. Castor -2- 49.2 4.10 8.20
41. Pollux -1- 48.0 4.00 8.00
1 Yr. 5 Yrs. 10 Yrs.
42. Procyon -1- 47.1 3.90 7.80
43. Praesaepe -C- 51.6 4.30 8.60
44. N. Asselli -5- 52.3 4.30 8.60
45. S. Asselli -4- 51.1 4.50 8.70
46. Kochab -2- 42.0 3.50 7.00
47. Acubens -4- 49.2 4.10 8.20
48. Dubhe -2- 45.0 4.10 8.20
49. Merak -2- 58.0 4.90 9.80
50. Algenubi -3- 51.1 4.26 8.50
51. Alphard -2- 44.2 3.60 7.30
52. Adhafera -4- 50.1 4.10 8.30
53. A1 Jabbah -4- 49.0 4.10 8.20
54. Regulus -1- 44.4 3.70 7.40
55. Phecda (A1 Hecda) -3- 52.2 4.35 8.70
56. Alioth -2- 28.2 2.35 4.70
57. Zosma -2- 42.6 3.55 7.10
58. Mizar -2- 27.0 2.25 4.50
59. Denebola -2- 45.9 3.80 7.60
60. Copula -N- 36.7 3.05 6.10
61. Labrum -4- 34.5 2.80 5.70
62. A1 Raid -2- 31.2 2.50 5.20
1 Yr. 5 Yrs. 10 Yrs.
63. Alaraph -4- 46.9 3.90 7.80
64. Markeb -4- 27.9 2.30 4.60
65. Zaniah -4- 46.0 3.80 7.60
66. Vindemiatrix -3- 42.0 3.50 7.00
67. Porrima -3- 45.6 3.80 7.60
68. Algorab -3- 41.4 3.45 6.90
69. Seginus -3- 36.3 3.00 6.00
70. Foramen -4- 24.6 2.05 4.10
71. Spica -1- 42.6 3.55 7.10
72. Arcturus -1- 43.8 3.65 7.30
73. Tseih Kung -4- 42.0 3.50 7.00
74. Khambalia -4- 47.8 3.90 7.90
75. Acrux -2- 49.8 4.15 8.30
76. Alphecca -2- 43.8 3.65 7.30
77. El Genubi -3- 49.6 4.10 8.20
78. El Schemali -3- 48.4 4.00 8.00
79. Unukalhai -3- 46.2 3.85 7.70
80. Agena -1- 38.4 3.20 6.40
81. Tollman -1- 45.0 3.70 7.40
82. Yed Prior -3- 47.1 3.90 7.80
83. Dschubba -2- 48.3 4.00 7.90
1 Yr. 5 Yrs. 10 Yrs.
84. Graffias -3- 47.4 3.90 7.90
85. Han -3- 49.5 4.10 8.20
86. Antares -1- 50.0 4.10 8.30
87. Rastaban -3- 45.0 3.70 7.50
88. Ras Algethi -3- 48.0 4.00 8.00
89. Sabik -3- 51.6 4.30 8.60
90. Rasalhague -2- 49.8 4.10 8.30
91. Lesuth -3- 49.8 4.10 8.30
92. Aculeus -C- 58.3 4.85 9.70
93. Etamin -2- 48.5 4.00 8.00
94. Acumen -C- 59.8 4.95 9.90
95. Sinistra -3- 49.5 4.10 8.20
96. Trifid Nebulae -C- 54.5 4.50 9.00
97. Polis -4- 53.6 4.45 8.90
98. Kaus Borealis -3- 51.0 4.25 8.50
99. Facies -C- 54.7 4.55 9.10
100. Nunki -2- 50.4 4.20 8.40
101. Ascella -3- 49.8 4.10 8.30
102. Mannubrium -4- 50.4 4.20 8.40
103. Vega -1- 51.0 4.15 8.30
104. Deneb -3- 49.8 4.15 8.30
1 Yr. 5 Yrs. 10 Yrs.
105. Terrebelum -5- 54.7 4.55 9.10
106. Albireo -3- 50.4 4.20 8.40
107. Altair -1- 49.8 4.15 8.30
108. Geidi -5- 49.8 4.15 8.30
109. Dabih -3- 50.5 4.20 8.40
110. Oculus -5- 51.4 4.28 8.56
111. Bos -5- 51.3 4.27 8.55
112. Armus -5- 51.1 4.25 8.51
113. Dorsum -5- 50.4 4.20 8.40
114. Castra -4- 50.4 4.20 8.40
115. Nashira -4- 49.9 4.15 8.31
116. Sadalsuud -3- 47.4 3.95 7.90
117. Deneb Algedi -3- 49.6 4.10 8.20
118. Sadalmelik -3- 46.2 3.85 7.70
119. Fomalhaut -1- 49.8 4.15 8.30
120. Deneb Adige -1- 36.6 3.05 6.10
121. Skat -4- 42.6 3.55 7.10
122. Archernar -1- 49.9 4.15 8.30
123. Markab -3- 44.8 3.70 7.40
124. Scheat -3- 40.2 3.35 6.70

For determination of star positions for years not given

in the longitudinal changes, the methods are elementary
and several examples will illustrate the ease with which this
may be accomplished.
(1) Required: Astrological position for star #1, Deneb
Kaitos for 1956. From the ephemeris in section 2, note that
the stars position for 1950 was 1° 50’, and the stars position
for 1960 was 1° 58’. Next, find the annual movement of star
HI from the ‘fixed star longitudinal changes’, which is 45.1” .
For determining the stars position for the year 1956, use the
following formulae:
Annual motion [-45.1”] x required time [ff] [5 years from
1950] Divided by 60
The result is 270.6” divided by 60=4.51’ (minutes).
Star HI, Deneb Kaitos for year 1950 was 1° 50’. Add to
1° 50’ the result: 4.51’ + 4.51’ - The answer: 1° 54.51 mins.

To change this to the proper minutes and seconds, refer

to the decimal equivalent chart. .51 is between .50 and .52,
and the resulting answer will be: 1° 54’ 30” . The 30 seconds
may be dropped because of the latitude used in the star

(2) Required: Astrological position (longitude) for star

#5, Kullat Nuni, for 1975. Known, from the longitudinal
table, the annual movement of star #5, which is 48.1” . From
the fixed star ephemeris, section 2, star #5 position for 1970
was 26° 20’. Next multiply 48.1 by 5 years, which equals
240.5. Divide 240.5 by 60 and the answer is 4’00” . Add 4’00”
to 26° 22’ and the final answer is 26° 26’.

The decimal equivalent chart is used in conjunction

with the longitudinal star changes for determination of
actual minutes and seconds of a particular fixed star’s
movement. Deneb Kaitos, star HI, has a 5 year longitudinal
change of 3.76’. By referring to the decimal equivalent chart
this figure, .76’ is the same as 45 V2 seconds, and the
resultant answer would be 3 minutes and 45% seconds.


’ DEC. 99
1 .02 16 .27 31 .52 46 .77
2 .03 17 .28 32 .53 47 .78
3 .05 18 .30 33 .55 48 .80
4 .07 19 .32 34 .57 49 .82
5 .08 20 .33 35 .58 50 .83
6 .10 21 .35 36 .60 51 .85
7 .12 22 .37 37 .62 52 .87
8 .13 23 .38 38 .63 53 .88
9 .15 24 .40 39 .65 54 .90
10 .17 25 .42 40 .67 55 .92
11 .18 26 .43 41 .68 56 .93
12 .20 27 .45 42 .70 57 .95
13 .22 28 .47 43 .72 58 .97
14 .23 29 .48 44 .73 59 .98
15 .25 30 .50 45 .75 60 .100

TIM E TABLE Time is expressed in seconds, minutes and



60 seconds ” equals 1 minute ’
60 minutes ’ equals 1 degree °



Celestial Object Approximate Daily Movement

S U N ..'. ................................................................................... 59’
M O O N ................................................................................ 13°10’
M ER C U R Y ..................................................................... 1°24’
VEN U S ............................................................................... 1°12’
M A R S ..................................................................................... 45’
JU PITER ................................................................................12’


D A ILY 1 hour 6 hours 12 hours

59’ xxxx 14’ 45” 29’ 30”
1 °0 0 ’ 2’ 30” 15’ 00” 30’ 00”
1° 12’ 3’ 00” 18’ 00” 36’ 00”
1° 24’ 3’ 30” 21’ 00” 42’ 00”
1° 36’ 4’ 00” 24’ 00” 48’ 00”
1° 48’ 4’ 30” 31’ 30” 54’ 00”


Daily 1/2 hour 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours 12 hours

12° 15’ 00” 30’ 00” 1° 30’ 3° 00’ 6° 00’
13° 16’ 15” 32’ 30” 1° 37’ 3° 15’ 6° 30’
14° 17’ 30” 35’ 00” 1° 45’ 3° 30’ 7° 00’
15° 18’ 45” 37’ 30” 1° 52’ 3° 45’ 7° 30’

Meantime EST
06 00 hours......1 a.m
0700............. 2 a.m
0800............. 3 a.m
0900............. 4 a.m
1000............. 5 a.m
1100............. 6 a.m
1200 (Noon).... 7 a.m
1300............. 8 a.m
1400 ............. 9 a.m
1500............ 10 a.m
CO 1600............ 11 a.m
1700............ Noon.
1800............. 1 p.m
1900............. 2 p.m
2000............. 3 p.m
2100............. 4 p.m
2200............. 5 p.m
2300............. 6 p.m
2400 (Midnight).7 p.m
0100............. 8 p.m
0200............. 9 p.m


..Midnight. . .
. .1 a . m .....
. .2 a . m .....
. .3 a . m .....
. .4 a . m .....
. .5 a . m .....
. .6 a . m .....
. .7 a.m.....
. .8 a. m .....
. .9 a . m .....
.10 a . m .....
.11 a. m .....
. .1 p . m .....
. .2 p . m .....
. .3 p . m .....
. .4 p . m ..... ....3 p . m ....
. .5 p . m .....
. .6 o .m.....
. .7 p . m .....
. .8 p . m .....
Greenwich Co n t .
0500....... .10 p.m....

Daylight saving time: Add ( + ) 1 hour to the above times.

0 hours in ephemeris time is the same as Greenwich meantime midnight. This differs from Universal
(Greenwich) time by only fractions of a second.

Greenwich meantime midnight = 7:00 p.m. EST.

Greenwich meantime noon = 7:00 a.m. EST.

U.T. (universal time) is the same as Greenwich midnight time.

E.T. (ephemeris time) used in principal since 1960.

MARS = C5* PLUTO = ^
Square = □ = 90 Semi-square = < 1 = 45
Opposition — cP =180 Conjunction = c/ = 0
Sextile = >K = 60 Semi-sextile = V. = 30
Inconjunct = = 150


1) ORBS: The effective space within an aspect.

For fixed stars Maximum allowable orb

1st magnitude fixed s t a r s ................................................ 2° 30’

2nd magnitude fixed stars................................................ 2° 10’
3rd magnitude fixed sta rs................................................ 1° 40’
4th magnitude fixed sta rs ................................................ 1° 30’
5th & 6th magnitude s t a r s .................................................1°00’
C (Cluster) & N (N eb u lae.............................................. 1°00’

2) - ORBS: Maximum allowable for celestial objects:

For conjunction (cO, squares ( □ ) , sextiles (>K) and

oppositions (cP). + or - 5 degrees.

For semi-squares ( £ ) , semi-sextiles ((Y.) and inconjuncts

(7T). + or - 1 degree.

Example: Using a 2nd magnitude fixed star as an

example, if the orb between the celestial object and the
fixed star is 2° 20’, it will not be effective. It must be within
the predetermined range of 2° 10’. Fixed star orbs must be
within the predetermined range to be effective.



Within the framework of fixed stars and the celestial

objects, a variation of orbs from the proven range is
unacceptable and will only result in unsatisfactory
delineations of the influences. The chart illustrates the loss
of efficiency and a conjunction (0 degrees) to a 5 degree orb
for several of the magnitudes.


(of effectiveness)

1° ............................................................................................32%
2 ° ............................................................................................65%
3 ° ............................................................................................85%
4° ............................................................................................96%

* Beyond recommended orbs for any magnitude.


Many of the stars have names such as Achernar, Sirius,

Canopus, etc. These stars as well as many others have
names derived from the constellations of which they are a
part. Astronomers have assigned Greek letters: a , /8 , C ,
etc.; to the stars. The letter is followed by a genitive of the
Latin name. Thus Y Ursae Majoris means “gamma” of Ursa
Major, etc. The following table gives the Greek alphabet
and on pages 255 through page 267 lists the Latin names of
all of the stars used in this volume.

a = alpha V = nu
(8 = beta £ = xi
Y = gamma 0 = omicron
§ = delta TT = Pi
€ = epsilon P = rho
£ = zeta 0 = sigma
r) = eta T = tau
q — theta V = upsilon
t = iota <f> = phi
K = kappa X = chi
A = lambda
* = psi
/x = mu CO = omega

Spectral Colour Surface Temperature Typical stars and
Class range Ranges Ko Remarks
W Greenish-white 80,000 Many W stars are
eclipsing binaries.

0 1 2
Greenish-white 36,000 plus y y Velorum and
£ Na o s .

B Blusih-white 25,000 to Achernar B5. Ranges

12,000. from BO to B9.

to A White 10,000 to Sirius A 1 , Deben A 2 ,

os 8,000 Altair A 7 . Ranges
from AO to A 9 .

F Yellowish or 7,500 to Canopus FO, Procyon

yellow-white 6,000 F5. Ranges from FO
to F 9 .

G Yellow 5,200. Algenubi


G Yellow 6,000. Sun

Spectral Colour Surface Temperature Typical stars and
Class range Ranges Ko Remarks
K Orange 5,000 to Arcturus
(giant) 4,000.

K Orange 4,000 to Tien-Tuen.

(dwarf) 3,000.

M Orange-red 3,000. Betelguesse M2.


M Orange-red 3,200. Mira M6e, Antares

(dwarf) MO.

R Orange-red 2,500. u Cygni. Similar

to 'N' but less red.

N Red 2,500. A small class of

deep red stars.

S Red 2,600 A small class of

red stars with
spectra similar to
class M.

Star Star Spectral Temperature* Constellation

Number Name Type
2 Algenib B2 16,000 Y Pegasus
72 Arcturus KO 4,100 a Bootes
122 Achenar B5 15,000 a Eridani
80 Agena B1 21,000 P Centauri
107 Altair A5 8,600 a Aquilae
20 Aldebaran K5 3,300 a Tauri
86 Antares MO 3,100 a Scorpio
75 Acrux (Al Nair) B1 21,000 a Crucis
28 Ainilam BO 25,000 c Orionis
62 Al Raid B3 17,000 T) Ursa Majoris
35 Al Hena Al 10,000 Y Geminorium
16 Algol B8 12,500 P Persei
3 Alpheratz B8 12,500 a Andromedae
12 Alamach K3 3,620 7 Andromedae
51 Alphard K3 3,620 a Hydrae
76 Alphecca AO 11,200 a C o r . Borealis
56 Alioth Al 10,600 e Ursa Majoris
31 Betelguesse MO 3,100 a Orionis
22 Bellatrix B2 18,000 Y Orionis
37 Canopus FO 8,000 a Carinae
Temperature: degree, Kelvin*
Star Star Spectral Temperature* Constellation
Number Name Type
40 Castor AO 11,200 a Geminorium
23 Capella GO 6,000 a Aurigae
30 Cynosura F8 6,200 a Ursa Minoris
120 Deneb Adige A2 10,000 a Cygni
48 Dubhe G7 4,940 a Ursae Majoris
1 Deneb Kaitos G8 4,660 p Ceti
59 Denebola A3 9,000 P Leonis
83 Dschubba BO 25,000 8 Scorpius
119 Fomalhaut A3 9,000 a Pise. A u s t .
10 Hamal K2 3,780 a Arities
58 Mizar A2 10,000 i Ursae Majoris

25 Mintaka 09 35,800 8 Orionis

8 Mira M6 2,800 a Ceti

32 Menkalinin A2 10,000 P Aurigae

49 Merak A1 10,600 P Ursae Majoris
123 Markab B9 12,000 a Pegasi
7 Mirak MO 3,100 P Andromedae
100 Nunki B3 17,000 o Sagittarii
26 Nath B8 12,500 P Tauri
55 Phecda AO 11,200 y Ursae Majoris
Temperature: degree Kelvin.
Star Star Spectral Temperature* Constellation
Number Name ... Type
90 Rasalhague A5 8,600 a Ophiuchus
54 Regulus B8 20,000 a Leonis
21 Rigel B8 12,500 ^ Orionis
93 Rastaban K5 3,300 YDraconis
71 Spica B2 18,000 a Virginus
11 Schedir G9 4,380 a Cassiopiae
89 Sabik A2 10,000 T) Ophiuchi
124 Scheat M2 3,000 /9 Pegasi
57 Zosma A3 9,000 6 Leonis
Temperature* degree, Kelvin.

The basic effects of fixed stars are determined by their

colour and over the centuries the colours of the stars could
change. This change in colour will alter the basic effect of
the stars. Past fixed star information has been from data
supplied by Ptolemy, taken from his several books. There
seems to be evidence that his catalogue of information was
not based on his original observations, but drawn from the
lost catalogues of Hipparchus, compiled at Rhodes.
The important consideration o f fixed stars are:

(1) Star colours may change, thereby altering their

basic influence. This is best described by the change of
Sirius, explained on page 6. It takes centuries to make these

(2) Stars do not have the nature of any of the planets, as

provided by information in Ptolemy’s works. This
comparison at best was very rough and inaccurate.

(3) Star colours and at times their magnitudes are not

uniformly given in all astronomy textbooks. Either they,
the astronomer authors, are unable to agree or they get
their information from different sources. The most reliable
source is from Harvard College Observatory, whose
astronomers made an extensive research which included a
comparative study of over 225,000 stars. The information in
this volume was taken from European astronomy books
whose authors apparently follow Harvard Colleges
information quite closely.

(4) A combination of letters and numerals are used in

conjunction with the fixed stars due to the wide range of
colour and temperature variations of the stars.

(5) When a star of a specified colour has a companion

this alters the stars influence, if it is a revolving companion
or one of a different colour.

(6) Most stars offer both a positive and a negative
influence to the nativities and this is particularly true of
variable and double stars.

(7) The colour range of stars is designated by the

numbers after the stars letters, which will range from 0 to
9. For example, a star with the letter A and the number 5
indicates a colour range half way between AO and FO.
Assume the star Altair is designated as A5. This would
indicate that Altair is a white star with a graduation going
towards yellow. If Altair is A9, this indicates Altair is a
whitish-yellow star. The basic influence would be that of a
white (A) star with the influence of some of the yellow (G)

(8) When a small letter precedes the stars main or large

letter, this indicates the size of the star. For example, g K 7
indicates a giant orange star, or d K would indicate a dwarf
orange star. If the small letter p follows the star letter and
number it indicates the star has peculiarities, un­

Not all astronomy books give the same spectral types

for identical stars, nor do they give the same temperature
for the various stars. Some stars have revolving
companions and some astronomical sources only give one of
the stars spectral colour and temperature range, ignoring
the companion star. For example, star #86 Antares, will be
given as MO for the spectral grouping, and the temperature
as 3100 degrees Kelvin, while another source will give the
star Antares spectral group as M l and its temperature as
3500 degrees Kelvin. For basic influence purposes, the
important star is the main star and the revolving companion
may add or subtract from the main stars influences.
Some stars will have small letters after the larger
letters, as for example: Altair is shown as A7n. The letter
‘A ’ indicates Altair is a white star, the number 7 indicates
the star is not pure white but has a colour range going
towards the yellow spectrum. The small letter ‘n’ indicates
diffuse absorption lines, which tends to detract somewhat

from the beneficial effects of the star Altair. If a letter
precedes the larger letter, it indicates the size of the star as
for example: gA7 would indicate a giant star, dA7 would
indicate a dwarf star.

The range o f letters follows:

n = diffuse absorption lines.

s = sharp absorption lines.
c = exceptionally sharp absorption lines.
g = a giant star.
d = a dwarf star.
e = spectrum with emission lines.
p = the star has peculiarities, not readily defined.

The temperatures listed in the stellar spectral chart

are given in degrees on the Kelvin scale, based on absolute
zero, which is equal to minus 273.16 degrees Centigrade,
and not on the freezing point of water, which is zero degrees

The percentage o f stars in each spectral class are:

Spectral Class Percentage

B .................... .......... 10%
A .................. ...........22 %
F .................. ............19%
G .................. ............14%
K .................. ............31%

The balance o f stars are less than3°h.

Stars in the spectral ranges of W, 0 , and B all have

helium present which are an important part of these stars,
as important as their colours and temperature ranges,
whereas stars of a detrimental nature have no helium but
more metallic lines and carbon bands. Where hydrogen is
present, the star is also of a beneficial nature but not as
beneficial as those with helium. This information is only
important to those analysts who seek additional information

on star values. For the average analyst this is covered in the
overall basic influences of the various stars.
Referring to the stellar spectral chart, a typical star in
class 0 is y l y 2 Velorum (no assigned name), which is a
group of four stars. If this star is to be considered for
analytical influences, one important consideration is to
determine whether the star has a companion, revolving
companion, or a companion of a different colour. If the star
has anyone of these it would alter its influence, in particular
if one of the companions had a different temperature range.
If all the stars are of the same temperature range, and do
not revolve, then the basic influence would be based on the
colour spectrum of the star. In the case of the star in the
constellation Velorum, one of its stars are of a lower
temperature range, but within the temperature range
which includes the element helium, included in the rest of
the stars in Velorum. In this case the stars influence would
be based on the main stars influence and of the combined
stars, which is the case with the star Regulus.
Another star in the same range of temperature,
Naos, having helium present, would have basic influences
similar to the star Regulus and when its astrological
longitude is determined, it is found to be 17° 12’ Leo for
epoch 1900 which brings it close to star #50, Algenubi, a
detrimental star, which would affect the influences of Naos
in nativities, but would also lessen the detrimental effect of
Algenubi. Its 10 year movement is 7.0’.
The effectiveness of Spica and of Sirius are reduced
because they have companion stars revolving around them,
without such stars their effectiveness would equal Regulus,
to some extent. Regulus, a most effective star with a
temperature of about 20,000 degrees Kelvin, is a triple star.
However, none of its companions revolve around Regulus
and they reinforce Regulus because of their similar
temperature range. The only detriment to a native having
Regulus in conjunction with a celestial object in their
nativity would be if star #51, Alphard, spectral class gK2, is
also in conjunction with one of their celestial objects. This
star reduces the effectiveness of Regulus.


This information represents the basic influences of the

various spectral classes (colours) which are to be modified
by their conjunction with the celestial objects.


A higher spiritual nature is imparted to its natives, but

few can respond; the native has a fondness for power, able
t o ' gain victory over their enemies, has the ability to
command, is a grandly liberal person, can gain martial
honours, gain kingly preferment, has the ability to gain
great authority, has cosmopolitan views, may be subject to
high honours and wealth and renown. A native having one
of the spectral class stars W ,0, and/or B in conjunction with
their celestial objects will not have all of the above features,
but possibly one or more and these will be modified by other
fixed stars and the stars conjunction with the celestial
A variable star dilutes the influences as follows: The
native may be loquacious, changeable, rash, headstrong.
This would be in addition to the influences of the main stars,
W ,0 and/or B.
A double star would change the influences as follows:
The native is headstrong, changeable, obstinate, energetic,
orderly, has a quick mind, may be subject to honours and
possibly other features of the stars W ,0 and/or B.
If the second star is yellow, it would then bring in the
qualities of spectral class F and G, in addition to the main
influences of the stars W ,0 and/or B.


This class of stars endows their natives with great

honours, artistic appreciation, unexpected gains, good
fortune, riches, good judgement, sociableness, creativeness,
idealism, impulsiveness, and negatively wantonness,

indiscretion, scandals, foolhardiness, destructiveness,
cleverness, many anxious moments and of a self seeking
nature. A variable star would dilute its influence, for
example, create an argumentive nature, an inconstant
nature, a degree of unreliability; in addition to the
influences of the basic star.


Basically, the yellow group is fortunate for success,

material matters, careers, leadership ability, the ability to
conquer, mental keenness, a demanding person, one who is
thoughtful, serious person, brings on melancholy, one who
is a hard worker, a determined person, an adventurer, a
private person, a rise followed by a fall, one who is
enduring, a sincere person, a self centered person, causes
self destruction and possibly turbulence.


These orange-red stars impart to its natives the drive

to succeed, success, activity,' power, calamities, notoriety,
turbulence, self destruction, brute force, bad morals, demon
power, anxiety, tragedies, boldness, shamelessness, daring,
many dangers.
The many indications given are all basic and modified
to a great extent, depending upon companions, double or
variable stars, upon the location in the nativity, upon
whether or not they are of a positive or of a negative
A star indicating turbulence does not necessarily
indicate the native having such a star in their nativity will
be of a violent nature or subject to turbulence, it means the
effect of a particular star in the nativity was at birth
impressed upon their subconscious mind and can be altered
considerably depending upon early training or lack of it.
This is fully covered in chapter 1.
Negatively, spectral classes F, G, K, M, R and N would
impart to its natives impatience, irritability, hostility,
excessive drive, overly ambitious nature, subject to self
destruction and violence.


The spectra combinations of celestial influences will

find practical application in determining influences of
nebulae and clusters. Spectral class ‘G’ conjunction spectral
class ‘M’ will produce the following influences:
Boldness, headstrong, generous, turbulence, ex­
acting, austere, great determination, and leadership
Spectral class ‘A ’ in conjunction with spectral class ‘M’
will produce the following influences:
Indiscreet, rash, persevering, a liar, one who is quick
witted, brave, generous, of a quarreling nature,
sublime illness, discreet, turbulence, self destruction,
leadership ability.
Global clusters are generally of an ‘F’ spectrum, and
these together with nebulae will produce the following
Combativeness, a changeable nature, eyesight or ear
problems, an ambitious nature, one who is obstinate,
one who procrastinates, rashness, headstrong,
determined, self driven, turbulence, leadership
ability, self destruction.
Nebulae and clusters in conjunction with a natives Sun
and/or Moon endow the native with a driving ambition, a
desire to forge ahead, sometimes an almost defiant nature.
However, if the Sun and the Moon are in adverse aspect or
of a negative nature the native is subject to eye or ear
problems and even turbulence.
To some extent, this can become a problem with a
positive Sun or Moon. These conditions may arise at
anytime during the life of the native.
Although not delineated in this volume, when various
nebulae and clusters are in conjunction with natal Mercury,
Venus or Mars, the basic influences to the natives would be:
Secret bad habits, a loner, one with sexual fantasies or
problems, one subject to turbulence or self destruction. If
natal Mercury is negative, then the influences of the

nebulae and clusters would create mental disturbances. If
natives having any such conjunctions, take any kind of mind
altering substances, the worst is brought to the forefront of
the natives character and this will take its toll. If the
nativity is of a positive nature, then certain conditions will
alter, for example - a Venus conjunction will endow the
native with a cold, detached, unfeeling, unemotional
personality, however, such natives can appear outwardly to
be very sociable and agreeable, with the possibility of a
tendency to over react to situations. In the case of a
Mercury conjunction the native will be heroic, courageous,
even defiant. With a Mars conjunction the native will have a
tendency to be reckless, thoughtless, inconsiderate and
even accident prone, self destructive.
When determining such influences, where, as in Mars
conjunction or other conjunctions, the influence indicates a
tendency to be reckless, inconsiderate, thoughtless, etc.,
this does not indicate the native with such a conjunction will
have all such influences, but they can have one or more of
such indicated influences.


A star begins its career by condensing out of stellar

dust and cloud. The nebulae are stellar birth places. The
youthful stars would first be large red stars with cool
surfaces. As contraction went on the temperature would
continue to rise, and the star would become successively a
giant orange star. Arcturus is an example. Then it would
become a yellow giant star, Capella is an example, and then
a much smaller and highly luminous white star such as
Rigel. This then would be the peak of a stars career, the
evolution of which would take thousands of years. In
extreme old age, all the stars light and heat would leave it
and the star would turn to a dark cold globe.
A star shines because it is steadily converting its
matter into radiation. An example would be the energetic
star Rigel, which is squandering its nuclear fuel at the
amazing rate of 80,000 million tons per second. Our Sun
loses its mass to the extent of 4,000,000 tons per second.


Popular star name Constellation Diameter x Sun

1. Sun 1.0
2. Sirius a Canis Major 1.8
3. Arcturus a Bootes 30.0
4. Canopus a Carinae 210.0
5. Betelguesse a Orionis 300.00
6. Mira o Ceti 400.00
7. Wezen 5 Canis Major 440.00
8. Antares a Scorpionis 500.00

The diameter of our Sun is 865,400 miles which is 100 times

that of the earth. The spectral class of the Sun is GO.



The data listing all important fixed stars for use in

determining humanistic characteristics should prove useful
to the analyst who has become well versed in the application
of fixed stars. This information should be used in
conjunction with the spectral conversion data on pages 244
and 245 which provides basic influences of stars in their
various spectral classifications. The stars magnitudes
together with orbs for use with exact magnitudes are listed
in the following chart:


Stars exact Maximum allowable Number of listed

Magnitudes Orbs stars in this category.
From: 0.06 to 0.89 2° 40’ 13
From: 1.00 to 1.49 2° 30’ 8
From: 1.50 to 1.99 2° 20’ 18
From: 2.00 to 2.50 2° 10’ 33
From: 2.51 to 2.90 2° 00’ 33

From: 2.91 to 3.55 1° 40’ 98
From: 3.56 to 4.60 1° 30’ 32
From: 4.61 up 1°00’ 18

The exact magnitude of the stars is the exact visual

magnitude, based on photo electric observations and should
not be con fu sed w ith absolu te m agnitude: (ref:
page 269 - appendix).
The following several examples illustrate the method of
converting spectral characteristics of fixed stars to
humanistic factors where the selected stars are not covered
in chapter five.

Mars at 18° 34’ Virgo has the following aspects: Mars
square Moon, trine Saturn, sextile Uranus for the year
1940. There is no fixed star number listed for this
conjunction for year 1940, as determined by the ephemeris.
The next step is to check on page 259, STARS IN VIRGO.
Note that the star ASMIDISKE is listed at 18° 40’ Virgo for
the year 1900. The ten year movement is given as 4.4
minutes. Multiply this figure by 4. (1940 is 40 years from
1900, or 4 times the 10 year movement), and add this result
to ASMIDISKE’S position for 1900; the answer is 19° 06
minutes, in conjunction with Mars at 18° 34’ Virgo. (The
stars magnitude is given as 1.74 and an orb of 2° 20’ is
The next step is to analyze the stars basic humanistic
effects and add or subtract that information from the basic
influence of Mars in Virgo. For the stars basic humanistic
effects, refer to page 245, under spectral class “K”
(ASMIDISKE is spectral class K). The basic effects of this
spectral class is: “This star imparts to its natives the drive
to Succeed, an active mentality, boldness.” Note that not all
the basic influences are included. WHY? Because the
natives Mars is well aspected to Saturn and Uranus. If the
natives Mars had been adversely aspected to either Saturn
or Uranus, or both, or adversely aspected to Neptune, with
no fine aspects to Mercury or between Mercury and other
celestial objects, in such case all the basic influences of

spectral class K would have been included. This is
important to remember when making self determinations of
celestial objects of un-numbered stars.
The star ASMIDISKE has an unusual feature. It is a
binary with two different spectral classes, K and B.
Generally, such stars will have similar spectral classes.
The next step is to list the basic influences of spectral
class “B” as outlined on page 245. Spectral class “B” offers
the native “kingly preferment” , the ability to gain great
authority, imparts to its natives cosmopolitan views, the
ability to command, and endows its natives with the inborn
ability to be grandly liberal. The next step is to make a
determination of the basic effects of Mars in Virgo: It
endows its natives with a quick intellect, energy,
shrewdness and negatively it creates procrastination and
Now to combine this information: “The native has an
inherent drive to succeed, is mentally active and will not
hesitate to keep pushing towards their self set goals. The
native can gain high preferment in their chosen field, has
the ability to gain great authority, the ability to ‘command
and direct’, has cosmopolitan views and can become a
grandly liberal person.”
In the proceeding example, the natives Mars was
negative, because of the Moon’s aspect, however, if Mars
was also in adverse aspect to the slower moving planets,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, this would present an entirely
different picture. The worst effects of the spectral class of
“K” and the spectral class “B” would have been taken into
This same method of star analysis may be satisfactorily
used with any stars lacking catalog numbers. The only
precaution - be careful not include or consider any ‘house’
position effects. That is another subject and cannot be
satisfactorily used with fixed star analysis.

The natives Mercury is 26° 52’ Aquarius and is
semi-square both Mars and Saturn, but trine to Pluto and
sextile to the Moon. The natives year of birth is 1909. These

aspects indicate a positive Mercury. There is not a fixed
star number listed for this conjunction for the year 1909 as
determined by the ephemeris. The next step is to check
page 266, STARS IN AQUARIUS and note that the fixed
star GEINAH, of magnitude 2.64 is located at 26° 21’
Aquarius for the year 1900. Ten year movement is given at
7 inches, which, added to 26° 21’, results in a figure of 26°
28’ for the year 1909, the natives birth year.
GEINAH is of spectral class gKO, indicating a giant
orange star. Referring to spectral class ‘K ’ basic influences
on page 246, this star imparts to its natives the drive to
succeed, activity (in this case mental activity, because it is
in conjunction with natal Mercury), anxiety, tragedies,
boldness, shamelessness (feisty), daring and subject to
many dangers. The positive aspect between Mercury and
the Moon lessens the effect of tragedies, danger, etc.. This
basic information must be added to the natives Mercury in
Aquarius basic influences, which are:The native is original,
of an independent nature, lives according to their ideals, not
anyone elses, takes little heed to public opinion or ideas,
etc. generations ahead of the times, is of a kind nature, able
to attract intellectuals.
Next: add these two basic influences together and the
results are: The native with a positively aspected Mercury
in conjunction with the fixed star GEINAH has the
following attributes: “Is mentally active, has the drive to
succeed, but subject to anxiety, can be feisty, even daring,
is of an original nature, independent, Cares little for social
ideas of the times but is far advanced in their ideas. There
may be some tragedies seriously felt at the time, but the
native overcomes them.”



0 '
1. DENEB KAITOS P Ceti 2.24 1 10 6.9' KO
GEINAH £ Cygni 2.64 3 14 2 .6 ' gK5
a Reticuli 3.36 6 04 2 .0 ' G5
2. ALGENIB y Pegasi 2.87 7 46 7.0' B2
ALDERAMIN a Cephi 2.60 11 25 2.7’ A7n
3. ALPHERATZ a Andromedae 2.15 12 55 6 . 1 ' B 8p
TIEN YUEN t Ceti 3.65 16 24 6 . 1 ' KO
\ Andromedae 4.00 16 55 5.9' G8
/ x Andrcmedae 3.90 20 16 6 .8 ' A2
4. BATEN KAITOS [ Ceti 3.92 20 25 7.4' KO
ACAMAR Q Eridani 3.06 (D) 22 59 6.3' A2+A2
5. KULLAT NUNI rj Piscum 3.72 25 25 9.02’ G5
6 . GREAT NEBULAE M31 ANDROMEDAE 4.80 26 26 8 .0 2 ' -------
7. MIRACH P Andrctnedae 2.37 29 01 6 .8 ' MO


o '
8 . STELLA MIRA <J Ceti 2 to 10 0 07 7.3' M5 to 9e
9. SHERATAN P Arietis 2.72 2 34 9.3' A5
CAFH P Cassiopiea 2.42 3 45 5.2' F5
10. HAMAL a Arieties 2.23 6 14 7.3' K2
11. SCHEDIR a Cassiopiea 2.47 6 24 5.6' KO
AL KAFF y Ceti (V) 3.58+7.00 8 02 7.5' A2+F7
MIZAN P Triangulum 3.08 10 58 1 . 3 ' A5
TSIH y Cassiopiea (V) 2 -6 12 34 5.6' KO
12. ALAMAK y Andromedae 2.28 12 50 7.1' KO
13. MENKAR a Ceti 2.82 12 55 1 . 1 ' IYD
ELECTRA 17 Tauri 3.81 16 48 1 . 6 ' B5p
KSORA (Rucha) 8 Cassiopiea 2.80 16 32 5.9' A5
14. ZANRAK y Eridani 3.19 22 27 1 .9 ' gMO
15. GYRUS M3 4 Perseus 4.00 22 43 10.34' - - -
SEGIN e Cassiopiea 3.44 23 22 6 .0 ' B3s
TIEN y Perseus 3.08 23 28 7.4' gF+A3
GORGONEA P Perseus 3.3-4.0 23 30 7.7' gM3
16. ALGOL P Parseus 2.2 (V) 24 46 7.7' B 8+
17. ALCYONE t| Tauri 2 .8 28 36 8 .0 ' BEp
17A. PLEIADES M45 Tauri 4.25 28 38 8 .0 ' - - -
bright STARS I!
MENKHIB £ Perseus
18. PRIMA HYADES y Tauri
19. AIN HYADES e Tauri
20. ALDEBARAN a Tauri
AL TAJ Orionis
KUENG TSIN e Leporis
CURSA /9 Eridani
21. RIGEL f i Orionis
22. BELLATRIX Y Orionis
23. CAPET,T,A a Aurigae
24. PHACH a Columbae
25. MINTAKA 8 Orionis
26. EL NATH /3 Tauri
27. HATYSA M42 i Orionis
28. ALNILAM e Orionis
29. AL HECKA C Tauri
SAIPH X Orionis
30. POLARIS a Ursa Minor
31. BETELGUESSE a Orionis
32. MENKALININ /3 Aurigae
MAG. LONG. Move.
0 '
2.91 1 43 8 .0 ' Bl
3.93 4 24 8 .0 ' KO
3.86 6 33 8 .0 ' KO
3.63 7 05 8 .0 ' KO
1.06 8 14 8 .2 ' K5
3.31 10 30 8.3' F8
3.29 10 38 8 .2 ' K5
2.92 13 54 8.3' A3
0.92 15 25 8.3' B8p
1.60 19 32 8.3' B2
0 .2 1 20 27 8.3' GQ/G5
2.75 20 45 8.3' B8
2.48 20 58 8 .2 ' 09
1.78 21 11 8.3' B8
4.60 21 35 8.3' 07/B8
1.75 22 04 8.3' BO
1.60 23 23 8.3' B
2 .2 0 25 00 8.3' BO
2.10 (V) 27 10 8 .2 ' F8
0.70 27 29 8.4' M2
1.80 28 31 8.4' KO

33. TEJAT PRIOR T1 Geminorium

34. NUHAITI /* Geminorium
MIRZAM P Cannis Major
AL FURUD c Cannis Major
35. AL LENA V Geminorium
MEBSUTA Geminorium
36. SIRIUS a Cannis Major
37. CANOPUS a Carinae
38. AL WASAT 8 Geminorium
39. PROPUS L Geminorium
40. CASTOR a Geminorium
ADARA e Cannis Major
41. POLLUX P Geminorium
42. PROCYON a Cannis Minor
ALUDRA *1 Cannis Major
AL WEZN 8 Cannis Major
MAG. LONG. Move.
o '
3.20V 2 02 8.40' MO
3.19 3 54 8.40' dA8
1.99 5 48 8.40' Bl
3.10 5 59 8.30' B3
1.80 7 42 8.40' AO
3.40 9 48 8.30' cG8
0.06 12 42 8 .2 0 ' AO
0 .8 6 13 34 8 .0 ' FO
3.18 15 47 8.40' B8
3.52 17 06 8.90' A 8n
3.09 17 32 9.30' gG7
1.58 18 51 8 .2 0 ' A2
1 .6 8 19 23 8 .0 ' Bl
1.16 21 43 8 .0 ' KO
0.48 24 25 8 .1 ' F5
2.43 28 10 7.9' B5p
1.84 22 10 8 .0 ' G3



TALITHA t Ursae Major

e Puppis
43. PRAESAEPE M44 Cancri
AL NAASH o Ursae Major
44. N. ASSELLI Y Cancri
45. S. ASSELLI 5 Cancri
a Puppis
it Puppis
cn P Puppis
a Lynx
46. KOCHAB /3 Ursae Minor

