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Rationale/Background of the Activity

FNAHS General Assembly is held every year which also serves as a welcoming party for the newly
accepted/enrolled students of the Faculty of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. In this way, the faculty
may develop unity and create an effective communication between the students and staff. The assembly
is done by gathering all of the BSN students and discuss important matters like the student policies, how
the faculty works, and so on. Students may also ask questions if something in the discussion was not
fully understood.

Main Objectives: The event aims to gather the Faculty of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences staff and all
BSN students to disseminate, impart and clarify relevant information regarding student policies and
particular guidelines toward a productive and effective Related Learning Experiences (RLE). Moreover, to
paved the way for valuable feedback and innovative suggestions to arise in order to promote the
essence of unity among the Faculty of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences.

Specific Objectives:

The event aims to:

 To establish a conducive atmosphere to address relevant changes as well as to mainstream

general instructions and reminders to all BSN students.
 To deliver up-to-date information regarding school policies under the Faculty of Nursing and
Allied Health Sciences
 To enlighten the students about monetary-related obligations that will be required depending
on the institution involved.
 To encourage the students to raise queries related in the scope of Nursing program.

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