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Leading implies influencing or guiding someone to act in desired ways. When managers are effective it
implies that they are capable of motivating their subordinates to be efficient, effective and high performing.
Yukl (1989) asserts that leadership is the process by which a supervisor exerts influence over subordinates
and inquires, motivates and directs their activities to help attain group or organizational goals.

Leadership Theories

These are approaches aimed at determining what effective leaders are like and what they do that makes them
effective. The approaches to the study of leadership are:
1. The Trait Model

This was the first approach to the study of leadership. Its focus is to identify the personal characteristics of
leaders. This model opines that leaders must possess certain inherent qualities such as charisma,
intelligence; energy, etc. These were associated with effective leadership. However, recent studies indicate
that traits alone are not the key to leadership effectiveness.
2. The Behavioural Approach

The inability of a consistent relationship between traits and leadership effectiveness necessitated a shift from
this conception. Researchers began to study the behaviours that permit leaders to effectively influence their
subordinates to attaining established goals. Here, the concern is how leaders delegate duties, how they
communicate, motivate, etc. Proponents of this approach opine that those things that make for effectiveness
in leaders are learned.
3. Contingency Leadership Model

The two models discussed above could not be concretely held to result into improved leadership
effectiveness. This situation called for a deeper study of forces that bring about effectiveness in leading
subordinates. They found out that several factors account for effectiveness in leadership, thus the emergence
of the contingency theory.
This model takes into consideration the context or situation of the leader, and it opines that effectiveness in
leadership is the function of what the leader is like, what the leader does and the situation is which
leadership takes place.
Leadership Styles
Three basic styles of leadership are:
i. Autocratic leadership style- Here, the leader commands and expects compliance. In essence he/she
centralizes authority, dictates work methods and makes unilateral decisions thus, limiting the participation
of subordinates.
ii. Democratic leadership style- The leader who employs this style involves subordinates in decision making.
He/she delegates authority, encourages participation of subordinates and uses feedback opportunities.
iii. Laissez faire leadership style -This is a description of a leader who usually gives the group complete
freedom to make decisions. The work is completed in whatever way the group sees it fit. In essence, the
leader is not visibly seen.

Gives definite instructions
Demands compliance
Emphasis task performance
Exercise close supervision
Permits very little or no subordinate influence on decisions
Do not welcome suggestion form subordinates

Promotes high morale and positive attitude towards the leader and work
Lowers rate of grievances, turnover and absenteeism
Greater acceptance of decisions and greeter commitment to implement themselves
High level of performance and productivity

Gives definite instructions
Demands compliance
Emphasis task performance
Exercise close supervision
Permits very little or no subordinate influence on decisions
Do not welcome suggestion form subordinates

impaired groups morale and initiative
Generates hostility and fosters aggressive behaviour
Leads to high rage of grievance and absenteeism
Dissatisfaction with work
Autocratic led groups tend to stop working and engage in horseplay whenever the leader left the room

Although there is a tendency for authoritarian groups to produce more output, the quality of output tend
to be higher in the democratically led groups
Uses coercion, threat and authority to enforce discipline and ensure performance
Is leader centred, production centred, directive leadership styles

Is Autocratic bad?
Autocratic leadership may not always be inappropriate.
Some situations may call for urgent action and in these cases autocratic style of leadership many be the
Most people are familiar with the autocratic leadership and therefore have less difficult in adopting that

In some situations, subordinates may actually prefer an autocratic style

Leadership Problems Today
There are a variety of situations where the leadership has failed to lead. A number of factors are responsible
for the poor state of affairs in many organizations. These include the following:
i. The attitude of replicating the poor leadership habits of others,
ii. Lack of basic skills for common leadership demands

iii. Lack of formal training in leadership

iv. Lack of good models or mentors for the leader

v. Lack of sound leadership values

vi. Lack of conformity to set rules.