47. ACUBENS a Cancri

SHAY SHAM £ Hydrae
NADS l Puppis
48. DUBHE a Ursae Major
49. MERAK f t Ursae Major
TANIA AUSTR p. Ursae Major
50. ALGENUBI g Leonis
TENG a Pictoris
51. ALPHARD a Hydrae
MAG. LONG. Move.
3.12 (D) 1 25 1 .5 ' A5/M1
3.47 4 41 7.9' Gp
5.22 5 49 8 .6 '
3.26 5 54 7.0' F 8p
4.73 6 08 8 .6 ' AO
4.17 7 19 8.7' gKO
3.28 7 23 7.1' K5
2.74 9 24 1 .5 ' K5
2 .8 8 10 0 1 1 .6 ' F5
3.30 10 27 1 .5 ' MD
3.89 1 1 13 3.2' FO
2 .0 2 1 1 35 7.0' gK4
4.27 (D) 12 14 8 .2 ' A3/FO
3.30 13 0 1 7.8' gG5
2.27 17 12 7.0' Od
3.52 18 09 1 .0 ' A2
1.95 13 52 5 .5 ' KO
2.30 18 01 6 .0 ' K )
3.21 19 50 7.0' K5
3.12 19 19 7.4' GOp
3.30 2 1 22 4.2' A5
1.98 25 54 7.4' gK2
o '
52. ADHAFARA C Leonis 3.65 26 10 7.3' FO
AL MUHLIF 7 Velorum 1.92 26 01 6 .1 ' OAp
53. AL JABBAH »] Leonis 3.58 26 29 7.4' AOp
TA TSUN ip Ursae Major 3.15 27 25 6’.5' KO
AL GEIBA y Leonis 2.61 28 13 7.3' KO
54. REGULUS a Leonis 1.34 27 27 7.4’ B8
55. AL PHECDA y Ursae Major 2.54 29 04 5.5' AO
MEGREZ 8 Ursae Major 3.44 29 37 5.5' A02


o '
AL TH3BA /3 Leo Minor 4.40 2 48 6.7' G8
NUY PING o Leo Minor 3.71 5 16 6 .8 ' KO
56. ALIOTH e Ursae Major 1 .6 8 7 31 4.7' AOp
57. ZOSMA (DUR) 8 Leonis 2.58 9 47 7.1' A2n
AL SUHAIL \ Velorum 2 .2 2 9 53 6 .2 ‘ gK4
PURRA (COXA) 0 Leonis 3.41 12 34 7.1' A4s
58. MTZAR 4 Ursae Major 2.40 14 45 4.5' a2p
ASMIDISKE e Carinae 1.74 (B) 18 44 4.4' KO/B
59. EENEBOLA /3 Leonis 2.23 20 09 7.6' A4n
KOO SHEE 8 Velorum 2 .0 1 21 49 3.3' AO
60. OOPULA M51 Cann. Ven. 6 .0 0 23 45 6 .1 ’ —

61. LABRUM 8 Crateris 3.82 25 23 5.7' gKo

62. AL KAID T) Ursae Major 1.91 25 30 5.2' B3
63. AL ARAPH /3 Virginus 3.80 25 46 7.8' dF8
64. MARKEB k Velorum 2.63 27 34 4.6' B3


AL DH3BA l Draconis
TURAIS l Carinae
65. ZANIAH T] Virginus
6 6 . VINDEMIATRIX e Virginus
67. PORRIMA Y Virginus
MINKAR e Corvi
6 8 . AL GORAB b Corvi
ALBHBAIN n Draoonis
KRAZ /3 Corvi
69. SEGINUS Y Bootes
MUPHRID n Bootes
HEZE c Virginus
70. FORAMEN Carinae
71. SPICA a Virginus
NEKKAR 0 Bootes
72. ARCTURUS a Bootes
IZAR € Bootes
MAG. LONG. Move.
o '
3.04 2 55 4.0* K5
3.47 3 38 3.3’ KO
2.25 3 59 3.4' FO
3.70 4 34 4.5' B5
2.95 4 34 7.6' AO
2.95 8 41 7.0' KO

2.91 8 46 7.6' FO/FO

2.84 9 10 5.4' G5
3.21 10 16 6.9' KO
3.11 12 04 6.9' AO
2.89 13 04 2 . 1 ' G5
2.84 16 00 6.9' G5
3.23 16 15 6.4' dA7
2.80 17 56 6.9' GO
3.44 20 45 7.1' A2
1 to 7 (V) 20 47 4.1* PO
0.90 (V) 22 26 7.1' B2
3.63 22 48 6.3' G5
0.24 22 50 6 .8 ' KO
2.70 26 40 7.0' gKo


o '
KOO LOW 5 Centauri 2 .8 8 0 57 6 .2 ' B3ne
73. TSIEH RUNG g Bootes 3.54 1 44 7.0' KO
HAE SHAN i Centauri 2.91 1 44 6.9' A2
t Herculis 3.91 1 45 3.3' B5
CHOO X Cantauri 3.34 3 11 4.0' B9
§ Crucis 3.08 4 18 5.1' B3
y Crucis 3.57 5 21 5.5' M4
74. KHAMBLIA \ Virginus 4.60 5 29 7.9' A2
e Crucis 3.57 6 56 4.9' K2
7r Hydrae 3.48 7 03 7.3' KO
WEI /x, Centauri 3.32 10 09 6.9' Bp
0 Crucis 1.50 10 16 5.4' Bs
75. ACRUX O Crucis 1.05 10 30 4.7' Bn
HARATAN 0 Centauri 2.26 10 55 7.1' gG9
76. AL PHECCA a Cor. Borealis 2.31 10 51 7.3' An
YANG MUN a Lupus 2.89 13 34 7.0' B2
77. EL GENUBI a Librae 3.00 13 42 7.6' F4/A3
a Librae 3.41 13 48 7.6' gM4
78. EL SCHEMALI 0 Librae 2.74 18 03 7.8' Bn
AL BATAN c Centauri 2.56 14 10 6.5' Bn
79. UNUKALHAI a Serpentis 2.75 18 28 1 . 1 ' A2


o '
CHOW P Serpentis 3.24 18 30 7.7' A2
T) Centauri 2.65 18 51 7.4' B/A
KEE LOW Y Centauri 2.38 22 06 7.3' AO
80. AGENA P Centauri 0 .8 6 22 24 6.4' B3
KE KWAN K Centauri 3.35 22 54 7.6' Bs
y Lupus 2.95 23 08 7.6' B3
AL YA H Serpentis 3.63 24 32 7.9' A
ft Lupus 3.43 27 16 1 . 1 ' B2
P Lupus 2.81 28 44 1 . 1 ' Bp
81. TOLLIMAN a Centauri 0.06 28 13 6 .1 ' G/K
MAZIM Herculis 3.61 27 19 1 . 1 ' K
£ Lupus 3.50 29 22 7.5' K
RUTILICUS p Herculis 2.81 29 40 7.9' K


o '
TIEN £ Hercules (B) 3.00 0 04 7.7' gG
AL JABHAH <77 Scorpii 3.00 0 22 8.7' B
LUCIDA a Circini 3.42 0 58 6 .6 ' FO
82. YED PRIOR 5 Ophiuchi 3.03 0 53 8 .0 ' gfO
83. DSCHUBBA 5 Scorpii 2.54 1 09 7.9' BO
84. GRAFFIAS P Scorpii 2.90 1 46 7.9' Bl
YED POSTERIOR e Ophiuchi 3.34 2 06 8 .0 ' gG8
ff Scorpii 3.10 (V) 6 24 8 .1 ' Bl
85. HAN C Ophiuchi 2.70 7 50 8 .2 ' A3
8 6 . ANTARES a Scorpii 1.22 (V) 8 20 8 .1 ' M/A
AL SEN t Scorpii 2.91 10 03 8 .1 ' BO
87. RASTABAN /3 Draconis 2.99 10 27 7.5' GO
SHALISH P Tr. Austrini 3.04 10 28 7.7' PO
HO KEEN 7T Herculis 3.36 10 37 8 .0 ' gK5
72 Ophiuchi 3.73 10 25 8 .0 ' A3
SARIN 8 Herculis 3.16 13 22 8 .2 ' A2
AL KAB e Scorpii 2.36 13 57 8 .1 ' KO
8 8 . R£S ALGETHI a Herculis 3.84 (V) 14 44 8 .0 ' gM/F
PRIERE f J. Scorpii 3.09 14 46 8 .2 ' Bp
89. SABIK r) Ophiuchi 2.63 16 35 8.3' A


o '
TSEEN YIN £ Arae 3.16 18 25 8 .2 ' K5
VI r) Scorpii 3.44 19 21 8.3’ F2
90. RASALHAGUE a Ophiuchi 2.14 2 1 02 .8.3' B2
LON ^9 Arae 2.80 22 49 8.3' K2
91. LESUTH v Scorpii 2.80 22 38 8.4' B3
PA e Serpentis 3.64 23 09 8.3' A5
SCHAULA X Scorpii 1.71 23 11 8.4' B2
KEW HO j x Herculis 3.48 23 49 8.4' dG
KELB ALRAI /9 Ophiuchi 2.94 23 57 8.4' KO
AL WEI 0 Scorpii 2.04 24 12 8.4' PO
92. ACULEUS 6M Scorpii 5.30 24 19 8.3' —

WEIL K Scorpii 2.51 25 04 8.4' B2

93. ETAMIN y Draconis 2.42 26 31 8 .0 ' K5
AL FANG & Scorpii 3.25 26 32 8.4' K2
94. ACUMEN 7M Scorpii 7.40 27 15 9.9' —

95. SINISTRA v Ophiuchi 3.03 28 22 8.4' K

96. TRIFID NEBULAE 21M Sagittarius 5.00 29 14 9.0' —

97. POLIS /x Sagittarius

TOW *) Sagittarius
KAUS MEDIUS 8 Sagittarius
KAUS AUSTR. e Sagittarius
98. KAUS BOREALIS X Sagittarius
99. FACIES M2 2 Sagittarius
AL NAAM. <f> Sagittarius
100. NUNKI a Sagittarius
101. ASCELLA [ Sagittarius
KIEN SING £ Sagittarius
AL NA'AM x Sagittarius
102. MANNUBRIUM M55 Sagittarius
103. VEGA (WEGA) ~ a Lyrae
AL BALDAH it Sagittarius
104. DENEB £ Aquillae
PEACOCK a Pavonis
105. TERREBELUM co Sagittarius
REDA Y Aquillae
106. ALBIREO /3 Cygnus
MAG. LONG. Move.
0 '
4.01 1 48 8.9' Bp
3.16 2 30 8.3' gM3
2.84 3 11 8.3' KO
1.95 3 41 8.3' AO
2.94 4 55 8.4' gKO
5.00 8 52 9.1' F6
3.30 8 46 8.4' B8
2.14 10 59 8.4' B3
2.71 12 15 8.3' A2
3.61 12 04 8.4' gKO
3.42 13 27 8.4' KO
4.40 13 34 8.4' MO
0.14 13 55 8.5' AO
3.02 14 51 8.4' F2
3.55 15 57 8.3' B9
3.02 18 25 8.3' B9
3.20 20 33 8 .0 ' Ad
2 .1 2 22 25 7.8' B3
5.00 24 23 8.4' M3
2.80 29 33 8 .1 ' gK2

3.24 29 52 8.4' KO/AO



o '
107. ALTAIR a Aquillae 0 .6 0 22 8 .0 ' A5
■108. GEIDI a Capricorn 3.77 2 25 8.3' G5
109. DABIH /9 Capricorn 3.25 2 40 8.3' F/B
110. OCULUS •j r Capricorn 5.00 3 18 8.56' FI
AL MIZAN Q Aquillae 3.37 3 32 8 .0 ' Bs
111. BOS e Capricorn 5.00 3 45 8.55' A
AL CHUY a Tucane 2.91 8 15 6 .1 0 ' KO
112. ARMUS r\ Capricorn 5.00 11 19 8.51' M
113. DORSUM Q Capricorn 5.00 12 26 8.40' A
TIEN TSIN 5 Cygni 2.97 14 53 7.20' An
AL DHANAB y Grus 3.16 16 01 7.30' B8
114. CASTRA e Capricorn 5.00 18 48 8.40' G9
115. NASHIRA y Capricorn 3.80 20 23 8.31' Fp
AL TIZIN 0 Grus 2.24 20 25 7.10' M6
116. SADALSUUD £ Aquarri 3.07 22 0 1 7.50' GO
117. DENEB ALGEDI g Capricorn 2.98 22 08 7.50' An
SADIR y Cygni 2.32 23 30 7.00' F8n
GEINAH £ Cygni 2.64 26 2 1 7.00' gKO


o 1
ENIF € Pegasi 2.54 0 31 7.4' K2
LI KUNG t Pegasi 3.96 1 42' 7.1' dF5
118. SADAIMELIK a Aquarri 3.19 1 59 7.3' GO
119. PQMALHAUT a Piscum Aust. 1.29 2 28 7.0' A3
120. DENEB ADIGE a Cygni 1.26 3 59 6 .1' A2
AL FAWARIS f Cygni 3.92 4 39 6.4' K5
121. SKAT 8 Aquarri 3.51 7 30 7.1' A2
SHAY a Hydrus 3.02 10 39 3.0' A7
122. ARCHENAR a Eridani 0.60 13 58 4.1' B5
AL ZAURAK a Phoenicis 2.44 14 04 6 .1' G5
HOMAN C Pegasi 3.61 14 45 7.1' B8
AL ZAURAK /3 Phoenicis 3.30 19 00 5.6' G4
123. MARKAB a Pegasi 2.57 22 07 7.0' AO
AL MATAR T| Pegasi 3.10 24 19 6.7' GO
AL RIAL y Phoenicis 3.40 26 43 5.7' Ml
124. SCHEAT f i Pegasi 2.61 (V) 28 00 6.7' M3

For explantation of the Harvard College Observatory

classification of the stellar spectra (in the capital letters)
refer to page 242.

The lower case letters are explained as follows:

n = diffuse absorption lines
s = sharp absorption lines
c = exceedingly sharp absorption lines
g = a giant star
d = a dwarf star
e = spectrum with emission lines
p = star has undertefmined peculiarities

NOTE: The absorption lines tend to detract from the stars

basic effects.


ASPECTS: These are the angles formed between the stars

and the celestial objects of the solar system as viewed from
the earth. The stars and the planets appear to move at
different speeds along the zodiac, and they can assume
every possible angular distance from 0 degrees to 360
degrees in relation to each other.

AURORA BOREALIS: Also called Northern Lights

because they are seen best around the Hudson Bay region of
Canada. This discharge of lights takes place about 50 to 100
miles above the earth. They center around the earth’s
magnetic poles, and electric and magnetic disturbances
often occur when the lights are especially brilliant. Such
lights also occur in the southern hemisphere and are known
as Aurora Australis.
See: Sunspots.

APHELION: The point of a planet’s orbit most distant from

the Sun.

APOGEE: The point in an orbit of a satellite or the Moon at

the greatest distance from the center of the earth.

BINARY STAR: Two stars held close together by a

gravitational force and revolving around a common center.
The two stars revolve around each other.

CONJUNCTION: Astrologically, when a celestial object

and a fixed star, or two celestial objects are the same
longitude. An inferior conjunction is when a celestial object
is between the Earth and the Sun. A superior conjunction is
when the celestial object is on the far side of the Sun. Where
fixed stars and celestial objects are concerned, superior and
inferior conjunctions are not considered.

CLUSTERS: A large number of fixed stars that appear as

one star, or as with the Milky Way, appear as a number of
See: Stars.

CONSTELLATIONS: A grouping of stars, named for some
mythical figure. Although the stars appear close together,
actually they are great distances apart. The constellations,
their divisions, the figures of the objects as outlined by the
ancients are imaginary. There are astrological and
astronomical constellations, and in some respects they are
not the same. Tropical astrology with which we are
concerned is based on only 12 constellations, however, the
fact that the Sun ‘enters’ one of the constellations annually,
is a fact of astronomy as well as astrology. Astronomically
there are many constellations, in fact 88 of them, all in our
galaxy. A constellation is definitely limited as to length and
breadth and has infinite depth, but they are unequal in
length, some overlapping other constellations.
Astrologically and astronomically each constellation
through which the Sun ‘passes’ is considered to be 30
degrees, however, the area of the constellations vary widely
as this chart indicates.:

Constellations Name Area in square degrees

A R IE S ................... ..................................441
TAURUS .............. .................................'.797
G E M IN I ................ ................................... 514
CANCER .............. ................................... 506
L E O ....................... ................................... 947
VIRG O ................... ................................. 1294
LIBRA .................. ................................... 538
S C O R P IO .............. ................................... 497
SAGITTARIUS . . . . ................................... 867
CAPR IC O R N ......... ...................................414
A Q U A R IU S ........... ................................. 980
P IS C E S .................. ................................. 889
O PH IUCH US ......... ................................. 984
C E T U S .................. ............................... 1231

The basic influences of the 12 astrological signs belong

to the signs and not to the stars or the planets of which they
are composed. For example, assume that the Pisces
constellation has through precession moved to what is.

called Aries. The basic influences of the sign Pisces remains
regardless of what the constellation might be called. Where
fixed stars are concerned, consider the star Regulus. This
star in the next century will be in the sign Virgo, but the
basic influences of the star will not change, they will remain
the same as they were in Regulus was in the sign Leo. The
basic characteristics of the stars do not change regardless of
what constellation they might now be in or be in in some
future date. The stars characteristics will change only when
their colours change.

CELESTIAL OBJECTS: The term celestial objects, as used

in this volume represents the following objects: Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto.

COLOUR, STAR SPECTRUM: The colour of a star

provides a good idea of i t s ' surface temperature. The
spectrum is a rainbow band of colour observed when the
light passes through a glass prism. The spectrum indicates
the chemical composition of the star. It has been almost
definitely established that the stars are made up of the
same elements as those found on the Earth, although the
relative proportions may vary considerably. Colours which
are light, are a form of energy that can be described as
consisting of waves. One colour differs from another colour
only in wavelength. Red colour has the longest wavelength
in the visible spectrum, and violet the shortest wavelength:
Wavelength is the horizontal'distance between the crests of
two adjacent waves. It is usually expressed, for light, in
angstroms. The wavelength of a red light (colour) is
approximately 8,000 angstroms; the wavelength of a violet
colour (light) is about 4,000 angstroms.

COSMIC RA YS: These are atomic particles that travel in

space outside the Earth’s atmosphere at speeds nearly
equal to that of light. Some of them happen to approach the
Earth and enter our atmosphere. These atomic particles are
called primary cosmic rays and they collide with the atoms
in the air. These collisions create new particles which also

travel at great speeds and in the same direction as the
primary particles. Thus, a great shower of radiation
bombards the Earth.

DECLINATION: The angular distance north or south from

the celestial equator measured along a great circle passing
through the celestial poles. The measurement is in degrees,
minutes and seconds. The right ascensions and the
declinations of the fixed stars are mathematically converted
to longitude. Declinations, by themselves, cannot be used in
conjunction with fixed stars and nativities.

EPHEMERIS: Tables showing daily positions of the various

celestial objects and the fixed stars.

EARTH: The planet Upon which we reside, one of the

planets circling the Sun in our galaxy. Of recent date, a
group of about 1,000 scientists, part of an organization
called ‘Creation Research Society,’ contributed evidence
proving the theory that the Earth is only about 20,000 years
old, not billions of years as the evolutionists would have us
In 1963 the Creation Society was founded by 10
scientists and the societies growth is accelerating
continually. They are dedicated towards disproving the long
held concepts of the Earth’s age and evolution. One of
evolutions most cherished proof is the various fossil
records, which show no instance of evolution from one kind
to another. Evolution has never scientifically been proven
but it is a matter of interpretation and an unproven theory,
since there is no evidence by experimentation or by direct
observation. Dr. Blick, a scientist and professor at the
University of Oklahoma, who authored a book titled
‘Correlation of the Bible and Science,’ in which he argues
that the entire Bible is correct; stated that one of the
problems of evolution is that it appears to violate a basic
and fundamental law, the second law of thermodynamics.
This is the same law which tells us that perpetual motion
machines will not work.
These members are scattered throughout the United

States. For additional information contact: Harold Slusher,
Professor of geophysics at University of Texas at El Paso,
Dr. John Moore, professor of natural sciences at Michigan
State University.
One factor indicating the impossibility of the Earth
being millions or billions of years old, is the planets
decaying magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetic field has a
half of only 1400 years. This means that in 573 A.D. it was
twice its present strength, and in 827 B.C. it was four times
as strong as it now is, and so on going back 20,000 years ago,
it would have been 8,000 times as strong as it is today. This
indicates it is not plausible that the core of the Earth could
have stayed together with the extreme heat that would
have been with the currents producing such a strong field.
Carbon dating methods have proven to be false. The fraud
of persuasive total evolutionary explanations of origin is
now being exposed by a small but growing group of

ELECTRICITY: A fundamental of nature consisting of

electrons and protons or positrons, utilized in the form of
electric current. Magnetism is a secondary effect of
electricity. A moving electric particle creates an electric
field, which in turn gives rise to a magnetic field. Monopoles
are magnets with one pole. This is a recent finding in space.
It is like splitting the north and south pole of a magnet and
having only the north or the south pole in the split magnet.
It is a gap between the electric and magnetic phenomena,
first discovered by an English physicist, Paul Divac, in 1931.
It is generally considered to be theoretical.

EQUINOX: Either of the two times each year when the Sun
crosses the equator and day and night are everywhere of
equal length, on March 21 and September 23. Also either of
the two points of the celestial sphere where the celestial
equator intersects the ecliptic.


fixed star catalog numbers had their origin about 1600 A.D.

being introduced by the astronomer Bayer, who also
introduced the Greek lettering system into the fixed star
catalog. Astrologically, the fixed star catalog numbers
begin with number 1 in the constellation, Aries, and finish
with number 124 in the constellation Pisces.

FIXED STAR NAMES: The early Arabs gave the stars

most of their names, generally indicated by an “A L ” or
“EL” preceeding the star name; later the Greeks added a
few names.

FIXED STARS: These are stars that do not traverse the

ecliptic as do the planets. Fixed stars are so named because
they apparently do not move. Actually, they move at the
rate of approximately 1 degree per century. The Sun in our
galaxy is a star. One of the nearest fixed stars to our Sun is
the star Alphard, which is at an approximate distance of 4.5
light years or twenty-five trillion miles away, while the
Sun’s distance from the Earth is about 8 light minutes away,
or about 93 million miles. Some of the fixed stars, such as
the star Betelguesse, are tremendous giants, as large as our
entire universe.
See: Stars.

GALAXIES: A system of stars and planets to which our

Sun belongs. The diameter of our galaxy, called the Milky
Way, is approximately 100,000 light years and consists of an
estimated 100 to 150 billion stars and nebulae. There are
fundamental stellar systems in space and about five are
known to our astronomers. Our galaxy is the largest of this
group which includes Ursa Minor, Sculptor, Draco and the
Magellanic clouds. Galaxies should not. be confused with the
constellations. The planet Earth is about 30,000 light years
from the center of the galaxy.

LIGHT YEARS: A measurement of distance used by

astronomers. This is not a unit of time but of distance. In
one year light travels approximately 6,000,000,000,000
miles at the rate of 186,000 miles a second.


NEBULAE: A cloud of dust or gas and dust in the

background of the Milky Way - this is called a dark nebulae.
A planetary nebulae is a glowing roughly spherical gaseous
object, which may be the remains of an old nebulae. The
generally accepted opinion by astronomers is that a star
begins its career by condensing out of stellar dust and cloud,
(see page 248).

NOVA: A star that explodes and temporarily increases in


NEURONO-NEUTRINO: Based on fixed star study and its

effect on the humans subconscious mind, it is obvious there
is ‘something’ from the stars that effect the mind at birth.
Exactly what this might be cannot positively be determined
at this time. For sake of brevity, this influence from the
stars affecting the subconscious mind at birth can be called
“neuronos” - indicating the emissions from the stars that
collide or come in contact with certain substances such as
chemical substance of the new born childs brain which alter
the chemical composition causing it to become electrically
West of Chicago is a laboratory* where scientists are at
work on the mysteries of the Heavens. They are in the
process of many new discoveries. Recently they have
discovered an atomic particle with no mass, non electronic,
which, when it collides with certain substances causes these
substances to become electronic. They have named this
particle, Neutrinos. Some of the areas they are working on
are so new and fantastic'that they will alter a number of old
scientific beliefs in the future. A neutrino could be called a
‘ghost’ atom.

PARSECS: One parsec is equal to 3.6 light years, 10 parsecs

are equal to 32.6 light years. This is an abbreviated term for
measurements Used in astronomy. A parsec is the distance
at which an object will show parallax of one second of arc
equal to 3.26 light years, or 206,265 astronomical units in

PLANETS: Large spherical objects, shining by the
reflected light of the Sun, The known planets are: Mercury,
Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.
According to Bodes law, an additional planet outside of
Pluto could exist. There has always been a theory amongst
scientists of a massive explosion that destroyed a planet 90
times larger than the Earth. This planet existed between
Mars and Jupiter thousands of years ago. Today the
remains are represented by asteroids of many sizes. This
theory now has scientific acceptance.

RADIO ASTRONOMY: Electro-magnetic waves emitted by

various celestial bodies. A separate branch of astronomy. A
radio telescope is used for examination of these waves. The
atmosphere is transparent to these small radio waves, from
about 0.2 centimeter to about 30.0 meters in length.

SPIRAL NEBULAE: A group of stars in the form of a


SUPERNOVA: A star that suddenly increases tre­

mendously in brightness.

STAR: A hot ball of glowing gas, which shines by its own

light or power. Kirchoff discovered that the spectrum of a
star could indicate what elements composed the stars
atmosphere. If the light of a star is passed through a prism
it is dispersed and the nature of the composite elements can
be analyzed. A spectroscope is used for this purpose and the
resultant record of the stars spectrum is called the stellar
spectrum. 99% of all stars fall into one of seven spectral
classifications. These range from the hottest stars at the
blue end of the spectrum to the highly metallic in the red
end of the spectrum. The hotter the star and the more
helium in its stellar atmosphere, the more beneficial it is,
astrologically. The more metallic the star, the more
detrimental it is. Most of the very bright and the super
giants are extremely detrimental. Most stars have
movements that are not visible to the eye, however, the

brighter stars do show motion over long periods of time.
This motion does not represent the true path of the star
because it also incorporates movement in the line of sight.
This is obtained by observing displacement of lines in the
spectrum in conjunction with proper motion.
There are variable stars, whose brightness appears to
vary. Algol is one example of a variable star. Algol has a
companion star millions of miles distant and their rotation
around each other presents the appearance of a variation in
the brightness of Algol. There are also some stars that
either decrease in light Or disappear altogether.
There are also binary stars which are two related stars
revolving around each other. Double stars are two
non-related stars that appear close together because of the
angle from which we view them.
The magnitude of a star is a scale for expressing the
brightness of these celestial objects. The brightest stars
range from 1st magnitude to zero and even negative
magnitudes. There are two kinds of magnitudes used in star
determinations. One is called absolute magnitude. This is
the magnitude of a star if it were placed at a standard
distance from the Earth of 10 parsecs, expressed in terms of
bolometric magnitude. Astrology is only concerned with
what is called visual magnitude. This is based on photo
electric observations, adjusted to match the color
sensitivity of the eye. The star Polaris is used as a guide or
standard for star brightness. For astrological purposes the
brightest stars are classed into one group called magnitude
1. Each unit of magnitude represents a change of 2.5 times
in brightness. For example, a 5th magnitude star equals a
brightness ratio of 100 times, a 10 magnitude star would
equal a brightness of 10,000 times. Brightness is an adopted
arbitrary geometric scale. Stars barely visible to the naked
eye have a brightness of approximately the 6th magnitude.
The faintest stars which can be photographed by use of
large telescopes have a brightness of plus 20.
The estimated number of stars together with their
magnitudes are:

Brighter than magnitude 1.0 12 to 20 stars.

Magnitude from 1.0 to 2.0 28 to 65 stars.
Magnitude from 2.0 to 3.0 130 to 200 stars.
Magnitude from 3.0 to 4.0 300 to 500 stars.
Magnitude from 4.0 to 5.0 1,000 to 1,400 stars.
Magnitude from 5.0 to 6.0 3,300 to 5,000 stars.
Magnitude from 6.0 to 7.0 17,000 to 20,000 stars.

Above that there are approximately 30 to 40 million stars.*

The most effective stars are magnitude 1 and they

decrease in effectiveness to where magnitude 5.0 and 6.0
stars are most effective in Sun and Moon conjunction. Stars
cannot be seen in the daytime because the glare of the Sun’s
bright light prevents us from seeing them. It really is the
Earth’s atmosphere that makes the stars twinkle. The stars
light passes through the Earth’s atmosphere before
reaching our eyes. Within the atmosphere, at an altitude of
about 40,000 feet is a layer of air called the twinkling layer,
where the light shifts and changes continually and seems to
be unsteady. Scientists differ in their explanation. Some
claim the temperature differences and the presence of
water vapor may be responsible for the stars twinkling.
It is almost impossible to relate star distances in the
heavens to the Earth’s distances in miles. They are two
nearly different subjects. A few generations ago scientists
were of the opinion that it would be impossible to transmit
or receive radio signals from objects in space, however,
scientists are constantly revising their ideas.

•These maximum figures depend upon a particular

astronomical source. Astronomers are not in agreement
about the total number of fixed stars.

Today we know it is commonplace for

radio and TV reception from millions of miles in space.
Analytically it is only the effect of the electro-magnetic and
other waves and the various angles of such waves and
impulses that are of any concern. Distance in space is of no
importance in these considerations.

ST. ELMO’S FIRE: An unusual aspect of some electrical

storms, it is emitted by charged objects in the atmosphere,
a dancing glow like a halo that often attaches itself to ship
rigging and airplane wings.

SUN AND SUNSPOTS: The Sun is a star and the center of

our universe or galaxy. According to the latest findings of J.
Eddy of the University of Colorado, it is a slightly variable
star. All the known planets in our galaxy revolve in an
ordered fashion around the Sun. Theoretical astronomers
claim the Sun is rock steady, however, one astronomer,
Charles Greely Abbot, spent 50 years measuring the Sun’s
heat. He became convinced the Sun varied and was not
constant. In 1928 Abbot became associated with' the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.
Astronomers do not have many of the answers about
our universe, however, they still continue to make positive
statements, and even as late as 1972 they claimed that the
Sun’s energy transformed hydrogen into helium, etc.,
whereas later findings indicate the Sun’s energy is derived
from continued atomic explosions within the Sun and thus
producing hydrogen, helium and about 2°/o of other
elements. Sunspots by definition are darkened areas of the
solar surface, exactly what causes these spots is not known,
however, when the Sun is spotty, the entire face of the Sun
becomes more active; giant flares are more prominent at
Sunspot maximum, equal to 1 billion atom bombs. The
whole Sun’s surface and corona change at Sunspot
maximum. This corona, a solar wind, stretches to the Earth.
It is very thin, but strong enough to electro-magnetically to
affect the Earth's magnetic wind. When particle showers
occur, the effect is the Aurora Borealis, which are brightest
during Sunspot maximum. Corona holes are common in the
Sun and directly related. Corona holes occur when open
field lines go into space and become solar winds. Solar winds
bring in very little energy as compared to the Sun. A
physical cause and effect is still needed. The Earths’s ozone
layer is very easily damaged and solar winds bring with
them nitrogen oxide which destroys ozone molecules.
Sunspots and their effects would require another
volume and in this chapter only the minimum and maximum

periods and a few of their known effects over the centuries
are noted. The mean period between maximum periods is
approximately 11.1 years, although this can vary as much as
from 9 to 14 years. Currently, in 1977, the Sunspot cycle
seems to be changing its length and amplitude.
Over the past few centuries, the Sunspot maximum
periods were: 1750,1761,1769, 1778,1787,1804,1816,1830,
1837, 1848, 1860, 1870, 1883, 1893, 1905, 1917, 1928, 1936,
1947, 1957, 1968, 1970, 1982.
The Sunspots minimum periods were: 1755,1766, 1775,
1784, 1810, 1824, 1844, 1857, 1867, 1877, 1888, 1890, 1914,
1924, 1934, 1944, 1954, 1965, 1976.*
From 1645 to 1715 there was no strong evidence of
Sunspots, at this time the Sun appeared to have completely
lost its spots, the corona was missing during an eclipse and
the Aurora Borealis was at a mimimum. There was an
unusual climate condition with a minor ice age here on
From 1934 through 1936 the Dow Jones average
followed the cycle, even automobile production followed the
cycle. The lowest period was 1934. From 1964 through 1976,
with the cycle peaking between 1968 and 1970, the ‘Beatle’
mania was at its peak. When Sunspots tend to increase,
droughts occur in the cornbelt and wheat growing regions.
Recent Sunspot cycles affecting the mid-west area started
in 1888,1912, 1933, 1954 and 1976. Drought cycles tend to
begin two years before these dates. During 1977, we were
in the third year of a cycle of high Sunspot activity and two
of these years, 1974 and 1976 have been drought years for
corn and wheat regions. Currently, two agriculture
economists at Michigan State University, Roy Black and
Stanley Thompson, are studying the relationship between
Sunspots and crop yields. This is an open field for analysts
and the findings will eventually prove out situations
affecting entire generations.
*A new major flareup of activity started in 1976 and will
rise to its 11 yr. max. by about 1982.

SUN STOOD STILL: Reference is both to the Bible and the

works of the scientist - doctor - author, Immanuel

Velikovsky, whose theories have never been proven or
disproven. Velikovsky took a collection of undisputed facts
and carefully arranged them to establish a theory.
Otherwise reputable scientists attempted to suppress the
publication of his first book and then boycotted the
publisher (MacMillan) textbook division.
The magnetic polarization of very old rocks indicate
that the magnetic polarization of the earth was completely
reversed in the past, a phenomena that might be explained
by arguing that the North pole and the South pole were at
one time reversed.
On old maps drawn of the heavens between the 15th
and 8th centuries B.C., Mars competes with the Sun for
dominance in the sky. No reference is made of Venus until
quite late in this period. The ancient Babylonians were very
competent astronomers who drew maps of the sky unlike
any sky visible today and the Egyptians maps of the
heavens were also strangely different.
The Mariner II space probe transmitted data that
indicates the surface of Venus is far hotter than had been
believed by scientists, in fact, it was close to the
temperature estimated by Velikovsky. This in itself might
be proof that the planet was converted from a disturbed
meteor. Velikovsky’s theory is that a great meteor passed
through our solar system between the 15th and the 8th
century B.C. and became entangled in the orbit and the
gravitational fields of Earth and Mars. The orbit of both
planets were catastrophicaly altered. Mars and Earth
tumbled close enough for both to suffer violence from the
others gravitation. The theory is that the meteor was finally
pulled into orbit about the Sun and became the planet
From all this, Velikovsky reasons the Earth was
completely flopped over, from pole to pole, and that the Sun
did indeed appear to be stopped in the sky.

TRANSITS: These are the passage of a planet by motion

over and in aspect to the natal position of the celestial
objects. Fixed star motions, being approximately 1 degree
every hundred years cannot be transited for astrological

purposes. When a fixed star is in conjunction with a celestial
object, generally the most effective transiting planet is

UNIVERSE: The universe as scientists now understand it,

has an absolute speed of light, which they claim at the
present time is an absolute speed limit. But if it is possible
for an object to exceed this speed barrier, then several
delicate theories would be born out. According to Einstein’s
theory of relativity equations, subjective time for those
aboard a space ship approaching the speed of light would
slow down so the 10,000 years of elapsed time would be just
a day of their time.

VULCAN: A fictitous planet.

WOMEN AND CRIME: The recent FBI report indicates

that the arrests of women soared 85% in 12 years and for all
men during the same period, from 1960 to 1972 it was
28.2%. James Brussel, a former New York commissioner of
mental hygiene said: “Until recently the only thing that
held women back was the cultural influence” . Now there is a
sharing of everything, even crime. The increase of women
under age 18 for murder was 308%, the total increase for all
girls under age 18 was 239.2%. Obviously, some of the
cultural influence in the past had a great effect on women
who had adverse fixed stars in their nativities, which was to
their great advantage. However, the so called liberation of
women and in particular those who have turbulent fixed
stars, will work to their disadvantage and such natives will
require only some trigger to set off any violence as shown in
their charts.

HYPERACTIVITY: Dr. James White of the University of

Texas estimates that from 5 to 10% of all school age
children can be classed as hyperactive. Drugs given merely
treat the symtoms of hyperactivity, increased physical
activity, short attention span, restlessness, impulsiveness,
anti-social behavior, learning difficulties, distractability.
The hyperactive child can range from bright to borderline,

hence academic achievement is not a' positive indicator. The
matter of a proper diet is of great importance in reducing or
eliminating hyperactivity. Astrologically, the ‘worst’ stars
are most effective in such childrens charts and careful
attention should be paid to the childs chart.

CRIMINALS AND FOOD: Officer Barbara Reid o f the

parole division of the police department of Cayuhoga Falls,
Ohio through testing of hundreds of convicts, arrived at a
program for non-repetitive paroled people. The convicted
people had overly agressive tendencies, were very
impatient, had a low temper tolerance, and improper food
was the ‘trigger’ necessary to alter their personalities. Any
negative fixed stars and adverse aspects would be triggered
by such improper food. Through glucose tolerance testing
program it was found that all the convicted people and in
particular, the repeaters, had low blood sugar, the result of
too much carbohydrates and not enough protein in their
foods. Officer Reid found that too much carbohydrates in a
diet brought out the violence and low temper tolerance in
violent prone individuals. Those who were paroled and
placed on a controlled high protein diet claimed they felt
much better, were no longer impatient and not inclined to
violence in order to express their emotions.


The National Institute of Alcohol abuse’s agency director,
Dr. Earnest Noble, recommends that pregnant women
discuss their drinking habits with their doctors. More than
100 studies have shown a link between a pregnant woman’s
alcoholic intake and malformed children. Excessive drinking
during pregnancy incurs a high risk of fetal malformation
and also mental retardation. Mental retardation would
indicate a ‘short’ circuit in the childs brain and fixed star
influences would be ineffective.


a. A concise guide to colour-constellations. By: Josef
Klepesta and Antonin Rukl. Published by: Hamlyn,
N.Y.C. One of the finest astronomical books for use
with fixed stars.
b. Handbook of the constellations by Vehrenbeck,
Blank and Deiter. Published by: Treugesell. Address:
Verlag, D 4000, Dusseldorf, W est Germany.
c. Star Names, Lore and meanings. By Richard Allen,
Published by: Dover Publications, 1963.
d. 1001 questions answered about astronomy by James
Pickering, Published by: Dodd, Mead Company 1973.

a. Heaven Knows What - by Grant Lewi.
b. The stars by Johndro.
c. Fixed stars and constellations by Vivian Robson. A
collection of ancient information from various sources.
Interesting information on constellations and myths.
d. Greek myths by Robert Graves - Penguin Books
e. Auxiliary Tables - by Ebertin published by Verlag

a. Star time calculator. A slide rule for determining
sideral time. Part #40399 - Edmund Scientific
Company, Barrington, New Jersey 08007.
b. Aspect finder - by Church of Light.
c. Ephemeris.




The fixed star positions in this ephemeris are true

apparent positions, therefore some o f the distances are
quite irregular, but the errors within any ten year interval
are extremely small. The positions in this ephemeris are
spaced every ten years beginning with epoch 1800 and
continuing through 2030. For calculations between any ten
year period refer to the information in section 1, chapter 6,
pages 222 through 229. The ephemeris was calculated from
the Handbook of Constellations by Vehrenberg and Blank.

