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Name: Sana Dilruba Mostofa Date: 21/9/2021

Section: 4 (B) IHSB no: 3572

Snake Story: How Anger Hurts Us

One time a snake broke through into a carpentry workshop. As it slipped, it passed over a
saw and got slightly wounded. Suddenly, it turned and bit the saw, and biting the saw, the
snake seriously got wounded in its mouth! Then not understanding what was happening and
thinking that the saw was attacking “him,” it decided to roll around the saw to suffocate it
with all its body by squeezing it with all its strength, but it ended up being killed by the

Sometimes we react in anger to hurt those who have harmed us, but we realize after all that
we are being hurt ourselves.

In life, it is better sometimes to ignore situations, ignore people, ignore their behaviors, their
words. Sometimes it is better not to react so as not to suffer consequences that can
sometimes be deadly or harmful.

A. What’s the truth behind this speech and thought bubbles?

What has the snake done?

What is the reason behind such
Ans: The snake broke through into the action?
carpentry workshop and bit the saw because
the snake was angry. Ans: If you are angry by the things
that didn’t harm you, if you get
angry by small silly things or if you
are a tempered person can make
this action.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What conclusions have you made after reading the above story?

Ans: I have been decided not to be angry, not tone angry at some silly stuff
and not to be a tempered person as it can harm me as the snake so from
now on I will avoid the things people tells me or any other stuff.

2. What are the bad effects of getting angry?

Ans: The bad effects of being angry can be harmful, hurting yourself, everyone avoiding
you, everyone being scared of you, everyone bad mouthing you for being a tempered
person, no one will help you ever again, some people will try to hurt you, some even can
block you from any social media or sometimes it can be deadly.

3. W hat do you do to control your anger?

Ans: I control my anger by taking a stress ball and stretch it very hard that one time the
stress ball was ripped and I had to bought a new one, I thing about so e good stuff like
someone bullied me and now I am very very angry I think that time what if we were good
friends what would happen that type of stuffs or I think that kids can make that types of
mistake and I forgive them if they don’t forgive you just think it’s a childhood mistake kids
sometimes do mistakes without knowing so this is how I control my anger, sometimes I can’t
control my anger if it’s too much stress but otherwise I control my anger.

Video link: Control Your anger :

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