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Latin – 06/11/23

The Judgment of Paris

The goddess of discord who alone was not called to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis was moved by
anger. Therefore she threw a golden apple to gods’ palace, these words was written on it: “FOR THE
FAIREST”. Who should get the apple? Iuno, Venus or Minerva? Even Jupiter himself feared to make a
decision! Therefore those goddesses came to Paris, the son of Troy.

“Dear boy” they said, “which of us is the most fair in your opinion? Many gifts will be provided to you by
the goddess you choose.” Who will Paris choose? What gift will move his mind? Juno can make him a
king, Minerva can make him a leader. But Venus can give him Helen the most beautiful one of all

Paris’s love comes to a victory and he gave the golden apple to Venus. Although, (if the report of these
facts is true) Helen is captured and led to a new place, Troy. What war was Was the war waged because
of that woman?

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