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
1. DENEB KAITOS -2- see K 04 0 11 0 19 0 26 0 34 0 41 0 49
2. ALGENIB -3- 6 28 6 36 6 43 6 51 6 59 7 07 7 14 7 22
3. ALPHERATZ -2- 11 38 11 45 11 53 12 01 12 09 12 16 12 24 12 32
4. BAIEN KAITOS -4- 19 21 19 28 19 35 19 43 19 50 19 58 20 05 20 13
5. KULLAT NUNI -4- 24 05 24 13 24 21 24 29 24 37 24 45 24 53 25 01
6. GREAT NEBULA -N- 25 04 25 12 25 20 25 25 25 36 25 44 25 53 26 01
7. MtRACH -2- 27 36 27 45 27 53 28 01 28 10 28 18 28 26 28 34
8. STELLA MIRA -3- 27 32 27 46 27 55 29 04 29 13 29 22 29 31 29 40

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
1. DENEB KAITOS -2- 0 51 1 05 1 12 1 20 1 28 1 35 1 43 1 50
2. ALGENIB -3- 7 30 7 38 7 46 7 54 8 02 8 10 8 17 8 25
3. ALPHERATZ -2- 12 40 12 47 12 55 13 05 13 11 13 19 13 26 13 34
4. BATEN KAITOS -4- 20 20 20 27 20 35 20 42 20 50 20 57 21 04 21 12
5. KULLAT NUNI -4- 25 09 25 17 25 25 25 33 25 42 25 50 25 58 26 06
6. GREAT NEBULA -N- 26 09 26 17 26 26 26 34 26 43 26 51 26 59 27 07
7. MIRACH -2- 28 43 28 51 29 01 29 08 29 17 29 25 29 34 29 42
8. STELLA MIRA -3- 29 49 29 58 — See TAURUS-

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o 1 o ' o 1
■H CM CO ^
1. DENEB RATIOS -2- 1 57 2 05 2 13 2 20 2 27 2 35 2 43 2 50
2. ALGENIB -3- 8 29 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 04 9 11 9 19 9 27
3. ALPHERATZ -2- 13 42 13 50 13 57 14 05 14 13 14 21 14 28 14 36
4. BATEN KAITOS -4- 21 19 21 27 21 34 21 42 21 49 21 56 22 04 22 11

5. KULLAT NUNI -4- 26 14 26 22 26 30 26 38 26 46 26 54 27 02 27 10

6. GREAT NEBULA -N- 27 15 27 23 27 31 27 39 27 47 27 55 28 03 28 11
7. MIRACK -2- 29 50 29 59 -See TAURUS----
Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810
o 1 o 1
9. SHERATAN -3- 1 11 1 19
10. HAMAL -2- 4 53 5 02
11. SCHEDIR -3- 4 52 5 01
12. ALAMAK -2- 11 15 11 24
13. MENKAR -3- 11 41 11 48
14. ZANRAK -3- 20 42 20 51
15. GYRUS -C- 21 00 21 10
16. ALGOL -3- 23 06 23 17
17. ALCYONE -3- 27 04 27 13
oo Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890
o 1 o 1
8. JURA -3- — See ARIES—
9. SHERATAN -3- 2 17 2 25
10. HAMAL -2- 6 01 6 10
11. SCHEDIR -3- 6 05 6 14
12. ALAMAK -2- 12 29 12 38
13. MENKAR -3- 12 43 12 51
14. ZANRAK -3- 21 50 21 59
15. GYRUS -C- 22 23 22 33
16. ALGOL -3- 24 24 24 33
17. ALCYONE -3- 28 16 28 25
1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
o 1 o ' o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
1 27 1 35 1 43 1 52 2 01 2 09
5 10 5 19 5 27 5 36 5 44 5 53
5 10 5 19 5 28 5 37 5 47 5 56
11 33 11 42 11 52 12 01 12 11 12 20
11 57 12 04 12 12 12 20 12 27 12 35
21 00 21 08 21 17 21 25 21 33 21 42
21 20 21 31 21 41 21 52 22 02 22 12
23 25 23 35 23 45 23 55 24 04 24 14
27 22 27 31 27 40 27 49 27 58 28 07

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950

o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
0 07 0 16 0 25 0 33 0 42 0 50
2 34 2 42 2 51 2 58 3 06 3 15
6 18 6 26 6 35 6 43 6 51 6 59
6 23 6 32 6 42 6 51 7 02 7 11
12 48 12 57 13 07 13 15 13 24 13 34
12 59 13 07 13 12 13 20 13 27 13 35
22 08 22 16 22 25 22 33 22 41 22 50
22 43 22 54 23 05 23 15 23 25 23 35
24 44 24 53 25 03 25 13 25 33 25 32
28 34 28 43 28 52 29 00 29 10 29 18

Cat . # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o '
7. MIRACH -2- — See ARIES— 0 07 0 15 0 24 0 32 0 41 0 49
8. MIRA -3- 0 59 1 07 1 15 1 24 1 32 1 41 1 50 1 58
9. SHERATAN -3- 3 23 3 31 3 40 3 49 3 58 4 07 4 15 4 44
10. HAMAL -2- 7 06 7 14 7 22 7 30 7 38 7 46 7 54 8 02
11. SCHEDIR -3- 7 20 7 29 7 38 7 48 7 57 8 06 8 15 8 24
12. ALAMAK -2- 13 44 13 53 14 02 14 11 14 20 14 30 14 39 14 48
13. MENKAR -3- 13 43 13 51 13 59 14 06 14 14 14 21 14 29 14 37
14. ZANRAK -3- 22 58 23 07 23 15 23 23 23 32 23 40 23 48 23 57
15. GYRUS -C- 23 46 23 56 24 07 24 17 24 27 24 37 24 48 24 58
16. ALGOL -3- 25 42 25 51 26 01 26 11 26 21 26 31 26 41 26 50
17. ALCYONE -3- 29 27 29 36 29 45 29 54 — See5 GEMINI-
Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
o ' o 1 o 1 o r o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
18. HYADES, PREMA -4- 2 58 3 07 3 15 3 24 3 32 3 41 3 49 3 58
19. AIN -4- 5 43 5 52 6 00 6 08 6 16 6 24 6 32 6 40
20. ALDEBARAN -1- 6 57 7 06 7 15 7 24 7 33 7 41 7 50 7 58
21. RIGEL -1- 14 05 14 13 14 21 14 27 14 35 14 43 14 52 15 00
22. BELLATRIX -2- 18 14 18 22 18 30 18 38 18 46 18 54 19 02 19 10
23. CAPELLA -1- 19 04 19 12 19 20 19 28 19 37 19 45 19 54 20 02
24. PHACT -3- 19 57 20 02 20 08 20 13 20 19 20 24 20 29 20 35
25. MINTAKA -3- 19 41 19 49 19 57 20 07 20 15 20 22 20 30 20 37
26. NATO -2- 19 23 19 42 19 52 20 01 20 11 20 20 20 30 20 39
27. HATYSA -N- 20 19 20 27 20 35 20 43 20 51 20 59 21 07 21 15
28. ALNILAM -2- 20 50 20 58 21 05 21 13 21 21 21 28 21 36 21 43
29. AL HECKA -3- 22 00 22 08 22 16 22 24 22 23 22 41 22 49 22 58
30. POLARIS -2- 25 45 25 54 26 02 26 11 26 19 26 27 26 36 26 44
31. BETELGUESSE -1- 26 05 26 13 26 22 26 31 26 39 26 48 26 56
32. MENKALININ -2- 26 30 26 39 26 47 26 56 27 04 27 13 27 57 28 05

Cat. # NAVE MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o 1 o t o 1 o 1 o ' o 1 o 1 o 1
18. HYADES, PRIMA -4- 4 07 4 15 4 24 4 32 4 41 4 49 4 58 5 06
19. AIN -4- 6 48 6 57 7 05 7 13 7 22 7 30 7 38 7 46
20. ALDEBARAN -1- 8 07 8 14 8 22 8 30 8 40 8 48 8 57 9 05

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o I o 1 o I o 1
21. RIGEL -1- 15 09 15 17 15 26 15 35 15 42 15 50 15 59 16 04
22. BELLATRIX -2- 19 18 19 26 19 34 19 42 19 50 19 58 20 06 20 14
23. CAPELLA -1- 20 11 20 19 20 27 20 36 20 44 20 52 21 01 21 09
24. PHACT -3- 20 40 20 46 20 51 20 57 21 03 21 08 21 13 21 19
25. MINTAKA -3- 20 45 20 53 21 00 21 08 21 16 21 23 21 31 21 38
26. NATH -2- 20 48 20 58 21 08 21 17 21 27 21 36 21 45 21 55
27. HATYSA -N- 21 23 21 31 21 39 21 47 21 55 22 02 22 09 22 17
28. ALNILAM -2- 21 51 21 59 22 06 22 14 22 22 22 29 22 37 22 44
29. AL HECKA -3- 23 06 23 15 23 23 23 31 23 40 23 48 23 56 24 04
30. POLARIS -2- 26 53 27 01 27 10 27 18 27 27 27 35 27 43 27 52
31. BETELGUESSE -1- 27 04 27 12 27 21 27 29 27 38 27 46 27 54 28 02
32. MENKALININ -2- 28 14 28 22 28 31 28 39 28 48 28 56 29 04 29 12

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o 1 o ' o ' o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
17. ALCYONE -3- -See TAURUS- 0 06 0 14 0 23 0 32
18. HYADES, PRIMA -4- 5 14 5 22 5 30 5 38 5 46 5 54 6 02 6 10
19. AIN -4- 7 54 8 02 8 10 8 18 8 26 8 34 8 42 8 50
20. ALDEBARAN -1- 9 13 9 21 9 29 9 37 9 45 9 53 10 01 10 09
21. RIGEL -1- 16 11 16 18 16 25 16 32 16 40 16 47 16 54 17 01

Cat,. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
22. BELLATRIX -2- 20 22 20 30 20 38 20 46 20 54 21 02 21 10 21 18
23. CAPELLA -1- 21 16 21 24 21 32 21 40 21 48 21 56 22 04 22 12
24. PHACT -3- 21 24 21 30 21 35 21 40 21 46 21 51 21 57 22 02
25. MINTAKA -3- 21 46 21 54 22 01 22 08 22 16 22 23 22 31 22 39
26. NATH -2- 22 04 22 13 22 23 22 32 22 41 22 51 23 00 23 09
27. HATYSA -N- 22 05 22 33 22 41 22 49 22 57 23 05 23 21 23 20
28. ALNILAM -2- 22 52 23 00 23 07 23 15 23 22 23 30 23 38 23 45
29. AL HECKA -3- 24 12 24 20 24 28 24 37 24 45 24 53 25 02 25 10
30. POLARIS -2- 28 00 28 08 28 15 28 25 28 33 28 42 28 50 28 58
31. BETELGUESSE -1- 28 10 28 18 28 26 28 34 28 42 28 51 28 59 29 07
32. MENKALININ -2- 29 20 29 29 29 37 29 45 29 54 ---- See CANCER-

MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1870

o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o '
-3- 0 38 0 46 0 55 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 36
-3- 2 29 2 38 2 46 2 55 3 03 3 12 3 28
-2- 6 15 6 23 6 32 6 40 6 49 6 58 7 16
-1- 11 23 11 30 11 37 11 44 11 52 12 00 12 17
-1- 13 15 13 18 13 21 13 24 13 27 13 30 13 36
-4- 15 36 15 45 15 54 16 03 16 12 16 21 16 39
-4- 15 58 16 07 16 16 16 26 16 35 16 44 17 03
-2- 17 28 17 36 17 44 17 53 18 01 18 09 18 26
-1- 20 31 20 38 20 47 20 55 21 03 21 11 21 27
-1- 23 03 23 11 23 18 23 26 23 54 23 42 23 59

MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1950

o 1 o ' o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o '
-3- 1 44 1 53 2 02 2 10 2 19 2 27 2 44
-3- 3 37 3 45 3 54 4 02 4 11 4 19 4 36
-2- 7 24 7 33 7 41 7 50 7 59 8 07 8 24
-1- 12 25 12 33 12 42 12 49 12 58 13 06 13 23
-1- 13 39 13 42 13 45 13 48 13 51 13 58 14 14
-4- 16 48 16 57 17 06 17 15 17 24 17 32 17 50
-4- 17 12 17 22 17 32 17 40 17 50 17 59 18 17
Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o I
o 1
o » o ' o 1
o 1
o 1
o 1

40. CASTOR -2- 18 34 18 42 18 50 18 59 19 08 19 16 19 24 19 32

41. POLLUX -1- 21 35 21 43 21 51 21 59 22 07 22 15 22 23 22 31
42. PROCYON -1- 24 08 24 15 24 24 24 31 24 41 24 48 24 57 25 05

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
V 1 1 1 1 1
O o o o o o o 1
o I

32. MENKALININ o cw 2 loDriliNJ." 0 02 0 10 0 18

33. TEJAT P. -3- 2 52 3 01 3 09 3 17 3 26 3 34 3 43 3 51
34. NUHATAI -3- 4 44 4 53 5 01 5 09 5 17 5 26 5 34 5 43
35. AL HENA -2- 8 32 8 41 8 50 8 58 9 07 9 15 9 24 9 32
36. SIRIUS -1- 13 31 13 39 13 47 13 54 14 02 14 10 14 18 14 26
37. CANOPUS -1- 14 29 14 37 14 44 14 52 15 00 15 08 15 16 15 24
38. ALWASAT -4- 17 58 18 08 18 16 18 25 18 34 18 43 18 52 19 00
39. PROPUS -4- 18 25 18 35 18 44 18 54 19 03 29 12 19 21 19 30
40. CASTOR -2- 19 40 19 49 19 57 20 05 20 13 20 21 20 29 20 37
41. POLLUX -1- 22 39 22 47 22 55 23 03 23 11 23 19 23 27 23 35
42. PROCYON -1- 25 12 25 19 25 28 25 35 25 43 25 51 25 59 26 07

Cat,. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810

o 1 o 1
43. PRAESAEPE -C- 4 24 4 32
44. N. ASSELLI -5- 4 41 4 49
45. S. ASSELLI -4- 5 54 6 02
46. KOCHAB -2- 10 25 10 32
47. ACUBENS -4- 10 52 11 00
48. DUBHE -2- 12 32 12 40
49. MERAK -2- 16 17 16 27
50. ALGENUBI -3- 17 53 18 01
51. ALPHARD -2- 24 41 24 48
52. ADHAFERA -4- 24 46 24 55
53. AL JABBAH -4- 25 08 25 17
54. REGULUS -1- 27 07 27 15
55. PHECDA -3- 27 27 27 36

Cat,. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890

o 1 o 1
43. PRAESAEPE -C- 5 32 5 41
44. N. ASSELLI -5- 5 50 5 59
45. S. ASSELLI -4- 7 02 7 10
46. KOCHAB -2- 11 21 11 28
47. ACUBENS -4- 11 58 12 06

1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870

o 1 o 1 o 1 o ' o 1 o 1
4 41 4 50 4 58 5 07 5 15 5 24
4 58 5 07 5 16 5 24 5 33 5 41
6 11 6 19 6 28 6 36 6 45 6 53
10 39 10 45 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 14
11 08 11 16 11 24 11 33 11 41 11 49
12 47 12 54 13 02 13 09 13 17 13 24
16 37 16 47 16 57 17 07 17 16 17 26
18 09 18 18 18 27 18 35 18 44 18 52
24 55 25 03 25 10 25 18 25 25 25 32
25 04 25 12 25 20 25 28 26 37 25 45
25 25 25 33 25 41 25 49 25 58 26 06
27 23 27 30 27 39 27 47 27 55 28 03
27 44 27 53 28 02 28 10 28 19 28 28

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950

o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
5 49 5 58 6 07 6 16 6 24 6 33
6 08 6 16 6 25 6 34 6 42 6 51
7 19 7 27 7 36 7 44 7 53 8 01
11 35 11 42 11 49 11 56 12 03 12 10
12 14 12 28 12 31 12 40 12 47 12 55

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o 1 o 1 o 1 o I o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
48. DUBHE -2- 13 32 13 39 13 47 13 54 14 02 14 09 14 17 14 24
49. MERAK -2- 17 36 17 46 17 56 18 06 18 16 18 29 18 35 18 45
50. ALGENUBI -3- 19 01 19 09 19 18 19 26 19 35 19 44 19 52 20 00
51. ALPHARD -2- 25 39 25 47 25 54 26 02 26 10 26 17 26 25 26 32
52. ADHAFERA -4- 25 54 26 02 26 10 26 19 26 27 26 35 26 44 26 52
53. AL JABBAH -4- 26 14 26 22 26 30 26 38 26 47 26 55 27 03 27 11
54. REGULUS -1- 28 11 28 19 28 27 28 35 28 43 28 51 28 59 29 08
55. PHECDA -3- 28 36 28 45 28 54 29 03 29 12 29 21 29 30 29 38

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o o o 1
43. PRAESAEPE -c - 6 41 6 50 6 58 7 07 7 16 7 24 7 33 7 41
44. N. ASSELLI -5- 6 59 7 08 7 17 7 26 7 35 7 43 7 52 7 61
45. S. ASSELLI -4- 8 10 8 18 8 27 8 36 8 44 8 53 9 01 9 09
46. KOCHAB -2- 12 17 12 24 12 31 12 38 12 45 12 52 12 59 13 06
47. ACUEENS -4- 13 04 13 12 13 20 13 28 13 36 13 44 13 52 14 01
48. DUBHE -2- 14 32 14 39 14 47 14 55 15 02 15 09 15 17 15 25
49. MERAK -2- 18 55 19 05 19 14 19 24 19 34 19 44 19 54 20 04
50. ALGENUBI -3- 20 09 20 17 20 26 20 34 20 43 20 51 21 00 21 08
51. ALPHARD -2- 26 39 26 46 26 54 27 01 27 08 27 16 27 23 27 31
52. AEHAFERA -4- 27 00 27 08 27 17 27 25 27 34 27 42 27 50 27 58

Cat,. # name mag. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o '
53. AL JABBAH -4- 27 19 27 28 27 36 27 44 27 52 28 00 28 03 28 17
54. REGULUS -1- 29 16 29 24 29 32 29 40 29 48 29 56 — See VIRGO--
55. PHECDA -3- 29 47 29 56 See VIRGO-
Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
o 1
o 1
o ' o ' o 1
o » o 1
o 1

56. ALIOTH -2- 6 01 6 09 6 18 6 26 6 35 6 43 6 52 7 01

57. ZOSMA -2- 8 35 8 43 8 51 8 59 9 07 9 15 9 23 9 31
58. MIZAR -2- 12 33 12 42 12 50 12 59 13 08 13 17 13 26 13 44
59. DENEBOLA -2- 18 59 19 05 19 13 19 20 19 28 19 36 19 43 19 51
60. COPULA -N- 22 43 22 49 22 56 23 02 23 09 23 15 23 21 23 27
61 LABRUM -4- 24 26 24 31 24 37 24 42 24 48 25 54 25 00 25 06
62. AL RAID -2- 23 01 23 10 23 18 23 27 23 35 23 43 23 52 25 00
63. ALARAPH -2- 24 27 24 35 24 43 24 51 24 59 25 07 25 15 25 22
64. MARKEB -4- 26 51 26 56 27 01 27 06 27 10 27 15 27 20 27 24

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
V V 1 V V 1 1 1
o o o o o o o o
56. ALIOIH -2- 7 09 7 18 7 27 7 35 7 44 7 52 8 01 8 09
57. ZOSMA -2- 9 39 9 47 9 55 10 03 10 12 10 19 10 28 10 35
58. MIZAR -2- 13 52 14 00 14 09 14 18 14 27 14 36 14 44 14 53
59. DENEBOLA -2- 19 59 20 07 20 14 20 22 20 30 20 38 20 45 20 53
60. COPULA -N- 23 33 23 39 23 45 23 51 23 58 24 04 24 10 24 16
61. LABRUM -4- 25 12 25 17 25 23 25 29 25 35 25 41 25 46 25 52
62. AL RAID -2- 25 09 25 17 25 26 25 34 25 43 25 51 25 59 26 08
63. ALARAPH -2- 25 30 25 38 25 46 25 54 26 02 26 10 26 17 26 25
64. MARREB -4- 27 29 27 34 27 38 27 43 27 48 27 53 27 57 28 01

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o ' o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
54. REGULUS -1- Ofcifci LEO— 0 04 0 12
55. AL HECDA -V- — --Sec? LEO— - 0 04 0 .12 0 21 0 29 0 37 0 46
56. ALIOTH -2- 8 18 8 26 8 35 8 44 8 52 9 01 9 09 9 18
57. ZOSMA -2- 10 43 10 51 10 58 11 06 11 14 11 22 11 31 11 39
58. MIZAR -2- 15 01 15 11 15 20 15 28 15 37 15 46 15 55 16 03
59. DENEBOLA -2- 21 00 21 08 21 16 21 23 21 31 21 39 21 46 21 56
60. COPULA -N- 24 22 24 28 24 34 24 41 24 47 24 53 24 59 25 05
61. LABRUM -4- 25 58 26 04 26 09 26 15 26 21 26 27 26 32 26 38
62. AL RAID -2- 26 13 26 25 26 33 26 42 26 50 26 59 27 07 27 16
63. ALARAPH -2- 26 33 26 41 26 49 26 57 27 04 27 12 27 20 27 28
64. MARKEB -4- 28 06 28 11 28 15 28 20 28 25 28 30 28 34 28 39

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800

65. ZANIAH -4- 2 11
66. VINDEMIATRIX -3- 7 20
67. PORRIMA -3- 7 30
68. ALGORAB -3- 10 46
69. SEGINUS -3- 15 09
70. FORAMEN -4- 19 19
71. SPICA -1- 21 08
72. ARCTURUS -1- 21 30
73. TSEIH KUNG -4- 29 47

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880

65. ZANIAH -4- 3 12
66. VINDEMIATRIX -3- 8 20
67. PORRIMA -3- 8 31
68. ALGORAB -3- 11 48
69. SEGINUS -3- 16 C7
70. FORAMEN -4- 20 2L
71. SPICA -1- 22 10
72. ARCTURUS -1- 22 33

1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870

o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o '
2 18 2 26 2 34 2 41 2 49 2 57 3 04
7 27 7 35 7 42 7 50 7 57 8 05 8 12
7 37 7 45 7 53 8 00 8 08 8 16 8 23
10 54 11 02 11 10 11 18 11 25 11 33 11 41
15 15 15 21 15 27 15 33 15 39 15 45 16 01
19 29 19 38 19 47 19 57 20 04 20 12 20 20
21 16 21 24 21 28 21 36 21 44 21 53 22 01
21 37 21 44 21 51 22 00 22 08 22 17 22 24
29 54 — See SCORPIO---

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950

o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o 1
3 20 3 27 3 35 3 43 3 51 3 58 4 06
8 27 8 35 8 42 8 50 8 57 9 05 9 12
8 38 8 46 8 54 9 02 9 09 9 17 9 25
11 56 12 04 12 12 12 20 12 28 12 35 12 43
16 13 16 19 16 26 16 32 16 38 16 44 16 50
20 36 20 45 20 54 21 03 21 12 21 22 21 31
22 18 22 27 22 35 22 43 22 51 22 00 23 07
22 41 22 50 22 58 23 10 23 15 23 23 23 29

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2030
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o I o '
65. ZANIAH -4- 4 13 4 20 4 28 4 36 4 43 4 51 5 06
66. VINDEMIATRIX -3- 9 20 9 27 9 35 9 42 9 50 9 57 10 12
67. PORRIMA -3- 9 32 9 40 9 47 9 55 10 03 10 10 10 25
68. ALGORAB -3- 12 51 12 59 13 06 13 14 13 22 13 30 13 45
69. SEGINUS -3- 16 56 17 02 17 08 17 14 17 20 17 26 17 38
70. FORAMEN -4- 21 40 21 50 21 59 22 09 22 18 22 28 22 47
71. SPICA -1- 23 14 23 22 23 30 23 38 23 46 23 54 24 09
72. ARCTURUS -1- 23 36 23 43 23 50 23 56 24 02 24 08 24 22

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
o 1 o 1 o I o 1 o 1 o ' o 1 o 1
73. TSEIH RUNG -4- — —
-See LIBRA——
1 06 1 12 1 18 1 24 1 30
74. KHAMBLIA -4- 4 09 4 17 4 25 4 33 4 41 4 49 4 57 5 05
75. ACRUX -1- 9 06 9 14 9 23 9 31 9 39 9 47 9 56 10 03
76. ALPHECCA -2- 9 54 10 00 10 06 10 21 10 19 10 26 10 31 10 38
77. EL GENUBI -3- 12 17 12 26 12 34 12 42 12 51 13 00 13 08 13 16
78. EL SCHEMALI -3- 16 36 16 44 16 53 17 01 17 08 17 17 17 26 17 34
79. UNUKALBAI -3- 19 27 19 35 19 42 19 49 19 57 20 04 20 11 20 19
80. AGENA -1- 21 01 21 09 21 17 21 35 21 34 21 42 21 51 21 58
81. TOLIMAN -1- 26 58 27 06 27 13 27 20 27 28 27 35 27 43 27 50
82. YED PRIOR -3- 29 34 29 42 29 50 29 58 o e e o r v o j. x u o
C 7\r, Trprn7\ TDTTTC
83. DSCHUBBA -2- 29 50 29 58 JU C

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o 1 o 1 o f o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
73. TSIEH RUNG -4- 1 36 1 42 1 49 1 55 2 02 2 08 2 14 2 20
74. RHAMBLIA -4- 5 13 5 21 5 29 5 37 5 45 5 53 5 61 6 08
75. ACRUX -1- 10 12 10 20 10 29 10 37 10 46 10 54 11 02 11 11
76. ALPHECCA -2- 10 44 10 50 10 57 11 03 11 10 11 16 11 22 11 29
77. EL GENUBI -3- 13 24 13 33 13 42 13 49 13 58 14 06 14 15 14 23
78. EL SCHEMALI -3- 17 42 17 50 17 58 18 06 18 15 18 23 18 31 18 39
Cat . # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
V I 1 t 1 1 I
o o o o o o o o 1

79. UNUKALHAI -3- 20 26 20 33 20 41 20 48 20 56 21 03 21 11 21 18

80. AGENA -1- 22 07 22 15 22 24 22 32 22 41 22 48 22 57 23 05
81. TOLLIMAN -1- 27 58 28 05 28 13 28 21 28 29 28 36 28 43 28 50

Cat.. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o 1
o 1
o 1
o 1
o 1
o 1
o V

73. TSEIH RUNG -4- 2 26 2 32 2 38 2 44 2 50 2 56 3 02 3 09

74. KHAMBLIA -4- 6 17 6 25 6 33 6 41 6 49 6 57 8 04 8 12
75. ACKUX -1- 11 11 11 27 11 36 11 42 11 50 11 58 12 06 12 15
76. ALPHECCA -2- 11 35 11 42 11 48 11 54 12 00 12 07 12 13 12 20
77. EL GENUBI -3- 14 31 14 40 14 47 14 56 15 04 15 12 15 20 15 29
78. EL SCHEMALI -3- 18 47 18 55 19 03 19 11 19 19 19 28 19 36 19 44
79. UNUKALHAI -3- 21 25 21 33 21 40 21 47 21 54 22 01 22 08 22 15
80. AGENA -1- 23 13 23 21 23 29 23 37 23 45 23 53 24 01 24 09
81. TOLLIMAN -1- 28 58 29 05 29 12 29 20 29 27 29 35 29 42 29 50

Cat . # NAME MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
82. YED PRIOR -3- -See SCORPIO— 0 05 0 13 0 21 0 29
83. DSCHUBBA -2- -See SCORPIO-- 0 05 0 13 0 21 0 19 0 37 0 45
84. GRAFFIAS -3- 0 25 0 33 0 41 0 49 0 57 1 05 1 13 1 21
85. HAN -3- 6 27 6 35 6 43 6 52 7 00 7 08 7 16 7 24
86. ANTARES -1- 6 56 7 05 7 13 7 21 7 30 7 38 7 46 7 55
87. RASTABAN -3- 9 12 9 19 9 27 9 34 9 42 9 49 9 57 10 04
88. RAS ALGETHI -3- 13 24 13 32 13 40 13 48 13 56 14 04 14 12 14 20
89. SABIK -3- 15 09 15 17 15 26 15 34 15 43 15 52 16 00 16 09
90. RASALHAGUE -2- 19 40 19 48 19 57 20 05 20 13 20 21 20 30 20 38
91. LESUTH -3- 21 13 21 21 21 29 21 38 21 46 21 55 22 03 22 11
92. ACULEUS -C- 22 41 22 51 23 01 23 11 23 20 23 30 23 40 23 50
93. ETAMIN -2- 25 11 25 19 25 27 25 35 25 43 25 51 25 59 26 07
94. ACUMEN -C- 25 35 25 45 25 55 26 05 26 15 26 25 26 35 26 45
95. SINISTRA -3- 26 59 27 07 27 15 27 24 27 32 27 40 27 48 27 57
96. T. NEBULA -CNC- 27 44 27 53 28 02 28 11 28 20 28 29 28 38 28 47

Cat,. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1
82. YED PRIOR -3- 0 37 0 45 0 53 1 01 1 09 1 19 1 26 1 33
83. DSCHUBBA -2- 0 53 1 01 1 09 1 17 1 25 1 33 1 41 1 49
84. GRAFFIAS -3- 1 29 1 37 1 46 1 53 2 04 2 12 2 21 2 30

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880

o '
85. HAN -3- 7 33
86. ANTARES -1- 8 03
87. RASTABAN -3- 10 12
88. RAS ALGEIHI -3- 14 28
89. SABIK -3- 16 17
90. RASAIHAGUE -2- 20 46
91. LESUTH -3- 22 19
92. ACULEUS -C- 24 00
93. ETAMIN -2- 26 15
94. ACUMEN -C- 26 55
95. SINISTRA -3- 28 05
96. T. NEBULAE -CNC- 28 56

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960

o '
82. YED PRIOR -3- 1 41
83. DSCHUBBA -3- 1 57
84. GRAFFIAS -3- 2 39
85. HAN -3- 8 40
86. ANTARES -1- 9 16
87. RASTABAN -3- 11 12

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950

o 1 o I o 1 o ' o f
o 1
o '
7 41 7 49 7 58 8 07 8 15 8 23 8 32
8 11 8 20 8 28 8 39 8 48 8 57 9 06
10 19 10 22 10 34 10 42 10 49 10 57 11 04
14 35 14 44 14 52 15 00 15 08 15 16 15 24
16 26 16 35 16 43 16 51 16 58 17 08 17 17
20 55 21 03 21 11 21 20 21 28 21 36 21 44
22 28 22 36 22 45 22 54 23 02 23 10 23 18
24 09 24 19 24 29 24 39 24 49 24 58 25 08
26 23 26 31 26 38 26 47 26 55 27 03 27 11
27 05 27 15 27 25 27 35 27 45 27 55 28 04
28 14 28 22 28 30 28 38 28 46 28 54 29 02
29 05 29 14 29 23 29 32 29 41 29 50 29 59

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

o 1 o 1 o 1 o ' o 1
o V
o 1

1 48 1 57 2 05 2 13 2 21 2 28 2 37
2 05 2 13 2 21 2 29 2 37 2 45 2 53
2 47 2 56 3 04 3 13 3 22 3 31 3 39
8 48 8 56 9 04 9 13 9 21 9 29 9 38
9 25 9 33 9 41 9 49 9 58 10 06 10 14
11 19 11 27 11 34 11 42 11 49 11 57 12 54

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o ' o 1 o 1 o 1 o f o ' o ' o 1
88. RAS ALGETHI -3- 15 32 15 40 15 48 15 56 16 04 16 12 16 20 16 28
89. SABIK -3- 17 25 17 34 17 43 17 51 17 59 18 08 18 17 18 25
90. RASALHAGUE -2- 21 53 22 01 22 09 22 18 22 26 22 34 22 43 22 51
91. LESUTH -3- 23 26 23 35 23 43 23 52 24 00 24 08 24 16 24 25
92. ACULEUS -C- 25 18 25 27 25 37 25 47 25 57 25 66 26 06 26 16
93. ETAMIN -2- 27 19 27 27 27 35 27 43 25 57 25 66 26 06 26 16
94. ACUMEN -C- 28 15 28 25 28 35 28 45 28 54 29 05 29 14 ?9 24
95. SINISTRA -3- 29 11 29 19 29 27 29 36 29 44 29 52 — SeeV5 "—



Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
o o o o o o o o
97. POLIS -4- 0 19 0 28 0 37 0 46 0 55 1 03 1 12 1 21
98. KAUS BOREALIS -3- 3 30 3 38 3 47 3 55 4 04 4 12 4 21 4 29
99. FACIES -CN- 5 22 5 31 5 40 5 49 5 58 6 07 6 16 6 25
100. NUNKI -2- 9 33 9 42 9 51 10 00 10 08 10 17 10 25 10 33
101. ASCELLA -3- 10 50 10 59 11 08 11 16 11 24 11 33 11 41 11 48
102. MANNUBRIUM -4- 12 04 ■12 13 12 22 12 31 12 40 12 49 12 58 13 06
103. WEGA -1- 12 31 12 39 12 47 12 56 13 05 13 13 13 21 13 28
104. DENEB -3- 17 02 17 10 17 18 17 26 17 35 17 43 17 51 18 00
105. TERREBELLUM -5- 22 53 23 02 23 11 23 20 23 29 23 38 23 47 23 56
106. ALBIREO -3- 28 22 28 41 28 49 28 57 29 05 29 13 29 21 29 29
107. ALTAIR -1- 29 11 29 19 29 27 29 34 29 40 29 46 29 51 29 59

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o V
o 1
o 1
o 1
o 1 o 1
o 1
o 1

97. POLIS -4- 1 30 1 39 1 48 1 57 2 06 2 15 2 24 2 33

98. KAUS BOREALIS -3- 4 38 4 46 4 55 5 03 5 11 5 20 5 28 5 37
99. FACIES -CN- 6 34 6 43 6 52 7 02 7 12 7 21 7 30 7 39
100. NUNKI -2- 10 42 10 50 10 59 11 07 11 15 11 23 11 32 11 40
101. ASCELLA -3- 11 58 12 06 12 15 12 23 12 31 12 39 12 48 12 56
102. MANNUBRIUM -4- 13 15 13 24 13 34 13 43 13 52 14 01 14 10 14 19
103. WEGA -1- 13 38 13 46 13 55 14 03 14 11 14 20 14 28 14 37

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o 1 o 1 o i o ' o ' o ' o 1 o 1
104. DENEB -3- 18 08 18 16 18 25 18 33 18 41 18 49 18 58 19 06
105. TERREBELUM -5- 24 05 24 14 24 23 24 33 24 43 24 52 25 01 25 10
106. ALBIREO -3- 29 37 29 45 29 53 --- See AQUARIUS-
107. ALTAIR 1—”
7\ A T T 7 \ D T T T C ..........

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o 1 o 1
o ' o ' o 1 o 1 o 1
95. SINISTRA -3- —— — —
0 01 0 08
96. SPICULUM -CNC- 0 07 0 15 0 23 0 31 0 39 0 47 0 55 1 03
97. POLIS -4- 2 42 2 50 2 58 3 08 3 14 3 25 3 34 3 43
98. KAUS BOREALIS -3- 5 45 5 53 6 02 6 10 6 19 6 27 6 35 6 44
99. FACIES -c - 7 48 7 57 8 06 8 15 8 24 8 33 8 42 8 52
100. NUNKI -2- 11 48 11 57 12 05 12 13 12 21 12 30 12 38 12 47
101. ASCELLA -3- 13 04 13 12 13 20 13 28 13 37 13 45 13 53 14 02
102. MANNUBRIUM -4- 14 28 14 36 14 45 14 54 15 03 15 12 15 21 15 30
103. WEGA -1- 14 45 14 54 15 02 15 10 15 19 15 27 15 35 15 44
104. EENEB -3- 19 14 19 22 19 30 19 39 19 47 19 55 20 04 20 12
105. TERREBELLUM -5- 25 19 25 28 25 37 25 47 25 55 26 05 26 14 26 23

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
o o o o o o o o
108. GEIDI -5- 1 16 1 22 1 28 1 34 1 40 1 46 1 52 2 00
109. DABIH -3- 1 14 1 22 1 31 1 39 1 48 1 56 2 05 2 13
110. OCULUS -5- 1 53 2 01 2 10 2 18 2 27 2 36 2 44 2 53
111. BOS -5- 2 19 2 28 2 36 2 45 2 54 3 02 3 11 3 19
112. ARMUS -5- 9 54 10 03 10 11 10 20 10 28 10 37 10 45 10 54
113. DORSUM -5- 11 01 11 10 11 18 11 26 11 35 11 43 11 52 12 01
114. CASTRA -4- 17 23 17 31 17 40 17 48 17 57 18 06 18 14 18 23
115. NASHIRA -4- 19 00 19 08 19 16 19 24 19 33 19 41 19 49 19 58
116. SADALSUUD -3- 20 41 20 49 20 57 21 05 21 13 21 21 21 29 21 37
117. DENEB ALGEDI -3- 20 44 20 53 21 02 21 09 21 18 21 27 21 35 21 43

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
o o 1
o 1
o 1
o 1
o ' o ' o 1

106. ALBIREO -3- — — See CAPRICORN— 0 01 0 09 0 17 0 25 0 34

107. ALTAIR -1- 0 07 0 15 0 23 0 31 0 39 0 47 0 55 1 03
108. GEIDI -5- 2 08 2 17 2 25 2 33 2 42 2 50 2 58 3 07
109. DABIH -3- 2 22 2 30 2 39 2 47 2 56 3 04 3 13 3 21
110. OCULUS -5- 3 01 3 10 3 18 3 27 3 36 3 44 3 52 4 01
111. BOS -5- 3 28 3 36 3 45 3 54 4 03 4 11 4 20 4 28
112. ARMUS -5- 11 01 11 11 11 19 11 28 11 37 11 45 11 54 12 02
113. DORSUM -5- 12 09 12 17 12 26 12 34 12 43 12 51 12 59 13 08

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880

o '
114. CASTRA -4- 18 31
115. NASHIRA -4- 20 06
116. SADALSUUD -3- 21 45
117. DENEB ALGEDI -3- 21 52

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1960

o '
106. ALBIREO -3- 0 42
107. ALTAIR -1- 1 11
108. GEIDI -5- 3 15
109. DABIH -3- 3 29
110. OCULUS -5- 4 09
111. BOS -5- 4 37
112. ARMUS -5- 12 11
113. DORSUM -5- 13 16
114. CASTRA -4- 19 38
115. NASHIRA -4- 21 12
116. SADALSUUD -3- 22 48
117. DENEB ALGEDI -3- 22 58

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950

o 1 o l o o ' o 1
o ' o 1

18 39 18 48 18 56 19 05 19 13 19 21 19 30
20 15 20 23 20 31 20 40 20 48 20 56 21 04
21 53 22 01 22 09 22 17 22 24 22 33 22 41
22 00 22 08 22 16 22 25 22 23 22 41 22 50

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

1 1 1
o 1 o 1 o 1 o ' o o o
0 51 0 59 1 07 1 16 1 24 1 33 1 41
1 19 1 27 1 35 1 43 1 51 1 59 2 07
3 23 3 32 3 40 3 48 3 56 4 05 4 13
3 38 3 46 3 55 4 03 4 11 4 20 4 28
4 18 4 26 4 35 4 44 4 52 5 01 5 09
4 46 4 54 4 63 5 01 5 10 5 18 5 27
12 20 12 28 12 36 12 45 12 53 13 02 13 10
13 25 13 34 13 41 13 50 13 58 14 07 14 15
19 47 19 55 20 03 20 12 20 20 20 29 20 37
21 20 21 29 21. 37 21 45 21 54 22 02 22 10
22 56 23 04 23 12 23 20 23 28 23 36 23 44
23 06 23 14 23 23 23 31 23 39 23 47 23 56

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1800

o '
118. SADALMELIK -3- 0 40
119. FOMALHAUT -1- 1 04
120. DENEB ADIGE -1- 3 12
121. SKAT -3- 6 18
122. ACHERNAR -1- 12 30
123. MARKAB -3- 20 51
124. SCHEAT -3- 26 54
125. DIFDA -2- 29 57

Cat. # NAME MAG. 1880

o '
118. SADALMELIK -3- 1 42
119. FOMALHAUT -1- 2 10
120. DENEB ADIGE -1- 3 52
121. SKAT -3- 7 15
122. ACHERSTAR -1- 13 36
123. MARKAB -3- 21 52
124. SCHEAT -3- 27 46

1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870

o 1 o 1 o ' o ' o ' o I o 1
0 48 0 56 1 04 1 11 1 19 1 27 1 34
1 13 1 21 1 29 1 37 1 45 1 54 2 02
3 17 3 22 3 27 3 32 3 37 3 42 3 47
6 25 6 32 6 39 6 46 6 54 1 01 7 08
12 38 12 47 12 55 13 03 13 11 13 20 13 28
20 59 21 07 21 14 21 22 21 29 21 37 21 44
27 00 27 06 27 13 27 19 27 26 27 33 27 39
--See ARIES----

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950

o 1 o 1 o ' o 1 o 1 o 1 o '
1 50 1 58 2 06 2 14 2 21 2 29 2 37
2 19 2 28 2 35 2 44 2 51 3 00 3 09
3 58 4 03 4 08 4 14 4 19 4 24 4 29
7 22 7 30 7 37 7 44 7 51 7 58 8 05
13 45 13 53 14 01 14 10 14 17 14 27 14 34
21 59 22 07 22 14 22 22 22 29 22 37 22 44
27 53 28 00 28 07 28 14 28 20 28 27 28 34

Cat. # NAME MAG 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o t o 1 o 1 o 1
118. SADALMELIK -3- 2 44 2 52 3 00 3 08 3 16 3 24 3 32 3 39
119. FOMALHAUT -1- 3 17 3 26 3 24 3 42 3 51 4 00 4 08 4 16
120. DENEB ADIGE -1- 4 34 4 39 4 44 4 49 4 55 4 59 5 05 5 10
121. SKAT -3- 8 12 8 19 8 26 8 33 8 40 8 47 8 54 9 01
122. ACHERNAR -1- 14 42 14 49 14 56 15 04 15 11 15 18 15 25 15 32
123. MAKKAB -3- 22 51 22 59 23 07 23 14 23 22 23 29 23 37 23 44
124. SCHEAT -3- 28 40 28 47 28 53 29 00 29 06 29 13 29 20 29 26

- END -




Basic celestial object influences as described in this

section are for use when making influence determinations in
conjunction with the unnumbered fixed stars listed on
pages 250 through 267. They should not be used in
conjunction with the 124 fixed stars whose influences are
already covered in Chapter 5. They may not be
satisfactorily used with conventional natal astrology. For
this information consult any of the many books covering this
subject on the market place.
The celestial objects are listed with a ( + ) positive and
(—) negative influence. Not all of any one positive or
negative influence may be applied in conjunction with the
fixed stars. In some cases a mixture of both positive and
negative influences may be necessary. It is also important
to take into consideration the balance of the chart when
making evaluations and the analyst should also refer to
‘quickie’ aspects in Chapter 4.
The following is an example of the use of the basic
influences: The native was born July 13,1931, at 12:30 a.m.
CST. The native’s Sun is in Cancer and is negative. The
Sun’s aspects are: Sun sextile Moon, opposition Saturn,
square Uranus, semi-square Neptune. Venus is sextile
Neptune. Moon is sextile Uranus, semi-sextile Pluto.
Mercury is semi-square Mars, semi-sextile Neptune and
conjunction Jupiter. Refer to the basic influences of
negative Sun in Cancer: The native may be fickle,
inconstant, a poor loser, of a restless nature, has a love of
the past, seeks security, does not take losses easily, life
appears to be difficult. Start by canceling out: Fickleness,
inconstancy and restlessness. WHY? Because Mercury and
Venus are not adversely aspected to Uranus, Saturn and/or
Neptune. Cancel out: Life is difficult. WHY? Because the
Moon is not adversely aspected to Saturn. Cancel out:
‘Touchy’. W HY? Because Mercury is not adversely aspected
to Uranus. Cancel out: Passive and lazy. W H Y? Because
Sun is not adversely aspected to Jupiter. This leaves the
following aspect to be considered: “ seeks security, does not
take losses easily, has a great love of the past, needs to be

sheltered.” These are the influences that should be used in
making adjustments to the basic star influences as
described on pages 245, 246, and 247, together with the
unnumbered fixed stars on pages 250 through 267.
The basic celestial influences herein described are
listed in positive and negative qualities. This breakdown in
positive and negative qualities may be deduced from the
‘quickie’ aspects on pages 34 through 44 in Chapter 4. The
influences of Jupiter are not included because Jupiter for
the most part enters into the domain of the natives careers,
which would be a subject that could take another volume.


