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1. What are the main types of hotels?
2. What are the differences among them?

The following story made the rounds via any given time we had 4 special Sony systems
social media in late 2014. While the claim has recording multiple cameras. We would store
not been verified, it certainly rings true for a the footage for 90 days just in case we
number of F&B professionals who have needed it for something.
experienced this phenomenon. The story is as
The investigators suggested we locate some
of the older tapes and analyze how the staff
A busy New York City restaurant kept getting behaved ten years ago versus how they
bad reviews for slow service, so they hired a behave now. We went down to our storage
firm to investigate. When they compared room but we couldn’t find any tapes at all.
footage from 2004 to footage from 2014,
We did find the recording devices, and luckily
they made some pretty startling discoveries. for us, each device has 1 tape in it that we
So shocking, in fact, that they ranted about it
simply never removed when we upgraded to
in an anonymous post on Craigslist: the new digital system!
We are a popular restaurant for both locals The date stamp on the old footage was
and tourists alike. Having been in business for Thursday July 1, 2004. The restaurant was
many years, we noticed that although the very busy that day. We loaded up the footage
number of customers we serve on a daily on a large monitor, and next to it on a
basis is almost the same as ten years ago, the separate monitor loaded up the footage of
service seems very slow. One of the most Thursday July 3 2014, with roughly the same
common complaints on review sites against amount of customers as ten years before. We
us and many restaurants in the area is that carefully looked at over 45 transactions in
the service was slow and/or they needed to order to determine what has been
wait too long for a table. We’ve added more happening:
staff and cut back on the menu items but we
just haven’t been able to figure it out. Here’s a typical transaction from 2004:

We hired a firm to help us solve this mystery, • Customers walk in. They are seated
and naturally the first thing they blamed it on and are given menus. Out of 45
was the employees needing more training customers 3 request to be seated
and the kitchen staff not being up to the task elsewhere.
of serving that many customers. • Customers spend 8 minutes on
average before closing the menu to
Like most restaurants in NYC we have a
show they are ready to order.
surveillance system, and unlike today where
• Waiters shows up almost instantly
it’s digital, 10 years ago we still used special
and takes the order.
high capacity tapes to record all activity. At
• Appetizers are fired within 6 minutes; • Waiters return to see if they are ready
obviously the more complex items to order or have any questions. Most
take longer. customers ask for more time.
• Out of 45 customers 2 sent their items • Finally a table is ready to order. Total
back. average time from when a customer is
• Waiters keep an eye on their tables so seated until they place their order is 21
they can respond quickly if the minutes.
customer needs something. • Food starts getting delivered within 6
• After guests are done, the check is minutes; obviously the more complex
delivered, and within 5 minutes they items take way longer.
leave. • 26 out of 45 customers spend an
• Average time from start to finish: 1 average of 3 minutes taking photos of
hour, 5 minutes. the food.
Here’s what happened in 2014: • 14 out of 45 customers take pictures
of each other with the food in front of
• Customers walk in. Customers get them or as they are eating the food.
seated and are given menus, and out This takes on average another 4
of 45 customers 18 request to be minutes as they must review and
seated elsewhere. sometimes retake the photo.
• Before even opening the menu most • 9 out of 45 customers sent their food
customers take their phones out, back to reheat. Obviously if they
some are taking photos while others didn’t pause to do whatever on their
are texting or browsing. phone the food wouldn’t have gotten
• Seven of the 45 customers had cold.
waiters come over right away, they • 27 out of 45 customers asked their
showed them something on their waiter to take a group photo. 14 of
phone and spent an average of five those requested the waiter retake the
minutes of the waiter’s time. Given photo as they were not pleased with
this is recent footage, we asked the the first photo. On average this entire
waiters about this and they explained process between the chit chatting and
those customers had a problem reviewing the photo taken added
connecting to the WIFI and demanded another 5 minutes and obviously
the waiters try to help them. caused the waiter not to be able to
• After a few minutes of letting the take care of other tables he/she was
customers review the menu, waiters serving.
return to their tables. The majority of • Given in most cases the customers are
customers have not even opened constantly busy on their phones it
their menus and ask the waiter to wait took an average of 20 more minutes
a bit. from when they were done eating
• When customers do open their until they requested a check.
menus, many place their phones on • Furthermore once the check was
top and continue using their activities. delivered it took 15 minutes longer
than 10 years ago for them to pay and • Average time from start to finish: 1:55
We are grateful for everyone who comes into
• 8 out of 45 customers bumped into our restaurant, after all there are so many
other customers or in one case a choices out there. But can you please be a bit
waiter (texting while walking) as they more considerate?
were either walking in or out of the
Now it’s your turn. Imagine you are the restaurant operator in
question, and answer the questions below.
1. What could you, as the owner, try to do to improve the
turnover time? Come up with at least three ideas.
2. Now put yourself in the position of a server. Do your ideas
still work from this perspective?
3. Lastly, look at your typical customer. How will he or she respond to your

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