Efficiency in Leadership
Although there are no specific rules that can ensure effectiveness and efficiency in leadership. However,
certain features help make a successful leader. These are :
1. Personal dignity
2. Self confidence
3. Self-respect and respect for subordinates
4. Belief in self and others
5. Sound judgement
6. Firmness
7. Ability to appraise human values
8. Interest (in people and new ideas)
9. Tact
10. Ability to communicate effectively
11. Dedication (to job and organization).
iii) Modern Theories of Leadership
The contingency and path goal theories have a relative degree of acceptance. But despite this scholars feel
that much more research on leadership needs to be conducted and a number of other theories have recently
These include:
1. The charismatic
2. Transformational leadership vs Transactional leadership

Charismatic Leadership Theories

Charismatic leaders are persons “ who by the force of their personal abilities are capable of having profound
and extraordinary effect on followers”
Charismatic leaders:
Exude self confidence
Have a sense of purpose
Have ability to articulate a view that subordinates are already likely to accept
Situations that promote charismatic leadership include:
o A crisis requiring dramatic change or
o Followers who are very dissatisfied with the status quo
Therefore charismatic leadership must be considered in the context in which the leader operates and the
nature of task being performed

Types of Charismatic Leaders

1. Envisioning -To create a picture for the future – or a desire end future state - with which people can
identify and can generate excitement- For example articulating a compelling vision and/or setting high
2. Energizing-Directing the generation of energy, the motivation to act, among members of the organization-
For example demonstrating person excitement and confidence and seeking, finding and using success.
3. Enabling-Psychologically helping people act or performing in the face of challenging goals For example
expressing personal support and empathizing

Studies of identifiable charismatic individuals indicate that charismatic types are often rejecting of formal
authority and are willing to take personal risk because of their strong convictions
Bernard Bass and Bruce in their study of charismatic leaders found that they are rated more highly on their
effectiveness as leaders and have subordinates who are more highly satisfied with their leadership.
Charismatic leadership has been seen to have its bright and dark side
Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela have shown the bright side
Adolph Hitler, and the like have shown the dark side – where these leaders have encouraged followers
to be devoted to them rather than commitment ideological principles
Because of the effects the charismatic leaders have on followers, the theory predicts that charismatic
leaders will produce in followers performance beyond expectations as well as strong commitment to the
leader and his/her mission
Research indicates that the impact of such a charismatic leader will be enhanced when the followers
exhibit higher levels of self awareness and self-monitoring, especially when observing the charismatic
leaders’ behaviours and activities and when operating in a social network

Ethical and Unethical Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders

Ethical charismatic leader
Aligns vision with followers needs and aspirations
Considers and learns from criticism
Stimulates followers to think independently and to question the leaders view
Open two-way communication
Coaches, develops, and supports follower; shares recognition with others
Relies on internal moral standards to satisfy organizational and societal interests

Unethical charismatic leader

Uses power only for personal gain or impact
Promotes own personal vision
Censures critical or opposing views
One way communication
Insensitive to followers needs
Relies on convenient, external moral standards to satisfy self interests

Transformational Leadership Theories

Transformational leadership is based more on leaders shifting the values, beliefs and needs of their
followers unlike the transactional leadership which involves exchange relationship between leaders and
Transactional leadership refers to the everyday exchanges that takes place between leaders and
subordinates as they routinely perform their duties.
Transformational leadership , is a more broader concept than charismatic and implies reshaping
entire strategies of an organization. Transformational leaderships elevates the goals of subordinates and
enhances their self confidence to strive for higher goals

According to Bernard Bass, in their approach, transformational leaders differ from transactional leaders in
the following ways:
Contingent rewards: Contracts the exchange of reward for effort; promises reward for good
performance; recognizes accomplishment
Management by exception (active): watches and searches for deviations form rule and standards; taken
corrective action
Management by exception (passive): Intervenes only if standards are not met
Laissez-faire: abdicates responsibility and avoids making decisions

Transformational leaders
Charisma: provides vision and sense of mission, instill pride, gains respect and trust
Inspirational: communicates high expectations ; uses symbols to focus effort, expresses important
purposes in a simple way
Intellectual stimulation: promotes intelligence; rationality, and careful problem solving
Individual consideration; Gives personal attention, treats each employee individually ; coaches and

Characteristics of Transformational Leaders

1. They identify themselves as change agents
2. Courageous
3. Believe in people
4. Are value driven
5. They are lifelong learners
6. Have the ability to deal with complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty
7. Are visionary

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