SUN IN ARIES ( + ) The native is endowed with great

independence and originality. One who is a pioneer, a great
thinker, an eager contestant in the game of life, an idealist,
one who uses brains instead of brawn as their driving
power. One who has both leadership and inspirational
abilities. One who has indomnitable courage, able to
overcome setbacks, is mentally energetic, quick witted, has
a penetrating willpower, is of a restless nature, has the
quality of persistence and determination plus the ability to
lead and direct.

SUN IN ARIES (—) One who is indiscreet, restless, moody,

tends to be of an argumentive nature, subject to ‘hasty’
speech, self willed, fickle, impatient, entertains delusions of
grandeur and persecution, a tendency to be boastful,
arrogant, self assertive, selfish, impulsiveness.

SUN IN TAURUS ( + ) Endows its natives with self

reliance, persistence, determination, practicality, a cautions
nature, persistence, one who is dignified and democratic in
expression, a steadfast person, strong endurance powers,
one who is courageous, discriminating, practical, accumu­
lates and is acquisitive, has powerful instincts, can be self
willed, seeks security.

SUN IN TAURUS (—) Possessiveness, self gratification,

inflexible, extravagance, greedy, stubborn, resentful,

overly cautious, boring.

SUN IN GEMINI ( + ) Endows its natives with reason and

logic, one who is adaptable, versatile, who has intellectual
and an analytical mind, one who is impersonal, talkative,
guided by common sense, not emotions, has mental vigor,
can be charming, has grace and talent, the ability to clearly
express themselves in both word and deed.

SUN IN GEMINI (—) Native is subject to self deception,

can be very changeable and restless, prone to calculated
cunning, tends to be inconsistent, places too much on facts
only as they view them, not as they are. One who is self
centered, discontented, heartless, has a disregard for the
truth, is egotistical and self centered, makes drastic'
decisions, influenced by gossip and intrigue. A superficial

SUN IN CANCER ( + ) Endows its natives with extreme

sensitiveness, but the ability to control their emotions. One
who is kind hearted, hospitable, has a cheerful personality.
Has a strong imagination, one who is imaginative, has a
receptive mentality, has domestic' and maternal instincts, a
sense of tradition, is compassionate and tolerant, has a
receptive mentality, has domestic and maternal instincts, a
sense of tradition is compassionate and tolerant, has a
persistent will and of a kindly friendly nature.

SUN IN CANCER (—) Native is subject to being fickle,

somewhat inconstant, overly emotional, a poor loser, very
touchy, of a restless nature, moody, has a love of the past,
constantly seeking security, prone to self pity, does not take
losses very easily, can develop a passive nature. An
unforgiving nature, may be very touchy, life appears
difficult. Unstable person, one who is susceptible to flattery.
Unable to accept disappointments easily.

SUN IN LEO ( + ) Endows its natives with the desire to

rule, the native has a commanding dignity,' an inclination for
organization and supervision, one who is generous, one who
has a gallant independent personality, one who is ambitious

and determined, a courageous person, a good ‘showman’. A
constructive elevating personality, the ability to direct, one
who is broadminded, disposed to be generous, has good
vitality, is positive in thought and action.

SUN IN LEO (—) The native tends to be arrogant, hastily

forms opinions, has too many likes and dislikes, a dogmatic
person, a tendency to shirk duties, obligations. Sometimes
quick tempered, one who is snobbish, of a pompous nature,
a blusterer, a self centered showoff. One who seeks power
and authority. Native presents blatant displays of
generosity, is patronizing, abuses powers of leadership,
seeks praise of efforts by others.

SUN IN VIRGO ( + ) Endows its natives with practicality,

order and harmony, a tendency to be industrious, one who is
discriminating, may be of a serving disposition, an
analytical mind, a very conscientious person, one who is
humane, meticulous, versatile in expression, one who is
constructive, critical and quite accurate, a tidy person, one
who is ingenious, has keen mental powers, one whose
steadiness inspires admiration and respect.

SUN IN VIRGO (—) The native is overly cautious, too timid,

has a false sense of intelligence, of an overly critical nature,
is prejudiced and narrow in viewpoints, entirely too
methodical, has an exaggerated sense of cleanliness, too
fussy, immersed in details, one who has a vitrolic tongue, an
unfunny wit, one who is hypocritical, a tendency to be
snobbish, selfish, and one who seeks self gratfication.

SUN IN LIBRA ( + ) Endows its natives with foresight and

intuition. One who is compassionate, of a very diplomatic
nature, rarely extreme in views, one who seeks harmonious
relationships, sensitive to surroundings, a somewhat
modest artistic nature, has an objective foresight, a
changeable mentality, a disposition to take all sides of a
question and unite them in orderliness.

SUN IN LIBRA (—) The native rarely takes a firm stand,

has a tendency to avoid unpleasanteness at all costs,

compromises too much, is indecisive, of a frivolous nature,
somewhat spineless. Native appears to lack direction, lacks
purpose, seems shallow and insincere, prefers to
compromise rather than face discord, hesitates to face facts.
Has a disregard for truth. A tendency to refuse to act on
their own responsibility. One who is gullible.

SUN IN SCORPIO ( + ) The native is endowed with an alert,

active mentality, has an independent disposition, inclined
towards executive abilities, has the ability to lead and
direct, one who has powerful courage, the native is of a
forceful and zealous disposition, decisive in action and in
words. One who is brave and earnest, persevering and
determined, combative by nature, outwardly can be tough
and uncompromising, but inwardly has great empathy.
Native is profound and deep in feelings, has an unwavering
devotion to their principles, has the strength of their
convictions, a strong faith in themselves, the ability of great
self control, a sense of respect and pride. The ability to
retain and respect confidences.

SUN IN SCORPIO (—) The native is endowed with an alert,

active mentality, the ability to lead and direct, an
independent disposition, an exaggerated powerful courage.
The native is too secretive, has a daring nature, capable of
being cunning and at times may appear to be cruel in nature
and in remarks. One who is subject to bitter dislikes and
even hatreds, has a get even attitude at all costs, one who
will eventually settle accounts, even if it takes a lifetime. A
pessimistic temperament, one who can be very tricky,
subtle, clever. A tendency to ride roughshod over anyone
who stands in their way. One who is indifferent to

SUN IN SAGITTARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with the

highest integrity and morals. Their talents and aptitudes
may be widely varied. Their nature is dignified, and of good
temperament, frank and with a buoyance that can be quite
catching. Native has a tendency to become ambitious,
speculative. One who is outspoken, with an understanding

of both philosophy and of religion. A refined person, one
who dislikes sordid actions and anything coarse or sensual.
One with lofty ideals, of a benevolent phianthropic
disposition and with an expansive mind. One with liberal

SUN IN SAGITTARIUS (—) The native may be too sporty,

boastful, and lazy. Inconsiderate of others, exaggerative
and garrulous. One who promises more than they can
deliver. The native may be ‘rude and crude’ on occasion and
develop the knack of saying the one last Cutting remark.
Exuberance leading to extravagance. One who is careless
over details, may become an exhibitionist, subject to short
lived enthusiasm; one with many prejudices, even intense
likes and dislikes. An extremist and tactless person. One
who is boisterous.

SUN IN CAPRICORN ( + ) Endows its natives with

extreme patience, perseverance and reliability. One who is
modest in their tastes, one who is trustworthy and has a
serious cautiously forceful nature. One who is economical,
conservative. Fond of ‘old things’ , old ideas. Has the ability
to exercise great Control over themselves. One who is
thoughtful of others, is very industrious and thrives on hard
work. Native has great self confidence, is of a very
ambitious nature, grasps at every opportunity, has the
ability to organize and direct. One who is self reliant, cool
headed and able to take measured deliberate action.

SUN IN CAPRICORN (—) The native is prone to take

advantage of others, a very rigid outlook, one who develops
greed, becomes too selfish, too moody at times, somewhat
pessimistic and carried away by being too thrifty. Native
may become severe in their dealings and be standoffish.
They are capable of ignoring friends, being entirely too
materialistic and unable to see anyone’s viewpoint but their
own. One who is too exacting, mean.

SUN IN AQUARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with humane

ideas, one who is dignified and independent. One who has a
companionable nature. One who seldom bears malice, has

unique or inventive ability, a charitable and discriminating
nature. One who is thoughtful and practical, easily
influenced by kindness, has devotion to duty. One who is
open minded, tolerant.

SUN IN AQUARIUS (—) The native is too imaginative,

impractical, lacks constructive ideas. Of an unpredictable
nature, tendency to be rebellious, aloof. Tends to be ‘touchy’
and argumentive. May become contentious. A contrary
person. One who is fixed in their opinions. One who is proud
and too sensitive, one who develops unconventional ideas,
has a friendly disposition, develops their own type of
philosophy. Subject to impractical idealism. An eccentric
person. One who is too easily influenced, subject to being
thoughtless. Personal freedom of utmost importance.

SUN IN PISCES ( + ) The native is endowed with a

sensitive nature, is mentally receptive, has kind and
hospitable personality, one who is compassionate and with
an adaptable nature. A disposition to help others. One who
is intuitive and of abstract philosophical nature. A mentally
receptive idealist. One who is rather easily influenced by
their surroundings. A humble person.

SUN IN PISCES (—) The native may be overly sentimental',

too plastic, too demanding, of a jealous nature, may be too
pessismistic, even withdrawn. Native is their own worst
enemy. Native may feel unduly persecuted, becomes moody
and feels misunderstood, full of self pity with aimless
thought and appears quite timid. The native lacks direction,
lacks purpose, and is too sensitive. Mentally receptive,
inwardly too ready to take offense. Native is easily
confused, indecisive. One who is very compassionate, quite
hospitable. A passive type of kindness.

MOON IN ARIES ( + ) Endows its natives with self

confidence, self reliance, courage, practicality, indepen­
dence and an inclination to be persistent. The native is
mentally quick, has dauntless courage, not easily defeated.

MOON IN ARIES (—) The native becomes impatient,
subject to temper, lacks indiscretion, becomes headstrong,
subject to many small troubles, accident prone, impulsive.
The native may jump from one thing to another, or one
occupation to another often without reason. Has sudden
temper flareups and is overly sensitive. Tendency to ride
roughshod over people. Unconventional behavior, difficult
to discipline.

MOON IN TAURUS ( + ) Endows its natives with an

agreeable disposition, determination, conservativeness, an
ambitious nature, steady emotions, one who is persistent,
self reliant, appreciative of art and finer things in life. A
love of traveling, a gentle disposition, one who is loyal,
practical and serene. A reliable person, sociable.

MOON IN TAURUS (—) The native may become very

stubborn, too conservative, sensual and fun loving. Native
is overly possessive. One who is smug, conceited and has a
grasping nature. A jealous person. One who is possessive.

MOON IN GEMINI ( + ) The native is sympathetic, humane,

progressive, ingenious, fluent and has a lively intellect.
Native is versatile, has a receptive mentality, is eloquent
without being garrulous, has a fertile imagination, an
inquisitive intellect, a dextrous nature, capable of grasping
details. Is curious about people, places and is easily capable
of coping with emergencies. Has a restless mind and is very

MOON IN GEMINI (—) The native is indiscreet, may

develop into an unreliable person, be imprudent, exercise
lack of control or caution, entertain a disregard for facts. A
tendency to be flighty, jump to unwarranted conclusions.
S u sceptible to fla ttery , lacks in teg rity . G arrulous.
Disregard for facts.

MOON IN CANCER ( + ) Native endowed with intuition.

Can be friendly, sociable, domestically inclined. Has active
feelings and emotions. Sensitive to outside influence. Native
is kind, of a sympathetic nature. Has great tenacity, can be

graceful and of an adaptable nature. Has a plastic dreamy
temperament. Domestic or other security of great
importance to the native.

MOON IN CANCER (—) Native is highly emotional, abuses

authority, is of a clinging vine nature, drifts with tide of life,
can become indolent. Native is of a grasping nature. May
exhibit emotional instability, has a tendency to be
withdrawn, develops an excessive imagination.

MOON IN LEO ( + ) Endows its native with pride, a

dramatic type personality, faithfulness and sincerity, a love
for leadership. One who is farsighted, ambitious, self
confident, and self reliant. One who is honorable,
magnanimous, candid and of a persevering nature. A
tendency to lead, not follow. One who is fond of dress, home
and orderliness. One who is free hearted by nature and has
a love of pleasure.

MOON IN LEO (—) The native is conceited, jealous,

entertains selfish motives. Has an overbearing manner, is a
social climber, may be unfaithful, develops into a ‘pushy’
arrogant person. A gambler with life or whatever. Is fond of
too much pleasure, entertainment and social affairs.
Develops a disregard for facts. May be boastful. An
insincere person, one of an insensitive nature. A tendency
to ‘bull’ their way through any situation. Ostentatiousness.

MOON IN VIRGO ( + ) Endows its natives with a receptive

and analytical mind. A retentive memory. A dislike for
flattery and ostentation. One who is of a retiring nature.
Details important to the native. Native has an acute sense
of their own worth and they may wish to be of service.
Fluent in speech.

MOON IN VIRGO (—) Native is timid, lacks self confidence,

may develop a ‘carping’ attitude and be too cirtical,
generally over nothing of importance. Native may be a
perfectionist and be blind to more important matters or
ideas. Native has an unfunny wit.

MOON IN LIBRA ( + ) Endows its natives with an
understanding nature, one who is kind and sympathetic, has
a graceful personality. An intuitive mentality, a fluent
nature and inclined to be agreeable to everyone. Native has
a fondness for artistic matters and is easily upset by

MOON IN LIBRA (—) Native is capricious, fickle, overly

critical. Is rather easily influenced and may be of an
inconsiderate nature. Native conceals their ulterior
motives. Not altogether truthful. Native is subject to being
easily ‘conned’ .

MOON IN SCORPIO ( + ) Endows its natives with endless

courage, an energetic disposition, an amiable attitude, one
with strong determination and amenable to kindness. The
native has a keen mentality and high standards, the
strength of their own convictions and a powerful will.

MOON IN SCORPIO (—) Endows its natives with

intolerance of any interference, they may be abrupt and
quick tempered, blunt in speech, stubbornly determined.
May become moody, quick to anger, resentful. Immoral and
passionate. Subject to excess gratification. Native bears
grudges, can be revengeful and develop a brooding nature.
Possessiveness and extreme jealousy.

MOON IN SAGITTARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with an

alert, active nature. One who is good humored, optimistic.
Has a humanitarian nature and viewpoints. Grandly liberal.
Has reverend emotions. Dislikes sordid actions. A
philosophical nature, frank with a high minded attitude.
Native has strong attachments to religious or philosophical
beliefs. Sometimes quick to anger, but generally of a
forgiving nature. The native develops highest morals and

MOON IN SAGITTARIUS ( - ) Native prefers ‘ease’, has

good intentions, despairs of achievement. Has strong
sectarian or philosophical views. Is careless, reckless.
Tendency to escape reality. Sets unattainable goals for

themselves. Impractical goals.

MOON IN CAPRICORN ( + ) Endows its natives with social

and public preferment. Native subject to honors, may attain
some prominence, gain the ability to inspire confidence,
become a good organizer, develop a cautious and reserved
nature. Have an interest in material things. Practical and
materialistic. Native is generally ambitious, seeks after
money and power. Ability to lead and direct.

MOON IN CAPRICORN (—) Native is overly cautious, may

be subject to scandals, or engage in scandalous actions.
Entertains a great fear of poverty, may become avaricious
and even miserly, generally expresses little feeling for
others. Native may be gloomy, have a vague and rather
indeterminate mentality; they seem to attract emnity.
Native is generally shy and insecure, overly sensitive.
Native may develop a carping attitude, claculate to gain
power at all costs.

MOON IN AQUARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with an

instictive feeling for humanistic qualities, social awareness.
The native may develop altruistic tendencies, be of a
companionable nature, is intuitive and of universal appeal.
One who is gracious, open minded, has empathy for the
‘underdog’ .

MOON IN AQUARIUS (—) Native is subject to erratic

behavior, is somewhat aloof, can be very stubborn, seeks
personal freedom at all costs regardless of consequences,
has fear of personal involvement. Unpredictable nature.
Subject to nervous tension. May develop a suspicious
attitude, a desire to get revenge.

MOON IN PISCES ( + ) Endows its natives with a

hospitable nature, one who is sensitive. Native may become
quite fluent, develop a fertile expression. Native is
imaginative. An adaptable and companionable nature. One
who seeks after personal knowledge, has great empathy.
Endowed with originality, creativeness.

MOON IN PISCES (—) Native may develop a tendency to
brood, unnecessarily over unimportant Subjects, people,
ideas and fancied wrongs. May develop neurotic tendencies,
may feel unnecessarily persecuted. Native may become
highly emotional, overly sentimental, even withdrawn.
Imagination could run wild. Subject to unusual fancies.
Native lacks coherent expression. Tendency to become lazy,
gullible, restless. Has impractical ideas. Self indulgent.

MERCURY IN ARIES ( + ) Endows its natives with self

assertiveness, mental keenness, one who is independent,
intellectual, quick to grasp situations and ideas. Tolerant of
others opinions, somewhat of a contentious nature, one who
is interested in pioneering. A tendency towards broad
mindedness, one who tends to be impulsive and self
assertive. An outspoken person, an ironic quick wit, of a
decisive type character.

MERCURY IN ARIES (—) Native is restless, tends to leap

before they look, an indication of general recklessness, a
mind that is of a vacillating nature, one who may be
unreliable and lack a sense of responsibility, one who is
intolerant of others and their ideas, one who rides
roughshod over others. An impulsive person, subject to
hasty speech, actions that are unplanned, subject to mental
strain. Lack of consideration for others. A reserved person,
keeps their own counsel.

MERCURY IN TAURUS ( + ) Endows its natives with an

appreciation of artistic matters, one who is thorough and
has a persistent mentality, one with steadfast emotions,
tempered with reason, a rententive and an alert memory,
alert for pleasure and business. One who is a pleasing
companion, has a fondness for the opposite sex, a desire and
the ability to accumulate possessions, the ability to keep

MERCURY IN TAURUS ( - ) An inflexible outlook, one

who is obstinate, secretive and avaricious. Slow in making
decisions. May become reclusive and harbor secret

MERCURY IN GEMINI ( + ) Endows its natives with a
quick, clever, ingenious and eloquent mentality. Generally,
these natives are good humored, fluent, expressive and a
witty conversationalist. One who has an inquisitive mind.
Inclined to indulge in practical wit. One with an academic,
vivid and retentive memory, capable of grasping details,
one who is shrewd. One with penetrating judgment,
versatile. Somewhat lacking in emotion.

MERCURY IN GEMINI (—) Native lacks compassion, has a

tendency to try to outsmart others, not altogether truthful,
generally exhibits a lack of humor and a reckless disregard
for the truth. One who is insensitive. One who has a
superficial grasp of details. Verbose and lacking in emotion
and empathy.

MERCURY IN CANCER ( + ) Endows its natives with a

kind, pleasing hospitable social attitude. One who has a
clear intellect, a good memory and excellent adaptability.
One who is alert to responsibility, very impressionable,
responsive, intuitive, somewhat reserved with a fertile and
vivid imagination. One who is susceptible to flattery,
diplomatic and tactful, with a restless mind. More
concerned about the past. Great tenacity of opinion.
Musically inclined.

MERCURY IN CANCER ( - ) The native harbors

resentment, unable to forget past injuries, may become
obnoxious to others, the native is very tenacious, exhibits a
lack of tact, prejudiced by preconceived ideas, has a closed
mind, a love of flattery and praise. Insensitive to others, a
tendency to be garrulous. Grasping and greedy.

MERCURY IN LEO ( + ) Endows its natives with an

impressionable and optimistic nature, one who is persistent,
ambitious and appreciative. The native has a tendency to
‘lead and direct’. One with determination and plenty of self
confidence. The native has a strong positive, persevering
intellect, can be blunt and outspoken. Has high ideals and
may become a good organizer. One who can be witty,
entertaining and dramatically eloquent. A strong minded,

dogm atic pleasure loving person.

MERCURY IN LEO (—) Native develops a tendency to

brag, be too abrupt, rude and crude, prejudiced. Blunt in
speech, overbearing in attitude. Too demanding and
tactless. One who is officious, arrogant and fickle. Of a low
sensual nature. Inconstant in affections.

MERCURY IN VIRGO ( + ) Endows its natives with a

penetrating, questionable mind. The native is of a practical
nature, one who has a clear scientific type mind, whose
conclusions are well thought out. A studied but utilitarian
mind, discriminating, conscientious and industrious. A
‘mental’ worker, versatile and of an adaptable nature; a
dextrous disposition. Analytical and tenacious, somewhat

MERCURY IN VIRGO (—) One who is irritable, petulant,

selfish, thoughtless. One who sees flaws in everything, an
inclination towards contrariness. One who is completely
skeptical. One who has an unfunny wit and constantly looks
for an ulterior motive. A native who is too fussy, over

MERCURY IN LIBRA ( + ) Endows its natives with a

pleasing personality, one who can be very tactful, subtle,
friendly. Native has good reasoning powers, slow making
decisions. Native is agreeable, sociable, has keen literary
appreciation. One who is mentally well balanced, has an
unusual expressive ability, capable judgment and a quiet,
dispassionate disposition. A good mixer and one who is
capable of offering sound advice. Native is cooperative and
able to balance relationships; makes an entertaining and
witty companion, can be quite persuasive and im­

MERCURY IN LIBRA (—) The native is too im­

pressionable, too imaginative, but not of a practical nature.
Too free with advice, often unwanted. Not always reliable
and lacks balance and good judgment. Native has a

wavering attitude. Lacks tact and subject to unfaithfulness.

MERCURY IN SCORPIO ( + ) Endows its natives with a

keen, penetrating mind, one who can be very forceful; has
keen discriminative powers. A quick wit, capable of
sustained mental powers; one who can be impersonal, also
bold and obstinate, shameless. The native may be
extremely resourceful, dauntless and can overcome
difficulties where others would fail. One who is pleasure
seeking. Native may become suspicious and of a critical
nature. One who can be sarcastic and with a subtle and
secretive nature.

MERCURY IN SCROPIO ( - ) Native may be tricky,

sk eptical, cyn ical and opposin g oth ers view p oin ts.
Entertains a tendency to outsmart others; one who is very
clever, conceited, ready to quarrel, uses others to gain their
objectives. May be resentful and suspicious, mentally cruel,
subject to criminal activities. Too secretive. Holds grudges,
has a get even attitude.

MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives

with eloquence, frankness, oratorical ability. A jovial
buoyant personality. Native is ambitious, independent,
sincere, law abiding, noble and of a religious or philosophical
mind. Native dislikes shackles of normal conventions when
they interfere with freedom of thought. Native is
progressive, mentally alert, authoritive, somewhat proph­

MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS ( - ) Native may be

officious, of a restless closed mind. A demanding type
person, one who may be objectionable. Lacks concentrative
powers, might be inclined to lawlessness, entertain ‘twisted’
ideas, of an impractical nature. Dishonest.

MERCUR Y IN CAPRICORN ( + ) Endows its natives with a

critical, dextrous, penetrating mentality. One who may be
honest and trustworthy, diplomatic and cautious. One who
is economical with a rational serious mind. A cool,
calculating person. One who is discriminative and an

inclination for thrift. A reasonable person. Methodical in
decision making. A sound grasp for logic and a good

MERCURY IN CAPRICORN ( - ) The native may be fickle,

inconstant, miserly, restless, malicious, vindictive and
spiteful. One who is narrow minded and a tendency to be
cruel and hard. An inconsiderate person.

MERCURY IN AQUARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with a

brilliant, independent, somewhat Scientific and inquiring
mentality. One who is discriminative, capable of thorough
analysis. May advocate social reform ahead of times, has
high ideals and aspirations, is kindly and sociable with a
keen insight into human nature. One who is loyal and
understanding, tolerant, hopeful and confident. One who is
original and inventive, an excellent judge of human nature.
One who has a clever perspective for humanities needs.
Generally, unemotional but friendly and kind.

MERCURY IN AQUARIUS ( - ) The native may develop a

streak of disloyality, ready to take undue advantage of
friends, associates. One who may be overly critical, one who
creates their own problems. An eccentric person, mentally
erratic. One who is too ready with criticism and slander.
One who has a keen imagination or intuition. “An enemy
seeking its prey” .

MERCURY IN PISCES ( + ) Endows its natives with an

impressionable personality, a keen perception, a keen
intuition, a fondness for pleasure, travel. One who is kind
and charitable. A creative imagination, a tendency to be
secretive. The native is analytical but cautions. One who is
religious and has a philosophical nature. A talent for

MERCURY IN PISCES (—) The native may develop a

tendency to entertain distressing thoughts and ideas,
become of a melancholy nature. Liable to gloom that would
turn others against them. The natives mind could be subject
to constant worries, often needlessly. There might be a

tendency to fantasize, possibly indulge in secret bad habits.
The native is highly impressionable, overly sentimental. A
tendency towards being an exhibitionist to cover up secret
‘bad habits’ or ‘bad thoughts’. The native may become
carping and critical.

NOTE: Negative Mercury generally brings domestic and/or

romantic problems.

VENUS IN ARIES ( + ) Endows its natives with a pleasing

personality. One who is dignified, enthusiastic, willing and
aggressive. Of a cheerful, energetic disposition, anxious to
have good will of others, an inclination to lead in social

VENUS IN ARIES (—) Makes promises with no intention of

keeping them. May be of an uncharitable disposition. A
selfish and inconsiderate person. Inharmonious in their
relationships. Sudden emotional inclinations. May become
demanding and feisty. Subject to a contentious nature. One
who is restless. Subject to upset emotional relationships.
Lack of personal attention when necessary affects their

VENUS IN TAURUS ( + ) Endows its natives with a solid,

lasting emotional relationship. One who remains affec­
tionate. A person with decided opinions, a graceful and
artistic nature. An attractive and acquisitive nature. One
who appreciates artistic matters. A person with deep
feelings, not always openly expressed. Tenacious in their
opinions. A likable companion.

VENUS IN TAURUS (—) The native may become

tenacious, fixed in their opinions. May develop greed and
become of a grasping nature. The native is liable to over
extend themselves, be inconsiderate of friends, relatives,
one who is inconstant in their affections. Subject to extreme
emotional relationships, very possessive.

VENUS IN GEMINI ( + ) Endows its natives with an

expressive, versatile, pleasing nature. One that is humane
and kind. The native may be intuitive, original, with a keen
appreciation of recreations. They will tend to be fluent
conversationalists, fond of good company, persuasive in
speech, of an artistic mentality. One with an alert emotional
nature and emotionally expressive. A sophisticated, lively

VENUS IN GEMINI (—) The native may develop the

tendency to ‘skim the surface’, not settle down to any one
person or idea. Overly sensitive in an emotional manner.
Hopeful and garrulous, inconstancy in their relationships.
One who is mentally shallow. Too eager to please and of a
flirtations nature.

VENUS IN CANCER ( + ) Endows its natives with tenacity.

An attraction for home and security. One who is
responsible, hospitable, courteous and has a deep affection
for their family. An inclination to be cautious and prudent.
A sense of self preservation, an artistic taste. One who is
responsive to emotions. A mother type complex.

VENUS IN CANCER (—) The native may be super

sensitive, have uncontrolled emotions, worry needlessly.
Develop a thin outer shell, ready to take offense. The native
may develop a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude with their
relationships. Demonstrate a lack of responsibility.

VENUS IN LEO ( + ) Endows its natives with an

appreciative, companionable nature. One who is chivalrous,
tends to be graceful and attractive, diplomatic and sociable.
A fondness for pleasure and travel. The native is warm
hearted and loyal. Has the ability to turn their desires on
and off at will. Open minded and sensible.

VENUS IN LEO (—) The native may develop an insensitive

nature, become extravagant and somewhat of a spendthrift.
There will be a tendency to be cold and selfish. A tendency
to misdirect dramatic inclinations. The native can almost at

will become sensual or reverse themselves and be cold and
selfish. An insincere nature.

VENUS IN VIRGO ( + ) Endows its natives with a sense of

propriety; proper impulses, appreciation of small niceties.
One who is kind and humane, willing to be of service to
others with a versatile acquisitive nature. Seldom
expresses deep sympathy. A nature that is quiet and
pleasant. One with methodical and studious methods. A
cheerful person.

VENUS IN VIRGO (—) The native substitutes self

justification for remorse. One who is cold hearted and
inhibited. Introspective. The native tends to conceal their
natural inclinations.

VENUS IN LIBRA ( + ) Endows its natives with musical

and artistic abilities or appreciation. Native has a kindly
disposition, is sympathetic, simple and direct in their
affections. “ Gentlefolk, pure in heart” . Native is an idealist.
May develop a beautiful, graceful magnetic personality.
They are courteous, refined, diplomatic and friendly. One
with adaptable emotions, or a persuasive attitude.

VENUS IN LIBRA (—) Lifes difficulties readily affected

their emotional relationships. They may be easily offended
There may be an uncalled for resentment. Generally these
natives are ‘in love with love’. Subject to an unbalanced

VENUS IN SCORPIO ( + ) Endows its natives with a well

controlled nature, one which may be both courteous and
diplomatic. There is a directness and deep sincerity in their
reactions to social contacts. They tend to be open hearted
and courteous. The native is generally free and generous. A
friendly disposition. May develop a love of luxury and a love
of anything that stirs their emotional relationship.

VENUS IN SCORPIO (—) Endows its natives with a

disposition that may develop into a sensuous nature. The
disposition is jealous, with extremes in feelings. Demands

may be unreasonable, forceful. A love of luxury, a sense of
total directness. One who is self indulgent.

VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with a

degree of impulsiveness and inconstancy. The native may
develop a fruitful imagination, be intuitive, of goodwill, and
of a genial and optismistic disposition. Native may be
prophetic and of loyal intentions. Possibly an attraction for
philosophy and religion.

VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS ( - ) Native may be carefree

with finances, a love of too much freedom. Native may
become insincere, too daring. A superficial individual, not
altogether of a constant nature. Jealousy.

VENUS IN CAPRICORN ( + ) Endows its natives with the

tendency towards being melancholy, but great faithfulness.
One who never feels secure. It augurs a high social
standing. Natives nature is cautious, but ambitious and
diplomatic. Losses through treachery or their own bad
judgment is possible. Generally marriage is a source of
some sorrows and disappointments. These natives
instinctively do the ‘right thing’ and their emotional
responses may be self repressed.

VENUS IN CAPRICORN ( - ) Native develops a cold, hard

approach in their dealings. They may be cold and stern.
Difficult to express affections. Unions may be for
convenience or social pleasures. Liable to losses, treachery,
petty annoyances, small troubles. Native may be too

VENUS IN AQUARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with a

fondness for social activities and pleasure. Native is open
hearted, kind and frank, capable of a detached form of love
relating to beauty rather than passion. Native is diplomatic,
friendly, gentle, a magnetic companion and with an artistic
nature. Native attracts friends of a humanitarian nature.
Native has an understanding and amicable nature.

VENUS IN AQUARIUS (—) Native is subject to secret

alliances, affairs and unexpected events. Tendency towards
an unconventional relationship. Tends to be too social and
not very discriminative. There may be a personal
detachment that would repel.

VENUS IN PISCES ( + ) The native is endowed with a

charitable nature, tends to be sympathetic, somewhat
emotional, sensitive and idealistic. Generally they desire
peace comfort and luxury. Native prefers harmonious
relationships. Native tends to be of an artistic nature. Tends
to develop an impulse for accomplishing something for the
ones they are associated with - family or business. Generally
they misjudge people.

VENUS IN PISCES (—) The native feels they are

misunderstood and easily imposed upon. They tend to
squander their emotions. Very easily moved by sympathy.
A tendency to be indolent, desirous of peace and luxury.
May be an attraction to inferiors and the native may be
fickle and careless in matters of affection.

MARS IN ARIES ( + ) Endows its natives with an

energetic, enthusiastic nature. One who may become
impulsive, agressive and courageous. One with a sincere
and sociable nature. A mentality that is keen, confident,
enterprising and with constructive ability. A person who is
venturesome, has love of sports, is enthusiastic and
ambitious. An interest in exploration, pioneering, has great
confidence and is expressive. An inclination for leadership.
One who initiates movements and is humanitarian,
diplomatic. A strong and active character.

MARS IN ARIES (—) Native may be temperamental,

develop a nasty attitude, subject to impulsiveness and
temper problems. Liable to accidents. An overly aggressive
person. One who has complete disregard for the
consequences of their acts. A strongly sexed person. One
who might be subject to mental abberations.

MARS IN TAURUS ( + ) Endows its natives with the

strength of an unconquerable character, a persistent and a

steadfast quality. Native acknowledges no defeat, gains
their objectives through stubborn determination. One who
is a steadfast worker with patient energy, who is
enterprising but practical, one who is loyal, patient, but
firm and has a powerful combination of firmness and energy
properly directed. Native has a tendency to acquire
economical independence.

MARS IN TAURUS (—) Native is extremely possessive,

stubborn, very clever and tricky. May be very
unreasonable, of an unforgiving nature, even vindictive.
Subject to unpleasant outbursts. A sensuous person. One
who is destructive and disloyal.

MARS IN GEMINI ( + ) Endows its natives with a keen

mentality, alertness, enthusiasm and of an enterprising
nature. The native is fluently eloquent, honest and
outspoken, not hypocritical, but very resourceful and quick
to grasp ideas and problems. Native is of an adventuresome
disposition, has a constructive and energetic nature, an
active and changeable attitude and inclined to be witty and

MARS IN GEMINI (—) Native lacks patience, may develop

a cynical attitude, become caustic and disagreeable. The
native will be vacillating, unable to make a firm decision.
Native unreliable, will not stand by their word. Liable to
accidents. Subject to a nervous tension buildup. Problems
with employers, relatives and friends.

MARS IN CANCER ( + ) Endows its natives with boldness,

independence, and a fearless nature. A tendency to rebel
against any restraint. Tendency to exercise unrestrained
authority over all they come in contact with at home or in
business. Native is adapatble to many interests, is of a
persevering nature. One who is industrious, constructive,
has a fondness for social pleasure, luxuries and \>f a
changeable nature. A tendency to gather and protect
necessities for comfort. Native is a good provider -

MARS IN CANCER (—) There is a lack of straight­
forwardness with these natives. Native is of a quarrelsome
nature, subject to temper problems. Has a tendency to
move from place to place, job to job. Native is restless and
of a changeable nature. Tends to be sensuous. A tendency to
tear down what they build up. The native may be a poor

MARS IN LEO ( + ) Endows its natives with a venturesome,

active, industrious nature. One who is fearless and
independent in all their dealings. Native has a keen sense of
honor and responsibility. Native is enthusiastic, enter­
prising and outspoken, even to the point of creating
embarrassment. One who is strong, forceful and determined
in argument. A sincere companion, far sighted, open minded
and some tendency to be idealistic. The native can be
forceful in carrying out assignments and has good
organizing ability. Native is ardent in their admiration for
the opposite sex. One who is venturesome and often takes
pride in their ability to take risks.

MARS IN LEO (—) Imparts to its natives a bombastic,

overly enthusiastic manner. One who has a fiery temper,
subject to foolhardiness, recklessness. A danger of
inordinate affection. Native is overbearing- and of a
suspicious attitude. One who is insincere and inconsiderate.
Subject to unbridled passions.

MARS IN VIRGO ( + ) Endows its natives with an

industrious, ingenious, versatile mentality. A quick
intellect, quick to grasp situations. One who is bold, shrewd,
tactful and determined. One with an open minded
disposition, frank and freely offers opinions. A vigorous and
effective worker. One who is constructive, versatile and
discriminative. Native has a strong tendency to defend
one’s right, and is energetic.

MARS IN VIRGO (—) Native is subject to needless

worrying. A tendency towards emotional frustration,
brooding unnecessarily over illusory troubles. An irritable

person, one who is critical of their fellow men, family and
friends. A less than honest nature. One who is over
indulgent. Native is subject to procrastination, gets too
involved with minor problems and is a busy body.

MARS IN LIBRA ( + ) Endows its natives with a strong,

ardent romantic nature. The native has a fine, enthusiastic
appreciation of music, art and beauty. One who has a free
and forceful expression. Native is subject to changes and
adaptations, a brave and approbative companion, inclined to
take the lead in any activities.

MARS IN LIBRA (—) Native is fickle, subject to scandals or

scandalous activities. Leaves themselves open to criticism.
One who is inclined to rash acts. An impulsive nature.
Subject to romantic or marital' problems.

MARS IN SCORPIO ( + ) Endows its natives with a forceful,

powerful mentality. One who is energetic in expression, one
with a blunt straight forward manner. The native may be or
may appear to b e indifferent to the sensibilities of others.
Native is ingenious and mechanical, has indomitable
courage and an inexhaustible energy which carries them
over all obstacles. The native is mentally keen, has the
ability to keep their own counsel. A zelaous advocate of
altruistic subjects.

MARS IN SCORPIO (—) One with a quarrelsome nature,

one who can be very cruel, revengeful and secretive. A very
jealous person. One with a sarcastic manner or speech. One
who is liable to accidents. The native has little or no regard
for others and may be overbearing and selfish.

MARS IN SAGITTARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with an

enthusiastic ambition. Native can generate enthusiasm, is
free and frank in all their dealings. Has an active mentality;
morally and mentally open and brave. Native may develop a
fondness for debate and have a speculative and
venturesome nature. One with a buoyant and independent
attitude. A fondness for outdoor activities. Fearless of

opinion of others.

MARS IN SAGITTARIUS (—) One with impractical ideas,

an exaggeration difficult to control. Impractical ideas, a
quarrelsome disposition. Native over estimates their
capabilities. Always at variance with ideas and opinions of
others. Philosophically or religiously skeptical.

MARS IN CAPRICORN ( + ) Endows its natives with

ambition, self reliance, a bold and enterprising nature. One
who is brave and faithful. Has indomitable courage and an
inexhaustible energy. One with plenty of patience and
perseverance, overcomes all obstacles. An interest in
disciplines and with a constructive and thrifty mentality.
One capable of assuming responsibility, a good organizer.
Mentally subtle, somewhat intuitive.

MARS IN CAPRICORN (—) Native tends to be too

dominant, too irritable. One who easily experiences conflict
with family and/or authorities. Native entertains great
ambition to excell and succeed. One who is rash, impulsive
and headstrong, lacks persistence and perseverance. Native
is quick to anger, arouses opposition, can suffer from
dishonour. A cold person.

MARS IN AQUARIUS ( + ) Endows its natives with an

enthusiastic personality, a ready debater, generally very
convincing. One who is aggressive and enterprising,
optimistic and hopeful, ingenious and capable of quickly
grasping and executing ideas and plans. One with fixed
ideas, but not totally stubborn. One who is intellectual,
quick witted, sometimes rash but very determined. Native
has a penetrating mentality and a power of concentration
that moves and gives them a powerful influence. Native
may be romantic but not a ‘gushing’ type person.

MARS IN AQUARIUS (—) Native is unpredictable,

appears to be bombastic; too independent, generally

develops a bluntness in speech and mannerisms. Native
becomes resentful over imagined insults or insinuations.
Native is difficult to get along with, becomes contentious, is
of a quarreling nature. Encounters losses through unwise
speculations. Too inquisitive into affairs that are none of
their business. Subject to emotional discord. One who
deliberatly creates opposition and loses friends.

MARS IN PISCES ( + ) Endows its natives with an

enterprising nature. They tend to be sympathetic and
sensitive, understanding and of a devotional nature. Native
can exhibit a fluent and expressive imagination, have an
adaptable nature. One who is prone to vacillation and not
too consistent in their approach to physical activities. One
who is of a passive nature. An inclination towards
emotionally inclined activities.

MARS IN PISCES (—) Native indulges in too much fantasy.

Subject to slander, false accusations. One who engages in
clandestine affairs. A complete lack of forthrightness by the
native gets them involved in unforeseen problems not easily
resolved. Native is indecisive, indolent. Native is too pliant,
not facing up to facts and entirely too sentimental' and
inconsistent. Native is easily influenced.

The fixed star influences in the study charts do not

represent the overall delineation of the nativity. They are
presented to indicate the influences of the fixed stars.
Briefly, the basic influences of the various stars are
indelibly impressed on the new born childs sub conscious
mind. What follows is largely dependent upon the early
training, or the lack of training of the native in question. In
any case the basic influences of the star (s) at the time of
birth will always remain and in general it will only require a
‘trigger’, and this trigger may be a shock, drugs, alcohol, or
even improper nutrition or a wrong or impulsive decision to
bring out the worst effects of the stars in a particular
nativity. If and when this occurs, the better stars in the
nativity will not be effective.
In review of the study charts, note that all mankind has
been born with a mix o f stars, some are all good, some are
all bad, but most are a mixture of both kinds of stars. There
will be cases where the native has only the better quality
stars in their nativity, but nothing outstanding ever
happened in their lifetime. Why? In such cases carefully
review the entire chart. In such cases it is most likely the
native, due to their early training or home life, actually took
the easy way through life, trying to accomplish as little as
possible. In many cases the situation could be compared to
Mr. E.S. (ref: page 11) who had a very fine chart, but
became an alcoholic in mid-life, thereby negating any of the
finer stars in his chart. In others, the necessary ‘drive’ to
accomplish was lacking.
An interesting study are the charts of the natives taken
from the FBI files. Note the turbulent stars operative in
every case. To further pursue this, the birth dates must be
confirmed, as stated on the FBI posters in the post offices.
The detrimental stars are like cancer - they can lie
dormant for years, in some cases never surfacing during the
life of the native, however, in other cases all that is required
is the right ‘trigger’ to set them in operation and create

disaster for the native.

GARY GILMORE: An interesting study case. His father

was a circus performer and a vagabond. A t age 11 Gary was
brought to Juvenile Court in Portland, Oregon for school
vandalism. The judge reports his father came in and
immediately told Gary: “Don’t tell him anything, say you
didn’t do it.” Gary was hard to counsel, his family was very
hostile when brought in to discuss his case with the judge.
He came to court for one offense after another and at age 14
was sent to Woodburn, Oregon home for juvenile
deliquents. When he was released from this reform school
he built a rap sheet with the police for drunkenness, rape,
auto theft, assault and robbery. He spent 18 of his 36 years
in jail, and in jail earned a reputation as a trouble maker and
a manipulator. He committed offenses while in jail. He was
out of prison only 3 months, when on July 20,1976, in a fit of
anger because he had a disagreement with his girl friend,
Nicole Barrett, he killed two college students in Provo,
Utah. His I.Q. was 129, he had good willpower, was a very
likable person, a manipulator, but also a pitiless killer. He
could draw very well and would have made a good artist.
His request to be executed fits his pattern of manipulation.
He had a brother, Michael, an intelligent but a far different
person than Gary.
Gary insisted for many years that hideous shrieking
demons never gave him any mental peace.
While in jail in Salt Lake City, Utah, his girl friend
slipped him some sleeping pills and they entered into a
suicide pact. This nearly killed both of them.
Gary insisted he wanted to be shot by a firing squad. In
Utah a condemned killer has a choice between a firing squad
or hanging. Conviction of such criminal acts in Utah are
assured, regardless of any steps liberal lawyers might take.
In this case, out of state liberal lawyers did their utmost to
prevent his being executed and he damned their efforts.
His death wish indicated a lack of early formal religious
training. His father was a Catholic and his mother was a
Mormon, but none of the family attended any church. Gary
claimed he was constantly tormented by ‘demons’ and he

also claimed he had no idea where the soul went after death,
but he did believe strongly in reincarnation of the soul and
so wanted to die in order that he could be reincarnated.
The facts in this case have now been established. In
review, they are: (1) The ‘trigger’ setting Gary on the path
of self destruction were his inadequate early family life and
his belligerent father. (2) A complete lack of early character
training. (3) His reform school education. (4) His birth date
and birth place.
The unknown factor is the time of his birth, which must
be established within reasonable limits.
To establish his birth time, using the application of
fixed stars is relatively simple, however tedious.
List in five columns the following celestial objects: Sun,
Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. In a vertical column list
every two hours for the day of his birth. From the
ephemeris list the days aspects in one column, intercalate
the values from a table of diurnal motion of the planets.
This will give a chart listing the motions of the celestial
objects every two hours for the day of the natives birth.
Next, consult the fixed star ephemeris and add the
appropriate fixed star numbers to the chart. In this case,
the most reasonable time of birth appeared to be 2:00 a.m.
C.S.T. This may be confirmed by adjustment from the date
of his death.
To accurately determine the time of Gilmore’s birth,
the following factors must be considered: (1) The longitude
of his birth place (102 W). (2) The longitude of his place of
death (111 W). The difference between the two places is 9
degrees, which must be subtracted from his age at his death
(36 years minus 9 degrees or 27 years). From the estimation
of his birth time, thfe M.C. is arrived at (using Daltons Table
of Houses), and following that, by counting counter
clockwise 27 years, a figure is arrived at which is called the
adjusted M.C. This adjusted M.C. (A.M.C.) must be in close
aspect to his natal Pluto, together with one or more of the
following celestial objects: Jupiter, Sun, Mars. Following
this procedure, his natal birth time is found to be 2:35 a.m.
C.S.T., which gives an M.C. of 8 degrees Cancer.
The kind of aspect between the A.M.C., one or more of

the transiting celestial objects and the natal Pluto is of no
Although Gilmore’s chart has a positive Mercury,
overall, the chart is strongly negative and the analysis of
the fixed stars in the chart indicates a native, who required
strong parental guidance in his formative years, which, if
that had been the case would have prevented the kind of
turbulence by Gilmore.

JUDY GARLAND: She disliked the way she looked, the

way she was built, only 4 feet 11V2 inches tall, black eyes,
barrel chest, unaligned teeth. She hungered for love,
equating it all with sex.
Her mother pushed her into acting, she was introduced
to pep pills by her producer, Louis Mayer of MGM, which
eventually led her to being a regular drug user.
She was indiscriminate with men, estranged from her
mother, suspicious and spoiled, cunning and conniving,
alcoholic and addicted, exploited and used, victimized, black
mailed and abandoned, but endowed with an indomitable
spirit, a good voice that made her a legend in her time and
attracted to her a motley cult of admirers whom she craved,
despised and needed. She was a greatly gifted singer and
actress who was infantile, insecure - etc., etc., etc. Judy
Garland was by far the saddest story in the history of 20th
Century show business. She was married five times.
When serious health problems kept her from the set
she was called ‘naughty’ by her boss Mr. Mayer.
The great enigma was that her body could take all this
punishment. Each passing year she grew more frail and
more birdlike - she did not have a mean streak in her. Truly
a sad case if every there was one.

LIZZIE BORDEN The case of Lizzie Borden has been

argued for many years in spite of her being acquitted by a
jury in 1892 for the murder of her father and her step
mother. In 1961, Edward Radion reviewed all the evidence
of the trial and published a book reestablishing her
innocence. Her chart is included, not to make a
determination of her guilt or her innocence, as she was

acquitted by a jury, but rather her chart is being presented
to give a better insight into the real Lizzie Borden.
Although her birth date is known, the time of her birth
is in question. It is rather elementary to establish the
approximate time of her birth by following the procedure
outlined herein. The following facts are necessary:
(1) The date of her birth: July 19, 1860
(2) The place of her birth and its longitude: Fall River,
Massachusetts, longitude 71 West.
(3) The date of her death and her age at death: July 1,1927,
age 67 years.
(4) The place of her death and the longitude of the place:
Fall River, Massachusetts, longitude 71 West.
Required: Her birth time and the M.C.
To shorten the procedure, use an Edmunds sideral slide
rule. Select three widely separated times during the day
she was born as her possible birth times and by means of the
slide rule determine the sidereal times, then to Daltons
Table of Houses for the M.C. By using the cut and try
methods, from this procedure an M.C. of 2 degrees
Capricorn was determined. This produces an approximate
birth time of 10:10 p.m. E.S.T. and a natal' Moon position of
18° 30’ Leo.
To prove the time of birth, begin counting counter
clockwise 67 degrees or 67 years, starting at 2 degree
Capricorn. This brings the time to 9° Pisces. Call this the
adjusted M.C. or A.M.C. By aspect, this A.M.C. must be in
rather close aspect to the natal Pluto and to the transiting
Sun, Mars or Jupiter on the day of her death. The
configuration would appear as follows:

A.M.C. 9° Pisces

HENRY KISSINGER: An excellent study chart. Henry
arrived in the United States at age 15 from Nazi Germany.
In 1943 he became a citizen of the U.S. He served in the
army until 1945. He was awarded three academic degrees
from Harvard, receiving his Phd in 1954. A most unusual
person, he has a sharp mind, a vigorous person with a
natural ability as a diplomat and a negotiator.
He is very quick to anger when he feels his staff is not
performing adequately. He thinks everyone is ‘out to get
him’ . His dominant quality is one of suspicion. His most
frequent outbursts are over trivial things. However, he was
able to keep himself away from and above any and all of the
Nixon scandals.
Personally he is very likable, gets along good with the
press, is known as a ladies man when single, and he is very
intelligent and very witty - always knowing what to say and
when to say it.
He has held a number of responsible jobs in the U.S.
Government and was directly responsible for the
recognition of China. He settled troubled wars and
problems in the near east and also settled the Viet Nam

CHARLES MANSON: His mother was Kathleen Maddox, a

prostitute, his father was William Manson. He never knew
his father and never went beyond the seventh grade in
school. He had a deep lifelong sex problem, he hated women
and he hypnotized others to do his biddings. He was very
passive and would sulk rather than fight if attacked. From
age 13 he spent most of his life in reformatories. He was
released from the Federal Penitentiary March, 1967 after
serving many years for the theft. He denied being a ‘hippie’
although he dressed like one. A t an early age he was sent
from one aunt to another and then to various families, one of
whom was very religious and strict; but he would always
gravitate back to his mother with whom he never got along.
Eventually, he drifted to California where in August,
1969 his ‘family’ of wayward girls at his suggestion,
butchered five people at a party and again the same night
killed another couple only five miles from their first murder.
He had an almost uncanny power over certain types of giHs.

He had an I.Q. of 129, near genius, and he was able to
gradually sell his ‘family’ his ideas, his method was to
impress upon them to give up their ‘egos’, give up their
thinking, let Charles Manson do their thinking. He had a
powerful and a magnetic personality. He was given a life
sentence after a nine months trial in Los Angeles,
California. This chart, this nativity is an excellent example
of the necessity of getting knowledge of the background of
the individual prior to making full determinations.

EZRA POND: He was educated at Hamilton College and

the University of Pennsylvania. He taught at Penn and at
Wabash College in Wabash, Indiana. The latter for only one
semester and was fired in 1908 because of idealogical
differences between himself and the college staff.
He was indicted for treason, for profacist broadcasts he
made during W W #2 and spent 12 years in a Washington,
D.C. insane asylum. Actually this was for political reasons.
The treason indictment was dropped in 1958 and he went to
Europe living near seclusion in a 12th century castle in the
Italian Alps, near Merano with his daughter.
In 1914, he married Dorothy Shakespeare and spent 30
years in England, France and Italy as a poet, translator,
editor and critic.
He died in Venice, Italy. Pond never was insane.

FREDDIE PRINZE: As a youngster he was a fun loving

character but he could also be very serious and quietly
reflective. He liked to be the center of attraction and
wanted to make people laugh. He disliked any kind of
violence. His father was a tool and die maker and Freddie
lived with his parents in an 8 room flat on W est 157th Street
in New York City, a Latin and middle class area; a rather
poor neighborhood but not an outright ghetto. His parents
gave him everything he asked for and plenty of affection,
there was a strong bond between himself and his mother.
He had his emotional ups and downs as a youngster, and
was quite moody. He began play acting at age 7.
However, even before he was found by Jack Paar on his

show he had began taking drugs and all his friends were
aware of this. He took uppers and downers all his young
adult life. He married a girl who preferred partying to his
preferring to remain at home after his work day. She had
been married twice previously and a short while before he
killed himself she left him and took with her their child. He
had several basic problems before he took his life. One was
trying to get out of a long term contract he signed at age 19
with a former manager. His arrest on November, 1976, on a
charge of driving under the influence of drugs and his
divorce from his wife, her third marriage, his first marriage.
His rise to fame started in 1974. He died by putting a bullet
through his head in front of his manager on Friday, January
28, 1977.

THE ROSENBERGS: They were proven guilty without a

shadow of doubt for passing the United States atom bomb
secrets to the Russians. Even by communist standards the
Rosenbergs were a very tough pair. Three days before they
were scheduled to be executed, the superintendent of the
U.S. prisons offered to commute their sentences if they
would talk. Ethel Rosenberg, the iron willed one snapped: ‘I
don’t know what you are talking about’. Julius appeared to
be frightened. The evidence was clear that the Rosenbergs
received a rough drawing from Greenglass, who worked in
the machine shop in Los Alamos, New Mexico, which
depicted the metal cruller used to detonate the atomic
bomb. The Rosenbergs gave this to Comrade Yakovelv of
the Russian consulate in New York City and he returned to
Russia with it immediately.

WALTER CRONKITE: He is the most respected and

reliable newscaster of the era. As a young boy he was very
friendly, but well controlled by his parents and early in his
school days he wanted to be a newsman and he put out a
neighborhood newspaper when he was about 10 years old.
He sold newspapers for ten cents a copy and had about 30
subscribers. He was old fashioned, almost prudish. When
some of the boys on the high school newspaper staff were
taking the girls in the office and necking, Walter would
raise cain about it. In school he was outstanding in his

enthusiasm and perserverance about journalism.

KARL MARX: He was the son of a Rabbi; he hated his

‘class’, he was an intellectual who disliked the romanticism
and shallowness of most intellectuals. He had an English
friend, ‘Engels’, who supported him singlehandedly for 35
years settling upon him an annual income of 350 English
pounds in 1869. He collaborated with him supplying him
with a great deal of information about the working class of
that day.
Marx had an inner hostility that erupted at times
without warning, he quarreled with one after another of his
contemporaries, treating them and their ideas with scorn.
He was very self centered and indifferent to the suffering
outside his own family. He was a failure at public speaking,
he. had no eloquence, no power to move an audience, his
voice was harsh, often he was boorish, a master of
vituperation. He wrote in a flat turbid style, his book Das
Capital was hard to read and was more talked about than
actually read. It is so muddy it has brought into existence a
host of interpreters. Marx hated and distrusted Russia,
regarding that country as a wretched back water of sloth
and ignorance. His book concerned the working peoples
problems of his times and he preached a dark concept. In his
own time he was a bad prophet, he was a mass of
contradictions, and as a long range prophet he was even
worse. He was thin skinned, hypersensitive, suspicious, and
imagined plots against himself.

JULES VERNE: The first modern fiction writer of science

stories, he wrote more than 100 books and all of them
contained uncanny and proven accurate insights to the
modern world. He wrote of rockets, television, skyscrapers,
monster earth moving machines, helicopters, deep drilling
equipment, atom energy and even of the laser beam,
describing in detail exactly how each would work. Verne
created a manned Moon rocket mentally, and then
proceeded to describe the rockets flight and the adventures
of its occupants. The Moon rocket created out of Vernes
imagination was made of heat treated metal and had a
velocity and weight and size similar to our present day

rockets. The site he chose for the launching was less than
100 miles from Cape Canaveral, Florida. He also described
landings or splashdowns in the Pacific Ocean a century
before our Apollo took off. Several of his books were: House
of Steam, Carpathian Castle, in which he described the use
of electrified barbed wire and a talking machine. He also*
forecast the first atomic submarine which he called the

MARILYN MONROE: Her mother was in and out of mental

hospital's and her mothers brother and her maternal
grandmother were mentally unstable. She was unpre­
dictable, highly emotional, subject to temper tantrums, was
very quarrelsome and impulsive. She also drank heavily. By
1960 she was suffering from profound depression, followed
by unyielding despondency and was constantly taking all
kinds of pills. She was not the best actress. She had beauty
and a nice figure which made her appealing. On August 4,
1962, she made two phone calls and told the first man she
called that she was taking sleeping pills and was going to
die. She left no message for the second unnamed man she
called and she was found dead in bed on August 5, 1962, in
Los Angeles, California.

JOHN WAYNE WILSON: The movie film, Mr. Goodbar, is

based on the life story of John Wilson. His emotional
problems began in 1960, when he was struck by a car near
his home, left unconscious and soon thereafter he
complained of headaches and had blackouts. Again and
again during his sleep he would wake up with his skin torn
and he was then committed to the Madison Indiana State
Mental Hospital for 18 months. He married in 1972, but in
May of 1972, he was sent to prison for a 20 month sentence.
He escaped from prison, fled to New York City where he
drank a quart of whiskey a day; then he quit Work and sent
his wife to Miami, Florida and he returned to his home town
in Indiana for the holidays.
He returned to New York after the holidays, became
acquainted with an advertising executive named Jones, and
he lived with Wilson and Wilson’s wife as a male ‘lover’. One

evening, while returning home late from a dinner, Wilson
suggested stopping at ‘Tweeds’ for a last drink. Wilson
introduced himself to a Miss Quinn as ‘Charlie Smith’ and
left the bar in her company. After murdering Miss Quinn,
Wilson went to Florida for three days and then flew to
Sixty detectives worked on the case but had no clues
until Wilson’s friend became scared he might be named as
an accomplice and turned him in to the police. Wilson was
returned to New York and indicted. On May 4,1973, he was
mistakenly placed in a wrong cell after a hospital visit and
he hung himself with a bed sheet.

RICHARD SPECK: - Mass Murderer. - He had a history

of attacking his mother. He often claimed he was a ‘born
loser’. He worked as a garbage collector. He murdered ten
nurses in a Chicago apartment house while under the
influence of drugs and alcohol. He has admitted the killings
and is in Joliet, Illinois prison.

CLA UDINE LONGET: Only six months after serving a 30

day sentence for killing her lover, Spider Sabich, she dated
men and went disco dancing which angered local citizens,
and one day some of the angry ones filled her white
Mercedes with steer manure. Spider’s parents entered a 5
million dollar suit against her. She has had many encounters
and in her diary she identifies the men.

DR. HELEN CALVIN: She received her nursing degree

from Spaulding College and studied at the University of
Louisville, later entering the school of medicine at Indiana
University. While there, she met and married her husband,
Dr. Walter Calvin. She has been a political activist
supporting governor Wallace in his campaign and she also
supported the use of the controversial cancer drug Laetrile
for her cancer patients. The FD A hounded her so much
because of her outspoken support for Laetrile that she
finally slashed her wrists committing suicide. She suffered
massive brain damage. Dr. Helen Calvin was highly
respected and very well liked in the South Bend, Indiana

PRESIDENT GERALD FORD: Source: John Cassidy’s
“The Ford Whitehouse.” During Cassidy’s 15 months at the
White House, he became aware that Ford and his staff were
unprepared and unable to assume the full power of the
presidency. The Ford White House lacked unity and
internal discipline. Ford was inhibited by the fact that he
was an unelected president, he also had no clearly conceived
goals, no vision of what the nations future should be and a
lack of far sightedness. He reached for acceptance by
embracing the negative - to make as few enemies as


Johnson was politically motivated, spearheaded by
representative Thad Stevens, and when the trial ended on
May 26, 1868, with the acquittal of Johnson, he was livid
with rage and as he was carried from the U.S. Senate floor
he waved his arms wildly shouting the country was going to
the devil. Three months later he was dead. Johnson was
charged with eleven impeachable offenses and all but one of
these very flimsy and some of them ridiculous. The only
count of merit hinged on Johnson’s dismissal of his
treacherous Secretary of War - Stanton, then a darling of
the radicals. On the advice of his lawyers, Johnson kept a
low profile and did not testify at his trial. Johnson was a
very stubborn man and those who knew him said he was
unworried and cool. He can be remembered mostly as the
U.S. President who had a real desire for peace in a war
weary nation. He ended the influence of France on this
continent and during his regime the country also acquired
Alaska from Russia.


people seemed to be a compulsion with him and he didn’t
care who was around to hear him do it - his rudeness became
a legend. He always presented himself to the public as a
pious old Sunday school teacher type, given to homilies he
didn’t believe, mouthing language that sounded awkward
and phony. He had the worst reputation of any president in
drawing people to the government With top executive
ability. He had to rely on young people on the way up who

were willing to suffer the indignities he heaped on them. His
personal habits were extremely objectionable. He was a
crude and a vulgar man. He probably was the most qualified
president of the times, as he understood how the U.S.
system worked - he was colorful and unpredictable, but
couldn’t work himself out of the Vietnam war. Through
manipulations he became one of the most wealthy
politicians in the country.

LEE HARVEY OSWALD: His father died of a heart attack

two months before his birth. His mother managed the best
she could under the circumstances. As a result his childhood
was difficult and unsettled, and for economic reasons he and
his brother spent two years in an orphanage. The family
moved frequently and by the time Lee was ten he had
attended six different schools.
In New York City, he was picked up for truancy and
remanded to the youth center for six months observation
period and was described as tense and withdrawn and
evasive, one who disliked talking about himself. He was
described as a youngster with superior mental' endow­
ments. His abstract thinking and vocabulary were well
His interest in Marxism began with the trial of the
Rosenbergs, the atom spy pair.
He enlisted in the Marine Corps at age 18, was quite
brilliant and during a battery of examinations he finished
7th in his class. When he was shown something once, no
matter how complicated it was, he could do it. During his
years in the Marines he kept books on Communism, refused
to unlock his room for inspection until he was threatened
with punishment. He was a scruffy, moody loner living on
the fringe of society. He had a sharp eye for women.
Apparently, the ‘trigger’ that set him off on his course
of bitterness was the last time he spent in the Marine Corp.
brig. The Marine Corp. brigs a horror place - a carryover
from ancient times where if a man had to use the toilet, he
would have to toe a line and keep screaming his wants until
one of the Marines responded to his request. The Marine
guards and turnkeys were exceptionally brutal and this
experience changed him from a naive and an innocent type

person to becom e bitter withdrawn and cold.

BRUNO HAUPTM ANN: C onvicted L in d b erg child

kidnapper. An interesting chart of a man once convicted of
minor crimes in Germany and finally executed for the
kidnapping of the infant Lindberg child. The lawyer chosen
to defend him was drunk most of the time during the trial
and worked closely with the District Attorney. His lawyer
was Edward Reilly', a renowned criminal lawyer who spent
a total of five minutes with Hauptmann.
A letter written by Hauptmann before he was executed
in essence said: He was not guilty of the crime.
A cache of marked money was found in his home and he
tried to explain that the bundle of money was left by a man
named Isadore Fisch, an acquaintance who then went to
Germany where he died in 1934, and since Fisch owed him
money he opened the package and decided to Use some of it.
An elderly man age 87, claimed he saw Hauptmann the day
of the crime near the Lindberg estate and after the trial it
was found that the man was almost blind.
Hauptmann walked four times to the electric chair and
was told each time the hood was placed over his head that if
he confessed to the crime his life would be spared and finally
the fourth time he was executed.
After Hauptmann was executed Arthur Jones, a black
cell mate, told this story. In those days he would not have
been believed because he was a black man. Mr. Lindberg
had planned to have his infant son kidnapped because it was
deformed. He had soft bones and was a deaf mute. Lindberg
planned to have the child taken to a special home in France
without his wife’s knowledge. Lindberg and Dr. Condon
planned the whole thing and the child’s death was
accidental. Hauptmann several times claimed that Dr.
Condon had all the answers and could clear him if he would
talk. Hauptmann was subject to both mental and physical
cruelty by the state police.


famous singer of the times grew up in a tough Irish Catholic
neighborhood during times when life was not easy. He could

hold his own in a fist fight. He attended Gonsaga University
intending to become a lawyer but instead dropped out of
college to become a singer. He was always very shy around
the girls and unsure of himself with them. He began singing
at the school choir and then as a professional at a local
As a father he was very strict and claimed he would
disown his children if they went to live with anyone without
first marrying them. He claimed pre-marital sex destroys
the concept of marriage. He was an excellent business man,
a solid family man and when asked why he did not retire
claimed he had too many people working for him and he had
an obligation to their families. When he died he was worth
about forty million dollars.
Crosby always claimed he was just plain ‘lucky’ and if
he had any ability to sing, it was largely due to the
associations he formed while with Paul Whiteman’s band in
the 1920’s. He hung around musicians day and night,
learning, listening to them talk. He learned to appreciate
the good things and to recognize the bad and avoid them. He
had written in all his contracts that he would never star
alone, he never wanted only his name in the headlines of
acting. He was the country’s top singer for 45 years and
popularized 1500 songs. His top record was 500 million
copies of ‘White Christmas’, never equalled.

SPIRO AGNEW- U.S. Vice President

BIRTH DATA iw em her- 9 .1 9 1 8 . B a ltim o re .M aryland.

— 1
Longitude O > 9 9 3 n * 9 V t s. c. + /- /N F .S . #
16'TY17 17 © </ A□ □ Q0 + —

19 31 ) * *• </ A - 104

0 /V 7 52 9 X □ a A M/B/B + 8 2 /8 3 /8 4
A □ A + 77

17 /Vyv 41 9 - A/F

28 ^ 33 3
■ A* K -- + 9 5 /9 6

15 64 V ✓ F + 37
27 J\ *> ■£
10 WvV
i-J \AA* V ■J
9 J\ V ■
6 <£> 1 ■
- STAR -
Number {jaillfi Star influences- abbreviated.

104 DENEB He has a combative nature,able to command and

directtcan confuse his priorities and misuse
his powers.
82 YED PRIOR He is shrewd,has a quick mind,can be sarcast­
ic,gets involved in unusual affairs.tangled in
legal matters.
83 DSCHUBBA Can speak sharply when provoked,is selfish,ass­
ociates with und eslrables.subject to legal
84 GRAFFIAS He brings on his own problems.
77 EL GENUBI Has an unforgiving nature,very clever,etc.
95 SINISTRA Tends to dominate situations,etc.
96 T.NEBULAE A reckless,Inconsiderate person,etc.
37 CANOPUS He can receive high honours,but subject to


NAME_____ STEVE ALLEN-Actor,singer.composer,writer. CHART NO. 2

BIRTH DATA December 26.1921 New York Clcv.N.Y.___________________

Longitude o * 9 9 £ U * 9 m e s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

4 -Ji 12 0 l x o _
✓ * * K 98
2 X ST 09 » X X ZL * □ K/B/B . 82/83/84
3 -v! 32 9 * □ * B + 97
9 A /R N 90/91
23 ^ _ 2 9 _
o oi £ +

16 — 40
U ■ * A - 69

15 «/?_____ V
9 <2i> l

- STAR -
liaofi Star influences- abbreviated.
98 KAUS BOREALIS He has an inner 'drive' to excell,can be
very ingenious.gain abilities in several
occupations,gain public acclaim.
82 YED PRIOR He is well respected,has a 'quiet'persist­
ence About him in his ever climb upward.
83 DSCHUBBA An optimisttbut has a secretive nature.
84 GRAFFIAS May gain honours.wealth.Very materialistic;
leaves himself open to criticism.
90 RASALHAGUE A 'private'person,not a loner*but almost of
an unpredictable nature.
91 LESUTH Gets involved in matters requiring consid­
erable tact.
69 SEGINUS Gains high public preferment;he is ingen­
ious .versatile and capable.


NAME BUD ABBOT- actor__________________________________ CHART NO. 3

BIRIH DATA______ October 2nd. 1895 Atlantic City. New Jersey_____

Longitude o » 0 # i a b 3 i s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

o S * A k /f + 66/67
__ a - ^ v - o 2-
T> N 124
_ 2X^f 10_ M
4 T W 37 a a: 0 S A - 74

1 9 0 fY? 15 s L a A _ 59

ll=g= 57
i ■ A N 68
CO 1

u -¥r
■ □ 43
6 <YYV b

17HT17 V r
is m V
9 jn l

Number Name
66 VINDEMIATRIX Preferment in public affairsjhas fear of
not being popular, danger of credit prob­
lems, fear of poverty,groundless unless he
self destructs.
67 CAPHIR Danger of becoming involved in intrigues
124 SCHEAT Gain,loses friends.makes eneies.sublime ill.
74 KHAMBLIA Has keen mentality.possible self destruction.
59 DENEBOLA Subject to sudden lossesjdespair & regrets
late in life.
68 ALGOR AB May become involved in disruptive disputes.
43 PRAESAEPE Not applicable
Bom into show business,he left home at age 15 to become a sailor.
In 1935 he met Costello, a comic and they teamed together. They
became a hit team;in the 1950's they faded and went broke. Bud
became an alcoholic.In 1959 an IRS audit left him broke,his fr­
iends deserted him,in 1965 he suffered strokes - -only his wife
remained loyal to the end with him.


NAME_____ NF.TI. ARMSTR O N O - A s t r o n a u t ______________________ CHART N O ._ A

BIRTH DATA August 5th.193Q____ Wapakenetka .Ohio___________________

---- 1
Longitude o tf 9 d U b e s.c. + /- /N P. S. #
12 / | 07 o -* A a / tt/v
+ 4 7 /4 8 /4 9
25 X 53 A * K + 93
iW 54 * P </ + __
2 4 o n rx 41 9 K/R 6 0 /6 1 /6 2
S * B + 21
15 J E 54 ■ J
A + 35
8 ^ 45 u ■ </
6 b ■ A
15 T V ■
2 V

__18 g P ____
Number EaOfi Scar influences- abbreviated.
47 ACUBENS High martial preferment,he can make outstand­
ing contributions in his activities.
48 DUBHE A materialistic person, determined to succeed.
49 MERAK He has 'drive and determination'.
93 ETAMIN Preferment in gov't & martial matters.
60 COPULA Unsurfaced emotional.domestic problems.
61 LABRUM A private person,can be very critical.
62 AL KAID May become a fanatic about his career.
21 RIGEL He can be very difficult to deal with.
35 ALHENA Can become very to conceal his

Neil Armstrong now a professor in a University in Cincinnati,

Ohio and has publicly stated he wanted to be'left alone'.


NAME LOUIS ARMSTRONG-Musician_______________________ CHART NO. __ 5

BIRTH DATA July 4th.1900 New Orleans.Louisiana__________________

Longitude G » 0 9 & u b 71 t s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

11 <2P 46 O A N 36
3 34 T * A □ * D A + 65
7 J l 49 9 r * A K +•
18 (T p 23 9 X G/A + 3 9 /4 0
$ + 18
4 X 51 ■ A K

1 56 V n ■ X M /B/B + 8 2 /8 3 /8 4

0 ~X b ■
9 V

27TT~ V
16XC t

- STAR -
BsJlbSE HfiOfi Star influences- abbreviated.
36 SIRIUS Can receive high honours and public acceptance.
65 ZANIAH A very congenial person,etc.
45 S.ASSELLI He is mentally keenovercomes disappointments.
39 PROPUS Overcomes all obstacles,may harbor deep resent­
ment .not surfaced.
40 CASTOR Leads a life out of the ordinary.
18 HYADES,P R . Is fearless in his approach to life and its
problems,is a likeable person.
82 YED PRIOR Can rise high in life,become a leader.
83 DSCHUBBA What he gambles on,comes out o.k.,etc.
84 GRAFFIAS Will attract many friends who will assist him.

Louie Armstrong was a noted black coronet player,who worked h im­

self up from the streets of New Orleans to become one of the best
in his business.


------------------ TfiHM Tir/ffl ASTOR-Flnaneler_________________CHART NO. 6

BIRIH DATA T„lv 13.1864 N e w York Clty.N.Y.______________________

Longitude o » 0 9 d n V V l s.c. +/- /N F.S. #

21 ^ 15 O A A A K/F + 4 1 /4 2
___ 6 HHfV 37 » S N —
16 33 0 A □ * A/G + 3 8 /3 9
19 £c> 53 9 A A/K. + 4 0 /4 1
3 £5 12 s A - 9
44 u B + 78
12 = 2 = >>

26 n r V
«r V

13 £ 5 l

- STAR -
Number Name S ta r in flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .
41 POLLUX High p u b lic honours in f in a n c e ,e t c - c a n r i s e
th ru h is own e f f o r t s - t u r b u l e n c e p o s s i b l e .
42 PROCYCN He r e c e iv e s a s s is t a n c e when n e c e s s a r y , e t c .
38 AL WASAT He Is m e n ta lly k een , a profou nd t h in k e r .s u b je c t
t o u n forseen p rob lem s•
39 PROPUS Has a keen m en tal11 y , somewhat o f a s u p e r f i c i a l
n a tu re .
41 POLLUX He h o ld s s tr o n g f e e l i n g s on p e o p l e . s u b j e c t s , e t c .
9 SHERATAN He w i l l ten d t o f o r c e I s s u e s .a t t r a c t s a t t e n t io n
th ru ' tu r b u le n c e 1.
78 EL SCHEM lLI He i s v e ry c a p a b le , has many fr ie n d s . e t c .


NAME______ JACK ANDERSON-Investigative reporter._______ CHART NO.__ 7

BIRTH DATA October 19,1922 L o u r Beach,California._________________

Longitude o 0 9 £ U b V E S.C.

* V + /-/N

2 5 =S= 49 o +
J +
21 ^2= 46 a * F/B 7 0 /7 1
0 * A + 69
17 — 12

5 ^ 57 9 □ -
t + —
2 2 ~y% 45
28 — 38 V + —

12 = » = b

1 0 X ______ V

17 J\ V

1 1 <^£> t

Number Name Srar influences- abbreviated*

72 ARCTURUS He will enjoy riches.renown, and a great

reputation in his profession.
65 ZANIAH A very congenial person,he may get involved
in controversial subjects.people, and will be
highly successful in 'ferreting* out secrets.
69 SEGINUS He has great mental scope, a wide circle of
friends, and may be subject to criticism for

Jack Anderson, a very religious person and good family man, has
developed into one of the foremost investigative reporters in
the United States. He has exposed a lot of corruption and dis­
honesty in the government.


EA£S______ NAPOLEON BONOPARIE-Famous General___________ CHART NO.__8

BIRTH PATA___ August 15.1769___ Corsica.Italy.________________________

Longitude o » 9 3 U b 9 V t S .C . +/-/N F .S . #

23 A 42 o K /F N 5 1 /5 2

2 8 -y £ 04 > 7V A K /A - 1 0 6 /1 0 7

6 A 05 a X K - 45
1 05 » l/M . 3 3 /3 4

12 n r? io 3 A A A • 58

15 T O / 02 u ■ < / * - A /F - 77


- J . L & ______ 9 ,
8 TT7 ■
13 -v ^ l

- STAR -
Number Ufljjg Star Influences- abbreviated.
51 ALPHARD He seeks authority,but In danger of suffering
from his own acts.Loss of position and power,
Judicial sentence possible,
52 ADHAFARA Brings to the native criminal acts.etc.
106 ALBIREO Has leadership qualities,subject to misfortune.
107 ALTAIR Subject to unusual experiences,everlasting name.
33 TEJAT Subject to domestic problems,etc.
34 DIRAH He Is mercenary,shameless,etc.
58 MIZAR He Is quick wltted,overly ambitious(Involved In
blood shed.
77 EL GENUBI Capable of misleading his people,etc.

After he annuled his marriage to Josephine de B e a u h a m a l s ,he

married Mary Louise,the arch duchess of the House of Hapsburg on
April 1810. She was b o m Dec 12 1791. They had a son named King
of R o m e , b o m March 20,1811.She abandoned Napoleon In his hour of
defeat for Count Von Nelpperg.


NAME FAITH BALDWIN-Author___________________________CHART NO. 9

BIRTH DATA October 1,1893 N e w Rochelle.New York._________________

-- 1
Longitude G * 9 9 s V b 9 V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

8 = ^ = 34 G X A K/F + 66/67
3 3T 24 J) A K N 18
B A A + 68
17 =2= 02

17 HfYV 24 9 B N 78

29 HTTP 27 2 ■ a N

1 n r 14 u ■ N ...
14 ■=& b

9 tyYV V

13 O E V
io u n l

- STAR -
dumber Eaillfi Star Influences- abbreviated.
66 ZANIAH Will gain preferment In all public matters.
67 VINDEMIATRDC Will have success after much effort.has an
Inner drive for recognition,etc.
18 HYADES.PR. She Is mentally keen, encounters un necessary
problems In writings, statements creating dis­
63 ALGORAB She Is very clever, likeable, friends gravit­
ate to her,she is socially active.

She wrote about 85 books, including more than 60 novels.Early In

her life,she wanted to be an actress, but instead turned out to be
a very fine author. She married Hugh Cutrell who died in 1953. In
the mid-1960's her column in Woman's Day magazine drew her 300
letters a month from readers.



NAME MRS.URSULA BRANCH- teacher _________________ CHART NO._10

BIRTH DATA July 4,1893 West Virginia______________________________

---- 1
Longitude o 0 9 a U > V V e s.c. + /-/N F.S. #
12 39 o M l A X A/F + 3 6 /3 7

12 51 J> A 151 B + 122

8 r f\ 00 B ¥■ D *- K - 45

26 40 9 o' -X- + ...

2 < f( 45 S * □ • ...
23 0 00 n M/B N 1 4 /1 5 /1 6
6 b

& n n rv V ■
12 u r V ■
s n r e ■
- STAR -
Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
36 SIRIUS Preferment Ln all matters dealing with the
37 CANOPUS Fame possible,but not of a lasting nature.
122 ARCHENAR Leadership qualities evident,has great empathy
for the less fortunate.
45 S.ASSELLI She gains,loses friends.
14 ZANRAK Has ability to accumulate wealth;she can be­
come a recluse.even a beggar.
15 GYRUS not applicable
16 ALGOL Can amass wealth,become reclusive.

She attended teachers college In West V a . ,graduated 1916, was i

very active school teacher. Was a very strong willed person. She
roamed the streets In tattered, rags and scavenged for bottles
and junkifor sometime prior to her death she lived the life of
a paupers but after her death,In her bank account was found
$170,000.00.She amassed a tot&l fortune of $130,000.00 She was
not senile.

FTXF.O star stu dy charts

NAME____________ANTTft »°v»M T .iiln BPr________________________________________CHART NO. 11

BIRTH DATA M arrh 7 5 .1 9 4 0 B a m s d a l e .O klahom a.______________________

Longitude © * 0 9 * V * V V T s.c. + /-/N F .S . #

5 T 00 o l x A - —

3 Cl T l /4 2 » K - 73

17 Xr 07 V * X -X +

19 r t 15 9 X o ' A + —

25 25 3 N 16
17 T 46 V n r A Xr +

o 0 *

19 t i V

23 7 H V ■
- PA -
- STAR -
Number Scar Influences- abbreviated.
7l SPICA She is clever,ingenious;wealth and honours
are possible.Association with matters concern­
ing public affairs will gain her high prefer­
72 ARCTURUS She makes many friends,is capable of exercis­
ing good judgement.Money is important to her.

16 ALGOL She is fearless, makes a good showman,will

leave her 'mark' on posterity.Turbulence

A very religious person, good singer and an activist,of a

conservative nature, but willing to take chances,has the
courage of her convictions.


NAME MENACHEM BEGIN- Israel Prime Minister.______ CHART NO. 12

BIRIH DATA_____ August 16,1913 B re s t “ LI t o v s k ) Poland

Longitude o » 9 9 S « b 9 9 e s .c . + /-/N F .S . #
22 A 59 o
mr * +
19 X Z 07 A G/F 1 1 4 /1 1 5
6 Jl 48 « -* A/K _ 4 3 /4 4 /4 5
11 45 9 X < / A/F - 3 6 /3 7
5 - ...
11 J C 53
___ S -y% 35 n ■ - ...
16 3 E b

___ 4 & £ ____ V

26 ^ V

0 f3s> t

Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.

114 CASTRA He sets his own course,for good or bad,gains

high government preferment,can become a leader
but creates enmity which could result in ser­
ious or lasting problems* Subject to fame,good
or bad*
115 NASHIRA He turns adversity to success.overcomes obst­
43 PRAESAEPE Outspoken,never at a loss for words.
44 N ■ASSELLI Gains power & authority with difficulty,poor
decisions eventually cause loses.
45 S. ASSELLI Subject to many disappointments,w o rries,etc*
36 SIRIUS He entertains strong opinions,tuburlence poss­
37 CANOPUS He is emotional sensitive,entertains strong
feelings,turbulence pos s ible.


NAME MARLIN BRANDO-actor________________________________ CHART NO. 13

BIRTH DATA A p ril 3 r d ,1 9 2 4 Omaha.Nebraska____________________________

Longitude o * 0 9 t u b 9 9 t s.c. + /-/N F .S . #

14 T 09 0 A A O B + 3
» A A O + 3
12 T 53 B

77 T 13
S ■ x M . 6 /7

28 50 9 7V - 17

17 42 S X A B 104
19 ^ 53 n m DA B + 90
o H P (V b

18 f t V

17 J \ v

10 t

- STAR -
Number Hama Star Influences- abbreviated.
3 ALPHERATZ He gets what he goes after,has the natural
ability to project himself favorably.
3 ALPHERATZ He Is very aggressive,has great determination,etc.
6 G.NEBULAE A changeable person, has concealed problems.
7 MIRACH A tolerant person,many ups and downs,legal
problems, a private person,peculiar events In
his life Is possible.

17 PLEAIDES He Is headstrong, encounters romantic problems.

104 DENEB Has good leadership ability,Is shameless.

90 RASALHAGUE Gains high public preferment,opens himself
to 'stinging' criticism.

NAME EDMUND BROWN- G overnor o f C a l i f o r n i a CHART NO.__ 14
BIRTH DATA April 7,1938 San Francisco,California

— 1
Longitude o » 9 9 S u b V V E s.c. + /-/N P.S. #

16 T 31 O 7^: + —
I n
17 € 2 40 * ¥r * A + 38
4 8 26 « O'" X A + 9
1 ti 46 9 X M + 8

18 t i 18 i
■ L A + ---
+ ...
7a w w j L 6l
u ■
3 T If w r
12 6 V m
19 T R V
28 (Tp l

- STAR -
Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
38 AL WASAT He has a strong will. Is fearless, determined,
subject to turbulent actions.sublime ill­

9 SHERATAN A mentally quick person, and a leader.

8 STELLA MIRA He is prudent,cautious,determined|Some

actions might compromise the native.



BIRTH DATA M a r c h 2 3 , 1 9 1 2 W l r s l t z ,G e r m a n y

— 1
Longitude o * 0 9 i u V V T s.c. + /-/N F .S . #

2 T 30 z * +
a K 1
23 & 54 * X B + 1 5 /1 6
20 T 13 0 2: * D K 4

?0 9 A + 120

__23JE 08 S
m 0 /B + 2 5 /2 6 /2 8 /2 9

__ 1 5 ^ J iL n
Hi A N 89

17 <5 *

2 V
21 w

2 7 3 C e

- STAR -
Number Hans S ta r I n flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .
1 DENEB KAITOS N a tiv e Is I n h e r e n tly r e s t l e s s , a d e s ir e to
c o n tin u a lly pu sh fo r w a r d t o c o n q u e r new
fie ld s ,e t c .
15 GYRUS He I s I n d e fa t ig a b le ,fe a r le s s ,e t c .
16 ALGOL G a in s v i c t o r y , o f a d o g g e d n a t u r e , i l l n e s s
o f a s u b lim e n a t u r e .
4 BATEN KAITOS Has a k e e n m i n d ,c a n b e o u t s p o k e n m e t c .
120 DENEB ADIGE E n te r ta in s s tr o n g o p in io n s .v e r y lik e a b le
p e r s o n ,a n I d e a lis t.
25 MLNTAKA G ood a t c o n t r o v e r s i a l s u b je c t s ,e t c
26 EL NATH E m erges s u c c e s s f u l l y in any d is p u te .
28 ALNILAM E x e r c is e c a u t io n le s t h e becom es in v o lv e d
In g r e a t ,u n s o lv a b le p r o b le m s , e t c .
29 N ot a p p lic a b le .
89 SAB IK P re fe r m e n t in s c i e n c e . g o v e r n m e n t w o r k ;m a t
e r ia l su ccess In d ic a te d .


NAME_______FRANK BORMAN-Astronaut__________________________ CHART NO.__16

BIRTH DATA March 1 4 ,1 9 2 8 G a ry ,In d ia n a ________________________________

Longitude o * V 9 S u b V E S.C. +/ - / N F.S. #

23 32 O □ A . 123
J +
19 08 A ,/• B 90
27 XXX 38 » </ z - ...
9 - ...
25 K ? 16 Y
+ 112/113
11 S S 49 S
■* * AtA

11 T 07 n ■ r ~ □ B 3
18 .A * b
2T V

27 A V

15 <5? E

- STAR -
Nunb a r Name S ca r in flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .

123 MARKAB N a tiv e is m e n ta lly k e e n , en g a g es In u n u su al

s u b je c t s .p r o je c t s .c a r e e r s .e t c .
88 RAS ALGEHI He I s o p t im is t ic .b o ld ,h a s g r e a t c o u r a g e , g a in s
h ig h p u b lic p r e fe r m e n t In h is c a r e e r ile a v e s

"m a r k " o n p o s t e r i t y .

112 ARMUS N ot a p p lic a b le

113 DORSUM N ot a p p lic a b le

3 ALPHERATZ He w i l l b e n e fit fr o m a s s o c i a t i o n w it h M erc­

u r ia l p e o p le ,p r o fe s s io n a ls -h e w i l l s tr iv e fo r
and r e c e iv e la s tin g r e c o g n itio n in h is p r o f­
e s s io n .


LIZZIE BORDEN-Unfor tuna te 17

BIRTH DATA July 19,1860 Fall River.Massachusetts.

“ 1

Longitude o I 0 9 d u 'l V V i s.c. + /-/N

77 ‘g g 34 O A s -* A +

18 A 30 5 s A/G N 49/50

23 J 17 r A
+ —

26 tfp 58 » s X A - —

$ -
24 45 ■ 7T * M 105
15 u + 98
4 -vS ■ K

25 rf\ 'l ■
10 3 T w ■
29 V

9 6 l

- STAR -
dumber Ham& Star influences- abbreviated.
49 MERAK A very determined person,she has the ability
to ‘get on' In life, a desire to be dominant.

50 ALGENUBI She has a strong power of expression,can be

105 TERREBELUM She Is 'fearless'determined, can withstand
unjust accusations and emerge,she creates her
own problems.
98 KAUS BOREALIS Some loss keenly felt,etc.

She was accused and acquitted of the murder of her father and
her step mother-this case has been argued and discussed for


NAME______ CLYDE BARROW- Bank robber of the 1930's. CHART NO. 1®

BIRTH DATA March 24.1909 Teleco,Texas_____________________________

Longitude o » 0 9 3 u b V V l s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

o + ...
3 r i3 A rS
13 8 25 T> M N 13
10 X 10 tt N . ..
24 W 09 9 N ...
19 -\8 04 3 f B - 104
6 7 H 3 0 V m A 156

a r b
20 V $ V

14 V
23 n r l

- STAR -
Number Haas Star Influences- abbreviated.

13 MENKAR He creates his own problems.suffers many

anxious raomments.
104 DENEB Has good leadership ability, can become Inv
olved In actions of a turbulent nature.
56 ALITOH Sudden or wrong decisions create problems
of a lasting nature.


M S _______RICHARD BURTON-actor_____________________________ CHART N 0._1£

BIRTH DATA November 1 0 ,1 9 2 5 P o n trh y d y fen , W ales.________________

Longitude o » 9 9 S U * ¥ T S.C. + /-/H F.S. #

1 7 'YY\/1 1 9 O 1^ ■¥r ✓ A □ □ B
+ 78

A* ...
4 ^ 58 » □ S * +
6 ^ 19 0 1/M/A - 85/86

3 -d 37 9 * K + 98

27 ^ 48 <5
■ * + —
18 - d 07 n ■ * A 89

1 ■
21 X- V ■
24 w ■
14 <?> ■
- STAR -
Number Star Influences- abbreviated*
78 EL SCHEMALI Native may have great good fortune,encounter
difficulties from time to time,legal problems,
85 HAN Friends come to his aid,he will gain high pub­
lic preferment,he creates his own problems,
which may be endless,etc.
86 ANTARES He may develop a suspicious nature,etc
98 KAUS BOREALIS He is a prideful person,of an artistic
nature, but is not a loner.
89 SABIK Material success assured with this conjunct­


NAME__________JOHN WILKES BOOTH- a c t o r ________________________ CHART NO. 2 0

BIRTH DATA May 1 0 .1 8 3 8 B e l A ir.M ary lan d ____________________________

Longitude o » V 9 i V * V V t s.c. +/-/N P.S. #

19 ft 20 O - . . .

28TlfV 37 » s a"' G/K - 81

29 ft 40 9 ■* o''0 B - 17
3 T 24 9 X + . . .

3ft 48 S ■Aj D 10
8TO? 50 u ■ S7
267YV V ■
“ K __ V
10 'f d , V

17 T l

- STAR -
SSuakSE Haas Star influences- abbreviated.

81 TOLLIMAN He attracts many 'friends',he is very clever,

ingenious,but can be influenced to become invol
ved in costly intrigues.
17 PLEAIDES He will face many problems, encounter and eng-
age in dangerous situations.
10 HAMAL He gets involved in affairs that lead to
turbulent situations.
57 ZOSMA Has high public preferment, subject to or
creates sorrows* gets involved in situations
of a highly controversial nature.

FIXED star stu dy charts

n a m e _____ SARAH BERNHARDT -actress______________________ CHARI NO. 21

BIRTH DATA September 25,1844 Parts>France.______________________

Longitude o » B » 4 u b w V s.c. + /-/H F.S. #

3 z£2= 00 o A S A + 65

24 30 o'
+ ...
8 -=£2= 52 V S K/ F + 66/67
16 J l 50 9 X A A - 49

is m 30 S A + 58

26 W - 26 y ■ * M + 124
Ut Vv W
4 T *
91 vsa/ V
** V W
20 T i

- STAR -
M«l?er name Star Influences- abbreviated.

65 ZANIAH Preferment in public affairs.she is a congenial

66 VINDEMIATRIX Has good ability of e x p r e s s i o n s able
speaker,subject to family problems.
67 PORRIMA She can be well liked,popular,gain high prefer­
ment in unusual occupations,etc.
49 MERAK Has creative abilities .imagination 6 social the**
58 MIZAR She is quick witted,may become involved in contr­
oversial matters or persons,etc.
124 SCHEAT Can be very successful,make name/fame for herself

The most famous woman In France for more than one half century,
and most notorious actress In the w orld. Her paramours and conf­
idents were among the famous. She was also a gifted painter,scul-
ptoribut mercenary and lavish with her charities.


NAME ARTHUR BREMER- c r im in a l____________________________ CHART NO. 22

BIRTH DATA August 2 1 ,1 9 5 0 M ilw aukee.W isconsin_____________________

Longitude © I 0 9i u b V E s.c. +/-/N F.S. #

27 < A 51 o s
K/B - 51/54
7 31 A * □ TV A/M - 85/86
2*71% 57 » K/B/F . 61/62/63
6 J \ 04 9 -X- A + 43/44
6 — ~37 & □ + ...
3 07 u A G/A _ 118/119/120
19 TTS \}
8 V

15 =g=-_ V

18 E

- STAR -
flumber Earns Scar influences- abbreviated.
51 ALPHARD Native seeks power.publicityidanger of suffering
thru his own actsjlegal problems.
54 REGELUS Violence,dslgrace,suffers from pushing his luck.etc.
85 HAN Self created porblems bring disaster,etc,name.fame.
86 ANTARES A ’caution'conjunction'.turbulence possible,
43 PRAESAEPE A sense of false Intelligence,sex fantasies,etc.
44 N.ASSELLI Not applicable
118 SADALMELIK Subject to legal problems.
119 FOMALHAUT A malcontent.subject to fame,good or bad.
120 DENEB ADIGE He squanders his energies on unpopular causes.

An intelligent,but mentally confused person, full of revenge and

in a constant state of upheaval.

NAME____TRUMAN CAPOTE-author___________________________ CHART N O . _ 2 3

BIRTH DATA__ Scpfpmher T O .1924__Nfw Orleans .Louisiana______________

-- 1
Longitude 0 > 9 9 3 U * V w T s.c. + /-/K F.S. #
O I K +
7 =£3= 31 k 66
5 0nrv25 t cS A + 74

y o T T R 24 ■ x X A - 59

2? i/\ 12 9 </ - —

25 Sw 40 $ A / - —
■ j
14 ^ 34 n ■ □ 7T M 88
i n ™ ■
18 V ■
21 / [ ____ V

13 <?j> (

- STAR -
Number Name Star Influences- abbreviatedtl
66 VINDEMIATRDC Public preferment-subject to being a 'worrier'
danger of harrassment, an inner drive for
recognition,inner fear of poverty.groundless
unless he self destructs.
74 KHAMBLIA A pragmatic person,'tells it like it is',can
create embarrassment.
59 DENEBOLA Tendency to make 'swift'decisions.that can
create problems.perhaps of a lasting nature.
88 RAS ALGETHI Some material success,but not of a lasting


____ DR. HELEN CALVIN.M.D.___________________________CHART NO. 24

BIRTH DATA October 31,1927 Henryvl1l e ,Indiana____________________

Longitude O J 0 « 3 u * V e s .c . +/ - / N F .S . #

7 K Y V o* O W * /L + —
8 18 X X F 99
25 <TTV 26 » A A □ * ...

22 TTCis 9 S A - 59
3 K + 73
___3 44
24 *£....15 V m A - 123
6 ^ *>
o qp V
28 / V

15 l

Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
99 FACIES She can rise to an Influential position, but
subject to severe losses,turbulence,self dest­
59 DENEBOLA Holds strong opinions on certain subjects matter;
'despair and regrets'.
73 T. RUNG Has a keen,subtle mind,domestic problems possible.
123 MARKAB Can be successful-in large ventures, but an ever
present danger of turbulence of sorts.

A rare doctor who had a deep concern for her patientsialso a

political activist.Troubled with both family and harrassment from
FDA because she advocated and treated her cancer patients with
the controversial drug laetrlle.



BIRTH DATA NoVGrobsr 30 .1894 ftcfordshi.r6yEng3.8ild

Longitude o » V 9 £ u V V t S.C. +/ - / N F.S. #

i X ' 44 O c * A A/M 85/86

2 9 /? 37 J> A/B N U / 55
A/F + 77
17171* 38 V * A
9 * 7"v B/B + 90/91
22 02
16 — 34 S -¥ r A + 69
23 === 35 u ■ B/K 71/72
* V W 't

15 cfl w

28/T w
21 -------
- STAR -
dumber Star Influences- abbreviated.
85 HAN Gains fame by help from’superiors.high military and
government preferment.
86 ANTARES Gains many honours, danger of violent situations
around him.
54 REGULUS Great public acceptance, but must work to keep it.
77 EL GENUBI He is clever,has a quick mind.
90 RASALHAGUE He is a private person, not a loner,etc.
91 LESUTH Gets himself involved in intrigues requiring
considerable tact.
69 SEGINUS Has a sharp penetrating mind,wide knowledge.
71 SPICA High government preferment,wealth and renown
is possible,etc.
72 ARCTLRL'S He is a mercenary person, somewhat hypocritical,
makes great gains in public life,etc.



CHART NO.___ ? 6
BIRTH RATA_____npcwnhar 5t--h.i839__New Rumley.Ohlo

Longitude o B » 4 y b V V [ s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

12 46 O ■ </ o'" Q M/F - 88
7 ^ 18 5 X X A/M + 85/86
" 47 tf B N 97
25 35 9 N —

17 33 <S □ B _ 104

8 (Y1V16 IX ■ B /A +
12 ^ v
12 V
10 £ £ V
17 < y e

- STAR -
Hvnber HaOfi Star Influences- abbreviated.
88 RAS ALGETHI He has great courage,galns high public prefer­
85 HAN He is very energetic,ambitiousi any self created
problems would bring disaster which could affect
others.etc. Name and fame,good or bad.
86 ANTARES High martial preferment, gains influential
97 FOLIS He is a dominant personality, good writing and
speaking ability, essentially a private person,
decisions he makes creates lasting problems.
104 DENEB Can get involved in disastrous situations.
75 ACRUX High military and fame possible.
76 ALPHECCA Receives hono u r s ,leaves his 'mark'.


NAME_______ AT. CAPONE- Gangster of the 1 9 2 0 ’s__________ CHART NO._27

BIRTH DATA January 17,1899 Brooklyn.New York*

Longitude o T> 9 9 s b V t s . c . +/ - / N F .S . #
27 13 O N —
7 T « » □ A □ -A □ B - 2
4 "Y^ 15 9
K + 98
9 A/K + 88
13 17
B - 40 /4 1
19 29 S
■ A

8 T Y l/ 05 u ■ 1 + 75

19 ^ b
6 V

22 V
13 J E t

- STAR -
ti m ber Hama Star Influences- abbreviated.
2 ALGENIB He can be headstrong,gets Involved In unpleasant
98 KAUS BOREALIS He has keen perception,etc.
88 RAS ALGETHI He has a quiet determined nature,not one to
openly display affection.
40 CASTOR He will seemingly have it 'made' when sudden­
ly conditions alter his life style.Turbulence
41 POLLUX Can be both obstinate and wllfull.preferring
to lead, not follow;creates Jealous cond­
itions, health problems of a serious nature,
not easily cured.
75 ACRUX Name and fame,good or bad possible.


M 3E _______ FIDEL CASTRO- Cuban d i c t a t o r __________________ CHARI NO. 28

BIRTH DATA August 1 3 ,1 9 2 7 H avana,Cuba._________________________________

Longitude 0 J V » a H b V V t s.c. +/-/N F.S. #

19 /I 40 O G N 50
22 2% 50 J 7V O S A _ 117
1 J l 38 0 A A A - . . .

23 57 9 i/B _ 60/61/62
1 2 TTX 01 a m * A + 57
__iJCL. 51 u ■ A K + 1
. 1^ .. v ■

26 A V
16 (
- STAR -
SMBkfiC Haofi Star Influences- abbreviated
50 ALGENUBI Gives him a bold,bombastic.heartless.brutish,
nature,but good power of expression.
117 DENEB ALGEDI Faces difficulties on road to success, can
become a leader, there may be a final loss
of position and of respect.
60 COPULA Not applicable
61 LABRUM He is a private person,can be very critical
and of a possessive nature.
62 AL LAID A private person, subject to becoming a fant-
ic,appeals to the masses.
57 ZOSMA He is egotistical, shameless, critical and can
be carping,etc.
1 DENEB KAITOS High public preferment, can suffer from
treachery thru friends fcan be unconscionable
in his dealings.

NAME_________"MISS" LILLIAN CARTER______________ 29
BIRTH DATA___ August 15,1898.J U c h l q n d . f e p r fiU,

Longitude & V s.c.

9 b E

o > 0 + /-/N

22 J L - 5 & G - —
# ■ z. X
+ 43
» r ( V > 7 J> * * A
19 T R 08 V □ □ □ A - 59
« + ...
5 ^2z48 *
18-3L 37 & ■ 7K B/G - 22/23



K/F 66/67

5 b
29 <YY\f V

24 n r V

15 J H E

- STAR -
Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
43 PRAESAEPE She Is Independent with lots of spirit,quite
liberal,with a strong driving force,etc.
59 DENEBOLA Has a keen mentality, very tenacious.decisions
are accurate,becomes controversial
22 BELLATRIX Has keen mental powers,etc
23 CAPELLA Has a creative imagination,cen be very
66 VINDEMIATRIX May enjoy high public preferment,etc,
67 PORRIMA As aboce.


NAME CHRIS CHUBB0CK News reporter______________ CHART n o . 30

BIRTH DATA August 24,1944 Cleveland,Ohio________________________

Longitude o » 0 9 s u b l s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

o +
iTT^ Q4 o ' X —

i t o 3i J>
* X □ —
22 39 0 o'" A - 59

17 < m 04 9 - —

27 7 f t 03 S ■ B/F - 62/63/64

u +
6 Tft 14 m * □ X A 59
7 b

12 ____ V
2 = o= V ■
__2J L __ ■
Humber H am Star Influences- abbreviated.
59 DENEBOLA Has a keen mentality, capable of making
rapid decisions,is very tenacious, decisions
can create problems.
62 AL KAID She can create situations of a critical nature,
self destruction possible.
63 ALARAPH Her indiscretion brings self destruction.
64 MARKAB She is her own worst enemy,resents criticism,etc.
59 DENEBOLA She is prideful,also hypocritical,etc.

While telecasting the TV n e w s ,suddenly and without warning, she

placed a gun to her head and shot herself.She had been troubled
with mental depression. Killed herselfi July 15,1974


NAME PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER__________. ________________ CHART NO.

BIRTH DATA October 1,1924 P l a i n s ,Georgia._____________________

Longitude 0 > tf 9 S U b V E s . c . +/ - / N F.S. #

8 =£2= 04 o * □ G/F + 66/67

I s O f n r 48 * X A B /A 75/76
2 l W 12 s ■ x X A - 59
23 J l 20 9 A - Pictoris

25 O S 54 £ / K - Geinah

1 4 ^ 26 2J ■ A + 88
i nnrb* b
18 K V
~ 21 J l V

10 < fp E

- STAR -
Number Star Influences- abbreviated.
66 VINDEMIATRIX He has a regal bearing, success after much
effort, has an obssession to forge ahead,an
inner drive for recognition,inner fear of
poverty.groundless unless he self destructs.
67 PORRIMA Generally,as above, but he is also in daiger
of becoming involved in intrigues.most likelt
unaware of involvement until it is too late.
59 DENEBOLA Has a keen to make rapid dec­
isions, is single minded.tenacious, of a worr­
isome nature,not readily apparent, friends,
acquaintances can create problems which could
be embarrassing, etc.
75 ACRUX He can be 'hard'headed in his dealings.
76 ALPHECCA He must beware of underhanded dealings,etc.
S3 RAS ALGETHI Name and fame possible,etc.


NAME MRS. RQSALYN CARTER_____________ ________________ CHART n o . 32

BIRTH DATA August 18,1927 P l a i n s . G e o r g i a . _______________

Longitude o > Cf 9 3 U b V V t s.c. + /-/N F.S . #

2 4 J\ 32 O X K N 51

7 y 03 □ K N 10
9 J\ 51 » A A K - 46
2 4 'T f ? 55 9 IC/B/F N 6 0 /6 1 /6 2 /6 3

15<m 13 i A N 58

2 T 31 V ■ a <
+ 1

1 ^ b
2T W
-IE A -
-1 5 ^ ____
- STAR -
timber ttUlfi Star W ^ 8?: abbreviated.
51 ALPHARD Native likes limelight.suDject to name and fame,etc
10 HAMAL Native Is a person who'stlcks'wlth lt'at all costs,
thru careful plana may rise high.
46 KOCHAB In her own way,she gets what she goes after-she Is
persistent to the end and can be very blunt In her
speech If necessary. Domestic problems possible.
60 COPULA Not applicable
61 LABRUM She Is a 'private* person,not a loner.etc.
62 ALKAID Can be very critical and exactling,subject to being
absorbed In what pleases her-career or an Idea.
63 ALARAPH She Is of a steadfast nature, very pleasant,etc.
58 MIZAR She has a quick wit,may make controversial state­
ments ,1s overly ambitious, able to quickly grasp
DENEB KAITOS High religious and public preferment,etc.

JOHNNY CASH- Country singer 33
S1ZVLM U . February 26,1932 Pine Bluff,Arkansas.___________

Longitude O » V « a u b 9 7 1 e S.C. +/ - / N F.S. #

O ■ A +
___6 42. A 121

8 ^ 21 A #- B 75
» A + 121
6 32
16 T 34 9 A □ - —

S X A/G - 118/119
1 11
15 J] 1.4 u A K N 48
0 b
17 T V

20 l

- STAR -
Bmaber Haag Star influences- abbreviated.
121 SKAT He tends to be idealistic,has public preferment.
75 ACRUX Gains new and influential friends, can be a
little hard headed in business deals.
121 SKAT Can expect peculiar events in his life,etc.
119 FOMALHAUT He makes his own problems.attracts unwise or other
types acquaintances.some friends later turn out
to be enemies.
118 SADALMEL1K A conjunction for fame if he can handle it,etc.
98 DUBHE High public preferment,domestic problems.


NAME BING (HARRY L IL L IS ) CROSBY - s i n g e r ____________ CHART NO. 34

BIRTH DATA fend,1901 Tacoma . W a s h i n g t o n . ____________

Longitude o « « 3 u b V V t S.C. + /-/N F.S. #

11 22 o A K + 12
2 0 7 1 / 32 > * A A K N 73
27 T 56 S * + ...
11 # 45 9 A A L K + 12
27 J [ 18 3 * + 54
■ B
13 ~>X 03 n A/M + 10 1/1 0 2 /1 0 3
1 6 -^ b ■
1 6 ^ V
27 J H V
is n r e

- STAR -
Number Nana Scar influences- abbreviated.

12 ALMACH He Is of a perserverlng nature.gains many friends,

name and fame.
73 T.KUNG Has the ability to start from small beginings.gain
high public preferment, overcomes obstacles.
12 ALMACH Develops strong opinions on certain subjects
of personal importance,good possibility of n a t ­
ional prominence.
54 REGULUS Will expreience fame, high honours, subject to
accidents,heart troubles e t c . ,sudden death.
101 ASCELLA Gains wide circle of friends.
102 MANNUBRIUM Not applicable
103 WEGA High public preferment,any setbacks keenly felt.


NAME CHARLES CHAPLIN ( Charles Thonstein) Actor CHART NO. ... 35

BIRTH DATA April 16,1889 South L o n d o n ,England.______________________

Longitude o » V 9 « w [ s.c. + /- /N F .S . #
G 6 /7
27 7* 00 M N
9 W 1 17 > -K □ B/A + 7 5 /7 6
■f ...
17 T 48 V X A s
- ...
18 fc5 06 9 □ 7V
a 0 K/M . 1 1 /1 2
13 34 ■ A
V n ■ ...
8 ^ 11
b n
13 J\ ■
19 = £ = V
~ 6 ttt ~ V

4 3 C l

- STAR -
Number Name Srai- Influences- abbreviated

6 GREAT NEBULAE Gains high preferment in public matters,etc

7 MIRACH Public preferment;he is endowed with a keen

mind{Subject to disappointments that are not
bothersome to him.
75 ACRUX Gains new influential friends, can be hard
headed in business deals.
76 ALPHECCA He will be iro the limelight most of his life,
subject to honours,dignity,etc.
11 SCHEDIR Has ability to rise to an influential p o s i t ­
ion, gain public recognition for his work.
12 ALMACH A tendency towards severity;consdierable trav*
ing involved.


NAME WALTER CRONKITE- News reporter________________ CHARI NO. 36

BIRIH DATA November 4th,1916 St.Joseph.Missouri._________________

Longitude o » B 9 i u b V m E s.c. + /-/N P.S. #

u HA* « o ■ a a B/A + 75/76

i a A A N 121
7 H - 5 9
29 =£±r 59 B s □ □ A
- . . .

1 =Sr 44 9 * □ . . .

9 . ^ 4 3 A </> M/A/C 86/87
28 T 49 n ■ P □ * M - 7

0 A b
ar W W

— 4 - ^ 1 ____ V
4 l

- STAR -
Number- {{m g Star influences- abbreviated.
75 ACRUX A leader in his profession,has gift of intuition,
a grasp for his fellow man's humanity,etc.
76 ALPHECCA High preferment in all affairs dealing with the
public.Prominence in public matters.
121 SKAT Overcomes seemlnglu Impossible hurdles,friends
come to his assistance,etc.
86 ANTARES Subject to being misunderstood,but not of a last­
ing nature.
87 RASTABAN He has a strong character, can be argumentive,
and has a fondness for lively debate or discussion.

7 MIRACH He avoids all scandals,e t c . ,name and fame possible.



BIRTH DATA October 23rd.1925 Corning.Iowa,

Longitude o t 9 9 & u b V V E S.C. + /-/N F.S. #

29 35 O * N —

A/M + 101/102
13 02 * a s * *
loTfl/’Ob V * A B/A 75/76
+ —
13 ^ 45 9 *
16 06 i
■ □ 0 A - 69

15 40 u ■ * A + 103

1 4 onru b
22 V

24 J \
14 “2 5 E ■
- STAR -
Hunter tag Star Influences- abbreviated.
101 ASCELLA He Is endowed with good moral strength,endur­
ing to the end,has good f6rtune and happiness.
102 MANNUBRIUM Preferment In sprts, public m a tters,etc.
75 ACRUX He Is mentally keen,somewhat intultlvejhe gets
Involved In out of the ordinary subjects,
p e o p l e ,i deas,they fascinate him, but do not
engulf him,etc.
76 ALPHECCA He is mentally keen, mind more active than
body, subject to losses and betrayals,.
69 SEGINUS He has a sharp penetrating mind,subject to
temper and domestic problems.
103 WEGA High preferment In affairs connected with
public matters.


NAME______ JOHN DILLINGER- Bank robber- 1930's_________ CHARI NO. 38

BIRTH D A TA June 22.1903 Mooreaville,Indiana____________________

Longitude o » 9 9 3 u * V V l s.c. +/- /» F .S . #

29 n r 56 M/K -
□ s 3 1 /3 2
22 t i 42 » X M + 1 4 /1 5
t? K + 20
9n r 21 M X A A
u A 29 9 X- K + 48
7 :£2= 43 3 A +
■ 0 K /F 6 6 /6 7
22 38 V ■ M + 123
Q b

23 V

3 V

18 H Z t

- STAR -
Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
31 BETELGUESSE An ever present danger of losses,etc.
32 MENKALININ Native is energetic,but obstinate.
14 ZANRAK He has great perserverance,his lifestyle
affected by family environment, can become a
l oner,etc.
15 GYRUS He is indefatigable,fearless,pushy,etc.
20 ALDEBARAN He is ingenious,bold, turbulence possible.
48 DUBHE Can appear sympathetic,etc,domestic problems.
66 VINDEMIATRIX He is rash,headstrong, friends create problems.
67 PORRIMA He is a gambler, takes many chances,etc.
123 MARKAB Success in big ventures, an ever ppesent danger
of violence,judicial sentence,etc.


NAME DAVID DAY-murderer____________ .

________________ CHART NO. 39
BIRTH DATA M a y 12,1952 Portsmouth.Virginia__________________

Longitude o > 9 9 * u V V l s . c . +/ - / N F .S . #
21 & 41 O a M N 14
11 ^ 12 D K N 93 /9 4

27 T 02 9 G N 5 /6
9 T 52 9 □ c/
- . . .

6 ^ 29 S A - 74
3 fc> 14 V m A - 9
8 =£1= 'f

11 V

13 V

19 c/7 t

- STAR -
Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
14 ZANRAK Lifestyle affected by early environment,etc,is
a loner, subject to melancholy*
93 etamin Preferment in martial matt e r s tdanger of losing
thera9 becomes involved in turbulence,etc*
94 ACUMEN Has leadership ability, falls out of favor9etc*
5 AL PHERG Tends to be a law unto himself9is opinionated,
6 G. NEBULAE Secret bad habits,etc.
74 KHAMBLIA He is b o l d 9brash,pushy9of an argumentive nature,
possible self destruction,etc*
SHERATAN Scandalous actions, turbulence,etc.

Son o£ an.a alcoholic father who was a Navy career man,who taught
him hatred and often beat him. At age 14 he was an alcoholic,age 17
enlisted in Coast Guardmwhere he was given a letter of commendation
for being most innovative officer-he became a Petty Officer. He
always slept with a knife under his pillow. October 1973 he
gunned down 2 black men in the enlisted raen*s quarters-said he
was not sorry.

n a m e _____ CHARLES DARWIN- Evolutionist ________________ CHART NO. 40
BIRTH DATA February 12,1809 Shrewsbury.England._____________

Longitude o * 8 9 S U * V i S.C. + /-/N F.S. #

+ —
23 S & 27 O ■ x A
2 6 -v? 46 ]> □
A + 107
10 17 8 A D < s B _ 122
7 T 27 9 B 2
A n
25 =£= 29 S _ ...

22 ^ 06 u ■ £ + 123
3 ^
IO T A , V
6^ T V

14 X t

- STAR -
Number Name
107 ALTAIR Brings to him the possibility of unusual exp.
eriences.unusual discoveries.strange or anc­
ient,he develops good writing ability.etc.
122 ARCHENAR He is versatile, creative, focusing on ideas
that are subject to criticism.
2 ALGENIB He is a loner,etc.
123 markab Bd is successful, in large ventures,etc.

Charles Darwin promoted the cause of evolution,claiming many

ancient discoveries.He was a 'loner'. He traveled the world
in a sailing ve ssel,seeking prrof of his ideas.ever present
was the danger of a shipwreck.


________________ CHART NO.

NAME____ ALBERT EINSTEIN* Scientist____ ^ ^^
BIRTH DATA March 14,1897 Ulm,Germany_______________________________

— 1
Longitude G * 9 9 8 u V T s.c. + /-/N F .S . #
23 f t 33 * X ft A + 123
T> + 88/89
9 + 1
3 f 14 K

17 T 03 9
+ ...
26 -J , 51 8 A
+ ...
27 29 V ■ 7 □
a T *

I ' m V
7 w V
24 & l

- STAR -
Number Name Star Influences- abbreviated.
123 MARKAB Preferment In scientific and public matters,
he is mentally Keen, subject to setbacks and
disappointments, engages in unusual or contr­
oversial subjects,etc.
88 RAS ALGETHI He is optimistic,bold,has great courage,etc.
89 SABIK He will be successful, acquire many friends,
money to him is something to be used not
1 DENEB KAITOS His basic thought processes are deep,he
excells in matters requiring deep concentr-
ative efforts,etc.




NAME MARK JIMMY ESS EX ~nu.nrd R l ~ s i ~ ___ -•______________ CHART NO • ^2

BIRTH DATA August 12,1949 Emporium,Kansas._______________________

Longitude o > 9 9 3 U V V 1 E S.C. + /-/N F.S. #

18 J { 56 O zl k + 49
X o' A
D + 114
19 £ £ 52 X s G
» + —
4 ^ 3 7
9 X A - 59
1 9 7 Y ? 45
$ A/F 1-
13 € ? _oa_ 0 36/37
24 31 u ■ M 105

3 V

13 V ■
17 J l ___ ■
Number Name Star influences- abbreviated.
49 MERAK He has 'drive' and determination,the ability to
get ahead,etc.
114 CASTRA He sets hisown course for good or b a d ,possibility
of self destruction*
59 DENEBOLA Swift decisions create many, problems,etc*
56 SIRIUS He is industrious and ambitious,etc*
37 CANOPUS He suffers from imaginary wrongs,etc.
105 TERREBELUM He can make many g ains,possible despair and
regrets follow*
He came from a wholesome e n v i m o m e n t ( h e was black) but while in
the armed froces, he became increasingly bitter at what he im­
agined were affronts and bigotry in that environment* He comm­
itted (7) seven killings in two days in New Orleans,La when he
suddenly went berserk on January 7,1973*



________________ CHART NO. 43
BIRIH DATA July 4.1913 Onaha, Nebraska_____________________________

Longitude o » B 9 S u b V l s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

21 12 o K. N 41

3 j e 7 55 » + ...
16 08 B □ -* A - 49
5 0 1 : 55 9 A o ' K - 18
■jg S + ...
■ A ■¥r
n B/A N 10 0 /10 1
11 ~vR 55 ■ j
13 j r b ■ .
6 vw V
LAA/ ■
25 V
0 i

- STAR -
Number ££affl£ Star Influences- abbreviated.
41 POLLUX Native can expect honours p r e f e r m e n t In sports,
public a f f airs,etc.Turbulence possible.
49 MERAK He Is Ingenious, Indecisive,easily Influenced.
18 HYADES.P. Has strong feelings on subjects,people,etc,Ill­
ness of a sublime nature possible.
100 NUNKI Preferment In areas requiring diplomatic action.
101 ASCELLA Legal preferment, he has a wide range of acqu­
aintances ,etc.


HENRY F O R D -a u to manufacturer 44
BIRTH DATA July 30,1863 Greenfield, Michigan

Longitude o » 0 9 * u b V t s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

7 A 43 o * A □ K 45

9 KZ 57 »
A ¥r D M
+ 112

_ —
_ 3 c f{ 10
» * a
2 2 7TX.16 9 a - ...
28 07 $ #- B + 54

20 = 26 V m A B/K N 72

1 b
23 H H V ■
6T ■ .
12 £5 ■
- STAR -
Number Name S.tar Influences- abbreviated*.,,.
45 S.ASSELLI High preferment in public matters,he is energetic,
112 ARMUS He has high enterprise,friends assist him,etc
54 REGULL'S He can experience fame*public prominence,but
subject to accidents,e t c . ,
71 SPICA Wealth and renown are possible#h3 not above
being unscrupulous.
72 ARCTURLS He can be very h y p o c r i t i c a l mercenary,etc.•
Ford's education stopped at the 8 th grade, he was b o m Into
'farm' drudgery and had to work on the farm-he was very Int­
elligent, would let no one get in his way when he knew he was
right-he was progressive.socialistic,anti capitalistic person.
He ketp a bevy of guards around him until he died.The head of his
guards was in control of his factory 'spy'system.


BIRTH DATA June 1.1953 New York City,New York__________________
He murdered a numberof girls before he was caught.
Longitude G 0 9 # u b V w t s . c . +/ - / N F.S. #
O + 20
10 J I T 42 s ' K
26 ~V% 20 » A" □ □ □ 7\ M - 105
20 m r 02 B s' A A S/G/0 - 2 2 -25
26 T 57 9 □ G 5 /6
$ + 2 2 -2 8
2 lO H 29 ■ A A * J i/G /O
5 JC 20 « ■ 18

70 ^ b
16 V
21 V
21 < fl ■
Ninber Hans S ta r ..I n flu e n c e s - a b b rev ia te d .
20 ALDEBARAN High public preferment.lurking In the back­
ground the shadow of a big loss-he Is persistent
turbulence possible.
105 TERREBELUM Good for gain,he Is clever,possible romantic
problems-subject to disgraceful actions,etc.
22 -2 5 BELLATRDC etci These stars indicate he is a loner,self
seeking, has romantic/domestic problems*
5 G. NEBULAE Secret bad habits, etc.
6 KULLAI.NUNI He is very determined,basically a law unto
18 HYADES.P. Name and fame,good or bad possible.

NAME_______ JACKIE GLEASON- actor,song writer._________ CHART n o . 46

BIRTH DATA Fberuary 26.1916 N e w York Clty.N.Y,__________________

— 1
Longitude o > 0 » 3 U * V V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #
A /A
6 16 G A A + 1 2 0 /1 2 1
5 A ...
4 00 #■ A +
9 vw 45 0
s K

15 T 05 A O * 3
14 A 02 * ■ K -

3 T 07 V A □ K + i
o ^ b
a C. tuw
16 'NA/ V ■ J
— 0 j \ _____ V ■
___ 2 _ g ^ ____ ■
- STAR -
Njattsr liana Star Influences- abbreviated.

12 0 DENEB ADIGE He gains high preferment in dealing with the

public, can be affected by hia early life
12 1 SKAT He tends to be an Idealist, friends assist
him when necessary,etc.
3 ALPHERATZ A ’neat clean' person, but pushy, an out going
personality, but likes his privacy,not a
48 DUBHE He is bold,determined,once his mind is madeup
it is difficult to change him.

I DENEB KAITOS High public preferment,etc.



NAME JUDY GARLAND ( B o m Judy Gumm) ________________ CHART NO. 4 7

BIRTH DATA___ June 10.1922 Grand Rapids.Minnesota___________________

— 1
Longitude 0 ) 0 9 3 U V V i s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

ia 3 E 44 o X rS a * B/G - 22 /2 3

29 ^ 10 □ K . 95 /9 6
:— !

0 -


19 6 p 02 9 S ' A A + 40
i D A A/B - 89 /9 0
18 ^ 55 m
9 00 V * □ G N 67
T l
0 * J
13 V ■
13 V

8 l

- STAR -
Number atar Influences- abbreviated.
22 BELLATRDC She can receive high public preferraenttcan
also appear to be vacillatingtdanger of being
a victim to treachery or deceit,etc.
23 CAPELLA Can appear .verbose,develop a quarreling nature*
enjoy lasting public preferment,etc.
95 SINISTRA Hanging over her is the danger of losses^scand­
alous actions possible,etc.
96 SPICLLUM She is adventerous, subject tosublime illness
of self destructive means swill face crisis in
her life.
40 CASTOR Has ability to overcome adversity,leads a life
out of the ordinary, not good for marriage,etc.
89 SABIK Gets her priorities mixed up can self destruct.
9C RASALHAGUE Tends to self destruct, good for material gains.
67 CAPHIR Gains public preferment,popularity,but will
encounter many problems,some scandalous.


NAME_________ HERMANN GOERING- Nazi Airforce general chart no .4§

BIRIH DATA January 12.1893 Rosenheim.Germany

---- 1
Longitude o » 0 9 i U V T s .c . + /-/N F .S . #
22 -y j 07 ^ 1 N ...

15 11(1/ 12 5 7V o '" _ —
9 _
B 97
25 10 9 /- _ 9 2 /9 3
s 7V * *
9 ? 57 R 2
. 16 T 52 U _ ...
W _
12 b ■
10 7 V V W

8 n r V

8 ZEC l
___ L _
- STAR -
Nuaber None Star influences- abbreviated.
97 POL IS Writings,speeches,descisions made by native create
lasting problems.

92 ACULEUS Poisin.

93 ETAMIN Prestige important to this native,any loss

keenly felt.

2 AI.GENIB Danger of accidents, dishonesty,turbulence,etc.

Head of Hitler's airforce during WW#2, a much overweight and

pompous general, who at Nuremberg trials took a vial of poisin,
thought to have been given him by one of the guards.


NAME________ TfiHN WAYNF. fiACY-Homnsaxual murderer_______ CHART NO.—
BIRTH DATA_______ March 17,1942 C h i c a g o »Illinois___________________

Longitude o » s 9 & 21 b V 7 1 t s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

G M + 124
25 58 m s •¥: * /

T> M

-* * + 124


n 0 □ □ K - ENIF
9 A A -
37 113______
5 K ■- ! 18
5 nr 51 ■ ■*
i3 n r 53 U B 21

24 H _____ b ■
27 V ■
28 9 7 ^ - V
... 3 A ____
- STAR -
Number Name Star influences- abbreviated.
124 SCHEAT Public preferment, gets involved in activities of a
questionable nature,potentially dangerous situations
could prove disastrous.
124 SCHEAT Has many *friends *-makes enemies, may become contr­
oversial,turbulence possible.
Ill DORSUM Subject to secret alliances,a f f airs,strange and
unexpected events possible.
ENIF Native may develop tendency to entertain 'distressful*
ideas.thoughts, be of a melancholy nature, subject to
self destruction,violence.
18 HAYDES.P. He is 'fearless',of a dominant nature, enjoys public
preferment, negatively is subject to violence,jud­
icial sentencing,scandalous actions.
21 RIGEL He is subject to his base nature, criminally

Police have dug up bodies of 30 young men,sexually assaulted,found

under the crawl space of Gary's home ( December 31,1978) in Chicago,


M 3 E ______ GARY r.T!.MnRE-tn„i-,W«.T-_______ ;

________________ CHART NO. 5 0
BIRTH PATA____ December 4th.1940 M c C a m e v .Texas______________________

Longitude o * tf 9 i > V V e s.c. +/-/N F .S . #

12 04 o
G _ 87

15 E S 17 > D +
27 r n v S7 9. - x - -x- K /B -
9 0 ^ * 36 8 o ' □ B/A - 75/76
r /
9 q rw oo a D B/A - 75/76

___ 6 & 52 V □ K/K - 10/11

9 a »? ■


- A / ?
- STAR -
dumber Star Influences- abbreviated
87 RASTABAN Native can become a manipulator!face legal prob­
lems! turbulence*
79 UNUK Encounters many difficultiesiaccused|Unable to
clear himself, possible judicial sentence.turb­
ulence .
80 AGENA He Is mentally keen, could be very successful.etc.
75 ACRUX He desires suffering,has confused values,Ideas not
76 ALPHECCA Has artistic and musical abilities,etc.
75 ACRUX Has a daring,rebellious attitude,Immune to suffer­
76 ALPHECCA Has an active mind, etc.
10 HAMAL Subject to Improper living habits, etc.
11 SCHEDIR Occult preference,Is hypocritical.


NAME______ HUBERT HUMPHREY- U.S. SENATOR_______________ CHART NO. 51

BIRTH DATA May 27.1911 Wallace.Idaho.______________________________

longitude o » V 9 * u b V V i s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

5 J C Q4 0 K -
24 b __ ID.
) A 1# B + 16
W K + 12
11 H 41 *
16 20 9 5* J F 38
25 19 a □ + —
■ j *
697^34 V A 74
T i
13 t i * ■
79 ___ V ■
19 V

77 T C ___. t
- STAR -
Number Jiang Star Influences- abbreviated.
18 PR IMA HYADUM Preferment In g o v 't affairs,etc..Lastin
public popularity.Name and fame.
16 ALGOL Gains victory o v e r competitors.subject to
setbacks.Native Is of a dogged,Indefatigable
nature,continually striving to reach his
goals.never at a loss for words,etc.
Illness of a sublime nature possible.
12 ALMACH Has a keen amntality.can gain high honours,
success and good fortune can be his lot,
financial problems but he will overcome
them.Good for domestic matters.
38 WASAT Tendency to keep emotional problems to him­
76 KHAMBHA High public preferment.wide popularity,fame
can be expected.



Mtffi______ CHART NO.
BIRTH DATA February 14th,1913 Brazil.Indiana

Longitude o 5 8 8 s U V V l s.c. +/ - / H F.S. #

25 i & j j l O o '” 2 l X □ A - —

5 □ B - 16
24 t!> 57 rX
26 vaA^ 27 8 X □ A _ __
- j u J X L *>*> 9 □ 21- B

26 19 S A s _

9 06 U B 10 0
27 & \
4 W V
___“ _VSM____
2 8 jn t

Number JJflag Star Influences- abbreviated.
16 ALGOL Gains victory over competitors,he is of a
dogged indefatigable type.clntinually pers­
istent towards his g o a l , is of a clever,
designing nature.possible turbulent end,also
possible Judicial sentence.
3 ALPHERATZ A neat tidy person, operates within or without
the law, not a loner.

100 NUNKI Preferment in public matters,etc.

A well known labor leader who began as a grocery boy in Brazil,

Indiana,raising hlmaelf to lead a powerful labor union,was abducted
and killed by gangsters.


NAME_______BRUNO HAUPIMANN-unfortunate._______________ CHARI NO. 53

BIRIH DATA November 26,1899 Saxony.Germany___________________

Longitude o 9 9 9 £ u * V V t s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

4 02 G N
5 a □ —
17 HTf? 74 a N
0 3/B - 90/91
2 3 ^ 06 X J *

22 ^ 06 9
< s X / B/B

17 ^ 00 7
73 0 ^ 41 y B N 80

73 ^ b
8 w
26 H U V

i4 m e t

HunbSE Hflna Star Influences- abbreviated.
90 RASALHAGUE He Is mentally keen, can be very abrupt.gets
Involved In dangerous situations.even turb­
91 LESUTH He can uncover 'secrets' that are 'hidden',If
he gets Involved In legal and other serious
matters.endless problems could results.
90 RASALHAGUE He Is a private person,of a suspicious nature,
secretive. Can be very unpredictable.
91 LESUTH Gets himself Involved In Intrigues, has serious
unsolvable problems.
89 SAB IK Gets his priorities mixed up-self destructs.
80 AGENA Involved In legal matters.etc


Mffi_______ PAIR1C1A HEARSI - unfortunate_____________ chart n o . 54

BIRTH DATA February 20,1954 San Francisco,California.__________

Longitude o B « i V b V E s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

+ 118/119
1 49 Q a A A G/ A
1> +
7 ^ 21 7T * A P —

17 H 01 t? D □ A A A - 121
7 ^ 03 9 □ □ A —

B + 21
6 ^ OR &

16 3 t : 36 n

9 b ■
19 cZe> V

25 V

24 </? c
Nimber NATne Star Influences- abbreviated.
118 sadalmelik Encounters problems of a serious nature,gains
not of a lasting nature.
119 FONALHAUT Easily Influenced by wrong people,can gain an
Inheritance but will be unproductive of any
12 1 SKAT Has unusual talents, is ingenious, but may be
unpredictable,which oould create problems,etc
Legal favors •
Daughter of a millionaire, basic problems did not suddenly dev­ a student at Berkeley,lived with a former teacher.Was
captured from her apartment by a gang of hoodlums who brain­
washed her, made her comltt unlawful acts.

NAME________ ADOLF HITLER- Dictator_____________________ CHART NO. 5 5

BIRTH DATA_____ April 20>1889 Branua Am I n n ,Austria.______________

Longitude o J 0 9 3 V V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #


1 o
P0 '

0 +

6 ^ g 31 » F + 99
25 T 18 tf G - 5/6
16 £5 50 9

3 - _-
-16 15
H B +
8 ~ V D 15 10 0

13 A b

19 V

0 T C V
___ _________
Nushar Name
99 FACIES Native can rise to an Influential
position,subject to losses,turbulence,etc.

5 KULLAT NUNI He can be very determined,tends to be a

lav unto himself, very opinionated, may
become a loner,or private personinatives
direction affected by early training.
Turbulent actions possible.

6 GREAT NEBULAE A changeable nature, subject to mental


10 0 NUNKI High p r e f e m e c e In government matters,etc


---------PRESIDENT LYNDON B. IQHNSnN_______________ CHART NO.___ ^

BIRTH DATA August 27,1908 Stonewall.Texas_________________

Longitude 0 » 0 9 i u b V V T s .c . + /-/N F.S. #

___3 T f X 45 O +
o '
... 9 ^ 0 9
) X A A - 57
io T Y ? 20
19 c jj? 20
7T A A +

A 40
01 S Z. m
2 fi J\ u
Hi B/K N 51/54
---9 _ T __ 1t

13 -JL ____ V ■
16 ___ V
23 JJZ E


{UHtt S ta r I n flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .

57 ZOSMA He h a s a c l e a r I n t e lle c t,b e n e fits by reason o f

an e g o t i s t i c a l n a t u r e , Is som e w h a t c r i t i c a l and can

be c a r p in g .

40 CASTOR An o u t o f th e o r d in a r y l i f e , a b l e to overcom e
a d v e r s i t y t n o t g o o d f o r m a r r ia g e u n le s s p a rtn er
Is v e r y c o n g e n ia l.
54 REGULUS S u b je c t t o f a n e 'm i l i t a r y a n d / o r g o v e r n m e n t 'h o w ­
e v e r g r e a tn e s s w i l l s u f f e r an e c lip s e *

51 alph ard P o s s ib ilit y o f w r o n g a t t a c h m e n t s .w r o n g a d v i s e ,

lia b le t o d i s g r a c e f u l a c t i o n s . l e g a l p r o b le m s .

M S ___________ PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON _____________________ CHART NO. 57
BIRTTj DATA____ D<gQ<?.ml?er 2 9 . 1 9 0 9 __ R a l e i g h . N o r t h C a r o l i n a . ___________

Longitude G J « 9 s u b V V T s . c . +/ - / N F .S . #
7 28 G □ * * -*• B + 100

27 8 23 J s s B . 17
9 i/ K N 9 3 /9 4 /9 5
2S ^ T 7 10

13 ^ 49
9 A 0 - —

9 = C r 56 t * A N 68

. 12 05 V m - 1A B + 122
2 9 O fft f b


5 ^ V

12 V f l

- STAR -
Winter Wans S ta r in flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .
100 NUNKI H ig h g o v e r n m e n t a n d p u b l i c p r e f e r m e n t . Has a
k n ack f o r g e t t in g In to p o s s i b l y e m b a r r a s s in g
p o s it io n s .t h e n s lid in g o u t w ith o u t any l o s s e s .
17 PLEIADES L e a d e r s h ip a b i l l t y . h e is o f an i n d e f a t i g a b l e
n a t u r e .b o u n d to s u c c e e d .c o u ld be fa ls e ly a ccu sed ,
u n a b le o r d i f f i c u l t to c l e a r h i m s e l f .m a y b e gen­
e r a l m is fo r t u n e .e t c .
93 ETAHIN He k e e p s h i s ow n c o u n s e l , g e t s In v o lv e d in c o s t ly
in tr ig u e s .
94 ACUMEN N ot a p p li c a b l e
95 S IN ISTRA He i s m e n t a lly k e e n ,b u t s u b je c t to 'm e a n a c t s ' .
68 ALGORAB May b e I n v o l v e d in d is p u t e s .b u t em erges u n sca th e d
122 ACHERNAR A c o n ju n c t io n fo r fa m e ,e tc .


NAME REVEREND JIM JO N E S -R elig io u s p ro m o ter___________CHART NO.

BIRTH DATA May 1 3 ,1 9 3 1 Lynn,R andolph C o u n ty ,In d ia n a _____________

Longitude o t V 9 3 y ¥ E s.c. + /-/N F .S . #

22 t i 23 ©
X A M + 1 4 /1 5

14 T 15 5 A 0 n B - 3

3 H 37 e A A N 9

20 T 40 9 A 0 □ □ K 4

16 c fl___l x
S x A X A + 49

16 <5^ 57 n 0 A/G - 3 8 /3 9

23 ^ 'i

17 T _____ V

s m V

18 €*> l

- STAR -
Number Name Star influences- abbreviated.

66 VINDEMIATRDC Has a 'regal'bearing!gains success after

much effort,has an obssesslon to get ahead,
an inner drive for recognition,etc.
67 PORRIMA Generally,as above, but may get himself
Involved In Intrigues without realizing it,
If so emerges unscathed,etc.
49 MERAK Has leadership ability,a leader In his own
field, Is very determined,etc.
73 T.KUNG May be well lilted by friends .associates .also
can be outspoken,etc
88 RAS ALGETHI He has good moral courage,etc.
89 SAB IK He held widely varying views from his cont­
emporaries ,and profited thereby,etc.


NAME MRS V ICKY MARSHALL-unfortunate;________________ CHARI NO. 59

BIRTH DATA January 20,1958 South Bend,Indiana______________________

Longitude o * 0 9 £ u b V V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

23 ^ 19 0 - —

3 }& 01 » X □ 7 s□ G _ 109
5 39 S
* * A K + 98

13 ft# 20 9 A N 113

1 9 ^ 7 15
■ </ z. A/A _ 89/90
oTTl/ 34 V ■ 1
- —

2 1 ^ * ■
.IP A _____ V ■
4 T7V V

1 T O l

Number Name Scar influences- abbreviated.
109 DABIH A tendency towards radicalism by the
•engulfs'her.she Is of a suspicious nature,mist­
rustful of others,she is unfortunate,etc.
98 KAUS BOREALIS Endowed with a keen mentality,possible-
problematical actions.Involved in dead end
113 DORSUM Not applicable
90 RASALHAGUE An imagination out of control,gets involved
in turbulent situations.self destruction
89 SABIK She is endowed with mental hopefulness,




BIRTH DATA M a y 29,1917 Brookline.Massachusetts

Longitude o » « « S y b V V t s .c . + /-/N F .S . #
7J H 51 O Z * K/K - 1 9 /2 0
5 Z
17 W Z 12 A □ A * A 58
0 + —
20 b 35 o ' o ' * □ z
16 ZEE 02 9 X Z B . 21

.17 43
■ □ z + ...
23 H 04 V ■ -x - □ M 1 4 /1 5
21 <22> b
23 'C & ■
- J l A _____ ■
3 t

- STAR -
Hualtat H am Star Influences- abbreviated.

20 ALDEBARAN Great success.always lurking Is a tremendous loss,

price of fame could be high.Turbulence possible.

21 RIGEL May receive high honours(domestic problems posslhle.

14 ZANRAK Gains ability for wealth accumulation.etc.

15 GYRUS Not applicable


NAME_______ HELEN K E LLE R - unfortunate___________________ CHART NO. 61

BIRTH DATA_______June 2 7 ,1 8 8 0 Tuscumbla.Alabama.___________________

Longitude o » tr 9 3 n b V V t s.c. * / -/ v F .S . #
6 2P 08 O </ □ * A 35
20 52 J *- A N 123
» + ...
2 23 05 9 □ m/ a - 33 /3 4

15 A 32 i ■ A a A - 49
16 T 48 u ■ - ...

27 T b ■
sTR V ■
13 « <v

27 & e
- STAR -
MuakfiC Hama S ta r ln flu e n c e a - a b b r e v ia te d .

35 ALHENA She I s p r i d e f u l ,l o v e s a life o f e a s e ,n o t la z y im a y

r e c e iv e h ig h h o n o u r s ,e t c .
1 2 3 MARKAB S u b j e c t t o m any p r o b l e m s ^ c o n t i n u a l l y s t r i v e s fo r
a c c e p t a n c e t s e r io u s h e a lt h p r o b le m s .

33 TEJAT O r d e r ly e le g a n c e and a q u i e t p e r s i s t e n c e s ig n ifie s

t h is n a tiv e .
34 DIRAH N a tiv e I s p r a g m a t ic ,I n t e r e s t e d In m a te r ia l c o n c e r n s .
4 9 MERAK Has a b i l i t y to l e a d a n d d o m in a t e s i t u a t i o n s . s u b l i m e
I lln e s s p o s s ib le .

H e l e n K e l l e r w as n o t b o r n b l i n d , b u t a s e v e r e I lln e s s w hen s h e was

1 9 m o n th s o l d , l e f t h e r s l g h l t e s s and d e a f . S h e b e ca m e a n d a u t h o r
a n d g r a d u a t e d fr o m c o l l e g e .


NAME HENRY K A IS E R -I n d u s tria lis t .CHART NO. 62

M a y 9th,1882 CanaJohorle,New York.

Longitude o » 9 9 3 U b V s.c. +/ - / N F .S . #
18 £ $ 36 O / As . —
3 VW 43 J> +
A A f /b/a 109/11 0/111
27 £5 10 V
* B +
8 IT 15 9
o ' n K 20
p 1
| 10



K + 18
3 J T 56 U
r ■ J
16 M \ ■
14 T R V
16 H V

28 __ ■
- STAR •
U uabfiC U a aa S ta r in flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .
1 0 9 DABIH P r e fe r m e n t i n la r g e u n d e r ta k in g s , he ca n b e In n ov a t­
iv e ,e tc .
1 1 0 OCULUS Has t h e a b i l i t y t o m ake g a i n s th r u b e in g I n d u s t r io u s .
1 11 BOS A b le t o fo r g e a h e a d ,m a k e l a r g e g a in s ,e t c .
1 7 ALYCONE Has a f i n e n e n t a llt y ,s u b je c t to d i s a p p o i n t m e n t s .m a y b e
of la r g e p r o p o r t io n s ,e t c .
1 8 HYADE.P. G a in s h i g h p u b l i c p r e f e r m e n t , d a n g e r l u r k s t h a t ha
m ay l o s e h i s g a in s ,e t c .

2 0 ALDEBARAN He I s v e r y c r e a t i v e , d a n g e r o f p e r s o n a l l o s s e s , e t c .

HENRY KISSINGER- politician 63
BIRTH DATA M a y 27.1923 Fuerth,Germany

— 1
Longitude o 0 s g V b V ! s.c. + /-/N F.S. #
5H U 32 o X K N 1 ft
J> B/K
23 =£3= 10 A N 71/72
C + 19/20
7H E 31 X K/K

7 8 05 9 -X- K/K
- 10

27 3 E 55
g ■ r/M/K + 30/31/32

llTfo 24 n □ A B/A 75/76

13 b

17 w

15 J j V

io e

- STAR -
Star Influences- abbreviated.
18 HYADES,PRIMA Preferment in gov't matters.lasting public pop­
ularity .name and fame,etc.
71 SPICA He is clever.ingeniousjwealth,honours possible.
72 ARCTURUS He gains many friends.capable of exercising
good Judgement.Money is important to him.
19 AIN He is very envious.subject to domestic problems.
10 HAMAL A very likeable person,his actions at times do
not seem logical.
30 POLARIS He is bold,pushy,popular,at tiroes his associates
find him impossible,etc.
31 BETLEGUESSE A good,popular leader,tends to appear of a res­
erved nature.
75 ACRUX He has definite leadership qualities,ctc.
76 ALPHECCA He gains high preferment in his dealings,he
will leave his 'mark'.


NAME_______ ROBERT F. KENNEDY-politician_______________CHART NO. 64

BIRTH DATA November 20,1925 B rookline.Massachusetts.__________

Longitude o B 9 $ u b w V t s.c. +/-/N F .S . #

+ 81
27 1 ^ 47 O A D G/K

27 - v £ 30 ]>
+ ...
0 B +
1 9 - ^ 43 * -X- A Q 90
14 - \ 6 56 9 M/A + 102/103
-* o '
4 ^ 4 5 & A N 74

28 - y £ 06 u B + 104
* *
18 f Y W b ■
21 ■h W ■
24 A
-1 3 ^ -
- STAR -
N tm b er Name S ta r I n flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .
81 TOLLIMAN H ig h p u b l i c p r e f e r m e n t . n a t i v e l a s e l f c e n t e r e d ,
c a n m ake p r o g r e s s , b u t w i l l a l i e n a t e fr ie n d s and
m ake e n e m i e s ,
9 0 RASALHAGUE He I s m e n t a l l y k e e n a n d a c t i v e , a l s o a b ru p t.
1 0 2 MANNUBRIUM N o t a p p l i c a b l e
1 0 3 WEGA He c a n b e c o l d h ea rted In h is d e a lin g s .
7 4 KHAMBLIA He I s b o l d , b r a s h , p u s h y . S e l f d e s t r u c t i o n o r t u r b ­
u le n c e Is p o s s i b l e , h e ca n b e u n s c r u p u lo u s .s t u b b o r n .
1 0 4 DENEB T h is c o n j u n c t i o n p r o d u c e s n a t i v e s w ho m ake u s e
of fr ie n d s ,r e la t iv e s a s s te p p in g s to n e s t o h ig h
p o s itio n s .


NAME_____ THOMAS BERT LANCE- financier ________________ CHART NO. 65

BIRTH DATA______ June 3rd,1931 Young Harris, 6 eorgla._______________

Longitude o 0 9 S u b V V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

urn: n © + —
11 -vg 32 + 10 0 /10 1
17 # 45 e ■ <f * A X
+ .. .
15 H 32 9 * -* K 12

26 M 00 & ■ K/B N 51/54

20 ‘ Zc? 35 V ■ A/K N 40/41

22 ~vg b
18 T V

3 T ( T W

19 E

- STAR -
Number Name Sear Influences- abbreviated.

100 NUNKI High preferment In unusual projects,Ideas,etc.

101 ASCELLA He Is endowed with good moral strength.enduring to
the end,ha 8 good fortune and happiness. High public
12 ALMACH He can develop strong opinions on certain subjects
of personal Importance, has many acquaintances but
few close friends.Good possibility of national

REGULUS** Troubles brought on by- his actions .possible

scandal,he can be very stubborn.He will experience
fameihe has a strong character.etc.
40 CASTOR Suuden fame,good or bad,etc
41 POLLUX What he receives he has earned, but must exercise
caution not to get Involved In embarrassing



BIRTH DATA__ January 29. 194?_Paris.Franrp._________________

Longitude o 9 £ n 9 8 S.C. +/-/N F.S. #

„ vW
8 kW 27 O A +
8 18 D * A N 35
26 \ / 34 5
aa □ a _
16 in 9 a A _

.8 & £ ■ □ K - 10
11 23_ ■ + —

71 H b
26 V
4/] l
- STAR -
Mjaber UABfi Star influences- abbreviated.

35 ALHENA Public preferment,native Is proud of her accomplish­

ments,loves a life of ease,danger of losing any gains

10 HAMAL Can get involved In affairs leading to turbulence and/

or disastrous situations(develops secret 'bad' habits.
Subject to final ruin and disgrace.

NAME _____ HENRY l.ANDRU (French Bluebeard-murderer) CHART NO. 67

BIRTH DATA----- Ap,H 1 q ,Fratirp

Longitude O T> 0 9 £ n b V t s.c. +/-/N F .S . #

22 T 21 0 </•
+ —
24 T_30- G 5/6
5 T 28 tf N 2
9 N ...
15 T ?n
16 J l 50 £
■ A A □ B 49

26 T 01
U ■ A + 5/6
16 A b
13 V

1 7 ? V

is £5 t

- STAR -
Number Name Star influences- abbreviated.

5 KULLAT NUNI Has a great determination to succeed .native

will reap the harvest of his efforts.He Is very
6 GREAT NEBULAE He has a strong Inner drive.subject to turbulence,
develops secret bad habits.etc

2 ALGENIB He Is mentally keen, subject to mental disturba­

nces, can create lasting problems, has no moral
stamlna, Is of an argumentlve nature.
49 MERAK He has the ability to lead and dominate situat­
ions, danger of sublime Illness.

Fixed star conjunction Jupiter,In this case,#5 and 6 are not


From 1902 to 1921 Landru enticed, tortured and killed 10 women and
1 young man before he was caught.He wasflnally hung. His neighbors
held good opinions of this man,Just as they did of Gacey.the homo­
sexual murderer In Chicago In 1978.


NAME_________ PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN_______________________CHART NO. 68

BIRTH DATA February 12, 1809 Hodgensvllle.Kentucky____________

Longitude o » V 9 3 n b V w i s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

23 16 o N ...
22 -v? 15 » □ M N 1U5
10 H 12 » A B + 122
a /
7 T 14 * A 7\ A B 2

25 ■=
G = 25 g - ...

22 04 V A N 123
b .
V ■

14 t

JjjjB b p C Q gBft S ta r I n flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .

105 TERREBELUM He l a s e l f s e e k in g ,c le v e r .p o s s ib le d o m e s tic
p r o b le m s t h ig h g o v e rn m e n t p r e f e r m e n t ,b u t c o u ld
s u f f e r an e c l i p s e .

122 ACHERNAR He I s v e r s a t i l e a n d h u m a n e ,e t c
2 ALGENIB He a p p e a r s d l g n l f e d , e v e n r e g a l,h a s fin e
gen erou s a t t r ib u t e s .
123 MARKAB S u ccess In la r g e v e n t u r e s , b u t an e v e r p r e s e n t
danger o f t u r b u le n c e ,e t c .


NAME_______ GRANT LEWI- a u t h o r a n d a s t r o l o g e r _____________ CHART NO. 69

BIRTH DATA J u n e 8.190/ A lb a n y .N ew Y o r k ___________________________________

Longitude o > 8 9 d u b V V i s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

O +
16 3E 48 A s s A 12 1

19 31 ) 7T 7T K A/K - 40/41

5 11 0 * cS A + 35
9 K/K + 1 0 /1 1
5 8 11
O U C 52 t A X
+ ...
u A G +
17 ft# 15 ■ * 114

27 b
19 -Jr* V

0 S? V I
17 ___ ■
- STAR -
U n b fiE Hauls S ta r I n flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .

121 SKAT H ig h p u b l i c p r e f e r m e n t , t e n d s to be o f an I d e a li s t i c
n a t iv e ,s o m e p s y c h i c p r e fe r m e n t , c r i t i c i s m s h o u ld
be e x p e cte d .
40 CASTOR P re fe r m e n t i n o c c u l t m a t t e r s .s o m e p s y c h i c a b i l i t y ,
n a tiv e is a 's e n s i t i v e 'p e r s o n .
41 POLLUX He i s p r id e fu l,e t c . p o s s i b l e s u b lim e i l l n e s s or
s e l f d e s t r u c t io n ,e t c .
55 AL HENA He i s v e r y d e t e r m in e d , b ecom es s u c c e s s f u l b u t n e v e r
r e a l l y a t p e a c e w ith h i m s e l f .P o s s ib l e d o m e s tic p rob '
le m a .

10 HAMAL He i s e n v io u s o f h is c a p a b l l t l e s , b u t o f a d u n tle s s
n a t u r e ,e tc .

11 SCHEDIR An o p p o r t u n i s t , z e a lo u s o f h i s a c c o m p lis h m e n t s , e t c .
114 CASTRA N ot a p p lic a b le .



BIRTH DATA_____ January 9th.1913 Yorba Linda,California.__________

Longitude o J 8 9 u b V V i s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

19 -V& 23 o ■ x A / B + 104
>fl VVAWA/ 49 » f /g /a -
* □ A 115/116/11/
10 8
S «/ X B + 97
0 -v^

3 * 10 9 - x *- □ X G/A - 118/119
29 ^ 30 S 7K X + 95
s K

___ i~yj> 39 V X </ B N 97

27 y b
•5 LA/V V
* l/W
24 ^ V
26 m r l

- STAR -
Number Name Star influences- abbreviated.
104 DENEB Native has the ability to lead and command,etc.
115 KASHIRA Gains high preferment in gov't matters, he can
turn adversity to success.
116 SADALSUUD Unsual domestic conditions»he canacqulre
new friends.still he will be of an enigma 1
has good leadership ability.
117 DENEB ALGEDI Success after patient plodding, danger of
final loss of position and respect,etc.
97 POL IS He is a private person, tends to dominate
situations.writings,speeches,etc could create
lasting difficulties,etc.
118 SADALMELIK Gains many friends.makes controversial state­
ments,suffers from fancied wrongs.subject to
lasting problems.
119 FOMALHAUT Subject to undermining influences by self
seeking persons that could lead to his down­
95 SINISTRA He is a dominant,forceful personality,etc.
97 polls High gov't preferment,possible-name and fame.


ME- KARL M A R X-C ontroversial a u th o r CHART NO. 71

BIRTH DATA M a y 5th,1818 Treves, Prussia

Longitude o > 0 9 3 U b V W t s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

13 b 55 o N —

11 13 i a K/M + 12/13

27 T C 33 9 X M/K N 31/32

27 d 32 « * B + 17

20 48 s K N 41
+ 102/103
12 > § 57 u T M/A

15 b

19 V

2 5 - » * ____ V
26 X - ____
Number Name Star influences- abbreviated.
12 ALMACH Native will be of a perservering nature,gains
friends.possible fame,good or bad,he can enjoy
honours in writings and public affairs.Some
controversial questions could result from his
13 KENKAR Used with negative Moon's.
31 BETELGUESSE He is studious-fame.good or bad possible.
32 MENKALININ Not applicable
17 ALCYONE He is a private person, very determined,etc
41 POLLUX Can be very obstinate,wilfull,prefers to lead,
not follow,domestic problems possible.
10 2 MANNUBRIUK Not applicable
103 WEGA High public and writings preferment,any setback
in plans keenly felt.


EAfcffi_____ c h a r i .e s MANSON-crlmlnal_______________________ CHART NO. 72

BIRTH DATA November 12.1934 Cincinnati,Ohio____________________

Longitude O 0 9 S *? V t s.c. +/ - / H F .S . #
1 8 1(11? 55 © c f *- B N 78
20 -vS 14 5 *- A X A + —

2 58 0 - 73
17 rfW 10 9 +
* □ B 78
1 4 7 ) 1 19 S
■ ✓ A + 58
6 lU 2 _ 5 5 u A N
■ 74
21 b
28 T V

26 O j? i

• STAR -
Nunber Name Star influences- abbreviated
78 EL SCHEMALI He has good organizing ability.overcomes
setbacks.becomes Involved in unusual sit­
uations .etc.
73 T.KUNG Endowed with a penetrating mind,full of dis­
content, creating circumstances that can create
legal problems, shbject to judicial sentence.
78 EL SCHEMALI He Is likeable,people tend to gravitate
towards him,etc.
58 MIZAR He Is quick wltted, makes controversial
statements, becomes Involved In unusual affairs
possibly Involving blood shed,etc.
74 KHAMBLIA Extremes In acceptance from undesirables
or society castoffs expectes.fame,good or
bad possible.



BIRTH DATA November 14,1908 Wisconsin

Longitude o » V 8 3 V b V V e s.c. + /-/H F.S. #

2 1 'nv « A K/B N
5 Jfj 59 □ * A K ♦ 46
2 35 » ~K - ---

12 34 9 X □ D A - 68

23 ^ 2 =. 47 3 ■ A B/K + 71/72

1 1 W 2 3 U □ A + 57
3 T b ■
14 - A V ■
16 5 5 V
24 J U T l

- STAR -
Iftaber Hans Star influences- abbreviated.

79 UNUK He Is bold,will have a rise In life followed by a

fall, gets Involved In Intrigues,etc
80 AGENA Gains - friends,subject to many problems created
by his own Indiscretion,etc.
46 KOCHAB He Is bold,daring In his approach to problems,self
destruction possible.
68 ALGORAB He can be diplomatic and charming.makes friends
easily, creates sorrows .resorts to fiendish acts.i
71 SPICA Is rigid In disputes, unbending etc.
72 ARCTURUS He Is popular.makes gains etc.
57 ZOSMA High government preferment,he creates many

Senator later destroyed himself by his n u m e r o u s false accusations

and becoming an alcohollc-he was finally,after doing so much
damage, censored by the US Senate.


BIRTH DATA June 1,9126 Los Angeles,California

Longifude Q I 0 9 i V * V V e s.c. ■ *7-/n F.S. #

103H 27 O N
K 20
19 £ £ 00 5
X n G - 114

6 -J IZ 46 N
28 T 45 9 X A M + 7
20 45 S A 7Y A 123
26 W , 50 V
■ a X / + a...
21 n r r v b
29 X : V r~

22 A V

13 c
- STAR -
Number Name Srar Influences- abbreviated.
20 adelbaran Native will be successful,but lurking Is the
shadow of a loss,her price for fame could be
high tubrulence or self destruction possible.
114 CASTRA She sets her own course for good or bad,high
public preferment possible, self destruction
7 MIRACH Impulslve-ness,etc.

123 MARKAB She Is very emotional and of a quarreling nature

she creates her own problems,etc.

DIANA OUGHTON-revolutlonary
BIRTH DATA January 26,1942 Dwig h t ,Illinois

Longitude O 9 9 3 b V T s.c. + /-/» Y.S. #

c MAf CO
--- b ->Q
o ■ a A D A • 111
0 TT~ 40 » a A* B - 17

24 VX 24 8 m s □ □ 7C - —

17 SSI 29 9 - —

7 H 30 3 □ K/K - 10/11
11Z C 33 V - ...
21 b

_ £ ____ w

25 7 Y X V

- STAR -
Star Influences- abbreviated.

Ill BOS Gains preferment In unusual areas of Interest,

some could be radical In nature, which could
create problems,etc
17 ALCYONE She has leadership ability,she Is determined.
10 HAMAL Involvement In certain affairs could lead
to turbulent or disastrous situations,subject
her to final ruin/disgrace.

11 SCHEDIR She Is dogged and determined,turbulence possible

A product of a fine , i d w e s t e m family .properly raised .but she

left home to attend an eastern college and then to a trip to Germ­
any where she became associated with radlcals-thls started her on
her road to disaster. She became a .member of the radlcal'Weather-
men' group and was finally killed making a bomb In a bomb factory
In Greenwich Village,NYC. NYC police established that she was hold'
lng the bomb when It went off.


NAME LEE HARVEY OSWALD- u n fo r tu n a te CHART NO. 76

PIRIH DATA O cto b e r 1 8 ,19 3 9 New O r le a n s ,L o u ls ia n a

Longitude o T> a 9 S n b V E s.c. +/ - / N p.s. #

23 = £ ir 42 o X B /K N 71 /7 2
2 8 .^ 1 2 » a A □ X K - 94 /9 5

l o O T V 17 □ B /A - 75/ /6

4 T i l / 50 9 D A - 74
10 50 &
■ M - 112
1 T 12 n A K • 1
28 71 b
20 ft V
24 " m V

... ° A _______ ■
N jjn b g £ jjamfi S ta r in flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .
71 S PIC A A c l e v e r ,i n g e n i o u s p e r s o n ,s e e k s c o n s t a n t ch a n g e ,
an u n s e t t le d sta te o f m in d , s u b j e c t t o name a n d
fa m e ,g o o d o r b a d .
72 ARCTORUS M any u p s a n d d ow n s i n n a t i v e s l i f e , ca n becom e
o f a d is c o n t e n t e d n a tu r e .
94 ACUMEN Som e l e a d e r s h i p a b i l i t y , h e m u s t e x e r c i s e c a u tio n
le s t he f a l l ou t o f fa v o r ,e tc .
95 S IN IS TR A H a n g in g o v e r h im i s th e d an ger o f a b ig lo s s ,
s c a n d a lo u s a c t io n s p o s s ib le .
75 ACRUX He c a n b e c o m e I n v o l v e d in in t r ig u e s .m y s t e r io u s
p e o p le , s u b je c t s f a s c i n a t e h i m .T u r b u l e n c e p o s s i b l e
76 ALPHECCA Be i s m e n t a l l y k e e n , m in d m o re a c t i v e th a n h i s
body . He I s s u b je c t to lo s s e s , b e t r a y a l s th e Is
a lo n e r , s u b je c t t o b e in g d is h o n o u r e d .

74 KHAMBLIA A v e r y Im p e r s o n a l p e r s o n , h a r b o r s g r u d g e s ,c a n be
v e r y m ea n ,
1 DENEB KAITOS He w i l l s u ffe r fr o m t r e a c h e r y , p o o r J u d gem en t,
and ca n b e u n c o n s c io n a b le in h is d e a lin g s .


NAME ARISTOTLE O N A S S I S - F i n a n c i e r _____________________ CHART NO. 77

BIRTH DATA S e p te m b e r 2 1 ,1 9 0 6 I z m i r . T u r k e y ______________________________

Longitude o 5 (J 9 s U b V V t s .c . + /-/N P .S . #
27 W 15 o /L B N 64
2 W V 2 3 K +
* 73
24 32 » o K/ B/ r1 + 61/62/63

I B ^ Y V 38 9 AA A f /a
+ 77

5 P Y ? 27 $ t o f A + ...
8 43 U A s s A N 35

10 b

4 V

12 V

23 H E l

N um ber Nmwi S ta r I n flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .

64 MARKEB H ig h b u s i n e s s p r e f e r m e n t > a w i d e k n o w le d g e .m u c h
t r a v e lin g ,e t c .
73 “ .LONG He h a s t h e a b i l i t y to s t a r t s m a ll and g a in h ig h
p r e fe r m e n t ,e t c .o v e r c o m e s m any o b s t a c l e s .
61 LABRUM P s y c h ic a b i l i t y ,I n t e l l l g e n c e S w e a l t h o b ta in e d In
a n u n u s u a l m a n n e r ,h e c a n b e e x a g g e r a t i v e , c o m b a t i v e .
62 AL KAID T r a g e d ie s e x p e c t e d In h l s l l f e , h a s an e x a lt e d o p in io n
o f h im s e lf,e t c
63 ALARAPH B o ld n e s s , s h a m e le s s , a c o m b a tiv e n a t u r e , e t c .
77 EL GENUBI Has a n u n f o r g i v i n g n a t u r e , d o m e s t i c p r o b l e m s ,
he is v e ry c le v e r ,s o c ia b le and l i k e a b l e .
35 ALHENA S u u cess a s s u r e ,e c t , g o o d a t m is le a d in g fr ie n d s .



BIRTH DATA August 5th.1926 Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

longitude 0 0 9 3 u m e s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

17 o
12 J {
X X K /A /F N 4 6 /4 // 4 S
9 09 5 |Z A N 35
f f s
0 X X K - 48
15 J l 56 n
9 A /F + 36/37
14 ^ 40
4 M/A N
2 W 15 ■ A o ' 8 /9
23 33 « m □ G/A - 116/117

19 T Y l/
29 w

24 a/ j

14 &£> t ■
- STAR -
Nimber Name Star Influences- abbreviated.

46 KOCHAB He Is acti v e tgalns public preferment.danger of

47 ACUBENS Preferment In astrology, writings,etc,An Inborn
potential for making out standing contributions,
48 DUB HE Very materialistic,determined to succeed,has the
ability to get the most out of life,etc
35 ALHENA Gains wealth,fame,preferment in astrology.
48 DUBHE He Is ambitious,determined and Intuitive.
36 SIRIUS He radiates a charm of manner,etc.
37 CANOPUS He Is a sensitive person,has strong feelings,
able to conceal them,etc.
9 SHERATAN He Is a leader,gains some prominence In his eareer
116 SADALSUUD Preferment In astrology,etc
117 DENEB ALGEDI Encounters disappointments,which really do
not bother him,etc.


BIRTH DATA October 1 1 »1915 Los Angeles California*

Longitude 0 D 0 9 n b V 1 s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

17^3= 02 0 Q A - 69

2 1 T I Q / 32 »
X A A K/B 7 9 /8 0

eHTYV 50 0 n D A A - 74
9 K + 72
24 38

1 J1 58 & ■ </ X - —
A 123
20 32 u
T i
16 b
11 v w
3 ■
- STAR -
Numher Star Influences- abbreviated.
69 SEGINUS She attracts friends who come to her aid when
79 UNUK Not applicable
80 AGENA She can be stubborn, problems created by her own
74 KHAMBLIA She Is mentally keen* possibility of self destruction.
72 ARCTURUS She can be popular, have many friends,false friends,
123 Makab She can enter Into a situation that could lead to

A very interesting case-Marlon was Kidnapped and murdered but her

twin sister was not- REFER TO PAGE 22 "Twins" which fully explains
such situations. Marlon Parker dledi Dec.l7,1927,1927 Los Angeles,
California. Her twin sisters name was Marjorie.


NAME ELVIS PRESLEY-singer__________________________ CHART NO. 80

BIRTH DATA January 8.1935 Tupelo.Mlsslppl_______________________ _

Longitude o 1 0 9 i u b V V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

17 33 © □ * A B + 104
6 41 A N 121

22 51 0 □ M - 105
29 47 9 □ « /* - .. .
12 sESr 51 S
■ X A + 68
1 8 ^ 7 1 / 00 V * B + 78
2 5 5K b
- 2 Z . T _____
i4 n n r e V

7 5 ‘Z ? ■
- STAR -
Mmber tyufl Star Influences- abbreviated.
104 DENEB High public preferment.native has good ability,etc.

121 SKAT He overcomes seemingly Impossible obstacles.etc.

105 TERREBELUM He has a penetrating suspicious mind,Is very
determined and mercenary.
68 ALGORAB He becomes Involved In disputes,legal problems,
self destruction possible.
78 EL SCHEMALI Preferment In religion and public matters,
has many friends,etc.


NAME________EZRA POND- poet-philosopher________________ CHART NO. 81

BIRTH DATA_____ October 30,1885 Halley.Idaho________________________

Longitude © V 9 3 u * V t s.c. + /-/N P.S. #

7 ^ 15 O —
I n A +
50 t A + 43/44
1 6 ^ 01 V B N 78
20 52 9 A B + 90

25 J\ 14 3 X 0 K/B - 51/52
V A A B. + 64
77 T O . 04 ■
8 <=*p b

5 === V
24 a V
1 3 C l

- STAR -
tim b er tins Star Influences- abbreviated.
2 ,3 PRAESAEPE Individualistic with lots of spirit,plenty of
driving force,etc.
44 N.ASSELLI He Is subject to false accusations,etc.
78 EL SCHEHALI Possible to face many problems due to speeches■writ­
90 RASALHAGUE A private,suspicious person,secret!ve and unpred­
51 ALFHARD Sorrows,scandals brouhgt on by his actions,etc.
64 MARKEB He gets Involved,many troubles,etc.


NAiffi_____ PABLO PICASSO-artist__________:

________________ CHART NO. 82
BIRTH DATA_______ October 25,1881 Malaga,Spain._____________________

Longitude o J B « V b V V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

2171/42 O A /
K - 73

B 14 » A/M/A - 85/86
* P
0 -if B + 80
24*711/ 13 s
9 + 65
4 ^ 32 A
S + 36/37
12 &c> 21 ■ -If * ¥ A/F
u B + 15/16
23 ft 34 m o '
9 ft b ■
17 J\ V

is ft____ V

27 ft l

Nutber iiflmfi Star influences- abbreviated
73 T.KUNG He Is very resourceful,able to explore,new u n ­
tried Ideas, can create his own problems,etc.
85 HAN High ;artistic preferment-name -and fame possinle.
86 ANTARES Gains Influential friends,possible great wealth.
80 AGENA He Is mentally keen, very successful In dealing
with the masses.
65 ZANIAH Mentally keen, fond of social activities, artist­
ic ability may be developed,domestic problems poss
36 SIRIUS Industrious and ambitious, has an authorltive
disposition,domestic problems.
37 CANOPUS Industrious,makes changes to suit his purpose,
business and domestic.
15 GYRUS Not applicable
16 ALGOL Able to accumulate wealth,inclined to be a



BIRTH DATA June 22,1954 N e w York City.N.Y.

Longitude o 0 9 a u b V V i s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

0<& 25 G + —
c f s

14 14 » A A B + 122
V A + 40
19 ^ 33 □
5 d l 47 9 7T X □ A - 4 3 /4 4
t B - 97
____3 - A 51 ■ s *
6 ^ 27 V A +
■ A 35

j T IV b ■
21 g g V
23 ■=£3= V

... 23 < f [ ____

- STAR -
Number Qdl&fi Star Influences- abbreviated.
12 2 ACHERNAR High public preferment, he has great empathy for
the less fortunate,etc
40 CASTOR Plagued by Internal dissension,psychic ability
clouded with mental confusion, turbulence or
self destruction possible.
43 PRAESAEPE Subject to many problems etc
44 N. ASSELLI He Is proud,oplnlonate, receives help from
Influential friends,etc
97 POL IS Excells In focusing attention to his abilities and
h i m self,etc.
35 ALHENA Preferment in affairs connected with the public,
enjoys ability to conceal his own problems,etc.


M S -------- NELSON ROCKEFELLER- finanoler-nniItlclan CHART NO. 84

BIRIH DATA July 8,1908 Bar Harbor. Maine________________________

Longitude © > 9 9 * U b V V t S.C. + /-/N P.S. #

16 05 o ■ a cS X a / +
7 7 T b - 51 > A A a □ * A . mmm
10 *£> 17 0 X a 7 s A + 36
12 <£? 03 9 X D 7 </ A
s / A - —
O j} 21
V A X K +
-A5 A -5 4 48
io T b

14 -V# V

14 V
23 H E l

- STAR -
^junket ubbb Star Influences- abbreviated.

36 SIRIUS Great business and legal success Is possible,

he has considerable depth to his mlnd.has a
clear accurate memory, tendency towards u n ­
necessary worrying.
36 SIRIUS The native radiants a charm of manner, but does
prefer a life of ‘e a s e '.

48 DUBHE Gains high public preferment,domestic or

family problems possible,has ' p o w e f to
’overcome' enemies.


m m __________ETHEL ROSENBERG- atom spy________________ CHART NO._85

BIRTH DATA September 28,1915 New York City,Hew York____________
Executedi June 19*1953 Ossining.New York*

Longitude o V 9 * u b V t s.c. + /-/H F .S . *

4 ^3= 16 o ■ A A + 65

9 3E 58
» A /L A K + 2 0 ______

0 TYlr 09 «
0 A -

9 + 66/67
8 ^ 29 K/F
a F - 42
24 4 ? 42 ■
22 04 n w A N 123

15 b
4 VvAU

2 A V
1 l
HunfeSE tiABfi S ta r I n f l u e n c e . a b b r e v ia te d .

65 ZANIAH Has Interests In subjects of little concern to

average person,subject to misplaced Ideals, a
very congenial person unless aroused,etc.
20 ALDEBARAN High honours possible,gpodfor business, but ever
present Is an unknown danger-turbulence possible.
66 VINDD4IATRIX Romantlc/domestlc problems, Involvement In scand­
alous affairs-she Is Impulsive,etc.
67 PORRIMA Permits her sympathies for causes,people,etc
to over shadow her better Judgement, scandalous
actions from which there Is no retreat"possible.
42 PROCYON Has lack of compassion for others, is of an Insens­
itive nature, gets Involved In controversial
123 MARKAB Success in large ventures, enters into conditions
that could create turbulence,etc.


NAME JULIUS ROSENBERG-atom spy_____ ________________ CHARI NO 86

BIRTH DATA M a y 12,1918 New York C i t y ,New York_____________________

Executedi June 19,1953 Ossining,New York.
— 1
Longitude O * 0 9 3 u b V V s.c. + /-/N F.S. #
20 # __ 50. 0 z N —
15 I T 47 P 0 s +
B 21
O b 30 9 Z * 0 - 8
5 T 57 9 A A □ B - 2

S n A - 58
15 J Z 29 u B + 21

8 J] b
27 W

___ 4 J l V |
___ 3 g g ■
- STAR -
Number Hama Star Influences- abbreviated.
21 RIGEL Preferment In unusual occupations,etc.he is versatile
and ingenious.
8 S .MIRA Once he decides on course of action,he remains with
It regardless of outcome,renduring to the end,never
2 ALGENIB Tendency to be a loner, develops some undesirable
traits, a question of mo rals,chaaacter Instability,

58 MIZAR Overly ambitious, Involved in controversial

matteers,etc,involved in ’bloodshed'etc.
21 RIGEL A victim of his baser nature, criminally inclined,
turbulence possible.


NAME_________ SIRHAN-SIRHAN murderer___________________ CHART N O . 87

BIRTH DATA_______March 19.1944 Jerusalem._________________________

Longitude O » 9 9 S u b V V t s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

28 H 46^ o 7 0 / M . 124

20 -JL 00 5 B N 104

0 T 22 » a * 7 A K - 1

2 57 9 □ 7T G - 118

7STT .18 ■ ✓ B - 29
17 J 1 58 u * Z. A + 59
20 m r b

5 3 C
3 =Chr
V ■

6 o f( t

- STAR -
iftabcr Haas Star Influences- abbreviated.

124 SCHEAT Should exercise caution not to eet involved in

controversial activities,etc
104 DENEB Bias a combative nature, can become confused,etc.
1 DENEB KAITOS He is restless, has a tendency towards self
118 SADALMELK Suffers from emotional problems etc.
29 AL HECKA Turbulence expected,etc.



NAME nR. SAM S H E PBERD-accused wife killer________CHART NO. 8 8

BIRTH DATA December 29,1923 ClevelandtO h l o __________________

Longitude O V 9 s u b 9 7 1 1 s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

6 uS 45 O X S K/F + 98/99
221Y X 07 » A A N 59/60
26 17 e a N
9 □ F/A + 110 /111
___ 3 w 56
16 HfTV 19 S
m A D + ....
7 ^ 35 V S b /m / a + 85/86
oTfo b
14 ^ V

20 I\ V

11 gP l

- STAR -

Star Influm CM - afritrsYlnted.

98 KAUS BOREALIS Has t h e a b i l i t y to le a d p e o p le , he Is
c o n tin u a lly s tr iv in g e t c ,
99 FACIES An I n n e r d r i v e to f o r g e a h e a d , d a n g e r a lw a y s
lu r k in g a t th e end o f th e r o a d , s e lf d est­
r u c t io n p o s s ib le .

59 DENEBOLA C an e x p e c t h i g h h o n o u r s I n h i s p r o fe s s io n ,
a ten d en cy t o g r a v ita t e to w a rd s u n d e s ir a b le s ,
tu r b u le n c e p o s s i b l e .
60 COPULA W i l l e x p e r i e n c e a M a jo r d i s a s t e r e t c .

no OCULUS J e a lo u s y e t c .

in BOS N ot a p p lic a b le
An o s t e o p a t h i c p h y s i c i a n , a t t e n d e d H a n v o r e C o l l e g e ( I n d i a n a ) 1 9 4 3 /4 4
H is w i f e w as k i l l e d J u ly 2 1 ,1 9 5 4 I n C le v e l a n d , O h io ih e was a c c u s e d
o f t h e m u rd er and J a i l e d ,y e a r s l a t e r r e le a s e d b e ca u s e o f Im prop er
t r i a l p r o c e d u r e s - h e m a r r i e d 3 t i m e s , D ra n k h i m s e l f t o d e a th .


NAME RICHARD SPECK- m urderer, __________________________ CHART NO. 89

BIRIH DATA December 6 th,1941 Monmouth,Illinois______________

Longitude O 5 V 9 S u V E S .C . +/ - / H F .S . #

13 ^ 46l o A - ...
> a A N 35
10 S ’ 13
A + ...
3 *** OS *

o ra is 9 A A K /A - 106/107
B -
15 T 04 S 3
16 H C 43 u B - 21

73 H b

77 <H V

7Q T O V
> A . -
Ntmber JJfljjg ■Atar influences- abbreviated.
35 ALHENA He seeks pleasures.riches,not anxious to work
for them,
106 ALBIREO If angered he could get involved in a turbulent
107 ALTAIR He has strange and peculiar attractions,he
creates his own problems, even getting involved
in bloodshed,etc
3 ALFHERATZ He is mentally keen, lacks real desire for
progress, creates turbulent situations.Impulsivei
harbours wrong thoughts.
21 RIGEL A victim of his baser nature.criminally inclined.


NME______ ELIZABETH TAYLOR-actress____________ CHART NO. 90

BIRTH DATA February 27,1932 London,England,

Longitude o » 0 9 s V V E s.c. +/ - / N F .S . #
8 02 G A N 121
26 HOfV 02 D -#■ * A G/K + 81
8 49 0 A 121
18 T 01 9 A s D - —

_2 J f 09 $ f G/A + 118/119
15 / l 06 V ■ A K N 48

17 T V ■
6 7TC V

20 l

- STAR -
Nunber Name Star Influences- abbreviated,
121 SKAT High public preferment,somewhat Idealistic,psychic
preferment, legal problems,etc.
81 TOLLIMAN Attracts many friends, she Is clever, can be dip­
lomatic and ingenious, gets involved in profit­
able deals,etc.
121 SKAT Peculiar events during her life,she Is Intuitive etc.
118 SADALHELIK A conjunction for fame,high public preferment,
she Is very energetic and outspoken.
119 FOMALHAUT She makes her own problems, a tendency to being
A8 DUBHE She has the 'power* to overcome her enemies,has
considerable fooreslght,etc.


NAME MAO TSE TUNG-Chinese leader ________________ CHART NO. 91

BIRIH DATA December 26.1883 Human.China________________________
Diedi September 7th,1976 China.

Longitude G » V 9 S y b ¥ V T s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

4 30 O K N 98

13 A 49 T> A 0 * -* K - 48

15 47 » X / M / F/A + 88/89

20 CCi 11 9 a D A F/G/A 115/116/117

25 51 S G/K - 81

22 & 10 u ■ - 15

23 ^ b ■ .
t V r
14 n m ■
u n r V
9jx : l

- STAR -
Number Name Star influancea- abbreviated

98 EAUS BOREALIS Native can be a leader,an idealist,ingenious.

48 DUBHE An idealist, has 'power'to overcome enemies.
88 RAS ALGETHI A keen mentality, thinks in bic terras,etc.
39 SAB IK Good for material gains, endowed with mental
115 I1ASHIRA Very likeable,able to 'turn* on his charm.
116 SADALSUUD Unusual conditions surround him,etc.
117 DENEB ALGEDI Can create sorrows,happiness,life anddeath
in actions or writings.domestic problems
81 BUNGULA Has good physical endurance,sublime illness
15 GYRUS Not applicable

His father was a merchant.Mao started his radical party in 1921.

His array assisted the U.S. and allies against Japan during VJW#2.In
1945 he went to Washington DC for assistance was rudely turned down
by Foster Dulles, who abruptly turned his back on him and refused
to shake hands-all Mao wanted was good US relations. This started
years of closed door policy betwen US and China until Nixon visited


NAME_______JULES VERNE- author and visionary___________CHART NO. 9 2

BIRTH DATA_______February 8th,1828 N a n t e s ,France__________________

Longitude o * 9 i n b V V i s.c. + /-/N P.S. #

18 47 O ■ o s 0 G/F - 114/115
5 + —
1 4 ^ 40 a A A X
22 45 V n a G/A - 116/117

18 21 9 + . . .

0 ^ 31 t A B/B - 83/84
13 ^ > 4 5 V ■ F/A - 77

14 <ZZ> b

29 J T V
17 -vtf V
4 y t

Nana S ta r I n flu e n c e s - a b b r e v ia te d .

114 CAS IRA Honours and preferment In public

and fame possible.preferment In writings,some
psychic ability.etc
115 N'ASHIRA Preferment In writings,etc some psychic ability!
can overcome and fame possible.
116 SADALSUUD He has a visionary mind,etc-domestic problems,etc.
117 DENEB ALCS DI Has a visionary mind, unusual and original.
83 SCHUBBA A fondness for the limelight,Ingenious and

84 GRAFFIAS An active mind, tends to be extravagant,can go to

77 EL GENUBI Capable of misleading associates, hypocrisy etc.



BIRTH DATA M a rch 11,1903 Strasburg, North Dakota

Longitude o * V 9 T U b V <P i s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

20 > f 09 O dl □ - — -

A * B + 54
2 5 ST, 43 V * A -

14 T 35 9 S B - 3
s A - 68
13 22 ■
4 -X 36 V
X A A N 120

5 tSL b
25 ^ V ■
0 V

18 n r l
_ ■
Number JJflUg Star Influences- abbreviated.

54 REGULUS Gains high public preferment,gains friends in

high places, danger from false friends.lasting
public acceptance.
3 ALPHERATZ Native prefers a certain amount of solitude,
not a loner,but a private person, has an out­
going personality.
68 ALGORAB In disputes these natives generally emerge
unscathed,gain high public preferment.
120 DENEB ADIGE Lasting fame,receives honours,etc.



Mffi_____ chart n o .
BIRIH DATA August 25,1919 Clio,Alabama

Longitude o » tf 9 3 n b 9 V t s.c. + /-/N F .S . #

I 'm os G X - ---

2 7 J1 25 » X "“ 51735----------
V o ' K /A + 4 8 /4 9
16 d l 33
« F /B +
27 T O 08 * * 6 3 /6 4
$ “ ...
___ 1 J L 21. ■ c/
__4_JL 59 V

N ...
1 r a b ■
vs* V
___ V
7 l

- STAR -
Number Star influences- abbreviated.
51 ALPHARD He covets power,but In danger of suffering from
his own acts,turbulence possible.
54 REGULUS Gains high public preferment,must work to Veep
It,Is Qlgh spirited, danger from enemies and false
friends, subject to violence and Illness,fame Is
48 DUBHE Legal preferment, he Is very ambitious, determined
and Intuitive,etc.
49 MERAK He Is Ingenious, tends to follow what Is popular,etc.
63 ALARAFH Domestic problems,etc.
64 MARKEB Has a wide range of acquaintances, Is of a solemn


NAME_____JOHN WAYNE WILSON-"Mr.Goodbar"-crtmlnal______ CHART NO. 95

BIRTH DATA November 4th,1949 Shelbyville,Indiana______________

Longitude o » 9 « s V b V V i s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

_ 11 'Tfy 14 . O Z it B/A - 75/76



> +

s i t M

7T a 6/7
it z. A • —

27 ^ 36 9
□ X K - 93/94
4TYX. 28 £ it - —

25 -y& 37 u H M + 105

16TTX b ■
4 V

15 = 9 = __ V

18 Jl l

- STAR -
Nun bar JJflag Scar Influences- abbreviated.

75 ACRUX He could become a leader,has a sense of religios­

76 ALPHECCA He will be In the public limelight,etc legal prob­
lems ,
6 G.NEBULAE An Inner drive for recognition, develops secret
bad habitsiturbulence expected.
7 MIRACH High public preferment,get 8 Involved In turb­
ulent situations.
93 ETAMIN Subject to self destruction,etc.
94 ACUMEN - Sex 'fanatasles'-other problems possible,etc.
105 TERREBELUM Not applicable.



BIRTH DATA_____ December 28,1856 Staunton,Virginia

Longitude o » 0 9 s « b V V t s.c. +/ - / N F.S. #

6 -vS 42 O F
S - 99
56 » -
16 ~v£ ✓ X X / A ¥■ B 104
0 +
17 05 A B 104
-5 Z
9 Z O + ...
16 £ 1■ □ X +

¥ _ 12 u X K -
i r ■ 1
. io __ b ■
21 V
ti ■ f“

3 tl l

- STAR -
Nunber tiaas Star Influences- abbreviated!
99 FACIES High public 'preferment.native has an Inner drive to
excell,but always lurking Is danger at the end of
the ’road*-this may be sublime Illness.extreme
104 DENEB Native has high ability to command and direct,Is
of a combative nature,subject to misuse of powers of
offlce(hls wife ran the office when he was Incapac­
104 DENEB An Idealist, promotes liberal causes, gains some
prominence,but not of a lasting nature.
1 DENEB KAITOS Hleh public preferment,but suffers from treachery,


NAME_______ JOHN WAYNE(Marion Morrison) actor__________CHART NO. 9 7

BIRTH DATA M a y 26.1907 W i nterset,Iowa.____________________________

Longitude o > V 9 a u b V W i s.c. + /-/H F.S. #

4 T T 14 o
s X K N

26 T f V 17 T> A 21 G/K 81

5t K/K N 19/20
___ 7 _ n E
s N ...
4 H SI
a ■ B N 104
18 ~»& 20
11 40 « ■ s A/F - 36/37

25 b
12 V
10 V

22nr c

18 HYADES.P Lasting public popularity etc.

81 TOLLIMAN He is clever, ingenious.diplomatic.makes
profitable deals for himself.
19 AIN Very popular, of an envious nature-of his
accomplishements,etc,subject to domestic
problems, subject to sublime Illness.
20 ALDEBARAN Has good leadership abilities^domestic
problems etc*
104 DENEB Shameless,brash,but capable and obstinate.
36 SIRIUS Meets with success in all his centures.etc
37 CANOPUS He can receive high honours.



BIRTH DATA November 11.1925 Dayton.Ohio

Longitude o » V 9 3 u b V w t s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

19 QT)* l i 0 ■Z ZL A DA B/K 78 /7 9
27 (YYY 43 » X B N 64
8 51 S ¥r * A a/ m/ a 85 /8 6
5 41 9 o '
K + 98
29 — 01 3 * + ---
5 41 n A N 98
i7 C Y T \ /
. . 21 ____ V J
- 24 J\ ________
w ■
_ 1 4 g P ____ ■
- STAR -
Number- JJggg Star Influences- abbreviated

78 EL SCHEMALI A good organize*, gains public preferment,etc.

79 UNUK Not applicable-used-only with negative nativities.

64 MARKEB He Is anxious to please,receives public acceptance.

85 HAN He has a keen mentality, is jovial, but is a private

86 ANTARES Uses humor to offset negative tendencies
98 KAUS BOREALIS He is prideful,of an artistic nature and a
private person,etc.
98 KAUS BOREALIS Gains public preferment, honours possible, any
losses keenly felt,.

A serious type person, saves his humor for personal and TV app­
earances, an Inherently 'shy* person,if left to his own devices,
would prefer spending his days fishing,painting and playing tennis
Married many years.


NAME____ KAISER WILHELM-Germ a n leader__________________ CHART NO. ^

BIRIH DATA January 7,1859 Berlin,Germany______________________

Longitude o * 9 s u b ¥ i s.c. +/-/N F.S. #

7 04 O z A / £ 0

2 2 ^ 4 7 » X A A G/K N 81

13 -v 5 21 M N 102

?! ^ Sfi 9 U a + 92
26 45 $ ■ s' + 124

11 T T 41 u ■ M + ...

9 Jl b
29 H V
22 K V

6 t i t
- STAR -
Muntmr Uana S c a r influences- abbreviated.
81 TOLIMAN He attracted many friends,was clever.diplomatic,
Ingenious,could become Influenced to become
Involved In costly Intrigues.

102 MANNUBRIUM Gives Its natives heroism,defiance,etc.

92 ACULEUS Not applicable
124 SCHEAT He can be combative, suffer from misfortune-
name and fame possible,any recognition would
come late.

After WW # 1 he resided In Holland.


NAME_______ BABE ZAHARIAS (Didrlkson)-noted athlete CHART NO. 100

BIRTH DATA June 26, 1914 Port Arthur. Texas_____________________

Longitude o J 0 9 s u b V 1 s.c. + /-/N F.S. #

4 01 e X A A N 34



S ' K 45
8 + ...
27 fj? 20 * X
7 A 30 9 2: + 45
o 7 Y? 10 S ■ + —
21 Sfc 56 U ■ A F/G + 115/116
23 H E b

11 ___ V
27 V
28 J X l

U m ^gi Name

34 NUHAITI P r e fe r m e n t I n s p o r t s , e t c , n a t i v e g a in s w id e
p o p u la r it y ,m a k e s fa v o r a b le I m p r e s s io n s /e t c

45 S . ASSEI.M G a in s a s s i s t a n c e fr o m f t l e n d s , s u b j e c t t o m any
p r o b l e m s , s om e n o t o f t h e n a t i v e s d o in g s ,e t c .
S u b lim e I l l n e s s p o s s ib le .
45 NUHAITI A "p a r e n ta l" ty p e n a tu r e , a c h a r it a b le person ,
g ood f o r m a r it a l a f f a i r s .
115 ' NASHIRA ■ o t a p p lic a b le
116 SADALSUUD P r e fe r m e n t j - sp o rts and a l l a ffa ir s c o n n e c t e d w ith
th e p u b lic .

An a l l - A m e r i c a n b a s k e t b a l l p l a y e r I n 1 9 3 0 w h i l e s till In h ig h s c h o o l ,
I n O ly m p ic gam es I n 1 9 3 2 s h e w on tw o g o l d m e d a l s , l a t e r t u r n i n g t o
g o l f and b e ca m e t h e le a d in g g o l f p la y e r I n t h e U n ite d S t a t e s - l n 1949
w as v o t e d t h e o u t s t a n d i n g woman a t h l e t e of th e c e n tu r y .



SECTION #1: General index

SECTION M2: Constellation index

SECTION MS: Fixed Star index

SECTION #4: Fixed Star study charts


Description Page

Alphabet, Greek 235

Apogee 269
Aphelion 269
Aspects, ‘quickie’ for polarity determination 32
Aurora Borealis 269
Behavorial factors, applied to fixed stars 15
Bibliography 284
Birth time, estimating 341,343
Binary stars 269
Celestial objects, basic influences of 269
Celestial objects, definitions 271
Chart, comparative star sizes 249
Chart, orb effectiveness 234
Clusters 269
Colours, celestial objects 271
Cosmic rays 271
Combinations, celestial influences effects 247
Constellations 270
Criminals, fixed stars and nutrition 283
Decimal equivalents 229
Declinations 272
Definitions, fixed star influences 27
Ephemeris, explanation of 285
Ephemeris, ARIES 286
Ephemeris, TAURUS 288
Ephemeris, GEMINI 290
Ephemeris, CANCER 293
Ephemeris, LEO 295
Ephemeris, VIRGO 298
Ephemeris, LIBRA 300
Ephemeris, SCORPIO 302
Ephemeris, SAGITTARIUS 304
Ephemeris, CAPRICORN 307
Ephemeris, AQUARIUS 309
Ephemeris, PISCES 311


Description Page
Earth 272
Equinox 273
Fixed stars, brightest 238,240
Fixed star colours, important considerations241,249,242,243
Fixed stars, spectral colours, chart 236
Fixed stars, basic humanistic conversions 250,251,252
Fixed star catalog numbers 222,273
Fixed star, changing influences 7
Fixed star functions 6
Fixed star influences, explanations 45
Fixed star influences, ARIES constellation 46
Fixed star influences, TAURUS constellation 59
Fixed star influences, GEMINI constellation 76
Fixed star influences, CANCER constellation 94
Fixed star influences, LEO constellation 109
Fixed star influences, VIRGO constellation 123
Fixed star influences, LIBRA constellation 136
Fixed star influences, SCORPIO constellation 148
Fixed star influences, SAGITTARIUS constellation 162
Fixed star influences, CAPRICORN constellation 181
Fixed star influences, AQUARIUS constellation 193
Fixed star influences, PISCES constellation 207
Fixed star longitudinal changes 222
Fixed star exact magnitudes 249
Fixed star numbers 222
Fixed star lifestyle 248
Fixed stars, rules for application 5,6
Fixed stars, exact magnitude orbs 249
Fixed stars, method o f determining humanistic factors 250
Fixed stars, descriptions 276
Fixed star, estim ates o f total numbers 278
Fixed star orbs 6,233
Galaxies 274
Influences, celestial combinations 247



Description Page
Influences, basic 245
H yperactivity and fixed stars 282
Lilith 7
Moon, the effect of, with fixed stars 3
Moon’s movement, chart 230
Minor math 228
Nebulae 275
Neurino 275
Neutrino 275
Nova 275
Orbs, fixed stars 6,233
Orbs, celestial objects 6,233
Orbs effectiveness of, chart 234
Parsecs, definition 275
Planets 276
Planets, fictious 7,282
Planetary movement 230
Psychics and fixed stars 28
Polarity determinations 6,32
Radio astronomy 276
Spiral nebulae 276
St. Elmo’s fire 278
Stars, definition of 276
Stars, brightest colours 238
Stars, basic information 244,245
Stars, numbers of 278
Stars, comparative size chart 249
Stellar spectral types, stars 236
Sun, Stars, com parative size chart 249
Sun stood still 280
Sunspots 279
Super Nova 276
Time conversion chart 231
Timetable 229
Transits 281




Description Page
Universe 282
Violence and fixed stars 26
Vulcan 282
Women, crime and fixed stars 282



Constellation Name Page

Andromeadae 51, 57,66
AquiUae 191,196
Aquarii 204,207,213
Arieties (Aries) 62,63
Aurigae 85,94
Bootes 144,147,149
Cannis Majoris 99
Cannis Minoris 107
Cancri (Cancer) 110,113,115
Cannum Venaticorium 131
Capricorn 200,201,203,197,199
Carinae 101,135,145
Cassiopiae 64
Centauri 160,161
Cetus (Ceti) 47,53,60,67
Columbae 86
Corona Borealis 154
Corvi (Corvus) 142
Crater (Crateris) 131
Crucis 152
Cygni 194,211
Draco (Draconis) 170,177
Eridani 69,214
Gemini (Geminorium) 95,96,97,102,104,106
Herculis 172
Hydra 119
Leo (Leonis) 118,121,125,129
Libra 156,157
Lyra 189
Ophiuchus 164,167,173,179
Orion (Orionis) 82,83,86,88,89,92
Pegasus 216,218
Perseus 70,71
Pisces (Piscum) 55
Sagittarius 180,183,184,185,186,188,189,192



Constellation Name Page

Scorpio 165,166,169,176,177,179
Serpens (Serpentis) 158
Taurus (Taurii) 74,75,78,79,80,87,90
Ursae Majoris 116,117,119,124,127,133
Ursae Minoris 91,113
Virgo (Virginus) 134,137,140,146,151

Popular star name
A i n .....
A1 Hecda.
A1 Jabbah
A1 Raid..
Ainilam. .

Astrological number Page

122 ...................... 214,227,267

75 ...................... 152,225,267
92 ...................... 177,226,264
47 ...................... 114,224,257
94 ...................... 179,226,264
12 ...................... 66,222,254
80 ...................... 159,225,262
19 ...................... 79,222,255
106 ...................... 194,227,267
17 .......... 74,222,254
63 ...................... 134,225,259
2 ...................... 49,222,253
50 ...................... 118,224,257
68 .......................142,225,260
16 ...................... 71,222,254
55 ...................... 119,224,258
56 .............. 124,224,259
53 ...................... 119,224,258
62 ...................... 133,224,259
28 ...................... 89,223,255
51 ................ 119,224,255

Popular star name Astrological number Page

Alphecca...................... 76 154,225,261
Alpheratz..................... 3 51.222.253
Altair........................ 107 196.227.266
Aldebaran..................... 2 0 80.222.255
Al Hecka...................... 29 90.223.255
Al Hena ....................... 35 97.223.256
Ad Hafara..................... 52 118,224,258
*>- Al Was at ...................... 3 8 102.223.256
05 Antares....................... 86 168,226,263
Arcturus...................... 72 147,225,260
Armus.......................... 112 201.227.266
Ascella....................... 101 187.226.265
Baten Kaitos................. 4 53.222.253
Bellatrix..................... 22 83.223.255
Betelguesse.................. 31 92.223.255
B o s ............................ Ill 201.227.266
Canicula (Sirius)............ 36 6,223,256
Canopus....................... 37 101.223.256
Capella....................... 23 85.223.255
Castor........................ 40 104.223.256

Popular star name Astrological number Page

Castra.........................114 202 ,227 ,266
Copula.................. '.... 60 131 ,224 ,259
Dabih..........................109 199 ,227 ,266
Deneb..........................104 191 ,226 ,265
Deneb Adige.................... 120 211 ,227 ,267
Deneb Kaitos................. 1 47 ,222 ,253
Denebola....................... 59 129 ,224 ,259
Dorsum.........................113 202 ,227 ,266
Dschubba...................... 83 165 ,225 ,263
Dubhe......................... 48 116 ,224 ,257
Deneb Algedi.................. 117 205 ,227 ,266
Etamin (El Tanin)............ 93 177 ,226 ,264
El Genubi..................... 77 156 ,225 ,261
El Schemali........ 78 157 ,225 ,261
Facies........................ 99 185 ,226 ,265
Foramen....................... 7 0 145 ,225 ,260
Fomalhaut..................... 119 209 ,227 ,267
Geidi.......................... 108 197 ,227 ,266
Great Nebulae................ 6 56 ,222 ,253
Graffias...................... 84 166 ,226 ,263

Popular star name Astrological number Page

Gyrus......................... 15 70.222.254
H a n ........................... 85 167.226.263
Hatysa........................ 27 88.223.255
Hamal......................... 10 63.222.254
Hyades, Prima................ 18 78.222.255
Kaus Borealis...'............. 98 184,226,265
Kullat Nu n i ................... 5 55.222.253
it* Khamblia...................... 74 151,225,261
Si Kochab........................ 4 6 113.224.257
Labrum........................ 61 131.224.259
Lesuth........................ 91 176.226.264
Mannubrium.................... 102 189.226.265
Markab.........................123 216,227,267
Markeb........................ 64 135.225.259
Menkalinin.................... 32 94.223.255
Menkar........................ 13 67.222.254
Merak......................... 49 117.224.257
Mintaka....................... 2 5 86.223.255
Mira Stella................... 8 60,222,254
Mirach........................ 7 57,222,253

Popular star name Astrological number Page

Mizar.......................... 58 127.224.259
Nuhatai........................ 34 96,223,256
Nashira....................... 115 203,227,266
Nath (El Nath)............... 26 87,223,255
North Asselli................ 44 112,224,257
Nunki.......................... 100 186.226.265
Oculus.........................110 200.227.266
as Phecda........................ 55 224,258
Pleiades...................... 17A 75.222.254
Phact ......................... 24 86.223.255
Polaris (Cynosura)........... 30 91.223.255
Pollux........................ 41 106.223.256
Polis......................... 97 183,226,265
Praesaepe..................... 43 110.224.257
Prima Hydum (Hyades).......... 18 78.222.255
Porrima....................... 67 140.225.260
Procyon....................... 42 107.224.256
Propus........................ 39 103.223.256
Ras Algethi................... 88 171.226.263
Rasalhague.................... 90 174.226.264
Popular star name Astrological number Page

Rastaban...................... 8 7 170.226.263
Regulus....................... 54 121,224,258
Rigel......................... 21 82.223.255
Sabik......................... 89 173.226.263
Sadalmelik.................... 118 207.227.267
Scheat......................... 124 218.227.267
Sadalsuud......................116 204.227.266
Schedir....................... 11 64.222.254
Seginus....................... 69 144.225.260
Sheratan...................... 9 61.222.254
Sinistra...................... 95 179.226.264
Sirius........................ 36 99.223.256
Skat ........................... 121 212.227.267
South Asselli................ 45 113,224,257
Spica......................... 71 146.225.260
Stella M i r a ................... 8 60.222.254
Trifid Nebulae............... 96 180.226.264
Terrebelum.................... 105 192.227.265
Tollman....................... 81 161,225,262
Tejat-Prior................... 33 95.223.256


Popular star name Astrological Number Page

Tsieh-Kung.................... 73 149.225.261
Unuk (Unukalhai)............. 79 158.225.261
Vindemiatrix................... 66 139.225.260
Wasat (Al Wasat).......... . 38 102,223,256
Wega (Vega)................... 103 189,226,265
Yed Prior..................... 82 164,225,263
Zaniah........................ 65 137.225.260
tP- Zosma......................... 57 125,224,259
00 Zanrak........................ 14 69,222,254


Page Chart
Fixed star study charts, how to use them 313
Agnew , Spiro 355 1
Allen, Steve 356 2
A bbott, Bud 357 3
Arm strong, Neil 358 4
Arm strong, Louie 359 5
A stro, John Jacob 360 6
Anderson, Jack 361 7
Bonoparte, Napoleon 362 8
Baldwin, Faith 363 9
Branch, Mrs. Ursula 364 10
Bryant, Anita 365 11
Begin, Menachen 366 12
Brando, Marlon 367 13
Brown, Edmund, Jr. 368 14
Braun, W erner Von 369 15
Borman, Frank 370 16
Borden, Lizzie 343,371 17
Barrow, Clyde 372 18
Burton, Richard 373 19
Booth, John W ilkes 374 20
Bernhardt, Sarah 375 21
Bremer, Arthur 376 22
Capote, Truman 377 23
Calvin, Dr. Helen 350,378 24
Churchill, W inston 379 25
Custer, General George 380 26
Capone, A1 381 27
Castro, Fidel 382 28
Carter, “Miss” Lillian 383 29
Chubbock, Chris 384 30
Carter, President “Jimmy” 385 31
Carter, Mrs. Roslyn 386 32
Cash, Johnny 387 33
Crosby, Harry Lillis (Bing) 353,388 34

Page Chart
Chaplin, Charlie 389 35
Cronkite, W alter 347,390 36
Carson, Johnny 391 37
Dillinger, John 392 38
Day, David 393 39
Darwin, Charles 394 40
Einstein, A lbert 395 41
Essex, Mark Jimmy 396 42
Ford, Gerald, President 351,397 43
Ford, Henry 398 44
Falco, David (Son of “Sam” ) 399 45
Gleason, Jackie 400 46
Garland, Judy 343,401 47
Goering, Hermann 402 48
Gacy, John Wayne 403 49
Gilmore, Gary 404 50
Humphrey, Hubert 405 51
Hoffa, Jimmy 406 52
Hauptmann, Bruno 407 53
Hearst, Patty 408 54
Hitler, A dolf 409 55
Johnson, Lyndon B., President 351,410 56
Johnson, Andrew, President 351,411 57
Jones, Marc Edmund 412 58
Kennedy, John F., President 413 60
Vicky Marshall, Peoples Temple 414 59
K eller, Helen 415 61
Kaiser, Henry 416 62
Kissinger, Henry 345,417 63
Kennedy, R obert F. 416 64
Lance, Thomas Bert 419 65
Longette, Claudine Georgette 350,420 66
Landru, Henry 421 67
Lincoln, Abraham, President 422 68
Lewi, Grant 423 69
Nixon. Richard M., President 424 70
Marx, Karl 348,425 71
Manson, Charles 345,426 72
McCarthy, Joseph, Senator 427 73

Page Chart
Monroe, Marilyn 349,428 74
Oughton, Diana 429 75
Oswald, Lee Harvey 352,430 76
Onassis, Aristotle 431 77
Omarr, Sydney 432 78
Parker, Marion 433 80
Presley, Elvis 434 80
Pound, Ezra 435 81
Picasso, Pablo 436 82
Prinze, Freddy 346,437 83
Rockefeller, Nelson 438 84
Rosenberg, Ethel 347,439 85
Rosenberg, Julius 347,440 86
Sirhan-Sirhan 441 87
Shepherd, Sam Dr. 442 88
Speck, Richard 350,443 89
Taylor, Elizabeth 444 90
Tung Mao Tse 445 91
Verne, Jules 348,446 92
W elk, Lawrence 447 93
W allace, George, Governor 448 94
W ilson, John W ayne, Mr. Goodbar 349,449 95
W ilson, W oodrow , President 450 96
W ayne, John 451 97
W inters, Jonathan 452 98
Wilhelm, Kaiser 453 99
Zaharias, Babe 454 100

- - - EN D OF IN D E X - - -



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